View Full Version : What you can do for your country

11-05-08, 22:09
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11-05-08, 22:10
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11-05-08, 22:50
+1 for their values. Sounds like the Libertarian Party to me.

11-05-08, 23:27
Sounds like a wasted vote to me.
Obama sent 700 million dollars on this campaign.
Every non republican vote is a Dem vote.
We have to transform the Republican party -- they already have the infrastructure.

Now they need the BALLS.

11-05-08, 23:28
Sounds like Seven constitutional rights we need to reset! Only one problem, the mass media is now more powerful than ever before and will never let any other party have a voice or get of the ground. Only Lou Dobbs on CNN with the Independent party has a voice and if the fairness doctrine is reinstated you can kiss free speech goodbye.

11-05-08, 23:43
I will concede that the media makes it impossible for the average citizen to cast a well informed independent vote. I say "average" because the vast majority of people in our culture are lazy and not willing to research candidate positions on specific issues. Instead they let the media tell them who to vote for (this includes those stupid voter pamphlets). Most people regurgitate what they hear rather than seek to find the source and subsequently the truth.

As for the "throw away" vote. The only way we can change any given political path is to vote against it. And unless "transform" the Republican party means adopt more of the Libertarian Party or Constitution Party political views...

11-06-08, 00:12
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11-06-08, 01:22
If you want the Libertarian or Constitution Party to have ANY chance, you need to start at the local level. Get the CP to run credible candidates for your local city council, selectman, mayor, etc. For Dog Catcher, or any and all local positions.

Then move on to your county and state level. Build a STRONG ORGANIZATION at the local and then state level. Once that has happened, and happened across the country, can you try to get anywhere at the national level.

Just running someone for President and maybe Senator or Rep is not going to get you anywhere and is a wasted vote.

If you are not willing to make the effort to build your city / town / county party apparatus up for the LP or CP, then put your efforts into the RP in your local area. Become a local delegate or other party worker. Go to your city council meetings and speak out against big government projects. Get other citizens on your side. If they agree with you on local projects, they will also probably agree with you on national level issues.

11-06-08, 06:35
+1 for the Constitution Party

I will concede that the media makes it impossible for the average citizen to cast a well informed independent vote. I say "average" because the vast majority of people in our culture are lazy and not willing to research candidate positions on specific issues. Instead they let the media tell them who to vote for (this includes those stupid voter pamphlets). Most people regurgitate what they hear rather than seek to find the source and subsequently the truth.

there should be some kind of pretest you have to take before you are allowed to vote, proving you know something about what you are voting for, not just what is spewed by the media.

Low Drag
11-06-08, 06:44
So all this talk and change lately has me nervous, not cause I may not be able to buy anymore black rifles, but because I see the country I have lived in for 30 years and served in for 11 years going dowm a dark windy road, what can we all do aside from b!tch about it, join the NRA and groups of the like and check out the http://www.constitutionparty.com/ Not Repub or Dem, just what I believe most of here beleive in or without flaming the masses what we all SHOULD believe in.

Join with groups that you are close to your line of thinking.

Next, educate yourself. Be sure you can articulate you beliefs, don't "feel" you have an opinion. Have well thought out opinions that you can articulate in direct, polite way. Doing so will make a lefty wig out, making any fence sitters or bystanders come to your side.

11-06-08, 15:42
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11-06-08, 16:26
If the GOP and McCain don't quickly address what McCain staffers have done to Palin over the last 24 hours, then GOP can rot in hell for all I care.

11-06-08, 16:41
If the GOP and McCain don't quickly address what McCain staffers have done to Palin over the last 24 hours, then GOP can rot in hell for all I care.

What have they done to Palin over the last 24 hours? Can you reference some information that I can independently read and research ;) ?.