View Full Version : VA Governor Northam - Baby killer to KKK he's got it all

02-01-19, 21:08
This week Northam got on the radio and talked about how he supports delivering babies then keeping them comfortable so they can be killed.

Today his yearbook photos have been unleashed and show him in blackface and KKK sheets.

If you live in VA or know anyone that does..... Pleeeeeeease.... call or write your reps and let's get rid of this guy.


He's a pediatrician btw

But wait!!! There's More!!! In his VMI yearbooks his nickname was "Coonman"

The good news is though.... He's a changed man so he doesn't need to step down.

02-01-19, 22:42
Looks like Northam is on board with making legal what serial killer Kermit Gossnel is doing life without parole for. There seems to be no limit to the depravity of the Dems.

02-01-19, 22:48
This week Northam got on the radio and talked about how he supports delivering babies then keeping them comfortable so they can be killed.

Today his yearbook photos have been unleashed and show him in blackface and KKK sheets.

If you live in VA or know anyone that does..... Pleeeeeeease.... call or write your reps and let's get rid of this guy.


He's a pediatrician btw

But wait!!! There's More!!! In his VMI yearbooks his nickname was "Coonman"

The good news is though.... He's a changed man so he doesn't need to step down.
Oh, good to hear! He can do his term as gov then run for president with David Duke as VP. What could go wrong?

02-01-19, 22:52
Saw that. Incredible. I wonder which one he was, not sure which is worse though.

Dr. Bullseye
02-01-19, 23:05
Oh no, I've just popped some popcorn and have a couple cold ones here to enjoy the spectacle. He needs to make excuses and twist in the wind for a few days.

02-01-19, 23:12
Stick a fork in him, he’s toast.

Coal Dragger
02-02-19, 00:19
Nah, he’s a totalitarian statist. He gets a pass.

02-02-19, 02:44
There is no explaining that asinine costume; no circumstances could possibly make that decision anything other than abhorrent. That level of stupid does not wash out, even decades later. Repubs should keep this front and center in every interview, speech, editorial until he is forced into humiliated oblivion. It would be a great piece to throw in front of Maxine Waters for comment. Make Biden and Pelosi squirm. The entire VA Dem party should be forced to repudiate this guy.

02-02-19, 03:52
They believe their own lies that republicans started the kkk and parties switched side and lies lies lies and more lies

Sadly they will just say he changed when he became a true democrat and somehow blame it on his conservative side and throw in trump and the russians

02-02-19, 04:51
This week Northam got on the radio and talked about how he supports delivering babies then keeping them comfortable so they can be killed.

Today his yearbook photos have been unleashed and show him in blackface and KKK sheets.

If you live in VA or know anyone that does..... Pleeeeeeease.... call or write your reps and let's get rid of this guy.


He's a pediatrician btw

But wait!!! There's More!!! In his VMI yearbooks his nickname was "Coonman"

The good news is though.... He's a changed man so he doesn't need to step down.

Well, it would be totally different had he worn a MAGA hat, I mean that's racist.

02-02-19, 05:02
Cant kill a deer out of season but deciding to kill your own baby after giving birth is ok.

02-02-19, 05:23
Yeah, I have no clue how he thinks he's going to survive this one. Where on earth was this during the campaign?

02-02-19, 05:26
Fake news the extension of the "D" party:

cnn sated he is a Republican

abc, nbc warn: northam kkk picture Surfaced on ‘Far-Right,’ ‘Conservative’ Site

Of course none of them published his medical school nickname.



02-02-19, 05:49
Yeah, I have no clue how he thinks he's going to survive this one. Where on earth was this during the campaign?

Remember, there are different standards for commie Democrats. His words were taken out of context, he really didn’t say what he said, that was then and this is now so all is forgiven, he’s changed since college and becoming an enlightened democrat, etc......

02-02-19, 05:51
Why didn't this come out before the elections?!

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02-02-19, 05:54
Ummm, because he is a democrat? And he knew to keep his mouth shut about his murderous tendencies before the election.

02-02-19, 05:57
Cant kill a deer out of season but deciding to kill your own baby after giving birth is ok.

I heard on the radio that the VA legislator who sponsored this murder bill also recently sponsored a bill to save an endangered caterpillar or worm. I haven’t looked it up myself but I can believe it.

02-02-19, 05:59
I now cant stop hearing ‘coonman’ to the key of Pearl Jam’s Spoonman.

And now, neither can you

02-02-19, 06:14
I heard on the radio that the VA legislator who sponsored this murder bill also recently sponsored a bill to save an endangered caterpillar or worm. I haven’t looked it up myself but I can believe it.

On the same day as the abortion bill, she submitted a bill to protect the caterpillars. You can't make this shit up.


02-02-19, 07:32
On the same day as the abortion bill, she submitted a bill to protect the caterpillars. You can't make this shit up.


Anyone who is still unsure that liberalism is a mental disorder please raise your hand. Now, those with raised hands please read the above news article.

Outlander Systems
02-02-19, 07:59
Daily reminder that if scientists find an amoeba on Mars it’s “life,” but a full-term baby is, “just some cells.”

02-02-19, 08:11
Nothing is going to happen. Remember what Hillary said just a few months ago? "They all look the same"! No one questioned that, there was no national outrage, no protests, nothing....it barely made the news. Just a quick blurb and back to bashing Kavanaugh

Outlander Systems
02-02-19, 08:12
>deliver the baby
>revive it
>keep it comfortable
>then kill it


I’m starting to think the whole inter-dimensional demonic lizard people thing might not be so crazy anymore, g-guys.

02-02-19, 10:15
Too bad northam wasn't aborted.

02-02-19, 10:25
I suppose this was not intentional as well. Tell me again how they are "real" news and not the enemy of the people?


02-02-19, 10:35
Too bad northam wasn't aborted.Makes one wonder how many babies/children died on his watch.

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

02-02-19, 10:47
Too bad northam wasn't aborted.

Well, according to these evil democrats it’s never too late so there is still a chance.

02-02-19, 10:54
I suppose this was not intentional as well. Tell me again how they are "real" news and not the enemy of the people?
Yeah, this right here is some severe BS. Someone intentionally typed that chyron knowing they were lying, and then another person cleared it to air.

02-02-19, 10:57
At first glance, I was ready to cut him some slack assuming high school stupid level and probably a Halloween party or something circa 70s or so. In bad taste yes, but it was a very different time. Then I read it was from his medical school year book. He was old enough to know better on that one. But then, who even considered that appropriate to put in a year book? Buck stops with him, but it still raises additional thoughts/Qs for me.

02-02-19, 11:33
Black face and dressing up as a klansman in relative youth are pretty bad, but they pale in comparison to his promotion of actual after birth baby murder. The Dems will make the next 5-10 years hellish for this country. We'll see what kind of backbone the Republicans have and if they are able to resist them.

02-02-19, 11:35
At first glance, I was ready to cut him some slack assuming high school stupid level and probably a Halloween party or something circa 70s or so. In bad taste yes, but it was a very different time. Then I read it was from his medical school year book. He was old enough to know better on that one. But then, who even considered that appropriate to put in a year book? Buck stops with him, but it still raises additional thoughts/Qs for me.

So you need to have a yearbook in med school? Not only that, but no one had their had on the tiller cutting the "Animal House" out of said yearbook and maintaining the dignity of the Institution?
I'm not a Doctor, but I do know they are human and have failings, but the whole dynamic of this is so far out there it's disturbing.

Black face and dressing up as a klansman in relative youth are pretty bad, but they pale in comparison to his promotion of actual after birth baby murder. The Dems will make the next 5-10 years hellish for this country. We'll see what kind of backbone the Republicans have and if they are able to resist them.

You know as evil as that truly is, I'm equally as concerned for kids that are brought in this world and are unwanted, neglected and abused and as horrible as all of this abortion drama is, I'm not sure that kind of abuse isn't equal in it's horror in some cases.

02-02-19, 11:46
SO now he is saying he is not in any of those photos :) hahahahahahaha

so wearing a klan hood is OK if you are a dem
Maga hats are racist and smiling is a form of racism if you are white

02-02-19, 11:57
So you need to have a yearbook in med school? Not only that, but no one had their had on the tiller cutting the "Animal House" out of said yearbook and maintaining the dignity of the Institution?
I'm not a Doctor, but I do know they are human and have failings, but the whole dynamic of this is so far out there it's disturbing.

Exactly. It all seems off. What kinda med school is that? Looks like a damn high school year book.

02-02-19, 11:59
CNN put an 'R' next to his name in the crawler. Just doing their part.

02-02-19, 13:10
see what kind of backbone the Republicans have and if they are able to resist them.


02-02-19, 14:08
I now cant stop hearing ‘coonman’ to the key of Pearl Jam’s Spoonman.

And now, neither can you

Soundgarden I think, but yes you are correct that conman is now stuck in my head😀

02-02-19, 14:10
[QUOTE=Campbell;2703045]Soundgarden I think, but yes you are correct that coonman is now stuck in my head😀

02-02-19, 14:18
I cannot resist...


Dr. Bullseye
02-02-19, 14:19
OK, he explained everything. Infanticide is no longer and issue in America at all and never mentioned. Black Face # 1 is not him but black face #2 is him. He doesn't know how he got the nickname Coonman although it appears in his yearbook.

The double standard is alive and well. Either "racism" is not ever going to be mentioned again in American politics or a Special Prosecutor needs to be appointed to investigate the Northam-Klan Connection.

02-02-19, 14:27
Well, it may all be over. He has forgiven himself. Giving a press conference now.

His findings.

1. The picture is not him. How does he know... lol, you are going to love this..... He knows it's not him because he recalls the time he dressed in black face to imitate Michael Jackson and win a dance contest doing the Moon Walk ( which he won ). No lie... that was his excuse. When asked again about the black face dance contest he couldn't remember the entertainer's name and had to look to his wife who said... "Michael Jackson" ... 'oh right Michael Jackson'...

Now wait you say.... so what about the Michael Jackson black face deal.... Well no problem, he apologized to one of his campaign staff about that. I believe that person is a black man.

Seriously, you can't make this stuff up. SNL could not write this.

So he got together with all his family and friends and it's not him so he's sticking around. Never seen the photo AND the photo was on his page by mistake!

Oh, right the "Coonman" nick name.... He has no clue what that means. Two guys gave him the name and he has no idea what it means. The nickname "Goose" was due to his voice changing and it would pitch an Octave... but the Coonman name which he apparently had no issue with, never knew what it meant and you would have to ask the people that gave it to him.

.... and so goes the Dem mentality and rules for them vs rules for us. I wonder what Megyn Kelly thinks of this. She lost a Multi-Dollar job for suggesting blackfase might be ok on Halloween. Took 24 hours. VA Democrat says... oh, no,, -that- bolackface wasn't me.... I was the other blackface so I'm good to go.

Hannibal Lecter would love the way this guy's mind works.

ETA: Almost forgot... The reason he is staying is because to leave would be the easy way out. Staying is harder so that's what will do.

02-02-19, 14:44

Yeah I know, they are a bleak bunch of backstabbers.

02-02-19, 14:51
So you need to have a yearbook in med school? Not only that, but no one had their had on the tiller cutting the "Animal House" out of said yearbook and maintaining the dignity of the Institution?
I'm not a Doctor, but I do know they are human and have failings, but the whole dynamic of this is so far out there it's disturbing.

You know as evil as that truly is, I'm equally as concerned for kids that are brought in this world and are unwanted, neglected and abused and as horrible as all of this abortion drama is, I'm not sure that kind of abuse isn't equal in it's horror in some cases.

It's all a maniacal continuum. No empathy or compassion for the little ones, old folks too. Hurt, abuse, especially those that can't defend themselves, ending in murder, but hey the DEMs are for the children.

Outlander Systems
02-02-19, 14:56
Daily reminder that in Weimerica, being racist is still worse than murdering babies.

02-02-19, 15:06
Socialist don't value life. They have a history throughout the world of exterminating whoever doesn't fit their mold. Men, women, kids, babies, old folks, the educated, wealthy, religious, wrong ideology, whatever. It's the way of the socialist. The fact that its 2019 doesn't change the nature of socialism. A growing number of democrats "feel" they are justified in pushing their agenda forward by any means necessary as in bringing about conservative genocide.

02-02-19, 15:27
Ever see the Twilight Zone ep “the Obsolete Man”?

02-02-19, 15:31
Republicans won't capitalize off of this, and Democrats won't let this hurt them. He will, at worst, become a reformed racist. At best, for him, he'll deflect until something else hits the news cycle.

02-02-19, 15:32
Republicans won't capitalize off of this, and Democrats won't let this hurt them. He will, at worst, become a reformed racist. At best, for him, he'll deflect until something else hits the news cycle.

Yep, he'll get the liberal pass.

02-02-19, 15:40
Margaret Sanger & James Earl Ray still support him - so he's got THAT going for him... :rolleyes:

02-02-19, 15:49
Republicans won't capitalize off of this, and Democrats won't let this hurt them. He will, at worst, become a reformed racist. At best, for him, he'll deflect until something else hits the news cycle.

I'm actually waiting on a Republican to come out and apologize.

02-02-19, 18:34
Even if we got rid of him, his replacement, Fairfax I believe is the name, is no better.
On top of that, every time Fairfax put up or supported more liberal crap, anybody who went against it would automatically be racist.

Out of the pan, into the fire...........

02-02-19, 18:56
Even if we got rid of him, his replacement, Fairfax I believe is the name, is no better.
On top of that, every time Fairfax put up or supported more liberal crap, anybody who went against it would automatically be racist.

Out of the pan, into the fire...........

Yes replacement is a scumbag but the Republicans would get to nominate the replacement for Fairfax position.

02-02-19, 19:17
Daily reminder that in Weimerica, being racist is still worse than murdering babies.

Correct. None of the evil Dems are mentioning anything about murdering babies but are all over wearing blackface in college thirty years ago.

02-02-19, 19:53
Yes replacement is a scumbag but the Republicans would get to nominate the replacement for Fairfax position.

Dave Brat would have been a good possibility but he just got hired at Liberty.

It was interesting to watch Warner and Kaine go mute on the issue until the entire USA said Northam had to go. Fairfax reminds me of Richmond Mayor Stoney. Stoney is a complete fool. Stoney has this plan for a new sports venue and I think they would have to sell twice the tickets as Miami to make it viable and Richmond doesn't even have a sports team!!

Frying Pan vs Fire ... maybe not so much. Very likely Northam was being fed directions from the Fairfax camp anyway. A chain and it's weakest link. Now we need to find the next most weakest link. I wish someone would get some dirt on Kaine. I can feel it in my soul that it's out there.

What a bizarre party the Dems are. Shoe Polish vs Dead Babies ... Winner by KO!!! Shoe Polish

Well the local news is basically suggesting that Monday will see a new Governor regardless of new evidence. I'm guessing his wife put him up to the extension. Pretty sure Costal Virginia Magazine is not going to find him "Top Doc" any longer. http://www.chkd.org/Our-Doctors/Medical-Specialists/Neurology/Ralph-Northam,-MD/

Good riddance

Democrat, Killer, Racist, Liar, Governor ----- which item doesn't belong


02-02-19, 20:08
Correct. None of the evil Dems are mentioning anything about murdering babies but are all over wearing blackface in college thirty years ago.

It ain't just Dems. Just look around....close by...in the place you like to shoot the breeze...know what I mean?

02-02-19, 21:10
Isn't it interesting he went from "that isn't who I am now" and apologizing yesterday to "that really isn't me in the picture!" today?

I think we call that "suspicious."

02-02-19, 22:09
Daily reminder that in Weimerica, being racist is still worse than murdering babies.

Lessons learned rather recently from a fledgling Antifa muppet: Being WHITE is equivalent to racism, since every progressive will tell you racism is uni-directional; that is, racism is a construct of those in power to oppress those deemed inferior. So white people are by nature enforcing racism by being successful, educated and speaking grammatically correct English. Following that, sexism is again uni-directional since men oppress women, etc, etc. Therefore, non-whites aren’t capable of being racist, women cannot be sexist, etc, etc, since instituional white male privelege enforces the racist, sexist status quo. Oh yeah, capitalism sucks and it’s totally justified to beat people who are maintain the white male american dream. But filthy rich white dems aren’t racist or evil since they don’t benefit from this wretched system. They simply are fighting to change the status quo.

Not making this up.

02-04-19, 08:28
OMG... TODAY show is interviewing two black scholars... Asked by a black staff member of NBC... why are we seeing these blackface reports popping up now. Wait for it.... you know what the answer is.... Donald J Trump. Yep,,,, Trump is why Northam was in black face 30 years ago. Holy cow... The the young black female scholar by his side agrees and says Donald Trump has given permission to be racist and embolden people to be racist out loud.

So there you go. Election 2020.... Racism

ETA: and still not a peep about the baby killing.

LMT Shooter
02-04-19, 08:53
I am not into conspiracy theories, but I'm amazed at how this has happened. Northam makes a few incendiary remarks about a new abortion law, people start freaking out, then the blackface story comes out, and the abortion comments are almost completely forgotten.

02-04-19, 09:54
Isn't it interesting he went from "that isn't who I am now" and apologizing yesterday to "that really isn't me in the picture!" today?

I think we call that "suspicious."

Well, he’s saying that he DID wear black face to a party, but that he isn’t that particular person in black face. And therefor shouldn’t step down. It’s crazy.

02-04-19, 10:13
I am not into conspiracy theories, but I'm amazed at how this has happened. Northam makes a few incendiary remarks about a new abortion law, people start freaking out, then the blackface story comes out, and the abortion comments are almost completely forgotten.

Yes, making it easier to pass the bill since the world is focusing on a stupid decision he made in college and not the fact that he is okay with murdering babies.

02-04-19, 11:36
Not a conspiracy theory, media was tipped off to kill the baby killing story.

"The source of the tip appears to have been a medical school classmate or classmates of Northam who acted as a direct result of the abortion controversy that erupted earlier in the week, according to two people at Big League Politics"


02-04-19, 12:51
Now we have the Lt Governor of VA being accused of sexual assault

02-04-19, 13:04
I am not into conspiracy theories, but I'm amazed at how this has happened. Northam makes a few incendiary remarks about a new abortion law, people start freaking out, then the blackface story comes out, and the abortion comments are almost completely forgotten.

Actually I kind of admire someone who when incensed by the abortion comments pulled out and old yearbook and did him in.
There have been a couple of folks here who have advocated some coloring outside the lines to fight these actions by the socialist progressives, this might be mere coincidence, or it could be a stroke of genius, especially when the Lt. Governor has some sex charges filed against him also.
They've essentially been caught in their own damned trap.

Now we have the Lt Governor of VA being accused of sexual assault


Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax of Virginia issued a statement Monday morning denying an unsubstantiated allegation of sexual assault that a right-wing media site published amid extraordinary political turmoil in the state that has raised the possibility of Mr. Fairfax becoming the next governor.
In a statement issued at 2:55 a.m., aides to Mr. Fairfax — a Democrat who has drawn national attention as Gov. Ralph Northam considers resigning over past racist behavior — said the allegation was “false” and that Mr. Fairfax had “never assaulted anyone — ever — in any way, shape or form.” The aides said that Mr. Fairfax is considering “appropriate legal action against those attempting to spread this defamatory and false allegation.”

He got Kavanaughed.

02-04-19, 13:04
Separate from the particular incident; folks are crying wolf on racism and rape too damn much.

I remember when you had to pretty much get caught burning a cross to be taken seriously as a racist.

02-04-19, 13:23
Separate from the particular incident; folks are crying wolf on racism and rape too damn much.

I remember when you had to pretty much get caught burning a cross to be taken seriously as a racist.

Oh, I would agree, but this has been a tactic of the socialist progressive democrat party for so long it's kind of nice to see them get hung by the rope they've woven.
Really, if you want the weight of these charges to begin to require some real and substantiated facts before you rush to judgment and to find them guilty you'll need a penalty for playing this card.
We now do not need a trial, but the media is going to find you guilty, guilty or not. You're going to have to require the left and the media to fact check charges before the printed and televised deed is done
I would suggest liable lawsuits at every turn and counter charges like these to persuade them to avoid this tactic.

02-04-19, 15:17
Things that make you a white supremacist:
Being a white republican
Being any color that supports Trump
Nervously smiling at stolen valor native American

Things that do not make you a white supremacist:
Wearing blackface/KKK robes as long as you are a democrat

02-04-19, 15:56
I was told you don’t have to be white to be a white supremacist.

You cannot win with these people. I just tried to point out that without white people we would not have Disney cartoons, assault rifles, space travel, synthwave music, or chicks with blue eyes


Maybe but you know....there’s worse people who could have stolen it. I mean at least they were white about it.

Besides if it weren’t for disease and matriarchal based friendliness, they would have been killed off and possibly sacrificed.

Meh, it doesn’t bother me. Just quit confusing me with Mexican or Samoan

02-04-19, 16:05
I was told you don’t have to be white to be a white supremacist.

You cannot win with these people. I just tried to point out that without white people we would not have Disney cartoons, assault rifles, space travel, synthwave music, or chicks with blue eyes


Maybe but you know....there’s worse people who could have stolen it. I mean at least they were white about it.

Besides if it weren’t for disease and matriarchal based friendliness, they would have been killed off and possibly sacrificed.

Meh, it doesn’t bother me. Just quit confusing me with Mexican or Samoan Bro' we got a white supremacist secret Asian man here.. https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-lapd-black-lives-matter-protest-20190201-story.html

02-04-19, 16:14
This whole thing fits into what is going to happen in my "French Revolution" model. We now have the prosecutors falling to their own weapons.
The major issue I have is that we still don't have a silver bullet to neuter minority bad actors. White guys are implicitly guilty in their system- but what is the tool for taking down tools like Booker and Kamala? That is the riddle that we need to figure out.

02-04-19, 17:14
Actually I kind of admire someone who when incensed by the abortion comments pulled out and old yearbook and did him in.

That is what I heard happened but not sure who it is. Supposedly one of his old class mates.

For those that don't know or have forgotten.... here is the add that won him his governorship.... screw him, his horse, and all his circle jerk buddies. I hope he loses everything just like they did to the Republican gov that lost all his money, his home, his wife, and I believe to this day he lives with his preacher. They wiped him out. Northam deserves the same. After all, it's the game he chose to play.


02-04-19, 17:41
The Dems have shifted so far left so fast that they are pushing the envelope to see what they can be vocal about. In the past they had to be closet communists. Maybe their baby steps went like this:

1. Call for red flag laws- check.
2. Call for open borders- check.
3. Call for outright socialism- check.
4. Call for gun confiscation- check.
5. Pass abortion/murder laws up through the third trimester and cheer about it (NY)- check.
6. Call for infanticide/murdering a born baby- whoa, too much pushback. Deflect and get that guy out of there before he blows our cover.

02-04-19, 17:48
The major issue I have is that we still don't have a silver bullet to neuter minority bad actors. White guys are implicitly guilty in their system- but what is the tool for taking down tools like Booker and Kamala? That is the riddle that we need to figure out.

When you figure that out you will be a rich man.

I'm sitting here wishing for the Trifecta to hit.

Northerm - admitted racist
Fairfax - possible sexual assault

All we need now is AG Mark Herring the third Dem. this is going to hurt Terry McAuliffe who wants to be POTUS in 2020. The rest of the US will just say oh he's one of the VA guys... so that's 4 prominent Dems that could be damaged. I would suspect though if there are more skeletons to be found they would be found near Tim Kaine or McCauliffe. I don't think you will ever find a silver bullet though. When your base if voting for Santa Claus every election it's kinda hard to win them over. It's like the lottery, they just keep voting and voting and never getting anything more than a promise.

02-04-19, 17:56
The Dems have shifted so far left so fast that they are pushing the envelope to see what they can be vocal about. In the past they had to be closet communists. Maybe their baby steps went like this:

6. Call for infanticide/murdering a born baby- whoa, too much pushback. Deflect and get that guy out of there before he blows our cover.

ehh, I don't know.... for instance what 'cover' and his baby killing was basically a 24 hour deal. I mean the Democrat Media Advocacy Group could have washed that clean with a "which color is the dress" campaign. I don't think this was a Dem hit. Northam knows who did it. I don't think the Dems have any qualms about what they want nor who knows it. They want a "Bernie World on Steroids"

02-04-19, 18:50
one can't make this shit up

Fairfax suggests embattled gov could be behind unearthed sex-assault claim


02-04-19, 18:58
So the motive of the tipster may be different than how the media used it to change off the killing. I can buy that.

But that picture was a gift for Dems, make no mistake. They don't have to claim they didn't hear him talk about letting babies die on a table, because nobody is asking anymore. And that was getting awkward...

02-04-19, 19:01
one can't make this shit up

Fairfax suggests embattled gov could be behind unearthed sex-assault claim


I read an article the other day saying the year book photo could have been leaked by the lt. gov.... turnabout is fair play I guess.

02-04-19, 19:06
What still troubles me with these evil Dems is that they believe:

Killing babies= no problem
Wearing a racist costume 30+years ago= WTH??? Time to resign.

02-04-19, 19:07
ehh, I don't know.... for instance what 'cover' and his baby killing was basically a 24 hour deal. I mean the Democrat Media Advocacy Group could have washed that clean with a "which color is the dress" campaign. I don't think this was a Dem hit. Northam knows who did it. I don't think the Dems have any qualms about what they want nor who knows it. They want a "Bernie World on Steroids"

Eh, I was using "cover" metaphorically.

02-05-19, 12:54
Any polls on who people would vote for now with the new info?

Remember all those progressive fantasies about how Trump wouldn't be inaugurated, or would be run out of office and HRC put into POTUS....

Big A
02-05-19, 13:53
I now cant stop hearing ‘coonman’ to the key of Soundgarden’s Spoonman.

And now, neither can you

Spread the blackface with your hands
(Wear the blackface while you can)
Burn a cross upon their lawn
(Burn a cross until their gone) Coonman
Coonman, come together with the Klan
Lynch mob, I'm together with the Klan
Lynch mob, yeah
Lynch, oh
Well, all my friends are Aryans
(All my friends are European) Coonman
And all my friends are Grand Dragons
(They burn the cross until their gone) Coonman
Oh, hmm
Coonman, come together with the Klan
Save me, I'm together with the Klan
Lynch mob
Lynch mob
Lynch mob, yeah
With the
With the Klan
With the Klan
Come on,…

02-05-19, 13:58
What still troubles me with these evil Dems is that they believe:

Killing babies= no problem
Wearing a racist costume 30+years ago= WTH??? Time to resign.

For sure. It's disgusting. We live in an F'd up place and time.

02-05-19, 19:31
This is really starting to get interesting.

In VA if the Governor has to be replaced, the Lt. Gov. steps in. If for some odd reason the Gov and Lt. Gov were out the AG would become Gov. He too is a Dem Mark Herring. Total knee jerk kind of guy.

What I don't know is what if the Gov goes, Fairfax steps in... I -think- the narrow margin Repubs would then appoint the Lt. Gov. So then if Fairfax is found to be a sexual abuser the Repub appointed would advance to Gov and the Repubs would appoint another Lt. Gov.

So Northam has dug his heels in and more and more interviews are of the 'let's give the guy a break'. The woman that is accusing Fairfax has become represented by the law firm that represented Kavanaugh's accuser.

My biggest question / concern now is, just what absolute bone headed stunt are the Repubs going to pull to blow this all to hell.

02-05-19, 19:34
...My biggest question / concern now is, just what absolute bone headed stunt are the Repubs going to pull to blow this all to hell.

Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

02-05-19, 19:45
Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

That would be par for the course. The Repubs still think if they play nice and don't say mean things the ComDems will be their friend and will work with them.

02-06-19, 10:38
Uh oh......


"Virginia Attorney General Herring calls urgent meeting with black lawmakers"

RICHMOND — Virginia Attorney General Mark R. Herring held an emergency closed -door meeting Wednesday morning with the legislative black caucus.

“It’s a mess,” said state Sen. Lionell Spruill (D-Chespeake) as he emerged from the attorney general’s office building shortly before 11 a.m. An aide stopped him from saying more.

Most if not all of the entire Virginia Legislative Black Caucus, stone faced, left Herring’s office at about 11:15 am and went directly into a meeting at the Capitol building. They said nothing and ignored a reporter who asked if they supported Herring.

Del. Lamont Bagby (D-Richmond), chairman of the caucus, looked sullen. Asked to explain what was what’s happening, Bagby said, “I imagine we’re not praying enough.”

Translation.... they are both guilty as hell.

02-06-19, 11:06

The AG has just admitted to wearing Black Face as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Trifecta!!!!!!!!!!


RICHMOND — Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring (D) said Wednesday he dressed in blackface during college, elevating the Capitol’s scandals to a new level that engulfed the entire executive branch of government.

“In 1980, when I was a 19-year-old undergraduate in college, some friends suggested we attend a party dressed like rappers we listened to at the time, like Kurtis Blow, and perform a song,” Herring said in a statement. “It sounds ridiculous even now writing it. But because of our ignorance and glib attitudes – and because we did not have an appreciation for the experiences and perspectives of others – we dressed up and put on wigs and brown makeup.”

Herring referred to it as a “onetime occurrence” and said he accepted “full responsibility.”

Dare I ask for a Double Hat Trick? Hell why not?!

Give us Warner, Kaine, and Scott now. They sure were slow to condemn... got to be hiding something.

"full responsibility" ???? Great!! Please tender your resignation by the end of the day.

02-06-19, 11:09
Uh oh......


"Virginia Attorney General Herring calls urgent meeting with black lawmakers"

RICHMOND — Virginia Attorney General Mark R. Herring held an emergency closed -door meeting Wednesday morning with the legislative black caucus.

“It’s a mess,” said state Sen. Lionell Spruill (D-Chespeake) as he emerged from the attorney general’s office building shortly before 11 a.m. An aide stopped him from saying more.

Translation.... they are both guilty as hell.

Can someone post a link to Ralph Northam's apology to Ed Gillespie?

02-06-19, 11:18
I thought the issue was post birth abortions?

02-06-19, 11:27

The AG has just admitted to wearing Black Face as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Kirk Cox has that pesky (R) behind his name. And it doesn't stand for "Racist" either.

02-06-19, 11:28
I thought the issue was post birth abortions?

It is and was. He was outed as a racist BECAUSE of his stance on 4th trimester abortion.

02-06-19, 11:33
Can someone post a link to Ralph Northam's apology to Ed Gillespie?

HA! Now that I would LOVE to see.

I think I'm going to send our morning and afternoon drive time guys that question. They might throw it out there. That ad I posted, everyone basically agrees it closed the deal for Northam... of course he knows nothing about it and didn't pay for it so it's out of his control.

02-06-19, 11:38

Kirk Cox has that pesky (R) behind his name. And it doesn't stand for "Racist" either.

What I want to know though, is if the stars do align and Cox were to become Gov. where do our next Lt. Gov and new AG come from? This is election year. The Rs are barely holding on. That has to be why all the stalling. They will stall until election hoping to take control. I have heard but not sure that right now if it happened today, Cox would be Gov and the Rs in control would appoint the Lt Gov. Not sure where the second in line to AG comes from.

ETA: Maybe the new Gov would appoint the new AG? That would be a sweet deal.

It's really going to be interesting to hear the backtracks of people that said things would be no different if an R had done this or an R were in line for the Gov.

02-06-19, 12:02
It is and was. He was outed as a racist BECAUSE of his stance on 4th trimester abortion.
Yeah, I was being sarcastic. Racism is not the way to go on this. Why not stick with the real issue? That’s what the people didn’t agree with. Not some stupid photo.

02-06-19, 12:13
Yeah, I was being sarcastic. Racism is not the way to go on this. Why not stick with the real issue? That’s what the people didn’t agree with. Not some stupid photo.

Because it's nationwide. It's something that is in the moment. It's where the Dems live.

His views are a matter of record. This racist issue is all his own and can take him down. The Baby Killing is a legal issue that would get placed away from him.

Well I say all his own. All his and the good 'ole boys.

02-06-19, 12:17
Politics is stupid. And it sucks.

02-06-19, 13:08
Yeah, I was being sarcastic. Racism is not the way to go on this. Why not stick with the real issue? That’s what the people didn’t agree with. Not some stupid photo.

Because it further proves that the left cares more about the dog whistle politics of "racism", than murdering babies. It's a double whammy, so to speak.

02-06-19, 13:37
To a Dem, racism is both their life blood and Kryptonite.

02-06-19, 14:11
Update on Fairfax - Lt. Gov.

Vanessa Tyson, a professor at Scripps College in California

"As I cried and gagged, Mr. Fairfax forced me to perform oral sex on him," Tyson wrote in her statement, issued by a law firm now representing her.

"I cannot believe, given my obvious distress, that Mr. Fairfax thought this forced sexual act was consensual. To be very clear, I did not want to engage in oral sex with Mr. Fairfax and I never gave any form of consent. Quite the opposite. I consciously avoided Mr. Fairfax for the remainder of the Convention and I never spoke to him again."

"Since October 2017 when I first began telling friends about the assault, I have never wavered in my account because I am telling the truth. I have no political motive. I am a proud Democrat," Tyson said. "My only motive in speaking now is to refute Mr. Fairfax's falsehoods and aspersions of my character, and to provide what I believe is important information for Virginians to have as they make critical decisions that involve Mr. Fairfax."

Unlike Kavanaugh, Fairfax admits they were alone together. That the evening in question is correct. That they were together at the DNC convention. #timesup

02-06-19, 14:57
Seems like Fairfax might be upset..... https://legalinsurrection.com/2019/02/sources-tell-nbc-news-that-fairfax-said-fck-that-bitch-in-reference-to-sexual-assault-accuser/

Herring has stepped down as the co-chair Democrat Attorney Generals Association. Looking positive so far.

02-06-19, 15:23
Well here we go. NBC 12 local brought in a political expert from the Liberal Arts college of VCU.

So the reporter asks well what do you suppose can happen. Her solution... appoint a Black Female. You really can't make this stuff up. Don't worry about qualifications just appoint a Black Female so conversation and Healing can take place. Ms Condit... you and those like you elected those fools. We don't need you to crate yet another fiasco.

I have a better idea. Get rid of the two faced Dems and then the Republicans can have a discussion about whom will replace the worthless three.

02-06-19, 15:45
Well here we go. NBC 12 local brought in a political expert from the Liberal Arts college of VCU.

So the reporter asks well what do you suppose can happen. Her solution... appoint a Black Female. You really can't make this stuff up. Don't worry about qualifications just appoint a Black Female so conversation and Healing can take place. Ms Condit... you and those like you elected those fools. We don't need you to crate yet another fiasco.

I have a better idea. Get rid of the two faced Dems and then the Republicans can have a discussion about whom will replace the worthless three.

I wish I had been the reporter...

"So, you know if Condi Rice is doing anything at the moment?"

02-06-19, 15:55
It is and was. He was outed as a racist BECAUSE of his stance on 4th trimester abortion.
Pretty sure there are only 3 trimesters. Are you referring to post birth?

02-06-19, 15:58
Seems like Fairfax might be upset..... https://legalinsurrection.com/2019/02/sources-tell-nbc-news-that-fairfax-said-fck-that-bitch-in-reference-to-sexual-assault-accuser/
How does one force another to perform oral sex? I would be afraid of being bitten.

02-06-19, 15:59
Yes, it's a popular term.

02-06-19, 15:59
Pretty sure there are only 3 trimesters. Are you referring to post birth?

If you listen to his interview he did discuss delivering the baby and then murdering it.

02-06-19, 16:02
If you listen to his interview he did discuss delivering the baby and then murdering it.
That would then be post birth. Although, I guess he could induce labor and deliver the baby during the 3rd trimester, so that would be both 3rd trimester and post birth.

02-06-19, 17:23
Pretty sure there are only 3 trimesters. Are you referring to post birth?

Watch the South Park episode "Unplanned Parenthood".

One of the moms wanted to abort her 8? year old so it was a request for an abortion in the 35th trimester.

02-06-19, 17:51
Go to Youtube and type 4th trimester. ... and remember... the more trimesters they can invent the less those first three matter

26 Inf
02-06-19, 23:35
If you listen to his interview he did discuss delivering the baby and then murdering it.

I probably don't agree with this guy's stance on what second or third trimester abortions might be allowed. However, in listening to the interview and reading the written accounts, I don't see him endorsing anything that I would characterize as murder.

He clearly said he couldn't speak for Tran (the delegate who brought the bill) as to what she meant. He also said that if a woman who was requesting a third trimester abortion for gross fetal deformity or non-viability, would go into labor before the procedure could be performed, that the infant (his words) would be delivered, be made comfortable, and resuscitated based on the desires of the family.

I don't see where you get the whole 'murder the baby' out of that. He clearly was not talking about a doctor holding his hand over the mouth of a new-born baby and suffocating it because mommy broke up with the baby's dad. Rather, he was talking about the traumatic decision that a parent must make as to whether a profoundly deformed baby, who would not survive without life support, should be sentenced to live hooked to a machine in a vegetative state.

I'm pro-life. Abortion should not be used as a birth control measure. But, I am also not willing to dictate that a mother carrying an anencephalic baby, be forced to carry the baby full term and have it die during birth or hours afterward.

Beyond that, if you go past the first trimester before you decide you don't want to have your rapist's, brother's or father's baby, you waited too long, as far as I'm concerned.

So, like I said, I don't imagine my views mesh with the governor's, but I don't think he was talking about babies that could exist outside the womb without technological intervention.

02-07-19, 07:31
“the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

That last part is the catch. Discussion about what?

02-07-19, 08:32
... and the Tran bill had no limitations. She was asked if a woman is dilating and basically given birth, can it be aborted... Her answer was paraphrased... 'I wish the doctors were here' -- No, I'm just asking about the wording in your bill... 'There is no time specification in the bill'

So basically a person could give birth, be told it had blue eyes, and then say I want to abort it. They always give you the most heart wrenching version of how it will go, but you know Humans.. someone will take it to most bizarre limits possible. Also I think there was something in the bill that allowed non-doctors to perform the final acts because they figured doctors simply were not going to be willing to do it. The deal with Northam was he was simply matter of fact, no problem, here's how it works.

Pretty much like being caught in black face and then saying he's good to go because he's telling you he only did black face as Michael Jackson AND he was getting ready to bust out his Moon Walk moves at the press conference if his wife had not stopped him.

I'm no doctor and didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express but he sounds suspiciously like someone with early onset Alzheimer's or some other mental deficiency where his grasp of reality is becoming diminished. Maybe not Alzheimer's but something. Or maybe it's just Liberalism.

I dread the day Liberalism is added to the ADA list.

02-07-19, 11:24
Well Al Sharpton is in town today. I guess they had to call him in to preach the evil out of the white racists so the Dems can stay in their lofty government positions. Not sure what he's going to do about his black rapist brother.

Some sort of triangular healing process. I'm sure they can find two more sinners and draw some Pentagrams on the floor. Light up a ring of fire and set everyone free.

So the Dems can stay in power.

If these were Republicans they would be in hiding for their lives by now if they hadn't resigned.

ETA: Wow! Even Al Sharpton could not preach the Devil out of those white boys. Says they have to go. The rapist can stay because they need to hear from the accuser...... but they have already heard from the accuser?

Hollywood is running because people are pulling black face videos out of the woodwork. Joy Beyhar ( as a beautiful black woman - her words ), Jimmy Kimmel apparently imitated a basketball player. I guess they all need to go. Oh well.

26 Inf
02-07-19, 15:04
“the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

That last part is the catch. Discussion about what?

Quality of life. What the parents think is best for the baby. The same discussions and decisions that thousands of folks have to make each year regarding spouses and family members who have had strokes, accidents, or, are in the end stages of numerous diseases, crudely put - pulling the plug.

My mom died November 2017, I was there. She had a DNR, it was all I could do to restrain myself from clearing her airway and starting CPR, but I didn't. Those decisions, ones that aren't made lightly.

02-07-19, 15:26
I was the one to make the dnr call for my father, in the late stages of cancer. I followed his wishes, previously discussed. Pretty much the same as my wishes. However, that does not really make it easier.
I also feel abortion should be legal. However, it should not be used for birth control, should only be paid for by the persons involved, not the gov't, and not be available after the first trimester.

02-07-19, 15:42
Pretty sure there are only 3 trimesters. Are you referring to post birth?

Yes. Maybe a bit tongue in cheek, but still abhorrent.

I probably don't agree with this guy's stance on what second or third trimester abortions might be allowed. However, in listening to the interview and reading the written accounts, I don't see him endorsing anything that I would characterize as murder.

He clearly said he couldn't speak for Tran (the delegate who brought the bill) as to what she meant. He also said that if a woman who was requesting a third trimester abortion for gross fetal deformity or non-viability, would go into labor before the procedure could be performed, that the infant (his words) would be delivered, be made comfortable, and resuscitated based on the desires of the family.

I don't see where you get the whole 'murder the baby' out of that. He clearly was not talking about a doctor holding his hand over the mouth of a new-born baby and suffocating it because mommy broke up with the baby's dad. Rather, he was talking about the traumatic decision that a parent must make as to whether a profoundly deformed baby, who would not survive without life support, should be sentenced to live hooked to a machine in a vegetative state.

I'm pro-life. Abortion should not be used as a birth control measure. But, I am also not willing to dictate that a mother carrying an anencephalic baby, be forced to carry the baby full term and have it die during birth or hours afterward.

Beyond that, if you go past the first trimester before you decide you don't want to have your rapist's, brother's or father's baby, you waited too long, as far as I'm concerned.

So, like I said, I don't imagine my views mesh with the governor's, but I don't think he was talking about babies that could exist outside the womb without technological intervention.

It's irrelevant though. As written, it would essentially make Kermit Gosnell's crimes (for which he is rightly serving life in prison for) perfectly legal. Parsing intent is running cover for an abhorrent bill. :(

02-07-19, 15:48
Quality of life. What the parents think is best for the baby. The same discussions and decisions that thousands of folks have to make each year regarding spouses and family members who have had strokes, accidents, or, are in the end stages of numerous diseases, crudely put - pulling the plug.

My mom died November 2017, I was there. She had a DNR, it was all I could do to restrain myself from clearing her airway and starting CPR, but I didn't. Those decisions, ones that aren't made lightly.

That sounds nicer when put that way, but typically abortions are not centered around a child with a health problem. Also, the quality of life/ending it all angle with an adult usually centers around that particular adults views on no longer being independent/able to care for themselves and/or being in pain which in many ways can't be applied to an infant.

Considering that abortion is often not involving a fetus with any health issues, what happens when the child is born with out requiring resuscitation and then they have the discussion about how to proceed?

02-07-19, 15:49
Well what they are doing is not exactly the same as DNRs and the elderly.

“I wish that I was quicker on my feet and I wish that I was able to be more agile in that moment,” Tran, 41, a first-term Democrat from Fairfax County, said in an interview. “And I misspoke, and I really regret that.”

When a Republican lawmaker asked during the hearing whether the bill would allow for an abortion to occur when a woman is in labor and about to give birth, Tran said yes.

But on Thursday, Tran, a mother of four, corrected herself. “I should have said: ‘Clearly, no, because infanticide is not allowed in Virginia, and what would have happened in that moment would be a live birth.’ ”

"The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

Maybe they should all just get their facts straight before they try to make laws that we will all have to live by. Right now it takes 3 doctors to approve these special circumstances you guys are suggesting. Tran wants to create a situation where those professionals are eliminated from the equation.

02-07-19, 15:53
Quality of life. What the parents think is best for the baby. The same discussions and decisions that thousands of folks have to make each year regarding spouses and family members who have had strokes, accidents, or, are in the end stages of numerous diseases, crudely put - pulling the plug.

My mom died November 2017, I was there. She had a DNR, it was all I could do to restrain myself from clearing her airway and starting CPR, but I didn't. Those decisions, ones that aren't made lightly.

I suppose it would depend on what kind of principles the parents hold. Good principles and the child has a chance for continued life. Bad principles and the murder presses on.

02-07-19, 16:13
Well what they are doing is not exactly the same as DNRs and the elderly.

“I wish that I was quicker on my feet and I wish that I was able to be more agile in that moment,” Tran, 41, a first-term Democrat from Fairfax County, said in an interview. “And I misspoke, and I really regret that.”

When a Republican lawmaker asked during the hearing whether the bill would allow for an abortion to occur when a woman is in labor and about to give birth, Tran said yes.

But on Thursday, Tran, a mother of four, corrected herself. “I should have said: ‘Clearly, no, because infanticide is not allowed in Virginia, and what would have happened in that moment would be a live birth.’ ”

"The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

Maybe they should all just get their facts straight before they try to make laws that we will all have to live by. Right now it takes 3 doctors to approve these special circumstances you guys are suggesting. Tran wants to create a situation where those professionals are eliminated from the equation.

Which they absolutely shouldn't be doing. It's much more statistically improbable that 3 Kermit Gosnells will consult on the same case than 1 Gosnell. :(

02-07-19, 16:30
I also feel abortion should be legal. However, it should not be used for birth control, should only be paid for by the persons involved, not the gov't, and not be available after the first trimester.

That was fairly close to Harry Browne's 1996 potus run speach on abortion.

02-07-19, 16:57
If we didn't live in a society where women will go to a "doctor" to have their butt cheeks injected with whatever happens to be on sale at Home Depot by the case so that they are sexually attractive. I hear the 20 year exterior grade of caulking is good. Then let's say they become so attractive to someone they actually get pregnant and during that process have a few other brilliant ideas. Now let's say they end up at that same "doctor" for their "delivery and consultation". It's sad but we really do live in that society.

02-08-19, 17:19
Man this is going off the charts.


AG Herring - Blackface ------ No going to resign

Lt. Gov. Fairfax ----- 1) Forced sex with a woman. 2) rape of a 2nd woman that claims to have emails and other proof. Told friends. Claims Fairfax also raped other woman.
--- In light of the latest Terry McCauliffe and Corey Booker calls for Fairfax to resign
--- Fairfax says no way, never happened and not going to resign

Gov. Northam ---- Blackface on multiple occasions, nickname Coonman --- ( the infanticide issue doesn't even move the needle ) currently hiding in the tunnels between the government buildings, hired PR form ---- and you guessed it.... not going to resign.

The State of VA has now been given a new slogan by the nation. VA is For Losers.

This is what happens when Democrats capture your State. FL, TX, OH, PA, others ..... are you listening?

Wrote to my new congresswoman. You may have seen her dressed in white the other night. Got an email back telling me she was busy but would respond later. Next day I got a subscription to her " I've done this" list which I specifically did not check the box for.

Totally worthless and self serving Democrats.

02-08-19, 20:51
Man this is going off the charts.


AG Herring - Blackface ------ No going to resign

Lt. Gov. Fairfax ----- 1) Forced sex with a woman. 2) rape of a 2nd woman that claims to have emails and other proof. Told friends. Claims Fairfax also raped other woman.
--- In light of the latest Terry McCauliffe and Corey Booker calls for Fairfax to resign
--- Fairfax says no way, never happened and not going to resign

Gov. Northam ---- Blackface on multiple occasions, nickname Coonman --- ( the infanticide issue doesn't even move the needle ) currently hiding in the tunnels between the government buildings, hired PR form ---- and you guessed it.... not going to resign.

The State of VA has now been given a new slogan by the nation. VA is For Losers.

This is what happens when Democrats capture your State. FL, TX, OH, PA, others ..... are you listening?

Wrote to my new congresswoman. You may have seen her dressed in white the other night. Got an email back telling me she was busy but would respond later. Next day I got a subscription to her " I've done this" list which I specifically did not check the box for.

Totally worthless and self serving Democrats.

You guys are definitely giving us Californians a run for the money. I thought my dem Newson was a total D BAG for doing his best friends wife, but these 3 are really pushing the envelop.

02-08-19, 21:15
Man this is going off the charts.
--- In light of the latest Terry McCauliffe and Corey Booker calls for Fairfax to resign
--- Fairfax says no way, never happened and not going to resign
Totally worthless and self serving Democrats.

Okay, didn't Corey Booker self admit to some unwanted sexual groping of someone he went to School with before all the Kavenaugh drama?

Oh it was different, it was a MAN?
An anonymous gay male stepped forward today and released a shocking description on how he was sexually assaulted by Senator Cory Booker back in 2014.
The man claims Booker came to his workplace to speak, met him as he was coming out of the men’s room, and then pulled him back into the restroom and sexually assaulted him.
The young man is a gay man and Democrat. The man tells a very detailed analysis on what took place at his work.

But wait there is more !
Now, new information has resurfaced that reportedly shows Booker admitting publicly, in 1992, that he sexually assaulted a woman!
Booker recalled, “I slowly reached for her breast. After having my hand pushed away once, I reached my ‘mark.’”
This story shows that Booker grabbed a woman without her consent. To make the situation worse, the woman was so intoxicated from alcohol that she didn’t know what was going on.
According to Got News, “Booker used the rest of the piece to offer the rest of the Stanford community advice on sexual attitudes, consent, rape, and gender dynamics.” But this is Booker openly admitting he abused a helpless woman. This type of treatment of women is unacceptable.

But all according to CNN should be forgiven because;
What we don't need amid all of this is an epic bout of "whatboutism." What Booker did as a teenager wasn't right. And he has been and will be judged by voters on them. But to turn Booker into a political missile to prove hypocrisy misses the mark. This isn't about Booker. This is about Ford, Kavanaugh, and how we, together, figure out the right way forward.

So at this point, I don't think you can trust any of the bastards.

02-08-19, 21:46
I had never heard about Booker and the gay guy. The woman I had heard.

But he whole Booker vs McCauliffe thing is about 2020. Both TM and CB want to be Potus. TM just hasn't thrown his hat in yet. He's been waiting. Probably for the herd to thin a bit. But he has to basically go on record to say they must go because he identifies as a Virginian. He's a New York Dem by way of DC.

Booker has to condem his black brother for the optics. After all, as you noted, he has already been exposed and cleared so he can't be re-tried in the court of public scrutiny.

It's POTUS wannabe posturing. Booker was probably trying to beat Kamala to the punch also.

The thing many may not know is that if Northam steps out. the person that steps in could see 7 years as Gov in a State that has a 4 year single term only. You can't be Gov 8 in a row. You can win 4, take 4 off, win 4 more... Not sure anyone has ever done that. But with Northam gone it's 3 for Free then try to win 4 more ........... which if you think about it, it almost seems like an inside job from Fairfax. No one even knew his name before last week. that would be a sweet little trick if he could pull it off. I doubt that is what happened but like you say.... trusting them with anything is not wise.

02-08-19, 22:22
Looks like Fairfax is toast. He's got two days before there will be a 2/3 vote to impeach him. Almost all the Dems are Caling for him to resign. So should be an easy vote.


The tenor now from the Dem side is to keep Northam and Herring in place. I won't be satisfied until at least Northam and Fairfax are gone.

Well I finally found out "what happens if?"

So here are the eight possibilities:

Only Gov. Northam Resigns: Gov. Justin Fairfax (D), acting Lt. Gov. Steve Newman (R), Attorney General Mark Herring (D)

Only Lt. Gov. Fairfax Resigns: Gov. Ralph Northam (D), acting Lt. Gov. Steve Newman (R), Attorney General Mark Herring (D)

Only Attorney General Mark Herring Resigns: Gov. Ralph Northam (D), Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax (D), new AG named by GOP legislature.

Northam and Fairfax Resign: Gov. Mark Herring (D), acting Lt. Gov. Steve Newman (R), new AG named by GOP legislature.

Northam and Herring Resign: Gov. Justin Fairfax (D), acting Lt. Gov. Steve Newman (R), new AG named by GOP legislature.

Fairfax and Herring Resign: Gov. Ralph Northam (D), acting Lt. Gov. Steve Newman (R), new AG named by GOP legislature.

Northam, Fairfax, and Herring Resign: Gov. Kirk Cox (R), acting Lt. Gov. Steve Newman (R), new AG named by GOP legislature.

Nobody resigns: WTH?

So it has been said that Herring also wanted to be the next Gov. --- He could end up with that 7 year term too. They all need to go. Otherwise all the Republicans get out of this is a "where's the beef?" R Sandwich. Acting Lt. Gov Steve Newman(R) claim to fame is banning same sex marriage in VA

It's like herding cats and working with assassins all rolled into one big R ball. I knew a no win situation had to exist.

02-09-19, 18:48
Well now it looks like the VA Constitution has no means to remove a Lt. Gov if they are doing their job and not engaged in criminal activity while in office. So technically you could kill someone on Monday and get elected on Tuesday with no problem.

Oh, and the Dems are calling around the nation trying to find a man with a common name like John Smith that either went to school or was in a fraternity with Kirk Cox. So they are hard at work trying to get dirt on him so he can't fill a position as an R. I would bet they are hard at work trying to find dirt on every representative with an R beside their name.

02-09-19, 19:02
So you impeach Northram, Farifax becomes gov and you impeach him. Does that mean the R Newman becomes Gov?

How do you impeach Norhtram but not Fairfax?

Frankly, I wouldn't want to be Newman - imagine what they are trying to dig up, exaggerate, and concoct about him.

02-09-19, 19:22
If they impeach Northam anx Fairfax become Gov, then Newman would be Lt Gov and Kirk Cox would be Lt Gov.. then get rid of Fairfax and those two move up the line. However if Both go at the same time then Herring becomes Gov.. Which I believe is why some people are giving Herring a pass. ( I just fixed a really screwed up typo. did not mean to write "you people" )

Yep, Newman has to be thinking he hopes he's done nothing wrong. but the research on Kirk Cox is verified. They called a friend of Carla Cash who happens to be a conservative Radio host and works here in Richmond. So he called her to see what was going on and why someone was asking.

We have an election in 9 months and the Conservative radio hosts are playing good cop and saying just stand back and let them devour themselves. Nine months is a long time for the Dems to find a new savior.

Monday is going to be situation for sure.

02-09-19, 20:45
I'd say Fairfax eventually gets charged and Northam rides its out. Meanwhile the dem party uses this as cover to try an push more of their anti American agenda.

02-09-19, 22:09
That's going to be really bad. The Rs are playing a dangerous game. Let's say your scenario plays out. Fairfax was basically an unknown and will be forgotten about if he's gone. Now if Herring and Northam can keep their jobs it will set a precedent if the Dems are able to win VA in November. Our elections are this year not 2020. There are only a few more seats they need to control VA. If they pull that off it's a license to kill for the Dem Party. Sooooo.... what if Al Sharpton and all the other Dems are blowing smoke... which they are. The Rs buy it and November rolls around and BOOM!!! A Dem sweep with all forgiven because the only person that may be left standing would be Herring. Fairfax gone, Northam out to pasture by law he can't run for a second term. Herring --could-- run for Governor... you know... as a healing process with all his new found respect for the black community.

I wish these two women would just go ahead and file charges. At least one if not both are still within limitations.

Fairfax just called for an FBI investigation.
The accuser said fine. She's ready to testify and has other witnesses at Duke University.


The local TV interviews people on the street. One guy says yeah, it's just the same old thing with no evidence just like R. Kelly and Bill Cosby. LOL. I hope he testifies for Fairfax.

The bizarre thing is the Dems say he has to go through as a private citizen. Lt. Gov. meet Bus. The Rs are saying due process. (One R-- scratch that ) One Dem is saying he's submitting impeachment docs on Monday. I thought that was an R trying to draw up those docs. This makes more sense. The Dems want this to go away fast.

Northam says he will be a better Gov now that he has learned. Like... Honey, I know I cheated on you, but now that you caught me and I see it upset you, this will make me a better husband..... now go get me a beer while I make some appointments with other women so I can learn more and be an even better husband.

02-10-19, 19:08
The plot thickens.....


02-10-19, 22:16
I'm convinced Northam has some sort of brain issue going on. Either that or he is on anti-depressants and thinks everything is just lovely. I'm not a doctor but this is not normal. Something is wrong with that mans grasp of reality.


He made a statement the other day that VA was in uncharted waters. I sat today an wrote him an email. I basically told him that it is he that is lost. Not the State of VA. I'm sure he will never see it though.

That man is not right in the head. I would be wiling to bet his wife knows it and has been covering for him.

02-10-19, 23:01
I'm convinced Northam has some sort of brain issue going on. Either that or he is on anti-depressants and thinks everything is just lovely. I'm not a doctor but this is not normal. Something is wrong with that mans grasp of reality.


He made a statement the other day that VA was in uncharted waters. I sat today an wrote him an email. I basically told him that it is he that is lost. Not the State of VA. I'm sure he will never see it though.

That man is not right in the head. I would be wiling to bet his wife knows it and has been covering for him.

he is a lefty democrat ?
that wants to take out babies make them comfy then kill them ?
dresses as his former dems did ?

yeah nothing wrong compared to other lefty dems they are all brain damaged

02-11-19, 05:48
Maybe this whole disaster will be a wake up call for VA and get them voting red again. Then again, maybe not.

02-11-19, 07:06
I'm convinced Northam has some sort of brain issue going on. Either that or he is on anti-depressants and thinks everything is just lovely. I'm not a doctor but this is not normal. Something is wrong with that mans grasp of reality.


He made a statement the other day that VA was in uncharted waters. I sat today an wrote him an email. I basically told him that it is he that is lost. Not the State of VA. I'm sure he will never see it though.

That man is not right in the head. I would be wiling to bet his wife knows it and has been covering for him.

It's called liberalism.

02-11-19, 08:25
It's called liberalism.

Correct. This is how their mind works, using VA as an example:

Killing babies= no problem
Killing caterpillars= no way, need a law protecting them

Baffling isn’t it? Mental illness is the only way to explain it.

02-11-19, 10:04
Man this is going off the charts.

AG Herring - Blackface ------ No going to resign

Lt. Gov. Fairfax ----- 1) Forced sex with a woman. 2) rape of a 2nd woman that claims to have emails and other proof. Told friends. Claims Fairfax also raped other woman.
--- In light of the latest Terry McCauliffe and Corey Booker calls for Fairfax to resign
--- Fairfax says no way, never happened and not going to resign

Gov. Northam ---- Blackface on multiple occasions, nickname Coonman --- ( the infanticide issue doesn't even move the needle ) currently hiding in the tunnels between the government buildings, hired PR form ---- and you guessed it.... not going to resign.

In the grand scheme of things, the only one of those guys who's likely to go down is the Black Guy. Do you think someone is going to play the race card on this issue, because really, really, that's what I want to see.

02-11-19, 14:06
when you see this
for those that think breitbart is not news here :)

shows just how far the gov has slipped on who is getting voted in by certain districts etc..
they are attacking their own which is good :)

the liberals of old were at least OK with loosing and playing the game but the far left are the enemy of everyone not with them including the liberals !!!!
any moderate democrat liberal better realize this and fast

complete parts of our country are not America anymore and its going to get worse sadly

the Lunacy of VA is a prime example of slipping down that slope to be gone for good and this article is whats coming in place

02-11-19, 16:19


Several of Justin Fairfax's staff resigned today after the duke University Rape charge. It was also very interesting to watch SNL Saturday.

They opened with anti-trum / new congresswomen. Then a long skit with 10 white reps being schooled by Keenon about not wearing blackface.

Then the news desk they hammered on Northam.

The only mention of Fairfax was a quick punch line... 'but they can't get rid of Northam because the 2nd in line is accused of sexual abuse.' No name, no photo...

I guess it didin't look to good to joke about a Black Democrat Accused Rapist when they had to run Black History segment too later in the show.

Whenever anyone asks Northam anything about his actions now he basically says all this has happened so he can lead VA. I guess that's a dog whistle to the left... 'cut me some slack, and get anything you want with the VA tax dollars. Claims he's a strong leader, has had to deal with a lot of serious issues with babies as a doctor. Virginia needs a doctor to fix it now.

How totally FU is that? I'm not sure if he's trying to play the clown that draws the bull away from the thrown rider or what. It's insane that he is so deeply out of touch with reality. Everyone sees it too!

02-11-19, 19:14
Governor Northam, a word of career advice: Abort! Abort! Abort!

OK to abort even after you have been elected. We got together with the voters and discussed it and they calmly decided: Abort! Abort! Abort!

02-11-19, 20:30
"He hired IR+Media, a Washington crisis management firm run predominately by African-Americans, after it was widely recognized that the governor needed assistance from a team not based in Richmond or even in Virginia. Many of the state-based political firms have ties to Fairfax and Attorney General Mark Herring, who are in the throes of their own bids to save their jobs."

Surprise surprise... today the news reports that 58% of Black Virginia wants him to stay in office. ... and that all of VA is basically split 47% / 47% which is absolute BS.

Regardless... the Dems don't want an R in his place. They are simply pissed at him because he bought a victory from Tom Perriello in the Primary. Perriello is heavily tied to John Podesta's - Center For American Progress - the heavy duty Progressive Liberal front.

So basically they don't really care about the blackface thing, they just know it might cost them needed black votes. The votes won't go R. There will just be fewer D votes available.

It's still the good ole Progressive Whitey that is the problem. Now if someone could convince the everyday black person that the Liberal Progressive was bad news for them..... then the Rs could start to gather some black votes. Which is why the attack ad with the implied Redneck and Confederate flag was run by the Latino Victory Fund and why they are building the Latino base. They see the writing on the wall that one day, blacks will say screw it, let's just vote R and see what happens.