View Full Version : Kamala Harris' Ancestors Owned Slaves

Dr. Bullseye
02-27-19, 11:56
You can't make this up. Kamala Harris, who pimps white hate, has ancestors who owned slaves ACCORDING TO HER OWN FATHER.


02-27-19, 13:01
hahahaha well he sounds like a well educated guy and some money so makes sense since so many wealthy blacks owned slaves but yeah to funny sure it will get buried lied about and blame whites and trump

Doc Safari
02-27-19, 13:05
Better pony up that reparations check, Beeeeotch.

02-27-19, 13:18
It’s somewhat mean spirited but I remember seeing this documentary about black actors who claim Native American ancestry and it had the guy who plays War Machine and IIRC Beyonce and it turns out that they were owned by Natives but not of that descent.

I still think the whole thing is passe. Lotta mocha latte and cafe au lait black folks to be caring about slavery in the 21st century because a lotta them got white in them now.

I’m not complaining. Light skinneded black girls are very much a good thing and my personal kryptonite.

02-27-19, 13:22
Oh, but didn't you know? This now makes Harris the leading authority on all race related matters.

How strong she must be to overcome her families troubled past, putting her own privilege in check to better the lives of so many disenfranchised minorities. The privileged white population could surely learn something from her brave actions.

Coming from a family that has both committed crimes against minorities and been victims of race based persecution, Harris has insight that others simply don't have!

Truly a modern day hero!

*Golf clapping heard in the background*

Just wait.. It's coming..

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

02-27-19, 14:27
It’s somewhat mean spirited but I remember seeing this documentary about black actors who claim Native American ancestry and it had the guy who plays War Machine and IIRC Beyonce and it turns out that they were owned by Natives but not of that descent.

I still think the whole thing is passe. Lotta mocha latte and cafe au lait black folks to be caring about slavery in the 21st century because a lotta them got white in them now.

I’m not complaining. Light skinneded black girls are very much a good thing and my personal kryptonite.

for fun when I lived in Central America if you dated a opposite color you were just called a cafe con leche
and they did not care both sides did not care was just the term they all used to kinda rib ya :)

02-27-19, 14:49
The rest of the story (from the same story linked in the OP). Interesting, especially since it implies Cali DOJ views inmates as essentially indentured servants. More than a little ironic considering all of the virtue signalling about slavery:

Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris’ team is trying to distance itself from a growing scandal: Harris oversaw the California Department of Justice’s push to block parole for prisoners so that they could continue to serve their prison labor.

“According to court filings, lawyers for the state said California met benchmarks, and argued that if certain potential parolees were given a faster track out of prison, it would negatively affect the prison’s labor programs, including one that allowed certain inmates to fight California’s wildfires for about $2 a day.

“Extending 2-for-1 credits to all minimum custody inmates at this time would severely impact fire camp participation—a dangerous outcome while California is in the middle of a difficult fire season and severe drought,” lawyers for Harris wrote in the filing, noting that the fire camp program required physical fitness in addition to a level of clearance that allowed the felon to be offsite.”…

02-27-19, 16:52
Her Dad has been the most effective counter to her so far. Smacking her down for her drug comments and now this.

02-27-19, 17:41
Her Dad has been the most effective counter to her so far. Smacking her down for her drug comments and now this.

He must be so proud of her........ :jester:

02-27-19, 19:59
The rest of the story (from the same story linked in the OP). Interesting, especially since it implies Cali DOJ views inmates as essentially indentured servants. More than a little ironic considering all of the virtue signalling about slavery:

Old habits die hard for hypocrites.

03-01-19, 15:27
He must be so proud of her........ :jester:

Especially how she slept her way up! :rolleyes:

03-01-19, 15:29
Especially how she slept her way up! :rolleyes:

Oh SNAP!!!!!! ;)

03-02-19, 05:59
I love the social media backlash she is receiving since she announced her Presidential bid, especially Black Twitter. When Obama first ran a lot of Black political figures did not back him, one of the arguments made against him was that his dad was from Kenya and his mother was White which means he didn't have any "slave blood" in him. I shit you not that was a point of contention with some. Now fast forward to Kamala and folks ain't buying it.

The funniest thing so far IMHO is when she LIED to try to look cool and relate to the common folk that in college she smoked dope and listened to Tupac and Snoop. Only problem is of course when she was in college neither one of those rappers were putting out music yet lolz.




Straight Shooter
03-02-19, 07:08
Especially how she slept her way up! :rolleyes:

Ole "HEELS UP HARRIS" I heard her called awhile back..hilarious.