View Full Version : Battle Angel Alita review

02-14-19, 00:07

It was amazing. It respected the source material and didn’t mind taking risks and managed to blend the Scrap Iron City saga with the Motorball one while keeping Gally’s(er Alita in the West) mystique.

For the uninitiated the whole of Battle Angel is essentially A Walk to Remember, Pinnochio, Terminator, The Wild Bunch, and Blade Runner all mixed together shoved into a shotgun and blasted into your face.

Despite the imagery it FELT like a film made in 1990. Like Total Recall or something. Like that weird time of high concept where technology could keep up with imagination. LOADS of Easter Eggs if you read the comics. LOTS of anti-establishment angst. There are huge reasons why feminists and liberals despise this film.

I dare say this hyper-violent anime of a live action film is unironically an awesome Valentine date movie.

I shall spoil nothing. I am getting the Blu Ray

02-14-19, 09:00
As a big fan of the source material, I have been both skeptical and excited (Skeptcited?) ever since Cameron announced he was working on it. Good to know it’s worth seeing.

02-14-19, 10:47
Good to hear. Like Kyohte I have been excited but very skeptical.

02-14-19, 11:31
Yep. I didn’t leave theatre pissed and it looked like they actually watched the anime and read the comics.

Like the easter eggs are legit. No re-imagining and the black dude in the movie was a black dude in the anime. The girl actually looked like Gally and MOVED like Gally. Screw kicks and all.

Like...if you ever played Street Fighter as Cammy, you know what I mean.

I read somewhere about folks pissed that Gally isn’t “Asian” but then again she wasn’t Asian in the comics. She had a Japanese first name but was meant to be of whitish descent and had a badass German sounding last name. You’d have to read the comics.

It takes place in a post apocalyptic world where basically humanity had to regroup into huge melting pots.

At first I was irked that Shiren wasn’t blonde but Jennifer Connolly captured the character and played her cold.

This is the first anime done right. The dude who made this made Sin City which was just like the comics. I wanna see Mars Chronicle and Last Order so folks need to see this movie. (Technically Ashen Victor was touched on)

I liked it MORE than the anime. And I had both tapes in the 90s.

02-14-19, 11:45
Right on, glad to hear. I was looking forward to checking this one out on the big screen.

02-15-19, 20:13
Good to hear that it's decent. I wasn't getting good vibes from the preview. I loved the OVA's but never read the manga.

I'll check it out.

02-16-19, 11:49
FFS Everyone see this movie
gib monies
learn Panzer Kunst


02-18-19, 11:50
Bump. See this film. Attendance guarantees a sequel.

I MUST see them do Mars Chronicle. You get to learn her real name, meet her REAL boyfriend (who I begrudgingly admit should be played by John Cena), see hardcore gunplay, see more war flashbacks, and she gets a cat tail(don’t ask but it’s actually cute).

Like...for real. Holy hell. I am seeing it again. Something that I rarely do.

02-18-19, 21:01
What is better, IMAX 3D or Dolby 3D?

02-25-19, 08:57
What is better, IMAX 3D or Dolby 3D?

We saw it in 3D RPX, which is think is comparable to Dolby 3D. I'm not sure I'd spend the extra on IMAX.

And I'll admit, I was pleasantly surprised by Alita, and may actually see it again in the theater - something I haven't done in a very long time.

The film really did seem like something Cameron and Landau made as a labor of love. They're clearly fans of the manga and seem to have zero concern for whether or not the hollywood establishment would approve. They've both had enough success they can afford to do what they want, and I'll bet they're enjoying watching the film do well despite the critics' best efforts to kill it before it even opened in theaters.

I can see why so many critics seem to hate it, and why audience ratings are so high. It was refreshing to see a big, expensive, sci-fi movie about a female protagonist without any obvious progressive messaging, and without some of the corny fan-boy tropes you tend to see in other movies like this. The story does a good job of gradually giving Alita increasingly more agency, while still showing her struggle and grow into independence as she begins to remember who she is, and it does so without a lot of obvious pandering to a SJW agenda.

02-25-19, 09:27
What got me most about Alita, and a major reason why critics are trying to kill it, is that the movie lets Alita be a girl.

She's not perfect, she's awkward, she's goofy, she moons over a boy, she gets emotional, and she still needs a bit of guidance. Contrariwise, you can tell she was at one time a hardcore space soldier and her little flashbacks make sense.

This makes her arguably more human.

Contrast to "Captain Marvel" where some rando girl who looks plain comes out of nowhere, is better than everyone, and is supposed to kill Thanos because the future is female

02-25-19, 11:07
Saw it over the weekend on IMAX 3D, completely enjoyed it even with no previous knowledge of the manga or anime. I'll buy it in 4K when it comes out and definitely looking forward to them releasing a sequel.

07-24-19, 11:04
Good to hear. Like Kyohte I have been excited but very skeptical.

Well, as he posted his review in my thread on the movie, here's mine:


I had total opposite response, and would recommend not wasting your time on that one.

However, I'm not invested in the prior anime series or comic books, so for those that are and have that reference point, perhaps it's a better experience. As a stand alone movie, it was total fail for me and you could predict the entire movie within first 10 mins of watching it.

It was total meh for me as a big fan of SF, anime, etc.