View Full Version : The Fake Native American Now Wants Reparations for Slavery

Doc Safari
02-22-19, 09:05

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said Thursday she supports reparations for black Americans affected by slavery, The New York Times reports.

Warren said in an interview with the Times that "we must confront the dark history of slavery and government-sanctioned discrimination in this country that has had many consequences, including undermining the ability of black families to build wealth in America for generations." She also said that "we need systemic, structural changes to address that."

Warren did not provide any specifics about what her plan would be, but the Times notes that this is significant given that it's a policy previous Democratic presidential candidates chose not to support.

My take: If this can of worms ever gets ripped open, then every nutcase out there with a history of hurtdom will want some too.

Straight Shooter
02-22-19, 09:09
MY TAKE: We've got a civil war thread here..Ill just say that will be the lit fuse that starts it. Im gonna do anything/everything I can do to stop it. They take my money for that shit...well we'll see.

Doc Safari
02-22-19, 09:13
MY TAKE: We've got a civil war thread here..Ill just say that will be the lit fuse that starts it. Im gonna do anything/everything I can do to stop it. They take my money for that shit...well we'll see.

I kind of don't see this as having any better chance of happening than for an ice cream cone to stay frozen in the Sahara desert in June.

It's just too volatile an issue: If it DOES pass, you're right it will piss off anyone who has to pay to the point of not wanting to vote Democrat, and if it DOESN'T pass, then the black Democrat caucus will have eternal butthurt. It's just too much of a hot potato.

This is Elizabeth Warren's pathetic attempt to try to win back the blacks that are starting to lean Trump (and there are quite a few). The African American political faction is showing some cracks as a lot are beginning to realize that the Dems are exploiting them and that illegal immigration hurts them FIRST.

Look how the Dems are actually trying to sabotage AOC and the New Socialists? They know that they are staring at "a bridge too far" and they need to back off.

Salad days for conservatism are right around the corner. You watch.

diving dave
02-22-19, 09:14
Perhaps they can get the money from certain African nations, after all they were plenty of blacks who sold other blacks into slavery.

02-22-19, 09:18
Perhaps they can get the money from certain African nations, after all they were plenty of blacks who sold other blacks into slavery.

And it is still going on there..........

Doc Safari
02-22-19, 09:18
Perhaps they can get the money from certain African nations, after all they were plenty of blacks who sold other blacks into slavery.

I'm part Irish. Some of my ancestors were "indentured servants" working plantations because they were too poor to own land, and the prejudice against Irish caused a lot of them to not be able to get real jobs either.

Should I ask for reparations?

Maybe I should petition for money to be taken away from the whiskey distillers and be given to anyone of Irish descent. After all, we know that whiskey was invented so that the Irish would never rule the world.


02-22-19, 09:21
It would never pass but just saying it is enough to garner votes from the mindless masses.

02-22-19, 09:21
Perhaps they can get the money from certain African nations, after all they were plenty of blacks who sold other blacks into slavery.

Still going on there today.

New World slave owner #1 was black also.


02-22-19, 10:16
New Deal:
You get reparations and lose citizenship and go to Liberia.


You quitcherbitchin', enjoy this American life, and grow the hell up

02-22-19, 10:31
New Deal:
You get reparations and lose citizenship and go to Liberia.


You quitcherbitchin', enjoy this American life, and grow the hell up

^This! So much, this!

02-22-19, 10:53
New Deal: You get reparations and lose citizenship and go to Liberia.
or You quitcherbitchin', enjoy this American life, and grow the hell up

Where is the like button?

02-22-19, 10:54
New Deal:
You get reparations and lose citizenship and go to Liberia.


You quitcherbitchin', enjoy this American life, and grow the hell up

Don't be so mean..... Let them choose any shit hole in Africa they want to go to.......... ;)

02-22-19, 11:00
Reparations for something that effected no one alive today. **** no.

02-22-19, 11:03
Are there any children of slaves still living today? If so then I think they should get reparations. Grandchildren and beyond? Not so much.

However there is an argument made on the nation needing to fix the issues we still face related to segregation. Not financial reparations but some other solutions are needed.

Regardless of the facts of the matter this is a blatant publicity stunt leading up to election year.

02-22-19, 12:10
Don't be so mean..... Let them choose any shit hole in Africa they want to go to.......... ;)

Liberia means Utopia in Swahili.

02-22-19, 12:14
Are there any children of slaves still living today? If so then I think they should get reparations. .

A really good chance of a few being around since I think a few vets' kids are still alive. The last vet widow died in 2004.

Dr. Bullseye
02-22-19, 12:28
The Dems just don't know when or how to stop digging a political grave.

Straight Shooter
02-22-19, 12:39
Don't be so mean..... Let them choose any shit hole in Africa they want to go to.......... ;)

Most blacks...especially young ones..IVE ASKED......couldnt find Africa on a map, for real. And the few that do, call it a "country". It aint.
Im telling yall ,that shit will get people killed if they force it on us, I aint f-in doing it and aint gonna be made to. I see it often asked here & elsewhere..'Well, where's your Red Line"? THATS MINE.

02-22-19, 12:45
Chappelle's Show, Reparations (link below)



Straight Shooter
02-22-19, 12:51
Chappelle's Show, Reparations (link below)


A RIOT! We laughed for days and still do about that!

02-22-19, 13:18
It would never pass but just saying it is enough to garner votes from the mindless masses.

The Left said something similar about Trump getting elected President. Never say never. There are plenty of Left Wing nut jobs that would say anything to get elected, and enough people with their hands out that there is a possibility that this could happen. Other ethnic groups will support it because they will think that maybe they can be next in line. I'm sure LULAC would like to get paid for losing Texas and the whole southwest.

02-22-19, 13:28
You can read that as reparations, and maybe that is what she meant. If you think the gov is going to actually cut people a check, you are nutz. At best, you'd have it go to govt money to be spent on govt programs run by govt burecratrs directing govt contractors on what the govt thinks is good for you.

Do the Dems realize that they are making Trump's re-election even easier. Legitimately, Trump's campaign slogan could be "Crazy and jobs with me, or Crazy and jobless with the dems- what do you want?"

Doc Safari
02-22-19, 13:29
Do the Dems realize that they are making Trump's re-election even easier. Legitimately, Trump's campaign slogan could be "Crazy and jobs with me, or Crazy and jobless with the dems- what do you want?"

Shhhhhhhhh......they might HEAR you!

02-22-19, 13:57
Most blacks...especially young ones..IVE ASKED......couldnt find Africa on a map, for real. And the few that do, call it a "country". It aint.
Im telling yall ,that shit will get people killed if they force it on us, I aint f-in doing it and aint gonna be made to. I see it often asked here & elsewhere..'Well, where's your Red Line"? THATS MINE.

So Africa is a big country........ I have heard this and yet with all of my travels around the African CONTINENT I never saw that country........ LOLOLOL

02-22-19, 14:00
so a lot of Irish are going to get really wealthy and the bars are going to get all that money :) hahahahahaha

so the first registered slave owner a black guy ? what about him ? (noticed wiki and some other history sources are trying to walk him away as the first by saying one of the first the scrub history is happening)

what about all the black slave owners ? lets go after those families to !!!

so 10.5 million slaves made it to the Americas with about 1 million dying in transit

out of that about 388,000 were in North America the rest over 10 million were in Central and South and Caribbean ? so maybe we force those countries to do it first since they were the much greater number !!!

I know since Europe was all about Serfdom maybe we should force the EU to pay all whites for the oppression since technically we were also slaves before the US was around ?

OR better yet lets go after the folks that originally captured and sold them into slavery

lets go after spain who took over 500,000 true natives out of Central America and shipped them back to spain to be slaves there ! I mean a country that actually shipped out more than we took in surely has to also be worse ?

I do hope wish this would be a great time to start really pushing the truth of what slavery was where it came from and the actual numbers

02-22-19, 14:03
Liberia means Utopia in Swahili.

Uh...... When you need to put a smiley face or something when joking........If not then people will just think that you are a liberal making stuff up...... ;)

02-22-19, 14:08
This is just Liz's latest stunt to garner attention, and votes..These Dems now out running for president will do or say anything if they think it will get them votes, or camera time, And since Liz has thrown this gaunlet down, now the rest have to get on board with their own version, or get steamrolled. Just watch how soon, the rest come out with a simular plan.

02-22-19, 14:11
Uh...... When you need to put a smiley face or something when joking........If not then people will just think that you are a liberal making stuff up...... ;)

First thought when they step off the plane....Wait.... that guy didn't end that in a wink or smiley face.....WTF? :rolleyes:

Doc Safari
02-22-19, 14:17
so a lot of Irish are going to get really wealthy and the bars are going to get all that money :) hahahahahaha

As an Irishman I have always felt an obligation to keep the brewing industry in business.

02-22-19, 14:20
First thought when they step off the plane....Wait.... that guy didn't end that in a wink or smiley face.....WTF? :rolleyes:


02-22-19, 15:03
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said Thursday she supports reparations for black Americans affected by slavery, The New York Times reports.

Actually I agree. If she can find any Americans who have suffered slavery, they are due reparations, to be paid by those who enslaved them.

But having a great, great granpappy doesn't mean anyone born in the 20th century is due anything. Otherwise we have to redress all historical grievances, for example Romans fed christians to lions, so Italy owes me free pizza.

02-22-19, 15:14
As an Irishman I have always felt an obligation to keep the brewing industry in business.


need green hats that read MAKE THE IRISH GREAT AGAIN

02-22-19, 15:15
Actually I agree. If she can find any Americans who have suffered slavery, they are due reparations, to be paid by those who enslaved them.

But having a great, great granpappy doesn't mean anyone born in the 20th century is due anything. Otherwise we have to redress all historical grievances, for example Romans fed christians to lions, so Italy owes me free pizza.

OHHHHH I might have to steal that :) hahahahah

Doc Safari
02-22-19, 15:16

need green hats that read MAKE THE IRISH GREAT AGAIN

You know why the word "Irish" was coined?

Because "belligerant drunk" was too long to say every time.

02-22-19, 15:54
Actually I agree. If she can find any Americans who have suffered slavery, they are due reparations, to be paid by those who enslaved them.

But having a great, great granpappy doesn't mean anyone born in the 20th century is due anything. Otherwise we have to redress all historical grievances, for example Romans fed christians to lions, so Italy owes me free pizza.

I have Jewish lineage on my paternal grandmother’s side so I guess those Egyptians owe me a ton of money for hundreds of years of slavery. And since both sides of my family immigrated here in the early 20th century I should get a tax credit for never owning slaves in the United States.

02-22-19, 16:51
I have Jewish lineage on my paternal grandmother’s side so I guess those Egyptians owe me a ton of money for hundreds of years of slavery. And since both sides of my family immigrated here in the early 20th century I should get a tax credit for never owning slaves in the United States.

Now you are on to something.

02-22-19, 17:02
As a First People, I cherish white folks. They brought over cool stuff and if I was there in the early days; I might have a different opinion but in present day white people have made America a pretty good place.

I don’t know why black people can’t get over it. I actually can trace my lineage to a massacre and I don’t have a problem.

Just don’t call me Mexican or Samoan. All I ask, yo.

Doc Safari
02-22-19, 17:10
As a First People, I cherish white folks. They brought over cool stuff and if I was there in the early days; I might have a different opinion but in present day white people have made America a pretty good place.

I had a talk with a local native American artist one day. He had a booth selling some of his wares at a mall on this particular occasion.

We got into a conversation as to whether the White Man was hated by his people because of broken treaties and whatnot.

His reply was that the White Man never broke a treaty with his tribe. He also volunteered that his people loved the White Man because "they saved us from the Apaches."

People forget that Native American tribes were preying on each other long before the European settlers arrived.

This guy was grateful that his people were able to escape the gradual attrition being inflicted on them by the more hostile groups.

02-22-19, 17:14
I could make a stronger argument we charge successful, productive African Americans an extra 10% in income tax as a reverse reparations payment for their fellow African Americans’ disproportionate use of ambulance services, police services, jail and prison use, SSDI/disability, Medicaid, welfare, section 8, EBT, and driving while uninsured. Then an extra 5% on top of that if their SAT, MCAT, GRE, LSAT, etc. scores were a sd below the mean where they got their degree.

If we are going to start assigning debt by race, let’s use some objective, measurable financial impact data.

Alternatively, if those DNA studies are accurate enough to estimate majority country of origin, we could start comparing per capita standards of living here vs there, and calculate some sort of negative reparations ratio. Or perhaps we could use some other objective indice such as average life span. If, say, the average life span of your most likely country of origin is 20 years less than in the USA, we can split the difference and you have to cough up ten years of your annual salary.

It’s a two way street.

02-22-19, 17:27
I could make a stronger argument we charge successful, productive African Americans an extra 10% in income tax as a reverse reparations payment for their fellow African Americans’ disproportionate use of ambulance services, police services, jail and prison use, SSDI/disability, Medicaid, welfare, section 8, EBT, and driving while uninsured. Then an extra 5% on top of that if their SAT, MCAT, GRE, LSAT, etc. scores were a sd below the mean where they got their degree.

If we are going to start assigning debt by race, let’s use some objective, measurable financial impact data.

Alternatively, if those DNA studies are accurate enough to estimate majority country of origin, we could start comparing per capita standards of living here vs there, and calculate some sort of negative reparations ratio. Or perhaps we could use some other objective indice such as average life span. If, say, the average life span of your most likely country of origin is 20 years less than in the USA, we can split the difference and you have to cough up ten years of your annual salary.

It’s a two way street.

There is a back-up plan to circumvent that.


Finland is #1



02-22-19, 17:55
Just as a point of clarification, Lying Liz identifies as “American Indian”. I think she is the lone person in that group. Never met an indigenous person who called themselves that. But she can be that if she wants, just don’t try to associate it with any real tribal group.

I am all for freeing anyone suffering under slavery and making the guilty bastards pay for it. Including human trafficking. It only exists with govt acceptance.

02-22-19, 18:14
Yeah. Indians are from India. Most people just say First Nation, Native, or idenify by tribe.

It was touched upon and is true: The First Nations weren’t all just getting along. America at one time was not unlike a balkanized nation where you had warring tribes and factions with fragile alliances predicated on marriages and dowries. Not totally unlike Western Europe just with less technology.

Natives took sides in the so-called Indian Wars. So there was a lot of grey going around. Massacres went both ways but what killed off most of the population was foreign disease.

Africa and “Africans” have no real excuses.
And truth be told, so many black folks have white in them now that if it weren’t for archaic one drop laws; you could barely even call them black.

Case in point. And know this one girl who looks like an Aryan Nazi Goddess. Like she could wear the horn helmet and be some SS poster girl. Blonde, blue eyed, tall. But...

Her great grandparents on both sides are black. Like her biological grandparents. Her mother is half black. But she just turned out that way. Her brother looks more brown but has white features.

Yet legally she is black.

So again, so much is predicated on BS

02-22-19, 19:43
black death brought to Europe from Asia !!! they need to make reparations

and China has the biggest wall in the world what if it kept my ancestors out ! I want something for that !

ironic enough my friends that were black in the Caribbean could never figure out blacks in the US that had it so freaking good and not realize it was the Spanish and their own people that sold them out ? and my friends had a 3rd and 4th grade education that was it ! yet were so much more aware of history then almost anyone I talk with in the US ?

02-22-19, 21:22
I want reparations, for a LIFETIME of being subjected to the commercials & speeches of every dumbass democrap - from Eugene McGovern, to the Obamessiah & the Occasional-Cortex.

A a bazillion, jillion, kadillion dollars, sounds like a good STARTING amount. :rolleyes:

26 Inf
02-22-19, 21:28
I raised three black kids, how much do I get?

My wife is at least 1/16 Cherokee, could be I'll be even better off.

I know where my vote is going, money talks, bs walks.

Just kidding, this notion has always been one of the stupidest ideas floated. Maybe 100 - 125 years ago when some of the folks actually directly impacted would have benefited, but today, no way.

02-22-19, 21:31
So again, so much is predicated on BS

That is because race is more of a human visual qualifier than a genetic classification. At the genetic level, race barely exists and there are huge genetic exceptions. People who look like they should belong in Group A actually have more genetic commonality with those in Group B and vice versa.

The amount of melanin, or lack of, in your skin is little more than an evolutionary sun tan. Everything else is for better or worse, mostly a matter of culture.

02-22-19, 21:49
Just kidding, this notion has always been one of the stupidest ideas floated. Maybe 100 - 125 years ago when some of the folks actually directly impacted would have benefited, but today, no way.

This is just a stunt for the ComDems to garner votes. This is just the beginning. As the ComDem 2020 candidates try to one up each other it will be all:

1. Who can promise to give away the most "free stuff".
2. Who hates President Trump the most.

26 Inf
02-22-19, 21:58
This is just a stunt for the ComDems to garner votes. This is just the beginning. As the ComDem 2020 candidates try to one up each other it will be all:

1. Who can promise to give away the most "free stuff".
2. Who hates President Trump the most.

Understand, and agree. To an extent. I don't think she is going to win the hearts of the run-of-the-mill Democrats with that stuff.

I have one sister who is for the most part a feminist, pro-choice, tree-hugger. Even she thinks this is a looney idea.

02-22-19, 23:21
That is because race is more of a human visual qualifier than a genetic classification. At the genetic level, race barely exists and there are huge genetic exceptions. People who look like they should belong in Group A actually have more genetic commonality with those in Group B and vice versa.

The amount of melanin, or lack of, in your skin is little more than an evolutionary sun tan. Everything else is for better or worse, mostly a matter of culture.


Genetically, the term race is useless. We lump people from massive geographical distances into the same “race.”

Frankly, if we were to apply the same standards of genus, species, and sub species to humans as we have other mammals, for example, wolf like canids,
You could make the case for two or three species and several sub species of humans. Maybe even two or three geni.

Skin color is not that significant an issue. Skin color is as you note little more than a visual qualifier. We all know white people and black people with skin tones that are not in accordance with the concept of race.

Medical, life expectancy, and several other actually significant factors exist.

Just like they do for several genetically distinct groups of wolves, jackals, Coyotes, African hunting dogs, etc.

Like them, We all have the same number of chromosome pairs.

We all come from the same place and we all meet the same end.

But pretending for religious and political reasons where the majority of your genes originated from and experienced pressure from over thousands of years had no effect other than skin tone is ignorance of child like simplicity.

It effects what diseases you are prone to. How you metabolize alcohol. Your likelihood of fast vs slow twitch muscle fiber and mitnochondrial density. What meds will best treat your high blood pressure. How devastating untreated blood pressure will be on your body. Shoe/foot morphology. Propensity for addiction. What levels of certain chemotherapeutic are effective in children. Possibly the transmission rate of HIV at equal exposures. Propensity for high cholesterol, obesity, and heart disease. And much more. All not related to culture. And other repeatedly verifiable via multiple means of objective data that are verboten to discuss. And any MD, Ph.D., physical anthropologist, psychologist, etc. who does not toe the line publically meets with PNG status. But discussions in private are much different.

You really think culture explains why Somoans are about 30 times more likely to be in the NFL than their population numbers would account for?

02-23-19, 00:04

Genetically, the term race is useless. We lump people from massive geographical distances into the same “race.”

Frankly, if we were to apply the same standards of genus, species, and sub species to humans as we have other mammals, for example, wolf like canids,
You could make the case for two or three species and several sub species of humans. Maybe even two or three geni.

Skin color is not that significant an issue. Skin color is as you note little more than a visual qualifier. We all know white people and black people with skin tones that are not in accordance with the concept of race.

Medical, life expectancy, and several other actually significant factors exist.

Just like they do for several genetically distinct groups of wolves, jackals, Coyotes, African hunting dogs, etc.

Like them, We all have the same number of chromosome pairs.

We all come from the same place and we all meet the same end.

But pretending for religious and political reasons where the majority of your genes originated from and experienced pressure from over thousands of years had no effect other than skin tone is ignorance of child like simplicity.

It effects what diseases you are prone to. How you metabolize alcohol. Your likelihood of fast vs slow twitch muscle fiber and mitnochondrial density. What meds will best treat your high blood pressure. How devastating untreated blood pressure will be on your body. Shoe/foot morphology. Propensity for addiction. What levels of certain chemotherapeutic are effective in children. Possibly the transmission rate of HIV at equal exposures. Propensity for high cholesterol, obesity, and heart disease. And much more. All not related to culture. And other repeatedly verifiable via multiple means of objective data that are verboten to discuss. And any MD, Ph.D., physical anthropologist, psychologist, etc. who does not toe the line publically meets with PNG status. But discussions in private are much different.

You really think culture explains why Somoans are about 30 times more likely to be in the NFL than their population numbers would account for?

Those overall minor differences don't account for enough to make anyone in the world a different race from any other human. It is simple genetic diversity due to environmental pressures. The changes would have to be far greater to even come close to determining a different race.

Heck we see more genetic changes in most ring species than there is among human beings yet they are all still the same species.
Scientists have had issue with the term race for over 100 years. It is a social construct mainly driven by political agendas. Essentially so called races are nothing more than a proxy term for the normal genetic mutations you see in any species living in multiple biomes with greatly differing evolutionary pressures.

TLDR: No. There is no level of genetic diversity in the human population to qualify anyone as a sub species or different species from any other Homo Sapien.

02-23-19, 01:43

Genetically, the term race is useless. We lump people from massive geographical distances into the same “race.”

Frankly, if we were to apply the same standards of genus, species, and sub species to humans as we have other mammals, for example, wolf like canids,
You could make the case for two or three species and several sub species of humans. Maybe even two or three geni.

Skin color is not that significant an issue. Skin color is as you note little more than a visual qualifier. We all know white people and black people with skin tones that are not in accordance with the concept of race.

Medical, life expectancy, and several other actually significant factors exist.

Just like they do for several genetically distinct groups of wolves, jackals, Coyotes, African hunting dogs, etc.

Like them, We all have the same number of chromosome pairs.

We all come from the same place and we all meet the same end.

But pretending for religious and political reasons where the majority of your genes originated from and experienced pressure from over thousands of years had no effect other than skin tone is ignorance of child like simplicity.

It effects what diseases you are prone to. How you metabolize alcohol. Your likelihood of fast vs slow twitch muscle fiber and mitnochondrial density. What meds will best treat your high blood pressure. How devastating untreated blood pressure will be on your body. Shoe/foot morphology. Propensity for addiction. What levels of certain chemotherapeutic are effective in children. Possibly the transmission rate of HIV at equal exposures. Propensity for high cholesterol, obesity, and heart disease. And much more. All not related to culture. And other repeatedly verifiable via multiple means of objective data that are verboten to discuss. And any MD, Ph.D., physical anthropologist, psychologist, etc. who does not toe the line publically meets with PNG status. But discussions in private are much different.

You really think culture explains why Somoans are about 30 times more likely to be in the NFL than their population numbers would account for?

Ok, I glossed over some things, wasn't trying to write a thesis.

By "At the genetic level, race barely exists" I meant we can identify a few broad categories of what people call race.

As for Samoans you are correct, that isn't simply cultural values, there is a lot of environmental influence built up over thousands of years. Again, I was just trying to hit the broad strokes and I think we are more or less on the same sheet of music.

02-23-19, 08:31
Is anyone that would be voting based on the reparations really going to change their vote.? Maybe vote versus not voting- and this is just insurance to try to get the black vote out if a white candidate gets the nomination.

Or it's just as simple as the usual virtue signaling with other people's money.

Doc Safari
02-23-19, 10:33
In my college anthropology class the professor asked us to determine how many races there are. No one ever came up with an answer.

02-23-19, 11:57
In my college anthropology class the professor asked us to determine how many races there are. No one ever came up with an answer.

Uh..... 3


02-23-19, 12:16
Uh..... 3

There's only one race, the human race.

02-23-19, 12:18
Those overall minor differences don't account for enough to make anyone in the world a different race from any other human. It is simple genetic diversity due to environmental pressures. The changes would have to be far greater to even come close to determining a different race.

Heck we see more genetic changes in most ring species than there is among human beings yet they are all still the same species.
Scientists have had issue with the term race for over 100 years. It is a social construct mainly driven by political agendas. Essentially so called races are nothing more than a proxy term for the normal genetic mutations you see in any species living in multiple biomes with greatly differing evolutionary pressures.

TLDR: No. There is no level of genetic diversity in the human population to qualify anyone as a sub species or different species from any other Homo Sapien.

Race is not useful classification. There is as much variation in any race as there is between races.
Sort of. Even using the flawed concept of race, just using Asian, sub Saharan African, and European as groups, comparing ten loci, that is true about a third of the time. 100 loci, a fifth, 1000 loci, a tenth, etc. but these are weird ways to group people.
Basically, if two groups of sub Saharan Africans have more generic diversity between them than between any other group of geographically distinct humans on the planet, why are they lumped into the same race.

However, within some other mammal classification systems, some very subtle distinctions were made.

Let’s say the coyote was first scientifically described a couple of hundred years ago. With about 18-21 sub-species described since. That is one of seven to nine species, and three genera, with some species having even more sub species, in wolf like canids.

The criteria used to define many of these, at the time many were defined,
Could have been applied to a group of humans on an artic coast vs an island off the coast of Europe vs the oldest continent.

We went full retard with animals, while Using the stupid race concept for humans.

My point is the same standards were not applied. Distinct human populations get lumped into the same race. I think it was a combination of we humans are so special with religious, social, political implications and an over tendency of scientists wanting to get dibs on an animal genus, species, or sub specifies.

Hundreds of years later, we have more tools at our disposal. A species of canine may actually be more of a distinct monophyletic clade within a species, the genetic homogenicity of some subspecies may be high, more similar to the morphological plasticity seen in breeds, etc.

race is useless scientifically,
It was not the same level of description used in at least the wolf like canid classifications. I am not familiar enough with the fox like canids, south Amercian canids, or monotypic taxa- or other biological families, to recall off the top of my head other genera, species, and sub species all that are offspring producing with the same number of chromosome pairs.

But distinct human populations were never classified to the degree of the Wolf like canids. To the point a physical anthropologist can have a much easier time identifying and classifying old human remains than a zoologist can with some canid remains.

The various breeds of domestic canines have like 95% genetic homogeneity but can be identified correctly 99% of the time with microsatellite markers.

Yet we had none of this stuff when many species were described and classified.

Somehow some previous hominid fused a pair of chromosomes and gave our ancestors the winning lottery ticket compared to great apes. Then we started hogging the winnings about two hundred thousand years ago.

02-23-19, 12:23
So do you have to prove that your family came over on a slave ship, or are we just going to cut checks to everyone who is or identifies as "African American?"
I'm kind of curious because I'm pretty sure there are more than a few folks who've moved here to escape poverty and to improve their station in life, you might be astonished at that if you believe the rhetoric of the left, but it's a fact.

02-23-19, 12:28
Uh..... 3


Yep. Technically 4. Sorta.

We have these things called Alleles. You can even tell race by bone.

And the races are all different and unique. Your genetic code is a roadmap to who you really are. Cognition. Physicality. Susceptibility to illness and defect.

Work in forensics a minute. You will see how unique humans really are. We should treat each other well, but to dismiss science and say "there is only one race" is kinda lame.

02-23-19, 13:02
There's only one race, the human race.

You need to but a smiling face or something when being funny or sarcastic. If not people will think you are serious.

02-23-19, 13:04
Yep. Technically 4. Sorta.

We have these things called Alleles. You can even tell race by bone.

And the races are all different and unique. Your genetic code is a roadmap to who you really are. Cognition. Physicality. Susceptibility to illness and defect.

Work in forensics a minute. You will see how unique humans really are. We should treat each other well, but to dismiss science and say "there is only one race" is kinda lame.

I have heard that. But I think the jury is still out on the 4th one.

But you are correct. From purely a scientific level there are many differances.

02-23-19, 13:21
Chappelle's Show, Reparations (link below)



I had never seen Clayton Bigsby before :lol:

02-23-19, 18:13
You need to but a smiling face or something when being funny or sarcastic. If not people will think you are serious.

That’s what AMC said when they had boring cars. And everyone else was making record sales with performance cars. And they were losing even more market share. Right before they changed their tune, dropped a 390 into AMXs and Javelins, got their performance on, then crushed it in SCCA/TA.

02-23-19, 18:17
That’s what AMC said when they had boring cars. And everyone else was making record sales with performance cars. And they were losing even more market share. Right before they changed their tune, dropped a 390 into AMXs and Javelins, got their performance on, then crushed it in SCCA/TA.

Not really sure about how that referance applies....but look at their company now.... I mean in the 1990s.... oops I mean the 1980s ....... late 1970s? ......... kicking ass and taking names in 1971........ :(

The AMX was a nice car. I helped my dad restore one in the 1980...... beside that Wayne and Garth are the only ones that liked the Pacer.....

02-23-19, 20:00
My friend took the motor out of a totaled javelin and cut the hell out of a Gremlin until he could fit it in there, custom paint and interior of the local federal prison and he had a hell of a car that AMC should have put out.

02-23-19, 21:14
So do you have to prove that your family came over on a slave ship, or are we just going to cut checks to everyone who is or identifies as "African American?"
I'm kind of curious because I'm pretty sure there are more than a few folks who've moved here to escape poverty and to improve their station in life, you might be astonished at that if you believe the rhetoric of the left, but it's a fact.

It is not only reparations for slavery. It is also for centuries of African Americans being denied the opportunity to build wealth because white privilege.

It is ironic that the people who would pay for reparations entered college and the workforce after affirmative action, preferential admission, hiring quotas, protected classes, and equal opportunity became both law and the societal norm.


02-24-19, 00:17
It is not only reparations for slavery. It is also for centuries of African Americans being denied the opportunity to build wealth because white privilege.

It is ironic that the people who would pay for reparations entered college and the workforce after affirmative action, preferential admission, hiring quotas, protected classes, and equal opportunity became both law and the societal norm.


WTF is "white privilege"? Right out of high school I started working regular jobs with regular folks, including those who would be entitled to reparations if this nonsense passed.

I didn't get my white privilege check this week, or ever, is there somebody I need to call so I can get on the list? Also never got any kind of preferential treatment in terms of education or employment, will I be getting back pay?

Ed L.
02-24-19, 02:43
It is not only reparations for slavery. It is also for centuries of African Americans being denied the opportunity to build wealth because white privilege.

Tell that to the Asian people who came here a lot later than the African Americansm, and through hard work and education rose to economically surpass many people with "white privilege."

02-24-19, 03:56
New Deal:
You get reparations and lose citizenship and go to Liberia.


You quitcherbitchin', enjoy this American life, and grow the hell up

This 100%

02-24-19, 06:42
Tell that to the Asian people who came here a lot later than the African Americansm, and through hard work and education rose to economically surpass many people with "white privilege."

They are white supremacists too. See Henry Lung's mugshot.


02-24-19, 06:51
WTF is "white privilege"? Right out of high school I started working regular jobs with regular folks, including those who would be entitled to reparations if this nonsense passed.

I didn't get my white privilege check this week, or ever, is there somebody I need to call so I can get on the list? Also never got any kind of preferential treatment in terms of education or employment, will I be getting back pay?

It is Fauxcahontas logic, not mine.


02-24-19, 09:47
It is not only reparations for slavery. It is also for centuries of African Americans being denied the opportunity to build wealth because white privilege.

It is ironic that the people who would pay for reparations entered college and the workforce after affirmative action, preferential admission, hiring quotas, protected classes, and equal opportunity became both law and the societal norm.


Still waiting on my extra check also. ;)

02-24-19, 09:57
Just imagine being the white guy Jussie Smollett picked out of a line up as one of his attackers?
You'd be in jail a long time before someone would have given a damn about all of your "White Privilege."
That's the thing about all of it, it's 90% BS and a lot of it is situational.

02-24-19, 10:02
Just imagine being the white guy Jussie Smollett picked out of a line up as one of his attackers?
You'd be in jail a long time before someone would have given a damn about all of your "White Privilege."
That's the thing about all of it, it's 90% BS and a lot of it is situational.

He needs to be charged with a Federal Hate Crime.

02-24-19, 12:55
they should take every penny from that focahauntis winch and give it all back to the community she claims to have been from as an example of fakery !!!!

that would be a good start and I wish republicans had the ________ to stand up and say something like that to her

02-24-19, 12:56
He needs to be charged with a Federal Hate Crime.

that and every single fake hate crime should be like that !!!

02-24-19, 14:12
Are there any children of slaves still living today? If so then I think they should get reparations. Grandchildren and beyond? Not so much.

However there is an argument made on the nation needing to fix the issues we still face related to segregation. Not financial reparations but some other solutions are needed.

Regardless of the facts of the matter this is a blatant publicity stunt leading up to election year.

Of course you would see this. :rolleyes:

The only "segregation" today is minority "identity" groups wanting to separate from the rest of society, reverse-segregation if you will. BET, the Congressional Black Caucus, Hispanic Caucus, Black Miss America, black-only fraternities and sororities, and the list goes on. Where is the "white" version of those, outside of some uber-fringe whacko groups? i.e. not nearly as mainstream as the minority ones. Not even close. But that's okay right? They deserve the right to self-segregate. Completely the opposite of the intentions of the founders of the Civil Rights movement 60 years ago.

02-24-19, 18:19
Of course you would see this. :rolleyes:

The only "segregation" today is minority "identity" groups wanting to separate from the rest of society, reverse-segregation if you will. BET, the Congressional Black Caucus, Hispanic Caucus, Black Miss America, black-only fraternities and sororities, and the list goes on. Where is the "white" version of those, outside of some uber-fringe whacko groups? i.e. not nearly as mainstream as the minority ones. Not even close. But that's okay right? They deserve the right to self-segregate. Completely the opposite of the intentions of the founders of the Civil Rights movement 60 years ago.

So you are trying to claim that none of the issues faced today are a direct result of long term segregation in his country that just ended in the 60s? An entire group of people forced to have worse educations, lower paying jobs, shoved into their own small communities and punished if they tried to better themselves. Then suddenly they were equal. But at that point they were way behind and nothing was ever done to correct that. But you think it had no impact on things. riiight.

And where did I say anything about Segregation today? I said the issues we face related to segregation. I see reading comprehension isn't on your list of skills either.

02-24-19, 18:24
So you are trying to claim that none of the issues faced today are a direct result of long term segregation in his country that just ended in the 60s? An entire group of people forced to have worse educations, lower paying jobs, shoved into their own small communities and punished if they tried to better themselves. Then suddenly they were equal. But at that point they were way behind and nothing was ever done to correct that. But you think it had no impact on things. riiight.

And where did I say anything about Segregation today? I said the issues we face related to segregation. I see reading comprehension isn't on your list of skills either.

I see proper choice of words isn't your strong suit, among other shortcomings. No one forced that on anyone; choice and perpetual victimhood are the culprits, along with perennially bleeding hearts such as your own that enable it.

02-24-19, 18:31
I see proper choice of words isn't your strong suit, among other shortcomings. No one forced that on anyone; choice and perpetual victimhood are the culprits, along with perennially bleeding hearts such as your own that enable it.

And now you are claiming that segregation wasn't forced?
Segregation was literally in the laws at the time. How much more forced do you want it? Kids had to be escorted to school by federal marshalls once it was overturned. How were people NOT forced into segregation.

There was no choice in the matter. Black codes, Jim Crow, Zoning laws that force non whites to live in certain areas.. Again. How did people have a choice?

02-24-19, 18:57
And now you are claiming that segregation wasn't forced?
Segregation was literally in the laws at the time. How much more forced do you want it? Kids had to be escorted to school by federal marshalls once it was overturned. How were people NOT forced into segregation.

There was no choice in the matter. Black codes, Jim Crow, Zoning laws that force non whites to live in certain areas.. Again. How did people have a choice?

Agree to a point. That was 50+ years ago, in most cases closer to 60. Yeah, your argument was directly applicable then. The passage of 50-60 years is what, like 3 generations (roughly)? I don't think you can apply the legit grievances of grandparents or great-grandparents to a 20-something black guy in 2019. That is where you cross into being perpetually aggrieved for things that did not affect you. That your grandfather or great-grandfather had to use a different restroom or couldn't drink from the same water fountain (however totally f****d up that crap was) should have NO bearing on a 20 or 30 year old black person NOW. This society has come almost 180 degrees from those days, to where now the perception is that they actually have an advantage (whether true or not, the perception HAS come that far from the days of old).

02-25-19, 09:21
And now you are claiming that segregation wasn't forced?
Segregation was literally in the laws at the time. How much more forced do you want it? Kids had to be escorted to school by federal marshalls once it was overturned. How were people NOT forced into segregation.

There was no choice in the matter. Black codes, Jim Crow, Zoning laws that force non whites to live in certain areas.. Again. How did people have a choice?

Then there was affirmative action and such. Wasn't that forced too? That wasn't equal either. So here we are. People need to own their own and either put up or shut up. The victim mentality is proven to get you no where, it has and never will be really "equal". People who accept this and make the best of what they have, put their heads down and work will more than likely make it better for them and their next generation. Handouts perpetuate the victim mentality and the next generation stays the same.

02-25-19, 10:56
So you are trying to claim that none of the issues faced today are a direct result of long term segregation in his country that just ended in the 60s? An entire group of people forced to have worse educations, lower paying jobs, shoved into their own small communities and punished if they tried to better themselves. Then suddenly they were equal. But at that point they were way behind and nothing was ever done to correct that. But you think it had no impact on things. riiight.

And where did I say anything about Segregation today? I said the issues we face related to segregation. I see reading comprehension isn't on your list of skills either.

So you're saying that Affirmative Action and school integration via bussing didn't happen? :confused:

Quite simply, billions of dollars are spent every year on diversity programs and regulatory compliance. There are more programs per capita for minorities than for non-minorities. Fifty five years after segregation ended, if you're still "disadvantaged", it's because you want to be. The victimhood industry is big business because it pays well. :(





02-25-19, 14:25
When affirmative action first began I had applied for a apprenticeship program for Heavy Equipment. I filled out the application pages, added plenty of references as to my good work and time in the construction field, I even had many former bosses hand write a reference for me. I got there early to turn in my application and stayed late to ask questions, out of maybe 100 applicant three of us stayed for that. Finally the guy in charge, a construction guy, I don't think HR was a "thing" then, took me aside and handed me my paperwork back, all of it. He told me due to affirmative Action, they needed Blacks, Mexicans and Women for these positions and although I seemed like the kind of guy they wanted, I just wasn't the right color or sex for the program.
Fast forward to 2018 and my Son is a Nurse, most of the people he works with are Women and most of those Women are either Black or Brown. He said he felt like he was being ostracized and not being treated fairly at work. In a brilliant move, he invited his Grandmother to lunch at the Hospital and that all changed, you see his Grandma is Black and now suddenly he "Fit In."
See how that works?
No matter how you try and make things "fair" somebody is always going to get screwed. It just depends on who is in charge as to who's gonna get screwed.

02-26-19, 11:24
Not really sure about how that referance applies....but look at their company now.... I mean in the 1990s.... oops I mean the 1980s ....... late 1970s? ......... kicking ass and taking names in 1971........ :(

The AMX was a nice car. I helped my dad restore one in the 1980...... beside that Wayne and Garth are the only ones that liked the Pacer.....

It was an example of virtue signaling and trends.
They were virtue signaling about the muscle car war.
They they joined in.
A complete 180 to their virtue signaling.
The dove full in with some of the wildest color schemes.
They backed it with some real effort and had some brief success before the end of win on Sunday sell on Monday.

Then they decided to show everyone how cool, trendy and progressive they were with weird stuff. Then they went out of business.

It just sums up the whole virtue signaling progressive vibe.

I am EBD on a philosophy Ph.D. With my thesis “American Motors- or - A Microverse of Virtual Signaling and Progressiveism as the Stand In Saga of the Death of A Superpower.”

Not really.

02-26-19, 11:27
It was an example of virtue signaling and trends.
They were virtue signaling about the muscle car war.
They they joined in.
A complete 180 to their virtue signaling.
The dove full in with some of the wildest color schemes.
They backed it with some real effort and had some brief success before the end of win on Sunday sell on Monday.

Then they decided to show everyone how cool, trendy and progressive they were with weird stuff. Then they went out of business.

It just sums up the whole virtue signaling progressive vibe.

I am EBD on a philosophy Ph.D. With my thesis “American Motors- or - A Microverse of Virtual Signaling and Progressiveism as the Stand In Saga of the Death of A Superpower.”

Not really.

Well that would have been very impressive, and I am kind of disappointed that there is not such a degree ....... :jester:

Doc Safari
02-26-19, 11:42
Uh..... 3


What do you do about those from India? How about Semitic peoples? I'm glad the article does at least seem to put Australian aborigines in a different category.

Even though Neanderthals are extinct, should they be considered another "race"? How about Native Americans? Genetically they appear to be most related to Mongoloid, but has their separation from that gene pool over centuries and the consolidation of DNA in North America for all practical purposes created "another" race?

As I said, it was the subject of some debate in my anthropology class.

02-26-19, 11:55
What do you do about those from India? How about Semitic peoples? I'm glad the article does at least seem to put Australian aborigines in a different category.

Even though Neanderthals are extinct, should they be considered another "race"? How about Native Americans? Genetically they appear to be most related to Mongoloid, but has their separation from that gene pool over centuries and the consolidation of DNA in North America for all practical purposes created "another" race?

As I said, it was the subject of some debate in my anthropology class.

Indians (Dot, not feather) are considered Caucasian. The Confusion is political and not scientific. It is not PC to say that Mexicans as White because then it is not racist to build a wall. It is all about the genetic make up and not what people look like. Even mixed people will still retain the genetic makeup that will be dominate just like all other traits.

02-26-19, 17:55
So some real facts about slavery.

A former indentured servant himself, Anthony Johnson was a “free negro” who owned a 250-acre farm in Virginia during the 1650s, with five indentured servants under contract to him. One of them, a black man named John Casor, claimed that his term of service had expired years earlier and Johnson was holding him illegally. In 1654, a civil court found that Johnson in fact owned Casor’s services for life, an outcome historian R Halliburton Jr. calls “one of the first known legal sanctions of slavery — other than as a punishment for crime.”

William Ellison was a very wealthy black plantation owner and cotton gin manufacturer who lived in South Carolina. According to the 1860 census (in which his surname was listed as “Ellerson”), he owned 63 black slaves, making him the largest of the 171 black slaveholders in South Carolina.

American Indians owned thousands of black slaves. Historian Tiya Miles provided this snapshot of the Native American ownership of black slaves at the turn of the 19th century for Slate magazine in January 2016:

Miles places the number of enslaved people held by Cherokees at around 600 at the start of the 19th century and around 1,500 at the time of westward removal in 1838-9. (Creeks, Choctaws, and Chickasaws, she said, held around 3,500 slaves, across the three nations, as the 19th century began.) “Slavery inched its way slowly into Cherokee life,” Miles told me. “When a white man moved into a Native location, usually to work as a trader or as an Indian agent, he would own [African] slaves.” If such a person also had a child with a Native woman, as was not uncommon, the half-European, half-Native child would inherit the enslaved people (and their children) under white law, as well as the right to use tribal lands under tribal law. This combination put such people in a position to expand their wealth, eventually operating large farms and plantations.

There were approximately 319,599 free blacks in the United States in 1830. Approximately 13.7 per cent of the total black population was free. A significant number of these free blacks were the owners of slaves. The census of 1830 lists 3,775 free Negroes who owned a total of 12,760 slaves.

Don't even get me started on the number of wealthy, free "slave traders" who were black and attended universities in the northeast in early American history.

Btw, the above is the correct, true accounting and not the exaggerated version that has been floating around on the internet.

02-26-19, 18:11
So some real facts about slavery.

A former indentured servant himself, Anthony Johnson was a “free negro” who owned a 250-acre farm in Virginia during the 1650s, with five indentured servants under contract to him. One of them, a black man named John Casor, claimed that his term of service had expired years earlier and Johnson was holding him illegally. In 1654, a civil court found that Johnson in fact owned Casor’s services for life, an outcome historian R Halliburton Jr. calls “one of the first known legal sanctions of slavery — other than as a punishment for crime.”

William Ellison was a very wealthy black plantation owner and cotton gin manufacturer who lived in South Carolina. According to the 1860 census (in which his surname was listed as “Ellerson”), he owned 63 black slaves, making him the largest of the 171 black slaveholders in South Carolina.

American Indians owned thousands of black slaves. Historian Tiya Miles provided this snapshot of the Native American ownership of black slaves at the turn of the 19th century for Slate magazine in January 2016:

Miles places the number of enslaved people held by Cherokees at around 600 at the start of the 19th century and around 1,500 at the time of westward removal in 1838-9. (Creeks, Choctaws, and Chickasaws, she said, held around 3,500 slaves, across the three nations, as the 19th century began.) “Slavery inched its way slowly into Cherokee life,” Miles told me. “When a white man moved into a Native location, usually to work as a trader or as an Indian agent, he would own [African] slaves.” If such a person also had a child with a Native woman, as was not uncommon, the half-European, half-Native child would inherit the enslaved people (and their children) under white law, as well as the right to use tribal lands under tribal law. This combination put such people in a position to expand their wealth, eventually operating large farms and plantations.

There were approximately 319,599 free blacks in the United States in 1830. Approximately 13.7 per cent of the total black population was free. A significant number of these free blacks were the owners of slaves. The census of 1830 lists 3,775 free Negroes who owned a total of 12,760 slaves.

Don't even get me started on the number of wealthy, free "slave traders" who were black and attended universities in the northeast in early American history.

Btw, the above is the correct, true accounting and not the exaggerated version that has been floating around on the internet.

Ok. But remember that we are living in post-truth America where facts mean nothing and historical facts mean less than nothing (is that possible?). It is all about what people WANT to believe. And since TRUE history is not even taught in schools anymore you might as well be reading to the masses from a Dr. Seuss book.

02-26-19, 18:45
Indians (Dot, not feather) are considered Caucasian. The Confusion is political and not scientific. It is not PC to say that Mexicans as White because then it is not racist to build a wall. It is all about the genetic make up and not what people look like. Even mixed people will still retain the genetic makeup that will be dominate just like all other traits.

The Mexicans in positions of power (and in just about all Latin nations) are generally of Castilian descent, i.e. European/"white" ancestry. The ones pouring across our borders are Mestizos....Spaniards mixed with Indians (feather not dot). That is why it is so easy for the Left to scream "RACIST!!!" when we demand a wall. It is utter bullshit but there is your reason.

02-26-19, 21:44
The dem POTUS hopefuls are all trying to out Santa Claus one another. The candidate who promises more free sh1t, more virtue signaling, more promoting of helpless victim classes....that candidate wins.

02-26-19, 23:25
Ok. But remember that we are living in post-truth America where facts mean nothing and historical facts mean less than nothing (is that possible?). It is all about what people WANT to believe. And since TRUE history is not even taught in schools anymore you might as well be reading to the masses from a Dr. Seuss book.

It's still kind of funny to just state how far truth is removed from reality.

The entire idea of native Americans owning black slaves and black americans being slave traders is enough to send your average SJW from severe cardiac arrest all the way to scanners style exploding heads.

You might see films where black Africans were noble kings who founded the Egyptian dynasties but you will never see the film showing native Americans owning black slaves or black slave traders both here and in Africa.

02-26-19, 23:28
The dem POTUS hopefuls are all trying to out Santa Claus one another. The candidate who promises more free sh1t, more virtue signaling, more promoting of helpless victim classes....that candidate wins.

In many ways, I'm still stunned that the Republicans defeated the Dems in 2016. I'm not stunned that a lot of Republicans are doing everything they can to ensure a Democratic victory in 2020, as they did in 2008 and 2012.

02-27-19, 00:01
This loser wants "reparations." Well, I want the Playmate of the Year in my bed knocked up with my kid, and one's about as likely as the other... LOL (Well, maybe one of the early-2000's PMOY's, the girls today are young enough they could BE my kids.)

02-27-19, 05:48
If Lieawatha was elected president and if she was able to push this through, then she will tax the American workers to pay reparations for actions that were illegal before the vast majority entered college or started their first full time job.

The Equal Opportunity Employment Act was passed in 1974. Roughly 80% of the current U.S. population became adults after that year. Anyone born before 1956 will be 65 or older by the time President Trump's current term is over.

Even worse, reparations would not change the fact that 40% of black children are born into poverty and 80% are born to single mothers.

02-27-19, 06:54
Why can’t everyone just wait until marriage to drop puppies. That would end a lot of urban blight right there

02-27-19, 07:22
The Mexicans in positions of power (and in just about all Latin nations) are generally of Castilian descent, i.e. European/"white" ancestry. The ones pouring across our borders are Mestizos....Spaniards mixed with Indians (feather not dot). That is why it is so easy for the Left to scream "RACIST!!!" when we demand a wall. It is utter bullshit but there is your reason.

And a fair number of those South American Indians are slaves here to varying degrees. Similar issue with more than a few Chinese restaurant employees.

02-27-19, 07:56
Why can’t everyone just wait until marriage to drop puppies. That would end a lot of urban blight right there

But you are talking about personal responsibility and self control, things no longer taught in this country. And if you do teach these things then you are a homophobic transphobic fill-in-the-blank-phobic racist.

02-27-19, 08:51
In many ways, I'm still stunned that the Republicans defeated the Dems in 2016. I'm not stunned that a lot of Republicans are doing everything they can to ensure a Democratic victory in 2020, as they did in 2008 and 2012.

Agreed. The republicans squandered their majority after the 2000 election and again after the 2016 election. We could have accomplished so much. Instead they out spent Dems after 2000 and bickered/blocked Trump after 2016. The only shining glory currently is the fact that Trump appointed two (hopefully) Constitutionalist SCOTUS justices. Hopefully we get one more before 2020. The Republican leadership SUCKS.

02-27-19, 10:03
Agreed. The republicans squandered their majority after the 2000 election and again after the 2016 election. We could have accomplished so much. Instead they out spent Dems after 2000 and bickered/blocked Trump after 2016. The only shining glory currently is the fact that Trump appointed two (hopefully) Constitutionalist SCOTUS justices. Hopefully we get one more before 2020. The Republican leadership SUCKS.

The supreme Court has been majority Republican nominees for decades.

Concerning how "we" is defined.


02-27-19, 13:23
this need to go here another thread on it but she was also for reparations

You can't make this up. Kamala Harris, who pimps white hate, has ancestors who owned slaves ACCORDING TO HER OWN FATHER.


02-27-19, 15:14
Why can’t everyone just wait until marriage to drop puppies. That would end a lot of urban blight right there

I'd support taxpayer-funded sterilization for Democrats... if need be, as loath as such things usually are, say a Refundable Tax Credit for getting Norplanted and every year the non-breeder keeps it in. Credit goes Buh-Bye if they have it taken out, though.

02-27-19, 18:12
And a fair number of those South American Indians are slaves here to varying degrees. Similar issue with more than a few Chinese restaurant employees.

BUT.....they all chose to come here (most illegally) and therefore are free to f*****g leave! Just a little different than true slavery.

02-27-19, 18:16
The supreme Court has been majority Republican nominees for decades.

Concerning how "we" is defined.


True. However, tell me ONE Democrat nominee to the SCOTUS who has been a turncoat once on the court? I don't mean an occasional decision, but a steadfast turncoat.

Example: John Paul Stevens was nominated by Ford (granted, not a real conservative's dream POTUS). That bastard voted lib throughout his entire career on the court. Show me ONE example of the opposite happening.

02-27-19, 18:28
True. However, tell me ONE Democrat nominee to the SCOTUS who has been a turncoat once on the court? I don't mean an occasional decision, but a steadfast turncoat.

Example: John Paul Stevens was nominated by Ford (granted, not a real conservative's dream POTUS). That bastard voted lib throughout his entire career on the court. Show me ONE example of the opposite happening.

Unfortunately, I think it is more likely Scalia and Thomas were turncoats than Stevens.

02-27-19, 18:36
BUT.....they all chose to come here (most illegally) and therefore are free to f*****g leave! Just a little different than true slavery.

Most on both (coming and going) for sure, but not all. A fairly significant number are brought here against their will to varying degrees and even more are then held here against their will.

02-27-19, 18:46
Unfortunately, I think it is more likely Scalia and Thomas were turncoats than Stevens.

What are you smoking? That is absurd.

02-27-19, 18:48
Most on both (coming and going) for sure, but not all. A fairly significant number are brought here against their will to varying degrees and even more are then held here against their will.

That is more of a criminal kidnapping issue as opposed to institutional slavery, i.e. it's already illegal and if caught they got to prison.

02-27-19, 20:10
That is more of a criminal kidnapping issue as opposed to institutional slavery, i.e. it's already illegal and if caught they got to prison.

Being forced to work against one's will is a slave.

Knowingly hiring illegal aliens is illegal also, but plenty of perps avoid punishment on that one too which is really how we ended up where we are now.

02-27-19, 20:15
What are you smoking? That is absurd.

Scalia and Thomas are anomalies.

Ron Paul was another example. Take him and John McCain and line up Republican congressmen behind which ever matches their positions (based on voting and stumping) most closely.

Pretty sure the McCain line will be much larger so who is actually the RINO?

02-27-19, 22:12
Scalia and Thomas are anomalies.

Ron Paul was another example. Take him and John McCain and line up Republican congressmen behind which ever matches their positions (based on voting and stumping) most closely.

Pretty sure the McCain line will be much larger so who is actually the RINO?

If you are saying the GOP got occupied by RINO's, I agree.

If you are saying it's been that way for a long time, I agree.

But I think the word "Republican" is supposed to mean something. Of course if we used words correctly, most of us are "liberals", I'm fairly liberal when it comes to guns, pretty much anyone who is not a seriously prohibited person should be able to get one.

I'm fairly liberal about all of our civil rights, the first ten amendments. If I was ever President, people would have more personal freedom than they could probably responsibly manage. And we'd just have to figure out how to address that problem without limiting personal freedoms of people who haven't done anything wrong yet.

The only thing I'm not liberal about, is funding things. It would be a "live how you want to live, but we ain't paying for your shit" kind of country.

02-27-19, 23:08
If you are saying the GOP got occupied by RINO's, I agree.

If you are saying it's been that way for a long time, I agree.

But I think the word "Republican" is supposed to mean something. Of course if we used words correctly, most of us are "liberals", I'm fairly liberal when it comes to guns, pretty much anyone who is not a seriously prohibited person should be able to get one.

I'm fairly liberal about all of our civil rights, the first ten amendments. If I was ever President, people would have more personal freedom than they could probably responsibly manage. And we'd just have to figure out how to address that problem without limiting personal freedoms of people who haven't done anything wrong yet.

The only thing I'm not liberal about, is funding things. It would be a "live how you want to live, but we ain't paying for your shit" kind of country.

This is the difference between a Classical Liberal (more commonly identified as libertarian) today and the ProgComFascist Axis of Radical Leftism. Michael Savage nicely documented how the splintered offshoots of Marx and Wilson came back together to form the New Left in his Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder. Dude's whacked half the time, but when he hits he belts it out of the ballpark...

02-28-19, 07:34
If you are saying the GOP got occupied by RINO's, I agree.

If you are saying it's been that way for a long time, I agree.

But I think the word "Republican" is supposed to mean something. Of course if we used words correctly, most of us are "liberals", I'm fairly liberal when it comes to guns, pretty much anyone who is not a seriously prohibited person should be able to get one.

I'm fairly liberal about all of our civil rights, the first ten amendments. If I was ever President, people would have more personal freedom than they could probably responsibly manage. And we'd just have to figure out how to address that problem without limiting personal freedoms of people who haven't done anything wrong yet.

The only thing I'm not liberal about, is funding things. It would be a "live how you want to live, but we ain't paying for your shit" kind of country.

Not sure if got occupied and long time quite do it justice considering a lot of 48'ers (Marxists) escaping Europe ended up in the US and in the GOP.

Spot on about classical liberals. We would have remained under British rule had it been left to conservatives of the day.

03-09-19, 19:49
Scalia and Thomas are anomalies.

Ron Paul was another example. Take him and John McCain and line up Republican congressmen behind which ever matches their positions (based on voting and stumping) most closely.

Pretty sure the McCain line will be much larger so who is actually the RINO?

Didn't hit 2016 right, but does have the in theory vs. in practice lines closer together.
