View Full Version : Could this be a result of the Election

11-05-08, 18:14
I was going to place an order for another Noveske N4 Light Carbine, Basic.

This is what is now in the section where ordering information used to be.

"Due to the increased demand on our rifles, we cannot guarantee delivery times. We are not accepting orders for this item at this time."

I hope that changes before the next AWB.

11-05-08, 18:54
I ordered a N4 Light Recce 16 on Monday. I guess I lucked out or had great timing.

11-05-08, 19:44
i'm quite sure people are flipping the **** out right now- which, i think, is actually a good thing.

first of all- it's a good boost to the firearms economy. i want distributers and manufacturers to make money. money means expansion and better availability in the future.

secondly- it's gonna be a BUYERS MARKET in about 6 months, when BHO has made no show of banning guns or taxing them, and some people get their credit card bills and realize maybe they didnt need all 30 of those tripped Noveske lowers they bought up.... and I'll be happy to buy them off him.

and thirdly, it's got people fired up and thinking about it- which has people taking action. I don't know for a fact, but i suspect the NRA will see a massive surge in membership and contributions over the next couple months.

11-05-08, 19:57
Don't count on #2.

i'm quite sure people are flipping the **** out right now- which, i think, is actually a good thing.

first of all- it's a good boost to the firearms economy. i want distributers and manufacturers to make money. money means expansion and better availability in the future.

secondly- it's gonna be a BUYERS MARKET in about 6 months, when BHO has made no show of banning guns or taxing them, and some people get their credit card bills and realize maybe they didnt need all 30 of those tripped Noveske lowers they bought up.... and I'll be happy to buy them off him.

and thirdly, it's got people fired up and thinking about it- which has people taking action. I don't know for a fact, but i suspect the NRA will see a massive surge in membership and contributions over the next couple months.

11-05-08, 20:06
Well I know as soon as I have the chance to obtain a Noveske or LMT Lower, I won't hesitate to buy.

I do feel though like you said more people will be buying firearms, mags, and accessories in record numbers.

11-05-08, 21:12
Don't count on #2.

I agree. BHO has made it pretty clear that he's going for a permamnent "assault rifle" ban. My guess is that our lovely Ms. Pelosi already has it drafted and ready to tee up.

11-05-08, 21:36
I agree. BHO has made it pretty clear that he's going for a permamnent "assault rifle" ban. My guess is that our lovely Ms. Pelosi already has it drafted and ready to tee up.

I fully agree... They wanted to revive the original ban but couldnt because GWB would veto it.... Now that they have control of the House, Senate and have the most Pro Gun Control President we have ever seen..... !!!! STAND BY !!!!

If I wasnt LEO and not worried obout them taking my guns, I would be digging some stagging holes in the desert.

11-05-08, 22:21
Hopefully it will. But all the anticipation of a new AWB and panic buying will drive the prices up on weapons and ammo more than anything else.

I was going to place an order for another Noveske N4 Light Carbine, Basic.

This is what is now in the section where ordering information used to be.

"Due to the increased demand on our rifles, we cannot guarantee delivery times. We are not accepting orders for this item at this time."

I hope that changes before the next AWB.

11-05-08, 22:34
I fully agree... They wanted to revive the original ban but couldnt because GWB would veto it.... Now that they have control of the House, Senate and have the most Pro Gun Control President we have ever seen..... !!!! STAND BY !!!!

If I wasnt LEO and not worried obout them taking my guns, I would be digging some stagging holes in the desert.

GWB said he would have signed one if Congress had presented him one. Two things to remember, the Dems still remember the butt kicking they got in '96 and blame the AWB for it to this day. They at least have learned from history, unlike so many others in this country. Secondly, what one Congress can do, another can un-do.

Army Chief
11-06-08, 00:41
I've no real stomach for the kind of overt disrespect that society seems to be according to President Bush these days, but on the AWB issue I'm not sure that he was really an overt friend of our cause -- he just never faced a situation where a tenable bill was sent before his desk.

On the other hand, I also find it difficult to believe that the Democratic Party really has much of an institutional memory of the 1996 elections where arms legislation is concerned. The logic is sound, but that was ages ago by any standard measurement of politics, and I doubt that there was ever a direct line in their minds between those losses and the alienation of their Second Amendment-supporting constituency.

Unfortunately, in view of Tuesday's broad sweeping gains, I think it is far more likely that the party will find themselves riding high, with few overt worries of blowback for their impending actions on this -- or any other -- issue. Whether that equates to a near-term revival of the AWB or not is something of an academic question at the moment; when the time is right, and the stage is set, I've little doubt but that we will walk this way again.


11-06-08, 00:54
Just one thing. Though you may be an LEO IIRC when you retire or otherwise are not an LEO in many cases you cannot keep those weapons. LEO or not people should be concerned, but I wouldn't be panicking. There is time to get what you need if a ban comes around.

I fully agree... They wanted to revive the original ban but couldnt because GWB would veto it.... Now that they have control of the House, Senate and have the most Pro Gun Control President we have ever seen..... !!!! STAND BY !!!!

If I wasnt LEO and not worried obout them taking my guns, I would be digging some stagging holes in the desert.

11-06-08, 00:57
Some interesting observations thus far.

Ammoman.com has temporarily suspended any further orders until all pending orders have been shipped. I was on Brownells website and all PMAGS of evry flavor were gone. I have been checking with many of my usual online shopping haunts and PMAGS are just about non-existent. Lowers are also hard to find at this moment. Let us hope it was all unnecessary and that the market returns to normal soon.

11-06-08, 01:42
i think gun shows are gonna be the hot ticket for getting stocked up right now. getting close to christmas, there should be gun shows popping up. the biggest gun show organization in this state is having two seperate shows in the next two months- i've actually opted to wait, and not buy the stripped lowers i'm finding on auction sites, to see what this one next weekend will have. no dumb transfer fees and waiting.

11-06-08, 01:44
I agree. BHO has made it pretty clear that he's going for a permamnent "assault rifle" ban. My guess is that our lovely Ms. Pelosi already has it drafted and ready to tee up.

If he does it it won't be for a while. Probably after the 2010 elections. Certainly not before his economic/tax/health care/Iraq/Afghanistan/Union stuff is pushed through. He does not need the gun fight until after all the big stuff he promised everyone has taken place.

And he does not need to rile up the indians before the 2010 elections and get a united front to take a bite out of his majority in Congress.

And probably wants to stack SCOTUS too so as to forestall such a ban being thrown out.

He may want to do it and may do it but he won't do it first thing I don't think. Does not make sense politically.

11-06-08, 02:10
If he does it it won't be for a while. Probably after the 2010 elections. Certainly not before his economic/tax/health care/Iraq/Afghanistan/Union stuff is pushed through. He does not need the gun fight until after all the big stuff he promised everyone has taken place.

And he does not need to rile up the indians before the 2010 elections and get a united front to take a bite out of his majority in Congress.

And probably wants to stack SCOTUS too so as to forestall such a ban being thrown out.

He may want to do it and may do it but he won't do it first thing I don't think. Does not make sense politically. Actually in a campaign speach early on he stated that reinstating the AWB would be a priority to be taken care of in the first 6 months of his presidency. Pelosi, Reed and others already have it ready to go and count on it being introduced immediately after inaugeration day.

11-06-08, 02:14
Personally I think they are creating the illusion of shortages so they can jack the prices up. 2 months ago a WASR10 AK was $350, now they are $420 or more, sorry but they can keep them. I believe in buying low and selling high and I don't appreciate being gouged with artifically high prices. Besides, when the Republicans come back to power we can all get our cheaper guns then.

11-06-08, 02:17
Actually in a campaign speach early on he stated that reinstating the AWB would be a priority to be taken care of in the first 6 months of his presidency. Pelosi, Reed and others already have it ready to go and count on it being introduced immediately after inaugeration day.

He said a lot of things in early campaign speeches. Speeches are for the listeners in the crowd.

We'll have to see what actually happens. I think he would be stupid to do it right away. Just makes it harder for him to push through his socialist agenda.

11-06-08, 05:47
It was the 1994 mid-term elections where the Dems "paid" for Clinton's far-left policies, not 1996. In 1994, the Dems lost control of the House for the first time since 1954. This was a huge defeat, especially considering that Clinton had been elected only two years prior. Some commentators blamed (credited) the Dem loss on Clinton's new gun laws, the AWB and the Brady Bill.

As others have posted here, GWB stated multiple times that he would sign an AWB if it reached his desk. He even stated this during his initial campaign for office. These statements did not seem to hurt him much, nor did Obama's similar, multiple statements seem to hurt him. At the Dem convention, Obama clearly stated his desire for a new AWB:

"The reality of gun ownership may be different for hunters in rural Ohio than for those plagued by gang violence in Cleveland, but don't tell me we can't uphold the Second Amendment while keeping AK-47s out of the hands of criminals. "

If an AWB really was a huge political liability, Obama would not have been elected, but he was. Given the Dem majority in both houses, there is little reason to expect that a new AWB will not be passed and signed into law. Perhaps the only impediment might be from pro-gun, conservative Dems, but don't count on them holding their finger in the dyke and stopping the sea. One can attempt to predict when the AWB will be submitted to congress, earlier or later in Obama's term, but cases can be made for each. The real questions are: What will be banned? Will transfers be banned or just production? Will there be a registration scheme for existing guns?

One can only expect that there will be fewer "loopholes" than there were in the 1994 ban. The Dems have learned about AW bans from the numerous state bans, in addition to the 1994 federal ban.

For those who believe that a future Republican congress and president will save them by repealing this ban, dream on. If the previous AWB hadn't sunset in 2004, there is no reason to believe that the Repubs would have repealed it when they controlled both houses and the White House. They certainly didn't repeal the Brady Bill. The only real hope might be that the future AWB will be found to violate the Second Ammendment, based upon Heller, but that's a crap-shoot.

El Mac
11-06-08, 07:58
It is coming boys...of that there is no doubt.


11-06-08, 08:39
I was going to place an order for another Noveske N4 Light Carbine, Basic. This is what is now in the section where ordering information used to be. "Due to the increased demand on our rifles, we cannot guarantee delivery times. We are not accepting orders for this item at this time." I hope that changes before the next AWB.
The message quoted above appears to only be for whole guns, and the message goes on to refer the reader to the uppers, which have no such message. My logic tells me this is due to a shortage of lowers as uppers are still available for orders.

11-06-08, 09:18
This will not let off. (I wish it would. I can't do many more 17 and 18 hour days)
I would love love LOVE a buyers market. I could use the rest. It aint gonna happen.

Grab as much as you can, where ever you can. (not from us, we are backordered on everything)

Every manufacturer was at or near max capacity during the summer (typically the slow season). It's only going to get worse.

Hope for the best; prepare for the worst.

11-06-08, 10:03
Ordered my N4 Light Reece 16" on Oct 9th and it just shipped yesterday. Apparently they had a problem with their laser engraving machine or it would have shipped sooner. I am glad I ordered when I did after seeing that they are not taking orders now on complete rifles.

11-06-08, 10:06
He said a lot of things in early campaign speeches. Speeches are for the listeners in the crowd.

We'll have to see what actually happens. I think he would be stupid to do it right away. Just makes it harder for him to push through his socialist agenda.

This wasn't some sort of one-off early campaign promise. He talked about it quite a bit, and has been consistently serious about it - particularly in the face of questions about whether or not such a ban would fly with Heller (he insists that it would, and specifically aims to prevent state or federal override of more restrictive local or state laws.)

11-06-08, 10:20
We don't want to take too many back orders for rifles. Because of the current demand giving accurate lead times is difficult. For someone buying an upper it is usually not a huge concern, due to the current political climate people don't want to wait for rifles...

When rifles are available we will sell them and most will ship the same day. This is a direction we have been wanting to move in and selling out of most inventory in one day was a good time to start.

11-06-08, 10:40
We don't want to take too many back orders for rifles. Because of the current demand giving accurate lead times is difficult. For someone buying an upper it is usually not a huge concern, due to the current political climate people don't want to wait for rifles...

When rifles are available we will sell them and most will ship the same day. This is a direction we have been wanting to move in and selling out of most inventory in one day was a good time to start.

I really don't understand this. I mean, did people wake up on Nov 5th and realize Obama was going to be President and then order a bunch of guns? Obama was a guaranteed win at least 6 months ago! I bought all the guns I needed then save an AR in 556 NATO, it was last on my list. I couldn't make up my mind as to exactly what I wanted. And did manufacturers not realize Obama was going to be President, were they in denial?

11-06-08, 10:43
I really don't understand this. I mean, did people wake up on Nov 5th and realize Obama was going to be President and then order a bunch of guns? Obama was a guaranteed win at least 6 months ago! I bought all the guns I needed then save an AR in 556 NATO, it was last on my list. I couldn't make up my mind as to exactly what I wanted. And did manufacturers not realize Obama was going to be President, were they in denial?

Every manufacturer was at or near max capacity during the summer (typically the slow season).

11-06-08, 11:01
When rifles are available we will sell them and most will ship the same day. This is a direction we have been wanting to move in and selling out of most inventory in one day was a good time to start.
If you have cash up front, why wouldn't you want to take orders as long as the customer was OK with the backorder and lengthened delivery time? Maybe I missed something.

BTW, a plug - I love my N4 Light Carbine!

11-06-08, 12:06
Hello everyone this is my first post on this site. Up until lately I have been an HK guy for my PDW. I sold it a couple of moths ago just because I go through a lot of ammo and 7.62 has gotten really expensive. I am not new to the M-16/M4 family-I have carried them for many years as a duty weapon.

Along the lines of this thread, I ordered a custom M4 about two weeks ago from a local gunsmith. He told me that the usual wait was only 7-10 days. Guess what? No rifle...not even a part yet! He says the system is completely clogged up and he can't get anyone to give him a straight answer on availability or delivery dates. I guess this will be worth the wait and I'm glad I ordered when I did.

I'm glad I made the switch and I looking forward to spending more time on this great site.


11-06-08, 12:36
It was the 1994 mid-term elections where the Dems "paid" for Clinton's far-left policies, not 1996. In 1994, the Dems lost control of the House for the first time since 1954. This was a huge defeat, especially considering that Clinton had been elected only two years prior. Some commentators blamed (credited) the Dem loss on Clinton's new gun laws, the AWB and the Brady Bill.

1 in 4 people in the exit polls said that was their motivation.

The sitting Speaker of the House, Foley, was taken down because of it. I was part of the De-Foley-Ate Congress effort that started on a mailing list I used to run called ROC -- restore our constitution.

As others have posted here, GWB stated multiple times that he would sign an AWB if it reached his desk. He even stated this during his initial campaign for office.

It was also well known that he said it because he knew it would never show up on his desk. He was speaking to the audience.

These statements did not seem to hurt him much, nor did Obama's similar, multiple statements seem to hurt him. At the Dem convention, Obama clearly stated his desire for a new AWB:

"The reality of gun ownership may be different for hunters in rural Ohio than for those plagued by gang violence in Cleveland, but don't tell me we can't uphold the Second Amendment while keeping AK-47s out of the hands of criminals. "

If an AWB really was a huge political liability, Obama would not have been elected, but he was.

This is a reactionary issue. Until it has actually passed, many gun owner voters are in denial. Once it passes, things get heated up.

McCain did not make anything of the AWB so the AWB did not come up as an issue. And with the unprecedented other issues at hand this election hinged on other things including race.

That does NOT mean that the AWB is not a toxic issue for him now that he is elected. I don't think he would not have been not elected this time around given all the issues involved. He will have a hard time getting all these supporters of his to the polls in the mid term elections. And gunowners could get riled up again if they actually pass this thing. the AWB is a lot bigger political issue than you give it credit for.

I lived through the last one including going from a 22 owning non-carer to a really motivated EBR and other owning gun owner.

Given the Dem majority in both houses, there is little reason to expect that a new AWB will not be passed and signed into law. Perhaps the only impediment might be from pro-gun, conservative Dems, but don't count on them holding their finger in the dyke and stopping the sea. One can attempt to predict when the AWB will be submitted to congress, earlier or later in Obama's term, but cases can be made for each. The real questions are: What will be banned? Will transfers be banned or just production? Will there be a registration scheme for existing guns?

One can only expect that there will be fewer "loopholes" than there were in the 1994 ban. The Dems have learned about AW bans from the numerous state bans, in addition to the 1994 federal ban.

For those who believe that a future Republican congress and president will save them by repealing this ban, dream on. If the previous AWB hadn't sunset in 2004, there is no reason to believe that the Repubs would have repealed it when they controlled both houses and the White House. They certainly didn't repeal the Brady Bill. The only real hope might be that the future AWB will be found to violate the Second Ammendment, based upon Heller, but that's a crap-shoot.

Yes, it will come up and probably pass and be signed. The question is when. I maintain they will play it cool and pass it when it will do the least political harm to them which is probably after the 2010 elections. At the very least AFTER he passes his tax and health care and other marxist agenda items that WERE a major factor in this election. The AWB got mentioned a few times to appease that section of his constituency but it was not a major issue.

11-06-08, 12:50
I'll do my part by taking delivery of my new M4 in a few days, joining the NRA, fighting them anyway that I can and supporting anyone that will fight them on my behalf. Many of us sat back and pouted and did nothing. Maybe because we weren't in love with our nominee. Look what happened. Some might even say they can live with that. Can you live with an AWB that might last 10 years? Think it won't happen? Did you think BHO would be president? :confused:
I would highly recommend finding out who is in your corner and give them all the support you can give!:mad:

11-06-08, 17:39
Just ordered an SPR upper for my first Noveske product ;)

The Firing Line gun store in Aurora, CO has 20 DPMS lowers in their store and no line.

Word is that BHO is looking for a 100 day socialist blitzkreig. It is kind of amazing that after two years we elected this guy and no one can figure out what he will actually do. The problem is that even if the Reps keep enought to do a filibuster in general, people like Olympia Snow will screw it up for something like a AWB. I really fear that if they uncover a BHO assasination plot or a Columbine happens, they can ram it thru in a week. That's faster than the rifle can get thru to your FFL.

What is the lead time for SPR uppers now, anyone?


11-06-08, 21:51
Picked up four guns today. Four more in ten days. Then I'm tapped out and its just ammo from there on.