View Full Version : How Donald Trump could become the best President ever

01-25-19, 16:39
Trump should have Chuck and Nancy over to the White House for tea and cookies.
End the government shutdown and pay the non productos whatever their agreement entitle's
them to.
Have the State of the Union address in all it's pageantry, let the Democrats make a mockery of the entire
proceeding, protesters in the gallery and all.
At the close of the SOTUA, march in a couple of companies of Marines in full battle gear and arrest all of the
protestors, all of the Democrats and any Republican who sides with the Communist/Socialist/Progressive,
vermin,scum and transport them to a Federal holding facility.
When the Capitol Building is cleared of all the traitorous scum President Trump would them inform America
that the United States Government would begin seizing the assets of all Americans deemed traitors, begin
Nationalizing all Corporations, Companies ect that have acted contrary to the Constitution .
That includes all Silicon Valley Corporations who have monopolized the free expression of speech in the USA,
The financial corporations that are rightfully owned by the citizens of the USA because they were too big to
fail, the automobile corporations bailed out by same.
The entire communications industry, including every entity licensed by the FCC, arrest every person employed
by such corporations who have conspired with the Communist Left to destroy the USA, by fabricating lies about
the current administration and spreading disunion among the citizens of the USA.
Root out, arrest and imprison every Federal, State, County, City, Township or Municipality official who have
violated the the Constitution of the USA.
We would also have the military help Homeland Security round up all 25-40 million illegals of any race, creed,
color, religion and deport them forthwith.
Regardless of how extreme the enclosed is perceived the United States of America as we know it is dead and
will never return unless we purge the USA of all those who hate it.
If we don't do this now, when the left regain the control of government they WILL DO IT !
If you don't think so, your a idiot and part of the problem.

OK, OK, OK admittedly this is a highly sarcastic take on what has become a very serious situation in this country, as Americans we have been
largely shut out of how our country is governed, our political class has an agenda that will destroy this country as we know it, if things don't
change drastically.
Just look around the world, One World Government and it's no borders agenda has just about destroyed some ancient European countries, and
we are next.
We are teetering on the edge of armed civil war, a booming economy is being aborted by the deep state, the whole world is on the verge of a
catastrophic financial meltdown and half the country wants to thwart the will of the people and remove a duly elected President,consequences
be dammed.
Now I know that some of you have recoiled at this post because " thats what Communist Governments do, Americans don't do this, were better
than this, your crazy " !
Yeah and as we argue over how we respond to a terminal virus within the body politic that is on the verge of strangling the life out of protest
against what we see as unjust, the folks on the left smell blood in the water and are fixing to destroy our President by any means necessary.
We are loosing our country before our very eyes and can't even agree that it is indeed happening, let alone what to do about it.

Doc Safari
01-25-19, 16:44
If I were Trump? Threaten to pull every soldier out of every overseas base and put them on the US southern border. Put forts along the border just like during the 1800's Indian Wars. Process amnesty/asylum requests from any migrant and require them to relocate to Democrat-heavy districts. Build government housing for them in rich Democrat neighborhoods.

Use the shutdown as an excuse to permanently separate federal employees as part of a "size of government reduction act". I understand that if a federal employee is furloughed for more than 30 days he has the right to terminate them. He should go on national TV threatening to decimate the government.

I think just the threat of these things would cause such an outcry that the Dems would change their tune.

01-25-19, 16:46
Scary stuff going on for sure. One of the local talk shows (conservative) said the Dem's plan is to Impeach both Trump and Pence for illegal activities, then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi would be President. At that point she can appoint whomever she wishes to be President, and then we will have Hillary. Your last paragraph certainly says what lots of folks are thinking, we ARE teetering on the verge of armed civil war.

Doc Safari
01-25-19, 16:47
Scary stuff going on for sure. One of the local talk shows (conservative) said the Dem's plan is to Impeach both Trump and Pence for illegal activities, then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi would be President. At that point she can appoint whomever she wishes to be President, and then we will have Hillary. Your last paragraph certainly says what lots of folks are thinking, we ARE teetering on the verge of armed civil war.

I think what you're posting would do it. And I really wonder how long an armed citizenry is going to tolerate our open southern border before certain individuals decide to put up their own wall--made of lead.

01-25-19, 16:49
I normally would have been the last to ever say that we are reaching a point where people feel they have nothing left to lose in order to protect their homeland and their identity...but I could see something happening within a decade or so sadly.

You just can't maintain this type of division in America without it coming to blows.

01-25-19, 20:59
I normally would have been the last to ever say that we are reaching a point where people feel they have nothing left to lose in order to protect their homeland and their identity...but I could see something happening within a decade or so sadly.

You just can't maintain this type of division in America without it coming to blows.

1969. I still don't think we are there yet.

01-25-19, 21:23
1969. I agree.

01-25-19, 21:52
That's interesting and I imagine correct now that I recall what I was taught in history. I just wasn't alive to have felt the explosive atmosphere then in the air like I can currently.

01-25-19, 21:53
Scary stuff going on for sure. One of the local talk shows (conservative) said the Dem's plan is to Impeach both Trump and Pence for illegal activities, then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi would be President. At that point she can appoint whomever she wishes to be President, and then we will have Hillary. Your last paragraph certainly says what lots of folks are thinking, we ARE teetering on the verge of a communist revolution.
fixed it for you

01-25-19, 22:05
Whether Trump caved or not, it doesn't matter we lost. We had some hope but the Deep State is too big and powerful
I predict a fight with the democrats will ensue because there is still a divide between the Beto, Ocasio Cortez, Sanders wing and the Pelosi Shumer Clinton establishment wing. If Clinton were President it would suck but at least we know who she is , it's the Beto and Cortez types that worry me

01-25-19, 22:30
Yes arresting half the legislators freely elected by American voters is the one true path to becoming the greatest president ever.


01-25-19, 23:02

01-26-19, 01:35
That's interesting and I imagine correct now that I recall what I was taught in history. I just wasn't alive to have felt the explosive atmosphere then in the air like I can currently.

This is probably the worst time you remember in your experience. That is a common POV.

But the 60s had the SLA actually kidnapping people like Hearst, taking down banks and having a BFD shootout with the LAPD live on the news where the house was eventually just burned down. We call Obama and Pelosi "radicals" when they are actually very much "establishment."

Radicals were the Weather Underground and a dozen other communist inspired terrorists groups whose aspirations made the KKK look like the local Rotary Club. In the 60s they were blowing shit up and killing people on a scale that few on the left are willing to engage in today, it's easy to say stupid shit on Twitter, it hard to come up with a large scale, cohesive plan to wage war on the establishment government and it's representatives. In 1968 the DNC in Chicago turned into full scale anarchy.

We had actual race wars, political wars, economic wars, generation wars and it was done with sticks, rocks, pipe bombs, tear gas, fire and live ammo on the streets of most major cities and broadcast on the news. Most of these events were at least peripherally related to the communist revolution in the United States, fortunately we won. Most today don't even understand it was an actual war.

There was a second civil war, we had it, it was 1969. Things are bad now, but they aren't 1969 bad. Not yet.

01-26-19, 01:40
Yes arresting half the legislators freely elected by American voters is the one true path to becoming the greatest president ever.


No kidding. He couldn't even get the GOP to get their shit together to push through their "long promised" better version of the ACA, and people think Trump will be able to orchestrate the mass round of of members of Congress who aren't toeing the line and actually have them arrested?

Christ if anything close to that was even possible Obama would have the entire GOP doing life and Hillary would be President.

01-26-19, 08:58
There was a second civil war, we had it, it was 1969. Things are bad now, but they aren't 1969 bad. Not yet.

I'm not quite so sure...

1969, people still trusted the media to give unbiased and objective reporting. If Walter Cronkite said it, you know it was true and not spun. You didn't have hyper-partisan "reporting" from the major news networks (both sides of the equation). Plus, any twit with a cell phone and a Twitter account these days is a "reporter" and can inflame a situation very quickly by only showing what they want to be seen. Hell, this stupidity in D.C. over the last week is a good example of that. Control the narrative, control the population...

While no, we haven't reached the violence they had in 68-69, the potential is there for it to quickly get out of hand. Back then, protests were planned days and weeks in advance. Now? A single Facebook post or Tweet causes a flash mob to erupt with the same violence we saw in the 60s (Ferguson). Add in agitators to that mix and you end up with a situation to turn ugly real fast.

The other problem is, you lost a Presidential election back then? They said "well, better luck in four years..." and got to work. They certainly didn't publicly cry about it, screaming at the top of their lungs and objecting to everything that happened. You didn't have this childish BS talk of impeachment or never ending "investigations" or the political tit for tat we're seeing these days. And whether the general public at large knows and considers it childish, it emboldens enough people to take that one step further in crossing the line between peaceful discourse and throwing down the gauntlet. Eventually, that gauntlet will be picked up if you push someone long enough and it'll turn ugly real quick.

No, we aren't at 1968-69 levels of violence yet. But we are a pressure cooker at the moment.

01-26-19, 09:24
fixed it for you

At least highlight what you changed.

01-26-19, 09:32
Some of the comments in this thread remind me why I have rifles... and that I have a few mags that aren't filled. I'm not going to live under a totalitarian government even if it's one I might agree with on occasion.

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01-26-19, 09:45
Good perspectives and thank you for writing this stuff guys.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

01-26-19, 09:50
Having a lot of buyers remorse over Trump. Just not living up to the memes nor the dreams.

Better than Hillary is not much salve for the ointment.

I feel like a guy who just got told “well you don’t have cancer but you got a raging case lf diabetes”


01-26-19, 11:16
The ability to detect sarcasm and satire is a sign of mental acuity.

01-26-19, 11:22
And to think all this hysteria is manufactured. The division in this country is directly the result of the media as directed by the DNC and the left.

01-26-19, 11:36
This is probably the worst time you remember in your experience. That is a common POV.

But the 60s had the SLA actually kidnapping people like Hearst, taking down banks and having a BFD shootout with the LAPD live on the news where the house was eventually just burned down. We call Obama and Pelosi "radicals" when they are actually very much "establishment."

Radicals were the Weather Underground and a dozen other communist inspired terrorists groups whose aspirations made the KKK look like the local Rotary Club. In the 60s they were blowing shit up and killing people on a scale that few on the left are willing to engage in today, it's easy to say stupid shit on Twitter, it hard to come up with a large scale, cohesive plan to wage war on the establishment government and it's representatives. In 1968 the DNC in Chicago turned into full scale anarchy.

We had actual race wars, political wars, economic wars, generation wars and it was done with sticks, rocks, pipe bombs, tear gas, fire and live ammo on the streets of most major cities and broadcast on the news. Most of these events were at least peripherally related to the communist revolution in the United States, fortunately we won. Most today don't even understand it was an actual war.

There was a second civil war, we had it, it was 1969. Things are bad now, but they aren't 1969 bad. Not yet.

Great reply, and perspective, and time on this planet is everything the older I get. I watched the whole Patty Hearst documentary on TV awhile back and that is some truly wild stuff. Crazy to see the news coverage of the burning SLA house as well.

01-26-19, 14:13
I think what you're posting would do it. And I really wonder how long an armed citizenry is going to tolerate our open southern border before certain individuals decide to put up their own wall--made of lead.

OP is no more than a mental masturbatory fantasy and the answer to that question from what I have seen with my own eyes is a long, looooong time. Just maybe until hell freezes over. 99% of AR owners are no different than Hot Rodders. They spend a lot of money dressing them up with all the accoutrements. They spend a whole lot more time talking about them and how fast they can go in a race. They spend some more time showing them off. In the end they will never leave the garage on a rainy day for fear of a little dirt or scratched paint. The "American" is an almost entirely extinct species.

01-26-19, 14:24
This is probably the worst time you remember in your experience. That is a common POV.

But the 60s had the SLA actually kidnapping people like Hearst, taking down banks and having a BFD shootout with the LAPD live on the news where the house was eventually just burned down. We call Obama and Pelosi "radicals" when they are actually very much "establishment."

Radicals were the Weather Underground and a dozen other communist inspired terrorists groups whose aspirations made the KKK look like the local Rotary Club. In the 60s they were blowing shit up and killing people on a scale that few on the left are willing to engage in today, it's easy to say stupid shit on Twitter, it hard to come up with a large scale, cohesive plan to wage war on the establishment government and it's representatives. In 1968 the DNC in Chicago turned into full scale anarchy.

We had actual race wars, political wars, economic wars, generation wars and it was done with sticks, rocks, pipe bombs, tear gas, fire and live ammo on the streets of most major cities and broadcast on the news. Most of these events were at least peripherally related to the communist revolution in the United States, fortunately we won. Most today don't even understand it was an actual war.

There was a second civil war, we had it, it was 1969. Things are bad now, but they aren't 1969 bad. Not yet.

The reason things do not appear as bad as 1969 is because the state has fully solidified and codified by law it's control over the people. The principles those leftists radicals were fighting for in 1969 are now concepts deeply embedded into our government, educational, and media institutions. The leftists radicals are not kidnapping, blowing things up, and shooting people because they don't need to do those things anymore, they won. They won the war of ideas and the other side never even put an army onto the field.

01-26-19, 15:27
I'm not quite so sure...

1969, people still trusted the media to give unbiased and objective reporting. If Walter Cronkite said it, you know it was true and not spun.

Absolutely not true. The Tet Offensive broke the back of the enemy and destroyed the VC, but Cronkite didn't see the results in the North and only saw defeat and took the opportunity to state that the war in Vietnam was "unwinnable."

01-26-19, 15:33
The reason things do not appear as bad as 1969 is because the state has fully solidified and codified by law it's control over the people. The principles those leftists radicals were fighting for in 1969 are now concepts deeply embedded into our government, educational, and media institutions. The leftists radicals are not kidnapping, blowing things up, and shooting people because they don't need to do those things anymore, they won. They won the war of ideas and the other side never even put an army onto the field.

There is some truth to that. The black students that took hostages at gunpoint at Cornell were able to get their demands implemented and included into the system. It is now seen as a case of student democracy.


So yeah, there is some of that.

But we still have a cultural war, but it's being fought with Twitter rather than with pipe bombs. Things could be better, but things could be worse.

01-26-19, 15:55
Absolutely not true. The Tet Offensive broke the back of the enemy and destroyed the VC, but Cronkite didn't see the results in the North and only saw defeat and took the opportunity to state that the war in Vietnam was "unwinnable."

Also, Cronkite, as he admitted in his autobiography, spun things a lot to suit his agenda. He was positioning himself to run for President and used his place in the media to not only gain trust of the populace, but control the narrative. His problem was that while he was definitely popular, he did not have any real backing within the Democrat party elites.

01-26-19, 16:11
At least highlight what you changed.

Yes, please. What he said ^^^^^

01-26-19, 19:14
But the 60s had the SLA actually kidnapping people like Hearst, taking down banks and having a BFD shootout with the LAPD live on the news where the house was eventually just burned down.

The SLA did not become active until '73.

01-26-19, 19:23
Absolutely not true. The Tet Offensive broke the back of the enemy and destroyed the VC, but Cronkite didn't see the results in the North and only saw defeat and took the opportunity to state that the war in Vietnam was "unwinnable."

Vietnam was unwinnable when he stated that. The US was never going to "win" that war by doing what needed to be done.

Different subject, different thread, different time. Doesn't change the fact the media was pretty unbiased in those days and didn't spin a story to fit a narrative. What would have happened to CBS News in 1969 had they done the same slipshod reporting on Ferguson that nearly every media outlet did when it happened? Or during the Treyvon Martin shooting? The blatant and intentional misrepresentation of the events to fit a political narrative would never have been allowed back then.

Now? That's what people want to hear so they can feel outraged. They don't want to hear the truth, they want to hear whatever convinces them they are right.

01-26-19, 20:14
Yes arresting half the legislators freely elected by American voters is the one true path to becoming the greatest president ever.


And yet you and millions of Americans set passively as the Left and the media commit a rolling coup on a duly elected President, right before our very eyes.


The Dumb Gun Collector
01-26-19, 21:11
I am tempted to say it might be best if the USA dissolved back into individual states. Let the citizens of each state vote on whether to rejoin the USA or form new nations. Maybe one of the 50 would just be an awesome libertarian freedomland and I could just move there.

26 Inf
01-26-19, 22:27
I am tempted to say it might be best if the USA dissolved back into individual states. Let the citizens of each state vote on whether to rejoin the USA or form new nations. Maybe one of the 50 would just be an awesome libertarian freedomland and I could just move there.

So, who gets the National Debt?

One of the reasons we dumped the Articles of Confederation for the Constitution was to create a stronger Government, because some of the states wouldn't pay their portions of the war debt, among other reasons.

01-27-19, 00:10
I am tempted to say it might be best if the USA dissolved back into individual states. Let the citizens of each state vote on whether to rejoin the USA or form new nations. Maybe one of the 50 would just be an awesome libertarian freedomland and I could just move there.


Ready when you are....

01-27-19, 00:23
The SLA did not become active until '73.

Had it in my head they went back to the late 60s. Shootout didn't happen until 74 either. Correction noted, but it was the kind of event that was born in the 60s that continued on until the 70s.

01-27-19, 00:37
I am tempted to say it might be best if the USA dissolved back into individual states. Let the citizens of each state vote on whether to rejoin the USA or form new nations. Maybe one of the 50 would just be an awesome libertarian freedomland and I could just move there.

That's probably going to be Alaska. Some upside, LOTS of downside. Balkanization is not the solution, making every state respect basic Constitutional freedoms is the solution. In a very real sense, each generation must win their freedom because tyranny and oppression is an ongoing process.

There is no money to be made or power to be gained from granting greater freedoms. You can only benefit from being in government if you have control of something. Everyone, including Trump and every other President, is there to gain wealth and power. If they can say they did something beneficial while in office, that is just bonus points.

Nobody spends the money it takes to get elected to Congress or higher office without the intention to recoup their investment many times over. It's all about having wealth and power, government is just another means. If anyone actually manages to get elected with the intention of fixing things, they will quickly be rendered powerless by those with power and money.

This difference between Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi in terms of how much they actually represent anyone or do anything useful is almost insignificant. It's more a contest of how much damage can they do in their quest for more wealth and power.

And in case anyone forgot.

In 2007 President Bush acknowledged Pelosi becoming Speaker of the House, by beginning his speech with the words, "Tonight, I have a high privilege and distinct honor of my own — as the first President to begin the State of the Union message with these words: Madam Speaker"

01-27-19, 01:07
That's probably going to be Alaska. Some upside, LOTS of downside. Balkanization is not the solution, making every state respect basic Constitutional freedoms is the solution. In a very real sense, each generation must win their freedom because tyranny and oppression is an ongoing process.

There is no money to be made or power to be gained from granting greater freedoms. You can only benefit from being in government if you have control of something. Everyone, including Trump and every other President, is there to gain wealth and power. If they can say they did something beneficial while in office, that is just bonus points.

Nobody spends the money it takes to get elected to Congress or higher office without the intention to recoup their investment many times over. It's all about having wealth and power, government is just another means. If anyone actually manages to get elected with the intention of fixing things, they will quickly be rendered powerless by those with power and money.

This difference between Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi in terms of how much they actually represent anyone or do anything useful is almost insignificant. It's more a contest of how much damage can they do in their quest for more wealth and power.

And in case anyone forgot.

In 2007 President Bush acknowledged Pelosi becoming Speaker of the House, by beginning his speech with the words, "Tonight, I have a high privilege and distinct honor of my own — as the first President to begin the State of the Union message with these words: Madam Speaker"

It won't be Alaska. I'm proud of my state most of the time, but you've never seen a bigger group of whiners in your life. This state is every bit as dysfunctional as D.C. The can-do spirit in Alaska dies a little more each day, I dare say at a more rapid rate than much of the U.S.

01-27-19, 03:28
It won't be Alaska. I'm proud of my state most of the time, but you've never seen a bigger group of whiners in your life. This state is every bit as dysfunctional as D.C. The can-do spirit in Alaska dies a little more each day, I dare say at a more rapid rate than much of the U.S.

Do you envisions Pelosi moving there anytime soon? Used to be the badasses were in Montana, now it probably Alaska, even with it's faults.

01-27-19, 12:44
Do you envisions Pelosi moving there anytime soon? Used to be the badasses were in Montana, now it probably Alaska, even with it's faults.

Dude we have our own Pelosi's already in state government. Our Senator Lisa Murkowski isn't far off from Pelosi on politics. I don't know the definition of "bad ass", so it's tough to comment on that. I know a bunch of can do bad asses that live in the woods that still vote a straight democrat ticket. Crime and drugs are rampant here. Worst unemployment in the country and the majority of high paying jobs retire out of state taking their wealth with them. The only thing saving us is the weather, and even that isn't what it used to be. I'm heavily invested in my business, and I REALLY enjoy the outdoors, so I'm staying. However, if the boats stop bringing food to this state, 90% of the people here would have to leave within 2 weeks.

01-27-19, 14:00
In 2007 President Bush acknowledged Pelosi becoming Speaker of the House, by beginning his speech with the words, "Tonight, I have a high privilege and distinct honor of my own — as the first President to begin the State of the Union message with these words: Madam Speaker"

Perhaps common decency and civility means separating policy and ideology from the fact that a woman had never been speaker of the house in over two hundred years. Maybe, it wasn’t an endorsement of a San Francisco liberal. Maybe it was the correct thing to say if you believe in manners and collegiality.

I dunno...or maybe anyone that doesn’t pick up the mike and say “**** this bitch yo.” Is hellbent on driving us to serfdom...either way I guess.

01-27-19, 14:55
Perhaps common decency and civility means separating policy and ideology from the fact that a woman had never been speaker of the house in over two hundred years. Maybe, it wasn’t an endorsement of a San Francisco liberal. Maybe it was the correct thing to say if you believe in manners and collegiality.

I dunno...or maybe anyone that doesn’t pick up the mike and say “**** this bitch yo.” Is hellbent on driving us to serfdom...either way I guess.

I guess what I'm getting at is at the end of the day they have more in common with each other than us.

01-27-19, 15:03
I guess what I'm getting at is at the end of the day they have more in common with each other than us.

Oh for sure. There is something deeply wrong with every single person who goes into politics voluntarily.

But we still need to separate civility and decent behavior from what it is that is wrong with them. Because otherwise we throw the baby out with the bath water. I DO believe that there is a cancer in our culture. But I believe that the dismissal of manners and good behavior is as damaging as any of the SJW identity politics BS.

Or maybe I’m just getting old, and I miss how people used to behave in polite society.

01-27-19, 18:20
Oh for sure. There is something deeply wrong with every single person who goes into politics voluntarily.

But we still need to separate civility and decent behavior from what it is that is wrong with them. Because otherwise we throw the baby out with the bath water. I DO believe that there is a cancer in our culture. But I believe that the dismissal of manners and good behavior is as damaging as any of the SJW identity politics BS.

Or maybe I’m just getting old, and I miss how people used to behave in polite society.

I wasn't suggesting Bush not act civil, but just pointing out that a lot of people think Bush and Pelosi are adversaries when they are much more likely to go out to dinner together and be social.

01-27-19, 20:32
I wasn't suggesting Bush not act civil, but just pointing out that a lot of people think Bush and Pelosi are adversaries when they are much more likely to go out to dinner together and be social.

Definitely man. I took a pretty big break from the Internet, but we’ve read each other’s posts for enough years that I know you specifically aren’t looking for a boxing match in the halls of Congress.

What I’m saying is that I don’t think political adversaries being friendly, or even friends is a bad thing. It doesn’t mean either side has to compromise even a little bit.

Antonin Scalia and Ruth Ginsburg were great examples. They were as ideologically opposed as two people could get, and were genuinely best friends.

It’s definitely a bigger problem on the left than it is the right, but we should all remember that with rare exceptions people opposed to our ideas by and large just have different ideas on how to have a better country. Not all of them, but generally. And it’s a problem from our side as well.

I have a VERY diverse group of friends, and as long as they’re willing to be tolerant of hearing my ideas and the understanding that I’m not evil(even if they think my ideas are,) I’ll extend the same courtesy to them and it is funny how easy it is to still be friends.

I just think we’d be more effective if we were a little more “I hear you, and here is why I think capitalism is better for those very disadvantaged people.” Instead of whatever we say.