View Full Version : Hunter Killer (Review)

02-18-19, 11:37
Feels like it was made using the Jerry Bruckheimer formula of movie making: lots of action and good visuals, zero character development and generic dialogue from the big book of action movies. Basic plot is at least original, but that's about it. Not a bad action/thriller flick, not one you'll be thinking about the next day. Good mindless fun, and nothing else of substance. B-


02-25-19, 13:48
No one saw this? :meeting:

02-25-19, 13:54
Silent Service, Shhhhhhh.

02-25-19, 15:21
I did. Like you mentioned though...not bad, but forgetful.

02-25-19, 15:29
I just love subs and sub movies, but you nailed it ... great visuals and a good story line with originality and promise, but lacking in execution ... becoming ‘meh’ when done.

Otherwise, no where near the character development of ‘Crimson Tide’ ...

02-25-19, 15:39
Not a bad action/thriller flick, not one you'll be thinking about the next day. Good mindless fun, and nothing else of substance. B-

That pretty well sums it up.

I just love subs and sub movies, but you nailed it ... great visuals and a good story line with originality and promise, but lacking in execution ... becoming ‘meh’ when done.

Otherwise, no where near the character development of ‘Crimson Tide’ ...

I was pissed that there wasn't more sub-on-sub (of the naval warfare variety) action. Seriously, a battle with one Akula? Been there before and "Hunt for Red October" did it better.

02-25-19, 15:47
In the preview he says "Dive the ship..." and I knew that this wasn't going to fulfill my Clancy fix.

3 AE
02-25-19, 16:39
Yep, I think I'll just watch "Das Boot" and/or "Run Silent, Run Deep". They're as good as it gets.

02-25-19, 17:49
No one saw this? :meeting:

Yeah I saw it. Your review was spot on. I enjoyed it, but it wasnt super good. Nice way to spent a couple of hours.

02-25-19, 20:17
recipe for action and nothing else :)

good action flick though better than most the crap that is new :)

02-25-19, 21:51
In the preview he says "Submerge the ship..." and I knew that this wasn't going to fulfill my Clancy fix.


I'm amazed that Mikke Nyqvist is still showing up in movies - and still playing Russians - given that he died in 2017. And he's Swedish.

02-26-19, 07:46
In the preview he says "Dive the ship..." and I knew that this wasn't going to fulfill my Clancy fix.

Yeah, that line irked me. I knew at that point that they gave up any pretense of accuracy.


I'm amazed that Mikke Nyqvist is still showing up in movies - and still playing Russians - given that he died in 2017. And he's Swedish.

I think I read on IMDB that he died before it was released. You can tell in the movie that he was in bad shape. Too bad, he was a good actor.

02-26-19, 15:46
Not that I am a claustrophobic person or anything but being underwater and in a confined space is my idea of hell. Das boot was the best submariner movie ever IMHO and all others pale in comparison. Still, being that this is an action movie I might bite. There is just so much crap coming out of HWierd these days, did you see the Oscars??? Cripes, full blown BS in a hand basket. There is enough political theater already.

02-27-19, 22:13
Not that I am a claustrophobic person or anything but being underwater and in a confined space is my idea of hell. Das boot was the best submariner movie ever IMHO and all others pale in comparison. Still, being that this is an action movie I might bite. There is just so much crap coming out of HWierd these days, did you see the Oscars??? Cripes, full blown BS in a hand basket. There is enough political theater already.

I stopped paying any attention to the Oscars a long time ago. It's a farce and "look at me" time for vapid people of no real value who live in a bubble within a bubble of reality at this point. No chits given. Those modern subs would not bother me, the WWII era subs my uncle worked in as a LT Commander while being chased by the Japanese Navy, not so much. I have no idea how he/they spent months in those things I have no idea. Dark, cold, wet, small, smelly, etc. Nope.

02-28-19, 03:39
Never heard of the movie, until I came across this thread. Based on your reviews, maybe on a VERY slow night will watch.

02-28-19, 08:44
Entertaining, that was about it. Not very realistic in a Navy or reality sense but again, was an action movie and provided entertainment.

02-28-19, 09:20
Honestly the only sub movie I ever really liked was Crimson Tide.

Both Denzel and Gene Hackman were simultaneously right and wrong.