View Full Version : Green the new Red, Again

02-08-19, 10:41
There was a saying that if you scratched a Green Party person hard enough, you'd see Red Communist. That the communists used the Green parties as a way to weaken the West- while at the same time the Communists were not coming close to the Green concepts that they supported in the West. But it was a tool for the Russians to screw with our political and economic process. For some reason, the new Greens don't even understand their history- or worse they know that Green was a way to attack capitalism and have dropped the pretext that it was foreign driven and not good for us.

Just to unwrap the war on Billionaires. I almost wonder how much 'cash' people think billionaires have. I'm starting to think that the anti-B's think that they are fighting Scrooge McDuck and his pile of gold. I think the real 'brains' have figured out that the billionaires are a proxy for capital markets- which is true since the Billionaires money is tied up in investments. Taking away Billionaires money isn't really taking their money, it is taking away their ability to control their companies and to replace capitalism (private ownership of means of production/innovation) with command and control of the economy. (Also, if billionaires need to unwind their financial positions, the price of those assets will fall- and drive equities down- forcing another retirement crisis).

So, they aren't crazy. OK, AOC is super-silly, but the brains behind this stuff are really smart and really motivated and really dangerous.

02-08-19, 10:58
Watermelons is the best way to describe them, green on the outside, red on the inside.

Doc Safari
02-08-19, 11:52
I love watching Alexandria O-scary-o Cortez cause the traditional Dem establishment to crap little tiny rabbit turds. Ban air travel? High speed trains? Guaranteed income whether you want to work or not?

The ironic thing is that she'll probably be the only one to run against Hillary in 2020.

02-08-19, 13:25
I love watching Alexandria O-scary-o Cortez cause the traditional Dem establishment to crap little tiny rabbit turds. Ban air travel? High speed trains? Guaranteed income whether you want to work or not?

The ironic thing is that she'll probably be the only one to run against Hillary in 2020.

She’s a useful idiot. Weaponize her, wind her up and set her loose tazmaniain devil style on the establishment dems. Watch the havoc from a safe distance and be ready to capitalize on the instability and chaos as the dems eat themselves. Of course the RINO’s will squander this opportunity.

02-08-19, 13:31
She’s a useful idiot. Weaponize her, wind her up and set her loose tazmaniain devil style on the establishment dems. Watch the havoc from a safe distance and be ready to capitalize on the instability and chaos as the dems eat themselves. Of course the RINO’s will squander this opportunity.

I agree, it's going to be a fun watch. The New Green Deal is incredibly well thought out, a masterpiece of idiocy. I want to see this deal pushed in great detail night and day on all msm outlets. It's getting traction and dems are signing on to this turd one after another, so fun. Science and reality be damned.

02-08-19, 13:39
Don’t underestimate the Left, the idiots who vote for them and the impotence of the Republicans. Any crazy bill has the potential to get passed.

02-08-19, 16:38
You realize she is dog whistling and crypto-recruiting to turn America into a Western Native ethnostate and is based if you read between the lines.

I fully expect her to be the next Augusto Pinochet in 20 years and my only hope is to be part of her concubine.

Imagine Chile with hardcore deportations, nuclear weapons, and total undermining of Red China.

You may say that I am a dreamer...but this can happen any day now

02-08-19, 17:09
You realize she is dog whistling and crypto-recruiting to turn America into a Western Native ethnostate and is based if you read between the lines.

I fully expect her to be the next Augusto Pinochet in 20 years and my only hope is to be part of her concubine.

Imagine Chile with hardcore deportations, nuclear weapons, and total undermining of Red China.

You may say that I am a dreamer...but this can happen any day now

Don’t get me wrong, I admire her tenacity and chutzpah. I’m happy she’s empowered and building up steam. Challenging the entrenched political machine is not for the faint of heart. And I know millennials are behind her 100%. I’m waiting to see what happens. One path leads us to your fantasy world, or least in that direction. The other leads to some nasty scandals (or worse) that leave AOC politically isolated, Anthony Weiner style. And, Firefly: imagine the sex tapes or dirty text messages someone is hiding until the right moment.
What I’m hoping for is AOC shakes up the Old Ones (DiFi, Pelosi, et al) so much that the dems are thrown off course and brought to heel, while AOC herself is more a phenomenon and not a lasting political fixture for the next 6 decades. That outcome is kinda mythic- she’s slays the beast only to become its replacement.
What I’d like to see AOC ride this wild rocket for a bit, scare the dems into bipartisanship lest they get AOC’d at the polls. AOC chills a bit, has her political career, but gets re-activated when people forget their place.
There may be other possible outcomes but I’m not thinking too hard about it.

02-08-19, 17:16
Don’t get me wrong, I admire her tenacity and chutzpah. I’m happy she’s empowered and building up steam. Challenging the entrenched political machine is not for the faint of heart. And I know millennials are behind her 100%. I’m waiting to see what happens. One path leads us to your fantasy world, or least in that direction. The other leads to some nasty scandals (or worse) that leave AOC politically isolated, Anthony Weiner style. And, Firefly: imagine the sex tapes or dirty text messages someone is hiding until the right moment.
What I’m hoping for is AOC shakes up the Old Ones (DiFi, Pelosi, et al) so much that the dems are thrown off course and brought to heel, while AOC herself is more a phenomenon and not a lasting political fixture for the next 6 decades. That outcome is kinda mythic- she’s slays the beast only to become its replacement.
What I’d like to see AOC ride this wild rocket for a bit, scare the dems into bipartisanship lest they get AOC’d at the polls. AOC chills a bit, has her political career, but gets re-activated when people forget their place.
There may be other possible outcomes but I’m not thinking too hard about it.

There are no sex tapes. She is not that kind of girl. She is saving herself for marriage! Preferably with me.

Ever see the end of Sixteen Candles? One day she is gonna pull up in a Porsche wearing mirror shade aviators to take me away from all of this.

Or she gets caught up in some bs. I don’t know but I really feel like she is a pathway to liberty.
And please don’t say “aww you got a crush, how cuuuute”

I mean I do, but I just have this hunch she will be the wildcard everyone thought Trump would be.

Once she has her One Bad Day with the Democrats, she will go full sleeper and go hard Right. Like Biblical hard Right.

I mean Vietnam Hueys tossing Antifa out of choppers into the Hudson type of stuff. All as she cackles triumphantly wearing OG-107s and two slung Para FALs and mebbe a Colt Sistema in a tanker holster.

And the yellow scarf.

02-08-19, 18:09
I think you have to have grown up a certain level of poor, or a huge wealth tier to wrap your mind around it.

I grew up with family logging trees out of the woods, working little private granite or slate mines, dairy farming, etc. moms working hard with gardens and maybe waiting tables on the weekends for grocery money. Hours after work chopping and stacking wood for the winter. My family had a small,place withnoil heat and a real bathroom, rub, etc. one set of graindparents was like that except the main shitter was built over a stream. My other grandparents was heat by wood stove, propane stove, bath was a tub in a shed. With weather frommoff the wood stove for the weekly bath. Shitter was an outhouse. When I was five or six a bathroom and rub and real sink was put in. Still had the hand crank water by the kitchen sink. And the washing tub with hand crank, washboard, and ringer. You worked for your shit, took care of your own, didn’t F anyone over, and didn’t take handouts.

If instilled and done properly, and you’re not a shitbird,

The work ethic, pride, and such from that up bringing if it takes makes a far valuable and useful contribution to your life.

The rural, traditional American work ethic culture poor in means vs rich in character setting has made for the majority of high performing Rangers, SF SEALs, recon, etc, guys I knew.

From a total of about fifty guys in a Ranger Bn Plaroon over a four year period, I know two MDs, a CRNA, Ph.D. history professor, MS Chemical Engineeriing, BSE 160th Pilot, 8 CAG Operators, an SF CSM at the one star level, an Infantry CSM at the three star level, a couple of 06s Infantry, an 06;SF, 11A to company commander then out and OGA, tier I instilled CSM, bunch of 18 series, etc.

If someone is a shitbird or it is not instilled in those values, you get a bunch of dregs wanting handouts and resenting the world for what it owes them.

Horseface and many other politicians are keen to this and pander to them for votes.

This high wailing desnity of people thatbjust want to be free to maximize the shit they want to do...
Thenright want to tag them for a certain tithing then otherwise let them be. They have a ton of middle men and pyramid schemes and are cool to let younself actuality and produce, it lines their coffers. And the non producers can F off. It is the lesser of two evils.

The left want a bunch of no value grifters at the top, lining their pockets in their pyramid skimming more off the top from the producers, and giving you less freedom to produce, and shifting more of your production to the non producers. I do not like this.

So, if you were that nobody, nothing peasant- but had potential and drive and ambition, America is the greatest thing in the world. You can go from cleaning stalls in a family of few HS grads to graduate tope of your class from the Naval Academy, BUDS, finish your five years in SEALs, get out, Ivy League med school, shit hot trauma surgeon.

02-08-19, 18:11
There are no sex tapes. She is not that kind of girl. She is saving herself for marriage! Preferably with me.

Ever see the end of Sixteen Candles? One day she is gonna pull up in a Porsche wearing mirror shade aviators to take me away from all of this.

Or she gets caught up in some bs. I don’t know but I really feel like she is a pathway to liberty.
And please don’t say “aww you got a crush, how cuuuute”

I mean I do, but I just have this hunch she will be the wildcard everyone thought Trump would be.

Once she has her One Bad Day with the Democrats, she will go full sleeper and go hard Right. Like Biblical hard Right.

I mean Vietnam Hueys tossing Antifa out of choppers into the Hudson type of stuff. All as she cackles triumphantly wearing OG-107s and two slung Para FALs and mebbe a Colt Sistema in a tanker holster.

And the yellow scarf.

If that goes down I call dibs on two men enter one man leaves Against you for her hand in marriage.

02-08-19, 18:11
There are no sex tapes. She is not that kind of girl. She is saving herself for marriage! Preferably with me.

Ever see the end of Sixteen Candles? One day she is gonna pull up in a Porsche wearing mirror shade aviators to take me away from all of this.

Or she gets caught up in some bs. I don’t know but I really feel like she is a pathway to liberty.
And please don’t say “aww you got a crush, how cuuuute”

I mean I do, but I just have this hunch she will be the wildcard everyone thought Trump would be.

Once she has her One Bad Day with the Democrats, she will go full sleeper and go hard Right. Like Biblical hard Right.

I mean Vietnam Hueys tossing Antifa out of choppers into the Hudson type of stuff. All as she cackles triumphantly wearing OG-107s and two slung Para FALs and mebbe a Colt Sistema in a tanker holster.

And the yellow scarf.

You are going to be in the freshman class that is bused to the first FEMA camps for political reeducation when she comes to power.

02-08-19, 18:16
You are going to be in the freshman class that is bused to the first FEMA camps for political reeducation when she comes to power.

W-will She be there? D-do you think she might n-notice me?

02-08-19, 19:10
You are going to be in the freshman class that is bused to the first FEMA camps for political reeducation when she comes to power.

By the time that goes down, my wife will be crazy as a shit house rat post menopausal lost cause, son will be unemployed civil engineer as all projects frozen for funding FSA benefits and not able to feed his family, daughter one will be unemployed comp sci genius secondary to nothing paid H1Bs and online overseas labor shifting and no purpose in life, youngest will be ag sci teacher position frozen as country starves as shifted to organic and forbids her knowledge to be employed or spread, my pregnant with a new son half my age mistress red headed horse loving nurse with daddy issues and esteem problems will be murdered by a feral group of illiterate lillegals, and I will have received the news my urinary issues are due to prostate cancer that has already spread everywhere.

My non white /hispanic/First Nations appearance will be leveraged into an MO of AK drop and ditch activist judges down phase, followed by beretta mag pistol and Carbine MO as ball juggling in Amercian LE chiefs get bagged, followed by a shift to AR based MO on DAs, then HK MO on state and local,politicians, with a bunch of random shit after that.

I will,peace out at some point off the grid in an untraceable cabureted car with no electronics/traceability full of holes and no hope, blaring an 8 track of CCR, downing the bottle of pappy I had been saving, and hoping I made a difference for my estranged ex wife, kids, mistress, and pending bastard.

02-08-19, 19:32
By the time that goes down, my wife will be crazy as a shit house rat post menopausal lost cause, son will be unemployed civil engineer as all projects frozen for funding FSA benefits and not able to feed his family, daughter one will be unemployed comp sci genius secondary to nothing paid H1Bs and online overseas labor shifting and no purpose in life, youngest will be ag sci teacher position frozen as country starves as shifted to organic and forbids her knowledge to be employed or spread, my pregnant with a new son half my age mistress red headed horse loving nurse with daddy issues and esteem problems will be murdered by a feral group of illiterate lillegals, and I will have received the news my urinary issues are due to prostate cancer that has already spread everywhere.

My non white /hispanic/First Nations appearance will be leveraged into an MO of AK drop and ditch activist judges down phase, followed by beretta mag pistol and Carbine MO as ball juggling in Amercian LE chiefs get bagged, followed by a shift to AR based MO on DAs, then HK MO on state and local,politicians, with a bunch of random shit after that.

I will,peace out at some point off the grid in an untraceable cabureted car with no electronics/traceability full of holes and no hope, blaring an 8 track of CCR, downing the bottle of pappy I had been saving, and hoping I made a difference for my estranged ex wife, kids, mistress, and pending bastard.

......I smell 90s action show. ..

FlyMan and the Ram. A world weary Ranger and a borderline Personality Cop drive muscle cars in a post apocalyptic America righting wrongs with retro guns. One is a man trying to reclaim his past and his estranged wife captured by the despotic New World Order. The other a flighty dreamer with a penchant for brown chicks.

Like....like...okay...the intro theme song should be Bon Jovis Wanted Dead or Alive and it would be like Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man.

We need catch phrases and maybe a blonde bimbo diesel mechanic who works on cars with just a bikini and coveralls and she has a boyish name and her weapon of choice is a stainless AC556.

This....can happen.


Also our hideout is the last lone steakhouse grill in disputed territory owned by an old black dude who was a cook in Galveston and fought at Khe Sanh and everyone calls him Grandad and he has one leg and keeps a 1911 on his hip and sings blues and plays harmonica

02-08-19, 19:50
This is just a case of the Commies saying that the majority of their party have public school lobotomies and are too incapacitated to distinguish fantasy from
They are zombie voting digits who respond to the clarion call without a thought.

02-08-19, 21:41
Firefly, this is for you:


02-08-19, 23:06
She’s a useful idiot. Weaponize her, wind her up and set her loose tazmaniain devil style on the establishment dems. Watch the havoc from a safe distance and be ready to capitalize on the instability and chaos as the dems eat themselves. Of course the RINO’s will squander this opportunity.

Limbaugh was saying he has made a career of making fun of Dems like her but now the party has reached a point where there are voters that actually believe her nonsense. So yeah, it's crazy funny,,,, but!

She is one bizarre bird.

02-09-19, 08:23
Don’t get me wrong, I admire her tenacity and chutzpah. I’m happy she’s empowered and building up steam. Challenging the entrenched political machine is not for the faint of heart. And I know millennials are behind her 100%. I’m waiting to see what happens. One path leads us to your fantasy world, or least in that direction. The other leads to some nasty scandals (or worse) that leave AOC politically isolated, Anthony Weiner style. And, Firefly: imagine the sex tapes or dirty text messages someone is hiding until the right moment.
What I’m hoping for is AOC shakes up the Old Ones (DiFi, Pelosi, et al) so much that the dems are thrown off course and brought to heel, while AOC herself is more a phenomenon and not a lasting political fixture for the next 6 decades. That outcome is kinda mythic- she’s slays the beast only to become its replacement.
What I’d like to see AOC ride this wild rocket for a bit, scare the dems into bipartisanship lest they get AOC’d at the polls. AOC chills a bit, has her political career, but gets re-activated when people forget their place.
There may be other possible outcomes but I’m not thinking too hard about it.

There is a serious battle going on in the DNC at the moment. Nancy and the old guard are going to have to confront the upstarts like AOC more quickly than they imagined. I'd tend to think Nancy and the other bigwigs in the DNC treated AOC much like they did Trump in 2015 and 2016. Chuckled at his mannerisms and rhetoric behind closed doors, but got all kinds of shocked when he got elected.

I'd tend to think AOC gave them the same kind of chuckles in the beginning. She was "cute" to them when she won the primary, but now that she's become the media darling and they fawn over every word she says, they have to deal with her. Hence, the snarky comments made by Pelosi about the Green New Deal announcement. And the snarky comments made by AOC in regards to the old guard of the DNC having to "get out of the way" for the new generation.

There is a battle for the soul of the Democratic Party going on right now behind the scenes. When your "top" Presidential candidates for 2020 are already lining up behind that idiotic Green New Deal and praising it for its merits, you know there is a problem. Such a thing could rupture the entire DNC before 2020 if they don't get a handle on it.

02-09-19, 08:50
I suspect that many of the radical left freshmen are getting major funding from leftist billionaires such as Soros and his ilk. That is what so emboldens them and how they got elected. Nancy thinks she is going to shut them down like Newt did the 1994 freshmen. Problem is, they were true grassroots reformers without deep pockets. Whereas, AOC and friends have very strong money backers who want more radicalization.

Pelosi will be put out to pasture in the next couple of years and these radicals will take the party for a ride. Hopefully that will be an overstep and the general voting public will be put off by them and appreciate a bit more conservative restraint. On the other hand it may have gone too far and their pride will not allow them to admit mistakes and instead will go all in with the radicals.

02-09-19, 09:31
While I don't think it will happen (at least not anytime soon), what if her free-loading, wild-eyed ilk get to 50%+1 of the vote, or more importantly, 270 Electoral votes and control of both houses of Congress? What then?

What they are proposing is perhaps the most radical agenda brought up in recent years, and you'd better bet that MASSIVE gun control would need to be part and parcel of it to ensure that no one steps out of line and doesn't play along. In any socialist regime the snuffing of dissent has to be of the utmost importance.

I would submit to you that the remaining losing, out-voted portion of the population would be quite significant. Like 40+% maybe? That is much too large of a "minority" to ignore or steamroll. That group, when faced with such a massive upheaval of all that we know and the impact it will have on day-to-day life from these radical programs, will either dig in or (most likely) say "Let's go our separate ways". Yeah, I know it's been tried before but for waaayyy different reasons and didn't work out. It would be a demand that would have teeth (read:guns) behind it, not to mention the actually productive portion of the population. Of course that latter reason alone is why they'd try to forbid the separation; they need us to pay their bills. I can see it getting really ugly.

I have come to believe for quite some time that sheer numbers, i.e. a "majority", does NOT necessarily make it right or proper, ethically or morally. Perhaps legally right, but that is only a façade to give a hollow element of legitimacy. No, "might" (or sheer numbers) does not make it right so everyone needs to accept that. Translated: I don't give a damn what a majority of this f****d-up country wants.

02-09-19, 10:59
I have come to believe for quite some time that sheer numbers, i.e. a "majority", does NOT necessarily make it right or proper, ethically or morally. Perhaps legally right, but that is only a façade to give a hollow element of legitimacy. No, "might" (or sheer numbers) does not make it right so everyone needs to accept that. Translated: I don't give a damn what a majority of this f****d-up country wants.

A couple of well known quotes address this very thing.

"Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

“Democracy is not freedom. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch. Freedom comes from the recognition of certain rights which may not be taken, not even by a 99% vote.”

02-09-19, 12:35
A couple of well known quotes address this very thing.

"Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

“Democracy is not freedom. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch. Freedom comes from the recognition of certain rights which may not be taken, not even by a 99% vote.”

Amen to that! One could argue that it only applies to "rights" per se, as in the RKBA or freedom of speech. But I submit that it would also apply to a socio-economic system totally alien to our country and it's rejection by a minority, i.e. it would also be a "right" to refuse such a socio-economic system.

02-09-19, 13:53
While I don't think it will happen (at least not anytime soon), what if her free-loading, wild-eyed ilk get to 50%+1 of the vote, or more importantly, 270 Electoral votes and control of both houses of Congress? What then?

I think the days of thinking this will not happen are seriously dangerous.

Look at this example. Watch and listen to the whole thing...


The video was retweeted over 350,000 times in under 24 hours and was viewed over 19 million times.

So what's it up to now?

Now read this..... and note that one of the calls for a re-tweet was from James Corden who is a Brit AND he is one of the hottest acts out there now in TV. He is totally hooked up with the young Dem voting base. He is a Trump hater.


I think it's totally foolish for us to continue to sit around and say it can't happen when in fact that is what we have done and it is in fact happening right before our eyes.

Cortez the Killer is right up there with Alex Jones but her following questions nothing, rallies, demonstrates, and votes.

The question is not if it will happen. It's how soon is it likely to happen. Or how soon until it's weight and momentum reaches the fulcrum.

When Obama got elected, someone here stated something to the effect that Lady Liberty could be stood on her head and we will survive. I remember that visual analogy. Well, we survived Obama, we even got a radical right leaning guy, but look where we are. Look what really hangs in the balance. An ageing old school, a Socialist Party that is growing and it's parent company could own the entire majority of representation in a couple of years.

Someone really needs to be putting the pressure on these people before it's too late. Their power of communication is massive and their base will believe anything AND act on it.

ETA: Oh BTW... for you people in GA. Stacey Abrams is going to be your Senator very soon. For that base, for all practical purposes in their minds she has served a purpose as Governor, and will now simply seek the office of Senator. She will win if she gets her name on the ballot. Chuck Todd announced her candidacy after the SOTUA.

02-09-19, 19:30
.... and of course there is always the help they get from the right.


Called her a bimbo and now they want his job.


an attractive but unintelligent or frivolous young woman.

She is a Bimbo.

02-09-19, 19:37

02-09-19, 19:51
My fear is Not China or Russia or even N Korea or Iran but the politician and government employee crime gang we have running this nation as they are destroying this Republic from with in.

02-09-19, 20:06

02-09-19, 20:20

She is my queen.....


I keep telling you....she is a pathway to a new Millenium of the Republic. The Starchild. The Cornfields. The Para FALs.

Am I the only one who sees?!

02-09-19, 20:49
My fear is Not China or Russia or even N Korea or Iran but the politician and government employee crime gang we have running this nation as they are destroying this Republic from with in.

As far as politicians go, they are elected so the blame, so to speak, is firmly on the shoulders of the friggin' idiots who elected them. I've been rather firm here in my assertion that approximately half the voters in this damn country are the problem. Not sure what the solution is.

02-09-19, 21:35

As soon as they can find VA Gov. Northam in the dark tunnels under the Capital building he's supposed to go try to win the NY half of Amazon down to VA where it's not wanted there either.

02-10-19, 06:06
As far as politicians go, they are elected so the blame, so to speak, is firmly on the shoulders of the friggin' idiots who elected them. I've been rather firm here in my assertion that approximately half the voters in this damn country are the problem. Not sure what the solution is.

Absolutely correct. But the other part of the problem is that the leftist politicians do not settle for just representing their constituents and their interests. No, they want to turn the rest of the country into a socialist, crime ridden, over taxed hellhole too.

02-10-19, 08:07
Now the details of her plan are some GOP conspiracy???


02-10-19, 08:20
Absolutely correct. But the other part of the problem is that the leftist politicians do not settle for just representing their constituents and their interests. No, they want to turn the rest of the country into a socialist, crime ridden, over taxed hellhole too.

Of course. Socialism/communism requires forced mass participation.

02-10-19, 10:52


She must stop at once. She is appropriating the "Breakfast Club" for her generation, when that is my generations. Cultural appropriation is the highest crime against humanity.

02-10-19, 10:55
She must stop at once. She is appropriating the "Breakfast Club" for her generation, when that is my generations. Cultural appropriation is the highest crime against humanity.

You are overruled, old man......


02-10-19, 13:36
From a friend on the Green New DUD

I have been looking into and thinking about the New Green Deal some and playing with the number a bit. My sources of information are primarily from on-line, and I tried to use several sources in order to overcome political bias. I will start by saying there are some environmental parts of the Proposal (P) that make sense if they are not taken too far. These include re-forestation of certain mountain terrains or idling non productive lands etc. However, these are minor parts of the P and are probably intended to generate more broad scale support for the crap part of the P.

The purpose of the P is to combat the impacts of Climate Change (CC).

The main short term objective of the P is to eliminate fossil fuel use for producing electricity in the USA and replace it with renewable sources (RS). Other objectives include "Living Wage" jobs for everyone that wants one by increasing government control of labor and public services. Also included is a "Living Wage for all those who cannot and WILLNOT accept a government job.

There are a bunch of objective time lines being thrown around, but the first one I looked at is the reduction of Green House Gases (GHG) by 16% by year 2025. The long term is to reduce by 70% by 2050. Cost estimates seem iffy at best but, I read where bernie says the cost to convert to RS would cost $ 1.0 trillion per year. Where is this money going to come from. bernie want to tax Wall Street, tax wealthy folk, confiscate wealth, etc. I have another suggestion. So with the 2025 horizon in mine, I offer the following.

The USA produces 6,673 Million metric tons (mt) of C02e (equivalent) GHG annually. (e) is used to standardize various forms of GHG such as methane that has a much different negative impact on CC than CO2. This pans out to be about 20 mt per person in the US. Therefore, there is a function between the size of the population and GHG production. Now I know that all individuals do not have the same GHG footprint, but for the sake of argument lets assume the relationship is 1 person per 20 mt GHG.

There are different estimates about how many people are in the US illegally. I read from 12 million to 25 million. Most lower estimates are from liberal sources who are trying to diminish the concerns by citizens. I decided to go with 20 million to make calculations simple. 20 million people X 20 mt of GHG/person = 400 Million mt GHG. This suggests that illegals are responsible for producing 6% of GHG annually in the country.

Illegals account for 1.5 Million children born per year in the US. While these kids are considered citizens, they still would not be here if there parents had not entered illegally. So, between now and the end of 2025 (our short term target date), 10.5 Million additional children will have been added to our population due to illegals. 10.5 X 20 mt of GHG/person = 210 Million mt of additional GHG will be added to the atmosphere, or an additional 3%.

By 2025, illegals will be responsible for almost half of the equivalent GHG we are targeting for removal. If we removed all illegals from this country we would be able to achieve 50% of the GND goal without raising any taxes on anyone.

So, where do we get the other $500 Billion per year?

This is where the GND gets interesting. The GND proposal also strives to give every person in the USA a guaranteed living income whether they want to work or not. After looking at different estimates of what a "Living Income" is, I settled on $26,000 per year. I think this is lower than what the liberals would recommend. But here goes anyway. My bet is that if illegals were given the choice of picking beans for $5.00 per hour, or getting $26,000 for setting around camp, they would choose camp. So, current population of illegals (20 Million) X $26,000 = $520 Billion. Bingo!

Now the bonus. According to the U.S. Dept. of whoever keeps these stats., illegals cost American tax payers $116 Billion annually, and I bet that is lowballing big time.

Bottom line. If we deported all people residing in this country illegally, we could reach the 2025 goal of GHG reduction and have enough money left over to make DACA immigrants legal residents.

Now I know there are a lot of assumption surrounding my calculations. Still, even if I am off a ways, it is still clear that this whole GHG issue is amplified somewhat by having 20 Million additional folk producing GHGs and sucking resources that could be used to solve problems for citizens. It also shows how stupid and pathetic the left is by proposing ridiculous/costly solutions for a speculative problem, and at the same time demanding open borders. I wonder what the left would say to the idea that their open border option is also increasing the GHG emissions they are so intent on eliminating. I know how they would react. They don't give a shit because addressing Climate Change is not their intent. Their intent is to bring America down.

Forgive me for being so long.

Big A
02-11-19, 08:39
......I smell 90s action show. ..

FlyMan and the Ram. A world weary Ranger and a borderline Personality Cop drive muscle cars in a post apocalyptic America righting wrongs with retro guns. One is a man trying to reclaim his past and his estranged wife captured by the despotic New World Order. The other a flighty dreamer with a penchant for brown chicks.

Like....like...okay...the intro theme song should be Bon Jovis Wanted Dead or Alive and it would be like Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man.

We need catch phrases and maybe a blonde bimbo diesel mechanic who works on cars with just a bikini and coveralls and she has a boyish name and her weapon of choice is a stainless AC556.

This....can happen.


Also our hideout is the last lone steakhouse grill in disputed territory owned by an old black dude who was a cook in Galveston and fought at Khe Sanh and everyone calls him Grandad and he has one leg and keeps a 1911 on his hip and sings blues and plays harmonica

This show needs to be made...

02-11-19, 09:48
From a friend on the Green New DUD

The illegal calculation is just looking at direct effects, the real effect is the secondary effects. Cheap labor drives down housing costs per/sqft and reduces the cost of unskilled labor for things like gardeners and lansdscape jobs.

With out illegals lowering the wages of home buildings, the price per sq ft for new housing would go up. Smaller houses use less energy (electricity production), use less resources to be made (manufacturing CO2), increase urban density (and reduce transpo C02 emissions). Less landscaping means less thirsty plants. It costs CO2 to clean water, and water is scarce out west.

You have the initial direct effect, and then you have the knock on effect.

Stop CO2 at the border!!!

02-11-19, 10:11
Ever since Al Gore stepped out with the whole Global warming thing, it's been a highly visible swindle perpetrated on the American Public.
When he decided he could sell offsets for your carbon emissions, I was immediately aware that we weren't facing a global crisis, we were facing one of the biggest flim flam jobs ever to be faced by Man.
That Scientist stood in line to eat this up with one hand, they were getting research grants with the other. Those grants came from .gov funds which in turn came from our pockets in the name of taxes.
In the meantime, the very folks pushing this agenda jet everywhere they go to tell us, not about Global Warming, because that scam played out quickly, now it's about climate change.
These folks are hucksters. It's about money and power.

02-11-19, 11:21
.... and of course there is always the help they get from the right.


Called her a bimbo and now they want his job.

She is a Bimbo.

Alexandria Occasional Cortex is a complete bimbo, I'm sure she made a fair barmaid but she is clueless beyond belief.

02-11-19, 12:23
I'm not a huge fan of making out your adversaries as being dim, dull and dumb. Make your enemies out to be cunning, smart and merciless. The left falls into this trap with Trump. They consistently get their political heads handed to them by the 'idiot' Trump.

AOC (and I do like referring to her as some TLA for a terrorist group) should be seen as the brightest bulb in the bin and the face of the Dem party. She is being fed some pretty sophisticated propaganda, which she seems to be able to deliver on command. That is a skill set. With the MSM there to clean up her messes, she is going to be a formidable spokesperson.

02-11-19, 14:01
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was asked about “Roe vs Wade” and she responded with "Depends on how deep the water is." 😁

02-11-19, 14:17

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

02-11-19, 17:55
Am I the only person that thought this thread was about the new Eotech?

02-11-19, 18:15
Does anyone else see our society actually starting to follow the path of Idiocracy?

02-11-19, 18:45
Does anyone else see our society actually starting to follow the path of Idiocracy?Indeed, but along the way we will first go through a "Demolition man" phase

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

02-11-19, 19:50
saw they pulled all the info and are now backtracking big time because of the idiocy hahahahahah

watched a youtube clip of tucker on fox news and the lawyer for her they had on was saying we never said that we never said that oh we never said that as he was reading it off a print out and sure enough within a few hours the scrub had started

02-11-19, 19:55
Does anyone else see our society actually starting to follow the path of Idiocracy?

YUP and I stated in the other enough that these idiots are getting elected !!!!! including the anti Jewish Samoli chick in congress with her head scarf thing OH she backtracked of course but took another hit on them in her so called apology !!!

the lay of the land is not what it was and our country I do think is never going to come back to what it was !!! its only going to get worse and worse and more divided and horrible I just cant see anyway without the far left being %100 destroyed for good and that wont happen

when are the rest of the US going to wake up to who the TRUE NAZI people are in this country !!! they were socialists

German Workers’ Party (DAP) changed its name to National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDP) became the nazi party
and they did so with a very low % almost like we are facing now

02-12-19, 15:54
Someone is beginning to read the tea leaves:


Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates does not think the way to increase U.S. tax revenue is through policies like raising the tax rate on the wealthy to 70 percent – as has been floated by some Democratic lawmakers like New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. During a podcast interview with The Verge, Gates responded to a question about whether raising the top rate to 70 percent in order to fund social programs – like infrastructure initiatives – appeals to him by saying government can be more effective in running social programs, but that’s not the best way to raise revenue.

“You finally have some politicians who are so extreme that I’d say, ‘No, that’s even beyond,’” Gates said. “You do start to create tax dodging and disincentives, and an incentive to have the income show up in other countries and things.” Gates added that the country’s richest people often don’t pay the highest rate because their wealth doesn’t always show up as income, it can be in the value of their stock, for example. “So it’s a misfocus,” he added. “If you focus on that, you’re missing the picture.”......

IIRC, Warren Buffet has said he pays too little in taxes too. You generally don't hear socialists like Sanders and Crazy Eyes Cortez complaining about Gates, Buffett, Soros, Bezos, Bloomberg, Steyr or Zuckerborg. They're all left leaning so they get a pass. No, they focus on people like the Koch Bros., Adelson, Hamm, Tepper, etc. Those are the evil billionaires who rig elections, according to them. While the GOP does currently hold an edge in billionaire donors, the left is closing the gap fast and it's completely disingenuous to suggest "the rich" favor the right.

tl;dr: Liberal Bill Gates understands that revolutions require money, lots of it. He and his liberal billionaire buddies might not be in leftist's sights at the moment, but once the opposition billionaires have been bled dry, he knows who's next. :eek:


Superfly I love you man. Your a brother from another mother. I hate to break it to you but Crazy Eyes Cortez does want your junk, just not the way you think she does. :(



02-12-19, 16:36
OMG!! .... She's a Bobbitt fish!!!

02-12-19, 17:11
Alexandria Occasional Cortex is a complete bimbo, I'm sure she made a fair barmaid but she is clueless beyond belief.

fair as long as the place only had one tap and all she was allowed to do was the 1 tap !!!!

reckon then at least a 50/50 chance she could do it

02-12-19, 18:11
saw they pulled all the info and are now backtracking big time because of the idiocy hahahahahah

watched a youtube clip of tucker on fox news and the lawyer for her they had on was saying we never said that we never said that oh we never said that as he was reading it off a print out and sure enough within a few hours the scrub had started

The ComDem Party is getting too confident and speaking and showing their hand. With the NGD that would turn us into N. Korea/Venezuala and the new infanticide bills causing all the pushback they are realizing that on some things they need to still keep their true colors hidden from the public. Before long they will be back to, quoting Pelosi, "let's pass it so we can see what's in it" strategy.

02-12-19, 21:18
I wish more people would understand this about the Democratic Party


02-12-19, 21:34
Why you can't argue with a Leftist:


02-13-19, 02:05
The ComDem Party is getting too confident and speaking and showing their hand. With the NGD that would turn us into N. Korea/Venezuala and the new infanticide bills causing all the pushback they are realizing that on some things they need to still keep their true colors hidden from the public. Before long they will be back to, quoting Pelosi, "let's pass it so we can see what's in it" strategy.

Dead on.

They have totally lost their touch because of their echo chamber and an MSM that will clean up their messes. They put that draft out and didn't see anything wrong with it- touted it even.

Now they are saying it is all a GOP trap and the MSM is covering for them again.

Trump could say that 2+2=4, but the press would say "only in base 10 number systems" and give him the pinochios.

02-13-19, 07:24

What in the heck does this have to do with the environment? Nothing, of course. But this is how the left has long exploited the environment for its own purposes of revolution and radical transformation. Not a word of this is a surprise to anyone who has followed left-wing environmentalists.

Green on the outside, red on the inside. Welcome to American socialism’s new Green Red Deal.

02-13-19, 10:31
Won't this Green New Deal devastate our military and national defense. No planes, and no oil. The military needs both. Or do they get an exemption?

02-13-19, 10:35
Won't this Green New Deal devastate our military and national defense. No planes, and no oil. The military needs both. Or do they get an exemption?


Armed Pri-i

02-13-19, 10:58

Armed Pri-i

I don't know...do Dems even know which end of the stick is pointy, let alone know how the stick works?

26 Inf
02-13-19, 11:22
I don't know...do Dems even know which end of the stick is pointy, let alone know how the stick works?

I like how the PragerU video above portrayed it: Liberals and Conservatives versus The Left.

There are a lot of Democrats who know which end of the stick is pointy. I may not agree with the politics of Tammy Duckworth or the late Daniel Inouye, but I respect their service.

02-13-19, 11:42
I think you have to have grown up a certain level of poor, or a huge wealth tier to wrap your mind around it.

I grew up with family logging trees out of the woods, working little private granite or slate mines, dairy farming, etc. moms working hard with gardens and maybe waiting tables on the weekends for grocery money. Hours after work chopping and stacking wood for the winter. My family had a small,place withnoil heat and a real bathroom, rub, etc. one set of graindparents was like that except the main shitter was built over a stream. My other grandparents was heat by wood stove, propane stove, bath was a tub in a shed. With weather frommoff the wood stove for the weekly bath. Shitter was an outhouse. When I was five or six a bathroom and rub and real sink was put in. Still had the hand crank water by the kitchen sink. And the washing tub with hand crank, washboard, and ringer. You worked for your shit, took care of your own, didn’t F anyone over, and didn’t take handouts.

If instilled and done properly, and you’re not a shitbird,

The work ethic, pride, and such from that up bringing if it takes makes a far valuable and useful contribution to your life.

The rural, traditional American work ethic culture poor in means vs rich in character setting has made for the majority of high performing Rangers, SF SEALs, recon, etc, guys I knew.

From a total of about fifty guys in a Ranger Bn Plaroon over a four year period, I know two MDs, a CRNA, Ph.D. history professor, MS Chemical Engineeriing, BSE 160th Pilot, 8 CAG Operators, an SF CSM at the one star level, an Infantry CSM at the three star level, a couple of 06s Infantry, an 06;SF, 11A to company commander then out and OGA, tier I instilled CSM, bunch of 18 series, etc.

If someone is a shitbird or it is not instilled in those values, you get a bunch of dregs wanting handouts and resenting the world for what it owes them.

Horseface and many other politicians are keen to this and pander to them for votes.

This high wailing desnity of people thatbjust want to be free to maximize the shit they want to do...
Thenright want to tag them for a certain tithing then otherwise let them be. They have a ton of middle men and pyramid schemes and are cool to let younself actuality and produce, it lines their coffers. And the non producers can F off. It is the lesser of two evils.

The left want a bunch of no value grifters at the top, lining their pockets in their pyramid skimming more off the top from the producers, and giving you less freedom to produce, and shifting more of your production to the non producers. I do not like this.

So, if you were that nobody, nothing peasant- but had potential and drive and ambition, America is the greatest thing in the world. You can go from cleaning stalls in a family of few HS grads to graduate tope of your class from the Naval Academy, BUDS, finish your five years in SEALs, get out, Ivy League med school, shit hot trauma surgeon.

This, right here is the balls on truth!

02-14-19, 20:11
The infighting among the Leftists intensifies. Alexandria Crazio Cotex is celebrating the loss of 25k jobs and $10billion+ in revenue for her constituents while Communist Cuomo is fuming over the loss.


02-14-19, 20:18
You all don't realize that AUC is /Our_Latina/

er AOC...Freudian slip. It's not like I think AOC is secretly a Dem Sleeper who was trained by hardcore Right Wing Death Squads in harsh jungles subsisting on rainwater and roots, training on her 1980s vintage M16 carbine and 1927 Colt Sistema while embracing the hate for Marxism and is taking the Dems down from the inside by pushing hard-Left.


02-14-19, 21:09
You all don't realize that AUC is /Our_Latina/

er AOC...Freudian slip. It's not like I think AOC is secretly a Dem Sleeper who was trained by hardcore Right Wing Death Squads in harsh jungles subsisting on rainwater and roots, training on her 1980s vintage M16 carbine and 1927 Colt Sistema while embracing the hate for Marxism and is taking the Dems down from the inside by pushing hard-Left.


I hope you never meet her Firefly, because she'll cut your throat the first chance she gets.

02-14-19, 23:14
The infighting among the Leftists intensifies. Alexandria Crazio Cotex is celebrating the loss of 25k jobs and $10billion+ in revenue for her constituents while Communist Cuomo is fuming over the loss.


News Flash: capitalists, even Dem donor capitalists, are not welcome in New York. Go away! Take your 25,000 high tech management and data center jobs with you. And your filthy taxes. And your logistics and warehouse and building trades equipment and jobs. And your yuppy/hipster restaurants. And your clothing purchases. And your condos and houses. And quit buying your cars here. And cancel those darn global warming airplane flight plans and Jet-A purchases. And for goodness sake don’t invest your savings in this socialist utopia. Just. Stay. Out. With. Your. Dollars.

02-14-19, 23:20
Don't forget... You won't be able to do this anymore, either...

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

02-14-19, 23:21
When My Brothers Awaken

They will see that AOC is crypto-Right and is doing her part to be based and destroy the American Left and is in and of herself a fast-track path to hot latin chick RWDS Time



02-14-19, 23:54
When My Brothers Awaken

They will see that AOC is crypto-Right and is doing her part to be based and destroy the American Left and is in and of herself a fast-track path to hot latin chick RWDS Time



Dude, lay off the crack! Go back to Mr. Pibb!

AOC is just a puppet for the hard Leftists. Nothing more.

There is no “Right” about her.

Your brown fever is epic brother. Clouding your mind, man.

02-15-19, 00:01


We are past the looking glass, people....

02-15-19, 01:03


We are past the looking glass, people....

Dude I would totally introduce you to a conservative trans coffee farmer in Guatemala that loves guns and, well, coffee! Unfortunately she’s into chicks too, so the best you could do is a wingman...

02-15-19, 05:57
This show needs to be made...

I have a pair of OD jungle boots, acid washed jeans, and white sweatshirt with neon Body Glove logo, Beretta 96 Vertec, non-922 compliant Mak-90, and 74 Roadrunner with factory hand crank sunroof and four ashtrays for FF ready to go.

I am going to rock extra tight black jeans, knee high moccasin boots, a super extra large neck hole IFBB top, flowing hair to make any 80s B action movie lead envious, a red white and blue AMC Machine, with dual Inox Beretta 96s in a Face Off holster and a Valmet.

Very big haired chicks in various 80s-robics, Flashdance, and should padded ensembles will eagerly demonstrate their gratitude to us each week after their rescuing.

In an homage to the very extra special episodes of the era,
Ours will include -
Why smoking is cool and only pussies get asthma
Why helmets are for pussies
Why only pussies use seatbelts
Why 16 year old attractive females fall under their bodies, their choice, and statutory laws are for pussies
Why if you suck at driving, flying, shooting, or performing emergency surgery so bad you can’t do it with a few drinks in you- you are a pussy
F it, if you can’t handle a few cycles of steroids you are a pussy

It will be like the greatest of 80s action shows, but with the twist of 90s multiepisode story arcs.

Think a five year series with the greatest moments of Magnum PI, Miami Vice, Rick and AJ, and the Fall Guy as we continuously Pity the Fool But with a pre-existing fully planned arc like Babylon 5. SteyrAug will have a recurring guest star role as our arms dealer, informant, and as needed pilot in his Bluewolf Airthunder helicopter.

Double edit-
FF will have a modified Nintendo power glove which gives him super king fu grip and Six Million Dollar Man like abilities.
I will have weekly ideas like Mississippi.com where you can buy anything on the fledgling internet, ModemBay for auctions, pockettunes music devices, that keep getting shot down as idiotic and something nobody would ever be interested in.

02-15-19, 09:37
....We need funding....

This should be on TV like normie TV instead of the Low T crap on now.

02-15-19, 15:18
And we will make plenty of cool chick friends.

But they will be cool like red headed warrior princess in willow cool, or Rene Russo lethal weapon cool, not five foot two 100 pound chick taking out a room of six foot plus 220 pounders in shape and trained to fight with their bare hands.

In one episode set in the 90s we will link up with your little brown chick groupies in an AUC cell and rescue some captured contractors from the FARC. As ELN double agents.

02-15-19, 15:29
And we will make plenty of cool chick friends.

But they will be cool like red headed warrior princess in willow cool, or Rene Russo lethal weapon cool, not five foot two 100 pound chick taking out a room of six foot plus 220 pounders in shape and trained to fight with their bare hands.

In one episode set in the 90s we will link up with your little brown chick groupies in an AUC cell and rescue some captured contractors from the FARC. As ELN double agents.

We're gonna be reading about the tragic death of you two in the news some day. Cause of Death: Snu Snu

02-15-19, 21:20
We're gonna be reading about the tragic death of you two in the news some day. Cause of Death: Snu Snu

Didn't ramairthree mention in the bourbon thread that he had found some he liked?



02-16-19, 03:02
I have a pair of OD jungle boots, acid washed jeans, and white sweatshirt with neon Body Glove logo, Beretta 96 Vertec, non-922 compliant Mak-90, and 74 Roadrunner with factory hand crank sunroof and four ashtrays for FF ready to go.

I am going to rock extra tight black jeans, knee high moccasin boots, a super extra large neck hole IFBB top, flowing hair to make any 80s B action movie lead envious, a red white and blue AMC Machine, with dual Inox Beretta 96s in a Face Off holster and a Valmet.

Very big haired chicks in various 80s-robics, Flashdance, and should padded ensembles will eagerly demonstrate their gratitude to us each week after their rescuing.

In an homage to the very extra special episodes of the era,
Ours will include -
Why smoking is cool and only pussies get asthma
Why helmets are for pussies
Why only pussies use seatbelts
Why 16 year old attractive females fall under their bodies, their choice, and statutory laws are for pussies
Why if you suck at driving, flying, shooting, or performing emergency surgery so bad you can’t do it with a few drinks in you- you are a pussy
F it, if you can’t handle a few cycles of steroids you are a pussy

It will be like the greatest of 80s action shows, but with the twist of 90s multiepisode story arcs.

Think a five year series with the greatest moments of Magnum PI, Miami Vice, Rick and AJ, and the Fall Guy as we continuously Pity the Fool But with a pre-existing fully planned arc like Babylon 5. SteyrAug will have a recurring guest star role as our arms dealer, informant, and as needed pilot in his Bluewolf Airthunder helicopter.

Double edit-
FF will have a modified Nintendo power glove which gives him super king fu grip and Six Million Dollar Man like abilities.
I will have weekly ideas like Mississippi.com where you can buy anything on the fledgling internet, ModemBay for auctions, pockettunes music devices, that keep getting shot down as idiotic and something nobody would ever be interested in.

Point of order: I'm an "investigator" not an "informer" and I'm going to need suitable accommodations to regularly entertain whatever actresses can convincingly pull off roles like "The Barbie Twins." I would also like to function in the capacity of mentor / trainer to some modern day kunoichi who is part Rhonda Roussey and part Hannah Minx. And spandex, we are going to need a lot of spandex for the ladies.

We should also consider cameos from Ginger Lynn, Christy Canyon, Tracey Adams and Keisha in "Mom next door baking cookies" roles. They show up from time to time hoping to get "personal time" with main characters but those guys are too busy with something that looks like Laetitia Casta.

02-16-19, 10:12
Point of order: I'm an "investigator" not an "informer" and I'm going to need suitable accommodations to regularly entertain whatever actresses can convincingly pull off roles like "The Barbie Twins." I would also like to function in the capacity of mentor / trainer to some modern day kunoichi who is part Rhonda Roussey and part Hannah Minx. And spandex, we are going to need a lot of spandex for the ladies.

We should also consider cameos from Ginger Lynn, Christy Canyon, Tracey Adams and Keisha in "Mom next door baking cookies" roles. They show up from time to time hoping to get "personal time" with main characters but those guys are too busy with something that looks like Laetitia Casta.

So recorded in the official ledger. I'll add you to the Snu Snu list.

02-16-19, 14:35
Point of order: I'm an "investigator" not an "informer" and I'm going to need suitable accommodations to regularly entertain whatever actresses can convincingly pull off roles like "The Barbie Twins." I would also like to function in the capacity of mentor / trainer to some modern day kunoichi who is part Rhonda Roussey and part Hannah Minx. And spandex, we are going to need a lot of spandex for the ladies.

We should also consider cameos from Ginger Lynn, Christy Canyon, Tracey Adams and Keisha in "Mom next door baking cookies" roles. They show up from time to time hoping to get "personal time" with main characters but those guys are too busy with something that looks like Laetitia Casta.

You will be provided accommodations that shame the greatest of rap videos and on par with the likes of which would be seen were Huggy Bear to win the lottery.

While armed with dual wielded HK squeeze cockers custom made from meterorite ore. In 10mm.

02-16-19, 14:59
I want AOC in full Contra gear as my wife and Shakira in cut offs and whore heels as my girlfriend

02-16-19, 15:03
I want AOC in full Contra gear as my wife and Shakira in cut offs and whore heels as my girlfriend

Now we're talking! A muy caliente libertarian tax dodger indeed! :D

02-16-19, 15:05
Now we're talking! A muy caliente libertarian tax dodger indeed! :D

See. YOU understand where I am coming from...

And “tax dodger” to me sounds like “thief avoider”

Anyways, I pay yo taxes

02-16-19, 19:52
I want AOC in full Contra gear as my wife and Shakira in cut offs and whore heels as my girlfriend

You been looking at old 80's Soldier of Fortune magazines again? OG-107's (the venerable "jungle fatigues"), floppy hat, and either an AK or maybe a G3. There's your "Contra gear".

LOL I have quite a few of those old SOF magazines. I subscribed at one point while I was in the Army (see sigline for dates).

02-16-19, 19:58
We might yet see firefly@house.gov (https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2019/02/15/uh-oh-did-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-reveal-that-she-committed-an-ethics-violation-n2541561).

02-17-19, 02:08
For the record,
I have racked up over a year of my life in Panama, Argentina, Colombia, and PR.

I can hang with FF’s choice of women to roll with.

Still have both kidneys.

02-17-19, 18:08
Here is an opportunity to get your 80's on.


I probably could have been a good Castillo back in the day but guess I would have to go for the Switek look today. Switek with less hair.

02-17-19, 20:09
feel like I need to watch some Miami Vice now :)

03-19-19, 01:49
I’m ready to go when FF is.

In a strange mix of retro surplus, 70s, 80s, 90s, and early post Y2K and a splash of now, will will cruise the country in a 73 Roadrunner with a 6.4 Hemi and Tremec 6 speeds, with a combo CB 8 track player with iPod/iPhone port, rear interior panels and windows from a Sebring Plus so we can roll down all four windows plus the hand crank factory sunroof, bumps us up to four ashtrays, -
And I’ll supply him with either this SP1 with carry handle scope and Steyer GB,

Or this M1 Carbine and LNIB 96 Vertec.
https://i649.photobucket.com/albums/uu220/ramairfour/7F6EA7A6-5E8B-47D6-A7B1-7F3B7F5F5BB3_zpsah27sg8t.jpeg (https://s649.photobucket.com/user/ramairfour/media/7F6EA7A6-5E8B-47D6-A7B1-7F3B7F5F5BB3_zpsah27sg8t.jpeg.html)

We will do typical 80s network or 90s syndicated PI stuff, help people out in exchange for favors, have mysterious pasts, and have a combination of martial arts and mysterious animal powers.

03-19-19, 06:32
Thanks but I am toting my SP1 Carbine with factory 3x and a 1006.

Even though I would look super weird, I might dye my hair blonde like Roy Batty because two swarthy, ethnically ambiguous dudes with black hair would look like something that belongs on univision

and I demand we be on NBC after ALF

03-19-19, 07:19
Thanks but I am toting my SP1 Carbine with factory 3x and a 1006.

Even though I would look super weird, I might dye my hair blonde like Roy Batty because two swarthy, ethnically ambiguous dudes with black hair would look like something that belongs on univision

and I demand we be on NBC after ALFThat's the spirit!

03-19-19, 10:48
Cool, spare SP1, 1006 in shoulder holster, 1076 in case you want an ankle BUG are in trunk. With a couple of AKs, sawed off shotguns, and a mini 14.

Left a pile of GI 20 round mags on the front seat.

Also put up a Commado, Predator, Terminator, Farrah in red swimsuit, and Lamborghini Countach posters in garage.

03-19-19, 10:57
Don't forget the original Flashdance poster and a boombox