View Full Version : Nobody Needs An AK, Nobody Under 21 Should Be Able To Buy A Gun...

02-11-19, 16:54
It can have tragic consequences...for criminals.


On January 19th, 2019, at about one a.m. in the morning, a gunfight occurred on Sherman Street in Houston, Texas. It was in the Magnolia Park neighborhood.

Magnolia Park has been a traditionally ethnic Mexican part of Houston for over 100 years. It is considered a bit rough. There were five home invaders. There was one home defender. From abc13.com:

Authorities are investigating after dozens of shots were fired in east Houston.

According to a detective, the incident began as a home invasion at the 7000 block of Sherman.

Authorities say the homeowner defended himself when the suspects entered the home. Following the shooting, the suspects fled from the scene.

Two armed home invaders broke in. One of the home invaders was reported as shot in the leg and running from the house. He survived. One home invader died in the front yard. Another person, believed to be one of the home invaders, was found dead in a car two blocks from the scene. A fourth suspect ended up in the hospital and died there. The fifth suspect was wounded, fled the scene, and was being treated in the hospital.

The home-owner gave an interview to Stefania Okolie, reporting from abc13.com. The interview is only on video.

The defender was 20 years old. According to him, two men in ski masks broke in, demanding money. At first, he thought it was a joke. This sort of denial is common among crime victims. The other three home invaders had not entered the house. The defender said he used a pretext of getting money from under the couch. Instead of money, he pulled out a loaded AK-47 clone.

He shot at the two home invaders. They fired back as they fled. He wounded both of them. One died in the front yard, the other, wounded in the leg, fled, and is in the hospital.

The defender pursued the invaders into the front yard. The pile of brass in the front yard has been described as being from several different guns.

The defender continued the gunfight with three occupants of the car that delivered the two home invaders. The group fled the scene in the car.

The car crashed a couple of blocks away. One suspect was found in the car, dead. One wounded suspect was found at Capitol and 71st Street, he was the suspect that died at the hospital. The third suspect from the car was wounded, fled the scene, and was being treated in the hospital.
According to Sefania Okolie, the police told the homeowner he had done the right thing.

There were no charges filed against the defender. He was not wounded. There were no reports of contraband being discovered at the shooting scene.

Jeff Cooper, in his small book, Principles of Personal Defense, emphasizes seven keys to survival in self-defense situations:


In the gunfight in Houston, the defender demonstrated six of the seven. He may be faulted for being insufficiently alert. At first, he thought it was a joke.

Once he understood the situation, he acted decisively, aggressively, with speed, coolness, and ruthlessness. He even surprised his attackers after they initially had the drop on him.

In the Houston gunfight on Sherman Street, six people were involved. Five on one side, one on the other.

Three of the aggressors were killed. Two were wounded. The defender was not injured.

02-11-19, 16:59
Good for him and likely lots of others.

02-11-19, 17:04
A firearm is a force multiplier for sure, 6 v 1 is usually very bad odds. It is so important to fight firearm age restrictions, as well as magazine capacity restrictions, and this is an excellent example of why both should not be touched.

Good on this guy for defending himself to this level.

02-11-19, 17:05
Such a shame. They were good kids, just misunderstood! 3 were about to start college and just needed money for fresh clothes

02-11-19, 17:16
I like happy endings.....

02-11-19, 17:31
I liked the inclusion of the Cooper principles of self defense in the article.

02-11-19, 19:09
Hmm...aK47, better than money. “If it will save just one child’s life, buy an AK.”

Politicians dreaming up these laws think every person under 21 is like their own helpless teenager still living under mom and dad’s wing and irresponsible. Lot’s of teenagers at home after school with no adults around to protect them or the home and are mature enough to at least try to defend. Others are already out living on their own at 17 or 18. I had a guy working for me whose dad died when he was 12, and being the eldest he went to work and started helping support the family. By 16 he was the main provider but knocked up his girlfriend so married her and went to school while working. He was a full working man, husband and father when he was 17. Lots of us raised around guns from early age would be more capable and responsible using guns for defense as teenagers than many nanny state adults these days.

02-11-19, 19:35
NWPilgrim, you are so right. People assume that no one could possibly be an independant head of their household at 20.

02-11-19, 19:53
A firearm is a force multiplier for sure, 6 v 1 is usually very bad odds.

True, but the invaders failed to grasp the importance of the “schwerpunkt” or point of main effort, where they should have had all 6 of them swarming the defender. Or was that in the Low Countries?

02-11-19, 21:33
NWPilgrim, you are so right. People assume that no one could possibly be an independant head of their household at 20.

I can remember when the goal of every 18 year old was to have their own crappy, tiny apartment (even if it meant a roomate) so you could finally live by your own rules.

Now I know people in their 30s and 40s who have literally never moved out of their parents house.

02-11-19, 22:28
This guy needs to practice more. 2 out of the five attackers survived...

If I ever meet him, I'll thank him for his service to society.

02-11-19, 22:40
I hope that this young man keeps his head on a swivel. There's a good chance that these thugs were in a gang and the gang will want revenge in order to save face.

02-11-19, 23:58
I hope that this young man keeps his head on a swivel. There's a good chance that these thugs were in a gang and the gang will want revenge in order to save face.

Paging Lance Thomas.

02-12-19, 07:10
Good shooting.

02-12-19, 10:22
I can remember when the goal of every 18 year old was to have their own crappy, tiny apartment (even if it meant a roomate) so you could finally live by your own rules.

Now I know people in their 30s and 40s who have literally never moved out of their parents house.

I just don't get it. I was literally out of state when my H.S. graduation was being held, that's how fast I was gone.

02-12-19, 10:52
Now I know people in their 30s and 40s who have literally never moved out of their parents house.

You can thank the generations before you who created guaranteed student loans which sent the price of university through the roof. And it’s not just student loans for the degrees we all make fun of. The average cost to become a medical doctor is 2.6 MILLION dollars.

Combined with the demand for low interest rates as prior generations have forced economic growth and investment, which skyrocketed home values in most of the country, those in their twenties and thirties who live in apartments are living the cards dealt to them.

I can’t speak to actually living at home...but this is not some big generational failing. You’re talking about a generation who has been at war for nearly two decades. A generation who is going to carry the most socialist generation of Americans through social security. A generation who to date has voted for less gun control than any prior.

I’ll put my generation up against almost any.

02-12-19, 11:36
I love feel-good stories like this one!

02-19-19, 03:43
Two armed home invaders broke in. One of the home invaders was reported as shot in the leg and running from the house. He survived. One home invader died in the front yard. Another person, believed to be one of the home invaders, was found dead in a car two blocks from the scene. A fourth suspect ended up in the hospital and died there. The fifth suspect was wounded, fled the scene, and was being treated in the hospital.

The home-owner gave an interview to Stefania Okolie, reporting from abc13.com. The interview is only on video.

The defender was 20 years old. According to him, two men in ski masks broke in, demanding money. At first, he thought it was a joke. This sort of denial is common among crime victims. The other three home invaders had not entered the house. The defender said he used a pretext of getting money from under the couch. Instead of money, he pulled out a loaded AK-47 clone.

Yeah I don't know man, sounds sketchy. I have it on good authority from internet experts that the AK is nothing more than a Commie POS that sucks and cannot hit a man sized target. Combine that with again, the internet experts beliefs that armed home invasions are fake news and no one should cash in their CONUS kill card over their TV and well you see this story just doesn't jive at all. :cool:

02-19-19, 04:35
You can thank the generations before you who created guaranteed student loans which sent the price of university through the roof. And it’s not just student loans for the degrees we all make fun of. The average cost to become a medical doctor is 2.6 MILLION dollars.

Combined with the demand for low interest rates as prior generations have forced economic growth and investment, which skyrocketed home values in most of the country, those in their twenties and thirties who live in apartments are living the cards dealt to them.

I can’t speak to actually living at home...but this is not some big generational failing. You’re talking about a generation who has been at war for nearly two decades. A generation who is going to carry the most socialist generation of Americans through social security. A generation who to date has voted for less gun control than any prior.

I’ll put my generation up against almost any.

I think you took that too personally. Nobody is responsible for the other members of their generation.

While lots of us did the right thing, many in my generation were stoners, losers and dead ends who existed at the expense of everything else. The only real difference is we didn't know many 30 or 40 year olds who would have been allowed to live at home with their parents.

And yeah, there are lots of scams, student loans being the new mortgage for kiddies before they even buy a house and degrees that are often completely useless in paying off those student loans. But unless you are running a 4.0 and have a strong interest in the medical field, if your parents don't have big bucks you probably should abandon dreams of being a doctor just as I had to realize I wasn't actually going to be an astronaut.

And as much as we like to pick on millennials, the worst of them have nothing to do with those who are in uniform kicking ass, working real jobs and handling their business. Of course they are just as sick of those their age who have a heroin addiction, never moved out of mommy and daddies house and just sit around Starbucks all day sucking up their wifi while expounding the virtues of their recovery program.

02-19-19, 09:45
I think you took that too personally. Nobody is responsible for the other members of their generation.

While lots of us did the right thing, many in my generation were stoners, losers and dead ends who existed at the expense of everything else. The only real difference is we didn't know many 30 or 40 year olds who would have been allowed to live at home with their parents.

And yeah, there are lots of scams, student loans being the new mortgage for kiddies before they even buy a house and degrees that are often completely useless in paying off those student loans. But unless you are running a 4.0 and have a strong interest in the medical field, if your parents don't have big bucks you probably should abandon dreams of being a doctor just as I had to realize I wasn't actually going to be an astronaut.

And as much as we like to pick on millennials, the worst of them have nothing to do with those who are in uniform kicking ass, working real jobs and handling their business. Of course they are just as sick of those their age who have a heroin addiction, never moved out of mommy and daddies house and just sit around Starbucks all day sucking up their wifi while expounding the virtues of their recovery program.

Fair. I didn’t really take it personally...but I perhaps responded like I was personally attacking you and I apologize for that.

02-19-19, 10:29
It can have tragic consequences...for criminals.


Jeff Cooper, in his small book, Principles of Personal Defense, emphasizes seven keys to survival in self-defense situations:


In the gunfight in Houston, the defender demonstrated six of the seven. He may be faulted for being insufficiently alert. At first, he thought it was a joke.

Once he understood the situation, he acted decisively, aggressively, with speed, coolness, and ruthlessness. He even surprised his attackers after they initially had the drop on him.

In the Houston gunfight on Sherman Street, six people were involved. Five on one side, one on the other.

Three of the aggressors were killed. Two were wounded. The defender was not injured.

First...great story and very nice recap. Thanks!

I also really like the way you references Cooper's outstanding (and very short and easily read and understand) book.

Cooper loved to analyze defensive shootings, successful and failed, and develop drills for them. The Dozier Drill is a good example of that.


02-19-19, 17:56
First...great story and very nice recap. Thanks!

I also really like the way you references Cooper's outstanding (and very short and easily read and understand) book.

Cooper loved to analyze defensive shootings, successful and failed, and develop drills for them. The Dozier Drill is a good example of that.


Can't take credit for the writing, copy / pasted it from the link.

02-19-19, 17:59
Fair. I didn’t really take it personally...but I perhaps responded like I was personally attacking you and I apologize for that.

Not at all, I was just making sure you didn't feel like it was a shot at you.

02-21-19, 19:57
I am especially surprised the police also told him he did the right thing. I mean, I know it was in TX but I would think the authorities would not want to give the impression of "vigilante justice" is encouraged.

I also agree they were gang members, likely Tango Blast, and I hope they don't attack that house or that kid in public to gain their "respect" back. Thinking of that reminds me of the story posted about the jeweler in Los Angeles in the 90s that was attacked numerous times.

02-23-19, 08:24
I am especially surprised the police also told him he did the right thing. I mean, I know it was in TX but I would think the authorities would not want to give the impression of "vigilante justice" is encouraged.

I also agree they were gang members, likely Tango Blast, and I hope they don't attack that house or that kid in public to gain their "respect" back. Thinking of that reminds me of the story posted about the jeweler in Los Angeles in the 90s that was attacked numerous times.

Don't be so surprised. With the exception of our POS, Cuban born, Kalifornia raised, socialist camera whore of a police chief; I and just about every officer I know would have told him "Damn good job young man".

02-23-19, 12:27
I am especially surprised the police also told him he did the right thing. I mean, I know it was in TX but I would think the authorities would not want to give the impression of "vigilante justice" is encouraged.

Happened here too:


Some go for the Peelian Principles. It is unfortunate that many don't. Would be better for every good person including those in uniform.

02-23-19, 16:06
I am especially surprised the police also told him he did the right thing. I mean, I know it was in TX but I would think the authorities would not want to give the impression of "vigilante justice" is encouraged.

I'm thinking they were probably just trying to help him understand it wasn't his fault, sometimes victims of crime second guess things a lot. They typically don't have the same kind of support groups that law enforcement does, the officer was probably understanding of that and trying to be a good guy about the whole thing.

02-25-19, 11:42
Happened here too:


Some go for the Peelian Principles. It is unfortunate that many don't. Would be better for every good person including those in uniform.

Thanks for the reminder of my undergrad CJ days. Went back and read the "9 Principles" - some things are timeless. It's a shame how few are taught them now in CJ programs or at the academy.

02-25-19, 18:21
NWPilgrim, you are so right. People assume that no one could possibly be an independant head of their household at 20.

My dad was 20 and my mom was 19 when I was born. So yeah, it can happen.

02-25-19, 18:30
I can remember when the goal of every 18 year old was to have their own crappy, tiny apartment (even if it meant a roomate) so you could finally live by your own rules.

Now I know people in their 30s and 40s who have literally never moved out of their parents house.

Oh. My. God. Dude, you have taken the words from my mouth when it comes to this subject. I graduated HS in 1983. "Back then" damn near all of us couldn't wait to get out from under our parents' thumb! So much so that Uncle Sam provided me lodging from the day after my 18th birthday until I got out 4 years later. To see what has happened nowadays is a bit disturbing. It has come 180 degrees.

Oh, we walked to school barefoot and uphill, both ways. :rolleyes:

Seriously though, what has changed with today's youth? Are parent's not as "tough" anymore so thereby driving you to actually look forward to leaving once it was kosher?

Edit: read a post after Steyr's and the above comment is in no way directed at these young guy's who have served, just the ones who didn't and fit the "living at mom's" description.

02-25-19, 19:31
It’s like schools, media, laws, everything have been shaped to prolong an adolescence.

Not just young kids not being driven to gomoff and succeed on their own like mentioned,
But for adults off on their own not to be responsible for their actions or the consequences of their actions.

02-25-19, 19:33
Oh. My. God. Dude, you have taken the words from my mouth when it comes to this subject. I graduated HS in 1983. "Back then" damn near all of us couldn't wait to get out from under our parents' thumb! So much so that Uncle Sam provided me lodging from the day after my 18th birthday until I got out 4 years later. To see what has happened nowadays is a bit disturbing. It has come 180 degrees.

Oh, we walked to school barefoot and uphill, both ways. :rolleyes:

Seriously though, what has changed with today's youth? Are parent's not as "tough" anymore so thereby driving you to actually look forward to leaving once it was kosher?

Edit: read a post after Steyr's and the above comment is in no way directed at these young guy's who have served, just the ones who didn't and fit the "living at mom's" description.

Pansy ass late starter. I left at seventeen.

02-28-19, 22:26
Saw this today. Reminded me of this threadhttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190301/8ac5bd20db621695b137929ec57e081c.jpg