View Full Version : At least 20 county sheriffs refuse to enforce new gun laws in Washington state.

02-23-19, 07:25

02-23-19, 07:51
What this is going to turn into is that it is bad, it is only good if it is a leftist agenda item like illegals or even better when the state says marijuana is legal even though the feds say it is not.

The worst part is that those leftist retards don't even see the hypocrisy.

02-23-19, 08:03
I kind of like the idea of counties declaring themselves second amendment sanctuaries, make leftist heads explode.

02-23-19, 08:18
What's good for the goose is good for the gander, turnabout is fair play, etc. etc.

Needs that Simpson's meme "HA HA"

02-23-19, 08:44
I kind of like the idea of counties declaring themselves second amendment sanctuaries, make leftist heads explode.

There are a few in NM doing this already.


02-23-19, 08:47
What's good for the goose is good for the gander, turnabout is fair play, etc. etc.

Needs that Simpson's meme "HA HA"


02-23-19, 09:01
Sheriff Scott Berry from 2012-13.


Think he is retiring soon so hope he starts a news letter:D


02-23-19, 10:00
Looks like we still have some common sense here. At least for a few.

Some stores are still selling semi autos to under 21, because the way the law was written the definition of Assault Weapon, doesn't going into effect until July.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

02-23-19, 10:01
Since when are our God-given natural Constitutionally protected birth-rights up for a popular vote on a ballot measure? The politicians and their workers who allowed this to go to vote should be fired and then tarred and feathered. They can get in line behind all the CA, NY and NJ politicians for their tarring and feathering. Or hanging. Either is fine with me.

Many thanks to all the Sheriffs and their deputies standing up to this illegal crap!

02-23-19, 10:46
Since when are our God-given natural Constitutionally protected birth-rights up for a popular vote on a ballot measure? The politicians and their workers who allowed this to go to vote should be fired and then tarred and feathered. They can get in line behind all the CA, NY and NJ politicians for their tarring and feathering. Or hanging. Either is fine with me.

Many thanks to all the Sheriffs and their deputies standing up to this illegal crap!

It is due to the long running, concerted effort to refer to us as a democracy. Why have a Constitution at all had that been the case?

Dr. Bullseye
02-23-19, 11:45
2A Sanctuary Counties.

02-23-19, 11:50
Wouldn’t be an issue of states did electoral college the way feds do. Then everyone is somewhat represented.

Oh and rights are not up for a vote.

02-23-19, 17:40
Since when are our God-given natural Constitutionally protected birth-rights up for a popular vote on a ballot measure? The politicians and their workers who allowed this to go to vote should be fired and then tarred and feathered. They can get in line behind all the CA, NY and NJ politicians for their tarring and feathering. Or hanging. Either is fine with me.

Many thanks to all the Sheriffs and their deputies standing up to this illegal crap!

We are coming to a collision in this country between the BELIEF that the majority makes right and has sway and the FACT that Constitutional rights are not subject to popular vote. Some things, sure, a majority will rule on; Constitutional rights are not among those things.

02-23-19, 18:28
Those peaceful anti 2nd amendment folks...


"Investigators say that drew the ire of 23-year-old Omak resident Jaydin Ledford, who posted several threats on Facebook, including: "I1639 is law. sheriffs that are non compliant will be shot. by me." They say he also directly threatened Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich."

02-23-19, 18:37
Those peaceful anti 2nd amendment folks...


"Investigators say that drew the ire of 23-year-old Omak resident Jaydin Ledford, who posted several threats on Facebook, including: "I1639 is law. sheriffs that are non compliant will be shot. by me." They say he also directly threatened Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich."

Sounds like he needs to be fitted with a new pair of handcuffs and get a selfie taken down at the station.

02-23-19, 18:44
Sounds like he needs to be fitted with a new pair of handcuffs and get a selfie taken down at the station.

Bet it would be interesting to see who all hit like on his comments.

02-23-19, 18:45
You know.... I bet he was trying to impress a girl or possibly another dude.

I can understand not caring about guns but threatening violence against people who have them is stupid on a number of levels

02-23-19, 19:02
We are coming to a collision in this country between the BELIEF that the majority makes right and has sway and the FACT that Constitutional rights are not subject to popular vote. Some things, sure, a majority will rule on; Constitutional rights are not among those things.


02-24-19, 00:47
Those peaceful anti 2nd amendment folks...


"Investigators say that drew the ire of 23-year-old Omak resident Jaydin Ledford, who posted several threats on Facebook, including: "I1639 is law. sheriffs that are non compliant will be shot. by me." They say he also directly threatened Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich."

It would be the sweetest bit of justice if one of those two sheriffs went and arrested this A-Hole for making a direct death threat against a member of LE. Please please please go arrest him and put him in jail for this criminal act. While he's in there leave him a copy of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Probably won't do a damn bit of good, but it might be entertaining watching the idiot try to figure out what it all means. Like a chimp with a Rubik's cube.

02-24-19, 08:31
Since when are our God-given natural Constitutionally protected birth-rights up for a popular vote on a ballot measure? The politicians and their workers who allowed this to go to vote should be fired and then tarred and feathered. They can get in line behind all the CA, NY and NJ politicians for their tarring and feathering. Or hanging. Either is fine with me.

Many thanks to all the Sheriffs and their deputies standing up to this illegal crap!

Don't forget to add MD to you list! register of long guns and ban on AR's winding its way through committees.

02-24-19, 09:39
You know.... I bet he was trying to impress a girl or possibly another dude.

I can understand not caring about guns but threatening violence against people who have them is stupid on a number of levels

I disagree... sounds like the typical leftist mentality. Tolerance only goes towards me and my ways. Anything else sould be meet with disdain and destroyed because it goes against MY ideas.

02-24-19, 09:40
A Felony charge against him would put in the "Cannot Possess" group. Wonder if he would comply?

02-24-19, 10:02
A Felony charge against him would put in the "Cannot Possess" group. Wonder if he would comply?

Probably pardon him &/or give him a position with their state's LE to get around that.

02-24-19, 11:23
I disagree... sounds like the typical leftist mentality. Tolerance only goes towards me and my ways. Anything else sould be meet with disdain and destroyed because it goes against MY ideas.

Maybe. I don’t know. Just a thought.

I sometimes think how people can get so up on how other people live.
I have my idea of how the world should be and let’s say...

Let’s say I was a dictator. Let’s say I had a professional army of zealots who would invade any country I wanted. Destroy or build anything that I desired. That I could have people summarily executed with but a word.

It would be a lonely, lonely life because people only did it because I said so and those who agreed with me did so only out of fear or fanaticism.

It would be boring and sallow. I could indulge in pleasures of the body and flesh but there would be no love. Past a point, my ideology would no longer be my own.

Even if I was totally correct or even justified; it would be a pitiful existence. Truth would be only what I said it was. No more objectivity.

I couldn’t live like that but there are those who could and I cannot see the appeal.

People think I am on acid when I share those thoughts. But they are mine.

02-24-19, 14:04
We are doing this in CO too, but it doesn't change the fact the laws are still on the books, and the state is still getting more blue by the hour.

02-24-19, 14:24
Maybe. I don’t know. Just a thought.

I sometimes think how people can get so up on how other people live.
I have my idea of how the world should be and let’s say...

Let’s say I was a dictator. Let’s say I had a professional army of zealots who would invade any country I wanted. Destroy or build anything that I desired. That I could have people summarily executed with but a word.

It would be a lonely, lonely life because people only did it because I said so and those who agreed with me did so only out of fear or fanaticism.

It would be boring and sallow. I could indulge in pleasures of the body and flesh but there would be no love. Past a point, my ideology would no longer be my own.

Even if I was totally correct or even justified; it would be a pitiful existence. Truth would be only what I said it was. No more objectivity.

I couldn’t live like that but there are those who could and I cannot see the appeal.

People think I am on acid when I share those thoughts. But they are mine.

There was an episode of The Twilight Zone ("A Nice Place to Visit") where a bad guy died and woke up in a penthouse. He had all the fixin's associated with that life, the best booze, easy scores with the hot chicks. He even had a pool table and he couldn't miss a shot, no matter how difficult. His "guide", if you will, was played by Sebastian Cabot. The dude makes the comment to the effect of "Gee, I never knew Heaven was so boring". Sebastian Cabot gives a hearty, loud guffaw and says "Who said you were in Heaven?"

02-24-19, 17:58
Maybe. I don’t know. Just a thought.

I sometimes think how people can get so up on how other people live.
I have my idea of how the world should be and let’s say...

Let’s say I was a dictator. Let’s say I had a professional army of zealots who would invade any country I wanted. Destroy or build anything that I desired. That I could have people summarily executed with but a word.

It would be a lonely, lonely life because people only did it because I said so and those who agreed with me did so only out of fear or fanaticism.

It would be boring and sallow. I could indulge in pleasures of the body and flesh but there would be no love. Past a point, my ideology would no longer be my own.

Even if I was totally correct or even justified; it would be a pitiful existence. Truth would be only what I said it was. No more objectivity.

I couldn’t live like that but there are those who could and I cannot see the appeal.

People think I am on acid when I share those thoughts. But they are mine.

And when a man takes office or puts on an uniform, theory gives way to real force. I may want everyone to have a benign and harmless worldview and live in peace, but when I take that office and/or put on that uniform MY worldview and it's application now takes precedence...if it were me, I sure hope I was on the side of angels.

02-24-19, 18:29
And when a man takes office or puts on an uniform, theory gives way to real force. I may want everyone to have a benign and harmless worldview and live in peace, but when I take that office and/or put on that uniform MY worldview and it's application now takes precedence...if it were me, I sure hope I was on the side of angels.

You forget what I do for a living. And have done for a while.

At day's end, people always come first. I err on the side of preservation.

Beyond that, I leave my personal view out of it.

02-24-19, 18:36
You forget what I do for a living. And have done for a while.

At day's end, people always come first. I err on the side of preservation.

Beyond that, I leave my personal view out of it.

I didn't forget. And isn't "preservation" a personal view in the end? There's very little, if anything, we think that is values free or possessed of some sort of neutrality.

02-25-19, 01:11
We are coming to a collision in this country between the BELIEF that the majority makes right and has sway and the FACT that Constitutional rights are not subject to popular vote. Some things, sure, a majority will rule on; Constitutional rights are not among those things.

+1. They voted themselves the right to possess and use marijuana and then choose to infringe on the rights of people who choose to possess and use firearms. Common sense is the least common sense in Washington.

Somewhere along the line these idiots need to learn that the Bill of Rights/Constitution was created to guarantee the rights of the minority from the whims of the majority.

02-25-19, 08:06
+1. They voted themselves the right to possess and use marijuana and then choose to infringe on the rights of people who choose to possess and use firearms. Common sense is the least common sense in Washington.

Somewhere along the line these idiots need to learn that the Bill of Rights/Constitution was created to guarantee the rights of the minority from the whims of the majority.

The marijuana and anything else you ingest (Oreos and soft drinks included) should have been 9th amendment ( rights aren't enumerated) and 10th Amendment (if it isn't listed in the Constitution as being a duty of the federal government then they have no legitimate business engaging in it so left to states or people) issues. Then the 14th amendment should have stuck the Constitutional limitations on the states.