View Full Version : Convention of States

02-22-19, 16:41
Has anybody here researched this, just became aware of this recently and have been reading everything they have on their website.
Lots of known and respected folks linking to it.
Why is this not known by everyone disgusted with the elected leadership we now have ?

Article V of the U.S. Constitution gives states the power to call a Convention of States to propose amendments. It takes 34 states to call the convention and 38 to ratify any amendments that are proposed. Our convention would only allow the states to discuss amendments that, “limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials.”

02-23-19, 22:16
Conventions have been known to get out of hand. The convention that resulted in our current Constitution of 1789 was called for very limited purposes as well.

In the current environment I would expect any revisions to reflect some mix of trendy socialism, the USSR's constitution (on paper it guaranteed more rights than ours - reality was rather different), and all the wisdom and forethought of obnoxious people with intelligence 1-2 standard deviations below the mean. Call me cynical.

02-24-19, 13:05
The thing is that you have a larger number of states that lean conservative than you do liberal. It will never happen, but I sure as hell would love it to occur. All of DC will never actually vote to limit their own ability to spend and stay in power.

02-24-19, 14:16
I would prefer we not alter the Constitution. Rather I'd like to see us actually follow the Constitution as it is written.

02-26-19, 16:27
It is not calling for a Constitutional Convention, you obviously did not follow the link.

02-26-19, 17:31
Has anybody here researched this, just became aware of this recently and have been reading everything they have on their website.
Lots of known and respected folks linking to it.
Why is this not known by everyone disgusted with the elected leadership we now have ?

Article V of the U.S. Constitution gives states the power to call a Convention of States to propose amendments. It takes 34 states to call the convention and 38 to ratify any amendments that are proposed. Our convention would only allow the states to discuss amendments that, “limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials.”

It is not calling for a Constitutional Convention, you obviously did not follow the link.

What link? There is no link in the original post.

02-26-19, 18:07
OK there is one now https://conventionofstates.com

02-26-19, 18:38
Look at a 2016 electoral map, 20 states went blue, this may have worked 35-40 years ago, today I don’t think it would work.

02-26-19, 21:50
I doubt a convention of states would go the way those of us who value the BOR and constitution would want. We would likely see thecgutting of the BOR, especially the 2a. We would end up with a more “progressive” socialist, statist rule of law than we currently have.

02-27-19, 07:13
Then you have lunacy such as this:


Colorado Gov. Jared Polis (D) will sign a measure to award his state’s electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote, moving a countrywide coalition one step closer to circumventing the Electoral College.

In an interview Sunday, Polis called the Electoral College an “undemocratic relic” of the nation’s past, one he wants to see relegated to the dustbin of history.

“I’ve long supported electing the president by who gets the most votes,” Polis told The Hill. “It’s a way to move towards direct election of the president.”

Colorado will become the 12th state to join the national popular vote interstate compact. Those 12 states and the District of Columbia, which has also passed a popular-vote bill, account for 181 electoral votes, just under 90 shy of the 270 votes a presidential candidate needs to win the White House.

02-27-19, 08:05
Then you have lunacy such as this:

https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/431425-colorado-governor-will-sign-bill-aimed-at-bypassing-electoral-collegeSo they are saying they will ignore their state voter's intent/votes to instead go with the national popular vote?

jack crab
02-27-19, 09:59
So they are saying they will ignore their state voter's intent/votes to instead go with the national popular vote?

That's my question. Why would a Colorado voter bother to vote for president if the state's electoral votes go to whoever wins California and New York, not even national popular vote?

02-27-19, 12:32
So they are saying they will ignore their state voter's intent/votes to instead go with the national popular vote?

Yes, but it's not like voting matters anymore anyway.

02-27-19, 12:34
One of our talking news heads recently said something along the lines of "What's going to happen when this fails to benefit the Democrats?" Lol!

02-27-19, 12:47
Mark Levin has written and talked about it for years. I tend to get nervous about it leading to more than it was intended and in a bad way.

I do see it to be more likely in the next 50 years as the populations of urban areas grow and the large cities dominate US politics.

What I would rather see is more States adopting internal electoral colleges and dividing their electoral votes as Nebraska and Maine do. This would give states like NY,VA,PA,WA, NC, and MD, etc protection against their densely populated urban

The true Fedralism and reperesentative republic our Constitution was design to give us must continue to protect the us from 51% dominating the 49% who occupy 95% of the physical land in the US.

02-27-19, 14:04
Then you have lunacy such as this:


Total lunacy, yes. Likely to continue getting worse and dumber - yes. This is how states that are temporarily "Blue" will try to make the nation's future permanently Democrat-socialist.

This is unconstitutional for multiple reasons, including Article 4 - Section 2, Article 4 - Section 4, and the 14th Amendment. It probably violates the Voting Rights Act and other laws as well. Anyway...

Prediction: some states will pass this, it will be applied in 2020 or 2024 to create a Dem "winner" who didn't actually win under valid law, and that will create another constitutional crisis like the 2000 election, but worse.