View Full Version : This is difficult to swallow

01-29-19, 19:12

His motive was infamy. I try not to go down rabbit holes, but this is really hard to accept.

01-29-19, 19:18
I really don't think it is that hard to swallow.

Some people are just that broken.

01-29-19, 19:22
I've know people who had shithead Dad's and none of them tried to be a bigger shithead than their Dad was. Most tried to be better. I don't believe we'll ever know the truth.

01-29-19, 19:24
I don't think I buy this.

01-29-19, 19:32

His motive was infamy. I try not to go down rabbit holes, but this is really hard to accept.

Complete nonsense. A story to pacify the masses.

01-29-19, 19:35
This is more believable:


26 Inf
01-29-19, 19:38
We live in a world where people routinely blow themselves up, murder others, etc.

I don't find it hard to believe that a person described as 'unemphatic' and who 'exhibit(ed) minimal empathy, primarily viewing others through a transactional lens of costs and benefits' could commit such a crime. Especially if he had no religious beliefs and believed that it was just lights out after death.

01-29-19, 19:39
but this is really hard to accept.

The thing that gets me when they talk about people declining is the fact that as that supposedly happens the person also exhibits over the top 'final act' situations.

I have known suicidal people and declining people. Very well in fact. The declining people typically decline as a whole. That is to say they don't become gatherers in one realm and discarders in another. So he was supposedly becoming an old worn out loser, say it all lost, apathetic towards life, yet he also had a fire to build a monument to himself. I just don't buy it. He would more likely simply said **** it. Bought a hotel room and one night blew his brains out all alone with no one the wiser.

Also am I reading that page correctly... every weapon he had utilized a bump stock? I thought they were used on some weapons he had.

Police have said he fired more than 1,000 rounds that night, using about a dozen different rifles equipped with bump stocks, which replicate automatic fire.

I don't believe we'll ever know the truth.

Not in my lifetime, that's for sure.

01-29-19, 19:43
Whatever his motive, you can be sure it was pathetically lame, stupid and evil.

01-29-19, 22:00
Complete nonsense. A story to pacify the masses.


100% coverup / fabrication. I don't know what the truth is, but I know this report is not it.

01-29-19, 22:20
I may not know why he didn't but I'm pretty sure this aint it.
This guy had a plan and he had an agenda, we've waited this long for the details and we get something that essentially could be written on a post card and mailed in.

01-29-19, 22:39
I mean are we saying that a freaking lunatic monster had crazy person motivations is beyond belief?

No...it makes perfect sense and jives with what we know about most mass shooters.

I will say, until I read the article about how that was his big motivation, I had forgotten the asshole’s name. I plan to forget it again as soon as possible.

01-29-19, 23:03
Swamp gas. Really. We think. Maybe. Maybe not. But he was alone and bump stocks were in the room at the same time. Most important the masses know this. Alone, no other helpers, agitators ( you know like the FBI loves to have their CI provoke a heinous act so they can catch the bad guys red handed doing what the FBI planned and provided). Alone, absolutely, no trail to follow. And bump stocks.

Still no itemized list of guns, which ones were fired from which position (like the several without sights or optics), whether bump stocks actually were used to fire and did they jam possibly causing him to stop, how many shots from each position/weapon, etc. You know like FORENSIC EVIDENCE. Months later and nothing other than guesses and only thing they know positively: alone, and bump stocks.

Pathetic beyond belief. Why do we have an FBI then? Their months long investigation resulted in what the LVPD knew one hour after the shooting stopped.

Amazing they chose not to bulldoze the hotel and venue the next day. Just in case any evidence leaked out.

01-29-19, 23:34
Crazy people do crazy things.

What scares me is when crazy people do rational things.

01-30-19, 04:03
the Russians !

01-30-19, 04:15
The first question is what is there to cover up? If it was a false flag attack and the idiot that carried it out had a handler that could be traced back to the DNP...there you go.

01-30-19, 06:03
I still say it was a gun deal gone south with Filipino Islamic Terrorists

01-30-19, 06:05
Pathetic beyond belief. Why do we have an FBI then?

To carry out the whims of the deep state and Communist Democratic party?

01-30-19, 08:32
I's day if he attended a Trump rally or found a MAGA hat then they'd sure as heck say it was politically motivated... But since the only photo I saw was him marching with the rest of the DNC crazies then it's not politically motivated at all. Makes perfect sense...lol

01-30-19, 09:59
I don't have any problems believing that was his motive, as that's usually the motive for the rest of them who do similar more often then not. What I have problems with is, if that was his motive, they tend to leave behind many indicators and evidence of their motives to be famous. That was an awful of of prep and time taken to do all that to be famous, then leave nothing for people to build on the story to make him famous. That part does not job with the personality profile of such a person, even if their motives make no sense to rational non crazy people.

What ever happened with confirmation he was a big Bernie supporter and far left type? That get buried, or never really materialized as legit?

Doc Safari
01-30-19, 11:09
He had been programmed by the CIA with a second personality that could be activated with a code word or phrase when the time was right to push for more gun legislation.

(Okay, maybe not, but you can't get into a crazy person's head to know why they did something so this explanation is just as good as any).

01-30-19, 11:32
Crazy suicidal people sometimes want others to feel their pain. Some see happiness as a zero sum game, that others have happiness because they do not.

Add the lack of empathy with the target of a mass of happy people, and it's quite easy to believe.

01-30-19, 12:47
I don't have any problems believing that was his motive, as that's usually the motive for the rest of them who do similar more often then not. What I have problems with is, if that was his motive, they tend to leave behind many indicators and evidence of their motives to be famous. That was an awful lot of prep and time taken to do all that to be famous, then leave nothing for people to build on the story to make him famous.

This is my line of thinking as well. Someone who wants to be famous typically makes that priority number one, but it doesn't seem to be the case with him. I suspect if it really was his motive, we'd have known in the first few days via the MSM.

There have been too many odd things happen for me to believe any of it. Smoke and mirrors.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

01-30-19, 13:13
Swamp gas. Really. We think. Maybe. Maybe not. But he was alone and bump stocks were in the room at the same time. Most important the masses know this. Alone, no other helpers, agitators ( you know like the FBI loves to have their CI provoke a heinous act so they can catch the bad guys red handed doing what the FBI planned and provided). Alone, absolutely, no trail to follow. And bump stocks.

Still no itemized list of guns, which ones were fired from which position (like the several without sights or optics), whether bump stocks actually were used to fire and did they jam possibly causing him to stop, how many shots from each position/weapon, etc. You know like FORENSIC EVIDENCE. Months later and nothing other than guesses and only thing they know positively: alone, and bump stocks.

Pathetic beyond belief. Why do we have an FBI then? Their months long investigation resulted in what the LVPD knew one hour after the shooting stopped.

Amazing they chose not to bulldoze the hotel and venue the next day. Just in case any evidence leaked out.

Nah, this clown was way more weather balloon than swamp gas.

01-30-19, 13:33
He clearly had an anti gun angle. The choice of guns and how many, the bump stocks, the whole thing. Maybe he came up with on his own, but its every liberal politicians wet dream of an anti gun story. He went and bought all these "ridiculous things no one should be able to own" and then used them in the worst case of what some one might do with them. Like he was trying to prove a point. This is a political motivation.

Also what about the destroyed and removed hard drives? The odd seemingly CIA connections? The money moved about? The woman who leaves the country right before it happened?

Lastly why have we heard nothing about the crime scene investigation? Did they go dig the bullets out the ground at the concert grounds? Did they remove bullets from victims? Were they matched to guns? What as the cause of death of the victims? How many were trampling deaths vs. gun shot?

Questions. There are lots of them. This report answers none.

01-30-19, 14:17
Like I said this nut had a handler. In the place of an investigation the feds took control of their crime scene to sanitize all the links. All that’s been put out are cover stories.

01-30-19, 21:53
Like I said this nut had a handler. In the place of an investigation the feds took control of their crime scene to sanitize all the links. All that’s been put out are cover stories.

I agree with a FireFly he probably thought he was setting a gun deal. Why would shooter bring several rifles with no means to aim? But that would make perfect sense if selling a bunch of weapons to some shady buyer.

I also agree with prepare that he had a Fed handler and that why 99% of recoverable evidence was not even looked at or not disclosed.

You know the Feds were deeply involved when their investigation is kept secret and nothing is released even months or years later. This just stinks as undercover CI sting gone horribly bad and we need to use the Men In Black mind-bleach light scan.

And of course it happens in Vegas where the local PD is beholden to large casino owners such as the Saudi prince of the Mandalay Bay. Islamic terrorist buyers from the PI is not much of a stretch.

Next thing you know the Feds will be walking legit guns across the Border to cartel buyers using agency money and undercover CI middleman!! Oh wait...

01-31-19, 00:12
considering the terrorists that were stopped by homeland were created by homeland

I have no doubt this was some idiocy setup thing

01-31-19, 01:46
Three-page report? Wat?

Wyoming Fish & Game just released a thirty-four-page final report on the bear attack on a couple of hunters in September. How do you have a three-page final report on the deadliest mass shooting in US history?

01-31-19, 03:30
It’s in Russian :)
Three-page report? Wat?

Wyoming Fish & Game just released a thirty-four-page final report on the bear attack on a couple of hunters in September. How do you have a three-page final report on the deadliest mass shooting in US history?

01-31-19, 04:36
Complete nonsense. A story to pacify the masses.

Quoted for truth.

I maintain what I posted in the original thread, it was a sting op gone way sideways. Infamous mass murders don't set up hidden audio/video equipment on room service carts out in the hallway with tons of longarms in cases stacked in the room.

Alphabets are saving face.

01-31-19, 10:56
Crazy suicidal people sometimes want others to feel their pain. Some see happiness as a zero sum game, that others have happiness because they do not.

Add the lack of empathy with the target of a mass of happy people, and it's quite easy to believe.

This. I've encountered people with the same mental profile as this guy and it's really not hard to believe. You could say that "ease of belief" in itself is to help cover up a conspiracy, but I've found Occam's Razor is generally applicable to human behavior and most humans don't have the mental wherewithal to pull-off an actual conspiracy without getting caught. Plus, you're trying to rationalize/analyze circumstances as a sane person - you can't overestimate how crazy "crazy" is.

Don't get me wrong - I really am glad there are people out there seeking a bigger picture.

01-31-19, 11:12
You realize that we essentially do have two governments.

Why do you think X-Files got cucked so?

We have the TV government. The poster on the door that is our country.

Then we got the folks who are working night and day to get you globalized and turn you into reliable, docile, taxpaying producers who don’t ask any hard questions.

“Hard questions” aren’t whether or not younraw dogged an aged pornstar nor if you got a BJ from a fat girl.

A hard question is why do a lot of these bankers own 99% of congress and why one family in particular owns more than 3/4 of fungible wealth and why most people don’t know or want to know that “the Fed” is a very much private organization with no beholden accountability to any Government Monetary Reserve.

That’s why I pin my hopes on AOC.
1) She’s hot
2) She hasn’t been tainted yet

You really think these people hate Trump?
They LOVE the man more than Obama.

You really think your vote matters? That’s so cuuuute.

They already know who is doing what and have been since Warren G Harding

But go on, say “oh that Firefly boy on acid and in a K hole again”.

Well....folks either paint you as crazy, jail you, or help you commit suicide depending on how high up the ladder in society you are.

Stay Woke

01-31-19, 11:21
You realize that we essentially do have two governments.

Why do you think X-Files got cucked so?

We have the TV government. The poster on the door that is our country.

Then we got the folks who are working night and day to get you globalized and turn you into reliable, docile, taxpaying producers who don’t ask any hard questions.

“Hard questions” aren’t whether or not younraw dogged an aged pornstar nor if you got a BJ from a fat girl.

A hard question is why do a lot of these bankers own 99% of congress and why one family in particular owns more than 3/4 of fungible wealth and why most people don’t know or want to know that “the Fed” is a very much private organization with no beholden accountability to any Government Monetary Reserve.

That’s why I pin my hopes on AOC.
1) She’s hot
2) She hasn’t been tainted yet

You really think these people hate Trump?
They LOVE the man more than Obama.

You really think your vote matters? That’s so cuuuute.

They already know who is doing what and have been since Warren G Harding

But go on, say “oh that Firefly boy on acid and in a K hole again”.

Well....folks either paint you as crazy, jail you, or help you commit suicide depending on how high up the ladder in society you are.

Yes, Alexandra Crazio-Cortez has a plan to save this great nation.:no:

https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ocasio-cortez-markey-to-unveil-green-new-deal-bill Woke

Doc Safari
01-31-19, 11:23
AOC's fifteen minutes are about up.

Even the Dem establishment hates her.

"Sit down and shut up, kid, and let us show you how we run things."

01-31-19, 11:25
AOC's fifteen minutes are about up.

Even the Dem establishment hates her.

"Sit down and shut up, kid, and let us show you how we run things."


She has people scared and when her Event Horizon comes, she will be our ace in the hole.

The fact that nobody sees this is frustrating to me

Doc Safari
01-31-19, 11:27

She has people scared and when her Event Horizon comes, she will be our ace in the hole.

The fact that nobody sees this is frustrating to me

I see millions of people calling out her name.

Her followers?

No, her victims.

01-31-19, 11:27
I see millions of people calling out her name.

Her followers?

No, her victims.

They all laughed at Christopher Columbus when he said the world was round

Doc Safari
01-31-19, 11:29
They all laughed at Christopher Columbus when he said the world was round

AOC has about as much in common with Christopher Columbus as Olympic has with Colt.

01-31-19, 11:34
You realize that we essentially do have two governments.

Why do you think X-Files got cucked so?

We have the TV government. The poster on the door that is our country.

Then we got the folks who are working night and day to get you globalized and turn you into reliable, docile, taxpaying producers who don’t ask any hard questions.

“Hard questions” aren’t whether or not younraw dogged an aged pornstar nor if you got a BJ from a fat girl.

A hard question is why do a lot of these bankers own 99% of congress and why one family in particular owns more than 3/4 of fungible wealth and why most people don’t know or want to know that “the Fed” is a very much private organization with no beholden accountability to any Government Monetary Reserve.

That’s why I pin my hopes on AOC.
1) She’s hot
2) She hasn’t been tainted yet

You really think these people hate Trump?
They LOVE the man more than Obama.

You really think your vote matters? That’s so cuuuute.

They already know who is doing what and have been since Warren G Harding

But go on, say “oh that Firefly boy on acid and in a K hole again”.

Well....folks either paint you as crazy, jail you, or help you commit suicide depending on how high up the ladder in society you are.

Stay Woke

Will you do us one favor please? Should you ever have the golden opportunity to taint her, will you promise to hide all the knives before doing the deed? I don't need my world to crumble by waking to read that Firefly done got black widowed. :(

01-31-19, 11:39
You realize that we essentially do have two governments.

Why do you think X-Files got cucked so?

We have the TV government. The poster on the door that is our country.

Then we got the folks who are working night and day to get you globalized and turn you into reliable, docile, taxpaying producers who don’t ask any hard questions.

“Hard questions” aren’t whether or not younraw dogged an aged pornstar nor if you got a BJ from a fat girl.

A hard question is why do a lot of these bankers own 99% of congress and why one family in particular owns more than 3/4 of fungible wealth and why most people don’t know or want to know that “the Fed” is a very much private organization with no beholden accountability to any Government Monetary Reserve.

Well....folks either paint you as crazy, jail you, or help you commit suicide depending on how high up the ladder in society you are.

Stay Woke

It ain't some grand conspiracy. It's just humans acting like humans, looking out for themselves and theirs like every other mammal on the Discovery Channel. Seriously, you're giving people way too much credit. There are no "big strings", just a bunch of little ones.

01-31-19, 13:39
This. I've encountered people with the same mental profile as this guy and it's really not hard to believe. You could say that "ease of belief" in itself is to help cover up a conspiracy, but I've found Occam's Razor is generally applicable to human behavior and most humans don't have the mental wherewithal to pull-off an actual conspiracy without getting caught. Plus, you're trying to rationalize/analyze circumstances as a sane person - you can't overestimate how crazy "crazy" is.

Don't get me wrong - I really am glad there are people out there seeking a bigger picture.

If this were true, then why not a 300-1,000 page report with all the evidence laid out? Why continue to hide it when there are “no other collaborators”? If he was a lone crazy suicidal maniac then nothing could be compromised by a complete release of all evidence.

This is as cut and dried as Vince Foster dragging his bleeding head wound body from the parking lot across the grass to a bench in the jurisdiction of the DC Park “police”. And remembering to place a revolver next to his hand. And wipe down his office and purge his computer. Yeah simple explanation always is the answer.

Occam’s Razor was developed to explain natural events. I think it is grossly misapplied when it comes to anything involving politics which almost by definition is an ongoing series of conspiracies.

01-31-19, 13:55
He clearly had an anti gun angle. The choice of guns and how many, the bump stocks, the whole thing.
Probably. But apparently left no evidence of it beyond the obvious choices of the guns he used.

The evidence points to it being well planned, not "something" gone wrong.

01-31-19, 14:07
Was there ever an explanation on how he afforded to have multiple homes, owned a plane or at least had a pilots license at some point, bought more than likely tens of thousands of dollars worth of brand new guns and ammo, and gambled as a high roller enough to get decent comps and be known to the casinos? He was a retired government worker that held various jobs for the .gov?

01-31-19, 14:52
They all laughed at Christopher Columbus when he said the world was round

No, they all laughed when Columbus claimed that he could sail West 3,000 miles and reach Asia. Instead of the 15,000 miles that everyone else estimated that it was.

And they were right.

01-31-19, 15:13
No, they all laughed when Columbus claimed that he could sail West 3,000 miles and reach Asia. Instead of the 15,000 miles that everyone else estimated that it was.

And they were right.

But it still worked out though.

I don’t crush your dreams man...

01-31-19, 15:17
Occam’s Razor was developed to explain natural events. I think it is grossly misapplied when it comes to anything involving politics which almost by definition is an ongoing series of conspiracies.

You're applying politics to it. You have to make that inference to get to your starting point. Occam's Razor, as applied to anything, requires making the fewest inferences possible - I acknowledge the possible differences between a more complete answer and the simplest answer, but Occam's doesn't require you to just accept the simplest answer as the correct one. It's more of a probability analysis.

01-31-19, 15:28
But it still worked out though.

I don’t crush your dreams man...

Hey, I already said I'd give her a chance. I'm giving her a chance.

I'm Queen Isabella, here, laughing behind her back, but I'm still giving your Columbus a chance.

01-31-19, 15:48
Hey, I already said I'd give her a chance. I'm giving her a chance.

I'm Queen Isabella, here, laughing behind her back, but I'm still giving your Columbus a chance.

You’ll still come to the wedding though, yes?

01-31-19, 17:19
Oh man, you shouldn’t have mentioned AOC and taint in the same post...

01-31-19, 17:43
AOC not tainted...that's pretty funny in a sort of sick way. Must be a different definition for "tainted".

26 Inf
01-31-19, 17:51
They all laughed at Christopher Columbus when he said the world was round

Wingman, inflate those water wings, throw out the shark repellent and dye, then wait for rescue. You been beat, SAR in bound.


01-31-19, 19:00
You’ll still come to the wedding though, yes?

Hey, you get me the invitation, I'll be there... so long as it's someplace I can have a gun.

01-31-19, 19:20
Hey, you get me the invitation, I'll be there... so long as it's someplace I can have a gun.

No need for a shotgun wedding. I plan on doing right by her.
She will mother the Starchild after all. The rise of Nietszche's Overman will be realized and shall guide future generations to a new age. A new millenium. An era of Galactic Lebensraum.
I've looked at the data and man shall extend to the stars led by our Starchild


01-31-19, 19:48
It’s understandable. Well, you’re only human. Of flesh and blood you’re made.

01-31-19, 22:47
You're applying politics to it. You have to make that inference to get to your starting point. Occam's Razor, as applied to anything, requires making the fewest inferences possible - I acknowledge the possible differences between a more complete answer and the simplest answer, but Occam's doesn't require you to just accept the simplest answer as the correct one. It's more of a probability analysis.

I apply politics to it because the FBI is political. J. Edgar made it so and it has been ever since. Especially under Obama. Which has carried over to today. That is not inference, that is fact.

Some guys love to throw out Occam’s Razor for every controversial event. If we were talking about why Elephants migrate a thousand miles then I would agree the simplest explanation is most likely. When we talk about an organization known for multiple lies, cover-ups, tampering with evidence, politicizing enforcement, etc then Occam’s Razor is irrelevant and conspiracy has to be seriously considered. If you toss out conspiracy then you have a good chance of ignoring the root cause by blinding yourself.

02-01-19, 02:00
Was there ever an explanation on how he afforded to have multiple homes, owned a plane or at least had a pilots license at some point, bought more than likely tens of thousands of dollars worth of brand new guns and ammo, and gambled as a high roller enough to get decent comps and be known to the casinos? He was a retired government worker that held various jobs for the .gov?

He and his brother were in real estate. He sold the company for $2 million.

02-01-19, 07:40
He and his brother were in real estate. He sold the company for $2 million.

Must have either been good at investing or a good gambler to make it last playing as a high roller.

02-01-19, 13:15
Must have either been good at investing or a good gambler to make it last playing as a high roller.

That's just the sale price of the company. He still had lots of other real estate assets that he accumulated over time.