View Full Version : Trump to Peosi - You're grounded!

01-17-19, 14:00


01-17-19, 14:01


Yep, he's shut her out of using military aircraft AFTER she was already on the way to catch a flight!

WTF was she doing leaving the country on a MAC flight for a 7 day excursion during the shutdown anyway? :mad:

01-17-19, 14:21
One of the greatest trolling moves of all time. I’m still laughing. Good on him for throwing the spotlight back on the DC critter and her friends.

Maybe they’ll be more agreeable when more of their privileges are taken away.

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01-17-19, 14:25
Trump is the mostest awesomest ... :happy: :happy:

01-17-19, 14:27
One of the greatest trolling moves of all time. I’m still laughing. Good on him for throwing the spotlight back on the DC critter and her friends.

Maybe they’ll be more agreeable when more of their privileges are taken away.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh man I hope he starts a trend of making these type decisions .. lol..

Doc Safari
01-17-19, 14:28
Trump is like Ex-Lax. Shit can't stand up to him for very long.

26 Inf
01-17-19, 14:37
Most adults, outside the echo chambers, see the stunt pulled by Pelosi reference State of the Union and this retaliatory stunt by President Trump as infantile.

Children throwing tantrums because they don't get their way. And one of them is the Commander-In-Chief.


Doc Safari
01-17-19, 14:38
Most adults, outside the echo chambers, see the stunt pulled by Pelosi reference State of the Union and this retaliatory stunt by President Trump as infantile.

Children throwing tantrums because they don't get their way. And one of them is the Commander-In-Chief.


Nah. I think Trump's base sees it as "Finally these assholes get a taste of their own medicine."

01-17-19, 14:40
Nah. I think Trump's base sees it as "Finally these assholes get a taste of their own medicine."

That's how I see it. But anything to get at piglosi is fine with me.

01-17-19, 14:42
Most adults, outside the echo chambers, see the stunt pulled by Pelosi reference State of the Union and this retaliatory stunt by President Trump as infantile.

Children throwing tantrums because they don't get their way. And one of them is the Commander-In-Chief.


It makes only infantile when Republicans do it. Democrats praise this stuff all the time, from marches to SCOTUS nominees to pouting on the floor of congress for gun control.

Time for Dems to feel a few consequences for being children.

01-17-19, 14:47
The war is on between Trump and Pelosi .... and soon maybe Chucky will get in on a 3 way war. LOL.

01-17-19, 14:48
This deserves a Trump "Thug Life" meme.

01-17-19, 14:49
Why is the Speaker of the House of Representatives leaving the country on official business?

01-17-19, 14:51
Why is the Speaker of the House of Representatives leaving the country on official business?

Good question. Trump reveals all sorts of issues the American people knew little about prior to 2016.

Doc Safari
01-17-19, 14:52
Please let there be a video of Pelosi's reaction. I just want to see the look on her face.

01-17-19, 14:54
Please let there be a video of Pelosi's reaction. I just want to see the look on her face.

Yes, I want to see that also. Makes my day!

Lots of rejoicing going on.. Check out right scoop.


01-17-19, 14:55
I thought that was pretty damn funny.

01-17-19, 14:55
And who wants to bet that military flight would have been payed out of the D.O.D. budget and the American taxpayers rather than forcing Pelosi to use her own money and wage; payed by the taxpayers. The negative side is the possibility that the D.O.D. or State Department will have to use a part of their budget for extra security picking up Pelosi from one of four Afghanistan Int. airports vs an Airport run by the U.S. Military.

01-17-19, 15:21
And who wants to bet that military flight would have been payed out of the D.O.D. budget and the American taxpayers rather than forcing Pelosi to use her own money and wage; payed by the taxpayers. The negative side is the possibility that the D.O.D. or State Department will have to use a part of their budget for extra security picking up Pelosi from one of four Afghanistan Int. airports vs an Airport run by the U.S. Military.

You know she's not gonna go if it comes out of her pocket! LOL

01-17-19, 15:34
Return flight, not the outbound flight......

01-17-19, 15:56
Please let there be a video of Pelosi's reaction. I just want to see the look on her face.

She's scary enough as it is ... you don't want to see her shocked face... it might break your screen.

01-17-19, 16:19
It makes only infantile when Republicans do it. Democrats praise this stuff all the time, Liberals on Facebook were praising Pelosi as a Power Goddess. They were just falling all over themselves at how great Pelosi was.

I wondered what card he would play and have to say that was a slick move. The Pentagon had to call Pelosi on the bus.... Man I would love to see some cell phone video of how she reacted.

01-17-19, 18:40
Payback is literally a Bitch.

Infantile? Hardly. The best Trump troll yet.

01-17-19, 20:27
Nah. I think Trump's base sees it as "Finally these assholes get a taste of their own medicine."

01-17-19, 20:34
Payback is literally a Bitch.

Infantile? Hardly. The best Trump troll yet.

Trolling is infantile.

01-17-19, 20:50
Trolling is infantile.


01-17-19, 20:58

I’m rubber and you’re glue.

We get to show them the consequences for their childish actions! Yeah! Cough...by doing the exact same thing back to them...cough.

It may very well be what the democrats deserve. Fine. But it’s also sad and dismaying. Can we all agree on that?

01-17-19, 21:04
Regardless of tit for tat, this sure made my day.

01-17-19, 21:07
So many replies here in need of a "like" button.

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01-17-19, 22:10
I’m rubber and you’re glue.

We get to show them the consequences for their childish actions! Yeah! Cough...by doing the exact same thing back to them...cough.

It may very well be what the democrats deserve. Fine. But it’s also sad and dismaying. Can we all agree on that?

Not sad and dismaying to me. Masterfully played, after non stop media coverage of poor unpaid government workers Trump just blew the lid off their little congressional junket. Maybe a few more will start asking themselves why are these POS's planning overseas trips instead of paying the Coast Guard. This was not infantile at all on Trump's part, it has forced the media to cover the fact that Nancy and gang were jetting around the world so the shut down would go on.

01-17-19, 22:15
Yep! No one would have even known they took the trip. Now it's as if they did because everyone knows now. They got caught, sent to their room, for a crime they were going to commit. So for all practical purposes they are doubly guilty in the media now.

01-17-19, 22:29
Not sad and dismaying to me. Masterfully played, after non stop media coverage of poor unpaid government workers Trump just blew the lid off their little congressional junket. Maybe a few more will start asking themselves why are these POS's planning overseas trips instead of paying the Coast Guard. This was not infantile at all on Trump's part, it has forced the media to cover the fact that Nancy and gang were jetting around the world so the shut down would go on.

We don’t get to deride poor unpaid government workers and then fee bad that the coast guard isn’t getting paid. Neither is much of the FBI. I’d cut them all back but this isn’t the way a first world nation does it.

Our federal government should be slashed dramatically. Maybe this is proof that it would be fine. But that isn’t what is happening. What’s happening is that he wants to pay all of those people...he just wants to spend even more money. Not money that comes from something else like farm subsidies. Extra money.

We’re but a handful of years away from a real crisis in this country in the form of social security and Medicare. And the big debate is that republicans won’t pay anyone until they get even more money to spend?

01-17-19, 22:52
I imagine getting that luggage back was a trick too. You know it was preloaded.

01-17-19, 23:18
I keep trying to get into the full Trumpenhassen Zeitgeist, but every time I start to make headway he makes one of these "Return The Favor" things worthy of Kurt Schlichter that brings me back to "Grudgingly Voting For Him in '20," despite that here in the Soviet Socialist Suckdickocracy of Seattlegrad my vote won't count anyway.

01-17-19, 23:18
Trump is an a-hole who doesn't fully understand the constitution, sold a bit of snake oil to get elected, embarrasses our nation, doesn't support the 2A, ran every esteemed and qualified person out of the Whitehouse.....

And yet,

When he does stuff like this....

I chuckle and grin and think about the stupid look that would be on Nancy's face when she found out she was grounded....

If she could make facial expressions anymore.

I'm conflicted by the man.

01-18-19, 03:19


Please Mr. President . . . my penis can only become so erect!

So many replies here in need of a "like" button.

And yet so many are in need of a "go choke upon a bag of trouser snakes" button.

01-18-19, 07:24
When I first read that she was grounded I started laughing and gave the Pres a high five! He couldn't have played it any better. Timing and all was spot on. I wish he was this adept at everything he did as Pres. Too many times he comes off as a 5th grade bully out on the playground.

01-18-19, 07:44
this retaliatory stunt by President Trump as infantile.

So apparently you support a boondoggle like this when the gov is shut down and workers are not being paid?

My view is Trump should go further:

-Senate and Congress (and Trump) should not get paid
-all federal provided transport stopped
- federal protection 3xcept secret service stopped

These political creatures should feel the impact of their collect bad decisions and political posturing.

Pelosi is worth $57m, she can charter her own jet if the trip is that important. Trump would just use his own.

I personally don't get the concessionest mindset. Dems play heavy handed. Repubs whine and groan, never act.

I applaud this action by Trump. I would have done the same.

01-18-19, 07:46
I think Trump and Pelosi are both acting like spoiled children whose parents did not spank them enough.

But, the president is so right. How in the world does fleeing the country for a week while the government is partially shut down make sense?


01-18-19, 08:21
So apparently you support a boondoggle like this when the gov is shut down and workers are not being paid?

My view is Trump should go further:

-Senate and Congress (and Trump) should not get paid
-all federal provided transport stopped
- federal protection 3xcept secret service stopped

These political creatures should feel the impact of their collect bad decisions and political posturing.

Pelosi is worth $57m, she can charter her own jet if the trip is that important. Trump would just use his own.

I personally don't get the concessionest mindset. Dems play heavy handed. Repubs whine and groan, never act.

I applaud this action by Trump. I would have done the same.

This SD stuff is so much BS, 80% + still funded but not ATC, CG and other critical functions, I would like to see a detailed brake down of who is getting paid. Mueller is still fully funded? Why, what critical function is he fulfilling? I totally agree with stopping the pay for congress critters and prez and for that matter anyone other than mil whose work location is DC.

01-18-19, 08:33
My view is Trump should go further:

-Senate and Congress (and Trump) should not get paid


Trump already doens't take a paycheck. He hasn't taken one since he took office. During a shutdown the senate and congress should not be able to take a single dime in payment.

01-18-19, 08:37
I'd have preferred that our Commander in Chief would've allowed Pelosi's plane to depart with all aboard, but instructing the pilot to land in N. Korea and have everyone deplane.
No return trip.

01-18-19, 08:49
I'd have preferred that our Commander in Chief would've allowed Pelosi's plane to depart with all aboard, but instructing the pilot to land in N. Korea and have everyone deplane.
No return trip.

I'd of given all the crew parachutes, and put about a hundred bucks of gas in it. :p

Doc Safari
01-18-19, 08:59
Please Mr. President . . . my penis can only become so erect!

A person can only laugh so hard...I nearly had an embolism just now. :lol:

01-18-19, 11:26
Trump is an a-hole who doesn't fully understand the constitution, sold a bit of snake oil to get elected, embarrasses our nation, doesn't support the 2A, ran every esteemed and qualified person out of the Whitehouse.....

And yet,

When he does stuff like this....

I chuckle and grin and think about the stupid look that would be on Nancy's face when she found out she was grounded....

If she could make facial expressions anymore.

I'm conflicted by the man.

I saw her this morning in the halls of Congress, whining to the press that Trump endangered the safety and security of her CODEL. She sounded very hoarse and whispery. Gee, I wonder why? :D

01-18-19, 11:49
She can just whip out her broom and take off :)

26 Inf
01-18-19, 12:04
So apparently you support a boondoggle like this when the gov is shut down and workers are not being paid?

That wasn't the reason he did it - to stop waste - it was pure-dee payback for her equally infantile stunt.

Someone needs to be the adult, and neither in that exchange fit that description.

Coal Dragger
01-18-19, 12:51
I saw her this morning in the halls of Congress, whining to the press that Trump endangered the safety and security of her CODEL. She sounded very hoarse and whispery. Gee, I wonder why? :D

How exactly were they endangered by having their junket cancelled?

I’d like to hear a logical explanation of that one.

01-18-19, 13:03
How exactly were they endangered by having their junket cancelled?

I’d like to hear a logical explanation of that one.

Her ludicrous claim was that they WERE going to fly commercial, but that the Trump team leaked their plans. The WH calls her claim "asinine" and says the media in Kabul stated she might travel commercial. Of course no actual plans or itineraries for commercial travel were proffered, because they don't exist.

Just more grist for the mill.

01-18-19, 13:46
Her ludicrous claim was that they WERE going to fly commercial, but that the Trump team leaked their plans. The WH calls her claim "asinine" and says the media in Kabul stated she might travel commercial. Of course no actual plans or itineraries for commercial travel were proffered, because they don't exist.

Just more grist for the mill.

They came out today and the Presidents Representative claimed the Pelosi team decided to book tickets over the phone and endangered themselves.
I'm not sure if that's true but it fits the Left's idea of OPSEC to T.

01-18-19, 13:46
That wasn't the reason he did it - to stop waste - it was pure-dee payback for her equally infantile stunt.

Someone needs to be the adult, and neither in that exchange fit that description.

You know what? I agree they are both acting childish. But here's the rub...

The MEDIA is acting even more childish and their left-side only bias/propaganda is driving the Narrative that "Anything R's do or Trump does is the end of the world and evil, racist, fascist, war mongering, etc" but " anything the D's do is "okay, amazing, saving the country, the right thing to do, etc"- even when it is the exact same action they proclaim as evil or racist by the right. Even when the D's acted first and it was praised, the exact reaction is vilified! It's psychotic!

So the MEDIA needs to grow up and be the adult on the sidelines without bias. That would add some accountability to both sides, and until that happens, we are going to live Idiocracy and go further and further down that hole...

A long as they are vilifying every R action and glorifying every L action- the Repubs should play dirty-dirty and meet the D's head on- as they get treated as being dirty no matter what anyways.

So I applaud Trump for this childish move- it was a tit-for-tat reaction to Pelosi et al's childish move.

I want the political landscape to completely change, it is toxic and holding the USA down. But that ain't gonna happen as long as people watch CNN, NBC, ABC, FOX et all with their bullshit "reporting". Few people have the ability to critically think and form opinions of their own, let alone intellectualize on a real level outside of puffing a J and talking about "existentialism" waxing poetic retardations of perceived brilliance.

We are living in the nightmare created and perpetuated largely by an out of control media monster; which absolutely is the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party; a party that has proven itself to be anything BUT democratic as of late.

01-18-19, 14:02
We are living in the nightmare created and perpetuated largely by an out of control media monster; which absolutely is the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party; a party that has proven itself to be anything BUT democratic as of late.

If you want quality and completely unbiased reportage, support my colleagues and set your home page up for these news services. apnews.com reuters.com afp.com

My depressing guess is that most people WANT the sensationalism, and they WANT their news to confirm their biases and ideology.

01-18-19, 14:11
If you want quality and completely unbiased reportage, support my colleagues and set your home page up for these news services. apnews.com reuters.com afp.com

My depressing guess is that most people WANT the sensationalism, and they WANT their news to confirm their biases and ideology.

I really don't want the sensationalism, but AP and Reuters aren't exactly much better than CNN.

01-18-19, 14:18
I really don't want the sensationalism, but AP and Reuters aren't exactly much better than CNN.

LOL...I collect paychecks from them. Misrepresenting facts gets people fired with no further questions asked.

I mean, here’s the top story on the wire now. https://apnews.com/445416389e7748d5b6663f3309cead61

That strikes you as the same as CNN?

01-18-19, 14:31
LOL...I collect paychecks from them. Misrepresenting facts gets people fired with no further questions asked.

I mean, here’s the top story on the wire now. https://apnews.com/445416389e7748d5b6663f3309cead61

That strikes you as the same as CNN?

So your idea of unbiased is, "I work there so I know they are ethical?"

01-18-19, 14:40
Yeah, I've never heard of Reuters being called unbiased.

Let's see what's on Reuters...... oh look it a story about criminals having to work for less than minimum wage... well certainly no bias there.

Detainees are challenging what they say is an oppressive business model in which the companies deprive them of essentials to force them to work for sub-minimum wages, money that is soon recaptured in the firms’ own commissaries.

“These private prison companies are profiting off of what is essentially a company-store scenario,” said the SPLC’s Meredith Stewart, a lead attorney on the class action.

The criminals are going to sue the prison. Now I know there is no reporting bias.

01-18-19, 15:08
So your idea of unbiased is, "I work there so I know they are ethical?"

Yes. I create content every single day and know the process. I can’t speak to Getty or Reuters, but they enjoy the same reputation for integrity.

I would be fired immediately if I lie one single time, or if I were to misrepresent an event.

Now I’m not a writer, but the standard is the same.

01-18-19, 15:16
Yeah, I've never heard of Reuters being called unbiased.

Let's see what's on Reuters...... oh look it a story about criminals having to work for less than minimum wage... well certainly no bias there.

The criminals are going to sue the prison. Now I know there is no reporting bias.

There has been a 50% increase in the number of inmates in private prisons since the early 2000’s, and these issues are under investigation in a number of states with huge lawsuits going on.

But you’re right, nobody should report on that.

What was factually inaccurate in the reporting? Nearly a third of the article was the response/defense from the private prison companies, a third was the allegations, and a third explaining the situation.


01-18-19, 15:16
LOL...I collect paychecks from them. Misrepresenting facts gets people fired with no further questions asked.

I mean, here’s the top story on the wire now. https://apnews.com/445416389e7748d5b6663f3309cead61

That strikes you as the same as CNN?

The idea that any of the three are remotely unbiased is ridiculous. I don't say that to call you out, rather just to say that the assertion doesn't stand to my personal observation and clearly that of others. Not only from a perspective of the technical accuracy of their respective content, but of quantity bias in reporting. As an example, if I report only objective and factual information about both Clinton and Trump during the campaign, but all of my reporting in reference to Trump are facts which tend to look bad in the public eye while all of my reporting on Clinton are facts which tend to look good in the public eye, I haven't said anything false, but I've still demonstrated extreme bias in reporting.

"$11 toothpaste: Immigrants pay big for basics at private ICE lock-ups" Textbook example of cherry-picked sensationalist title. Sensationalism does not require a falsehood.

Let's wait for an article about guns or gun laws, and have a comedy ridiculing their blatant technical inaccuracies.

01-18-19, 15:23
The idea that any of the three are remotely unbiased is ridiculous. I don't say that to call you out, rather just to say that the assertion doesn't stand to my personal observation and clearly that of others. Not only from a perspective of the technical accuracy of their respective content, but of quantity bias in reporting. As an example, if I report only objective and factual information about both Clinton and Trump during the campaign, but all of my reporting in reference to Trump are facts which tend to look bad in the public eye while all of my reporting on Clinton are facts which tend to look good in the public eye, I haven't said anything false, but I've still demonstrated extreme bias in reporting.

"$11 toothpaste: Immigrants pay big for basics at private ICE lock-ups" Textbook example of cherry-picked sensationalist title. Sensationalism does not require a falsehood.

Certainly. People with journalism degrees tend to be left of center.

But if you look at one of the meta-analysis’ done of who keeps the facts straight, I’m proud of my organization versus any of the cable news outlets, and definitely versus any of the big clickbait sites.

01-18-19, 15:26
Certainly. People with journalism degrees tend to be left of center.

But if you look at one of the meta-analysis’ done of who keeps the facts straight, I’m proud of my organization versus any of the cable news outlets, and definitely versus any of the big clickbait sites.

Fair enough. Again, I have no intention for ridicule towards yourself (though I probably read that way), understand that what you said earlier received wide-eyed, "What?!" reaction. I'm legitimately curious to read that analysis, if it's not a internal-only type deal.

01-18-19, 15:32
Fair enough. Again, I have no intention for ridicule towards yourself (though I probably read that way), understand that what you said earlier received wide-eyed, "What?!" reaction. I'm legitimately curious to read that analysis, if it's not a internal-only type deal.

No worries! I’m a libertarian gun nut who works in the media despite being an Aggie and an engineer...I don’t expect people to coddle me. Nobody is perfect, and I’m definitely not.

I’ll track down the analysis I’m talking about. Keep in mind that it is statistics, and statistics are what liars thrive on. [emoji23]

You mentioned gun articles.

Here’s one from less than a week ago. Does it strike you as being biased and incredulous towards gun rights and advocates for gun rights or does it seem pretty fair? https://apnews.com/81fa1251ccb146c6aa0d64550e03bc6a

01-18-19, 15:36
You know what? I agree they are both acting childish. But here's the rub...

The MEDIA is acting even more childish and their left-side only bias/propaganda is driving the Narrative that "Anything R's do or Trump does is the end of the world and evil, racist, fascist, war mongering, etc" but " anything the D's do is "okay, amazing, saving the country, the right thing to do, etc"- even when it is the exact same action they proclaim as evil or racist by the right. Even when the D's acted first and it was praised, the exact reaction is vilified! It's psychotic!

So the MEDIA needs to grow up and be the adult on the sidelines without bias. That would add some accountability to both sides, and until that happens, we are going to live Idiocracy and go further and further down that hole...

A long as they are vilifying every R action and glorifying every L action- the Repubs should play dirty-dirty and meet the D's head on- as they get treated as being dirty no matter what anyways.

So I applaud Trump for this childish move- it was a tit-for-tat reaction to Pelosi et al's childish move.

I want the political landscape to completely change, it is toxic and holding the USA down. But that ain't gonna happen as long as people watch CNN, NBC, ABC, FOX et all with their bullshit "reporting". Few people have the ability to critically think and form opinions of their own, let alone intellectualize on a real level outside of puffing a J and talking about "existentialism" waxing poetic retardations of perceived brilliance.

We are living in the nightmare created and perpetuated largely by an out of control media monster; which absolutely is the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party; a party that has proven itself to be anything BUT democratic as of late.

If you want quality and completely unbiased reportage, support my colleagues and set your home page up for these news services. apnews.com reuters.com afp.com

My depressing guess is that most people WANT the sensationalism, and they WANT their news to confirm their biases and ideology.

This. Between fuzzy puppies and a train wreck, most people will click on the train wreck. It's just human nature. What media does is exploit that nature. Their job is to make money for their masters. Fomenting hate and discord is the fastest way to get clicks and views. It's their bread and butter. Given the option of whether to focus on a specific topic, and then decide on whether to phrase the questions and language in an objective vs. subjective and biased manner, they choose the low road 9/10 times, and I'm being generous on that number.

Certainly. People with journalism degrees tend to be left of center.

But if you look at one of the meta-analysis’ done of who keeps the facts straight, I’m proud of my organization versus any of the cable news outlets, and definitely versus any of the big clickbait sites.

I'm sorry, but you're not going to get anyone here to take that train of thought seriously. AP is heavily biased and we see right through it. Between an outright lie and fair, objective reporting, is an ocean of bad faith that can still be called "factual". Saying you're proud of your organization vs. cable & clickbait sites is like saying it's objectively better to get sprayed by a skunk, because getting bitten by a rattlesnake is far worse. :rolleyes:

01-18-19, 15:44
For a board full of supposed "warriors," I find it hard to understand how some of you don't seem to understand we are in a war for the soul of this country.

Some of you apparently don't have the stuff to fight fire with fire, well, Trump does and it is great.

George Bush was horrible by comparison and sat back and took being called stupid, an idiot, illiterate by the left wing media. I suppose that was presidential?

Well, it got us 8 years of flipping O-Zero, who nearly destroyed this country.

Tump is a fighter and I'd think more of you would appreciate it. I certainly do...... #Maga Bitches

01-18-19, 15:45
[QUOTE=glocktogo;2697217]AP is heavily biased and we see right through it./QUOTE]

Prove it. Imperfect? Sure. Slightly left of center? Sure, but due to the nature of not being editorial, it is much more subdued than pretty much everything else available.

Texas A&M performed a study where they polled hundreds of financial journalists. Over 50% were deemed independent which equated to socially liberal and fiscally conservative. That sits pretty much in line with the American people.

01-18-19, 15:45
No worries! I’m a libertarian gun nut who works in the media despite being an Aggie and an engineer...I don’t expect people to coddle me. Nobody is perfect, and I’m definitely not.

I’ll track down the analysis I’m talking about. Keep in mind that it is statistics, and statistics are what liars thrive on. [emoji23]

You mentioned gun articles.

Here’s one from less than a week ago. Does it strike you as being biased and incredulous towards gun rights and advocates for gun rights or does it seem pretty fair? https://apnews.com/81fa1251ccb146c6aa0d64550e03bc6a

On of my favorites things to say is, "statistics are always wrong." Because most of the time, in some way, they are.

I'm stumped on that gun article you linked - in my defense it's fairly bland on technicalities! :cool:

01-18-19, 15:58
[QUOTE=glocktogo;2697217]AP is heavily biased and we see right through it./QUOTE]

Prove it. Imperfect? Sure. Slightly left of center? Sure, but due to the nature of not being editorial, it is much more subdued than pretty much everything else available.

Texas A&M performed a study where they polled hundreds of financial journalists. Over 50% were deemed independent which equated to socially liberal and fiscally conservative. That sits pretty much in line with the American people.

LOL, I don't have to prove anything. Your assertion is the one that's unprovable. Take your Iowa story. It assumes that GOP ineptitude derailed their own agenda. Yet it doesn't explore any of the underlying conditions. It assumes that because the buffoon is A rated by the NRA and a life member, he couldn't have possibly done anything but make a simple mistake.

I can tell you from direct observation that I've seen A rated NRA members of the GOP derail pro-gun legislation at the state level because all that money flowing in from the not pro-gun Chamber of Commerce was more powerful than their convictions as "hunters and sportsmen". They literally say publicly that they support such legislation, only to undermine it behind the scenes in such a was as to come back and say "Sorry, we tried really hard, but it just didn't work out this time. Maybe next session...".

So no, my professional opinion as someone who is a trained observer and investigator is that AP is better than CNN and FOX, but not by all that much. Point to financial journalists and university studies all you want, I believe what I see with my own eyes.

Straight Shooter
01-18-19, 16:41
For a board full of supposed "warriors," I find it hard to understand how some of you don't seem to understand we are in a war for the soul of this country.

Some of you apparently don't have the stuff to fight fire with fire, well, Trump does and it is great.

George Bush was horrible by comparison and sat back and took being called stupid, an idiot, illiterate by the left wing media. I suppose that was presidential?

Well, it got us 8 years of flipping O-Zero, who nearly destroyed this country.

Tump is a fighter and I'd think more of you would appreciate it. I certainly do...... #Maga Bitches

F-in A right, there is a LARGE anti-1776 spirit here.

Doc Safari
01-18-19, 16:54
For a board full of supposed "warriors," I find it hard to understand how some of you don't seem to understand we are in a war for the soul of this country.

Worse, some of the members would be happy to fight for the other side, it seems.

01-18-19, 17:02
My like button pusher has callouses from some of the posts here.

01-18-19, 17:14
There has been a 50% increase in the number of inmates in private prisons since the early 2000’s, and these issues are under investigation in a number of states with huge lawsuits going on.

But you’re right, nobody should report on that.

What was factually inaccurate in the reporting? Nearly a third of the article was the response/defense from the private prison companies, a third was the allegations, and a third explaining the situation.


The article was about "immigrants" and ICE detainees. But since they pay you I'm sure they are unbiased just as you are... my mistake.

Oh,,, about your friends at GettyImages......

01-18-19, 17:27
George Bush was horrible by comparison and sat back and took being called stupid, an idiot, illiterate by the left wing media. I suppose that was presidential?

Let me preface this with the fact that I’m glad Trump beat Hillary, and sad that our country is in such a state that I can say that. Bush was a terrible President who became a Keynesian, and yet I preferred him over Gore and Kerry, and Obama was almost a carbon copy of Bush, but worse than either McCain or Romney.

I refuse to endorse bad behavior just because my side is winning. Gridlock is great. I’m all for it. You can achieve it with dignity.

As to whether or not Bush was correct to take it? Unequivocally yes. The moment you take the oath, you are the president of every single person who hates your guts, and people who think you are dead wrong are an important check in a republic. As an example, Thomas Jefferson HATED the press...and to be fair they hated him.

And yet, Jefferson also said that the very newspapers he hated without government was preferable to government without newspapers.

“The people are the only censors of their governors: and even their errors will tend to keep these to the true principles of their institution. To punish these errors too severely would be to suppress the only safeguard of the public liberty. The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people is to give them full information of their affairs thro’ the channel of the public papers, & to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people. The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them.”

It is healthy to have your beliefs challenged. Perhaps the bigger societal issue is that being informed is worthless without being educated. I’d wager that at no point in human history have people been so well informed...but without being able to contextualize that information it does have the potential to be harmful. Not referencing you or most here, but it’s definitely an issue.

01-18-19, 17:40
Oh,,, about your friends at GettyImages......

In my defense I don’t think I mentioned Getty as good reportage. They have some amazing photogs on staff though. I’m aware of the suit, and I’m interested in the results.

I’m not aware of the details, but in my case I own my photographs for life, though I can’t sell them anywhere else for five years...but if I cover something as a stringer, where I make my money up front, so do they. So I could technically take those photographs, license them how I see fit, and they could still sell them. I think it will boil down to that. Knowing her work, I doubt they were paying her for coverage and instead mostly acted as a broker...and messed up big time.

I’ve sued one group for stealing an image, and while it may shock you, it was some “committee for democrats in Texas” type bullshit who stole on of my images of a Republican mayoral candidate off of google to use in a mailer. If they had bought the photograph it would have been cheap, AND I wouldn’t have had any say in whether or not they could use it.

01-18-19, 17:50
For a board full of supposed "warriors," I find it hard to understand how some of you don't seem to understand we are in a war for the soul of this country.

Some of you apparently don't have the stuff to fight fire with fire, well, Trump does and it is great.

George Bush was horrible by comparison and sat back and took being called stupid, an idiot, illiterate by the left wing media. I suppose that was presidential?

Well, it got us 8 years of flipping O-Zero, who nearly destroyed this country.

Tump is a fighter and I'd think more of you would appreciate it. I certainly do...... #Maga BitchesGet some! Trump is FINALLY a president who cares about what's right. Not the ****ing nwo coward gw was. He doesn't cave to the media, he toys with them, laughs and goes on about trying right all the wrongs committed upon this country and us. Him grounding pelosi was nothing but a big **** YOU to her. He should make her pay for all the booze she drinks on her plane trip to and from dc, and pay for the transportation. Trump has a set of balls and cares. None of us will see this again in a president in our lifetime, I suggest we support him in it.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

01-18-19, 18:32
Get some! Trump is FINALLY a president who cares about what's right. Not the ****ing nwo coward gw was. He doesn't cave to the media, he toys with them, laughs and goes on about trying right all the wrongs committed upon this country and us. Him grounding pelosi was nothing but a big **** YOU to her. He should make her pay for all the booze she drinks on her plane trip to and from dc, and pay for the transportation. Trump has a set of balls and cares. None of us will see this again in a president in our lifetime, I suggest we support him in it.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

Boosted funding at the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy by 12.5%. Boosted NPR’s funding. Boosted the funding at the CDC by 9%, the largest funding boost they’ve had in almost two decades. Wants to spend a TRILLION federal dollars on infrastructure. Has signed more gun control than Obama. Joined Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren in opposing the TPP. Wants federally mandated paid leave for new mothers/parents. Suspended the federal debt ceiling. Gave 200 million dollars to push girls into science.

But yeah. He’s really changing the republic. [emoji23]

01-18-19, 20:11
In my defense I don’t think I mentioned Getty as good reportage.

No you didn't. Which is a good point. You claim that so and so will be fired for lying. Well one need not lie to be biased. In fact the term is most often used to indicate favor. It is not a term of wrong and right.

You told us to set our home pages to three outlets that you knew to be unbiased... and offered support that they also paid you. Not a disclaimer but as though the fact they paid you gives you a good perspective on their bias. Reuters was one of those three. Then you said....
I can’t speak to Getty or Reuters, but they enjoy the same reputation for integrity.

In that sentence you equate Getty to Reuters which you had already passed approval on. Yet you say now you can't speak for them but they have integrity.

I hope you can appreciate the basis of your conclusions ( you contract to them ) and contradictions ( vouch for, then can't speak to ) that we may see.

RE Getty: What you may or may not be missing in that situation is this. Getty gathers images... They don't always have the rights to them but that's not even in question. The issue is their playing Policeman. They gather public domain images, sell them ( which is ok ), then they go out and Police Internet telling others they must stop using the photos which they were given by the rights holder or obtained in like manner via public domain. That is not the mentality of an 'on the level' business. I know photogs that have seen their pictures on Getty and they are definitely not supposed to be there. So the take away is that Getty is looking out for #1.

Your article about the Rep. and the Gun Laws. That article while it may be factual does nothing to show lack of bias. It shows a Rep. being incompetent ( hell he could be on the take for all we know. Maybe he did it on purpose ). Maybe they published it to alert other anti-gunners to potential loopholes. The article was more Dem-centric in that it was a win for Dems. Maybe I didn't read it all but did they investigate and report as to what chain of events led to him obstructing his citizens rights? that would seem like a good story to me. Otherwise the headline could have been. Idiot Repub. looses his own fight. Dems eat that stuff up.

You may have good clients. They may all be good clients. No one is saying don't work for them. That doesn't mean they are as pure as the wind driven snow.

Now me personally... if I need to clear my head of biased information and get to the heart of our society. I watch an hour each of Jerry Springer and Wendy Williams. Now that is pure unadulterated truth. That is stone cold real life.

and while it may shock you No, not at all. I just think you are giving your clients too much credit. It's not you personally that seems off to me. It's the reasoning you have provided for the basis of your conclusions. Let's face it. NBC is practically a 24 infomercial with Republican Bashing thrown in as advertisement/entertainment for their base. So a --lot-- of all else out there could easily look to be unbiased. Have you ever noticed how NBC is a "look at me", "get to know me", "I'm cool", type environment? It's constant salesmanship with anti-republican breaks. It's not just NBC either.

Have you ever heard this phrase, or similar? " Listen people, no matter who you are, where you come from, we all need to live together, so everyone get out there and VOTE for the change we need."

Uh... ok... wait a second... "for the change we need". The preceding comment usually follows a segment of "we can all get along" or some heart string moment.

You compose photography right? Well these networks and media powerhouses are composing LIFE. You are a hired pro making union wage more or less (plural you). They are the big time. They tell people how to think. 24 hours a day.

Bias in the well established media should be an expectation or at least an unintended consequence.

That's my opinion anyway. Not directed at you personally. I just thought I would give you examples as to why I feel the way I do. Now if you tell me you are friends with the execs, then I'm over. I know there are some very well connected people on this forum and I definitely ain't one of 'em. This is just what I see and hear in the 'all encompassing media' and I've been watching it change for a pretty long time from various perspectives because I enjoy it. I really enjoy how it's all put together from top to bottom regardless of the product. From the 5 year old YT $23M unboxing kid to "cool" Al Roker.

Oh... funny tie in. I know people that used to rent Charlie Rose's parents ( or grand parents ) farmhouse in NC. You know Charlie Rose.. the cool guy everyone likes? I mean used to like.

01-18-19, 20:44
No you didn't. Which is a good point. You claim that so and so will be fired for lying. Well one need not lie to be biased. In fact the term is most often used to indicate favor. It is not a term of wrong and right.

You told us to set our home pages to three outlets that you knew to be unbiased... and offered support that they also paid you. Not a disclaimer but as though the fact they paid you gives you a good perspective on their bias. Reuters was one of those three. Then you said....

In that sentence you equate Getty to Reuters which you had already passed approval on. Yet you say now you can't speak for them but they have integrity.

I hope you can appreciate the basis of your conclusions ( you contract to them ) and contradictions ( vouch for, then can't speak to ) that we may see. I certainly see your point. I suggested Reuters in addition to AFP because in the analyses that I’ve seen, they fair pretty well towards honest reporting. It may be biased in terms of what gets promoted by editors to the front page etc...but on a pure true/false basis they fare pretty well. I can only truly vouch for the procedures in place at AP, and the manner in which stories are vetted and the consequences for failing to uphold the standard.

I do know for a fact that Getty has very strict standards in terms of what photographic editing may be made before submission, and it’s actually more strict than pretty much any other wire service.

I definitely regret using the word unbiased, because as I’ve since said, the very field of journalism tends to attract the liberal. I do believe firmly that our articles do a better job than most at keeping it factually accurate and if you stand on the opposite side of an issue as a reporter, you can still learn the facts you need from any given story without wading through BS. I’m painfully aware that there are exceptions...and the current climate is polarizing everyone.

Your article about the Rep. and the Gun Laws. That article while it may be factual does nothing to show lack of bias. It shows a Rep. being incompetent ( hell he could be on the take for all we know. Maybe he did it on purpose ). Maybe they published it to alert other anti-gunners to potential loopholes. The article was more Dem-centric in that it was a win for Dems. Maybe I didn't read it all but did they investigate and report as to what chain of events led to him obstructing his citizens rights? that would seem like a good story to me. Otherwise the headline could have been. Idiot Repub. looses his own fight. Dems eat that stuff up. Im not saying it was in depth, but at some point the article says the advocates felt betrayed, he said it was a big goof, and I really don’t think it read as though the reporter felt it was a big win. But I just searched guns on the page and selected one of the most recent...I have no idea if there is more to it, a story is developing, or anything else.

No, not at all. I just think you are giving your clients too much credit. It's not you personally that seems off to me. It's the reasoning you have provided for the basis of your conclusions. Let's face it. NBC is practically a 24 infomercial with Republican Bashing thrown in as advertisement/entertainment for their base. So a --lot-- of all else out there could easily look to be unbiased. Have you ever noticed how NBC is a "look at me", "get to know me", "I'm cool", type environment? It's constant salesmanship with anti-republican breaks. It's not just NBC either.

Have you ever heard this phrase, or similar? " Listen people, no matter who you are, where you come from, we all need to live together, so everyone get out there and VOTE for the change we need."
I haven’t had cable news in my home in eight years, and haven’t turned on a network other than for a sporting event(my bread and butter,) in that time either. But I hate every single ad that promotes voting for either party. There is no shame in not voting, and frankly if you don’t have firm enough opinions to want to go vote in the first place, I get sick at the thought of you doing it because Nelly said to. I definitely agree that NBC is amongst the worst offenders, in that they are crafting an entire narrative and choosing the facts that support it.

That's my opinion anyway. Not directed at you personally. I just thought I would give you examples as to why I feel the way I do. Now if you tell me you are friends with the execs, then I'm over.

Definitely not a big wig. It definitely felt personal, and I appreciate you saying that. I realize that many of my colleagues and I don’t see eye to eye, but I don’t see the scheming and narrative creation behind the scenes that is prevalent in produced television shows that I agree 100% with you on, or that so often gets editorialized into the NYT or WaPo.

01-18-19, 21:35
Thomas Jefferson...

The guy who had a journalist print fake news and slander a political opponent? After that guy used a pseudonym to print a bunch of anonymous letters to slander him? Good thing this was back in the days of civilized discourse, or the first guy's VP would have ended up killing the second guy in a duel...

01-19-19, 01:31
It definitely felt personal, and I appreciate you saying that.

In that case I apologize. Def. not personal at all. Strictly opinion based on limited info. It's not like I think you are some rabid Leftist. I watch a lot of alphabet soup TV. It used to drive me crazy because I thought well surely it can be changed if enough people wise up to it.

Once I crossed the point of realizing that it simply is a matter of fact it no longer bothered me. I watch it now to see where the opposition's mind is. They are, after all, the pros at community organizing ( aka mind organizing ). Fox news is boring and predictable. No wonder Leftist make fun of it. Their minds have been trained to expect gratification via input. Honestly.... and this is no lie.... I'm still trying to figure out how Republicans win elections. I can see how they lose them. But it's not the grand realm of the media that wins elections for the Rs. They totally suck at that. Trump doesn't count.. he's his own different special thing.

I definitely regret using the word unbiased, because as I’ve since said, the very field of journalism tends to attract the liberal.

So perhaps you feel the people you work with do not necessarily advocate for a certain party? But are likely biased towards one by nature? That's an interesting road to travel. I have heard of it happening, but have never met a Liberal that became Conservative.

There are a gazillion personalities or definitions that an R voter will tell you they are. Liberals stick together and win elections. After they win they decide how to divide up the bounty.

Let's hope we win in 2020 regardless of the media. We owe Trump for what he has tried to do. Let's see who shows up to pay their dues.

01-19-19, 05:48
double tap.

01-19-19, 05:53
The MEDIA is acting even more childish and their left-side only bias/propaganda is driving the Narrative that "Anything R's do or Trump does is the end of the world and evil, racist, fascist, war mongering, etc" but " anything the D's do is "okay, amazing, saving the country, the right thing to do, etc"- even when it is the exact same action they proclaim as evil or racist by the right.

No, the mainstream media is not merely childish.

The Fourth Estate IS the Fifth Column.

For a board full of supposed "warriors," I find it hard to understand how some of you don't seem to understand we are in a war for the soul of this country.

Some of you apparently don't have the stuff to fight fire with fire, well, Trump does and it is great.

George Bush was horrible by comparison and sat back and took being called stupid, an idiot, illiterate by the left wing media. I suppose that was presidential?

Well, it got us 8 years of flipping O-Zero, who nearly destroyed this country.

Tump is a fighter and I'd think more of you would appreciate it. I certainly do...... #Maga Bitches


F-in A right, there is a LARGE anti-1776 spirit here.

Where is the Like button?!

Worse, some of the members would be happy to fight for the other side, it seems.

NO, seriously where is the ****ing Like button?!?!?

01-19-19, 06:12
The guy who had a journalist print fake news and slander a political opponent? After that guy used a pseudonym to print a bunch of anonymous letters to slander him? Good thing this was back in the days of civilized discourse, or the first guy's VP would have ended up killing the second guy in a duel...

Maybe we need to bring back dueling for our elected officials. Heck, make it pay per view and it would raise enough money to wipe out the national debt. It would be much more entertaining than the constant drone and b.s. on the news.

01-19-19, 09:16
I believe many people, not just here, let their pre-held judgement of Donald J. Trump cloud their ability to recognize the actual accomplishments of President Donald J. Trump.

01-19-19, 13:28
It definitely felt personal, and I appreciate you saying that.

In case anything I posted felt personal, it definitely wasn't meant to be. I just happen to be a cautiously pessimistic person, who's happily surprised when I'm proven to be wrong. I've just seen too much effed up stuff to be blithely optimistic. :(

01-19-19, 13:51
In case anything I posted felt personal, it definitely wasn't meant to be. I just happen to be a cautiously pessimistic person, who's happily surprised when I'm proven to be wrong. I've just seen too much effed up stuff to be blithely optimistic. :(

No worries, I didn’t take it as an affront to my person...but just enough that it probably made me respond defensively instead of objectively and with the understanding that we all see the world through the lens of our own experiences and I probably felt like I was defending my own integrity and that of my colleagues rather than on a very macro sense where I definitely understand your point.

I think it’s also the very nature of the industry today, and the fact that there ARE a lot of people who assume I’m interested in pushing my own narrative or that of some communist overlord. The world is to the point that I rarely tell people what exactly I do, because there ARE idiots who hear commentary from outlets who themselves make millions of dollars and are entrenched in the system talk about the “mainstream media” as though it’s this homogeneous beast hell bent on destroying the republic. And I simply haven’t experienced it that way, at least not as a worker bee.

Perhaps it’s also my lens as a pretty libertarian guy, that I don’t have a lot of folks that agree with me on everything, so I see agenda in lots of places where there may see it as objective truth, and I may be slightly numb to it because unless I want to stream Cato Institute videos, I don’t really have an echo chamber to retreat to anywhere.

01-19-19, 14:10
No worries, I didn’t take it as an affront to my person...but just enough that it probably made me respond defensively instead of objectively and with the understanding that we all see the world through the lens of our own experiences and I probably felt like I was defending my own integrity and that of my colleagues rather than on a very macro sense where I definitely understand your point.

I think it’s also the very nature of the industry today, and the fact that there ARE a lot of people who assume I’m interested in pushing my own narrative or that of some communist overlord. The world is to the point that I rarely tell people what exactly I do, because there ARE idiots who hear commentary from outlets who themselves make millions of dollars and are entrenched in the system talk about the “mainstream media” as though it’s this homogeneous beast hell bent on destroying the republic. And I simply haven’t experienced it that way, at least not as a worker bee.

Perhaps it’s also my lens as a pretty libertarian guy, that I don’t have a lot of folks that agree with me on everything, so I see agenda in lots of places where there may see it as objective truth, and I may be slightly numb to it because unless I want to stream Cato Institute videos, I don’t really have an echo chamber to retreat to anywhere.

Understood. I'm more of a Brett Baier guy myself. :)

01-19-19, 14:14
In that case I apologize. Def. not personal at all. Strictly opinion based on limited info. It's not like I think you are some rabid Leftist. I watch a lot of alphabet soup TV. It used to drive me crazy because I thought well surely it can be changed if enough people wise up to it. No worries, I’ll refer my response to that to the same thing I just said to glocktogo. We’re good and I understand your point. Thank you though.

So perhaps you feel the people you work with do not necessarily advocate for a certain party? But are likely biased towards one by nature? That's an interesting road to travel. I have heard of it happening, but have never met a Liberal that became Conservative.

I would say that many of them have a strong distaste for the democrats too, but certainly have a preference for that, whether it’s by nature, or the ideology they left high school and college with. There are some studies that lend credence the the idea of genetics playing a role in how people respond to making rules and being ruled by rulers though. I will say that most of them do try to present their work without that bias present. Surely it’s impossible to do so perfectly, but where it comes through is also partly due to the narrative that is being told.

For instance, in any given football game I generally have photographs of both quarterbacks celebrating, and both looking upset and dejected or hurt and beat down, or hoisted up in celebration. In telling the story, unless he played an amazing game, I’m unlikely to submit the ones that make him look heroic, and instead choose the ones that portray struggle. If they’re great I may submit them as stock later for SI/other pieces but not as breaking news within the hour. I’m picking a side for the story, but at some point I’m telling it as I see it too.

When the going narrative is that Trump is XYZ, it is awfully easy to choose the photographs that make him look disjointed, or smarmy. It’s not unbiased, but it’s not dishonest or personally driven to bring him down. It’s telling the story that is in front of you.

It can go to extremes and become propaganda, but sadly I think we have a system of consuming media in place right now that does not lend to writers enjoying sales for articles or freelance photographers selling photographs that are truly neutral point vs counterpoint type stuff. It can quickly become CSPAN, and they aren’t killing it in the ratings.

01-19-19, 15:19
Maybe we need to bring back dueling for our elected officials. Heck, make it pay per view and it would raise enough money to wipe out the national debt. It would be much more entertaining than the constant drone and b.s. on the news.

Mutual combat (even deadly combat) is perfectly legal in Washington State. Any volunteers to test how the law stands today?

Not that I disagree.

01-19-19, 15:22
I believe many people, not just here, let their pre-held judgement of Donald J. Trump cloud their recognition of the actual accomplishments of President Donald J. Trump.

The media is actually very effective in smearing DJT in the eyes of everyone.

01-20-19, 08:43
Boosted funding at the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy by 12.5%. Boosted NPR’s funding. Boosted the funding at the CDC by 9%, the largest funding boost they’ve had in almost two decades. Wants to spend a TRILLION federal dollars on infrastructure. Has signed more gun control than Obama. Joined Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren in opposing the TPP. Wants federally mandated paid leave for new mothers/parents. Suspended the federal debt ceiling. Gave 200 million dollars to push girls into science.

But yeah. He’s really changing the republic. [emoji23]

You’ve been feeding on too much CNN.

Your statements are not factual, but generalities, easily proven incorrect.

TPP was just another bad deal orchestrated by the globalists and there were no provisions or protections from the blatant currency manipulation practiced widely in that region.

He has ended Choke Point.

He ended SS reporting of mentally defective.

He isn’t running guns into Mexico to create bad gun press.

He is backing national reciprocity.

He hasn’t signed any gun control.

Do you really want me to go on?

He signed the omnibus budget created by the RINO’s in Congress. Blame the liberal Paul Ryan and Chi-com Mitch.

Does he have lime item veto?

The Dumb Gun Collector
01-20-19, 14:53
I think trump is a clown but this was hilarious and well deserved after Pelosi’s childishness. . I actually enjoyed watching the late night shows try to deal with it after all their middle school “awww snaaaps” for Pelosi the day before.

01-20-19, 22:17
Could someone have picked a worse week to try to claim the MSM isn't the propaganda arm of the DNC?

From Pelosi's "hardball" vs Trump's "childish tantrum", to the idiotic acceptance of Buzzfeed's wet dream... er "news story", to the mean MAGA hat wearing kids picking on the poor elderly native American, it's been a hell of a fake news week.

If not a "homogeneous beast", why do I hear, sometimes word for word, the same talking points from Schumer, Pelosi, or any Democrat being interviewed, and the MSM?

01-20-19, 22:25
Could someone have picked a worse week to try to claim the MSM isn't the propaganda arm of the DNC?

From Pelosi's "hardball" vs Trump's "childish tantrum", to the idiotic acceptance of Buzzfeed's wet dream... er "news story", to the mean MAGA hat wearing kids picking on the poor elderly native American, it's been a hell of a fake news week.

If not a "homogeneous beast", why do I hear, sometimes word for word, the same talking points from Schumer, Pelosi, or any Democrat being interviewed, and the MSM?

You forgot the Haterade Chuggers of #NeverTrump, like Bill Kristol and his crew, or stol the Detestable Harpy Trio of Susan Wright, Kimberly Ross and Sarah Quinlan who helped put once-proud RedState on the rocks.

01-20-19, 23:00
He hasn’t signed any gun control.

I can’t take anything you wrote there seriously. He not only signed gun control into existence, he created it. There was no law, and he skipped the will of congress to change the law which has diminished your rights. And he did it like a dictator in a banana republic.

The liberal Paul Ryan didn’t do that.

Stop making boogeymen out of “globalists.” Your life is imminently better because of globalists. Economic efficiency is alway a good thing. This pseudo-socialist crap of “wealthy foreigners are manipulating us” is bogus and not grounded in sound economics.

01-20-19, 23:22
I think trump is a clown but this was hilarious and well deserved after Pelosi’s childishness. . I actually enjoyed watching the late night shows try to deal with it after all their middle school “awww snaaaps” for Pelosi the day before.

At least the downhill ride of this country has become more entertaining. Whether you love or hate President Trump, he does keep the liberal crybabies’ panties in a constant wad.

01-21-19, 06:04
Could someone have picked a worse week to try to claim the MSM isn't the propaganda arm of the DNC?

From Pelosi's "hardball" vs Trump's "childish tantrum", to the idiotic acceptance of Buzzfeed's wet dream... er "news story", to the mean MAGA hat wearing kids picking on the poor elderly native American, it's been a hell of a fake news week.

If not a "homogeneous beast", why do I hear, sometimes word for word, the same talking points from Schumer, Pelosi, or any Democrat being interviewed, and the MSM?

But . . . but . . . orange man bad. Democrats good. TV said so.

The meme majik is just tits this week!




01-21-19, 08:05
Those are great [emoji106].

01-22-19, 20:36
"It looks like Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi has no intention of allowing the House chamber to be used for a State of the Union address......"

Speaker Pelosi has informed the House Sergeant at Arms that no executive branch official will be permitted entry into the Capitol building


01-22-19, 21:25
"It looks like Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi has no intention of allowing the House chamber to be used for a State of the Union address......"

Speaker Pelosi has informed the House Sergeant at Arms that no executive branch official will be permitted entry into the Capitol building


ISTR she only has authority over House chambers, and has no right to impose such exclusions on the Senate half of the building... Personally, I'd like to see Trump and his USSS detail DARE her and the HSaA to try and stop him.

01-22-19, 21:44
ISTR she only has authority over House chambers,

That's how I understood it as well. Each chamber has a SaA. She's going to get voted off the island if she keeps this up.

26 Inf
01-22-19, 23:00
"It looks like Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi has no intention of allowing the House chamber to be used for a State of the Union address......"

Speaker Pelosi has informed the House Sergeant at Arms that no executive branch official will be permitted entry into the Capitol building


Oh, jeez, the childishness goes to a new level. President Trump will one up her by taking Treasure Island back.

01-23-19, 07:25
"It looks like Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi has no intention of allowing the House chamber to be used for a State of the Union address......"

Speaker Pelosi has informed the House Sergeant at Arms that no executive branch official will be permitted entry into the Capitol building


I would actually love to see that play out when POTUS showed up with secret service.

01-23-19, 07:29
I would actually love to see that play out when POTUS showed up with secret service.I was thinking that same thing.

As much as I hate seeing this juvenile shit show a part of me wants to see what happens next! Like watching a train wreck....can't turn away!

Doc Safari
01-23-19, 08:48
It's time to declare Nancy Pelosi an enemy of the state and have the US Marshalls arrest her.

(I don't even think Trump can do that, but dang it sure felt good to type it).

01-23-19, 11:30
I would actually love to see that play out when POTUS showed up with secret service.

Breaking news on Fox right now... Trump WILL show up the the address. Link not up yet.

01-23-19, 11:38
Breaking news on Fox right now... Trump WILL show up the the address. Link not up yet.

Here ya go..

BREAKING: Trump tells Pelosi he WILL deliver the SOTU in the Chamber of the House!


01-23-19, 11:45
Love it. He's daring her to tell him no he isn't welcome. If she comes back and does so she'll be roasted. Even her fellow Dems are now expressing their displeasure with the shutdown and telling her to fund the all and give him the full amount he is asking for.

01-23-19, 12:02
I'm half expecting to see 2X4's, trash cans and chairs being used to smash each other in the backs WWF style.

I swear Mike Judge can see into the future- things are getting more and more like Idiocracy every day, my friends...

01-23-19, 12:21
Pelosi's flilght costs in the past.. https://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-documents-detail-nancy-pelosis-185000-codel-to-italy-and-ukraine-in-2015/

I am outraged at Pelosi, but I'm sure it's just as easy to find Republicans that do the same thing. This B.S. needs to stop on both sides.

Coal Dragger
01-23-19, 12:34
I'm half expecting to see 2X4's, trash cans and chairs being used to smash each other in the backs WWF style.

I swear Mike Judge can see into the future- things are getting more and more like Idiocracy every day, my friends...

LOL. I want Trump (aka Lord Cheeto) to deliver the speech dressed up like Terry Crews did. He already kind of talks like that, so just give him a shorty SAW with a BFA and blanks so he can use it for emphasis.

The State of the Union address is a stupid tradition and should be mocked. So let Trump turn it into something comical and fun, like USMC NCO Mess Night.

01-23-19, 12:43
LOL. I want Trump (aka Lord Cheeto) to deliver the speech dressed up like Terry Crews did. He already kind of talks like that, so just give him a shorty SAW with a BFA and blanks so he can use it for emphasis.

The State of the Union address is a stupid tradition and should be mocked. So let Trump turn it into something comical and fun, like USMC NCO Mess Night.

If Trump showed up in this outfit it would be the most awesome thing to happen in the history of our species! Legendary!


01-23-19, 13:27
So can Pelosi stop a sitting POTUS from using the podium in the hose to deliver the SOTU Address?
Has She taken this too far and what are the repercussions?
What if She "No-Shows" the Address?
Mind you, I don't care, I think She's painted herself in to her own corner at this point and unless Trump blinks, She's going to end up looking even more foolish.

01-23-19, 13:55
Pelosi is blocking it now.. Going to pop some corn..

BREAKING: Pelosi tells Trump she is BLOCKING his SOTU address — TRUMP RESPONDS!


01-23-19, 14:07
I'm surprised no one has superimposed pelosi's face in a WWE match up with Trump yet.

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01-23-19, 14:27
Double tap

01-23-19, 14:45
https://i.imgflip.com/2rv86x.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/2rv86x)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

01-23-19, 21:03
Trump just needs to hold the SOTU address somewhere else. Then make it clear that it should be in the House, but the House is run by a bitter woman not one bit interested in America.

VIP3R 237
01-23-19, 21:52
She’s afraid because the SOTU gives Trump has direct communication with America instead of filtered through left wing media.

Pelosi is blocking it now.. Going to pop some corn..

BREAKING: Pelosi tells Trump she is BLOCKING his SOTU address — TRUMP RESPONDS!


01-23-19, 22:17
Declare DC a National Emergency, implement martial law, lock down the Capitol building, ground all private and military flights for House of Reps , cancel all SS for House, confiscate all House phones and computers (THAT ought to reveal some juicy nuggets!), close down all security access for House members.

Go big or go home!

We can dream...

01-23-19, 23:09
She’s afraid because the SOTU gives Trump has direct communication with America instead of filtered through left wing media.

She just doesn’t want to have to be the bride of Chucky for another American Gothic rebuttal.

01-23-19, 23:38
Breaking just now.. Trump has agreed to postpone the SOTU address until a later date. Also says there might be an alternative event.

01-24-19, 06:40
Breaking just now.. Trump has agreed to postpone the SOTU address until a later date. Also says there might be an alternative event.

He needs to delay the SOTU, but make a speech to the Nation explaining the shut down in the kindest terms. He needs this delay in order to get Nancy in that seat behind him when he delivers the SOTU in order to get her response as he speaks on Nation wide coverage.
If you want a win in 2020, you're going to need to show Nancy's emotional meltdown.

01-24-19, 06:59
He needs to delay the SOTU, but make a speech to the Nation explaining the shut down in the kindest terms. He needs this delay in order to get Nancy in that seat behind him when he delivers the SOTU in order to get her response as he speaks on Nation wide coverage.
If you want a win in 2020, you're going to need to show Nancy's emotional meltdown.

There aren't that many ways out for him at this point. He caved to her and that's a huge loss for him.

01-24-19, 07:37
There aren't that many ways out for him at this point. He caved to her and that's a huge loss for him.

Agree 100%! However, if he goes on air on the 29th and goes into detail about the shutdown and the reasons why and also highlight what the Dems have voted for and passed in the past concerning the Wall he could come out of this fine. If he doesn't then he's gonna look like a little girl and totally caved.

01-24-19, 07:48
Agree 100%! However, if he goes on air on the 29th and goes into detail about the shutdown and the reasons why and also highlight what the Dems have voted for and passed in the past concerning the Wall he could come out of this fine. If he doesn't then he's gonna look like a little girl and totally caved.

He's got a very limited window to show he has a spine and hasn't thrown in the towel against the Democrats. He'd best have the damn Easter Bunny up his sleeve else he risks losing bigly with his base.

01-24-19, 07:59
Exactly! I don't see him letting this go this easily though. He has to have something else up his sleeve

01-24-19, 08:00
If he would have forced his way into the chamber, he'd look like a bully. He can't be fighting her at every turn, and win purple Democrats. I am no fan of taking my foot off the enemies throat, but it might be the right long term decision. The other thing, is his security detail, with the government shut down, they're working and not being paid, he might not want to be asking that much of them during this time either.

I don't know why he backed down, but those are some reasons. His base isn't going to abandon him, especially if he holds strong on getting the wall.

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01-24-19, 11:31
Haven’t seen mention of this in here, maybe I missed it.
Why did Donna Brazile post this cryptic message? What is wrong with all these people?

(Copied from FOTM)
On January 18, 2019, Brazile posted this curious tweet with a short time-frame reference:

#MadamSpeaker today
#PresidentPelosi shortly thereafter
#MLKWeekend is underway
Keep Hope Alive!


01-24-19, 11:37
Haven’t seen mention of this in here, maybe I missed it.
Why did Donna Brazile post this cryptic message? What is wrong with all these people?

(Copied from FOTM)
On January 18, 2019, Brazile posted this curious tweet with a short time-frame reference:

#MadamSpeaker today
#PresidentPelosi shortly thereafter
#MLKWeekend is underway
Keep Hope Alive!


Perhaps she envisions, or has knowledge of, a scenario where both Trump and Pence are both dead. IIRC, Speaker of the House is 3rd in line for president.

01-24-19, 15:26
Perhaps she envisions, or has knowledge of, a scenario where both Trump and Pence are both dead. IIRC, Speaker of the House is 3rd in line for president.

Or perhaps both impeached.

Speaker of the House is third in line. However, MLKJr weekend has been over for three days (counting Monday/MLK Jr Day as part of the weekend). So I'd chalk that up to a Q-level prophecy, at best.