View Full Version : Bohemian Rhapsody movie

02-17-19, 22:20
Watched it tonight and wow! Never really a Queen fan, but this was a great flick. I have no idea how accurate it was, but it was surely a movie that grabbed my attention from the start and held it through the flick!


02-18-19, 06:08
Never really a Queen fan

How do you live with yourself?

02-18-19, 09:18
How do you live with yourself?

Easy, now. Art is subjective. Queen, like many visionary bands, is an acquired taste. When I was a kid they were just some band on the radio. As I matured, had some life experiences and appreciation for talent my eyes were opened. I saw the genious of Freddie& Co. and became inspired. Queen was one of the bands that encouraged me to step outside the herd mentality musically and try new things, particularly whatever genres the artsy girls were into.
As for the movie, I’m still waiting for Guitar Center to realize that they forgot to tell me that I won the drawing for the VIP movie pass and signed VoxAC30.

02-18-19, 10:04
Ayooooooooo AYYOOO

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02-18-19, 10:07
Agreed, great movie, incredible band.

02-18-19, 10:26
I was not a Queen fan either, but I remember being totally blown away the first time I heard Bohemian Rhapsody.

02-18-19, 10:45
If there is any downside to the movie, I felt it focused nearly totally on Freddie Mercury and kind of left out the musical genius of Brian May.
Brian and his Dad built the "Red Special" his signature guitar from scratch.

Unfortunately for the facts Brian May's influence in the movie Bohemian Rhapsody was overshadowed by Freddie Mercury.

02-18-19, 11:22
I want to go see this in the Theater. I never go to movies, but this one sounds good. Pappabear was recommending that I see it.

02-18-19, 12:09
Very well done film, a must see.

02-18-19, 12:19
It is pulling an 8.2 out of 10 with 250 thousand + votes: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1727824/

02-18-19, 12:24
Does it mention where he co-starred in Commando?

02-18-19, 12:28
Does it mention where he co-starred in Commando?
Don't see him listed: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088944/fullcredits/?ref_=tt_ov_st_sm
Did I miss it?

02-18-19, 12:33
We saw it this weekend and also thought it was a great film. Interesting read about fact and fiction with the movie - http://www.historyvshollywood.com/reelfaces/bohemian-rhapsody/

02-18-19, 12:58
Don't see him listed: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088944/fullcredits/?ref_=tt_ov_st_sm
Did I miss it?



He had a big part

02-18-19, 13:08
You are jiv'in me, right? That guy is not skinny enough. Not seeing it on IMBD. What was his cast member name?

02-18-19, 13:13
You are jiv'in me, right? That guy is not skinny enough. Not seeing it on IMBD. What was his cast member name?

It's been a running joke since the 80s. No that guy was the gay biker from Road Warrior with the booty chaps(like for real)

Vernon Wells

02-18-19, 13:57
It's been a running joke since the 80s. No that guy was the gay biker from Road Warrior with the booty chaps(like for real)

Vernon Wells
You mean Bubba Zanetti? Wow, totally changes things from my childhood memories.


02-18-19, 15:04
Grew up in the 90's on 70's and 80's rock and Queen was one of my absolute favorite bands. This movie absolutely made me fall in love with Queen's music all over again. Rami Malik did a fan-freaking-tastic job of portraying Freddie and the other actors did an amazing job portraying their real life counterparts. The fact that Brian and Roger were here every step of the way for the filming, not to mention most of the costumes the Brian and Roger's characters had on were actually Brian and Rogers that they wore for those shows is every more cool! Oh and did I mention that Brian's clothing and guitar in the Live Aide portion of the movie are what he used and wore in 1985 at Live Aide!

No excuse me while I go watch the movie for the 15th time since it came out on Digital Download.....

02-18-19, 16:08
The Movie was Meh. Not bad, exactly what you'd think it would be. Could just get a six pack and ruminate while listening to the Best Of have some friends over and BS about what was happening when those songs came out.

I do like the English. Their Queen is made up of Freddie, an engineer, a dentist, and an astrophysicist.

02-18-19, 16:21
Don't forget.....they also were on Highlander and Iron Eagle. Two classic films.

02-18-19, 16:46
Don't forget.....they also were on Highlander and Iron Eagle. Two classic films.

Who wants to live forever, works on BH and Highlander so well.

02-19-19, 00:41
Still don’t understand how Flash Gordon did not become both the most critically acclaimed Sci Fi movie of all time,
And the album not the greatest soundtrack of all time.

Edit- youngest teenage daughter actually iTunes’d some Queen after hearing the opening of me watching someHighlander the Series from the 90s. I never caught most of the episodes when they were first aired.

Actually just getting some hair tips watching.

02-19-19, 02:52
Still don’t understand how Flash Gordon did not become both the most critically acclaimed Sci Fi movie of all time,
And the album not the greatest soundtrack of all time.

Edit- youngest teenage daughter actually iTunes’d some Queen after hearing the opening of me watching someHighlander the Series from the 90s. I never caught most of the episodes when they were first aired.

Actually just getting some hair tips watching.

Still get goose bumps every time I hear it . . .


02-19-19, 07:46
How do you live with yourself?

LOL! I guess my “not really a fan” didn’t come out right. A “Fan” is short for the word “Fanatic”, and I’m just not there with very much music. I consider a true fan to be someone who has learned about the people behind the songs.

I guess I liked the movie so much because I loved the backstory...

I should have said I really had very basic knowledge of the group. I could tell you Freddie Mercury was the lead singer, he was gay, and he died from aids. Just like I know Joplin OD’d and most of Skynyrd died in a plane crash.

I’m not an audiophile. I basically listen to whatever is on but really don’t buy much of the stuff nor get too ‘into’ any bands. I have preferred genres but other than hard core gangsta rap, I can appreciate all kinds of good sounds coming out of a speaker.

Hard NOT to like Queen’s music. It is truly iconic. Played everywhere...rodeos, team sports events, school events. We are the Champions, We Will Rock You, Another One Bites the Dust...who doesn’t know most of the lyrics, at least the main chorus of them.

I’m the same with other icons, like Prince, Glen Campbell, Billy Joel, The Who, Bowie...like their music, but not a “Fan”

Regarding Glen Campbell...while I remember his variety show when I was a wee lad, I really didn’t know much about his. Eddie Van Halen, nearing the height of his career, asked Alice Cooper to ask Campbell (Coopers very close friend) if Campbell would give him some guitar lessons. Of course, VH was an awesome guitarist already, but Campbell helped him get better. I thought that was interesting.

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02-19-19, 08:59
Search for “Bohemian Rhapsody 2018” on YouTube and there’s a few videos that show side-by-side some of their real concert scenes next to those done in the movie, including the Live Aid segment. Watching those will really make you appreciate the outstanding casting and acting done, Rami was amazing. Best ‘rock biopic’ ever IMHO!

02-19-19, 10:11
I want to go see this in the Theater. I never go to movies, but this one sounds good. Pappabear was recommending that I see it.

We bought it on Amazon...

02-19-19, 10:21
Rami Malek is awesome. He made Mr Robot until they got Trumpitis.

He also made The Pacific as Snafu.

Like they actually look like Queen. Even if they just like lip synced, they should get the actors to do a world tour while the actual band plays so you could sorta replicate a Queen concert.

I will never have gotten to see Queen and my life is lesser for it.

That’s why you should see your favorite band live while you can

02-20-19, 01:27

The only reason there is not Zardoz expanded universe and world of novels, comics, movies, TV shows, and merchandise is because there was no Queen soundtrack.

John Williams and the LSO were actually ghost written by May and Mercury. Same as with Alexander Courage.

02-20-19, 15:04
Overall, I loved the movie. Had some minor quibbles, but I don't know how else they could've conveyed as much of the band's story as they did in the run time without compromising in other ways. I think it could've been even more clear how important the rest of the band was (especially Brian May) to the success of Queen in other scenes besides the meeting before Live Aid. As it stood, they left it like, "Oh, that guy came up with the 'We Will Rock You' beat? Cool."

I'm glad they didn't have the actors try to do most of the vocals. I've always hated that.