View Full Version : New Mexico Ranchers on the Border - Crisis

01-24-19, 09:35
This aired last night on KOB-TV Albuquerque, analyzing the crisis New Mexico ranchers are facing in Hidalgo County. Many of their properties are right up against the international border with Mexico. I know one of the families in the video as I have sold cattle to them and have ridden their property numerous times.

The response from our new Leftwing "bug-eyed" governor is outrageous. From KOB TV:

New Mexico ranchers frustrated with situation along U.S.-Mexico border


Doc Safari
01-24-19, 10:11
Frankly, if Ranch Rescue hadn't been dragged through the ringer, I'd be in the Antelope Wells area with my M4 offering to help those ranchers right effing now. I would love to organize or join a civilian defense force to help secure the border. What is the Second Amendment all about, anyhoo?

My ranch is "near" the border, but a little off the beaten path. Illegals "might" come across my property, but it's unlikely. At best a lost straggler would try to cross my land. I'm out patrolling my perimeter at least several times a week.

The gentleman in the video is correct: the people in Santa Fe are far from the border and don't see a crisis. I'll add: THEY DON'T WANT TO. The dirty little secret is that a few ranchers are expendable if it means droves of future Democrat voters. That's why the entire border area of the US is turning blue. Those illegals immediately join the Free Shit Army and guess which party cultivates their patronage?

People who live in the city or middle of the country don't know what it's like to come across evidence someone has been on your land. Are they hanging around to murder you and your family or at least break in? Did they inform all their friends and relatives that they discovered a new route into the US? Are you going to run across an armed smuggler or something? If you off that individual are you going to jail even if it's a good shoot? If you do shoot somebody are the rest of the cartel's thugs going to murder you in a very unpleasant way?

There is a crisis at the border and we are going to be left to our own defense like the farmers being slaughtered in South Africa.

I'd rather stand and fight, but if it comes to it I may sell the ranch and move, especially if we're not going to get any support.

01-24-19, 10:57
This aired last night on KOB-TV Albuquerque, analyzing the crisis New Mexico ranchers are facing in Hidalgo County. Many of their properties are right up against the international border with Mexico. I know one of the families in the video as I have sold cattle to them and have ridden their property numerous times.

The response from our new Leftwing "bug-eyed" governor is outrageous. From KOB TV:

New Mexico ranchers frustrated with situation along U.S.-Mexico border


That governor said it all in the first sentence of her press release when she said “The President”. It isn’t about protecting the citizens of her state, to her it is about bucking President Trump. If he had said no wall is needed then she would be all over the news declaring a crisis at the border.

01-24-19, 11:02
the people in Santa Fe are far from the border and don't see a crisis. I'll add: THEY DON'T WANT TO. The dirty little secret is that a few ranchers are expendable if it means droves of future Democrat voters. That's why the entire border area of the US is turning blue. Those illegals immediately join the Free Shit Army and guess which party cultivates their patronage?

People who live in the city or middle of the country don't know what it's like to come across evidence someone has been on your land. Are they hanging around to murder you and your family or at least break in? Did they inform all their friends and relatives that they discovered a new route into the US? Are you going to run across an armed smuggler or something? If you off that individual are you going to jail even if it's a good shoot? If you do shoot somebody are the rest of the cartel's thugs going to murder you in a very unpleasant way?

There is a crisis at the border and we are going to be left to our own defense like the farmers being slaughtered in South Africa.

It's so sad, but I have heard other ranchers say this aswell. I call Phoenix my home, but the problems in Tucson are very real. The AZ response has been formation of the AZBR (Border recon). Maybe New Mexico needs to do a similar thing?

01-24-19, 11:16
The border line belligerent response from the Governors office is very telling. If it is not blatantly apparent that that Grisham and her cronies are only concerned about their agendas, then I do not know what it is that is going to wake people up. That is IF there is actually anything that could be done.

The swiftness of things happening is also very telling, at least to me, that they will accomplish there goals at all cost.

Peoples lives are at stake (and not just at the border) and they have made it abundantly clear, even if not in plain English, that they don't care. Sanctuary state anyone?

I am saddened more and more about what is happening in this state. There is a lot to love here. But, times are changing and I fear that this is only the first steps on a long hard road.

I have about a year to figure things out, but it is looking more and more like leaving is going to be the only option long term.

Doc Safari
01-24-19, 11:18
I have about a year to figure things out, but it is looking more and more like leaving is going to be the only option long term.

I'm with ya there. Money is the only thing holding me back. Do I sell the ranch and try to pick up and start over in Texas? I'm not rich enough to retire. It's a hard thing to have to consider an exodus to parts unknown.

01-24-19, 11:51
Keep in mind these rural ranchers are just ordinary people trying to scratch out a living in a hard environment. Some of these ranches are multi-generational and they are not wealthy at all, nor are they hard-core tactical types with AK's or AR's.

I interact with them since we are all members of the New Mexico Cattle Growers Association, and we have yearly meetings. Some of these cattle operations are husband and wife teams and they can't even both leave home at the same time, requiring one person to remain and protect the home place from Mexican looters. Vacation is out of the question.

01-24-19, 11:55
I'm with ya there. Money is the only thing holding me back. Do I sell the ranch and try to pick up and start over in Texas? I'm not rich enough to retire. It's a hard thing to have to consider an exodus to parts unknown.

I feel your pain Doc. I have history here. I was born here and raised my family here. Although my family history does not go back as far as OH's does, my family has been here for a long time. Makes things even more complicated in the decision making process. I get a chuckle out of folks that scream "JUST MOVE!" Always easier to say it then it is to do it.

Problem is where? The "blue winds of change" seem to be affecting every state, albeit some only in infancy, but it is still there.

Info just to add perspective to the current government mindset in NM;


01-24-19, 12:50
The sheriff needs to take the Governor out to those barricades one night and tell her to go talk to the Mexicans. Bought and paid for. Advocate for the Dem party at all costs.

01-24-19, 14:55
People who live in DC or anywhere else have no clue of what goes down on the border.

01-24-19, 15:01
We have a military academy in Roswell, New Mexico which was founded in 1891. In March of 1916 following the Villa raid at Columbus, NM on the border, that school sent a platoon of 4 motorcycles with machine guns mounted on the sidecars, manned by student cadets. New Mexico Military Institute (NMMI) joined the New Mexico National Guard in defending the border. I give lectures to ROTC cadets at this school about my Army history. Here's a vintage image of these cadets from NMMI. FYI those are M1895 Colt-Browning Machine Guns:

01-24-19, 15:32
You should update the Wiki Page on that. It really doesn't discuss that aspect. They mention one machinegun kept under lock by two soldiers. Then later it says something about 4 machineguns. I did find this link to the motorcycles though.


01-24-19, 15:39
You should update the Wiki Page on that. It really doesn't discuss that aspect. They mention one machinegun kept under lock by two soldiers. Then later it says something about 4 machineguns. I did find this link to the motorcycles though.

Down at New Mexico Military Institute there's a photo hanging on the wall of the ROTC building (Dow Hall) that shows all 4 motorcycles with Machine guns on the side-cars. It's pretty much history in New Mexico if you talk to anyone who knows about the Villa raid from 1916. A retired Army Sergeant and instructor at the school went with the cadets to Columbus, NM, actually beating Gen. Pershing there.

01-24-19, 15:44
I don't know that I've ever heard that story before. My father used to ride a Harley in the Military and a short while in local PD. They didn't let him mount a machine gun though.

01-24-19, 16:15
Down at New Mexico Military Institute there's a photo hanging on the wall of the ROTC building (Dow Hall) that shows all 4 motorcycles with Machine guns on the side-cars. It's pretty much history in New Mexico if you talk to anyone who knows about the Villa raid from 1916. A retired Army Sergeant and instructor at the school went with the cadets to Columbus, NM, actually beating Gen. Pershing there.

I used to go to Judo matches at NMMI. To be honest, I wish I could have gone to school there.

01-24-19, 16:59
I have about a year to figure things out, but it is looking more and more like leaving is going to be the only option long term.
Yeah, but to where? I have a similar dilemma here in Austin. Been chewing on it for several years now and haven't answered it yet. I'd hate to go back north, but TN is sort of nudging me.

01-24-19, 17:05
I used to go to Judo matches at NMMI. To be honest, I wish I could have gone to school there.
It's a good military school based on a Cavalry Regiment organization. At first it was originated to train cavalry officers. It has a 1000 cadet student body with 4 years of high school, and a 2 year Junior College. They have the Early Commissioning Program which is an Army fast track program for new 2LT's. Their Regiment is set up with 3 Cavalry Squadrons and 5 Cavalry Troops per Squadron. 1st Squadron has the Headquarters and Headquarters troop plus regimental band. The place is commanded by a retired Army Major General and the Commandant is a retired LTC from West Point.

All High School cadets must be in JROTC and the 2 year college senior contracted ROTC is optional. Some of the famous people who attended there were Conrad Hilton of the Hilton Hotels, Roger Staubach of the Cowboys before the Naval Academy and actor Owen Wilson. The rumor is Wilson was a real little prick while there. Beautiful campus, but a very hard and controlled lifestyle with an emphasis on educational and physical excellence:

01-24-19, 18:11
Yeah, but to where? I have a similar dilemma here in Austin. Been chewing on it for several years now and haven't answered it yet. I'd hate to go back north, but TN is sort of nudging me.

Austin may very well be the down fall of Texas. Especially when you throw DFW and Houston in the mix demographically. I have great concerns for Texas long term.

As to where? I don't know. A lot of the more conservative states seem to be getting influenced by left leaning politics making the thought of uprooting an entire life of building something a little less appealing if in 10 years it's time to make the decision again. Wyoming checks A LOT of boxes for me, but winter is becoming less and less my friend and we all know what winter is like in Wyoming.

I am admittedly 50/50 split right now on go or stay and fight. Time will tell I guess. But, the current elected officials here, and their attitude towards folks like these ranchers (and the populace in general) make it very hard to want to stay. It's disgusting really.

I sincerely wish you the best of luck in your decisions as these things are rarely as easy it seems.

01-24-19, 19:58
I have great concerns for Texas long term.

If you mean politically...... you guys are in the short game. You are in the express lane and next in line.

FL is more viable than TX to hold Red. Once either is captured it's game over but there is no long term for TX or FL.

The USA is transitioning to a one party Democracy. Rather quickly actually. The long game will be how the Dem Party divides out after complete control and if a representative Republic will continue to stand.

I don't see anything good happening to TX.

01-24-19, 20:13
Wyoming checks A LOT of boxes for me, but winter is becoming less and less my friend and we all know what winter is like in Wyoming.

Wyoming and Idaho are very appealing to me also, but it is the winters keeping from being there full time. I visit there as much as I can.

01-24-19, 20:14
If you mean politically...... you guys are in the short game. You are in the express lane and next in line.

FL is more viable than TX to hold Red. Once either is captured it's game over but there is no long term for TX or FL.

The USA is transitioning to a one party Democracy. Rather quickly actually. The long game will be how the Dem Party divides out after complete control and if a representative Republic will continue to stand.

I don't see anything good happening to TX.
Unfortunately, I agree with you. Texas could vote majority blue as early as 2020, but I'd put money on 2024 for sure.

01-24-19, 20:38
Cities are the scourge of this country. While less populous states are somewhat protected on the federal level by the structure of the Senate and the Electoral College, they don't have that sort of protection on the state level. In our state, senate districts are spread out, but like on a national level our house districts are lopsided towards the major cities (more democrats). Couple that with the referendum process, and the bigger cities run the states. This is how Texas is going down soon and it's how New Mexico is already gone.

01-24-19, 22:02
Cities are the scourge of this country. While less populous states are somewhat protected on the federal level by the structure of the Senate and the Electoral College, they don't have that sort of protection on the state level. In our state, senate districts are spread out, but like on a national level our house districts are lopsided towards the major cities (more democrats). Couple that with the referendum process, and the bigger cities run the states. This is how Texas is going down soon and it's how New Mexico is already gone.
Outside of the cities in the center of this State, New Mexico is quite Conservative. This State also has a history of going back and forth regarding our Governor and State legislatures. Lots of old time Conservative Catholics who are pro-life, and these old time Spanish Catholics have little regard or concern as to what goes on in Santa Fe, or Washington D.C. That's the way it is here in ranch country. Whatever laws get passed, bans that get imposed, we'll just ignore them and continue on like we have. You'll find that in rural Texas as well. At some point in the future, it'll be little enclaves of freedom all around the US. We'll die before we'd give that up.

01-25-19, 00:39
Outside of the cities in the center of this State, New Mexico is quite Conservative. This State also has a history of going back and forth regarding our Governor and State legislatures. Lots of old time Conservative Catholics who are pro-life, and these old time Spanish Catholics have little regard or concern as to what goes on in Santa Fe, or Washington D.C. That's the way it is here in ranch country. Whatever laws get passed, bans that get imposed, we'll just ignore them and continue on like we have. You'll find that in rural Texas as well. At some point in the future, it'll be little enclaves of freedom all around the US. We'll die before we'd give that up.

No argument here. Our rural areas are quite similar, as are most rural areas I have visited in the U.S..

01-25-19, 18:16
No argument here. Our rural areas are quite similar, as are most rural areas I have visited in the U.S..And I wonder, If I may project these demographics into the future, at some point.... if the liberal cities will ERRECT WALLS to protect themselves and kontrol the flow of "undesireables".....

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

Doc Safari
01-25-19, 18:25
Lots of Dem legislators in Santa Fe are supposedly pro gun, too. We'll see. The radical Dems started the process of moving gun bills forward today.

01-25-19, 22:17
Lots of Dem legislators in Santa Fe are supposedly pro gun, too. We'll see. The radical Dems started the process of moving gun bills forward today.
The rural Dem legislators in Santa Fe have traditionally been pro gun - I am anxious to see what actually goes down. A majority of the County Sheriffs are saying the proposed universal background check for private sales/gifts, etc. is totally unenforceable.

The FFL holders would have a monumental task as well. Subject A wants to give Subject B a gun. Subject A must transfer the the gun to the FFL, and then the FFL transfers the gun to subject B, following a NICCS check and form 4473. It would be a big hassle.

01-25-19, 23:19
The rural Dem legislators in Santa Fe have traditionally been pro gun - I am anxious to see what actually goes down. A majority of the County Sheriffs are saying the proposed universal background check for private sales/gifts, etc. is totally unenforceable.

The FFL holders would have a monumental task as well. Subject A wants to give Subject B a gun. Subject A must transfer the the gun to the FFL, and then the FFL transfers the gun to subject B, following a NICCS check and form 4473. It would be a big hassle.

That's what the supermajority of sheriffs here in WA said, and the sheeple voted for it by Bloomer-bought initiative anyway.

Other than snow, snakes and sun, finding some rancher willing to trade a modest hacienda for an extra pair of hands and an AB to handle a rifle if needed sounds better every day...

01-26-19, 03:50
Cities are the scourge of this country.

The cities here use to be marvels of technology and the envy of the world. Just look at the fall of Detroit, it was the most advanced city in the world a century ago now it resembles a third-world shit hole.

Leftist by their many names are the real scourge of this country that have taken over the cities and turned them into what they are.

01-27-19, 20:47
If you mean politically...... you guys are in the short game. You are in the express lane and next in line.

FL is more viable than TX to hold Red. Once either is captured it's game over but there is no long term for TX or FL.

The USA is transitioning to a one party Democracy. Rather quickly actually. The long game will be how the Dem Party divides out after complete control and if a representative Republic will continue to stand.

I don't see anything good happening to TX.

Seems this way, to me:

Blue staters can’t survive the crushing taxes and heavy regulation and so the bail to red states, which in turn...

...transforms the red states, blue. While at the same time...

...the blue state they bailed becomes repopulated with dependent foreign migrants/imports: illiterate, uneducated, unskilled, no capital, unable to work or contribute.

I tend to suspect/fear that in the end, the entire US will be radical Leftist blue. With open borders, high taxes, civilian disarmamament, and genociding of the American people.

California, New York, New Jersey, and Illinois are the blueprint for the near-future.

02-06-19, 14:12
Grisham orders NG off border.




Grisham is going to be lock step with the Dems. in DC come hell or high water. Citizens of New Mexico are about to really find out about the whole elections have consequences thing.

Doc Safari
02-06-19, 14:17
Grisham is going to be lock step with the Dems. in DC come hell or high water. Citizens of New Mexico are about to really find out about the whole elections have consequences thing.

I was reading an article the other day. I can't even remember where to give you a link. But I understand the little virtual ghost town of Hachita has been overrun with illegals.

02-06-19, 16:10
I was reading an article the other day. I can't even remember where to give you a link. But I understand the little virtual ghost town of Hachita has been overrun with illegals.

Does not surprise me in the least. But then nothing here really surprises me anymore. It will be interesting to see how things shake out long term, and Trumps response, if there is a response, to what Grisham is trying to accomplish here.

While I don't have any real way to quantify it, I can't shake the nagging feeling that more "incidents" like this are going to end badly because of this political gaming. Funny how when it comes to gun control the chanting of "if it saves just one life" can be heard far and wide, but when actual security issues that are truly threatening lives, nothing but crickets.

Time will tell.

02-06-19, 16:25
Does not surprise me in the least. But then nothing here really surprises me anymore. It will be interesting to see how things shake out long term, and Trumps response, if there is a response, to what Grisham is trying to accomplish here.

While I don't have any real way to quantify it, I can't shake the nagging feeling that more "incidents" like this are going to end badly because of this political gaming. Funny how when it comes to gun control the chanting of "if it saves just one life" can be heard far and wide, but when actual security issues that are truly threatening lives, nothing but crickets.

Time will tell.
This reflects my initial thoughts when I first learned. I’ve been trying to figure out what Grisham’s play here really is. Is she baiting Trump? Is she planting a flag for other leftist governors to rally around? The end game will be ugly no matter what, but it’s the midgame sacrifices that will are really what will hurt us in the long run.
And remember, the people behind this political travesty are well insulated from the riff raff- it really doesn’t matter what how deep filth on the streets, so long as everyone in Fanta Se feels happy, empowered and included.

Doc Safari
02-06-19, 16:26
This reflects my initial thoughts when I first learned. I’ve been trying to figure out what Grisham’s play here really is. Is she baiting Trump? Is she planting a flag for other leftist governors to rally around? The end game will be ugly no matter what, but it’s the midgame sacrifices that will are really what will hurt us in the long run.
And remember, the people behind this political travesty are well insulated from the riff raff- it really doesn’t matter what how deep filth on the streets, so long as everyone in Fanta Se feels happy, empowered and included.

She's a leftist loon that wants New Mexico to be a sanctuary state. It's as simple as that.

02-06-19, 16:47
She's a leftist loon that wants New Mexico to be a sanctuary state. It's as simple as that.

I get it, I’m just wondering what potential back lash will be at the polls, from the President, etc. Sadly, I think this ship is lost no matter what. I’m not deeply rooted here but for now I’m locked in, so I’m trying to figure out how to prepare for the inevitable.

Doc Safari
02-06-19, 16:50
I get it, I’m just wondering what potential back lash will be at the polls, from the President, etc. Sadly, I think this ship is lost no matter what. I’m not deeply rooted here but for now I’m locked in, so I’m trying to figure out how to prepare for the inevitable.

BUY YOUR STUFF NOW. As she grows into the office she's likely to push for assault weapons and magazine bans, not to mention things that she hasn't even thought of yet. Really, for New Mexico it's almost like getting Hillary Clinton as governor. The only difference is that she might not have the fanatical enthusiasm that Hillary Clinton would.

02-06-19, 17:17
I get it, I’m just wondering what potential back lash will be at the polls, from the President, etc. Sadly, I think this ship is lost no matter what. I’m not deeply rooted here but for now I’m locked in, so I’m trying to figure out how to prepare for the inevitable.

Trump sending the NG to the borders was/is a PR stunt, I get that. But, what it clearly conveys, not only to the American people, but more importantly the world is that he wants a secure border.

What Grisham is saying, at least to my way of thinking, is that she cares more about the politics of things than the solutions. Typical democrat. And we are stuck in the middle. The ranchers down there are feeling it RIGHT NOW. The rest of us will be feeling it soon enough. Like Doc said, we are on the fast track to high tax, restrictive gun laws, rampant poverty, high crime, sanctuary state status pretty quickly.

I agree with you. The tides have turned. And even if Grisham is a one term Governor, her agenda NOW may very well change the landscape here for a long long time. She is not making it easy to want to stay here, that's for sure.

02-06-19, 17:35
Trump sending the NG to the borders was/is a PR stunt, I get that. But, what it clearly conveys, not only to the American people, but more importantly the world is that he wants a secure border.

What Grisham is saying, at least to my way of thinking, is that she cares more about the politics of things than the solutions. Typical democrat. And we are stuck in the middle. The ranchers down there are feeling it RIGHT NOW. The rest of us will be feeling it soon enough. Like Doc said, we are on the fast track to high tax, restrictive gun laws, rampant poverty, high crime, sanctuary state status pretty quickly.

I agree with you. The tides have turned. And even if Grisham is a one term Governor, her agenda NOW may very well change the landscape here for a long long time. She is not making it easy to want to stay here, that's for sure.

Regarding the last part of the middle- taxes IMO are already high, relative to what we get. Of course I put myself as an a-home when I argue for increasing the tax base vice raising taxes. Preaching to the choir, I know...just wish more people here understood raising taxes on a relative low income economy is crippling. We should look at growing the number of meaningful tax payers...prior to Grisham I was hoping Facebook and soon to be Netflix along with other big players in tech would help facilitate this. Now I see I was foolishly optimistic.
Gun laws were always decent. Party’s coming to end now that those kids showed up to spoil it.
Rampant poverty? We aren’t there already? Tongue in cheek- I know it will get worse as people used to significantly lower standards are given something for nothing at our expense.
As for the first part, I really hope we reach some sort of breaking point that shakes people up and puts us on a course correction to more sensible policies before it’s too late. This is the midgame I was talking about. I’m bracing for some real degradation in quality life in terms of crime, poverty etc, but if the aging hippies and their moon children don’t wake up and smell the shit of their safe space rose garden, I don’t think there are enough of us to do anything about it poll wise.

Doc Safari
02-06-19, 17:37
Rampant poverty? We aren’t there already? Tongue in cheek- I know it will get worse as people used to significantly lower standards are given something for nothing at our expense.
As for the first part, I really hope we reach some sort of breaking point that shakes people up and puts us on a course correction to more sensible policies before it’s too late. This is the midgame I was talking about. I’m bracing for some real degradation in quality life in terms of crime, poverty etc, but if the aging hippies and their moon children don’t wake up and smell the shit of their safe space rose garden, I don’t think there are enough of us to do anything about it poll wise.

Las Cruces is already crawling with homeless. It used to be as long as you didn't go downtown you were fine. The last few weeks I've had appointments in the "nice" parts of town and the dang homeless are all over those areas too. How long until we start seeing poop and needles in the street I don't know!

02-06-19, 18:10
Las Cruces is already crawling with homeless. It used to be as long as you didn't go downtown you were fine. The last few weeks I've had appointments in the "nice" parts of town and the dang homeless are all over those areas too. How long until we start seeing poop and needles in the street I don't know!
Such a shame...I go to LC for work now and again and it always seemed like a nice place. As for needles and such, I lived across Central at the entrance the Abq Country Club area. Beautiful homes but now just another stop for the drug people to tie off and sleep in. Almost stepped on a few needles myself. I’ve stopped wearing sandals after living here.

02-06-19, 18:45
Just wait until they legalize pot. That’s when the homeless issue will really get sporty. It’s bad now, but after that well.......

Doc, you have a good point. We are just scratching the surface right now. When the Governor matures into her position it will probably make what we are seeing now look like minor league shit.

Co-gnARR, I feel ya man. I don’t think we have the numbers poll wise to outweigh the dems, even more so when you throw in the apathetic population into the equation it does not look good.

Hopefully I am wrong.

02-06-19, 22:24
Michelle Lujan Grisham is not mentally astute to run the show on her own. She's the front person for external leftist operators outside of New Mexico. She's kind of a moron. All the Lujans are morons. Her cousin Ben Ray Lujan is a moron, his dad, the late Ben Lujan was a moron. That has been the case here for generations.

There's plenty of places in New Mexico to find like-minded, gun owning, traditional Conservatives. Look to the northwest, the far west, the northeast and the southeast. I don't have enough current knowledge on the Silver City area, but it's always been mining and ranching. Everything outside of the center of New Mexico has promise.

I operate on the San Miguel and Harding County line. Old time Spanish ranchers in the area who care less about politics. Let them earn their meager living, keep their guns and don't mess with them and they are happy. As I have said before, get out of ABQ, Santa Fe and Taos and you have some really independent people, who will never comply with gun confiscation and registration. These old Spanish families despise the Mexican, considering these Mestizos to be almost sub-human. Calling any of these Spanish folks around here "Mexican" and you will have a fight on your hands.

For those of you posting here, get out of Doña Ana, Bernalillo and Santa Fe counties and life is good here, and will be despite what crap rolls out of the population centers in this State.

Just watch this amazing video of our moron governor on her Twitter Account, busting down walls:


02-07-19, 10:52
Michelle Lujan Grisham is not mentally astute to run the show on her own. She's the front person for external leftist operators outside of New Mexico. She's kind of a moron. All the Lujans are morons. Her cousin Ben Ray Lujan is a moron, his dad, the late Ben Lujan was a moron. That has been the case here for generations.

There's plenty of places in New Mexico to find like-minded, gun owning, traditional Conservatives. Look to the northwest, the far west, the northeast and the southeast. I don't have enough current knowledge on the Silver City area, but it's always been mining and ranching. Everything outside of the center of New Mexico has promise.

I operate on the San Miguel and Harding County line. Old time Spanish ranchers in the area who care less about politics. Let them earn their meager living, keep their guns and don't mess with them and they are happy. As I have said before, get out of ABQ, Santa Fe and Taos and you have some really independent people, who will never comply with gun confiscation and registration. These old Spanish families despise the Mexican, considering these Mestizos to be almost sub-human. Calling any of these Spanish folks around here "Mexican" and you will have a fight on your hands.

For those of you posting here, get out of Doña Ana, Bernalillo and Santa Fe counties and life is good here, and will be despite what crap rolls out of the population centers in this State.

Just watch this amazing video of our moron governor on her Twitter Account, busting down walls:


I admire your optimism and outlook. I really do.

It's just getting harder for me to share in it.

Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and even to a degree, California have a more conservative base outside their population centers, and yet it does not seem to be going well for them. Maybe New Mexico is "unique" enough to bypass the same fate. But, I personally take no comfort in our Governor's easily influenced stance. If anything, it's an even greater cause for concern.

This is one of those weird situations I hope I am embarrassingly wrong in my outlook.

02-07-19, 11:15
I admire your optimism and outlook. I really do.

It's just getting harder for me to share in it.

Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and even to a degree, California have a more conservative base outside their population centers, and yet it does not seem to be going well for them. Maybe New Mexico is "unique" enough to bypass the same fate. But, I personally take no comfort in our Governor's easily influenced stance. If anything, it's an even greater cause for concern.

This is one of those weird situations I hope I am embarrassingly wrong in my outlook.
You're gonna run out of places to run to outside of the Land of Enchantment. I have strong roots here and I understand how this place works. In three years my family will have been here for 400 years. That's deep roots. You couldn't pay me to live in the Albuquerque area, but there are lots of places in this rural State where you can move to, and do your own thing. Look at how the hippies in Taos and north of Tao have operated since the late 1960's. Depending on your profession, you may not have options. Retiring here is a great option, especially if you move away from civilization. Cost of living in this State is still low compared to other places, provided you're not in Santa Fe or Taos.

I am lucky because I am in an area of large cattle operations where there is little or no infrastructure. You just can't buy land, move here and survive. It's mostly dry land and that keeps the hordes of the unclean away from here. You can find your own little bugout place if you do your research.

FYI, when you read my sig line about 1879, that's when the ranch was incorporated. The family first settled in the area between Pena Blanca and Santa Fe in the 1620's, working as a soldier oppressing the Pueblos in that area, then his grandson moved out here in the early 1700's, but driven off and on by raiding Apaches and Kiowa. They managed to finally stay here permanently in 1751, and we have occupied this area ever since, including surviving Indian raids.

02-07-19, 13:05
You're gonna run out of places to run to outside of the Land of Enchantment.....

Truth be told, I don't want to leave. There is a quality to the life, land, and people here that is often overlooked by many, and from the outside looking in it is very easy overlook it completely. Hard to verbalize, but it gets under ones skin. Yes, we have problems, some of them are big. But, it's kind of like the old west with Iphones. Pretty confident you can relate to what I am trying to convey.

Plus I am becoming more in tune with the fact that the real solutions to our problems can't really be solved by simply relocating. I believe this is true for all states. Politics have and will always be in a perpetual state of change and often it just becomes postponing the inevitable, generally speaking. If looked at through a truly honest lens, there really aren't any "safe" locations left.


The analytical side of me currently has me wondering if the juice is worth the squeeze long term. It's just in my nature.

The "abrasive" (wife's term) has me leaning towards staying and being the proverbial thorn, politically speaking.

The abrasive side usually wins.

02-07-19, 13:35
Truth be told, I don't want to leave. There is a quality to the life, land, and people here that is often overlooked by many, and from the outside looking in it is very easy overlook it completely. Hard to verbalize, but it gets under ones skin. Yes, we have problems, some of them are big. But, it's kind of like the old west with Iphones. Pretty confident you can relate to what I am trying to convey.

Plus I am becoming more in tune with the fact that the real solutions to our problems can't really be solved by simply relocating. I believe this is true for all states. Politics have and will always be in a perpetual state of change and often it just becomes postponing the inevitable, generally speaking. If looked at through a truly honest lens, there really aren't any "safe" locations left.


The analytical side of me currently has me wondering if the juice is worth the squeeze long term. It's just in my nature.

The "abrasive" (wife's term) has me leaning towards staying and being the proverbial thorn, politically speaking.

The abrasive side usually wins.

Without divulging too much information, can I ask what area of the State do you reside in? I have lots of contacts here all over, mostly cattle and horse connections, but local law enforcement, BLM Rangers and range managers, plus other businesses. We are on "the list" for contributors with the New Mexico Film Commission supplying horses and tack for various films. Some you would probably be familiar with like Silverado, the remake of 3:10 to Yuma, the remake of True Grit, etc. Fun to watch films being made.

02-07-19, 13:53
I admire your optimism and outlook. I really do.

It's just getting harder for me to share in it.

Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and even to a degree, California have a more conservative base outside their population centers, and yet it does not seem to be going well for them. Maybe New Mexico is "unique" enough to bypass the same fate. But, I personally take no comfort in our Governor's easily influenced stance. If anything, it's an even greater cause for concern.

This is one of those weird situations I hope I am embarrassingly wrong in my outlook.

A large part of the problem is voter turnout--you've seen my previously cited "60% of 40%" stat re WA's last election, right? If the Right can't be BOTHERED to get off our asses and vote even when it's as simple as "mark paper and mail back," all that's left on the field is the Left.


02-07-19, 15:01
Without divulging too much information, can I ask what area of the State do you reside in? I have lots of contacts here all over, mostly cattle and horse connections, but local law enforcement, BLM Rangers and range managers, plus other businesses. We are on "the list" for contributors with the New Mexico Film Commission supplying horses and tack for various films. Some you would probably be familiar with like Silverado, the remake of 3:10 to Yuma, the remake of True Grit, etc. Fun to watch films being made.

Silverado is hands down my favorite movie. Like ever.

Wife has worked on a fair number of tv/films all over the state. Some of them quite large productions, some stuff that never really went anywhere.

I was an extra once on a tv show. Interesting industry for sure.

Central part of the state for me. Not in the ABQ/metro, but close enough to be irritated by it.

02-07-19, 15:02
..............SILENCE IS CONSENT, people!

From your lips to Gods ears.

02-08-19, 04:45
You're gonna run out of places to run to outside of the Land of Enchantment. I have strong roots here and I understand how this place works. In three years my family will have been here for 400 years. That's deep roots. You couldn't pay me to live in the Albuquerque area, but there are lots of places in this rural State where you can move to, and do your own thing. Look at how the hippies in Taos and north of Tao have operated since the late 1960's. Depending on your profession, you may not have options. Retiring here is a great option, especially if you move away from civilization. Cost of living in this State is still low compared to other places, provided you're not in Santa Fe or Taos.

I am lucky because I am in an area of large cattle operations where there is little or no infrastructure. You just can't buy land, move here and survive. It's mostly dry land and that keeps the hordes of the unclean away from here. You can find your own little bugout place if you do your research.

FYI, when you read my sig line about 1879, that's when the ranch was incorporated. The family first settled in the area between Pena Blanca and Santa Fe in the 1620's, working as a soldier oppressing the Pueblos in that area, then his grandson moved out here in the early 1700's, but driven off and on by raiding Apaches and Kiowa. They managed to finally stay here permanently in 1751, and we have occupied this area ever since, including surviving Indian raids.

You sir, most definitely have one of the radest family histories that I have happened upon considering you and your children still work the land. Your family beat my family to this continent by a century.

Thanks for sharing.

02-08-19, 11:01
You sir, most definitely have one of the radest family histories that I have happened upon considering you and your children still work the land. Your family beat my family to this continent by a century.

Thanks for sharing.
Actually, my eldest son isn't working the place since he spent 10 years in the Navy and is now a producer for a major radio company. My second son is in his 2nd year at West Point, and my teenage daughter is still in High School, planning to be a Veterinarian for large animals. She may be the one working the place for a while since she wants to remain in New Mexico. Both of my sons have indicated they would still like to be involved in the operation, even from afar.

This history is interesting because in this remote part of North America, you had sophisticated Europeans colonizing here before the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts. You had sophisticated Europeans here at the same time as the Lewis & Clark Expedition. Many times the story of Colonial Spain is ignored when the study of early America is focused on. Most think anything outside of original 13 colonies was uncivilized and full of savages. In fact since the 1540's, Spain was forcing Christianity by the sword out here. My soldier ancestor from Castille Spain (born 1597) was a young 25 year old mounted Conquistador when he defended a resupply mission from Mexico in 1622. He never returned to Mexico or Spain.

For the old families here in New Mexico, this is fairly normal. I have said before that by the time US Troops rolled into New Mexico in 1846, New Mexicans didn't care. They had already been doing trade with the Americans via the Santa Fe Trail for a long time and American greenbacks were a common currency. Mexico had really abandoned this area because they had shifted their focus to the California coast and the missions there. Resupply by ship was easier there than the dangerous overland trek from central Mexico. Our common theme in my family is that:

"We didn't come to America - America came to us".

02-08-19, 12:07
Actually, my eldest son isn't working the place since he spent 10 years in the Navy and is now a producer for a major radio company. My second son is in his 2nd year at West Point, and my teenage daughter is still in High School, planning to be a Veterinarian for large animals. She may be the one working the place for a while since she wants to remain in New Mexico. Both of my sons have indicated they would still like to be involved in the operation, even from afar.

This history is interesting because in this remote part of North America, you had sophisticated Europeans colonizing here before the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts. You had sophisticated Europeans here at the same time as the Lewis & Clark Expedition. Many times the story of Colonial Spain is ignored when the study of early America is focused on. Most think anything outside of original 13 colonies was uncivilized and full of savages. In fact since the 1540's, Spain was forcing Christianity by the sword out here. My soldier ancestor from Castille Spain (born 1597) was a young 25 year old mounted Conquistador when he defended a resupply mission from Mexico in 1622. He never returned to Mexico or Spain.

For the old families here in New Mexico, this is fairly normal. I have said before that by the time US Troops rolled into New Mexico in 1846, New Mexicans didn't care. They had already been doing trade with the Americans via the Santa Fe Trail for a long time and American greenbacks were a common currency. Mexico had really abandoned this area because they had shifted their focus to the California coast and the missions there. Resupply by ship was easier there than the dangerous overland trek from central Mexico. Our common theme in my family is that:

"We didn't come to America - America came to us".
I moved here from New England and saw certain parallels with the deep roots and established culture. My born & bred yankee friends asked what New Mexico was like. I told them it’s a former colony, just like the north east. The difference though is this land flew the flag of a different crown.

02-08-19, 12:41
I moved here from New England and saw certain parallels with the deep roots and established culture. My born & bred yankee friends asked what New Mexico was like. I told them it’s a former colony, just like the north east. The difference though is this land flew the flag of a different crown.

Yup, there is a huge amount of history here in New Mexico that pre-dates the US as a whole. Santa Fe as an example is the oldest capitol city in the U.S. (1600's) and is like the third or fourth oldest city in the U.S. if memory serves correctly.

Pretty cool stuff really.

02-08-19, 13:18
Yup, there is a huge amount of history here in New Mexico that pre-dates the US as a whole. Santa Fe as an example is the oldest capitol city in the U.S. (1600's) and is like the third or fourth oldest city in the U.S. if memory serves correctly.

Pretty cool stuff really.
Yep, it is cool. For people worried about so-called Climate Change, the Spanish Priests kept detailed records of rain and snow, hot and cold, drought and heavy rainy periods beginning in the early 1600's. These records (if you can translate them) are found in the Museum of New Mexico in Santa Fe. What is evident is the climate was constantly changing out here. For this part of the southwest, there have been constant 100 year cycles of wet and dry periods. The Spanish Priest records combined with tree ring dating (Dendrochronology) confirms this.

The 19th Century here in the American west was a very dry period, but by the late 1890's a wet period returned, only interrupted by the dust bowl. From the 1940's to the early 1990's we were still fairly wet out here with normal wet and dry annual cycles. In the mid-1990's a major drought cycle returned out here and it continues. This is probably a return of a century long cycle. I keep track of this sort of thing since I deal with range management and rotating herds between grazing areas.

Doc Safari
02-08-19, 13:23

Russell Johnson, whose ranch borders Mexico, said he has dealt with break-ins, litter, theft and damage to his property and livestock from trespassing immigrants.

"We've had people break into our buildings. Fortunately, nobody has broken into our house, but other family members have had their houses broken into down here in the border.

"We have had a lot of cattle theft issues in the past because a portion of our borders is still barbed wire fence so, we've had some people come across and steal some of our cattle."

"We've had vehicles stolen. We've had instances where if they get lost or if the smuggler figures if that person cant keep up, and they get dropped out of the group, they'll set fire to pasture grass to try to signal for help.

"They've cut through fencing that divide our pastures. They've torn up our floats and our water towers that we have for our cattle and have drained our water systems."

My take: Mr. President--GIVE US OUR WALL!

02-08-19, 16:49
Nothing new on the border. Back a decade or more ago, the government tried a system by Boeing called SBI.net. It was some high-tech electronic system utilizing real-time cameras and long range communications. Local land owners had to provide rights of way so the government could get in and install this stuff. I think it was scrapped at some point.

02-08-19, 17:28
Maybe the silver lining is that this issue seems to be gaining some momentum. Hopefully it gains enough to garner attention at the federal level so these folks down there can get some help while bringing it to the nations attention in the process.

I know, I know. But one can hope right?

02-08-19, 17:38
Right. I think we really need to get some crowd sourced funding and a few eager indepent media types to start a huge media blitz, rogue style. Viral videos, town hall meetings, the works. I know two guys who have a drone business for the film industry. I’m sure it’s not terribly expense to hire some one just to do fly overs and record what’s happening.
I’m sure the bulk of the nation is totally ignorant of the true calamity here. We know MSM is behind this. With some unbiased real footage we could effect a seachange.
The major challenge will ultimately be distribution- we know elgoog, rettiwt, etc, (the evil ones always have names spelled backwards to prevent summoning, right?) will catch on and shut down YouTube channels, tweets, etc.
But where there’s a will there’s a way.

02-08-19, 17:59
A lot of folks don't know it but there is a Federal Anti-Terrorism training center in the former Phelps-Dodge/Freeport McMoran mining town of Playas, in Hidalgo County. I've been down there in the Antelope Wells area off and on for years with a ranching friend (who was not interviewed by KOB TV last month). There is a decent Federal presence there with Homeland Security and various military units that rotate in and out of that training "town". The locals are afraid to engage with guns because they figure the retaliation from cartels would be swift and deadly. You can't keep someone up all day and all night and still try to make a living. At some point you will be murdered in your house or out on the range somewhere.

Total government failure in it's requirement of protecting the citizenry from foreign invaders.

02-08-19, 22:50
Well, getting a little head start with the wall down here in deep south tx...ironically, it is also in Hidalgo Co. This was $$$$ allocated previously & not tied into the current mess. It's REALLY quite the drama queen with the do-gooder / tree huggers all upset be it eye sore in the state parks or the ocelot / jaguarundi cat trails possibly getting disrupted. One of my buddies on the deer lease we hunt is a farmer south of Weslaco & is going to lose 28 acres of income due to the wall & working those monetary issues out with govt now. Hard to imagine how many times this gets payed out.

One of the wall problems vs the dry land border is ours cannot be placed in the middle of the rio grande where it needs to be...so until the bullshit immigration laws get fixed I still see no change with the OTM's & associated issues. They simply need to cross the river & find a BP agent to get the process of asylum in action. We are still over capacity and processing immigrants from all over the globe. The numbers are mind boggling.


02-19-19, 02:24
This history is interesting because in this remote part of North America, you had sophisticated Europeans colonizing here before the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts. You had sophisticated Europeans here at the same time as the Lewis & Clark Expedition. Many times the story of Colonial Spain is ignored when the study of early America is focused on. Most think anything outside of original 13 colonies was uncivilized and full of savages. In fact since the 1540's, Spain was forcing Christianity by the sword out here. My soldier ancestor from Castille Spain (born 1597) was a young 25 year old mounted Conquistador when he defended a resupply mission from Mexico in 1622. He never returned to Mexico or Spain.

For the old families here in New Mexico, this is fairly normal. I have said before that by the time US Troops rolled into New Mexico in 1846, New Mexicans didn't care. They had already been doing trade with the Americans via the Santa Fe Trail for a long time and American greenbacks were a common currency. Mexico had really abandoned this area because they had shifted their focus to the California coast and the missions there. Resupply by ship was easier there than the dangerous overland trek from central Mexico. Our common theme in my family is that:

"We didn't come to America - America came to us".

Interesting history indeed. Thanks for sharing.

Growing up in TX, I was enamored with it's history. As a former Spanish colony TX has quit a bit of pre-USA to it as well. As a boy one of my favorite things to do was go on family trips and visit the still standing Spanish missions and presidios across the state.

The locals are afraid to engage with guns because they figure the retaliation from cartels would be swift and deadly. You can't keep someone up all day and all night and still try to make a living. At some point you will be murdered in your house or out on the range somewhere.

Total government failure in it's requirement of protecting the citizenry from foreign invaders.

There are several places on the internet where Rhodesians congregate. On some of these sites their is a wealth of knowledge on Rhodesian farm defenses. While some of the farmers paid mercs in beer they couldn't be there all the time so the farmers formed QRF's with a ham network that was mighty effective. Each family had defenses to include everything from small arms for every military aged member of the family to anti-grenade grates on the roofs.

Combine that era with the South West's storied history of frontier justice and the .gov's complete lack of control of the border and it's not hard to see where things will escalate to.

02-19-19, 11:30
There are several places on the internet where Rhodesians congregate. On some of these sites their is a wealth of knowledge on Rhodesian farm defenses. While some of the farmers paid mercs in beer they couldn't be there all the time so the farmers formed QRF's with a ham network that was mighty effective. Each family had defenses to include everything from small arms for every military aged member of the family to anti-grenade grates on the roofs.

Combine that era with the South West's storied history of frontier justice and the .gov's complete lack of control of the border and it's not hard to see where things will escalate to.
With the lack of State or Federal assistance, these folks in the SW part of this State need to hire some quality gun fighters. Problem is these ranches down on the border in New Mexico are small operators with little money. Probably 50 acres to 1 head of cattle. They could probably provide room & board plus a little money, but that's it.

Know of any out-of-work operators looking for a change of scenery, but in the US?

02-19-19, 11:48
With the lack of State or Federal assistance, these folks in the SW part of this State need to hire some quality gun fighters. Problem is these ranches down on the border in New Mexico are small operators with little money. Probably 50 acres to 1 head of cattle. They could probably provide room & board plus a little money, but that's it.

Know of any out-of-work operators looking for a change of scenery, but in the US?

If you are in trouble and no one else can help. I hear tell of these “Love Contras” who have their own SR-25s and will work for three square meals, pizza hut at least once a week, Stoli, the spoils of war and any bean queens they ensla—er liberate. Must promise not to turncoat to Yankees or call the cops.
Wire Firefly.

02-19-19, 12:29
If you are in trouble and no one else can help. I hear tell of these “Love Contras” who have their own SR-25s and will work for three square meals, pizza hut at least once a week, Stoli, the spoils of war and any bean queens they ensla—er liberate. Must promise not to turncoat to Yankees or call the cops.
Wire Firefly.
I think I know the group you're referring to. Their focus has always been payment via food. That has to be Meal Team 6:

02-19-19, 12:38
I...I just wanted to hang out with you, maybe catch a griddled omelette, camp out and play with my SR-25....

....and you called me fat :(

Plus I always wanted to be a ranch hand in New Methico.

ETA are those airsoft people or what?

02-19-19, 12:53
I...I just wanted to hang out with you, maybe catch a griddled omelette, camp out and play with my SR-25....

....and you called me fat :(

Plus I always wanted to be a ranch hand in New Methico.

ETA are those airsoft people or what?

Those are serious "operators" training for SHTF. You are correct about New Meth-ico. The designer drug of choice. If you want to "hang out" with me, I'm in NE New Mexico, guarding my cattle against frozen water tanks and heavy snow which had been coming down off and on since before sunrise. A chilly 17 degrees outside right now.

02-19-19, 13:21
Those are serious "operators" training for SHTF. You are correct about New Meth-ico. The designer drug of choice. If you want to "hang out" with me, I'm in NE New Mexico, guarding my cattle against frozen water tanks and heavy snow which had been coming down off and on since before sunrise. A chilly 17 degrees outside right now.

I see. Why does the fattest guy always carry the most guns? He has three.

Anyways I dunno much about cows but we raised pigs when I was a kid on the farm.

Anyways please don’t lump the AOC Love Contras in with that sort. One day, I will form a Right Wing Death Squad of latin girls in OG 107s with AR10s. And I will get Mexico to pay for it.

Believe me, they will pay for it.... (he said with no sinister intonation whatsoever)

Or did he? :jester:

02-19-19, 13:46
I see. Why does the fattest guy always carry the most guns? He has three.

Anyways I dunno much about cows but we raised pigs when I was a kid on the farm.

Anyways please don’t lump the AOC Love Contras in with that sort. One day, I will form a Right Wing Death Squad of latin girls in OG 107s with AR10s. And I will get Mexico to pay for it.

Believe me, they will pay for it.... (he said with no sinister intonation whatsoever)

Or did he? :jester:
You wouldn't happen to have posters and pics all over your walls featuring that Commie bombshell with a New York accent, AOC? It's possible you have become the first and foremost online stalker (or Super Fan) of New York's 14th Congressional District freshman representative. If you're that enamored, why not start your own fan page? I just checked Network Solutions and the domain: accessaoc.com is available. You could have AOC worship 24/365, and maybe sell advertising to make some cash for you. Che Guevara T-Shirts and Sierra Club ads could pay for everything.

02-19-19, 13:56
You wouldn't happen to have posters and pics all over your walls featuring that Commie bombshell with a New York accent, AOC? It's possible you have become the first and foremost online stalker (or Super Fan) of New York's 14th Congressional District freshman representative. If you're that enamored, why not start your own fan page? I just checked Network Solutions and the domain: accessaoc.com is available. You could have AOC worship 24/365, and maybe sell advertising to make some cash for you. Che Guevara T-Shirts and Sierra Club ads could pay for everything.


Y-you just don’t know her like I do...

But still...you have given me an idea. If I could get the funding; I could get Tru Spec to sell OG-107 slim fit female cut OG107s and be the sole distributor and sell AOC shirts with vague Right Wing sloganeering.

Anyways this is a potential pathway to her hand in marriage...

I watched John Hughes movies as a kid. This can happen.

02-19-19, 14:17

Y-you just don’t know her like I do...

But still...you have given me an idea. If I could get the funding; I could get Tru Spec to sell OG-107 slim fit female cut OG107s and be the sole distributor and sell AOC shirts with vague Right Wing sloganeering.

Anyways this is a potential pathway to her hand in marriage...

I watched John Hughes movies as a kid. This can happen.

Sounds like a job for Kickstarter!

While you're putting that together, I'll make a bunch of green, white, and red "Make New Mexico Old Again" trucker hats and air-drop them on the south side of the line.

Teams gotta have uniforms, yo!

02-19-19, 14:18
I bet I could sell a ****ton of those hat in Snatty Fay. Get rich and retire.

They'd need turquoise leather fringe, though.

02-19-19, 15:07
I bet I could sell a ****ton of those hat in Snatty Fay. Get rich and retire.

They'd need turquoise leather fringe, though.
The real market in Snatty Fay (Santa Fe) has not been touched. It's adobe bricks for the tourists. On the plaza you could "Make UR Own Adobe" bricks. Fat Cats from Boulder or L.A. could drive up in the Mercedes, put on turquoise fringed coveralls and actually make their own brick. It would have to sit in the sun a week or so to harden but they would have paid for FedEx Shipping. What joy to be had when the man in the FedEx truck pulls up to your multi-million dollar house in Bel Air or Woodland Hills and delivers your carefully packaged Adobe Brick, made by your own hands. You'd probably be the first in your Cul-de-sac to actually own a genuine Santa Fe Adobe.

02-19-19, 15:27
The real market in Snatty Fay (Santa Fe) has not been touched. It's adobe bricks for the tourists. On the plaza you could "Make UR Own Adobe" bricks. Fat Cats from Boulder or L.A. could drive up in the Mercedes, put on turquoise fringed coveralls and actually make their own brick. It would have to sit in the sun a week or so to harden but they would have paid for FedEx Shipping. What joy to be had when the man in the FedEx truck pulls up to your multi-million dollar house in Bel Air or Woodland Hills and delivers your carefully packaged Adobe Brick, made by your own hands. You'd probably be the first in your Cul-de-sac to actually own a genuine Santa Fe Adobe.

That is, indeed, an epic money-making idea!

26 Inf
02-19-19, 16:36
You wouldn't happen to have posters and pics all over your walls featuring that Commie bombshell with a New York accent, AOC? It's possible you have become the first and foremost online stalker (or Super Fan) of New York's 14th Congressional District freshman representative. If you're that enamored, why not start your own fan page? I just checked Network Solutions and the domain: accessaoc.com is available. You could have AOC worship 24/365, and maybe sell advertising to make some cash for you. Che Guevara T-Shirts and Sierra Club ads could pay for everything.

Ranching and business consulting, you are a busy man!

26 Inf
02-19-19, 16:38
Sounds like a job for Kickstarter!

While you're putting that together, I'll make a bunch of green, white, and red "Make New Mexico Old Again" trucker hats and air-drop them on the south side of the line.

Teams gotta have uniforms, yo!

I'm in line for one of those - maybe a special low-pro one, I hate the trucker look.

02-19-19, 17:04
Ranching and business consulting, you are a busy man!
I've got to take advantage of the MBA I got after retiring from the Army. Slow day on the ranch so offering outstanding business ideas free of charge is my passion....:)

Besides, its 18 degrees outside, and windy at 4pm. Much nicer inside.

26 Inf
02-20-19, 00:07
Besides, its 18 degrees outside, and windy at 4pm. Much nicer inside.

MY wife looked at me funny because I got all giddy that we got 7 or 9 inches dumped on us and I get to finally use my new snowblower. It's nice to not HAVE to be out in the cold. Although, I'm sure you have ice to break and feed to put out.

02-20-19, 10:20
MY wife looked at me funny because I got all giddy that we got 7 or 9 inches dumped on us and I get to finally use my new snowblower. It's nice to not HAVE to be out in the cold. Although, I'm sure you have ice to break and feed to put out.
We break ice in the stock tanks at the windmills to keep the water flowing. When the snow gets too deep, we're out in the truck with a trailer tossing hay.

FYI, more counties in New Mexico are making themselves 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Counties, defying any gun control laws coming out of Santa Fe or the Feds. Two more Counties were added yesterday, Lincoln (of Billy the Kid fame) and San Juan County. We may end up with 30 out of 33 counties having their County Commissioners declaring 2nd Amendment Sanctuary zones. Rural New Mexicans are not going to allow their gun rights to be taken away.

From KOB TV: San Juan, Lincoln, Eddy latest to become Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties


02-20-19, 19:45
We break ice in the stock tanks at the windmills to keep the water flowing. When the snow gets too deep, we're out in the truck with a trailer tossing hay.

FYI, more counties in New Mexico are making themselves 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Counties, defying any gun control laws coming out of Santa Fe or the Feds. Two more Counties were added yesterday, Lincoln (of Billy the Kid fame) and San Juan County. We may end up with 30 out of 33 counties having their County Commissioners declaring 2nd Amendment Sanctuary zones. Rural New Mexicans are not going to allow their gun rights to be taken away.

From KOB TV: San Juan, Lincoln, Eddy latest to become Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties


There is hope! It really is amazing going to the parts of New Mexico out side of the Fanta Se-AlbuCracky axis. Farmington, Carlsbad and Clovis-Portales are like being in a different state. Even one is mellow and there’s no non-sense about he-she bathrooms, etc. Just regular people wanting regular lives.
At some point I plan to get some land outside of crazy town and enjoy my self. I’m not one to label myself a refugee asylum seeker, but hey- if the shoe fits, I’ll wear it.

02-20-19, 22:08
There is hope! It really is amazing going to the parts of New Mexico out side of the Fanta Se-AlbuCracky axis. Farmington, Carlsbad and Clovis-Portales are like being in a different state. Even one is mellow and there’s no non-sense about he-she bathrooms, etc. Just regular people wanting regular lives.
At some point I plan to get some land outside of crazy town and enjoy my self. I’m not one to label myself a refugee asylum seeker, but hey- if the shoe fits, I’ll wear it.
The key is if you're still in your productive years of earning an income, it's hard to leave the population centers. People do make it work leaving the cities and moving to rural New Mexico, but you've got to be willing to take a chance and risks. I've seen it in a "town" like Pie Town, New Mexico. Folks have moved in and made the restaurant business work, even though there is no real population to support it. People drive for miles to eat Pie in Pie Town.

This State has its share of Hippie types who may seem Left leaning on the outside, but they don't even fit that mold. They're too much of a non-conformist to allow themselves to be labeled like that. I met a Hippie type of Mountain Man once out between Fence Lake and Reserve, New Mexico. He's a tree hugger type who carries weapons, and big ass Bowie Knives. With his wife he raised two daughters out there. Nice guy but a little odd by modern standards. That's what makes New Mexico such a weird place. There's lots of room for people who just don't always play by the rules and want to be left alone to live Reasonable, Rational and Responsible lives, and treat their neighbor (even miles away) like they want to be treated.

02-20-19, 22:52
Totally experienced similar things, and I amuse myself circling potential disagreements with the trippy hippy artists into what they really want: freedom from judgement, liberty, and self expression. The problem is these types of people, while intrinsically good in nature, tend to view progress (and therefore progressives) as “good” and necessary. They shun conservative politicians without understanding what the big picture is.

02-21-19, 00:17
Totally experienced similar things, and I amuse myself circling potential disagreements with the trippy hippy artists into what they really want: freedom from judgement, liberty, and self expression. The problem is these types of people, while intrinsically good in nature, tend to view progress (and therefore progressives) as “good” and necessary. They shun conservative politicians without understanding what the big picture is.
The ones I have encountered shun all politicians, and most of the features of modern technology. If they use a vehicle, it's some beat up old pickup, and you'd never see them with anything resembling a computer or cell phone.

The ones you are describing are the current inhabitants of Madrid in Santa Fe County, former mining community turned artist colony.

02-21-19, 08:39
The ones I have encountered shun all politicians, and most of the features of modern technology. If they use a vehicle, it's some beat up old pickup, and you'd never see them with anything resembling a computer or cell phone.

The ones you are describing are the current inhabitants of Madrid in Santa Fe County, former mining community turned artist colony.

True on both points. After moving here, I was stunned by the number of people who don’t vote at any level. They sure know how to whine about the election results, though. I thought Madrid would be a fun place to hang out (good riding and not too far) but the pretentiousness is too much.
I haven’t spent much time in northern New Mexico (outside of Taos and Angel Fire) but I do know exactly what you mean re: off grid survivalist types. These guys are indifferent because they can hunker down and keep on keeping on, even as the world burns. I understand their distrust of politicians, but my point is without taking a stance at the polls, people are not resisting whatever Santa Fe wants to do. Raising taxes without fixing the economy, not addressing the crime, immigration, poverty crises, etc.
For those outside the bubble this is probably nothing to worry about. For those of us trying to protect family interests this is a major concern.

Doc Safari
02-21-19, 08:59
Las Cruces and Dona Ana County in general are turning into a branch office of California it seems.

I need to move to Texas.

02-21-19, 09:43
Stay out of the large city metro areas and you'll be fine, but the big ones are all blue. Thank goodness for all the many, many, small red counties that, so far, have out vored them.

Doc Safari
02-21-19, 09:45
Stay out of the large city metro areas and you'll be fine, but the big ones are all blue. Thank goodness for all the many, many, small red counties that, so far, have out vored them.

That didn't actually work this last time. We got Exochittle Torres Small-Brain. In fact the Dems swept the state seats. We are Massachusetts with hot sauce just around the corner.

02-21-19, 09:46
That didn't actually work this last time. We got Exochittle Torres Small-Brain. In fact the Dems swept the state seats. We are Massachusetts with hot sauce just around the corner.

Sorry, I was speaking of Texas.

02-21-19, 10:42
There are more and more hit pieces hitting the media in terms of what is going on at the border here in this state. And while most are admittedly a "both sides of the coin" approach, ultimately it is still probably a good thing from the awareness standpoint.

Couple that with the fact that more and more counties are jumping on the 2A sanctuary bandwagon, well, maybe things are shifting in a positive direction.

It remains to be seen if those sitting in their adobe towers at the capitol are paying attention or even care though.

Still, for me, it's holding at 50/50 on the stay or go front. But, I am not liking what seems to be happening in some of the other states that might be potentials.

02-21-19, 15:52
That didn't actually work this last time. We got Exochittle Torres Small-Brain. In fact the Dems swept the state seats. We are Massachusetts with hot sauce just around the corner.

My wife calls her OX-Chittle Torres-Small. I know some ranching folks down in Chaves County (Roswell) and they are beside themselves that they lost the Steve Pearce seat to a lefty democrat. Too many solid House seats were lost nationwide to Republicans retiring.

Doc Safari
02-21-19, 15:54
My wife calls her OX-Chittle Torres-Small. I know some ranching folks down in Chaves County (Roswell) and they are beside themselves that they lost the Steve Pearce seat to a lefty democrat. Too many solid House seats were lost nationwide to Republicans retiring.

Steve Pearce should have been smart enough to realize that after two terms of Suzanna that the Repubs were due to lose. He should have waited until after Lujan-Grisham gets impeached as governor, has to resign, or is otherwise embroiled in corruption scandals like she was in Washington.

02-21-19, 17:03
I'm glad to hear more than a few of your Sheriff's are rebelling against the gun control being pushed through. That's pretty damned bold of them.

My folks are in Arizona and My little Sister had about twenty laying hens in her yard. She began losing them one or two at a time and finally figured out the local illegals were ripping them off for dinner.
I don't know if I would shoot someone over stealing a chicken, but they might have gone home to pick the bird shot out of their backsides.