View Full Version : ISIS bride Hoda Muthana's family files lawsuit against Trump

02-22-19, 11:13
Unbelievable. They should bring this bitch back then throw her ass in Gitmo until things get sorted out.


02-22-19, 11:22
There doesn't seem to be any indication that she officially renounced her US citizenship.

That being the case she is a US citizen and due all the protections you or I are. So I say let her back in. Then of course throw her in jail and put her on trial. But just allowing the administration to say someone isn't a citizen because they think they can get away with it is a precedent I don't want to see started.

02-22-19, 12:00
There doesn't seem to be any indication that she officially renounced her US citizenship.

That being the case she is a US citizen and due all the protections you or I are. So I say let her back in. Then of course throw her in jail and put her on trial. But just allowing the administration to say someone isn't a citizen because they think they can get away with it is a precedent I don't want to see started.

Why? obama targeted two U.S. citizens with a missile without a trial, what is the difference?

02-22-19, 12:24
Why? obama targeted two U.S. citizens with a missile without a trial, what is the difference?

Continuing to do the wrong thing, out of spite or other reasons, just means the wrong continues.

Dr. Bullseye
02-22-19, 12:25
Politically, a dead bang winner for Trump.

02-22-19, 12:38
Unbelievable. They should bring this bitch back then throw her ass in Gitmo until things get sorted out.

Yep, she should be careful what she wishes for. Coming back to face justice may not go well.

02-22-19, 12:39
I don’t trust the person. I would support her staying wherever she is.

When she joined, she committed treason, and supported the organization.

Bringing her back would only fuel the fire of terror and may lead to more coming back under false pretenses.

I wouldn’t want to establish that poisonous precedent.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

02-22-19, 12:40
There doesn't seem to be any indication that she officially renounced her US citizenship.

That being the case she is a US citizen and due all the protections you or I are. So I say let her back in. Then of course throw her in jail and put her on trial. But just allowing the administration to say someone isn't a citizen because they think they can get away with it is a precedent I don't want to see started.

The US position is she was never a US citizen, as her father was a Yemen diplomat serving at the UN. She is a Yemen citizen.

Straight Shooter
02-22-19, 12:44
The US position is she was never a US citizen, as her father was a Yemen diplomat serving at the UN. She is a Yemen citizen.

And if she is SOOO regretful & tired of that life..why did she hire a muslim lawyer? I hope she gets what she wanted.

02-22-19, 12:46
There doesn't seem to be any indication that she officially renounced her US citizenship.

That being the case she is a US citizen and due all the protections you or I are. So I say let her back in. Then of course throw her in jail and put her on trial. But just allowing the administration to say someone isn't a citizen because they think they can get away with it is a precedent I don't want to see started.

I'm pretty sure that's not the State Department's position. Their position is that her father was still a Yemeni diplomat when she was born, which would exclude her from birthright citizenship.

Why? obama targeted two U.S. citizens with a missile without a trial, what is the difference?

Still the best extrajudicial international assassination ever! ;)

Yep, she should be careful what she wishes for. Coming back to face justice may not go well.

I'd do exactly as titsonritz suggested. I'd put her straight on a plane to Gitmo before she even cleared customs here.

02-22-19, 12:55
The US position is she was never a US citizen, as her father was a Yemen diplomat serving at the UN. She is a Yemen citizen.

In that case then, screw her.

02-22-19, 15:45
Thanks to the comments about her not being an US Citizen, did a few searches. Surprised the good questions|comments the interviewer asked:

'ISIS bride' Hoda Muthana is not a US citizen, Sec. Pompeo says, despite lawyer's assertions
But in a statement, Pompeo said she "is not a U.S. citizen and will not be admitted into the United States. She does not have any legal basis, no valid U.S. passport, no right to a passport, nor any visa to travel to the United States."


02-22-19, 15:50
Thanks to the comments about her not being an US Citizen, did a few searches. Surprised the good questions|comments the interviewer asked:


FWIW, her side is saying that her dad was discharged from diplomatic service about a month before she was born, so her citizenship status will ultimately have to be determined in court.

02-22-19, 15:54
FWIW, her side is saying that her dad was discharged from diplomatic service about a month before she was born, so her citizenship status will ultimately have to be determined in court.

This could be an inadvertent test of the 14th and birthright citizenship.

02-22-19, 16:35
bring her back then sentence her to death and get it carried out NOW

if she goes to jail she will be free with the first dem pres

02-22-19, 19:27
Why? obama targeted two U.S. citizens with a missile without a trial, what is the difference?

So now Obama is our benchmark for right and wrong? I don't think so. He was wrong and so is this.

The US position is she was never a US citizen, as her father was a Yemen diplomat serving at the UN. She is a Yemen citizen.

He was discharged from service before she was born. Therefore he was no longer a diplomat and she was not the child of a diplomat at the time of her birth. Unless she has officially renounced her citizenship that makes her a citizen. Once we start stripping people of their rights and citizenship without due process then it is all over.

We of all people need to be defending these rights of others, while at the same time calling for her to be put on trial and jailed. Which is exactly my stance on it.

02-22-19, 19:37
He was discharged from service before she was born. Therefore he was no longer a diplomat and she was not the child of a diplomat at the time of her birth. Unless she has officially renounced her citizenship that makes her a citizen. Once we start stripping people of their rights and citizenship without due process then it is all over.

We of all people need to be defending these rights of others, while at the same time calling for her to be put on trial and jailed. Which is exactly my stance on it.

Tell that to Mike Pompeo. It was his decision, not mine.

Also, since you seem to have all the answers, was he/wife still here on a Diplomatic visa? Or were they here on some other visa?

It is more complicated than most people think.

02-22-19, 21:30
Tell that to Mike Pompeo. It was his decision, not mine.

Also, since you seem to have all the answers, was he/wife still here on a Diplomatic visa? Or were they here on some other visa?

It is more complicated than most people think.

Good points.

Also, are we obligated to bring her bastard mujahideen-child here too and pay for it for 18 years (minus however old the bastard is now). Guarantee you if we did you'd be hearing about that little prick in 15-20 years....his "daddy" was done wrong by the infidels and he seeks revenge.

F**k 'em both. Per the Constitution she's not a citizen, and her spawn's future mass-murdering ass isn't either. I don't GAF about her father's being discharged from diplomatic services (if even true). And like Renegade alluded to, why the hell are they still here after all these years if his diplomatic ties ended?

02-22-19, 21:35
I read somewhere she was born a month after her father's diplomatic service ceased.

02-23-19, 00:08
Never mind. Not worth it.

02-23-19, 01:38
Foreign or domestic enemy who joined ISIS, I'm good with a drone hit.

We summarily executed anyone with SS tabs in Germany without a second thought, hell sometimes they weren't even SS. After the Malmady incident we got pretty sick of playing games with those who didn't feel like following the rules.

We consider the SS the embodiment of evil, but at least on occasion they followed the rules of war with respect to things like POWs. ISIS never even pretended, drone them all until there are no more.

02-23-19, 06:58
If she wants to come to America, let it be gitmo.

If she wants an American care package, let a drone deliver it.

Personally she made the bed she sleeps in and should enjoy the rest of her life as an ISIS bride and a woman in the wonderful peace loving world of Islam. Quite frankly a fate likely worse than gitmo.

Coal Dragger
02-23-19, 11:02
If she’s a US citizen I would suggest that she’s committed crimes in Syria or Iraq by aiding and abetting their enemy (ISIS) so if they wanted to charge her then problem solved.

Dr. Bullseye
02-23-19, 11:43
Why can't Trump talk the Kurds into charging her for war crimes?

Coal Dragger
02-23-19, 11:54
Probably because he screwed them over by withdrawing US forces leaving them at the mercy of the Turks.

02-23-19, 12:34
Never mind. Not worth it.

FWIW, I agreed with you. IF a court determines she was a US citizen who didn’t renounce, then she should be allowed back long enough to get on a plane to Gitmo. The child can be handed over to her family.

02-23-19, 12:50
FWIW, I agreed with you. IF a court determines she was a US citizen who didn’t renounce, then she should be allowed back long enough to get on a plane to Gitmo. The child can be handed over to her family.

And start the cycle again? Kid goes to foster care.

02-23-19, 12:56
The US position is she was never a US citizen, as her father was a Yemen diplomat serving at the UN. She is a Yemen citizen.

This is correct

02-23-19, 13:29
If she’s not a citizen, order a hit. If she is a citizen, fly her home, charge her with sedition, espionage, etc, try her, and execute her.

02-23-19, 13:38
If she looked like Mia Khalifa I could understand but she doesn’t so F her with a drone

02-23-19, 15:18
FWIW, I agreed with you. IF a court determines she was a US citizen who didn’t renounce, then she should be allowed back long enough to get on a plane to Gitmo. The child can be handed over to her family.

Bullshit, the bastard mujahideen stays in muzzie land. IF (a big if) she is determined to be a citizen, well we know he ISN'T. See how much she wants to come back if her evil spawn has to stay.

As someone else said, why start the cycle all over again? Leave his future-terrorist carcass over in Syria.

Still haven't had an answer to why her parents are still here if they gave up diplomatic status so long ago.

02-23-19, 15:33
I'm not sure you can come over as a Diplomat and just stay when your mission is done.
Why do I have the feeling that there may be an issue with the families status?
Come to find out the Obama Administration were the first to put the pressure on so She could I return to the US, but hey, WTF, they wanted a border wall to so,...

02-23-19, 17:45
I'm not sure you can come over as a Diplomat and just stay when your mission is done.
Why do I have the feeling that there may be an issue with the families status?
Come to find out the Obama Administration were the first to put the pressure on so She could I return to the US, but hey, WTF, they wanted a border wall to so,...

No shit. This may scratch the scab off of something that was on the down-low for many years with regard to this family. Of course no matter what comes out the libs will demand it all: family gets to stay, bitch gets to come back and bring her bastard muzzie with her (who we as taxpayers can support all his life until such time as the POS decides to declare jihad and kill Americans.....it's in his blood and I'll guarantee you the family, to include his mother, will do nothing to dissuade it).

02-23-19, 20:07
Is ABNAK Benito in disguise or just his protege?

02-23-19, 20:54
Is ABNAK Benito in disguise or just his protege?

Give me a break you commie/libtard/never-Trumper. I figured you'd have an issue with it. TFB. Typical lefty response.....make the fascist accusation. My, you fit all the stereotypes, go figure. :rolleyes:

Care to tell me what I've said is incorrect, or "morally" (as if libs really have any moral compass) wrong?

I would like to see the Islamo-bitch refused re-entry. IF she is allowed then she should be arrested at the airport and tried for treason. I care as much for her future-terrorist spawn as I do for the little vermin coming across our southern border to be welfare leeches.....and that would be ZERO f***s given. Other than the taxpayer funding the little Central American leeches and them eventually voting Democrat, the little muj-junior will be nurtured in the true Islamo-trash way by his "family" (didn't answer that part as to why they're still here, did ya?) or his mother. Think their true feelings will change? Or maybe it's just an "I want out of a shitty situation I've found myself in" line of thinking? That little bastard will be nurtured in the ways of Allah and taught that his daddy was a true believer and he should emulate him. What's wrong with the little POS staying with his daddy's family in muzzie land? I think that is the best course.

And NO, in this situation I don't believe in extending the benefit of the doubt. However, please continue with your baseless lefty accusations. Or you could actually try to answer the questions I ask here.

Folks, witness kwelz and realize exactly why the left in this country can NEVER be allowed to gain total control. Allow her back into this country, all is forgiven, and in two decades or so her little progeny kills a bunch of Americans. Brilliant line of thought that is....

02-23-19, 21:35
Same thing happened in G.B. and the Brits said, Nope you stay there and sort it out.

Pretty Good answer.


02-23-19, 23:51
Kwelz: Facist!
ABNAK: You commie libtard!

Epic thread so far guys.

02-24-19, 03:17
"I did have a good time there" -Shamima Begum


02-24-19, 10:06
She was born in the US. If the courts decide that she’s a citizen then she get’s processed like any other citizen who turns out to be a terrorist and traitor. Her kid goes to live with grandma and grandpa until he’s 18 and gets to take the citzenship test. If she’s determined to NOT have a legal claim to citizenship then she and her kid get to stay in Syria and the kid can apply for refugee status.

02-24-19, 10:13
Give me a break you commie/libtard/never-Trumper. I figured you'd have an issue with it. TFB. Typical lefty response.....make the fascist accusation. My, you fit all the stereotypes, go figure. :rolleyes:

Care to tell me what I've said is incorrect, or "morally" (as if libs really have any moral compass) wrong?

I would like to see the Islamo-bitch refused re-entry. IF she is allowed then she should be arrested at the airport and tried for treason. I care as much for her future-terrorist spawn as I do for the little vermin coming across our southern border to be welfare leeches.....and that would be ZERO f***s given. Other than the taxpayer funding the little Central American leeches and them eventually voting Democrat, the little muj-junior will be nurtured in the true Islamo-trash way by his "family" (didn't answer that part as to why they're still here, did ya?) or his mother. Think their true feelings will change? Or maybe it's just an "I want out of a shitty situation I've found myself in" line of thinking? That little bastard will be nurtured in the ways of Allah and taught that his daddy was a true believer and he should emulate him. What's wrong with the little POS staying with his daddy's family in muzzie land? I think that is the best course.

And NO, in this situation I don't believe in extending the benefit of the doubt. However, please continue with your baseless lefty accusations. Or you could actually try to answer the questions I ask here.

Folks, witness kwelz and realize exactly why the left in this country can NEVER be allowed to gain total control. Allow her back into this country, all is forgiven, and in two decades or so her little progeny kills a bunch of Americans. Brilliant line of thought that is....

You love in your own delusional world. Where did I call you a fascist in my post above? Please point it out to me because all I said was
Is ABNAK Benito in disguise or just his protege? It is funny enough though that he was one of your friends on here. So I assume my comment just hit a little too close to home and that is why you vomited forth another block of blatant xenophobic crap that shows you would have been a much better fit in the 50s than you are today.

Yes we all know that in your pebble sized worldview that all Muslims are terrorists and all Mexicans are coming here to get welfare. Of course the reality is that a fraction of a fraction of a percent of Muslims have terrorist ties. And Illegal immigrants can't draw welfare. But facts don't seem to matter much to you and you refuse to listen to anyone except those who share your exact views. So what is the point anyway.

Kwelz: Facist!
ABNAK: You commie libtard!

Epic thread so far guys.

I never called him a fascist. He just reminds me of Benito who used to post similar racist rants around here, then fly off the handle when people when people didn't agree with him. As I noted above they were also friends on here. So not surprising that their views are so similar. People (and I use that phrase loosely here) like him are one of the big reasons that gun owners constantly struggle with being lumped in with extremists groups. There are a few unstable members of the gun owner community who rant on like a schizophrenic street preacher on Adderall every time a topic like this comes up.

02-24-19, 10:19
"I did have a good time there" -Shamima Begum

I’ll bet Shamima ultimately will get to return to Britain. Britain actually stripped her of citizenship, which is apparently illegal. Pompeo’s case against Muthana is different in that he claims that she’s never been a legal US citizen, which would mean her kid has no status either.

02-24-19, 12:35
Muthana’s father states that he was no longer acting as a diplomat when his daughter was born but if was admitted under a diplomatic visa and never had a change in status then it is that status which counts- not his activities. I can only assume that this is the governments position.

02-24-19, 13:02
Looks like a judge will decide.

02-24-19, 13:58
You love in your own delusional world. Where did I call you a fascist in my post above? Please point it out to me because all I said was It is funny enough though that he was one of your friends on here. So I assume my comment just hit a little too close to home and that is why you vomited forth another block of blatant xenophobic crap that shows you would have been a much better fit in the 50s than you are today.

Yes we all know that in your pebble sized worldview that all Muslims are terrorists and all Mexicans are coming here to get welfare. Of course the reality is that a fraction of a fraction of a percent of Muslims have terrorist ties. And Illegal immigrants can't draw welfare. But facts don't seem to matter much to you and you refuse to listen to anyone except those who share your exact views. So what is the point anyway.

I never called him a fascist. He just reminds me of Benito who used to post similar racist rants around here, then fly off the handle when people when people didn't agree with him. As I noted above they were also friends on here. So not surprising that their views are so similar. People (and I use that phrase loosely here) like him are one of the big reasons that gun owners constantly struggle with being lumped in with extremists groups. There are a few unstable members of the gun owner community who rant on like a schizophrenic street preacher on Adderall every time a topic like this comes up.

Okay Einstein, Benito is also a way of saying "Mussolini", or Hitler/fascist in a cutesy way. That is how I took it. I completely forgot about the guy on here who used that moniker. I suspect you meant it the first way I mentioned but can fall back claiming it was the old M4C guy. Ain't buying it.

You can shove that racist crap right where it came from.....in your ass. Once again, anyone who doesn't agree with the libtard view of the world is a fascist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic bigot. You guys can't get any better than that or try new stuff?

Let's address a couple of points:

1) Yes, if the bitch is found to be a citizen then she gets to come back and hopefully get tried for treason. There is NO reason her spawn is entitled to come here though. No doubt he has proud jihadi grandparents in muzzie land who would love to care for the little bastard. As far as the grandparents you are no doubt referencing, why the f**k are they still here? Still haven't seen you answer that question. Obviously the environment her parents raised her in was one that nurtured Islamofacism, 'cause she sure as hell went that direction. There is NO reason to think that if the brat is allowed to come here too that he won't be raised in the same environment, and with the added bonus of being told of his "brave" (but in reality murderous) martyr father and therefore be encouraged to follow suit. The glass is never half full when it comes to those with a proven track record of following the terrorist path.

2) You know damn well that one of those squat Aztec or Mayan looking women dragging her ninos across the border, then claiming BS asylum, is going to receive government aid. They could friggin' starve for all I care, but you know that bleeding heart libs like yourself will never let that happen. I don't care what the "law" says, I've seen EBT's whipped out by illegals just like I described. Not as much the men, but mamacita with little leeches in tow yes. Highly doubt they're legal immigrants when she doesn't speak a damn word of English. So now you're going to tell me that if they are on deportation hold while their claim is adjudicated (which court date you damn well know they won't show up for) that they should receive aid, right? That it's our responsibility as a nation blah blah blah. I might also add that the little welfare-sucking clan brings NOTHING to the table to benefit our country. NOTHING. Libs are so predictable.

3) In your fantasy world of unicorns and rainbows everyone should be able to come here. Then we can all pay for them. How quaint. Borders or immigration restrictions? Who needs those right? Of course you know secretly that the vast majority of them will vote your lib way in future elections, so all the feel-good BS is just a cover, a means to an end.

I might add all of this garbage from someone who admitted that John Kasich was his choice in the 2016 primary (IF he was going to vote Republican of course, which he had no intention of doing). Kasich doesn't have a conservative bone in his body. Very telling.

02-24-19, 15:00
Okay Einstein, Benito is also a way of saying "Mussolini", or Hitler/fascist in a cutesy way. That is how I took it. I completely forgot about the guy on here who used that moniker. I suspect you meant it the first way I mentioned but can fall back claiming it was the old M4C guy. Ain't buying it.

You can shove that racist crap right where it came from.....in your ass. Once again, anyone who doesn't agree with the libtard view of the world is a fascist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic bigot. You guys can't get any better than that or try new stuff?

Let's address a couple of points:

1) Yes, if the bitch is found to be a citizen then she gets to come back and hopefully get tried for treason. There is NO reason her spawn is entitled to come here though. No doubt he has proud jihadi grandparents in muzzie land who would love to care for the little bastard. As far as the grandparents you are no doubt referencing, why the f**k are they still here? Still haven't seen you answer that question. Obviously the environment her parents raised her in was one that nurtured Islamofacism, 'cause she sure as hell went that direction. There is NO reason to think that if the brat is allowed to come here too that he won't be raised in the same environment, and with the added bonus of being told of his "brave" (but in reality murderous) martyr father and therefore be encouraged to follow suit. The glass is never half full when it comes to those with a proven track record of following the terrorist path.

2) You know damn well that one of those squat Aztec or Mayan looking women dragging her ninos across the border, then claiming BS asylum, is going to receive government aid. They could friggin' starve for all I care, but you know that bleeding heart libs like yourself will never let that happen. I don't care what the "law" says, I've seen EBT's whipped out by illegals just like I described. Not as much the men, but mamacita with little leeches in tow yes. Highly doubt they're legal immigrants when she doesn't speak a damn word of English. So now you're going to tell me that if they are on deportation hold while their claim is adjudicated (which court date you damn well know they won't show up for) that they should receive aid, right? That it's our responsibility as a nation blah blah blah. I might also add that the little welfare-sucking clan brings NOTHING to the table to benefit our country. NOTHING. Libs are so predictable.

3) In your fantasy world of unicorns and rainbows everyone should be able to come here. Then we can all pay for them. How quaint. Borders or immigration restrictions? Who needs those right? Of course you know secretly that the vast majority of them will vote your lib way in future elections, so all the feel-good BS is just a cover, a means to an end.

I might add all of this garbage from someone who admitted that John Kasich was his choice in the 2016 primary (IF he was going to vote Republican of course, which he had no intention of doing). Kasich doesn't have a conservative bone in his body. Very telling.

To your first point, only- if the mother is determined to be a citizen, her child can derive citizenship as well.

02-24-19, 15:02
I fully think Mia Khalifa could smooth this all over if she could be our SWA ambassador.

02-24-19, 15:25
Okay Einstein, Benito is also a way of saying "Mussolini", or Hitler/fascist in a cutesy way. That is how I took it. I completely forgot about the guy on here who used that moniker. I suspect you meant it the first way I mentioned but can fall back claiming it was the old M4C guy. Ain't buying it.

You can shove that racist crap right where it came from.....in your ass. Once again, anyone who doesn't agree with the libtard view of the world is a fascist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic bigot. You guys can't get any better than that or try new stuff?

Let's address a couple of points:

1) Yes, if the bitch is found to be a citizen then she gets to come back and hopefully get tried for treason. There is NO reason her spawn is entitled to come here though. No doubt he has proud jihadi grandparents in muzzie land who would love to care for the little bastard. As far as the grandparents you are no doubt referencing, why the f**k are they still here? Still haven't seen you answer that question. Obviously the environment her parents raised her in was one that nurtured Islamofacism, 'cause she sure as hell went that direction. There is NO reason to think that if the brat is allowed to come here too that he won't be raised in the same environment, and with the added bonus of being told of his "brave" (but in reality murderous) martyr father and therefore be encouraged to follow suit. The glass is never half full when it comes to those with a proven track record of following the terrorist path.

2) You know damn well that one of those squat Aztec or Mayan looking women dragging her ninos across the border, then claiming BS asylum, is going to receive government aid. They could friggin' starve for all I care, but you know that bleeding heart libs like yourself will never let that happen. I don't care what the "law" says, I've seen EBT's whipped out by illegals just like I described. Not as much the men, but mamacita with little leeches in tow yes. Highly doubt they're legal immigrants when she doesn't speak a damn word of English. So now you're going to tell me that if they are on deportation hold while their claim is adjudicated (which court date you damn well know they won't show up for) that they should receive aid, right? That it's our responsibility as a nation blah blah blah. I might also add that the little welfare-sucking clan brings NOTHING to the table to benefit our country. NOTHING. Libs are so predictable.

3) In your fantasy world of unicorns and rainbows everyone should be able to come here. Then we can all pay for them. How quaint. Borders or immigration restrictions? Who needs those right? Of course you know secretly that the vast majority of them will vote your lib way in future elections, so all the feel-good BS is just a cover, a means to an end.

I might add all of this garbage from someone who admitted that John Kasich was his choice in the 2016 primary (IF he was going to vote Republican of course, which he had no intention of doing). Kasich doesn't have a conservative bone in his body. Very telling.

I am torn between laughing and just being amazed that people like you still exist in this world.

As far as the grandparents you are no doubt referencing, why the f**k are they still here?
If you had bothered to read the article posted in the OP, you would see that the entire family that came here became citizens. So that is a pretty dang good reason for them to still be here I would say.

You keep falling back on the same worn out and tired tactic. Anyone who doesn't see the world just like you must be a libtard. It lets you dismiss them in your mind so you don't have to try to defend any of what you are spewing. Can you really, with a strait face, read back over the things you have posted and claim that you are not spouting racist nonsense? You really don't think a single thing you have said is racist?

You can keep calling me a libtard. But never in my life have I voted for a Democrat. And I can see of no situation where I ever would. I don't even vote for Ds who switch parties to run on our side. But hey, keep telling yourself whatever you want.

02-24-19, 17:48
If you had bothered to read the article posted in the OP, you would see that the entire family that came here became citizens.

Are you really not getting the question here? The article doesn't have any info on why the family was able to stay and naturalize. What was the path from diplomatic Visa to naturalization?

I think it's a legitimate question, I had assumed a diplomat went home when they were done.

02-24-19, 18:00
I am torn between laughing and just being amazed that people like you still exist in this world.

If you had bothered to read the article posted in the OP, you would see that the entire family that came here became citizens. So that is a pretty dang good reason for them to still be here I would say.

You keep falling back on the same worn out and tired tactic. Anyone who doesn't see the world just like you must be a libtard. It lets you dismiss them in your mind so you don't have to try to defend any of what you are spewing. Can you really, with a strait face, read back over the things you have posted and claim that you are not spouting racist nonsense? You really don't think a single thing you have said is racist?

You can keep calling me a libtard. But never in my life have I voted for a Democrat. And I can see of no situation where I ever would. I don't even vote for Ds who switch parties to run on our side. But hey, keep telling yourself whatever you want.

Yes, I don't because not wanting potential non-citizens (and if she is then is a traitor) back in here with their terrorist progeny in tow or not wanting "economic migrants" (which really means broke-dick, not a pot to piss in) here who will contribute NOTHING to this country does not meet the definition of the oft-used racist term. Sorry, you lose.

To quote your spewing: "You keep falling back on the same worn out and tired tactic." Me? You can't be serious, yet sadly you are. Throwing the RACIST (also including the various but predictable "XXXphobic") bullshit out there makes you look like a left-leaning idiot, with no more thought given to it than the other mindless diatribe being puked forth by the left. You are such a hypocrite in your accusations it's unreal!

I don't give a damn if it were Ukrainian or Canadian broke-dicks trying to ILLEGALLY come here, their skin color makes no difference to me. Nor does their religion, although I must unashamedly admit that I'm not terribly endeared to Islam (like quite a few members on here, so this place must be chock full of "racists", but you really mean Islamophobic). What matters to me first and foremost is your ability to contribute to this country, not suck from it. Then next, just as important, is your lack of desire to cause harm to this country (specifically referring to our ISIS bride-whore). Oh, one more biggie: you must ASSIMILATE. That means learning the friggin' language and not cordoning yourself off in some ethnic enclave with no other interaction with society.

It is beyond pathetic that people with your idiotic views comprise a significant portion of our population but it is what it is. Apparently it's the 2019 way of life and is certainly not a surprise.

02-24-19, 18:01
Are you really not getting the question here? The article doesn't have any info on why the family was able to stay and naturalize. What was the path from diplomatic Visa to naturalization?

I think it's a legitimate question, I had assumed a diplomat went home when they were done.

So did I.

02-24-19, 18:10
There is no reason that a diplomat couldn’t request a change in status and begin the naturalization process provided that they were still within status. In my experience with diplomats, I wouldn’t be surprised if it were an easy switch as they are typically treated with kid gloves

02-24-19, 18:13
Are you really not getting the question here? The article doesn't have any info on why the family was able to stay and naturalize. What was the path from diplomatic Visa to naturalization?

I think it's a legitimate question, I had assumed a diplomat went home when they were done.

Perhaps I did misunderstand. Easy to do when the rest of his post is rambling hate filled nonsense.

I would assume that like anyone else, a diplomat can apply to stay here and become a citizen. They live here a number of years and then decide they love it enough to stay and raise their family. That is the American dream right there. I would also assume a diplomat would have the connections to fast track the process of applying to stay if nothing else.

02-24-19, 18:15
There is no reason that a diplomat couldn’t request a change in status and begin the naturalization process provided that they were still within status. In my experience with diplomats, I wouldn’t be surprised if it were an easy switch as they are typically treated with kid gloves

And that may be the linchpin of the government's case here. If the parents were still "within status", that would likely mean still in diplomatic status and as such she would NOT be a U.S. citizen unless that status changed before she was born.

02-24-19, 18:17
Perhaps I did misunderstand. Easy to do when the rest of his post is rambling hate filled nonsense.

I would assume that like anyone else, a diplomat can apply to stay here and become a citizen. They live here a number of years and then decide they love it enough to stay and raise their family. That is the American dream right there :bad:. I would also assume a diplomat would have the connections to fast track the process of applying to stay if nothing else.

Get off your whiney, repetitive, and scripted bullshit. It is starting to get annoying.

Oh wait, yet another "trigger" word used: hate. You've just about got them all covered lib-boy.

02-24-19, 18:23
Get off your whiney, repetitive, and scripted bullshit. It is starting to get annoying.

Oh wait, yet another "trigger" word used: hate. You've just about got them all covered lib-boy.

Don't you need to go read some things over on the Daily Stormer?

So far everyone else on both sides except you has been able to have an adult conversation about this subject.

02-24-19, 18:26
Don't you need to go read some things over on the Daily Stormer?

So far everyone else on both sides except you has been able to have an adult conversation about this subject.

DU called and reported their village idiot missing. I think we found him.

The only person seeming to irk me in this thread is you, so therefore I fail to see the problem.

02-24-19, 18:29
And that may be the linchpin of the government's case here. If the parents were still "within status", that would likely mean still in diplomatic status and as such she would NOT be a U.S. citizen unless that status changed before she was born.

Correct and what I suspect

02-24-19, 18:34
Correct and what I suspect

That is the entire linchpin of the argument. If it can be proved one way or the other then it simplifies things a lot. You would think it is well documented.

Back on topic, if he was still in service then she is not a citizen and can pound sand. If he was not then she is a citizen and gets the rights we do. Including allowing her to come back so she can be put on trial for anything she might have done.

02-24-19, 18:47
That is the entire linchpin of the argument. If it can be proved one way or the other then it simplifies things a lot. You would think it is well documented.

Back on topic, if he was still in service then she is not a citizen and can pound sand. If he was not then she is a citizen and gets the rights we do. Including allowing her to come back so she can be put on trial for anything she might have done.

Hallelujah, we may agree on something. You are an attorney, correct? I'm not familiar with the "status" legalities, but how is a potential limbo, if you will, between being a diplomat and a subsequent application for naturalization viewed in the law? Do you maintain the previous "status" (in this case diplomatic) until the other officially (whatever that means) kicks in? It would seem to me that you cannot be in limbo, i.e. your are either one or the other.

02-24-19, 18:58
Hallelujah, we may agree on something. You are an attorney, correct? I'm not familiar with the "status" legalities, but how is a potential limbo, if you will, between being a diplomat and a subsequent application for naturalization viewed in the law? Do you maintain the previous "status" (in this case diplomatic) until the other officially (whatever that means) kicks in? It would seem to me that you cannot be in limbo, i.e. your are either one or the other.

No I am not an attorney. The only law I know in depth is Real Estate law since that is my line of work. I am however, facebook friends with an Immigration attorney who has been posting a number of QandAs about this. And according to her, as long a he was no longer serving as a diplomat at the time his daughter was born, then she is legally a US Citizen.

Also note that this has been my stance from my first post i this thread. If she is an American then she gets all the rights and protections you and I have. It doesn't mean there are no consequences to her actions. But we can't just legally tell her she can't come back.

02-24-19, 19:03
It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Example: Let's say Dad said "I don't want to be a diplomat anymore" in March. The ISIS bitch is born in May. Dad doesn't file for naturalization until June. What was the parents' status between March and June? THAT will be how her citizenship is determined.

I'm no legal expert but something tells me that the government wouldn't allow a "limbo" or "gray area" to exist (one would think anyway).

02-24-19, 19:24
It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Example: Let's say Dad said "I don't want to be a diplomat anymore" in March. The ISIS bitch is born in May. Dad doesn't file for naturalization until June. What was the parents' status between March and June? THAT will be how her citizenship is determined.

I'm no legal expert but something tells me that the government wouldn't allow a "limbo" or "gray area" to exist (one would think anyway).

According to Kati (the attorney I mentioned above) those gray areas can and do exist and that is the rub here. There is also some question as to when he started the whole process. Did say months beforehand that his end date was X and he wanted to have the ball rolling then? Again I assume there is documentation somewhere for all of this. I just don't know who would have it or where it would be. Hell I don't even care if she is a citizen or not. It would be a lot easier if she wasn't, then we can just tell her to enjoy making sand castles in the desert. But we don't get to ignore the law because we don't like it. That would make us like the libtards that you and (believe it or not) I hate so much.

02-24-19, 20:30
If she was a US citizen at birth then she should have the birth certificate and most likely got a passport at some time. Same for her folks, it should not be a huge glossed over mystery whether they are all citizens or not. The fact that no one states whether she definitely makes it look like she probably is not. I’m sure the WH has easy access to those records and knows her status.

There is also the possibility she was a US citizen and formally renounced it when she stormed out in a self righteous huff.

02-24-19, 20:33
No I am not an attorney. The only law I know in depth is Real Estate law since that is my line of work. I am however, facebook friends with an Immigration attorney who has been posting a number of QandAs about this. And according to her, as long a he was no longer serving as a diplomat at the time his daughter was born, then she is legally a US Citizen.

Also note that this has been my stance from my first post i this thread. If she is an American then she gets all the rights and protections you and I have. It doesn't mean there are no consequences to her actions. But we can't just legally tell her she can't come back.

I am not an immigration attorney. I do, however, have experience in this area. If a non-immigrant alien is admitted into the US, he/she is admitted in a specific status. If he/she is found to be outside of that status, he/she is subject to removal. If the non-immigrant wishes to adjust status, he/she may apply to do so. As long as court appearances are kept, etc. the case is pending until a final decision is made. A type of limbo, so to speak (as ABNAK suggests).

02-24-19, 20:55
I think his visa should determine it. If a diplomat gets fired they obviously still get diplomatic status as they pack up and go home. And you can't just naturalize, you need to have a green card for five years (or two years if married to a citizen). So to me the key is did he get his green card before she was born, because if not he was still here as a diplomat.

02-25-19, 00:49
The thing that pisses me off the most, is to get an ordinary job, I always have to provide proof of citizenship.

Every single time. And I was born here. I can't get away with saying, "I know I'm good" or anything like that. I don't get free lawyers who can put the burden of proof on employers.

02-25-19, 08:31
Unbelievable. They should bring this bitch back then throw her ass in Gitmo until things get sorted out.


Gitmo? They should hang her ass on the Whitehouse lawn.

02-25-19, 08:40
ISIS bride Hoda Muthana's family files lawsuit against Trump

She wants BACK in, eh? I LOVE Burgess Meredith.


02-25-19, 09:26
The thing that pisses me off the most, is to get an ordinary job, I always have to provide proof of citizenship.

Every single time. And I was born here. I can't get away with saying, "I know I'm good" or anything like that. I don't get free lawyers who can put the burden of proof on employers.

That has always pissed me off too for the same reasons. I don't know about current fake ID, but the common ones for South Americans from 15 to 20 years ago were obviously fake so it wasn't like the employers were unaware if they even looked at all.