View Full Version : Recommend a Netflix show

02-01-19, 16:48
Movie, Original, TV series...What's your recommendation?

I'll start. Polar. Very John Wick like. Note: this movie is not suitable for families. The story line is interesting enough and there's action around every corner. Sniper rifles, machine guns, even a Battle Axe are involved in this flick.

02-01-19, 16:52
Here is a reason not to Netflix:


But that is just my opinion.

02-01-19, 17:09
Just finished first season of Bloodline.

02-01-19, 17:15
If you like the 80’s theme of Goonies, Ghostbusters, with a little darker twist, Stranger Things is good.

Ballad of Buster Scruggs is good too.

Cobra Kai (oops, this one it YouTube)

There was another almost Miami Vice type show that had Punch or something like it in the title, i’ll think of it in a few. Kind of animated.

02-01-19, 17:22
Polar was a little nuts, definitely not PG. Close is worth a look.

+1 Ballad of Buster Scruggs

The Siege at Jadotville


02-01-19, 19:01
First They Killed My Father


02-01-19, 19:11

Marvel’s the Punisher

02-01-19, 19:11
I recommend the following:

Fauda---Israeli commandos open a king sized can of ass kick

Ozark--Jason Bateman launders money for a Mexican cartel and gets in a bit of trouble.

02-01-19, 19:16
Ozarks... +1

02-01-19, 20:02

02-01-19, 20:04
American Vandal season 1

The Last Kingdom


02-01-19, 20:22
Black Mirror


Stranger Things

Schitts Creek

Meat Eater(not a Netflix original but very good)

Lucifer is dumb but kind of fun

The Good Cop



Breaking Bad


I mean there are months worth of amazing shows.

02-01-19, 20:22
Turn -- American Revolutionary war spy drama. Very entertaining

02-01-19, 23:53
Peaky Blinders. So good, I named my son Thomas after the main character.

02-02-19, 00:23
+1 Black Mirror. Metal Head creeped me out just because it seems the most likely story to actually mirror real life.

In addition, Black Mirror’s “Bandersnatch”. Didn’t realize what it was at first, but then it blew my mind. You’ll need to pay attention as this is a new format- they’ve made a real time choose your own adventure novel into a movie. You’ll need to select the next scene at key points in the story line. For the record, I got the 5 star ending first try...but knowing how dark Black Mirror plot lines are probably biased my decisions.

Babylon Berlin. Scary good story cop story in Germany during Weimar Republic just before the Nazi’s pop on the scene.

Dogs of Berlin. Another cop story, this time in modernes Berlin, auch mit Nazis.

+1 Last Kingdom.

I know there’s a separate thread already, but “The Punisher”. Over the top but still a lot of fun.

Just started “The Tudors”. All about Henry VIII at the dawn of his reign. So far so good.

02-02-19, 01:15
I thought Polar sucked..

Big fan of Ozark. Patiently waiting for its return.

Big fan of Better Call Saul, waiting for its return.

Big fan of Stranger Things, waiting for its return.

I enjoyed Black Mirror and The Punisher..

Currently I am viewing Bad Blood...

02-02-19, 02:19
Definitely R rated but my wife and I enjoyed Versailles.

02-02-19, 03:34
Could not get into ozark
Most all the above to are great

Just watched inside the mossad some awesome stuff I thought but into that stuff :) hahahahaha

02-02-19, 06:02
Black Mirror just for San Junipero alone.

The one where they chumped out Star Trek nerds was brilliant too.

Also Halt and Catch Fire if you like 80s retro stories about old computers and debauchery

02-02-19, 15:51
Black Mirror just for San Junipero alone.

The one where they chumped out Star Trek nerds was brilliant too.

Also Halt and Catch Fire if you like 80s retro stories about old computers and debaucheryI kind of lived halt and catch fire in college time (early 80s), without some of the weirdness. But startups and older companies were like they depicted. Comdex was a big deal. Really good coders were often disfunctional socially. Usually male and the females less cute then the girl in HaCF. New stuff was being invented in a thousand places.

I designed, coded, built, and installed an electronics device for Gulfstream G3s that had no equivilant in the industry. But by it's nature was not advertised, it was an install option with the big jet fbos. And was too easy for the jet mfg to build in once they saw a market. I went back to school and finished up, went to work for corporate America.

But for a brief period, that was my life. And in a corporate suit I saw it play out with others for a bit. Met big names now forgotten, probably still doing ok.

Halt and catch fire faded on me as a season became unavailable due to paywall and pissed me off. But the first one or two was good and largely accurate for the times.

02-02-19, 17:30
Ozark season 2 is better than 1.


The Fall.

The Ranch.

The Innocent Man.



Mindhunter is probably the best I've seen so far.

02-02-19, 20:04

I liked the reboot of Lost in Space.

02-02-19, 20:33
Turn -- American Revolutionary war spy drama. Very entertaining

While technically an AMC show I agree.

Black Mirror just for San Junipero alone.

The one where they chumped out Star Trek nerds was brilliant too.

Also Halt and Catch Fire if you like 80s retro stories about old computers and debauchery

While Black Mirror is basically a ripoff of the Twilight Zone for the digital age, I agree there were a few good ones and the Trekkie one and the "likes" episode are probably my favorite.

As someone who started with the Apple II plus (1980 I think), I loved Halt and Catch Fire. I remember even watching TV shows about kids who were computer nerds "Whiz Kids" in 1982.

If anyone hasn't seen it yet, Narcos might be the best NF show ever. I became a subscriber last year for Stranger Things which is also excellent. Also really liked The Crown.

02-02-19, 20:35

I liked the reboot of Lost in Space.

Actually was very impressed as well, can't wait for season two, but I absolutely despise Dr. Smith. I understand they need a bad guy, but I really hate the character, the actress, the entire package.

02-02-19, 20:35

02-02-19, 20:44
Just watched “the revenger” which I think is a netflix movie. Its was suprisingly good imo. Okay story, great action.

02-02-19, 20:56
Has Narcos been mentioned yet?

I especially enjoyed the latest season on Mexico.

02-02-19, 22:27

Walt is the man.

The Dumb Gun Collector
02-02-19, 22:38
The Ted Bundy doc was pretty good. Black mirror is also excellent.

02-03-19, 08:38
Many good ones mentioned already.

Just noticed Vikings is available, and it has proven to be a very good series over the years despite a couple of uneven times. Watching season 5 now. If it we're just about Vikings it would have been boring, but they are touching many historical events and situations beyond the viking world. Or at least where Vikings influenced/participated in world events of the time

Heard about "Occupied" on m4c, it was an interesting and completely different take on a potential Russian aggression/occupation and EU response.

Quirky "Lillehammer" was fun, wish they kept it going

"Hornet's Nest" was excellent. As was Restrepo (not sure it's still available). Grim, but have to be seen.

02-03-19, 13:02
Actually was very impressed as well, can't wait for season two, but I absolutely despise Dr. Smith. I understand they need a bad guy, but I really hate the character, the actress, the entire package.

Yeah, horrid acting on her part. Way too over the top and cliche bad gal.

02-03-19, 13:49
Forgot to mention travelers and altered carbon.

02-03-19, 14:27
Forgot to mention travelers and altered carbon.

Travelers was actually pretty damn good.

02-03-19, 21:36
Many good ones mentioned already.

Just noticed Vikings is available, and it has proven to be a very good series over the years despite a couple of uneven times. Watching season 5 now. If it we're just about Vikings it would have been boring, but they are touching many historical events and situations beyond the viking world. Or at least where Vikings influenced/participated in world events of the time

Heard about "Occupied" on m4c, it was an interesting and completely different take on a potential Russian aggression/occupation and EU response.

Quirky "Lillehammer" was fun, wish they kept it going

"Hornet's Nest" was excellent. As was Restrepo (not sure it's still available). Grim, but have to be seen.

Occupied is good. I am often watching t.v. and doing other things, so sub-titles are a no-go for me. I have to specifically sit down and pay attention to Occupied and Narcos- Mexico.

02-03-19, 23:47
After Occupied, I found another Norwegian series called Nobel that was pretty decent.

As for Australian shows, Forbidden City is worth checking out, as well as Pine Gap (I think that was mentioned above).

The movie Green Room is really twisted but not bad- I won’t say any thing other than Patrick Stewart is in a role completely unlike what I could ever imagine Captain Picard doing.

02-04-19, 01:34
The Autopsy of Jane Doe will cause a LOT of you to lose your shit.

02-04-19, 09:22
Amazon Prime has the first episode of 'Hanna' up for today only.

02-04-19, 09:46
I finished up "1983", which is a Polish show (Netflix picks up a lot of foreign shows as "Netflix Originals"). Alternate history where communism continued on in Poland into the 00's due to an event in 1983. If you can handle subtitles, it's great.

Movie - "King's Choice" - don't remember if it's on Netflix or Amazon. It's about the King of Norway's decision to resist the Nazi invasion.

Movie - "Steel Rain" - somewhat interesting Korean movie about a coup in N. Korea. The "peace" undertones are pretty obvious and absurdly naïve, and they even manage to shoehorn in a few seconds about how America is the Wild West with guns, but otherwise entertaining.

Movies - "Operation Mekong" and "Operation Red Sea" - decent Chinese military/action movies. It's interesting to see the subtle propaganda in the dialogue.

02-04-19, 11:48
Movie - Siege of Jadotville

02-04-19, 12:10
Previously mentions favs:

Stranger Things
The Ranch (sucks they had to kill off Rooster) for his “me too” stuff...funny character.

I also liked:

Red Road, another Jason Mamoa short series (2 seasons IIRC) where he plays a scumbag

Shooter: yeah, it’s ‘technically’ not there, but it’s cool action

Solo: stars War movie on origin of Hans Solo. Cool effects and story. I am not a Star Wars/Trek guy normally, but watched this with a daughter and it was fun.

Along with Punisher, Daredevil and Jessica Jones series are good Marvel series IMO. Iron Fist/Luke Cage not so much.

Right to Keep and Bear

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02-04-19, 12:15
Couple more:

The Crown. It is excellent!

The Good Place. Stupid funny comedy


Sherlock Holmes

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02-04-19, 14:01
Movie - Siege of Jadotville

Can't believe I forgot that one. I wish they'd make more like this - relatively unknown military engagements. Not quite that obscure, but a modern, large-budget film about the Falklands would be perfect.

04-05-19, 12:17
Amazon Prime has the first episode of 'Hanna' up for today only.

just curious who is watching the series so far ?

got to episode 3 so far ? not bad so far for entertainment some typical idiocy will have to see what happens as they usually start out Ok then swing to super stupid for political message ? we shall see

04-05-19, 13:02
just curious who is watching the series so far ?

got to episode 3 so far ? not bad so far for entertainment some typical idiocy will have to see what happens as they usually start out Ok then swing to super stupid for political message ? we shall see

I'm watching it. The whole series is up and we have one episode to go. It's o.k., I just suspend my reality expectations and enjoy it. Joel Kinnaman and Mireille Enos, that are stars of this show, also starred in The Killing which I thought was excellent (better than Hanna).

04-05-19, 17:31
So I just got a few episodes deep into “Umbrella Academy” and...I think I really like it.

04-05-19, 22:00
I liked watching 'dawn wall' recently. Super inspirational even though its not a mil movie. Another good movie in the same segment would be 'valley uprising'. Without giving away any spoilers I would say start with valley uprising to understand the history of the climbing culture in yosemite.

Trailer Park Boys has been a good binge watch. Helps me understand my Canadian ancestry.

04-05-19, 22:18
I just finished Hatfield and McCoys, I know it's old, but it's a good one.

04-05-19, 23:00
I think it's already been mentioned but The Last Kingdom is good.

04-06-19, 01:07
I liked watching 'dawn wall' recently. Super inspirational even though its not a mil movie. Another good movie in the same segment would be 'valley uprising'. Without giving away any spoilers I would say start with valley uprising to understand the history of the climbing culture in yosemite.

Trailer Park Boys has been a good binge watch. Helps me understand my Canadian ancestry.

If you want to further embrace your inner Canadian, catch Letterkenny on Hulu.

04-06-19, 19:15
Any of the Narcos series, the doc on the Eagles was awesome. I can’t believe I listened to Don Henley and Glen Fry back in the 80’s and didn’t even know whom they were. WTF.

04-06-19, 19:32
Traitors is gritty stuff.
Weeding the Communists out of the British Government after WWII.

04-06-19, 21:20
The Assassination of Gianni Versace

its so trashy....but fun

04-06-19, 21:24
Traitors is gritty stuff.
Weeding the Communists out of the British Government after WWII.

started that a bit ago :) I also do love well done era flicks of any type usually especially anything revolving around WWII

04-07-19, 05:14
I didn't see it mentioned . . .

But no one listed Stranger Things?

Seriously one of the best shows on TV.

04-07-19, 10:38
Love, Death & Robots. An animated sci-fi anthology from various teams. Some of the shows are kinda dorky but there are a few that are just excellent.

04-07-19, 10:50
Love, Death & Robots. An animated sci-fi anthology from various teams. Some of the shows are kinda dorky but there are a few that are just excellent.

The Aquila rift one freaked me out a little

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04-08-19, 06:32
Love, Death & Robots. An animated sci-fi anthology from various teams. Some of the shows are kinda dorky but there are a few that are just excellent.
I enjoyed most of the episodes.
Really liked... Sonnie's Edge, Three Robots, Suits, Beyond the Aquila Rift, Helping Hand, Lucky 13, and Secret War.

04-08-19, 10:22
The Aquila rift one freaked me out a little

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Same here. It is based upon a story by author Alistair Reynolds. Check him out What got me was the fact that “Greta” insisted everyone wound up in the same spot from the same routing error. So, was there a glitch in the system no one knew about? Was the system being spoofed by an alien? The hazards of space trucking...

Helping Hand actually had me on the edge of my seat, groaning in morbid anticipation.

Fun fact: Netflix arranged the episodes in two different orders and randomly selected the A or B queues for viewers. Some LGBT activist blogger was whining that the rainbow crowd was being targeted since they got Sonnie’s Edge (with the girl on girl scene) as the first episode, while normal people started with Beyond the Aquila Rift. This ridiculous claim was addressed and debunked Netflix since they don’t have that kind of subscriber metadata.

04-08-19, 11:31
The Great Train Robbery is a two part series that tells the story of the 1963 robbery of £2.6 million ($69 million in today's dollars) from a Royal Mail train headed from Glasgow to London. Part one tells the story from the robber's side, and part two tells the story from Scotland Yard's side. Both episodes are excellent!

The Great Train Robbery (https://www.netflix.com/title/70304244?s=i&trkid=13747225)

04-08-19, 16:57
Same here. It is based upon a story by author Alistair Reynolds. Check him out What got me was the fact that “Greta” insisted everyone wound up in the same spot from the same routing error. So, was there a glitch in the system no one knew about? Was the system being spoofed by an alien? The hazards of space trucking...

Helping Hand actually had me on the edge of my seat, groaning in morbid anticipation.

Fun fact: Netflix arranged the episodes in two different orders and randomly selected the A or B queues for viewers. Some LGBT activist blogger was whining that the rainbow crowd was being targeted since they got Sonnie’s Edge (with the girl on girl scene) as the first episode, while normal people started with Beyond the Aquila Rift. This ridiculous claim was addressed and debunked Netflix since they don’t have that kind of subscriber metadata.

Well, yet more proof you can never give those people enough- no girl on girl stuff, they'd have whined about there being "no representation". It happens to come up first, "you're targeting us". No winning there.
Frankly, there was the usual occasional leftist preaching points here and there among a few episodes the whole series could have done without.

BUT...aside from that, I'm going to second this show recommendation too. I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of it.
Aquila Rift was probably the best episode, I really got a kick out of the 3 Robots too. And of course who doesn't like Farmers in mechs Vs Predator alien hordes? :dirol:

So many of these shorts could have been fleshed out into full movies... I almost feel sad that some of the ideas were "wasted" a little bit. For example, the one about the [un]lucky #13 gunship could have been the next sci-fi black hawk down...

04-08-19, 19:35
The Aquila rift one freaked me out a little

That episode reminded me a bit of the episode 'Magnetic Rose' from a 1995 anime anthology 'Memories':

04-08-19, 19:57
Altered Carbon is awesome.

04-08-19, 20:37
If you like a Western, watch Godless. It’s awesome. Just finished the second time of watching it.


04-08-19, 20:48
Amen Papa! Jeff Daniels is one of the best black hats of all time.

04-09-19, 00:52
I didn't see it mentioned . . .

But no one listed Stranger Things?

Seriously one of the best shows on TV.

Mentioned on page one. Also I think it probably goes without saying that everyone with NF has seen it.

04-09-19, 04:29
Mentioned on page one. Also I think it probably goes without saying that everyone with NF has seen it.

Must have skimmed over it, I couldn't believe no one in this crowd hadn't mentioned it so you have renewed my faith in humanity.

IMHO, that series put them on the map so to speak.

04-09-19, 15:04
Must have skimmed over it, I couldn't believe no one in this crowd hadn't mentioned it so you have renewed my faith in humanity.

IMHO, that series put them on the map so to speak.

It's what made me add "streaming" to my NF DVD plan.

04-09-19, 16:15
If you like a Western, watch Godless. It’s awesome. Just finished the second time of watching it.

I enjoyed this show for what it was. What made it really fun for me was recognizing the filming locations and having been to those places myself.

04-12-19, 18:54
just curious who is watching the series so far ?

got to episode 3 so far ? not bad so far for entertainment some typical idiocy will have to see what happens as they usually start out Ok then swing to super stupid for political message ? we shall see

Hanna was ok a bit slow in spots and like an after school special at times.

This chick flick I'm looking forward to..;) Anna.


04-14-19, 09:27
Netflix put up 'Black Summer' another zombie series worth looking at. If for any reason not interested at least check out the last half of the last episode. So much mayhem and fail.