View Full Version : Trump’s AG pick

01-23-19, 16:46
Anyone else see this yet? C’mon man, this should be easy stuff to avoid.


01-23-19, 16:50
Anyone else see this yet? C’mon man, this should be easy stuff to avoid.


Barr is also WEAK on the 2nd.

01-23-19, 16:57
Barr is also WEAK on the 2nd.

That goes hand in hand with defending Ruby Ridge snipers. This is NOT the guy we want.

01-23-19, 17:31
I was reading this about Barr last week, not the sort of Muppet I want in that position.

01-23-19, 18:09
Unless doing something unethical, you can't judge a lawyer for defending shitty clients. Get ahold of yourselves, this is still America.

On the other issue we are stuck between a rock and a hard place. We need an AG that is respected, by the book, and ready to hit the ground running. If we don't clean up the mess there it's going to devolve into permanent 3rd world status.

The AG's position on the 2nd is far less of a concern than his position on the 5th.

01-23-19, 18:42
I thought he also drafted 922(r) when he was in Congress.

01-23-19, 19:12
Why on Earth would he at his age and resume decide he wants to work for Trump? No one wants to work for Trump and no one gets an easy ride. Well ok, not no one, but certainly not anyone that has a successful history. The only reason he would want this position is to take down Trump. It just makes no sense and Trump knows it makes no sense.... which makes even less sense.

There is a big something missing in this Barr picture.

01-23-19, 19:14
I thought he also drafted 922(r) when he was in Congress.

If that is correct, he should not only be excluded from the AG position but also ridiculed for being a moron.

26 Inf
01-23-19, 19:50
I thought he also drafted 922(r) when he was in Congress.

I don't believe William Barr was ever a Congressman.

01-23-19, 20:34
Unless doing something unethical, you can't judge a lawyer for defending shitty clients. Get ahold of yourselves, this is still America.

I get that, but it doesn't mean you get to be AG. If he defended Eric Rudoph we wouldn't even be talking about him.

01-23-19, 21:02
These people are all such chameleons, remember The Keebler Elve ' Sessions' ?

01-24-19, 05:53
Unless doing something unethical, you can't judge a lawyer for defending shitty clients. Get ahold of yourselves, this is still America.

On the other issue we are stuck between a rock and a hard place. We need an AG that is respected, by the book, and ready to hit the ground running. If we don't clean up the mess there it's going to devolve into permanent 3rd world status.

The AG's position on the 2nd is far less of a concern than his position on the 5th.

Respected by Who? By which book? If the book is something like the Federalist papers we know that person won't be respected by devotees of the plethora of laws that counter those promises.

No reason to not be discerning.

I think a good example of being leery on that is John Adams who defended the Boston Massacre soldiers and then went on to jail anyone critical of him while president.

We have a huge population and a lot of good people so no reason to play with questionable.

01-24-19, 06:04
Yet more 9600 Dimensional Chess I see...

01-24-19, 08:19
Yet more 9600 Dimensional Chess I see...

He is basically Q playing chess man

01-24-19, 11:07
Yet more 9600 Dimensional Chess I see...


After this one quits or gets run out of town for having a glimmer of integrity, he’ll pick the one that “really” works for him. Actually this one will likely stay. Hating freedom and an annoyance with the bill of rights will fit right in.

Remember, he’s a great businessman, and the best businessmen spend seventy-five percent of their contract stomping on dicks and firing people which sets the company up for real and lasting success.

Having read his book, when I cut deals, I like to create a situation where there is no incentive to negotiate with me and every incentive to fight me at every corner. Only when the despise you and you’ve proven yourself incompetent do the prices drop and the terms become fantastic. Great success 101 man.

Doc Safari
01-24-19, 11:09
Trump is being slowly assimilated by the Deep State Collective.

Dr. Bullseye
01-24-19, 11:38
I just want to go on record as saying I will never, never trust anyone associated with either Bush Administration. There are plenty of conservative lawyers out there who support Trump that would be better AGs. Joseph Digenova is one.

01-24-19, 12:01
I just want to go on record as saying I will never, never trust anyone associated with either Bush Administration. There are plenty of conservative lawyers out there who support Trump that would be better AGs. Joseph Digenova is one.

Same here. The Bush's don't like Trump. Jenna Bush has been part of the NBC team for years and is trying to get the position for replacing one of the retiring 1 hour shows staff.

This choice just makes no sense.

01-24-19, 13:33
I don't want someone to like Trump or dislike Trump. I want someone who will impartially apply the Law.

The fact never Trumpers dislike him because he doesn't fit their narrative of Trump only hiring yes men, and Trumpers dislike him for not being a Trump supporter, is a good sign to me.

I don't want the Trump version of Loretta Lynch.

01-24-19, 15:01
I don't want someone to like Trump or dislike Trump. I want someone who will impartially apply the Law.

The fact never Trumpers dislike him because he doesn't fit their narrative of Trump only hiring yes men, and Trumpers dislike him for not being a Trump supporter, is a good sign to me.

I don't want the Trump version of Loretta Lynch.

Normally I would agree with you, like Gorsuch and Kavanaugh perhaps, but something just seems off about Barr.

You don't want an AG that's hiding an agenda either way and the only thing that it seems to me is that some agenda is present surrounding Barr. I'm not sure whose agenda, or what agenda, or if there are multiple agendas..... something just seems wrong. I'm not saying the AG needs to be a yes man but blind, righteous justice would be nice. I just am not getting that feeling.

01-24-19, 17:48
Normally I would agree with you, like Gorsuch and Kavanaugh perhaps, but something just seems off about Barr.

You don't want an AG that's hiding an agenda either way and the only thing that it seems to me is that some agenda is present surrounding Barr. I'm not sure whose agenda, or what agenda, or if there are multiple agendas..... something just seems wrong. I'm not saying the AG needs to be a yes man but blind, righteous justice would be nice. I just am not getting that feeling.

Actually, if the agenda being hidden was keeping promises made during the Constitutional debates that wouldn't be so bad. Sort of an opposite of the usual deal kind of thing. Highly unlikely, of course.

01-25-19, 02:23
I get the feeling a lot of President Trump hires were given the “Come with me and drain the swamp speech” and then replied with “hell yeah, let’s drain the swamp.”

Then After being hired were like “Holy F-ing shit you madman, we were just saying that. It’s line your pockets time dumbass, WTF are you doing?”

And the president is like “I already have a billion dollars jackass. Quit dicking around getting rich rearranging chairs on the titanic and actually help me with the wheel and try to miss the iceberg.”

Trump may be no trained captain or navigator, but I think he really means to miss the iceberg while other jackasses that claim to be up for that are just there to wheedle a seat on a a lifeboat.

While the USMC May revere one of his recent fires, when the chips were down, what did he do for SOF? At best a hard call that preserved resources, to most a chicken shit Dodge.

02-01-19, 16:27
So this guy is NOT going to help us.

Barr supports Gun Confiscation Orders: "... it is critical that we get an effective system in place that keeps firearms out of the hands of mentally ill people... A key part of any such system are laws that allow 'Extreme Risk Protection Orders' [aka Gun Confiscation Orders]." (Barr answer to Sen. Cornyn Question #1.)

Barr explains why he could still support the semi-auto and magazine bans that he supported in 1991: "I would look for ... whether [the] burden [of a gun-control measure] has a sufficiently meaningful impact on crime to justify burdening a fundamental right..." (Barr answer to Sen. Kennedy Question #3.)

Barr could possibly support the elimination of the 3-day period for completing a NICS check -- thereby allowing the FBI to block a purchase forever, without knowing if the individual was a prohibited person: "I also have not studied whether changes to the three-day waiting period are advisable. If confirmed, I will review this issue along with other issues affecting public safety." (Barr answer to Sen. Feinstein Question #43.)

Barr refuses to answer whether he believes concealed carry reciprocity legislation is constitutional: "I ... am not currently in a position to opine.... The question of whether the Second Amendment, or any other provision of the Constitution, would require one state to recognize another's concealed carry permit is one I have not considered." (Barr answer to Sen. Feinstein Question #44.)

Barr punts on whether a federal ban on bump stocks (which would also affect semi-autos) would be legal: "I would be pleased to review any legislation on this issue." (Barr answer to Sen. Feinstein Question #45.)

Barr supports the Lautenberg misdemeanor gun ban, which takes guns away from people who engaged in shouting matches in the home: "I look forward to working with you and the Committee on this important issue." (Barr answer to Sen. Feinstein Question #46.)

02-13-19, 09:25
Looks like Rand Paul is a "no go" on Barr:

Hopefully we can get some more!

02-13-19, 09:41
I am getting an error code on theat link in the previous post.

02-13-19, 10:24
Should work now

02-13-19, 10:31
I still don't get this whole Barr thing. Did Trump appoint him so he -would- be rejected for some reason? It seems like by now someone should have figured out something and everyone goes..... OhhhhK, now I get it.... like it or not, but at least it would fit some puzzle. Barr is like a non sequitur in the Trump statement for a new AG.

26 Inf
02-13-19, 10:53
I still don't get this whole Barr thing. Did Trump appoint him so he -would- be rejected for some reason? It seems like by now someone should have figured out something and everyone goes..... OhhhhK, now I get it.... like it or not, but at least it would fit some puzzle. Barr is like a non sequitur in the Trump statement for a new AG.

Take heart, President Trump is playing 12D chess. Yeah, that's it.

02-13-19, 14:48
Take heart, President Trump is playing 12D chess. Yeah, that's it.

The idea that anyone still believes Trump has any sort of consistent ideology or any clue what he’s doing makes me wish it were true.

I’d like him to take a bunch of hallucinogens so that he could smother his ego and step aside which I believe he really really wants to do...but won’t because he’s terrified of a media narrative that says he isn’t great. I firmly believe he would do it if he thought he’d get approval from all those who don’t like him now.

The current batch of democrat candidates could be beaten by anyone who is remotely decent and not a full blown socialist. Well, maybe not Mike Pence...but if we’re voting for people without experience I’d be all in on Dan Crenshaw.

02-13-19, 16:41
Today he called out Art Acevedo at a LE press conference, to praise him. I wanted to punch my TV. :mad:

02-13-19, 17:03
Well....you wanted the 80s back...

You wanted a Reagan, just without the charm.

I still maintain Ollie North did nothing wrong

26 Inf
02-13-19, 18:40
I still maintain Ollie North did nothing wrong

Fly, bless your heart, did you fall down and hit your head?

02-13-19, 19:03
Fly, bless your heart, did you fall down and hit your head?

Hey, everybody's tried to fund Right Wing Death Squads in the Banana Republic.

Everybody! You see college is a time and place for self-exploration and experimentation....

Don't act like you never thought about!

02-13-19, 19:23
Fly, bless your heart, did you fall down and hit your head?

Somebody's gonna have to get his AOC Army M16A1s and M2 Carbines.

02-13-19, 19:34
Somebody's gonna have to get his AOC Army M16A1s and M2 Carbines.

See.....YOU understand, FJ.

You understand...



I dunno what it is about like brown latin broads in OG-107s but it causes me to overlook a LOT of things. Double Plus Bonus for Para FAL.


02-14-19, 07:42
I don't know Firefly... the women of the IDF has them beat hands down.

02-14-19, 08:23
I don't know Firefly... the women of the IDF has them beat hands down.


02-14-19, 08:24

02-14-19, 09:00

02-14-19, 13:28
Well it looks like he got confirmed. Oh great.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

02-14-19, 15:55
Well it looks like he got confirmed. Oh great.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

Chances of him going after the pit of vipers in the DOJ/FBI/NSA that are trying overthrow Trump.


Here's hoping that Trump was just using him to get confirmed and get the Mueller thing wrapped up. When Mueller finds nothing, Trump leans on this A-hole to talk about how this was all BS. When he doesn't, he fires his ass and gets someone in there that will actually clean house.

Lots of time left on Trump's clock, especially when most appointees barely are there long enough to find the bathroom and get their business cards...

02-14-19, 16:40
Chances of him going after the pit of vipers in the DOJ/FBI/NSA that are trying overthrow Trump.


Here's hoping that Trump was just using him to get confirmed and get the Mueller thing wrapped up. When Mueller finds nothing, Trump leans on this A-hole to talk about how this was all BS. When he doesn't, he fires his ass and gets someone in there that will actually clean house.

Lots of time left on Trump's clock, especially when most appointees barely are there long enough to find the bathroom and get their business cards...

Considering how long he left that Mr. Magoo idiot Sessions in place, I don't think he's smart enough to make that play. :(

02-14-19, 17:21
Lots of time left on Trump's clock, especially when most appointees barely are there long enough to find the bathroom and get their business cards...

Why do we make such excuses for incompetence and inaction? In the business world you are expected to contribute almost immediately. Finding the bathroom indeed.

02-14-19, 17:52
Why do we make such excuses for incompetence and inaction? In the business world you are expected to contribute almost immediately. Finding the bathroom indeed.

In the business world a CEO who can’t hire quality people who can contribute immediately, or who can’t lead effectively are fired by the board...nobody gets more than a year to right the ship.

There are no doubt incompetent appointees galore. No excuses for them. But at some point you can’t kick shit downhill anymore.