View Full Version : The Expance (SYFY show)

02-07-19, 12:24
One reviewer said "It's Battlestar Galactica meets Game Of Thrones" and that's spot on. The Expanse is by far THE best made for TV SF for adults I have ever seen. I can't believe my SF loving brethren did not alert me to this show. I'm now middle of season 3, and wow. First season, like any show that of any show that will have various plots and sub plots, characters, etc, is setting up future seasons. It's good, but nothing to put it above other SF shows. Season 2-3 are off the charts good. Some scenes are, dare I say it, Blade Runner Good, which is the highest compliment I can pay to any movie or TV show, SF based or not...The dialogue ranges from good to great, character development ranges from good to great, plot, etc etc, never gets lower than good. Science and CGI, solid. There's real human depth to the characters and you care what happens to them, and some, such as Chrisjen Avasarala (vid below of her best moments) are as good as it gets. I love her character and the writers, director, etc really know how to get the best from her as an actor. Even if you're not an SF fan per se (which in my opinion means you lack imagination but never mind that...) you'll enjoy the Expanse on SYFY channel. Gets a very rare A+ from me.


Outlander Systems
02-07-19, 12:56
Jim Holden is a champion.

Remember the Cant.

02-07-19, 13:04
I've been watching it from the get go. I like it.

02-07-19, 13:16
I've been watching it from the get go. I like it.

Not sure how that one did not get on my radar till this late date, but I have power watched the 3 seasons over the last month. Proof modern TV does not have to suck!

02-07-19, 13:20


Season 3 will be available streaming free through Prime Video starting tomorrow, as apparently Syfy likes to kill everything they make that's good. But Amazon has picked it up.

02-07-19, 14:21
Loved both the the books and vid. The show is cast so well I kinda wish I’d read the books after the tv as my brain’s characters were not so cool. First time that’s happened.

The one niggling irk is Thomas Jane who I have long liked. Here he turns up the campy dial way too high. Still, his character is written well.

Dark Matter has a similar Firefly type show setting - ensemble cast with their own ship - that I’d rate a star under Expanse. Zoie Palmer and Torri Higginson are great. The rest of the cast is good except for Five, the obnoxious “Kid” playing 13-14 who is actually in her early twenties.

02-07-19, 14:22


Season 3 will be available streaming free through Prime Video starting tomorrow, as apparently Syfy likes to kill everything they make that's good. But Amazon has picked it up.

1 and 2 and parts of 3 have been free. All of 3 will be win.

02-07-19, 14:24
Well I guess I should check it out.. Amazon Prime has it up to stream in 4K.

02-07-19, 14:26
Loved both the the books and vid. The show is cast so well I kinda wish I’d read the books after the tv as my brain’s characters were not so cool. First time that’s happened.

The one niggling irk is Thomas Jane who I have long liked. Here he turns up the campy dial way too high. Still, his character is written well.

Agreed, spots where I thought he dialed back tad too much for the scene, but still good stuff all around. James Holdon does not always play it as I think he should, but he's OK.

Dark Matter has a similar Firefly type show setting - ensemble cast with their own ship - that I’d rate a star under Expanse. Zoie Palmer and Torri Higginson are great. The rest of the cast is good except for Five, the obnoxious “Kid” playing 13-14 who is actually in her early twenties.

But cancelled no? I don't wanna get into a short lived series that just leaves me hanging.

02-07-19, 15:00
Dark Matter has a similar Firefly type show setting - ensemble cast with their own ship - that I’d rate a star under Expanse. Zoie Palmer and Torri Higginson are great. The rest of the cast is good except for Five, the obnoxious “Kid” playing 13-14 who is actually in her early twenties.

I liked Dark Matter too. When they cancelled it I was not happy. All that time put in to watch it, an enjoyable show and then *poof*. Right along the lines of Firefly. Continuum was the same.

02-07-19, 15:49
I liked Dark Matter too. When they cancelled it I was not happy. All that time put in to watch it, an enjoyable show and then *poof*. Right along the lines of Firefly. Continuum was the same.

What's funny is the female lead for Dark Matter (Melissa O'Neill) and male lead for Firefly (Nathan Fillion), now star opposite each other on the cop show "The Rookie" on ABC.

02-07-19, 18:58
Uh, where have you guys been? This show debuted years ago. It’s awesome. Though the finale of season 3 left me less than impressed with the CGI/effects. Definitely not on par with the rest of the show.

02-07-19, 19:58
Uh, where have you guys been? This show debuted years ago. It’s awesome. Though the finale of season 3 left me less than impressed with the CGI/effects. Definitely not on par with the rest of the show.

I think they were running out of money by that point, honestly. That's why SyFy cancelled it shortly after. We'll see what happens now that Amazon picked it back up.

02-11-19, 23:52
Season 3 is pretty stinking good. Can't wait to see what Amazon does for Season 4 (although I imagine it follows the books, but I haven't read them, so...).

02-12-19, 00:08
Season 3 is pretty stinking good. Can't wait to see what Amazon does for Season 4 (although I imagine it follows the books, but I haven't read them, so...).

are they going to make a season 4 ? if so cool :)

02-12-19, 00:41
are they going to make a season 4 ? if so cool :)

Intergoogle says, "Yes (https://www.inverse.com/article/53182-the-expanse-season-4-amazon-release-date-trailer-plot-cast-and-more)."

02-12-19, 03:01
It’s a’ight. Still not Firefly.

Firefly and to a lesser extent Outlaw Star spoiled me forever

Alex V
10-21-19, 13:19

Season 4 will be available on Dec 13. Who is excited?


I binged Season 1-3 and love it!

10-21-19, 13:32

Season 4 will be available on Dec 13. Who is excited?


I binged Season 1-3 and love it!

Best SF series of all time.

10-21-19, 13:35
Seasons 1-3 streaming where?

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10-21-19, 13:55
Seasons 1-3 streaming where?

Prime Video, I believe.

10-21-19, 16:45
Best SF series of all time.

If they continue to follow the books, there will eventually be some serious combat shit going down onscreen...

10-21-19, 17:31
This is the type of show that is so well done you are terrified will jump the shark. I can't wait to watch it but honestly hope the quality of writing and character development don't suffer as a result of the Amazon buyout. Alternatively, their originals are starting to show significant improvement, and maybe we'll get a taste of that as well. The Season 4 short they released on the the anniversary of the moon landing got me rather pumped.


P.S. the soundtrack is stellar.

P.P.S. This thread got me looking, and word is it is already renewed for Season 5.

Outlander Systems
10-21-19, 17:33
This is literally the only contemporary media I consume. If it weren’t for The Expanse, my couch time would absolutely be zero.

10-21-19, 21:27
Prime Video, I believe.

I’ll have to double check. I was thinking it was only season 1.

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10-21-19, 21:39
Seasons 1 through 3 are on Prime. I'm finishing season 1 episode 1 now.

Thanks for the info.

10-21-19, 21:42
I’ll have to double check. I was thinking it was only season 1.

Given that S4 is made by Amazon (and Amazon bought the series from Syfy when Syfy cancelled it), S1-3 should be on Prime Video by the time S4 premiers. :P

10-21-19, 22:29
Yup you were correct. I had to dig through what other folks were watching tab to find them but they’re there.

Binging now.

Also can someone fix the the thread title?

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10-22-19, 09:41
This is one of the best shows on TV, period. The first two seasons are more or less a political/war drama in a space age setting. As the series moves on, it becomes more and more sci-fi with alien/quasi-supernatural elements starting, but not in a bad "jump the shark" kind of way (namely because that was the aim of the show/books, and not a random change of direction).

There's a fan theory that The Expanse series is supposed to be a very early prequel to Star Wars, explaining how humans actually first came from Earth to the Star Wars galaxy. I don't know if I believe that, but I always do love surprise tie-ins to other media. Either way, I encourage everyone to watch The Expanse.

10-22-19, 11:12
Im just happy Valery Legasov is in it lol

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11-03-19, 10:26
Holy ****.

Thank you Will. Don’t know how I ever missed this. It’s been out on prime for a while, and the description just made it look and sound stupid. I bypassed it and never gave it a second look until I read this.

I watch the first two episodes riding in the back of a plane, and I’m now finishing up season two.

My wife is a lighter skinned, 20 year younger Chrisjen. I bust out laughing every time she calls BS or call someone a MF. I’ve actually heard my wife tell her boss to grow a pair of balls before. Spot on.

This rivals anything sci-fi that I’ve seen on TV so far. I’m only on season two, and will probably finish season three in the next couple weeks. I just hope they don’t jump the shark.

Outlander Systems
11-03-19, 10:59
Dude, Season 3 is arguably the best of the three so far.

Amos’ redemption arc peaks in a scene that is absolutely glorious.

Holy ****.

Thank you Will. Don’t know how I ever missed this. It’s been out on prime for a while, and the description just made it look and sound stupid. I bypassed it and never gave it a second look until I read this.

I watch the first two episodes riding in the back of a plane, and I’m now finishing up season two.

My wife is a lighter skinned, 20 year younger Chrisjen. I bust out laughing every time she calls BS or call someone a MF. I’ve actually heard my wife tell her boss to grow a pair of balls before. Spot on.

This rivals anything sci-fi that I’ve seen on TV so far. I’m only on season two, and will probably finish season three in the next couple weeks. I just hope they don’t jump the shark.

11-03-19, 11:02
Holy ****.

Thank you Will. Don’t know how I ever missed this. It’s been out on prime for a while, and the description just made it look and sound stupid. I bypassed it and never gave it a second look until I read this.

I watch the first two episodes riding in the back of a plane, and I’m now finishing up season two.

My wife is a lighter skinned, 20 year younger Chrisjen. I bust out laughing every time she calls BS or call someone a MF. I’ve actually heard my wife tell her boss to grow a pair of balls before. Spot on.

This rivals anything sci-fi that I’ve seen on TV so far. I’m only on season two, and will probably finish season three in the next couple weeks. I just hope they don’t jump the shark.

Fans are all holding their breath to see if the move of the show has the show as good as it was, but as Amazon puts out to great shows, I think it will be as good if not better assuming they kept the same crew they had behind the scenes. It's easily the best SF show of all time.

Outlander Systems
11-03-19, 12:33
One of the reasons for the push to get the show picked up ASAP was to ensure that the sets were all still intact and that the production staff and crew hadn’t moved on. With Alcon still being involved, it should be an extremely smooth transition. And Epstein didn’t kill himself.


Fans are all holding their breath to see if the move of the show has the show as good as it was, but as Amazon puts out to great shows, I think it will be as good if not better assuming they kept the same crew they had behind the scenes. It's easily the best SF show of all time.

11-03-19, 13:22
It's easily the best SF show of all time.

I actually thought hard about that statement and wanted to prove you wrong. I can’t. The show is amazing. Getting ready to watch the last episode of season two. I will have season three done in a week or two.

God I hope they don’t F this up.

11-03-19, 15:07
Excellent show, can't wait for season 4.

They've diverged a bit from the books, but it hasn't hurt the story at all. Bringing the UN story line early was a great addition.

As far as SF series go, the remake of Battlestar is pretty much perfection, and though I wouldn't say the Expanse is better, it's damn close.

11-03-19, 16:48
I actually thought hard about that statement and wanted to prove you wrong. I can’t. The show is amazing. Getting ready to watch the last episode of season two. I will have season three done in a week or two.

God I hope they don’t F this up.

I thought hard about that statement before making it. As a die hard SF geek, those are fightin' words for many, but it's true.

11-03-19, 16:48
I actually thought hard about that statement and wanted to prove you wrong. I can’t. The show is amazing. Getting ready to watch the last episode of season two. I will have season three done in a week or two.

God I hope they don’t F this up.

I thought hard about that statement before making it. As a die hard SF geek, those are fightin' words for many, but it's true.

Alex V
11-04-19, 06:26
I will always feel that XFiles was the best SiFi show of all time, and IF Firefly kept going it may have been #2. As it stands I will place The Expanse at Runner Up.

11-07-19, 13:05
I will always feel that XFiles was the best SiFi show of all time, and IF Firefly kept going it may have been #2. As it stands I will place The Expanse at Runner Up.

I still have to keep Firefly at #1 even at only one season, but this show is probably #2 for me.

11-07-19, 13:10
I will always feel that XFiles was the best SiFi show of all time, and IF Firefly kept going it may have been #2. As it stands I will place The Expanse at Runner Up.

Funny thing is, I don't even think of Xfiles as SF, but I suppose it is. When it was good, it was the best! I guess I meant space travel SF.

Such a shame the X Files reboot sucked so bad.

12-01-19, 20:24
OMG, just finished season 3! I remember I tried watching this a few years ago but never go into it but because of this thread i decided to revisit. I almost gave up again but decided to stick with it, I just couldn’t get into the first couple episodes, it was confusing. Now after watching the entire series I see what season 1 was building on. Can’t wait for S4 to drop and Amos is hilarious; you’re not that man but I am!

12-01-19, 21:03
I just binge-watched through the current three seasons.
Not bad.
I didn't get near sucked into it like GOT and some other shows, but it's a good space drama, although there's still the occasional eye-rolling moments. FAR better than the early 2000's stuff, although some things could still use a little work.
I kind of dig their efforts to put some realism into space travel as well- I think they managed a good blend of sci-fi and reality. UNLIKE a certain recent Star Wars debacle, explosive decompression is actually a thing....
Honestly, was most impressed with Thomas Jane's character. He's come a long way since Punisher... I found myself looking forward to his character segments the most.

12-01-19, 21:43
Amos is “that” guy.

I have spoken.

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Outlander Systems
12-02-19, 05:11
Amos Burton *is* that guy.

Amos is “that” guy.

I have spoken.

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12-02-19, 08:50
Amos Burton *is* that guy.

The actor does such a good job with this character!

Alex V
12-02-19, 08:59
Funny thing is, I don't even think of Xfiles as SF, but I suppose it is. When it was good, it was the best! I guess I meant space travel SF.

Such a shame the X Files reboot sucked so bad.

The reboot was terrible, as was the second movie. It almost ruined the original show, just have to ignore it.

Amos is “that” guy.
I have spoken.
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Amos is my favorite. He gets shit done.

12-02-19, 10:29
Even many of the secondary characters are good, with good dialogue, character development, and good acting.

* Cotyar Ghazi, bodyguard for Chrisjen. Love the way they develop their friendship, and the banter between him, Chrisjen, and Bobbie.
* Bobbie Draper, the Martian gunnery sergeant.

12-02-19, 10:30

12-02-19, 10:38
Even many of the secondary characters are good, with good dialogue, character development, and good acting.

* Cotyar Ghazi, bodyguard for Chrisjen. Love the way they develop their friendship, and the banter between him, Chrisjen, and Bobbie.
* Bobbie Draper, the Martian gunnery sergeant.

Agree to this as well but hearing Chrisgen talk is like nails on a chalkboard to me....

12-02-19, 11:53
Agree to this as well but hearing Chrisgen talk is like nails on a chalkboard to me....

For sure--she's had that very distinctive voice and I remember thinking that the first time I saw her on screen, which I think was in "24" where she played a terrorist.

12-02-19, 12:55
Even many of the secondary characters are good, with good dialogue, character development, and good acting.

* Cotyar Ghazi, bodyguard for Chrisjen. Love the way they develop their friendship, and the banter between him, Chrisjen, and Bobbie.
* Bobbie Draper, the Martian gunnery sergeant.

Depending on how long they continue with the series, Bobbie will be much more than a secondary character.

12-02-19, 20:38
For sure--she's had that very distinctive voice and I remember thinking that the first time I saw her on screen, which I think was in "24" where she played a terrorist.

Associate/relation of said terry, or maybe it was her son in the show- can't remember. The baddie that season of 24 was good ol' Habib Marwan. To this literal day, I can't help saying that guys name in her voice... :laugh:

12-02-19, 22:25
Just read the churn, great backstory on Amos. It’s a quick read at only 60 pages.

12-13-19, 00:13
Who's been watching season 4? I have a feeling I'll be binge watching it this weekend.

12-13-19, 00:19
I am forcing myself not to watch because my friends want to see it together. And with the Witcher comes out next week, that should be some good viewing til Christmas arrives.

12-13-19, 08:55
I watched 3 episodes last night, kind of hoping they release the 4K soon....

So far off to a fantastic start, and Amos DOES NOT disappoint! He has some great one liners already.... “what was she wearing”...”want me to shoot SPOILER”...”I’m free right now”...”does this mean we aren’t F’ing anymore”..

12-13-19, 10:18
My wife and I just discovered this about a week ago (after completing Jack Ryan). We are a few eps into season 2. Fantastic series! Very well written, very well acted. What surprises me most is that my wife is hooked. This kind of show is usually not her thing.

Firefly still gets top rating from me, but this is close. My one complaint - the dialogue is hard to follow (at least for us). Couple of times we’ve had to put CC on just to understand what was said. Might be our poor sound system, might be our older ears.

12-13-19, 10:37
My wife and I just discovered this about a week ago (after completing Jack Ryan). We are a few eps into season 2. Fantastic series! Very well written, very well acted. What surprises me most is that my wife is hooked. This kind of show is usually not her thing.

Firefly still gets top rating from me, but this is close. My one complaint - the dialogue is hard to follow (at least for us). Couple of times we’ve had to put CC on just to understand what was said. Might be our poor sound system, might be our older ears.

I'm always at a loss how anyone considered that show high quality SF. It was mildly enjoyable but not a one episode ever stuck out as great. Favorite episode was the lesbian one of course... I watched it because it was SF and the ladies were cute and such, but never got how that one ever gets listed as the favorite SF show for anyone. That one is a mystery to me, but I guess that's what makes horse racing as they say. ;)

12-13-19, 10:42
I'm always at a loss how anyone considered that show high quality SF. It was mildly enjoyable but not a one episode ever stuck out as great. Favorite episode was the lesbian one of course... I watched it because it was SF and the ladies were cute and such, but never got how that one ever gets listed as the favorite SF show for anyone. That one is a mystery to me, but I guess that's what makes horse racing as they say. ;)

Step out this thread before you get jumped.....


The show wasn’t Sci Fi. It was a Western set in a different era. Two veteran Space Confederates, an amoral mercenary, a naive mechanic, a space whore, a Preacher with a mysterious past, a tenderfoot doctor and his troubled baby sister sticking it to The Man trying to find the last free frontiers of space far from the Federal troops.

Serenity was sorta like the Wild Bunch.

Tread lightly, Pilgrim

12-13-19, 11:06
Step out this thread before you get jumped.....


The show wasn’t Sci Fi. It was a Western set in a different era. Two veteran Space Confederates, an amoral mercenary, a naive mechanic, a space whore, a Preacher with a mysterious past, a tenderfoot doctor and his troubled baby sister sticking it to The Man trying to find the last free frontiers of space far from the Federal troops.

Serenity was sorta like the Wild Bunch.

Tread lightly, Pilgrim

The dialogue was never great, the acting was not great, the special effects were meh, the plots etc were meh, etc. I don't get how that one ever gets listed a favorite and I never will.

12-13-19, 11:10
The dialogue was never great, the acting was not great, the special effects were meh, the plots etc were meh, etc. I don't get how that one ever gets listed a favorite and I never will.

Smith and Westerns at Dawn, Will

Pick a place not too far from Boot Hill
And that last morning’s breakfast, you best eat your fill....

12-13-19, 11:20
Smith and Westerns at Dawn, Will

Pick a place not too far from Boot Hill
And that last morning’s breakfast, you best eat your fill....

You actually thought Alita was a good movie, so I'd say our taste in shows/movies are quite different. Your not the only one who lists Firefly as a favorite, which is complete mystery to me. Changing topics, I tried to watch Battlestar Galactica again for like the 5th time, and there's just something about that show I can't stand. I keep thinking if I just give it a chance for a few episodes and I dislike every minute of it. It was a favorite of many. Something about it just irks the hell out of me.

just a scout
12-13-19, 11:23
You actually thought Alita was a good movie, so I'd say our taste in shows/movies are quite different. Your not the only one who lists Firefly as a favorite, which is complete mystery to me. Changing topics, I tried to watch Battlestar Galactica again for like the 5th time, and there's just something about that show I can't stand. I keep thinking if I just give it a chance for a few episodes and I dislike every minute of it. It was a favorite of many. Something about it just irks the hell out of me.

Now I’m done with you. BSG is the best show ever put on TV. Matched only by the Mandalorian so far.

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12-13-19, 11:28
Now I’m done with you. BSG is the best show ever put on TV. Matched only by the Mandalorian so far.

I really wish I could get into it! Something about the characters I just found wooden and unbelievable and I just couldn't get passed like first 3-4 episodes. I really wanted to like it.

12-13-19, 11:30
Now you are daring to insult Admiral Cain who is my soulmate.

It’s been a while since M4C has had a hangin’....

12-13-19, 11:36
Now you are daring to insult Admiral Cain who is my soulmate.

It’s been a while since M4C has had a hangin’....

Cain and the Cylon chick were the only two characters that didn't make me cringe.

just a scout
12-13-19, 12:05
**** that! Adama is awesome.

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12-13-19, 12:51
I'm always at a loss how anyone considered that show high quality SF. It was mildly enjoyable but not a one episode ever stuck out as great. Favorite episode was the lesbian one of course... I watched it because it was SF and the ladies were cute and such, but never got how that one ever gets listed as the favorite SF show for anyone. That one is a mystery to me, but I guess that's what makes horse racing as they say. ;)

Calling Firefly.... I'll bring the rope. We have work to do.

And FFS man. You dislike BSG also? I am not even sure how to respond.

12-13-19, 16:48
And FFS man. You dislike BSG also? I am not even sure how to respond.

I don't have a great explanation for that one. People I trust with similar tastes told me I have to watch it. Every time I try I just can't get into it and find many of the characters irksome or just wooden.

Gunnar da Wolf
12-13-19, 17:43
Firefly and BSG were both filmed with something odd about the timing. It lends a frantic feel to the scenes/characters. If memory serves some of the Alien movies had the same feel. Cloverfield was the worse.

There has been very little SciFi that I found unwatchable. But I’m one of the few people who didn’t get a queasy feeling on the department’s $60,000 driving simulator. :D

Any love here for the Farscape series?

12-13-19, 18:00
Farscape? Hell yeah


Gigi Edgley was sex

Gunnar da Wolf
12-13-19, 18:58
Gigi Edgley’s character was sexy, but I was more a fan of Officer Aeryn Sun


I seem to be attracted to angry women. It’s an affliction I have.

Season 4 Episode 1 of The Expanse finished. It does not disappoint.

12-13-19, 20:07
I'm always at a loss how anyone considered that show high quality SF....

I've actually got to agree with this part. High quality? No. God no. Made even more low quality by the fact that they insisted their obvious current day firearms went "pew" instead of "bang".
Like, I could have dealt with the rest of the low-budgetry, because the characters were kind of fun and I liked the whole "average joes just trying to make their way in the universe" vibe.
But I just wanted to toss the tv every time there was a gunfight, or an obviously non-working prop-gun. It actually would have even HELPED the "monetarily challenged underdogs" vibe if they had "old" gear and other factions were better equipped, and it totally broke my immersion every time they chose not to....

Also, if you don't like BSG, you need to go back and watch the OG show with Boomer and Starbuck. THAT is where it's at... it's so cheesy you can't help not getting into it.

Like, I guess that's where I differ with these shows- the old stuff was low budget, but they owned it. The early-2000s tv sci-fi kept trying to pretend they had bigger budgets and better actors/content that they did, and it shows. Especially if you go back and watch it now, the early-00's stuff has NOT aged well....

12-13-19, 20:11
Season 4 starting off solid! Happy to see the crew back together.

12-13-19, 20:14
To be fair, what exactly do you want from Sci Fi?

I for one don’t look for lessons on philosophy nor human betterment. I just wanna see gunfights, sexy chicks, cool space ships, some one liners, and weird stuff.

I don’t want anything preachy or too far out. If it doesn’t resemble the Vietnam war or the Wild Bunch then it is lame. Star Trek is the worst show ever. It was too politically correct and dumb. Everybody wearing unisex clothes and bothering people. Lame.

The best Sci Fi template was the movie Heavy Metal. It had rock music, chicks, gunplay, and didn’t care

Gunnar da Wolf
12-13-19, 20:57
The best Sci Fi template was the movie Heavy Metal. It had rock music, chicks, gunplay, and didn’t care

Oh God! Now I gotta dig my Heavy Metal DVD out and watch it for the 14,000,023rd time.
That will save me from binge watching The Expanse entire season in one evening.

Gunnar da Wolf
12-13-19, 20:57
Internet ND

12-13-19, 21:25
My days of taking Will serious are certainly coming to a middle.

12-13-19, 21:33
I really wish I could get into it! Something about the characters I just found wooden and unbelievable and I just couldn't get passed like first 3-4 episodes. I really wanted to like it.

Will, if you haven't at least watched through Season 1 Episode 10 (Hand of God), you should watch that far before giving up on the series.

It has some of the best character development in the first season and a real turning point in the show (it also has one of the better battle sequences of the first season). By stopping at Ep 4 you're missing nearly everything good about season one.

Hand of God is the episode that got me hooked on BSG, at a point when I was considering giving up on it.

12-14-19, 07:18
Will, if you haven't at least watched through Season 1 Episode 10 (Hand of God), you should watch that far before giving up on the series.

It has some of the best character development in the first season and a real turning point in the show (it also has one of the better battle sequences of the first season). By stopping at Ep 4 you're missing nearly everything good about season one.

Hand of God is the episode that got me hooked on BSG, at a point when I was considering giving up on it.

I will try again some time!

12-14-19, 08:07
To be fair, what exactly do you want from Sci Fi?

I for one don’t look for lessons on philosophy nor human betterment.

Great SF like the Expanse delivers that as well as:

I just wanna see gunfights, sexy chicks, cool space ships, some one liners, and weird stuff.

That's what I want from SF. Fun mindless stuff is fine too, but it's not great SF, just mindless fun. If can get all the above = great SF

Great SF for me explores bigger picture stuff and if well done, the more mind expanding the better.

Good SF, has "gunfights, sexy chicks, cool space ships, some one liners, and weird stuff"

I don’t want anything preachy or too far out. If it doesn’t resemble the Vietnam war or the Wild Bunch then it is lame. Star Trek is the worst show ever. It was too politically correct and dumb. Everybody wearing unisex clothes and bothering people. Lame.

Star Trek could deliver on the above and some episodes were damn good.

The best Sci Fi template was the movie Heavy Metal. It had rock music, chicks, gunplay, and didn’t care

Good animated SF some of the most underrated. Have you seen Love Death and Robots? F-ing awesome:


12-14-19, 08:17
Really, really good Sci-fi does none of those things.

Sci-Fi is essentially high tech and low life.

We’re always gonna have wars, racism, bigotry, petty differences, factionalism, greed, and plain ol A-Holery.

For all the far reaching optimism of Star Trek, all people wanted were flip phones, automatic doors, and Tasers. Nobody cared about the lesson or the moral.

If aliens landed today with altruistic intention; we’d trip over ourselves to figure out how to have sex with them, kill them, and steal their stuff

12-14-19, 08:59
Really, really good Sci-fi does none of those things.

Sci-Fi is essentially high tech and low life.

We’re always gonna have wars, racism, bigotry, petty differences, factionalism, greed, and plain ol A-Holery.

For all the far reaching optimism of Star Trek, all people wanted were flip phones, automatic doors, and Tasers. Nobody cared about the lesson or the moral.

If aliens landed today with altruistic intention; we’d trip over ourselves to figure out how to have sex with them, kill them, and steal their stuff

I could not agree less.

12-14-19, 11:20
Season 4 starting off solid! Happy to see the crew back together.

Cool. I’m actually watching the first three seasons again. I’ll start the fourth just in time for Christmas.

12-14-19, 11:36
One of my favorite. I’m watching the 4th season now.

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12-14-19, 15:10

Go watch Gundam 0080 in one sitting.

That show destroyed me.

12-23-19, 18:32
Adam Savage has been doing some good interviews with the cast and crew of the show.


12-25-19, 08:29
Just got into this yesterday. Now I've got to download a bunch of episodes to my Fire in order to watch them on the plane tomorrow.


Binge watching and having to work is NOT easy.

12-25-19, 08:37
Just got into this yesterday. Now I've got to download a bunch of episodes to my Fire in order to watch them on the plane tomorrow.


Binge watching and having to work is NOT easy.

First world problems! :help:

12-25-19, 08:57
First world problems! :help:

Trying to balance it with the episode of The Mandalorian on Friday?

Seriously some First World shit going on there.

I'm surprised there's no Stargate SG-1 or Atlantis love going on. Well, at least Seasons 1-8 for SG1 and 1-4 for Atlantis.

12-25-19, 10:03
Reading through this thread the only reason you guys liked Firefly was for Morena Baccarin.

just a scout
12-25-19, 10:25
Reading through this thread the only reason you guys liked Firefly was for Morena Baccarin.

So?? So what??

And not true. There was Jewel Stait too.

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12-25-19, 10:56
So?? So what??

And not true. There was Jewel Stait too.

Morena Baccarin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jewel Stait.

Not even close.

just a scout
12-25-19, 11:03
You shut up right now! She’s cute! I wouldn’t even need two beers to hit on her. And she can fix the ship!

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12-25-19, 11:28
The Expanse books are very good. I burned through them after the first season on a few years ago. The series is doing a great job with the source material. I hope Amazon keeps this going for a few more years!

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12-25-19, 12:26
Reading through this thread the only reason you guys liked Firefly was for Morena Baccarin.

So?? So what??

And not true. There was Jewel Stait too.

I would have stepped over their naked bodies to get to Gina Torres myself, but that still didn't make it good SF. :cool:

12-25-19, 12:28
The Expanse books are very good. I burned through them after the first season on a few years ago. The series is doing a great job with the source material. I hope Amazon keeps this going for a few more years!

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4 out now, 5 already in production, so at least we know there's a few more seasons to enjoy. I didn't read the books so i don't know how much more source materials they have, but I just hope it does not end up like GOT, going from one of the best shows ever made to sub par once they ran out of source material of the original author and decided to try and keep it going. I'm still mad about that last season of GOT...

12-25-19, 13:00
So?? So what??
And not true. There was Jewel Stait too.
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You shut up right now! She’s cute! I wouldn’t even need two beers to hit on her. And she can fix the ship!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


12-25-19, 13:17
4 out now, 5 already in production, so at least we know there's a few more seasons to enjoy. I didn't read the books so i don't know how much more source materials they have, but I just hope it does not end up like GOT, going from one of the best shows ever made to sub par once they ran out of source material of the original author and decided to try and keep it going. I'm still mad about that last season of GOT...

There’s plenty of books left to cover and they’re still releasing new ones on schedule. The nice thing about the ring gates is they left it open to keep going indefinitely if they choose.


I won’t spoil the books or future seasons but they left some time on the table to fill in too. There’s a big time gap between some of the books. Despite the George RR Martin connection the authors seem to have learned from the GOT shortcomings.

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12-26-19, 14:29
Morena Baccarin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jewel Stait.

Not even close.





In that exact order.

You shut up right now! She’s cute! I wouldn’t even need two beers to hit on her. And she can fix the ship!

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Unless it has a Capissen 38 engine, they fall right out of the sky! :D

12-26-19, 14:40




In that exact order.

Unless it has a Capissen 38 engine, they fall right out of the sky! :D

Finally someone with proper taste.

12-26-19, 17:49




All four of them?

I’ll be in my bunk.

12-28-19, 11:19
Just finished season four. It really set the stage for season five. Amazing series. Not even close to jumping the shark yet.

12-28-19, 11:31
This season was garbage and mostly uninteresting (to me). Holden is a huge pussy. Amos lost any charm. I wanted the Naomi character to die off in the first episode, and she only got worse. I hated the political drama. The Mars plot was okay. The belter terrorist story line was trash. All in all, I wish the season ended with the protomolecule wiping out humanity. To say I disliked this season would be an understatement.

12-28-19, 19:26
Season 1 was OK.
Season 2 was MUCH better.
We’re halfway through season 3 and enjoying it.
As always - opinions vary.

geezer john

12-29-19, 20:31
I, for one, had no idea Roci could operate in atmo. (Yes, I'd seen the trailers for S4.)

12-29-19, 21:04
I, for one, had no idea Roci could operate in atmo. (Yes, I'd seen the trailers for S4.)

I've only read through Babylon's Ashes (Book 6), but IIRC, in Cibola Burn, on Ilus/New Terra, is the only time we see the Roci operating in an atmosphere.

I don't think the book mentioned any need to refit or modify the ship to land on a planet, but they did talk about the addition of the rail gun.

It's also interesting that they rolled some of the plot from book 5 into season 4, no doubt to keep Frankie Adams, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Cara Gee, etc. involved in the series.

12-31-19, 18:24




In that exact order.

Unless it has a Capissen 38 engine, they fall right out of the sky! :D

Summer in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles brings her into a close second to Morena though ;)

12-31-19, 19:56
Season 1 was OK.
Season 2 was MUCH better.
We’re halfway through season 3 and enjoying it.
As always - opinions vary.

geezer john

One episode away from finishing season 4 - another excellent season!!!!
Gong to go through Sci Fi withdrawal - Mandolorian nowhere as good as this.
Any other good Sci Fi out there????

geezer john

just a scout
12-31-19, 20:46
Battlestar Galactica reboot. You’re welcome.

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01-01-20, 08:37
Finished season 4. Was good but not great compared to the past seasons, but still solid. Still the best SF on right now, some of the best ever.

Gunnar da Wolf
01-01-20, 13:19
I've only read through Babylon's Ashes (Book 6), but IIRC, in Cibola Burn, on Ilus/New Terra, is the only time we see the Roci operating in an atmosphere.

I don't think the book mentioned any need to refit or modify the ship to land on a planet, but they did talk about the addition of the rail gun.

Remember that they acquired the Tachi/Roci from the Donnager where it was in a hanger (I believe with other frigates). It would make sense for a giant war ship to be able to project force down thru atmosphere to their main intended adversary, Earth or to any of the outer colonies as a powerful occupation force.

01-02-20, 17:57
Finished season 4. Was good but not great compared to the past seasons, but still solid. Still the best SF on right now, some of the best ever.

In general I agree, I liked it when there was more “space” involved.

Because of your post above though I started watching Love Death and Robots. Pretty good, I like the short stories and how they leave you hanging with questions unanswered.

01-02-20, 19:43
In general I agree, I liked it when there was more “space” involved.

Because of your post above though I started watching Love Death and Robots. Pretty good, I like the short stories and how they leave you hanging with questions unanswered.

I really hope they do another Love Death and Robots. It's great stuff.

01-07-20, 14:56
Finally about midway Season 4 and a few episodes into that.

I really enjoyed the Cotyar character in Season 1-3. He's one of the characters I felt could have/should have had an expanded role in some way.

I love how they've evolved Amos' character. He was just kind of the silent strong arm of the crew for the first couple of seasons. He got some serious attention in Season 3 onward with some good one liners. I about spit out my soda when he asks Wei "so, we aren't effing any longer? Okay, see you later than."

The Thomas Jane character in Season 4 is a bit odd. It makes you wonder who's side he's really on. I'm not through yet, so no spoilers please.

I liked Dominique Tipper's hair better in Season 1-3... I do like her character though.

Ashford has been an interesting addition to the cast. You know he's up to something though.

The character chemistry between the crew of the Rocinante is fantastic. They all play well off each other.

The Bobbie arc in Season 4 is kinda distracting at the moment. I'm sure they'll figure out a way of wrapping that back up soon.

12-11-21, 22:58
Season six has started, the first episode was good, I hope it lays the foundation for a great final season. I really hope Amazon releases the complete box set in 4K, I think that would look amazing on an OLED tv

12-11-21, 23:13
Just finishing the last book (came out last week).

Stoked that this season is here!

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12-12-21, 06:48
I also finished book 9. There is NO way that 6 episodes will be sufficient. Book 9 was well done with a very satisfying conclusion.

12-12-21, 07:04
I've enjoyed limited parts of the show, but hated or was turned off by many others. The normalized portrayal of post modern views on society/multi culturalism really put a damper on my enjoyment of the show. I'm more than ready to be done with the whole 'the future is going to be different from American norms, and that's a good thing' narrative. Real life is enough of a forced elitist dystopia, I don't want that in my entertainment.

The lead chick/love interest for the lead guy is distractingly unattractive. She's adequate as an actress, but her every stage entrance is the audio/visual equivalent of witnessing a diaper failure mid course at your favorite restaurant. It's disjointed and distracting to see the male leader characters that are/were her committed love interests, knowing what we know about male mate selection. It breaks immersion and seems to be a clear 'diversity' move rather than in the best interest of the story. It could only be more obvious if she were also 250 pounds.

The lead male character is also strange: the actor's behavior/body language is weak, submissive, and indecisive, but he's the leader because the script says so. That actor was either a poor choice for the role or the direction of his character was bad.

Amos, the Martian pilot guy, and the old Belter guy were the best male characters, by far.

The female politician was very well acted and by far the best female character, but the screen writing for her character is disjointed and inconsistent. She is portrayed at various times as being compassionate and empathetic and at others as being ruthless, crass, and reptilian. This is hardly an uncommon error in portrayal for a 'hero' character, but it bears pointing out that this is immersion breaking because it's trying to cram two opposite personality types into one character. It makes a sort of Personality Mary Sue. Better to have the character be consistent and operate within realistic bounds for that personality type.

In summary, the show could have been great, but like nearly all recent emissions from Hollywood, suffers from the forced inclusion of immersion breaking, and politically heavy handed, future social fantasy elements. I'm an American. I want entertainment that is consistent with my culture and uplifting, not insulting and threatening that the days of my nation and culture are numbered.

12-12-21, 10:15
So far, S6 has gotten off to a good start. Great start no, but solid enough to look forward to the next episode.