View Full Version : The Biggest Racism News Items of the Past Month....

02-17-19, 22:07
1. Despicable MAGA kids in DC, that ends up not being an inter-generational, multi-race bro-ha-ha that it was at first touted to be, in fact the reverse.
2. A 30 year old picture of someone in black-face.
3. A inflammatory attack on Trump and his supporters that is completely made up.

I know that there is racism. I know there are racist acts going on that hurt people.

BUT, when you have to make up stuff, or dredge it up from before most people were born, isn't that a clue that it isn't as big of a problem as some people make it out to be?

They so HATE Trump that they are consumed by that hate and end up being as hate filled as the man that they say is hate filled.

If this were reversed, we see on SNL a parody of the movie/book "The Hate you Give", to "The Hate You Make Up".

02-17-19, 22:21
Yeah, and to think this is courtesy of the same people who brought us classics like ' Guess who coming to dinner ? '

02-17-19, 22:40
We are currently practicing "preferred racism" in this country as if it isn't exactly the same kind of "racism" that everyone was fighting against in the 60s.

Really wish we could move directly to true equality, no racial qualifiers for anything, no gender identifiers except when absolutely necessary, none of it. Instead we are actually going in the other direction with identity politics and the creation of identity, racial, gender categories that are actually imaginary just so people can feel "oppressed."

We used to bemoan "participation ribbons" in the belief that it would teach a generation to stop trying to win, now we have a generation that seems to be motivated only to be seen as a victim, even if it's imaginary.

Things are so bad I think we'd be better off with a government selected by a lottery of high school graduates and college placement should be based on nothing more than GPA's. Employment should be "best candidate for the job" and nothing else.

But none of that will ever happen because humans are so fundamentally flawed, tribalistic and more willing to research how the moon landing was a hoax than how it was actually achieved.

We now have the internet, where literally almost anything you want to know about is at your fingertips. This was the dream of thinkers and builders, where you could learn anything you want simply by wanting to understand, but what do most people do with that opportunity that people 100 years ago would have given anything for?

Here are google's top searches for 2018.

World Cup
Mac Miller
Stan Lee
Black Panther
Meghan Markle
Anthony Bourdain
Stephen Hawking
Kate Spade

02-17-19, 23:10
and there is the Jussie Smollett staged "attack".. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/probe-alleged-jussie-smollett-attack-shifts-whether-actor-staged-incident-n972516

02-18-19, 01:25
and there is the Jussie Smollett staged "attack".. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/probe-alleged-jussie-smollett-attack-shifts-whether-actor-staged-incident-n972516

yup that is what I was going to bring up as I did in the other thread

so fake lynching cries about it hollywood comes around his side because it was a trump person so it turns out it was fake and he paid people to do it to him and NOW its trumps fault for creating this racist place we live and its trumps and trump supporters fault for something a guy did to fake a trump attack ? freaking looney beyond loony anymore

you cant make up how stupid they must think so many people are BUT we do have man made global warming that so many believe in so guess that shows how stupid most humans are

maybe move to some remote village in portugal :)

02-18-19, 04:19
There are so few instances of real racism in our country that the left needs to manufacture it to push their agenda.

"Social justice columnist “triggered” by photo that does NOT depict men in “blackface” — they're coal miners"



02-18-19, 06:03
I hear more N bombs and female disrespect comes from black guys and their goddamned stereos but I have been assured “that’s different”

02-18-19, 06:12
There are so few instances of real racism in our country that the left needs to manufacture it to push their agenda.

"Social justice columnist “triggered” by photo that does NOT depict men in “blackface” — they're coal miners"

https://www.amren.com/news/2019/01/phoenix-restaurant-says-this-is-a-photo-of-coal-miners-but-i-see-offensive-blackface/Hard working men on who's backs America was built on? Yeah if I was the owner that pic would be staying up

02-18-19, 06:17
Hard working men on who's backs America was built on? Yeah if I was the owner that pic would be staying up

Hard work and family values are racist.

02-18-19, 06:37
Hard work and family values are racist.So it seems

02-18-19, 10:17
The destruction of the nuclear family is essential to the "progressive" movement.
You need to break up families in order to more fully indoctrinate children.
You need to limit a Father's access to his ability to influence his Sons in order to ruin all values within masculinity.
You need to force Mother's out of the home and in to the workplace to limit her daily influences.
You need to turn over your young children's minds to the mandatory State Schools and MSM to finalize the transition toward Socialism.

02-18-19, 10:46
“Preferred Racism”=Racism of Convenience.

Dr. Bullseye
02-18-19, 10:56
Pardon me for this lecture, but you guys have to understand something. When two groups of people met at a river's edge 50,000 years ago, each group identified the other as different and only one group expanded their territory, their population, and their genes. The other died out. This is racism. Racism is simply the act of recognition. Discrimination is the act of choosing.

FLASH: All human beings are racists. It is hard wired in our DNA. Racism has had tremendous survival value for over a million years. Every human from Jesus Christ to Adolf Hitler is, was, and future generations will be racists. Denial does not make this go away. Virtue signalling does not make this go away.

We all try to treat people as individuals as they come to us. But when they come to us as a representative of their race, the natural human reaction is rejection. Do not let other people try to deny this fact in themselves and yet tag you with it. They are not different from you or better than you. Deal with it. Make them deal with it. Make Don Lemon have that "honest conversation about race".

Outlander Systems
02-18-19, 11:35
This is Fake Noose.

and there is the Jussie Smollett staged "attack".. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/probe-alleged-jussie-smollett-attack-shifts-whether-actor-staged-incident-n972516

02-18-19, 12:34
and this

A liberal pulled a gun on a man in a Kentucky big box store allegedly because he was triggered over the man’s Donald Trump campaign MAGA hat.

ust being white now is a reason for hate to the left ? or supporting the president

02-18-19, 12:43
There are so few instances of real racism in our country that the left needs to manufacture it to push their agenda.

"Social justice columnist “triggered” by photo that does NOT depict men in “blackface” — they're coal miners"



so a far lefty going out LOOKING for things to get triggered over that have nothing to do with what it really is !!!

yeah this has to stop maybe start charging people like this with hate crimes
the fact he had to call the owner a WHITE owner and not just the owner typical left wing racist !

02-18-19, 13:11
so a far lefty going out LOOKING for things to get triggered over that have nothing to do with what it really is !!!

yeah this has to stop maybe start charging people like this with hate crimes
the fact he had to call the owner a WHITE owner and not just the owner typical left wing racist !Of course he had to call him a white owner. Because only a WHITE owner would put pictures of early 20th century blackfaces on the wall of his establishment! Only he sees it as a picture of a bunch of hard working guys relaxing after work. Everyone else sees it for what it is ..... A way to show of his racism and white privilege in front of everyone

02-18-19, 16:02
and this

ust being white now is a reason for hate to the left ? or supporting the president

Phillips was charged with wanton endangerment first degree and was booked into the Warren County Regional Jail.

Uhm, after saying-

Pierce added that Phillips, “Pulled a .40 caliber out and stuck it in my face, backed up and said, ‘It’s a good day for you to die.'”

Seems like assault or or even some attempted murder charges might be nice to consider.

Seems almost too good/bad to be true, but I guess there are police reports to back it up.

MAGA hat, Kentucky? And you are just getting triggered, now? PLUS, you pull a gun on a conservative and tell them that they are going to die?

02-18-19, 16:12
Uhm, after saying-

Seems like assault or or even some attempted murder charges might be nice to consider.

Seems almost too good/bad to be true, but I guess there are police reports to back it up.

MAGA hat, Kentucky? And you are just getting triggered, now? PLUS, you pull a gun on a conservative and tell them that they are going to die?

YUP but look at that antifa idiot in school pulled and lost on the cops !
anyone saying they are harmless well that time has passed
can you imagine if a conservative pulled a gun on a lesbian because of her shirt and said a good day to die !!!!

02-18-19, 16:13
Pardon me for this lecture, but you guys have to understand something. When two groups of people met at a river's edge 50,000 years ago, each group identified the other as different and only one group expanded their territory, their population, and their genes. The other died out. This is racism. Racism is simply the act of recognition. Discrimination is the act of choosing.

FLASH: All human beings are racists. It is hard wired in our DNA. Racism has had tremendous survival value for over a million years. Every human from Jesus Christ to Adolf Hitler is, was, and future generations will be racists. Denial does not make this go away. Virtue signalling does not make this go away.

We all try to treat people as individuals as they come to us. But when they come to us as a representative of their race, the natural human reaction is rejection. Do not let other people try to deny this fact in themselves and yet tag you with it. They are not different from you or better than you. Deal with it. Make them deal with it. Make Don Lemon have that "honest conversation about race".

Oh my aching head. This might be true if you happen to believe Darwinism...I don't. But I'm now moving on since Jesus Christ and Adolph Hitler were mentioned as racists. What a maroon.

Dr. Bullseye
02-18-19, 17:02
Oh my aching head. This might be true if you happen to believe Darwinism...I don't. But I'm now moving on since Jesus Christ and Adolph Hitler were mentioned as racists. What a maroon.

Right, aching until you accept reality.