View Full Version : Germany: Antifa publishes detailed instructions for political assassinations of AfD

02-01-19, 11:06

Screenshot of instructions in German, translation in article.

“Instructions for Assassinations on AfD Swine during the Election Campaign!

just a scout
02-01-19, 11:17
And so it begins...

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02-01-19, 11:24
Do it. Pleeeeease. I can't possibly imagine anything better for the AFD and right in general.


Doc Safari
02-01-19, 11:26
Soon this will happen in the US as well. We are in a global trend toward insurgency and it's only going to get more intense.

just a scout
02-01-19, 11:31
If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.

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02-01-19, 11:34
with that all antifa should declared terrorist org in US also and all of them be on the terrorist watch list and ALL of them should be captured and shipped off to cuba for a LONG holiday

not sure how Oregon would do losing half its population though :)

just a scout
02-01-19, 11:39
They’ll be fine. They don’t pay taxes anyway.

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02-01-19, 16:32
Are they terrorists / hate group yet?



02-01-19, 16:49
Are they terrorists / hate group yet?



Didn't Antifa just place some IED's at the Portland PD because they offed one of their members?

02-01-19, 20:18
Didn't Antifa just place some IED's at the Portland PD because they offed one of their members?

Still good to go as far as the SPLC is concerned.

02-01-19, 22:50
Didn't Antifa just place some IED's at the Portland PD because they offed one of their members?

Not sure about Portland but in Eugene they are a prime suspect in retaliation for the PD taking out the local Antifa "firearms trainer" when he drew on them at his daughter's school. Oh yeah good times a comin'.


02-02-19, 04:38
Not sure about Portland but in Eugene they are a prime suspect in retaliation for the PD taking out the local Antifa "firearms trainer" when he drew on them at his daughter's school. Oh yeah good times a comin'.


That’s correct, I had my cities mixed up.

02-02-19, 05:27
with that all antifa should declared terrorist org in US also and all of them be on the terrorist watch list and ALL of them should be captured and shipped off to cuba for a LONG holiday

not sure how Oregon would do losing half its population though :)

It would be the correct half and the best thing that could happen to this state.

02-02-19, 06:03
Well you wanted the 80s back.

Antifa is the new RAF

02-02-19, 15:23
Interesting, received the following from a friend this am

Difficult to know who the good guys are anymore. Germany and the EU are so screwed up politically that the party's keep morphing every day.

AfD started out as a conservative party opposed to the EU, but later gained support from both left and right wing groups. AfD support Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel, but are also sometimes considered anti-semitic.

They are apposed to open borders, but resist sanctions on Russia imposed by NATO and Trump.

They claim to be nationalist's, are anti-gay, and anti a whole bunch of other stuff. They have splinter groups with radical right wing ties and are sometimes viewed as Neo-Nazi.

The EU has created a mess in Europe that a bunch of radicals are trying to exploit. Unfortunately, I don't think the average EU citizen know what the fvck they want. And of course, the radical left element in the USA wants us to go down that path.

One thing for sure, the ANTIFA movement anywhere is a bunch of leftist criminals promoting Anarchy.

I better go now, I have some brass that needs attention.

Dr. Bullseye
02-02-19, 21:04
Looking at the link provided by the OP, is this enough for the Trump Justice Dept. to declare Antifa a terrorist organization? If not, why not?

02-03-19, 00:16
Or at least an Organized Crime Syndicate and throw RICO at them. Terrorists or OC, either fits and should the hammer applied.

02-03-19, 02:14
Or at least an Organized Crime Syndicate and throw RICO at them. Terrorists or OC, either fits and should the hammer applied.

Why not both? As we like to say at RedState, "Embrace the healing power of 'And'..."

02-03-19, 12:04
Looking at the link provided by the OP, is this enough for the Trump Justice Dept. to declare Antifa a terrorist organization? If not, why not?

Or at least an Organized Crime Syndicate and throw RICO at them. Terrorists or OC, either fits and should the hammer applied.

Why not both? As we like to say at RedState, "Embrace the healing power of 'And'..."

And if the Justice Department, the FBI and Homeland Security were doing there real job, well that all might have happened already. Instead the emphasis is on some collusion charges the Clinton's and Obama's cooked up.

02-03-19, 20:28
Not sure about Portland but in Eugene they are a prime suspect in retaliation for the PD taking out the local Antifa "firearms trainer" when he drew on them at his daughter's school. Oh yeah good times a comin'.


Video of the shooting from an officer's bodycam:


Looks 100% justified to me. I can't find any fault with the officers. What a POS perp.

02-03-19, 21:55
Video of the shooting from an officer's bodycam:


Looks 100% justified to me. I can't find any fault with the officers. What a POS perp.

No way, those cops are scumbag murderers and all police should be disarmed...



02-06-19, 14:34
Thread reopened. Any content that wasn't directly related to ANTIFA and assassinations was removed. Keep it clean and on topic, or take it elsewhere.

02-06-19, 15:31
I do stand by a previous post that had a point:

If you think Der Furher Merkel is going to allow SEK or whomever to do hardcore late-night no-knock raids to prevent the very real threat of violence against her political adversaries who have a legit chance at winning seats.....

You need to stop robotripping and lay off the Purple Drank.

This is...as they say...all part of the plan.

02-06-19, 19:37
I do stand by a previous post that had a point:

If you think Der Furher Merkel is going to allow SEK or whomever to do hardcore late-night no-knock raids to prevent the very real threat of violence against her political adversaries who have a legit chance at winning seats.....

You need to stop robotripping and lay off the Purple Drank.

This is...as they say...all part of the plan.

Merkel is a DDR socialist herself. Doubt she is on the list or will do anything about the list.