View Full Version : McCarthyism Achieved..."Are You Now...Or Have You Ever Been An NRA Member...?"

02-15-19, 02:23
Los Angeles passes law requiring companies that want city contracts to disclose NRA ties (https://thehill.com/business-a-lobbying/429718-los-angeles-passes-law-requiring-companies-that-want-city-contracts-to)

The Los Angeles City Council voted on Tuesday to pass a law that requires companies seeking contracts with the city to disclose any ties to the National Rifle Association (NRA).

The Los Angeles Times reported that council member Mitch O'Farrell crafted the ordinance in response to the wave of mass shootings in the U.S. The councilman described the NRA as a "roadblock" to gun law reforms.

The measure passed on Tuesday with a 14-0 vote.

Attorneys for the NRA have threatened to sue over the ordinance, the Times reported. One lawyer for the organization told the news outlet that the law could prompt those with ties to the organization to drop their affiliation out of fear it could cost them business.

The NRA did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The Los Angeles Times reported that the city's attorney informed O'Farrell that the city is on "firm legal ground" with the ordinance.

The NRA has come under mounting scrutiny, particularly from Democratic lawmakers, in the wake of recent mass shootings, including one last year that left 12 people dead in a suburb of Los Angeles.


02-15-19, 02:48
I've got a patch from Violent Little. It's the Star of David with "Gun Owner" written on it. It's mildly offensive, yet the message remains true.

02-15-19, 05:32
I've got a patch from Violent Little. It's the Star of David with "Gun Owner" written on it. It's mildly offensive, yet the message remains true.

I have a problem with the patch, as it stands today.

Having said that, I will say it very clear if we do not learn the lesson of what the socialist did to Germany under Hitler and all of us commit to doing every thing to defeat the socialist in America we all will suffer.

02-15-19, 07:58
If you're not under oath, just lie. What's next - Religious affiliation, Political Party, Former Military Service ????????

02-15-19, 08:33
In my opinion firearms manufacturers need to stop selling guns in California period, no exceptions. They should stop selling to all government agencies or law enforcement personnel until these anti-gun policies and laws are reversed.

02-15-19, 08:38
In my opinion firearms manufacturers need to stop selling guns in California period, no exceptions. They should stop selling to all government agencies or law enforcement personnel until these anti-gun policies and laws are reversed.

Honestly, that's the only way to put pressure on the LE unions and chiefs/sheriffs to stop supporting anti-2A policy. Make it to where the only guns their cops and security details can get are imported Taurus'.

02-15-19, 08:45
Honestly, that's the only way to put pressure on the LE unions and chiefs/sheriffs to stop supporting anti-2A policy. Make it to where the only guns their cops and security details can get are imported Taurus'.

Frankly, I hope they can't even get those.

02-15-19, 08:52
In my opinion firearms manufacturers need to stop selling guns in California period, no exceptions. They should stop selling to all government agencies or law enforcement personnel until these anti-gun policies and laws are reversed.


I would laugh my black ass off if all the Cali State police could get were Brycos, Ravens, or Hi Points.

Embargo to show who runs BarterTown

02-15-19, 10:57
California, a shining example of institutional insanity !

02-15-19, 10:59
In my opinion firearms manufacturers need to stop selling guns in California period, no exceptions. They should stop selling to all government agencies or law enforcement personnel until these anti-gun policies and laws are reversed.

That would solve nothing. Every officer I know already has a safe full of guns. Even if stopping every avenue of getting a new gun was physically possible, they'd just use the ones they already have. Not to mention that you'd be hurting millions of your gun owning allies and putting innocent members of the public at great risk of harm.

How about we just put a stop to ALL state laws, local ordinances, and any other government BS everywhere in the country that violate 2A and infringes on anyone's constitutionally protected birthrights?

Don't forget. This crap is coming to every state. Texas is already purple and due to the number of electoral votes and your proximity to the border, the Dems are pushing hard to gain control of YOUR state the same way they gained control of MY state. You want your local PD carrying Lorcins and Ravens when the bad guys come knocking on your door? Or your mother's door? I don't. I don't want that for you and yours, and I don't want it for me and mine because some asshole politicians are getting away with violating our Constitution.

02-15-19, 11:12
Agree with OP, this is straight up McCarthyism. 14-0 and the city attorney said they're "on firm legal ground"? They are certifiably insane.

02-15-19, 13:54
In my opinion firearms manufacturers need to stop selling guns in California period, no exceptions. They should stop selling to all government agencies or law enforcement personnel until these anti-gun policies and laws are reversed.

and NY and Illinois and Oregon and Washington a few other states
been saying this for a while

02-15-19, 13:57
Agree with OP, this is straight up McCarthyism. 14-0 and the city attorney said they're "on firm legal ground"? They are certifiably insane.

Seems like an obvious violation of the first amendment, but I'm not a lawyer. If they can discriminate on contract bidders, can I discriminate when hiring employees? Are you a member of the NRA or GOA? No? Next please..

02-15-19, 14:33
That would solve nothing. Every officer I know already has a safe full of guns. Even if stopping every avenue of getting a new gun was physically possible, they'd just use the ones they already have. Not to mention that you'd be hurting millions of your gun owning allies and putting innocent members of the public at great risk of harm.

How about we just put a stop to ALL state laws, local ordinances, and any other government BS everywhere in the country that violate 2A and infringes on anyone's constitutionally protected birthrights?

Don't forget. This crap is coming to every state. Texas is already purple and due to the number of electoral votes and your proximity to the border, the Dems are pushing hard to gain control of YOUR state the same way they gained control of MY state. You want your local PD carrying Lorcins and Ravens when the bad guys come knocking on your door? Or your mother's door? I don't. I don't want that for you and yours, and I don't want it for me and mine because some asshole politicians are getting away with violating our Constitution.

So much this.

Besides, CA gov would probably just figure out a way to buy direct from overseas anyway if it came down to brass tacks.

The left is evolving/modifying their tactics. We better do the same. The "just move" and "don't sell" when it comes to state level BS just does not cut it anymore when the walls are closing in.

The landscape is changing, and any individual, political/gun rights group that does not recognize this needs to take a knee, drink some water and reassess.

They are in this game for the long haul.

02-15-19, 15:03
I have a problem with the patch, as it stands today.

Having said that, I will say it very clear if we do not learn the lesson of what the socialist did to Germany under Hitler and all of us commit to doing every thing to defeat the socialist in America we all will suffer.

I can certainly understand your point of view regarding the patch, it is something I bought without really thinking about the history. I used to have that patch in a visible place in my truck, but have since removed it as I'm sure people who saw it had similar mixed emotions.

02-15-19, 15:13
I have a problem with the patch, as it stands today.

Having said that, I will say it very clear if we do not learn the lesson of what the socialist did to Germany under Hitler and all of us commit to doing every thing to defeat the socialist in America we all will suffer.

So that I understand, the issue would be that the in Germany, Jews were made to wear big yellow stars of David as identifiers. So you have a mixed message? If it were a blue Star of David (that is the color on the flag)- that would be, pardon the phrase, kosher?

02-15-19, 15:13

02-15-19, 15:46
So that I understand, the issue would be that the in Germany, Jews were made to wear big yellow stars of David as identifiers. So you have a mixed message? If it were a blue Star of David (that is the color on the flag)- that would be, pardon the phrase, kosher?

A blue star would lose it's meaning, people would simply assume the person is a jewish gun owner. The yellow star implies persecution as a second class or non citizen.

jack crab
02-15-19, 16:06
"I am Wayne LaPierre!"

02-15-19, 17:01
Seems like an obvious violation of the first amendment, but I'm not a lawyer. If they can discriminate on contract bidders, can I discriminate when hiring employees? Are you a member of the NRA or GOA? No? Next please..

But you are thinking with a clear, logical mind. Remember the demented Left believes the First Amendment only applies to those that agree with them. Christians, gun owners, Conservatives, etc... need not apply.

02-15-19, 17:06
Seems like an obvious violation of the first amendment, but I'm not a lawyer. If they can discriminate on contract bidders, can I discriminate when hiring employees? Are you a member of the NRA or GOA? No? Next please..

Are you a Democrat? Ok, next please. Wonder what would happen if I refused to sell firearms to people who vote Democrat? I mean it seems to be a kind of mental disorder.

02-15-19, 17:59
This oughta make those building and infrastructure projects, move at LIGHT SPEED now! :rolleyes:

02-16-19, 06:13
*sips coffee*

By this logic the NAACP is equally responsible for the rising Black criminality then? I mean if we are going to blame the NRA for guns...

Likewise, what about La Raza and all them Julios running dope, whores, slaves, and killing Americans?

Where does it start and where does it stop and how far should we go?

02-16-19, 09:47
If you're not under oath, just lie. What's next - Religious affiliation, Political Party, Former Military Service ????????

Yes, they already ask the veteran thing for jobs. Think about why......

02-16-19, 17:32
I'm just thinking about how many jobs leave California for Texas Every. Single. Day.

You just keep on being you, Los Angeles. When you implode from debt, let us know how it works out for you.

02-16-19, 21:59
so is political discrimination legal?

02-17-19, 08:07
I'm just thinking about how many jobs leave California for Texas Every. Single. Day.

You just keep on being you, Los Angeles. When you implode from debt, let us know how it works out for you.

Problem for us is all the liberal idiots that are making that move.

02-17-19, 08:46
I'm just thinking about how many jobs leave California for Texas Every. Single. Day.

You just keep on being you, Los Angeles. When you implode from debt, let us know how it works out for you.
But then you'll have an invasion of Californians - some good ones and lots of bad ones evacuating the place, making our southern border problem look small. Think about it - California is already filled with unproductive illegals; millions of them. If it implodes there, they'll be doing a whole lot of migrating, generally in an eastward direction. It'll be
The Grapes of Wrath in reverse. You'll have a backwards version of Horace Greeley: "Go East young Hispanics", with a touch of Bible mixed in: "Be fruitful and Multiply".

Republica Norte for entire Latin America will be here. A new place to conquer and infest. Ridley Scott's vision of the world (L.A.) in Blade Runner, with Asian language marketing blimps floating around 24 hours a day was wrong. It will be Spanish, and all Spanish. Some day in the future, you will have to ask for a translator if you haven't become fluent in that language. Go to any Wal-Mart now. They have bi-lingual signs in the meat department and other strategic locations in the store.

02-17-19, 09:35
Problem for us is all the liberal idiots that are making that move.

That is a fact.

02-17-19, 14:56
Oh, believe me, I understand. But the only thing politicians understand is money. Pretty damn soon the idiots in LA and Sacramento are going to run out of excuses and money.

They already cancelled that stupid train thing, after wasting eleventy billion dollars on it.

02-17-19, 15:17
Yes, they already ask the veteran thing for jobs. Think about why......

I do not disclose veterans’ status on any automated systems. I absolutely believe that it is a discriminator that has the potential to become discriminatory, whether by individual action or by larger, organized opposition. We have a constantly declining percentage of the total population who have served in uniform and consistently fewer families with exposure to the goods&bads of national service. The long term trend is not positive to identify.

To the thread title, McCarthyism is a proto-communist creation. Use of the word effectively supports a false narrative of targeting people for pas affiliations. Tail gunner Joe was a demagogue, but House UnAmerican Activities Committee was a a creationist Of the Democrats under FDR. The HUAC continued until 1975.

What is forgotten is cases like Alger Hiss, who was an out and out Communist spy, aided by sympathetic and generally unknowing government and media patsies. It was not disclosed that SIGINT confirmation of his Soviet ties. He eventually went to prison not for espionage but for perjury (sound familiar these days?).

02-17-19, 15:59
To the thread title, McCarthyism is a proto-communist creation. Use of the word effectively supports a false narrative of targeting people for pas affiliations. Tail gunner Joe was a demagogue, but House UnAmerican Activities Committee was a a creationist Of the Democrats under FDR. The HUAC continued until 1975.

What is forgotten is cases like Alger Hiss, who was an out and out Communist spy, aided by sympathetic and generally unknowing government and media patsies. It was not disclosed that SIGINT confirmation of his Soviet ties. He eventually went to prison not for espionage but for perjury (sound familiar these days?).

I know that, I just like throwing their word back at them.

02-19-19, 03:11
I realize we are talking about left coast shit hole LA here, but the way the winds are blowing if you are a NRA member or ever were an NRA member it's not to far a stretch of the old imagination that you'll get flagged, no-fly lists, et al.

Then the NFA registry, CCW permit records, and on and on . . .

Weimar Republic, frog in the pot of warm water, and paging that George Santayana quote . . .

02-19-19, 03:21
Republica Norte for entire Latin America will be here. A new place to conquer and infest. Ridley Scott's vision of the world (L.A.) in Blade Runner, with Asian language marketing blimps floating around 24 hours a day was wrong. It will be Spanish, and all Spanish. Some day in the future, you will have to ask for a translator if you haven't become fluent in that language. Go to any Wal-Mart now. They have bi-lingual signs in the meat department and other strategic locations in the store.

Director Neill Blomkamp and his family fled South Africa during the night so he has an idea of this sort of thing. He nailed it with his film Elysium where he depicts CA (US) of the future as one big overpopulated barrio.
