View Full Version : "Right wing extremiists caused "all" the killings...

02-22-19, 10:40
Talk about bias and fun with words knowing few will actually read the details.

So Business Insider has a headline:

"All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report"

And leads the reader to assume all such killings were right wing motivated, when in fact it was below 50%:


But if one bothers to read the report from the the ADL, one finds:

"Ideological motives appear to have played a primary or secondary role in 19 of the 50 extremist murders (38%) in 2018. In the remaining murders, either the role that ideology may have played is unclear, the motives in general are unclear or the murders were likely committed for non-ideological reasons."

So of the 50, 19 (apparently...) motivated by right wing ideology. Now, I'd bet $, 50% was left wing motivated, and the left over unknown. See ADL report:


02-22-19, 11:00
Right....... and Unicorns do exist...... :rolleyes:

Doc Safari
02-22-19, 11:01
Pure left wing propaganda.

02-22-19, 13:17
Arkansas, Dallas, the largest assassination attempt in the history of the US with the GOP Baseball attack. I know not 2018, but for Cripes sake.

Also, the Left kills when they get in power..

02-22-19, 15:35
Arkansas, Dallas, the largest assassination attempt in the history of the US with the GOP Baseball attack. I know not 2018, but for Cripes sake.

Also, the Left kills when they get in power..

But it's for your own good! :lol:

02-22-19, 15:42
Figures don't lie ..... But liars figure !!!!!

Mr McSimon
02-22-19, 17:57
They're saying that (only) 19 of 50 were right wing extremist motivated, but all had links to right wing extremists. The motive in the crime doesn't have to be the only link for the headline to be true.

The report also goes on to say, "Every one of the perpetrators had ties to at least one right-wing extremist movement, although one had recently switched to supporting Islamist extremism. White supremacists were responsible for the great majority of the killings, which is typically the case."

So even if the motive itself wasn't right wing extremist, the perps all seem to be. Sorry, but that's a pattern, and bad for our country. I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss reports on (American) extremism as propaganda, left or right.