View Full Version : First Rodeo

02-15-19, 10:07
Doesn't look this officers first rodeo. https://www.foxnews.com/us/bodycam-footage-shows-alleged-isis-tied-arizona-mans-confrontation-with-officer

02-15-19, 10:41
Saw that this morning. The officer was very cool and calm.

02-15-19, 10:47
What did that idiot think would happen when he walked right into the barrel of the officer's gun wielding a knife like that? Officer was cool as a cucumber. A credit to LE.

02-15-19, 10:56
This thread wasn't what I expected. However I was still not disappointed.

He gave way too many chances to the guy if you ask me. Glad the officer wasn't injured.

02-15-19, 11:04

02-15-19, 11:18
I swear I thought the guy was throwing some kind of magicians flash-poof (0:40 about) and that he was just going to dissappear.

Warning, space, background. Check, check, check.

Shoot till no threat. Check.

And that's a wrap....

02-15-19, 11:40
Cool yes, but probably should have shot him sooner. If junior ISIS had been a runner the Deputy might have gotten stabbed.

Glad it's all on cam so there can't be any BS about wrongful shootings.

02-15-19, 11:46
Hopefully this inspires more ISIS sympathizers to call for police to come deal with them!!

ISIS Network Training Update: Jihadis, remember to bring your knife when you meet with police officers. It will show them you are serious. And a pocket full of rocks to use as distraction device. 72 virgins await you in Paradise.

That officer was one cool cucumber. Very professional in every way.

26 Inf
02-15-19, 11:51
called dispatchers, committed to the ever-shrinking militant network and asked for a police officer to be sent so he could “deal with them,” police said.

I always wondered why the dispatchers didn't just tell guys like that, 'okay, thanks for the info' and then tell us, 'crazy guy at blah, blah, might want to stay away.'

Instead they have a guy call and say 'send a cop down here and I'll shot him' and they say, 'okay, he'll be enroute.'

02-15-19, 12:08
called dispatchers, committed to the ever-shrinking militant network and asked for a police officer to be sent so he could “deal with them,” police said.

I always wondered why the dispatchers didn't just tell guys like that, 'okay, thanks for the info' and then tell us, 'crazy guy at blah, blah, might want to stay away.'

Instead they have a guy call and say 'send a cop down here and I'll shot him' and they say, 'okay, he'll be enroute.'

Yes, odd they sent a single patrol officer. And it looked like he drove up to the with him near the driver door. I would think that kind of call would warrant at least a couple of squad cars coming at him from different angles, one with a rifle ready. Maybe that kind of crazy is just another day in the neighborhood there.

02-15-19, 13:07
That was one calm deputy! Hard to get a cleaner shoot than that.

I highly doubt that guy was actually an ISIS lone wolf though. Looks more like it was just an attempt at suicide by cop.

02-15-19, 13:54
Yes, odd they sent a single patrol officer. And it looked like he drove up to the with him near the driver door. I would think that kind of call would warrant at least a couple of squad cars coming at him from different angles, one with a rifle ready. Maybe that kind of crazy is just another day in the neighborhood there.

There's another sheriff's vehicle in that parking lot. You can see it several times in the video. I wonder where that officer was during all this?

02-15-19, 14:11
I only saw it toward the end after the body cam officer made a radio call. But the backlighting was bad so maybe I missed it earlier.

02-15-19, 14:52
Bad video, but honestly, not being a Cop I would have shot him earlier and with many, many more bullets.
Had those rocks came and at the same time he rushed the Cop, that would have been a totally different and sad story.

02-15-19, 16:09
fountain hills I thought was a nice area ? home prices are $$$$ but they do have a casino not far away maybe brings in issues ? would love to hear from local LEO on this :)

but yeah ISIS calling in saying I want to deal with him ? to bad the guy did not take a nap !!! does make you realize they are everywhere so be prepared

02-15-19, 16:25
Glad the officer came out on top. A few officer safety takeaways:

That call should have had, at least, a two officer response
The officer should have parked further away, and approached the male on foot
Hands in pockets is a huge no-no
The distance between a knife wielding subject and the officer was very small the entire time

02-15-19, 16:58
Yeah, he "dealt" with that cop good. What an idiot.

You would think ISIS calling would warrant more than one LEO.

02-15-19, 17:54
Eat at aloha snackbar, get severe case of lead poisoning.

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

02-15-19, 19:50
Did that take place at a sheriffs sub station or something, I saw at least 3 LEO trucks and a couple of extra spaces marked Law Enforcement?