View Full Version : Well This Isn't Good...China / Russia Relations At Best In History...

01-30-19, 16:57

China and Russia are working together to challenge U.S. leadership in the world, undermine democratic governments and gain military and technological superiority over the United States, the nation's top intelligence official told a Senate panel Tuesday during a hearing that also underscored the distance between the U.S. intelligence community and President Donald Trump on several critical fronts.

The two U.S. adversaries “are more aligned than at any point since the mid-1950s,” Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats said in his prepared remarks before the Senate Intelligence Committee, seemingly invoking the Cold War of the 20th century to warn lawmakers about the strategic risk posed by China and Russia.

Also jumping on the "We hate the US" bandwagon are North Korea and Iran. So instead of improving US / Russian relations, Trump was forced to distance himself due to "Russia stole the election" nonsense from the left. So basically anything the US did in cooperation with Russia would have resulted in "See...I TOLD YOU SO" and in fact the Trump crew is still being investigated for collusion with Russia to influence the election.

And here are the real world results of that nonsense. But with China on board, complete with a military intelligence sections that specializes in computer espionage, you can bet there will be a comprehensive run to undermine the US and the interests of the US in the 2020 election.

Doc Safari
01-30-19, 17:13
I feel like the alliances are being formed that will eventually clash in a Third World War. I just hope it doesn't go nuclear, and it waits until I'm off this Earth.

01-30-19, 17:41
Considering all the intelligence Pelosi and the Clintons have been funneling to them (or heck they just need to watch CNN) I am sure they believe we are ripe for the picking due to the subversive nature of the Communist Democratic party.

01-30-19, 17:42
I feel like the alliances are being formed that will eventually clash in a Third World War. I just hope it doesn't go nuclear, and it waits until I'm off this Earth.

I think the real goal is to reduce the US to "second world nation" status. That way we can make Nikes for them. There is no monetary gain from trading nukes.

We won't shop at Walmart after that.

There will be no grain or pork exports.

We aren't an oil exporter.

The only way military action benefits Russia or China is if they managed to take us intact similar to the 1987 mini series "Amerika" (which you'll never find a copy of btw.) And that is unlikely as I think we'd use nukes if it looked like we were going down.

Iran is another story, they aren't trying to sell us anything. They simply want complete and total destruction of Israel and the US and they will absolutely send them if they ever get viable weapons. I don't think Russia or China will permit that from Iran or North Korea (assuming they ever gained the capacity) but who knows what kind of actual control will exist, especially where Iran is concerned.

Bottom line is if we aren't working as a "Co World Power" with conjoined interests with Russia, they will find another dance partner and China was just waiting in the wings. Russia thought they were going to the Prom with Donald Trump but it didn't happen, so they will gladly try to rule the world with China instead and that means reducing our status.

I've said it before, Putin is Russia's Reagan and we need to understand that.

Doc Safari
01-30-19, 17:49
I think the real goal is to reduce the US to "second world nation" status. That way we can make Nikes for them. There is no monetary gain from trading nukes.

We won't shop at Walmart after that.

There will be no grain or pork exports.

We aren't an oil exporter.

The only way military action benefits Russia or China is if they managed to take us intact similar to the 1987 mini series "Amerika" (which you'll never find a copy of btw.) And that is unlikely as I think we'd use nukes if it looked like we were going down.

Iran is another story, they aren't trying to sell us anything. They simply want complete and total destruction of Israel and the US and they will absolutely send them if they ever get viable weapons. I don't think Russia or China will permit that from Iran or North Korea (assuming they ever gained the capacity) but who knows what kind of actual control will exist, especially where Iran is concerned.

Bottom line is if we aren't working as a "Co World Power" with conjoined interests with Russia, they will find another dance partner and China was just waiting in the wings. Russia thought they were going to the Prom with Donald Trump but it didn't happen, so they will gladly try to rule the world with China instead and that means reducing our status.

I've said it before, Putin is Russia's Reagan and we need to understand that.

I think Russia and China both will try to make the Petrodollar go down the tubes, which may cripple our economy according to some. If they reduce us to ruins economically they won't have to attack us, to be sure, but I suspect that in my Third World War scenario a United States with visions of economic ruin will start the war first.

Yes, Putin is Russia's Reagan. IIRC he made note of how Reagan brought down the Soviet Union and adopted that playbook to bring down the US. I'd have to look that up again, but that's how I remember it.

Meanwhile, with the US announcing its "low-yield" nukes (less than the power of the Hiroshima bomb), conventional warfare just got real.


I'm thinking as the world moves toward resolving all of this, China, Russia, and North Korea will finally make good on that legendary EMP attack and that will be game over.

01-30-19, 23:19
I think Russia and China both will try to make the Petrodollar go down the tubes, which may cripple our economy according to some.

Look up petrodollar. I think you misunderstand what it means, it's how much we pay to oil producing countries. We are not an oil exporting country. If the petrodollar went down, that would be awesome for us.

Now if we sold oil, and the petrodollar dropped, then it would mean something. But we don't.

01-31-19, 08:18
Russia and Germany, right up to the invasion in WWII.

Doc Safari
01-31-19, 09:06
Look up petrodollar. I think you misunderstand what it means, it's how much we pay to oil producing countries. We are not an oil exporting country. If the petrodollar went down, that would be awesome for us.

Now if we sold oil, and the petrodollar dropped, then it would mean something. But we don't.

I thought we had become the largest exporter of oil, no?


(Nevermind: I see we are the largest PRODUCER, not exporter).

01-31-19, 11:07
I think the real goal is to reduce the US to "second world nation" status.

The U.S. has done a bang up job of achieving this all by itself thanks to continuation of an infinite number failed policy and deliberate actions by Democrates, Republicans and Globalist Power elites. China and Russia have seen the unavoidable writing on the wall for decades and have been using the U.S. Debt ponzi scheme in their favor buying real assets to align themselves to be the worlds next super power when the house of cards come tumbling down. Our unchallenged Republic died long ago when our so called representatives began to color outside of the lines of the playbook with gradual increased frequency, until the playbook was nothing more than wall art. But this is the rule rather then the exception historically.

01-31-19, 11:19
Russia and Germany, right up to the invasion in WWII.

Exactly. Russia and China "cozying" up is about as meaningful as the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. It's such a lopsided relationship - China has nothing to gain by being a "partner" with Russia and it runs counter to the Party's outlook for the country. China doesn't want entangling alliances. If they can use relations with Russia for a short-term gain, they will, but it's not a sign of anything bigger - Russians are "useful fools" for the Chinese. Plus, there's a natural enmity between the two that platitudes from leaders will not undo.

01-31-19, 12:02
I thought we had become the largest exporter of oil, no?


(Nevermind: I see we are the largest PRODUCER, not exporter).

However, we have only been able to export oil since 2015 due to a 40 year old law. The one good thing Obama did was end the ban on exports. Since that point oil production has been climbing and our economy is growing, so we didn't quite make it to being an exporter. The time is coming, though, in the near future.

01-31-19, 12:22
The U.S. has done a bang up job of achieving this all by itself thanks to continuation of an infinite number failed policy and deliberate actions by Democrates, Republicans and Globalist Power elites. China and Russia have seen the unavoidable writing on the wall for decades and have been using the U.S. Debt ponzi scheme in their favor buying real assets to align themselves to be the worlds next super power when the house of cards come tumbling down. Our unchallenged Republic died long ago when our so called representatives began to color outside of the lines of the playbook with gradual increased frequency, until the playbook was nothing more than wall art. But this is the rule rather then the exception historically.

I think if we knew a little more about people like Diane Feinstien we might redefine collusion. You don't have a Chauffeur for thirty years that's a Chinese Communist and not put A+B together eventually.
I'm not sure why our FBI seems to be carrying the water for those that seek to turn our Country in to a Socialist utopia, but it's getting a bit old.

To date, only one fairly obscure member of Congress has asked our intel people—in this case, the FBI--to look into the alarming case of a Chinese agent becoming her office manager and personal chauffeur. An excerpt from Rep. Jim Banks’ letter to FBI Director Wray:

It has recently come to light that U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, the former chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, employed a staff member who was using his position to secretly report information to the Ministry of State Security in China. Given the type of information Senator Feinstein had access to and China’s position as a top foreign adversary of the United States, this revelation is alarming.

01-31-19, 14:44
I thought we had become the largest exporter of oil, no?


(Nevermind: I see we are the largest PRODUCER, not exporter).

And that is the confusion that exists with most people.