View Full Version : Antifa confronts no one and claims victory

02-03-19, 09:06

For about an hour Saturday morning, they marched around the town, shouting slogans like “Good night, alt right” and “Death to the Klan.” Protesters burned a Klansman in effigy, and held signs that proclaimed “Sandblast Stone Mountain,” “Death to the KKK” and “Dixie be damned.”

Several of the protesters wouldn’t give their full names but said they viewed the Stone Mountain Village march as a celebration of success.

The white supremacist group had already been denied a permit for the march, but counterprotesters said the absence of the white supremacist group validated their efforts.

"Have you seen that vigilante man?"

02-03-19, 10:09
The beat the imaginary bad-guy. Great job.

02-03-19, 11:44
Whenever I read or hear "white supremacist group" in the news I assume it's just a group of soft-right leaning people in favor of free speech.

Anyone who disagrees is a white supremacist - even people of color.

02-03-19, 11:50
Since they control the narrative due to the allegiance of the MSM to their cause, if you oppose anti-fa, does that make you a white supremacist?

02-03-19, 11:53
Since they control the narrative due to the allegiance of the MSM to their cause, if you oppose anti-fa, does that make you a white supremacist?

It's worse than that. If you don't actively support antifa, you are a white supremacist. Look at examples of antifa commies attacking journalists, photographers and bystanders.

02-03-19, 12:05
Is Stone Mountain still there, even after they marched around it and blew their horns 7x?

I'd say the mountain won then, and Anqueefa lost. :jester:

02-03-19, 13:42
Whenever I read or hear "white supremacist group" in the news I assume it's just a group of soft-right leaning people in favor of free speech.

Anyone who disagrees is a white supremacist - even people of color.

Yeah...well in this case to join the group that was not permitted you’re asked if “interested in securing the existence of Our People and a future for White children?”

It’s bold faced white supremacy. Start doing what we’ve demanded moderate Muslims do and denounce these lunatics. I’ve covered dozens of protests(post DJT) and counter protests(in Houston, so nothing violent or too weird,) but almost every single time I’ve seen swastikas and confederate flags etc.... They are never the predominant force, and I’m sure they make everyone uncomfortable. But they are there, and it’s no different than CPUSA marching with whatever the left issue du jour is.

Maybe the protest is valid. Maybe they are conservative issues that we should be proud to stand up for. And maybe it’s time we clean house and make it blatantly clear that these pieces of shit aren’t welcome.

02-03-19, 15:07
both sides need to be lead out to a large area and fight till the last one stands and then he/she goes on a vacation to iran or somewhere nice

or just send them all to Iran with no way to get back

02-03-19, 15:21
I don’t care who the groups are as long as they protest peacefully, including civil disobedience and are willing to take the legal consequences. Left, right, extreme, I don’t care and they are welcome to say their piece.

But any group that disrupts another’s legal protest or uses violence against anyone should be dealt with quickly and locked up on charges. And if a group has a pattern of inciting and doing violence it should be dealt with as terrorism and or organized crime group all the way back to the financial backers such as Soros and several other left wing statist billionaires.

02-03-19, 18:28
I don’t care who the groups are as long as they protest peacefully, including civil disobedience and are willing to take the legal consequences. Left, right, extreme, I don’t care and they are welcome to say their piece. .

Maybe the protest is valid. Maybe they are conservative issues that we should be proud to stand up for. And maybe it’s time we clean house and make it blatantly clear that these pieces of shit aren’t welcome.

The irony in all of this to me is that in my near 60 years, the only time I have heard of the Klan being active, or showing up to a "Protest or March" is when the Left suddenly has a point to make.
One might consider this to be either a "Cause and Effect." or perhaps even to wonder if these people don't have some sort of an alliance?
If you observe this over the years, one might begin to wonder if guys like David Duke had an agenda to "rent out" some sheet wearing, toothless, excon cronies of his, just to stir the pot a little and make some quick cash.
They may have always been there, but we've gone on for several decades now that they were nothing more than a few hard core members, a bad memory and a rumor.
Don't take this wrong, we have plenty of racists, it's just for the most part, they're just not white or conservatives

02-03-19, 19:16
Sympathy of white supremacists is an accusation meant to coerce the subject to waste their breathe denouncing the association - switching them to the defense. This is the very reason right-leaning groups are given the accusation with such frequency. It's a nasty game but a transparent one.

02-03-19, 19:29
The irony in all of this to me is that in my near 60 years, the only time I have heard of the Klan being active, or showing up to a "Protest or March" is when the Left suddenly has a point to make.
One might consider this to be either a "Cause and Effect." or perhaps even to wonder if these people don't have some sort of an alliance?
If you observe this over the years, one might begin to wonder if guys like David Duke had an agenda to "rent out" some sheet wearing, toothless, excon cronies of his, just to stir the pot a little and make some quick cash.
They may have always been there, but we've gone on for several decades now that they were nothing more than a few hard core members, a bad memory and a rumor.
Don't take this wrong, we have plenty of racists, it's just for the most part, they're just not white or conservatives

that so called alt right dude who started the one event where the idiot drove a car in to the crowd worked for obama before and was a left wing activist ?

so yeah quite a bit of it is fake IMHO
but the useful idiots on both sides to bulk them up buy into thinking its legit

02-03-19, 19:35
Isn’t the Klan a bunch of Democrats? Does no one have history book in America?

02-03-19, 19:47
Isn’t the Klan a bunch of Democrats? Does no one have history book in America?

Pshaw! Who needs history books. We have CNN, Pelosi and Michael Moore to tell us what our history is.

02-03-19, 20:02
that so called alt right dude who started the one event where the idiot drove a car in to the crowd worked for obama before and was a left wing activist ?

so yeah quite a bit of it is fake IMHO
but the useful idiots on both sides to bulk them up buy into thinking its legit

Well there is that and considering the victim died of a heart attack, not an impact and she was an overweight smoker.

02-03-19, 20:18
Yeah...well in this case to join the group that was not permitted you’re asked if “interested in securing the existence of Our People and a future for White children?”

It’s bold faced white supremacy. Start doing what we’ve demanded moderate Muslims do and denounce these lunatics. I’ve covered dozens of protests(post DJT) and counter protests(in Houston, so nothing violent or too weird,) but almost every single time I’ve seen swastikas and confederate flags etc.... They are never the predominant force, and I’m sure they make everyone uncomfortable. But they are there, and it’s no different than CPUSA marching with whatever the left issue du jour is.

Maybe the protest is valid. Maybe they are conservative issues that we should be proud to stand up for. And maybe it’s time we clean house and make it blatantly clear that these pieces of shit aren’t welcome.

Who cares?
It’s still a first amendment issue.

They could be a group claiming Scientology is a secret society bent on selling out their fellow man as hosts to engery beings from another dimension without bodies, who commit the most hedonistic and sadistic acts to others once they get bodies,-
And will start in 2038,
But that their group is from 2038, 300 people time traveled backwards into their younger selves at time check points marked by when they were nuclear explosions,
And want to team up with Mormons,
Who were really founded because another faction of the energy beings wants to keep the human race from being tortured and massacred, and started contacting humans with a genetic propensity for being resistant to the telepathic messages from the evil faction.
So together they can prevent the event.
While claiming black people have soul but don’t have souls.
The message does not have to be sane or acceptable for someone to have a right.

White separatists are white people that want to live where there is nothing but white people.
Successful white people, black people, brown people and yellow people do to. They just say they are picking where they live for the “good schools”, maintaining property values, and “low crime.” They may not be in a hate group that goes to marches, but when the county starts forcing low income dwelling percentages into new affluent subdivision developments or putting section 8 into their neighborhood, they show up to protest that.

I’m cool with a country that lets everyone have their say. I’m not cool with a country where one group can’t be there, but another can block traffic and loot with no consequences. Basically, I don’t care if you are Antifa, Sons of Hitler, or the Anti Xenu Brigade. Don’t block the highway, keep me from voting, damage my stuff, block a cemetery/funeral procession, or steal other people’s stuff- and have at it with your signs and chants.

02-03-19, 20:28
The irony in all of this to me is that in my near 60 years, the only time I have heard of the Klan being active, or showing up to a "Protest or March" is when the Left suddenly has a point to make.
One might consider this to be either a "Cause and Effect." or perhaps even to wonder if these people don't have some sort of an alliance?
If you observe this over the years, one might begin to wonder if guys like David Duke had an agenda to "rent out" some sheet wearing, toothless, excon cronies of his, just to stir the pot a little and make some quick cash.
They may have always been there, but we've gone on for several decades now that they were nothing more than a few hard core members, a bad memory and a rumor.
Don't take this wrong, we have plenty of racists, it's just for the most part, they're just not white or conservatives

I don’t think the Klan is “active” in the sense that they have any real capability or voice. But you can’t tell me that if your mission statement is about ensuring a future for white america and white children, that you’re just trying to preserve history and culture.

Are they outnumbered by racists from other races? Who knows. Culturally we have certainly come down far more harsh on white racists, largely because of the world’s recent history is a little more skewed that way. Plenty of people may or may not agree but simply know that it’s not a cute look to be photographed with white trash waving the battle flag and swastikas.

I’m not excusing the sect of academia that is pushing identity politics and the victim wars that is disguising racism as saying racism requires power, or that a white person cant say anything about black America because they are inherently prospering from racism etc...that is nonsense and dangerous.

I just don’t want us to look at this event in particular, and say “oh conservatives being denied free speech and labeled as racists.” Because in this particular instance, they ARE racists, and it’s unacceptable whether they are from the right, left, white, black, or some other group.

02-03-19, 20:37
Who cares?
It’s still a first amendment issue.

On this, I agree 100%. The first amendment is not for speech that is popular or even sane and decent. It is very specifically for those who hold views we find abhorrent or dangerous.

Isn’t the Klan a bunch of Democrats? Does no one have history book in America?

Well, so was the entirety of the south and very recently, West Virginia. Things change.

02-03-19, 21:27
Silencing white supremisists is dangerous in its own right.

The best thing is to let them speak and destroy every “point” they make. Or ignore them as irrelevent(which they have been in my lifetime- that I know of).
Supressing speach only empowers a cause IMO.

Dr. Bullseye
02-03-19, 21:55
There are no "both sides" here. The Antifa, the Left, wants to enslave your children and grandchildren. They want to steal your country. They want to steal your whole culture and replace it with theirs. They just deep down hate white men and they hate your children.

There is only one answer for these people and I am forbidden by forum rules from saying what that answer is. But if you don't know by now which side you are 10000000000000000000% per cent on, then you are my enemy.

02-03-19, 22:11
It’s bold faced white supremacy. Start doing what we’ve demanded moderate Muslims do and denounce these lunatics.

I'm not sure if I'm following your complete take on this ... but....

Here is what concerns me.

Let's call it a White Heritage Group, White History Month, Confederate Remembrance Group --- Basically a non-confrontational group that enjoys history for history sake.

Then Democratic Party Advocacy Group ( aka MSM ) will broadcast that as white supremacists over restricted media ( aka Chn 6, Chn 12, aka your local airwaves )

Now the other faction is a minimalist group of mental midgets that truly profess aloud to hate Jews, Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Whatever. If you are not kin to their Mother, they hate you.

So in America it makes no difference but each group has a right to assemble and speak within certain reasonable expectations.

Now enter Antifa, F.L.O.W.E.R. and who knows what else....

Antifa says... ok, if ---ANY--- whitey wants to assemble and speak of slavery, confederacy, or basically any issue that we feel like opposing, we are going to bring a Militia and shut it down.

That.... is what I see happening. I find it hard to believe that true Constitutional Americans can accept the Antifa crowd because they are not fighting for The Constitution.

So with that in mind, and the fact you kinda lost me as to your point, what say you? The only thing I think I got was that you feel we should call out the true radical 'black haters, Jew haters'... I totally agree with that --- BUT --- just don't forget that even if we do that... That's not enough. The DPAG (see above ) will not report it. So what would you see as a good plan to distance the ... well let's say Moderate to reasonable minded Conservative from the racists lunatics?

Observations are one thing. What we need are realistic plans to put an end to this. People talk of Civil War. You want to practice? Antifa broadcasts their force. Sounds like a no-brainer except they have the DPAG convincing the world that if you and I show up in opposition we too are Alt right supremacists.

I don't like it. I don't like crazy ass ______ people gathering against a group of anyone.

So what realistic solutions do we have? We actually do need them.... I mean unless you want to sit back and just let the government take care of us.

Someone must be smart enough to shut down Antifa in a painless manner... that's not a pun btw. Generally speaking you will never 'out rally' the Left at a confrontational rally. So... how are they taken out with minimalists means. Photos to their bosses? What?

Or... do you feel that Antifa has a right to say "if we don't like what you are doing, Constitutional or not, we will shut it down".

I appreciate that Antifa is so called anti racists but they have no right to capture public land that has been denied another by our current rules of law when they have not even attempted to gain that license. That is their typical methodology. They are driving without a license.

02-03-19, 22:29
Silencing white supremisists is dangerous in its own right.

The best thing is to let them speak and destroy every “point” they make. Or ignore them as irrelevent(which they have been in my lifetime- that I know of).
Supressing speach only empowers a cause IMO.

Well that is absolutely true. that is not our problem. Had the WS been left alone in Charlottesville their candles would have melted and they would gone home unnoticed.

The problem is Antifa. They magnify any "white" gathering. Label it racist (which some may be ) and then take upon themselves to police it.

But sure... if --everyone-- would just ignore it, it would be a no brainer. Antifa's job is not only to not ignore but to seek out anything that could be deemed oppressive. Slavery / Confederate oriented gatherings are their entry point. What's next?

02-03-19, 23:29
Well that is absolutely true. that is not our problem. Had the WS been left alone in Charlottesville their candles would have melted and they would gone home unnoticed.

The problem is Antifa. They magnify any "white" gathering. Label it racist (which some may be ) and then take upon themselves to police it.

But sure... if --everyone-- would just ignore it, it would be a no brainer. Antifa's job is not only to not ignore but to seek out anything that could be deemed oppressive. Slavery / Confederate oriented gatherings are their entry point. What's next?

Totally agree. I feel no need to denounce/disown any group I am not affiliated with. Especially absurdly stupid ones. It should be self evident they do not speak for 99% of the population do who in the heck cares as long as they are non-violent in their legal protest? But groups like Antifa that ARE violent and disrupt tother groups should be hunted down and arrested and prosecuted. The problem is most big cities are left wing statist sympathizers are let Antifa run wild.

02-03-19, 23:55
But groups like Antifa that ARE violent and disrupt tother groups should be hunted down and arrested and prosecuted. The problem is most big cities are left wing statist sympathizers are let Antifa run wild.

And there is our problem. Now where is our mother of invention? We have a real necessity situation and we speak of it as though we are reading the comic papers. Problem(defined) -- Solution(???) no one is talking about realistic solutions. The Dems are going to say take the guns and weapons first. That I guarantee. It's a political death spiral for free citizens.

02-04-19, 01:05
Im not sure why you guys are laughing at this. This IS a victory for these left-wing extremists. They were able to march around fully armed with flags of genocide and THERE IS COMPLETE LACK OF OUTRAGE about this. This just gave them a green light to do more of the same, bring weapons to protests to intimidate and escalate.


02-04-19, 05:52
Im not sure why you guys are laughing at this. This IS a victory for these left-wing extremists. They were able to march around fully armed with flags of genocide and THERE IS COMPLETE LACK OF OUTRAGE about this. This just gave them a green light to do more of the same, bring weapons to protests to intimidate and escalate.


I agree. And it looks like they are becoming better armed and better organized. They walked through a southern town totally unopposed carrying flags of hate and genocide, which will do nothing but embolden them.

02-04-19, 06:00
I have no solution or good for the group.
I just think they need to stay away from me.

02-04-19, 08:00
White separatists are white people that want to live where there is nothing but white people.
Successful white people, black people, brown people and yellow people do to. They just say they are picking where they live for the “good schools”, maintaining property values, and “low crime.” They may not be in a hate group that goes to marches, but when the county starts forcing low income dwelling percentages into new affluent subdivision developments or putting section 8 into their neighborhood, they show up to protest that.


Just for clarification, we are saying that people that move to the suburbs for good schools and low crime are racist and white separatist? If they don't like it when the county forces section 8 housing into neighborhoods thus usually lowering surrounding property values they are extra racist and will show up to protest? Just wondering if that is what is being implied here.

02-04-19, 08:47
I'm not sure if I'm following your complete take on this ... but....

Here is what concerns me.

Let's call it a White Heritage Group, White History Month, Confederate Remembrance Group --- Basically a non-confrontational group that enjoys history for history sake.

Then Democratic Party Advocacy Group ( aka MSM ) will broadcast that as white supremacists over restricted media ( aka Chn 6, Chn 12, aka your local airwaves )

Now the other faction is a minimalist group of mental midgets that truly profess aloud to hate Jews, Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Whatever. If you are not kin to their Mother, they hate you.

So in America it makes no difference but each group has a right to assemble and speak within certain reasonable expectations.

Now enter Antifa, F.L.O.W.E.R. and who knows what else....

Antifa says... ok, if ---ANY--- whitey wants to assemble and speak of slavery, confederacy, or basically any issue that we feel like opposing, we are going to bring a Militia and shut it down.

That.... is what I see happening. I find it hard to believe that true Constitutional Americans can accept the Antifa crowd because they are not fighting for The Constitution.

So with that in mind, and the fact you kinda lost me as to your point, what say you? The only thing I think I got was that you feel we should call out the true radical 'black haters, Jew haters'... I totally agree with that --- BUT --- just don't forget that even if we do that... That's not enough. The DPAG (see above ) will not report it. So what would you see as a good plan to distance the ... well let's say Moderate to reasonable minded Conservative from the racists lunatics?

Observations are one thing. What we need are realistic plans to put an end to this. People talk of Civil War. You want to practice? Antifa broadcasts their force. Sounds like a no-brainer except they have the DPAG convincing the world that if you and I show up in opposition we too are Alt right supremacists.

I don't like it. I don't like crazy ass ______ people gathering against a group of anyone.

So what realistic solutions do we have? We actually do need them.... I mean unless you want to sit back and just let the government take care of us.

Someone must be smart enough to shut down Antifa in a painless manner... that's not a pun btw. Generally speaking you will never 'out rally' the Left at a confrontational rally. So... how are they taken out with minimalists means. Photos to their bosses? What?

Or... do you feel that Antifa has a right to say "if we don't like what you are doing, Constitutional or not, we will shut it down".

I appreciate that Antifa is so called anti racists but they have no right to capture public land that has been denied another by our current rules of law when they have not even attempted to gain that license. That is their typical methodology. They are driving without a license.

I’m not advocating anything, other than we should not be picking sides between a small number of leftist 19 year olds who haven’t figured out that protests are stupid, and racist rednecks who haven’t figured out that protests are stupid.

I would also state that this in my opinion was not a group of history buffs antifa was protesting. Does not make antifa good guys or in the right, they’re still idiots opposed to freedom. I think our language on that matters.

Both sides should absolutely have the right to peaceably assemble. Neither side of these things is on my team though.

The ONLY reason I have even one **** to give, is that I believe in conservatism. And embracing one side(as some have done in this thread) will damage conservatism for our lifetimes. Is it fair? No. It is reality.

How do we address them? Honestly I don’t think we do. Antifa has no power whatsoever outside of a handful of liberal college towns. Frankly they damage their own cause as much as I believe us worrying about the groups they’re protesting hurts us.

Let the ACLU handle getting the dipshits who want to defend “white children” their permits. The ACLU is wrong on many levels, but they are good at that.

I just don’t believe the optics of us getting super butt hurt about Antifa and then just shrugging at those who organize protests in tandem with bonafide racist organizations and who schedule protests on Adolph Hitler’s birthday etc...is a good look. Every group here is supporting ideology that is antithetical to freedom and our constitution.

02-04-19, 08:54
There are no "both sides" here. The Antifa, the Left, wants to enslave your children and grandchildren. They want to steal your country. They want to steal your whole culture and replace it with theirs. They just deep down hate white men and they hate your children.

There is only one answer for these people and I am forbidden by forum rules from saying what that answer is. But if you don't know by now which side you are 10000000000000000000% per cent on, then you are my enemy.

So, you believe that the only choices are between supporting antifa and aligning ourselves with pseudo klansmen? [emoji23] Bro.

You’re letting the extreme 0.00001% of our political spectrum dictate your world. Stop it.

02-04-19, 09:25
I dont care who opposes Antifa but they need to be stopped. For those of you who think a bunch of redneck racists are somehow on the same level of the loathing scale as these communists. Whats the more dangerous ideology here? How many tens of millions of people did racist rednecks kill again?

02-04-19, 09:42
I dont care who opposes Antifa but they need to be stopped. For those of you who think a bunch of redneck racists are somehow on the same level of the loathing scale as these communists. Whats the more dangerous ideology here? How many tens of millions of people did racist rednecks kill again?

How many millions did Antifa kill? Zero for both sides but it isn't the people it's their ideology. Those wearing swastikas and those waving the Soviet flag are no different I their ideology.

The racist redneck hates me for being Jewish just as much as the Antifa group hates me for being white conservative and I would probably get my ass handed to me if I showed up at one of their meetings

02-04-19, 09:44
Whats the more dangerous ideology here? How many tens of millions of people did racist rednecks kill again?

Racism/nationalism is for sure responsible for millions if not tens of millions of deaths in the past century. As many as communism/socialism when we account for China and Russia? No, but we’re kind of comparing Ted Bundy and John Gacy here in my opinion.

Neither of these groups of stupids are going to lead to any political change whatsoever except through harming their perceived party which I what I’m interested in avoiding.

02-04-19, 10:54
Here is the issue, we KNOW what racism/nationalism looks like when it goes too far. We dragged out all the crimes of the Nazi party did at Nuremberg, when people start talking about racial purity and getting rid of the Jews thats a clear red flag that whatever group is saying that needs to be shutdown. However there is no clear line when the left has gone too far and it looks like they are incrementally ratchting things up to see how far the country will tolerate their shinnagians, this is dangerous. We are the frogs in luke warm water right now. So when will the country be outraged? Is it when they start marching around armed with red flags? To me its a clear sign these people need to be shut down but to the rest of country obviously not. Even in this very thread people are laughing and not taking this seriously.

02-04-19, 13:43
Why are we calling it racism and nationalism, when in fact what they are calling for is communism and socialism?
Read the signs, listen to them speak, they want and embrace socialism and communism, if you allow them to set the narrative by calling it racism and nationalism, then you already lost the fight.

There is nothing wrong with holding your own nation above all others and in the best self interest of that nations citizens.
Being born a white male does not automatically make you a Wall Street Banker, nor does it mean you do not associate and appreciate other races.
There is no such thing as white privilege, but there is such a thing as a culture.
Some cultures are successful, others not so much If you are in a failing culture it might be time to assimilate to take advantage of success.

Playing this game by their rules and allowing them to set the narrative and then you accept that narrative simply means, oh well, you lose.

02-04-19, 14:13
Why are we calling it racism and nationalism, when in fact what they are calling for is communism and socialism?
Read the signs, listen to them speak, they want and embrace socialism and communism, if you allow them to set the narrative by calling it racism and nationalism, then you already lost the fight.

There is nothing wrong with holding your own nation above all others and in the best self interest of that nations citizens.
Being born a white male does not automatically make you a Wall Street Banker, nor does it mean you do not associate and appreciate other races.
There is no such thing as white privilege, but there is such a thing as a culture.
Some cultures are successful, others not so much If you are in a failing culture it might be time to assimilate to take advantage of success.

Playing this game by their rules and allowing them to set the narrative and then you accept that narrative simply means, oh well, you lose.

I think you’re misreading the conversation. Nobody was referring to antifa as anything other than socialist. We were discussing the people they were protesting(who had their permits denied this time.) Is everyone opposed to them racist or nationalist? No...but this groups specifically definitely was...although I might actually use jingoistic instead of nationalist.

02-04-19, 14:20
Isn’t the Klan a bunch of Democrats? Does no one have history book in America?

yeah snopes said this is not true and wiki says they were republicans and both decided to switch sides every time the democrats did something bad they were republicans ! your racist !

that is what you get these days about history they use snopes and wikis controlled by the left

02-04-19, 14:22
Here is the issue, we KNOW what racism/nationalism looks like when it goes too far. We dragged out all the crimes of the Nazi party did at Nuremberg, when people start talking about racial purity and getting rid of the Jews thats a clear red flag that whatever group is saying that needs to be shutdown. However there is no clear line when the left has gone too far and it looks like they are incrementally ratchting things up to see how far the country will tolerate their shinnagians, this is dangerous. We are the frogs in luke warm water right now. So when will the country be outraged? Is it when they start marching around armed with red flags? To me its a clear sign these people need to be shut down but to the rest of country obviously not. Even in this very thread people are laughing and not taking this seriously.

Did you mean these Antifa?


Or these Antifa?


02-04-19, 16:12
Read 1 page back.

02-04-19, 19:31
I think you’re misreading the conversation. Nobody was referring to antifa as anything other than socialist. We were discussing the people they were protesting(who had their permits denied this time.) Is everyone opposed to them racist or nationalist? No...but this groups specifically definitely was...although I might actually use jingoistic instead of nationalist.

As Averageman said, there isn't a damn thing wrong with being nationalistic. As he said, putting your country first and foremost (not someone's Aryan nation, but this U.S. of A.) is a good thing.

02-04-19, 20:46
As Averageman said, there isn't a damn thing wrong with being nationalistic. As he said, putting your country first and foremost (not someone's Aryan nation, but this U.S. of A.) is a good thing.

Right, and what do you get when that’s combined with “defending white America and our white children.”

It is mind boggling how we’re going to defend literally everything about this group, and then be like “oh yeah the racism isn’t cool, but if they start a USA chant I’m right there with them...and better than antifa.”

I tell you what I’m sure of. If you drape yourself in confederate flags and stand next to swastikas and organize your events to jive with klan events. I do not want to be on your side.

If you where masks and carry communist flags, and over react to non racists I do not want to be on your side.

You believe in patriotism. Nationalism as a concept implies an inherent superiority, and is dangerous and responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people.

02-04-19, 23:10
Just for clarification, we are saying that people that move to the suburbs for good schools and low crime are racist and white separatist? If they don't like it when the county forces section 8 housing into neighborhoods thus usually lowering surrounding property values they are extra racist and will show up to protest? Just wondering if that is what is being implied here.

I am not implying.

I am flat out stating that people that come up the statements of great schools, low crime, excellent property values, and NIMBY against section 8 and low income housing percentages where they live can virtue signal all they want,
But they are straight up selecting low density black areas while pretending they aren’t and will significantly protest that race has nothing to do with their selection.

Nothing. Not a thing.

All those years I was at Bragg I noticed absolutely nothing different between Fayetteville, and those places like Pinehurst and Whispering Pines everyone was moving to.

I can’t flat out say they are racists/white separatist. They Just want a small percentage of upper percentile selected minorities in their AO. But won’t say it.

The virtuous, non r

02-04-19, 23:36
I am not implying.

I am flat out stating that people that come up the statements of great schools, low crime, excellent property values, and NIMBY against section 8 and low income housing percentages where they live can virtue signal all they want,
But they are straight up selecting low density black areas while pretending they aren’t and will significantly protest that race has nothing to do with their selection.

Nothing. Not a thing.

All those years I was at Bragg I noticed absolutely nothing different between Fayetteville, and those places like Pinehurst and Whispering Pines everyone was moving to.

I can’t flat out say they are racists/white separatist. They Just want a small percentage of upper percentile selected minorities in their AO. But won’t say it.

The virtuous, non r

Perhaps you're confusing race and culture?
I have no use for people of any race who do not care for their property, do not love our freedoms and do not pay taxes and pull their own weight in life.
If I see a grown man who doesn't know to take a shower, pull his pants up over his butt and wear a shirt with a collar when he goes to work, that's a failure of culture.
So its not about race, it's about culture.

02-05-19, 00:16
So its not about race, it's about culture.

100%. Ascribing racist motivations to where people live is bogus. Particularly in the past 20 years since how and why people chose where they want to live is so radically different. I actively choose where I’m living based on the people. And frankly I’ve probably crossed off a lot more white neighborhoods than ethnic ones for reasons of culture and so forth.

My family is originally from the fourth “whitest” state in the union. My elementary school had ONE student in the entire school that was not white(that town is amazing and I hope to retire there, but won’t live there because there is no work for my skill set.) There are massive chunks of that state that I will fight tooth and nail to never live in because of trashy white people.

My neighborhood is being gentrified. I don’t know a single person my age moving to the suburbs unless they are required to because they can’t afford to live in the city or because they have kids and need a better school because they can’t wait for whatever school they would be in to get caught up to the gentrification.

Is it safe to say that everyone likes diversity but nobody wants to actually be the diversity? Maybe. But it’s changing to an economic issue/what are the attractions near me issue far more than a race thing.

I could buy a McMansion for cheap in the suburbs, and be surrounded by old white people who think living in an area where all of the homes look the same is comforting, and the fact that all of the restaurants are chains or franchises, and then slowly watch the property value plummet as none of their children want to stay...but I would MUCH rather live in a burgeoning gayborhood with amazing restaurants, only slightly higher crime, good bars, and property values that will skyrocket.

02-05-19, 01:24
Perhaps you're confusing race and culture?
I have no use for people of any race who do not care for their property, do not love our freedoms and do not pay taxes and pull their own weight in life.
If I see a grown man who doesn't know to take a shower, pull his pants up over his butt and wear a shirt with a collar when he goes to work, that's a failure of culture.
So its not about race, it's about culture.

As I said people will protest and find something to say besides race.
Culture is one of the common substitutes people use, much like property values, schools, etc.

02-05-19, 07:44
I live where I do just for the schools and small town culture. Call me what you want. Idgaf.

02-05-19, 08:19
100%. Ascribing racist motivations to where people live is bogus. Particularly in the past 20 years since how and why people chose where they want to live is so radically different. I actively choose where I’m living based on the people. And frankly I’ve probably crossed off a lot more white neighborhoods than ethnic ones for reasons of culture and so forth.

My family is originally from the fourth “whitest” state in the union. My elementary school had ONE student in the entire school that was not white(that town is amazing and I hope to retire there, but won’t live there because there is no work for my skill set.) There are massive chunks of that state that I will fight tooth and nail to never live in because of trashy white people.

My neighborhood is being gentrified. I don’t know a single person my age moving to the suburbs unless they are required to because they can’t afford to live in the city or because they have kids and need a better school because they can’t wait for whatever school they would be in to get caught up to the gentrification.

Is it safe to say that everyone likes diversity but nobody wants to actually be the diversity? Maybe. But it’s changing to an economic issue/what are the attractions near me issue far more than a race thing.

I could buy a McMansion for cheap in the suburbs, and be surrounded by old white people who think living in an area where all of the homes look the same is comforting, and the fact that all of the restaurants are chains or franchises, and then slowly watch the property value plummet as none of their children want to stay...but I would MUCH rather live in a burgeoning gayborhood with amazing restaurants, only slightly higher crime, good bars, and property values that will skyrocket.This of course is a regional thing but out here is SE Pa there's no such thing as falling property value because the kids don't want to stay in the suburbs. Huge sections of the city have gentrified and property value has skyrocketed. But the gentrification is still one block at a time. You can buy a nice remodeled house, 1000sq ft, pain in the ass parking with a backyard the size of a broom closet .....if your lucky, in nice area right across the street from rows and rows of neighborhoods of decrepit houses and crack shacks for about $300k. Or you can move to the suburbs and have a mixture of McMansions and townhouses with ample parking, nice backyards, quite neighbors, no sirens, with actual green spaces not just concrete for about the same price. It's true the city offers better restaurants and night life but since I don't eat out every day or party every night id rather live in the suburbs and drive to a nice restaurant once a week.

My area has practically no crime, the only sirens you hear is when someone is caught speeding. You can leave your doors unlocked. In the summer time I see many neighbors forgetting to close their garage doors at night. We have had two murders in 30 years. Last one was 5 years ago and it was a love triangle gone bad. It's just an overall better quality of life.

I can't help it that it is predominantly, almost 100% white. I didn't move here because of that, I moved here because life is quieter and you get more for about the same price.

In other words. Thishttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190205/b5c4292d9e806acc200e4b832571e86b.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190205/9e8747cc77162a7f96e8da77b7194fa4.jpg

Versus thishttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190205/415ddf55de093eaa78d277817486dac9.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190205/3cbd3256bcf864e90de8466dfea70f78.jpg

02-05-19, 09:44
In other words.

I would be happy to live in either place. Our suburbs are not so pretty. Also, I was probably just miffed at defending something I didn’t want to defend and definitely used language that I don’t really mean.

02-05-19, 09:56
As I said people will protest and find something to say besides race.
Culture is one of the common substitutes people use, much like property values, schools, etc.

So if what you're saying is correct, then the "white flight" folks are moving in equal numbers to trailer parks and neighborhoods with vehicles on blocks and busted appliances in the yards, so long as they're predominantly white? :no:

02-05-19, 10:04
As I said people will protest and find something to say besides race.
Culture is one of the common substitutes people use, much like property values, schools, etc.

I am not implying.
I am flat out stating that people that come up the statements of great schools, low crime, excellent property values, and NIMBY against section 8 and low income housing percentages where they live can virtue signal all they want,
But they are straight up selecting low density black areas while pretending they aren’t and will significantly protest that race has nothing to do with their selection.
Nothing. Not a thing.

Go back and please reread what you just wrote and explain to me why great schools, low crime, excellent property values and a lack of section 8 housing are a bad thing?
I look at my home as not only the place that I choose to live, but as also a long term investment. So why would I want bad schools, high crime and section 8 housing where I've invested my money? And to make another point, why do you associate these negatives with minority neighborhoods?

I have no desire to live next to someone who doesn't value the home and neighborhood they live in, it not only is low class, it's a blight on the rest of the neighbors property. That's not racist, that reality.
In my neighborhood it seems that the single Mom's cause most of this kind of malarkey.

So if I choose to virtue signal my solidarity with minorities I need to live in a low income, bad property value neighborhood, with high crime, section 8 and low income housing? So who's using some stereotypes now?

02-05-19, 10:34
Go back and please reread what you just wrote and explain to me why great schools, low crime, excellent property values and a lack of section 8 housing are a bad thing?
I look at my home as not only the place that I choose to live, but as also a long term investment. So why would I want bad schools, high crime and section 8 housing where I've invested my money? And to make another point, why do you associate these negatives with minority neighborhoods?

I have no desire to live next to someone who doesn't value the home and neighborhood they live in, it not only is low class, it's a blight on the rest of the neighbors property. That's not racist, that reality.
In my neighborhood it seems that the single Mom's cause most of this kind of malarkey.

So if I choose to virtue signal my solidarity with minorities I need to live in a low income, bad property value neighborhood, with high crime, section 8 and low income housing? So who's using some stereotypes now?

He is by assuming that only minorities live in S8 housing and blighted neighborhoods with high crime. I live in a small, horseshoe edition with cul-de-sacs that's in a suburb of a suburb. All the homes are on one acre lots and none are rentals. We have a HOA (da debil), but it has low dues and it's neither overzealous nor useless. My neighborhood is statistically OVERREPRESENTED with minority families. There are four black families on my street alone. My neighbors Larry and Michelle across the street are black. Everyone in our neighborhood is friendly. We all wave at each other and chat from time to time. Oh, and the neighborhood we moved here from was in decline and had NO minority families.

So assuming that minorities don't strive to improve their status in life and get their kids into good schools is racist. Can you create a good life in situ as your neighborhood decays around you? Sure, but you can only control so much and many times it's just easier to relocate to somewhere that isn't in decline. That's reality, not racism.

02-05-19, 11:08
There’s black folks who work and take pride in their homes and then there are those suckling government titty and getting HUD...

Then there’s white folks who do the same.

I will say that I prefer the hardcore ghetto projects to the trailer park because I seen things man....

I seen things....

02-05-19, 11:48
There’s black folks who work and take pride in their homes and then there are those suckling government titty and getting HUD...

Then there’s white folks who do the same.

I will say that I prefer the hardcore ghetto projects to the trailer park because I seen things man....

I seen things....

All this is above is my observation in a nut shell.
My neighborhood is a really unique mix of races and cultures and they all paid the bill to live here so they are invested. Beautifully kept lawns and flower gardens Cars that when not in the garage are kept clean and not an eyesore. Eastern European, Black, White and Latino families living in relative harmony.
If their are any folks that don't seem to fit in to this norm, it's the Single Mom's who work ten hours a day and leave two or more teenagers at home and unsupervised. Their garages look like a rummage sale exploded and their lawns look like crap and yes they are both lily white.

It's ironic to me that the easiest group of people who can be called sexist, homophobic and racist without any push back are white Males. Want to spew some hate without any possible problems, just direct that hate at white males.


02-05-19, 16:52

This is where I am at if anyone cares

02-05-19, 18:24
My posts are to spark discussion.
With responses as expected.

I think there is no argument the guys proclaiming white superiority and wanting a white fatherland in a 100% white society are hateful/ racist.

I also think there is no argument sane white people have no issue living with law abiding, productive, family oriented minorities in their neighborhood. They don’t want shitbags of any color around.

And of course people of all racial groups who don’t suck at life want low crime, great schools, and good property values. The reality is, even when corrected for income and educational status, there are direct correlations about demographics tied to this. Because different demographics are disproportionately represented in various aspects of modern life.

My experience has been non whites don’t do backflips denying this as a factor when deciding where to buy a home, but whites do. And a certain portion of the political spectrum will delcare them racist.

My main point is that to a portion of the political spectrum-
You are no better and no different than the skinhead dudes no matter how much you protest.
Because your criteria are selecting to disproportionately avoid say, the 40 something percent of a race that is on public assistance.

02-05-19, 18:42
There’s black folks who work and take pride in their homes and then there are those suckling government titty and getting HUD...

Then there’s white folks who do the same.

I will say that I prefer the hardcore ghetto projects to the trailer park because I seen things man....

I seen things....

My father in law, may he rest in peace, grew up very poor in rural Appalachia. He joined the Army at 16 years old, put himself through college and made a good life for himself and his family and retired wealthy. He told me once that there is a difference between being poor and being sorry. He said he was poor growing up but they were not sorry. Sorry in the sense of being dirty, dishonest, thieving and not taking care of yourself and what little you have.

02-05-19, 19:40
My posts are to spark discussion.
With responses as expected.

I think there is no argument the guys proclaiming white superiority and wanting a white fatherland in a 100% white society are hateful/ racist.

I also think there is no argument sane white people have no issue living with law abiding, productive, family oriented minorities in their neighborhood. They don’t want shitbags of any color around.

And of course people of all racial groups who don’t suck at life want low crime, great schools, and good property values. The reality is, even when corrected for income and educational status, there are direct correlations about demographics tied to this. Because different demographics are disproportionately represented in various aspects of modern life.

My experience has been non whites don’t do backflips denying this as a factor when deciding where to buy a home, but whites do. And a certain portion of the political spectrum will delcare them racist.

My main point is that to a portion of the political spectrum-
You are no better and no different than the skinhead dudes no matter how much you protest.
Because your criteria are selecting to disproportionately avoid say, the 40 something percent of a race that is on public assistance.

I maybe misinterpreted you earlier, because I don’t disagree with anything you’ve written here. Not even a little bit.

26 Inf
02-05-19, 23:14
There are four black families on my street alone. My neighbors Larry and Michelle across the street are black. Everyone in our neighborhood is friendly. We all wave at each other and chat from time to time. Oh, and the neighborhood we moved here from was in decline and had NO minority families.

So assuming that minorities don't strive to improve their status in life and get their kids into good schools is racist. Can you create a good life in situ as your neighborhood decays around you? Sure, but you can only control so much and many times it's just easier to relocate to somewhere that isn't in decline. That's reality, not racism.

We wave and chat from time to time. Not like the old days when you had backyard cookouts with the neighbors, and the grownups sat around while the kids raised hell, is it? Wonder if it ever will be.

Assuming that minorities don't strive to improve their status in life and get their kids into good schools is racist. On the other hand, assuming that minorities need to strive to improve their status in life, isn't racist? :cool: Do you congratulate Larry and Michelle on improving their status when you chat?

Another thing that is often taken as the gospel is that schools in the rich folks areas are better. Not necessarily true. School performance, IMO, is more based on the school leadership and staff, than it is on location. Unless your district doesn't keep the class sizes and classroom equipment pretty equal across all schools. There are a lot of districts that place their magnet schools in neighborhoods that make it difficult for lower income students to get to and do other things that skew the table, but not all do.

Can you create a good life in situ as your neighborhood decays around you? Our community has the 'south end.' as the town grew the wealth moved north. It is hard to revitalize those areas because no one wants to build homes there, for numerous reasons. I see blocks with pretty rundown properties, and then a nice house or two.

What you find in those nicely maintained properties are folks who worked hard to get their first home, improved it as they paid it off, and stayed rather than go into debt buying another house. The houses surrounding them are either rentals, or old folks who either don't have the money, or the desire to fix their homes up this late in life.

At the simplest level, revitalizing run down areas is difficult because you often have folks who can't afford to make improvements without assistance, and landlords who are resistant to taking profit to improve properties. IMO, once an neighborhood hits around 30% rental it's fvcked as far as property goes.

02-07-19, 04:09
Post #7, page 1.

Yeah...well in this case to join the group that was not permitted you’re asked if “interested in securing the existence of Our People and a future for White children?”

Post #29, page 2.

Let the ACLU handle getting the dipshits who want to defend “white children” their permits.

Post #41 page 3.

Right, and what do you get when that’s combined with “defending white America and our white children.”

So you mention defending "White children" not once, not twice, but THREE times (once on each page of this thread so far) as if to imply that White people are racist, Nazis, White-supremacists, ad nauseam for simply wishing to defend their grandchildren, children, etc. from the dangers of the Culture War, Cultural Marxism, racial violence, et al.? :blink:


02-07-19, 04:22
Racism/nationalism is for sure responsible for millions if not tens of millions of deaths in the past century. As many as communism/socialism when we account for China and Russia? No, but we’re kind of comparing Ted Bundy and John Gacy here in my opinion.

Um yeah no, no not really (and Ted Bundy and John Gacy both murdered 30ish people, the real numbers are unknown).

And I always have to remind people that eleven million people were murdered via democide by the actual Nazis, not just six million Jews. But also five million Poles, Roma, Catholics, Slavs, homosexuals, handicap, mentally ill, and political adversaries.

02-07-19, 06:04
Um yeah no, no not really (and Ted Bundy and John Gacy both murdered 30ish people, the real numbers are unknown).

And I always have to remind people that eleven million people were murdered via democide by the actual Nazis, not just six million Jews. But also five million Poles, Roma, Catholics, Slavs, homosexuals, handicap, mentally ill, and political adversaries.

The people who died after mao zedong and communism took over China were not killed by racists.

02-07-19, 09:31
So you mention defending "White children" not once, not twice, but THREE times (once on each page of this thread so far) as if to imply that White people are racist, Nazis, White-supremacists, ad nauseam for simply wishing to defend their grandchildren, children, etc. from the dangers of the Culture War, Cultural Marxism, racial violence, et al.? :blink:

You’re reading WAY too deep. I’m a white person and loath the concept that I can’t speak about race, racism or whatever else because of implicit this and structural that, or that the powerless can’t be racist etc... It is all complete bullshit. Don’t pretend for one second that I’m even remotely flirting with that concept.

I mention the racist language because of posts complaining that the opposition antifa was initially going to counter protest was just a group of milquetoast white conservatives who just always get labeled as racists for no other reason...but the reality was that in this particular instance, they were very clearly racists.

Do conservatives get labeled racists unfairly and for no other reason than to end debate without actually having to win a debate? Absolutely! It’s a disgrace and an unfair tactic. It even happens to people that aren’t conservative but just don’t buy into the whole compelled speech thing like Jordan Peterson.

02-07-19, 09:34
Um yeah no, no not really (and Ted Bundy and John Gacy both murdered 30ish people, the real numbers are unknown).

And I always have to remind people that eleven million people were murdered via democide by the actual Nazis, not just six million Jews. But also five million Poles, Roma, Catholics, Slavs, homosexuals, handicap, mentally ill, and political adversaries.

Yeah dude. Communism is the greatest disaster to ever grace the earth and a scourge on human history. No disagreement from me...in fact I’m willing to bet $50 right now that I favor less government interference into the market than you.

Racism is still responsible for pretty shitty stuff.

02-07-19, 18:48
Yeah dude. Communism is the greatest disaster to ever grace the earth and a scourge on human history. No disagreement from me...in fact I’m willing to bet $50 right now that I favor less government interference into the market than you.

Racism is still responsible for pretty shitty stuff.


I couldn't resist! :D

02-08-19, 04:56
The people who died after mao zedong and communism took over China were not killed by racists.

That was my point, that Marxists murdered WAY more people in the 20th Century than any racially based genocide such as with Hitler and King Leopold III.

Democrats, progressives, moderates, centrists, apoliticals, leftists all attempt to downplay the democide brought about by Marxism last century. Not to mention ignoring the fact that the fascist National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis) is an offshoot of Marxism so we can tally the 11 million murdered by the Nazis into the total number of Marxism's victims.

02-08-19, 05:11
You’re reading WAY too deep.

That is because you specifically emphasized "the defense of White children" three times.

I’m a white person and loath the concept that I can’t speak about race, racism or whatever else because of implicit this and structural that, or that the powerless can’t be racist etc... It is all complete bullshit. Don’t pretend for one second that I’m even remotely flirting with that concept.

Well you can speak up about it, you'll just be called "Nazi, White-supremacist, Stormer, etc." Ask me how I know?

Sticks and stones, sticks and stones . . .

Do conservatives get labeled racists unfairly and for no other reason than to end debate without actually having to win a debate? Absolutely! It’s a disgrace and an unfair tactic.

I agree with you on these points. One of many reasons I will never be silent.

Yeah dude. Communism is the greatest disaster to ever grace the earth and a scourge on human history. No disagreement from me...in fact I’m willing to bet $50 right now that I favor less government interference into the market than you.

Well to be more accurate its Marxism, under it's umbrella we got Communism, Fascism, and Socialism. I don't know about your bet, I'm just an Gen-X agnostic hedonist that would relish anarchy but alas I enjoy 21st Century creature comforts that Western Civilization has afforded us.

Racism is still responsible for pretty shitty stuff.

Yes it is and it sure as hell not the one sided phenomenon that it is portrayed to be.