View Full Version : Rep Says Democrat Gun Legislation is Really About Registration

Doc Safari
02-27-19, 14:17

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) warns that House Democrats’ real aim is to use the criminalization of private gun sales to set up a national gun registry.

.@Jim_Jordan is back to reiterate how dangerous #HR8 and #HR1112 really are. "Universal" background checks lead to a national registry, which leads to confiscation – plain and simple. We must fight back and contact our lawmakers. → http://bit.ly/OpposeGunControl … #2A

On January 13, 2019, Breitbart News reported that universal background checks are unenforceable without a gun registry. They are unenforceable without such a registry because the government must know the location of every gun and the name of every gun owner in order to know for certain that guns are not changing hands under the radar.

Rep. Jordan is warning that the Democrats will not stop with a registry, but will continue down the road and add confiscation as well. That is the very pattern that was followed in California, where Second Amendment rights now hang by a thread.

My take: We all knew it already, but it's worth repeating.

Doc Safari
02-27-19, 17:32
Well, it passed the House:


The House on Wednesday passed legislation to expand gun-purchase background check requirements to cover virtually all gun sales and most firearms transfers, taking its most far-reaching steps in years on gun control.

The bill passed 240-190, after which gun control advocates who were on hand to observe the vote applauded in the House chamber. Eight Republicans voted yes, and two Democrats voted no.

Though some House Republicans crossed the aisle to support the bill, it’s unlikely to become law anytime soon with the GOP in control of the U.S. Senate and the White House.

My take: Don't go back to sleep. Anything could happen.

02-27-19, 19:03
It's interesting that this is at the same time one of the least offensive and most damaging laws. It is least offensive because on the face of it, and probably why it is popular even with 'gun' people, is that on the face it doesn't restrict anything. Most people aren't buying and selling used guns, so all their gun (new) transfers are from an FFL. Where's the problem people will say. Of course, we all know that this is just the next step to registration because once this doesn't 'work' it will be blamed on that we don't know where the guns are now.

Every time we push off UBCs for another time, the real net effect is that we put off their push for registration for another few years. And from there we know that confiscation might be next, but I think it would more likely be titration: a slow roll of every five years the need to turn in the current baddy, starting with 50cals then to 'AW', then to 'sniper rifles'.

I think the most effective way to fight this is to ask what is being done with the current people who break the law and fail a BGC? How about we start prosecution those people before we get a new shiny law.

02-27-19, 20:58
It's been said before;
"Come and Take 'em."

02-28-19, 02:48
It's been said before;
"Come and Take 'em."The msm will invent/fake crimes to cover up the true nature of the confiscations. Law abiding citizens will become "criminals" instantly to justify the leftists actions.

Doc Safari
02-28-19, 09:24
Here's reason to actually fear this stuff:


The convergence of Democrats around the universal background check bill partly derives from the overwhelming public backing for the measure, which usually exceeds 80% support in polls. (The bill would close what's called "the gun show loophole" by including such venues, which are now exempt, in the requirement for background checks on all guns sold through licensed dealers.) But the Democratic consensus also reflects a larger shift in the party whose implications extend far beyond issues relating to guns.

Compared with the 1990s or even the early 2000s, House Democrats today are far less dependent on districts with large numbers of culturally conservative blue-collar and rural voters. Instead, the party's new majority is centered on urban and suburban districts that are either racially diverse, well educated, or both.
The willingness, even eagerness, of most House Democrats to embrace new gun control measures highlights how the party's evolution into a metropolitan-based coalition is shifting its incentives -- and reconfiguring its central fault line. For years, social and cultural issues -- ranging from abortion, gay rights and guns to questions of racial equity and immigration -- created the most difficult divisions for a Democratic House caucus trying to protect a large number of rural and Southern seats.

But those social issues are likely to prove much less divisive for today's metro-centered party.

Over time, the evidence grew more irrefutable that by abandoning gun control, Democrats were trying to placate voters they had already lost, while slighting the voters they were attracting. In the latest polling from the nonpartisan Pew Research Center, for instance, two-thirds of nonwhite adults, nearly two-thirds of college-educated white women and a majority of college-educated white men all said it was more important to control gun ownership than to protect gun rights...

And in 2018, dozens of Democratic challengers in House races touted their support for additional gun control measures, particularly the universal background checks. On Election Day, 40 Democratic challengers beat Republican incumbents with strong records of supporting the NRA, according to Giffords' calculations.

"Forty Democrats were elected to replace Republicans and almost every one of them made gun safety an issue in their campaign," said Deutch.
The key to the shifting politics of guns is that Democrats from such suburban seats in all parts of the country -- even the South -- are generally supporting tougher restrictions.

...more Republicans will cross over to support the background check bill than Democrats will defect to oppose it.

My take: Woe to gun owners if we lose the Senate and the presidency next time.

Any gun control measure the House approves, of course, still faces very long odds in the Senate, which is controlled by a Republican majority rooted in rural states, where gun ownership is more prevalent and the NRA is strong. But even so, a strong House vote to approve universal background checks on Wednesday would mark a milestone in the Democrats' reconfiguration into a party advancing the cultural priorities of metropolitan America.

...President Trump on Monday already warned that he will veto the bill if it clears both chambers...

My take: Don't just take comfort in this last part and think all is well. There is a cultural shift in this country with younger people supporting more gun controls and the Democrat party finally realizing how to exploit it. WAKE UP!

02-28-19, 09:44
Are you sure more young people are supporting gun control?

If anything more young people are into guns than ever. There are girls buying their own ARs now, for themselves.

Now I live in a Confederate state so I don’t know about these other bicurious, latte sipping areas but most of the people buying guns are young, black, and female.
Honestly gun control is a boomer thing.

Doc Safari
02-28-19, 09:46
Are you sure more young people are supporting gun control?

If anything more young people are into guns than ever. There are girls buying their own ARs now, for themselves.

Now I live in a Confederate state so I don’t know about these other bicurious, latte sipping areas but most of the people buying guns are young, black, and female.
Honestly gun control is a boomer thing.

I can only speak from my personal situation. My girlfriend's daughter used to love going to the range with us. I'd give her little prizes if she shot her .22 and hit the target.

Unfortunately the local school system has so turned her against firearms and gun ownership that now she won't even touch one and will probably become an anti-gun activist in years to come.

Yes, the change has been that dramatic.

I can only imagine that must be happening in household after household around this country.

02-28-19, 09:59
This is why gangster rap and trap music is saving America. A lot of white girls are going to be pursuing black males. Statistically, your girlfriends daughter is going to be one of them.

You will not find a more Molon Labe genre than hardcore, dirty south trap music. Gone are the days of Uzis and Tech 9s. They full on reference M4s and Barretts now.

Not giving up my chopper to no copper, bruh

You need to spend more time in the hood and/or prison system. These are the people secretly making America great

Doc Safari
02-28-19, 10:01
You need to spend more time in the hood and/or prison system. These are the people secretly making America great

LOL. I worked for the local prison. It should be legal just to set up artillery pieces and shell the place to rubble.

02-28-19, 10:07
So can we get someone in the Senate to add repeal of 925(d)(3), 922(r), and 922(o) to the senate version?

02-28-19, 10:15
LOL. I worked for the local prison. It should be legal just to set up artillery pieces and shell the place to rubble.

But did you hear any of the inmates talking about turning guns in?

02-28-19, 10:38
Here's reason to actually fear this stuff:


My take: Woe to gun owners if we lose the Senate and the presidency next time.

My take: Don't just take comfort in this last part and think all is well. There is a cultural shift in this country with younger people supporting more gun controls and the Democrat party finally realizing how to exploit it. WAKE UP!

My best friend told me that his son is in a rifle marksmanship program in the Boy Scouts run by the NRA in CALIFORNIA! My godson loves to shoot. I'm hoping that will carry on into adulthood.

02-28-19, 12:10
Statistically, your girlfriends daughter is going to be one of them.

Ugh. Lots of lose in that sentence.

02-28-19, 21:18
Polymer 80%'s stacked deep and a cordless drill FTW... only thing better would be having the molds and machinery to start from raw plastigoop.

Which reminds me, I better get a zillion more plastics and several cases of Pmags ordered as a personal "F*CK YOU" to our local gun-grabbers...

03-01-19, 13:49
It's interesting that this is at the same time one of the least offensive and most damaging laws. It is least offensive because on the face of it, and probably why it is popular even with 'gun' people, is that on the face it doesn't restrict anything. Most people aren't buying and selling used guns, so all their gun (new) transfers are from an FFL. Where's the problem people will say. Of course, we all know that this is just the next step to registration because once this doesn't 'work' it will be blamed on that we don't know where the guns are now.

Every time we push off UBCs for another time, the real net effect is that we put off their push for registration for another few years. And from there we know that confiscation might be next, but I think it would more likely be titration: a slow roll of every five years the need to turn in the current baddy, starting with 50cals then to 'AW', then to 'sniper rifles'.

I think the most effective way to fight this is to ask what is being done with the current people who break the law and fail a BGC? How about we start prosecution those people before we get a new shiny law.

You're joking, right? The FBI will never investigate and prosecute people for lying on a 4473, unless they go on to commit a mass murder. In most of those cases they still won't. Ever. Not even with 10 days to respond to a NICS check. Not even if they got total gun registration!

Right now the RINO's who voted for this BS are saying they won a concession, because they slipped in ICE notification on illegals. IDIOTS! ICE doesn't give a damn if some illegal tries to buy a gun! They will not investigate a single one of those attempts, unless the illegal goes on to make national news with a crime after the fact. Even then they won't prosecute for that particular crime. The RINO's won NOTHING!

The system is not designed nor intended to prevent crimes. The new laws won't and neither will the laws they demand when these don't work. As a matter of fact, the only gun law that WOULD prevent crime, is if you made it a felony for the FBI to not investigate and upon evidence of a felony, arrest and prosecute the offender. Make it a felony for the U.S. Attorney's office to decline prosecuting what is essentially a slam dunk case, when a prohibited person lies on a 4473. Make them subject to a local Grand Jury prosecution and you'd suddenly see a whole lot of prosecutions for the crime. Right now there are almost none, anywhere in the U.S.

As long as the government has blanket immunity from not enforcing the law as written, the only people who will pay are the poor schleps they decide to target for selective prosecution. That's exactly how it's been for decades now. :(

03-01-19, 21:37
Eventually leads to violence against gun owners, which begets civil war II.

Unfortunately, it is inevitable at this point.

03-02-19, 02:24
Just being on civil war two now.

I’m an old has been.
Pushing 30 years with the wife and it’s not like our 60th anniversary and ages 85 to 95 are going to be the greatest ten years of our life.
Kids are grown.
I need reading glasses, red dot sights look like a figure of eight, or a dick mod hole.
I have to adjust the focus on scopes.
When I run it looks like the six million dollar man but I’m going 6mph instead of 60.
If I do a max set on bench with what used to be an early warmup weight without feeling like I was stabbed with platypus poison while being bitten by a pit bull it’s a good workout.
I have one hole left in my IWB belt, when I’m not carrying.
Get this shit on now or I won’t be good for much.

Call me evil, but if I had the Thanos glove I really would snap my fingers.
But instead of a 50% cut at random of humans on earth, the 50% least resilient, non productive, least potentional, gun grabbing, ain’t fun, near term abortion by transsexual pegging supporters, pro increased taxes, anti freedom types would be gone.

And I would F with the laws of physics to ensure limited camera resolution, recording quality, processing speed, and data storage to the levels of 1968. I could live without what we have now in exchange for not being tracked and recorded and data collected registered every second of every day. I’d get by with BSing this same stuff with a handful of guys around a drink strewn table in a smoky VFW hall, with a box of 8 tracks in the car, a set of encyclopedias at home, and hitting the pay phone to check on the wife before going home to three channels.

03-02-19, 08:33
Just being on civil war two now.

I’m an old has been.
Pushing 30 years with the wife and it’s not like our 60th anniversary and ages 85 to 95 are going to be the greatest ten years of our life.
Kids are grown.
I need reading glasses, red dot sights look like a figure of eight, or a dick mod hole.
I have to adjust the focus on scopes.
When I run it looks like the six million dollar man but I’m going 6mph instead of 60.
If I do a max set on bench with what used to be an early warmup weight without feeling like I was stabbed with platypus poison while being bitten by a pit bull it’s a good workout.
I have one hole left in my IWB belt, when I’m not carrying.
Get this shit on now or I won’t be good for much.

Call me evil, but if I had the Thanos glove I really would snap my fingers.
But instead of a 50% cut at random of humans on earth, the 50% least resilient, non productive, least potentional, gun grabbing, ain’t fun, near term abortion by transsexual pegging supporters, pro increased taxes, anti freedom types would be gone.

And I would F with the laws of physics to ensure limited camera resolution, recording quality, processing speed, and data storage to the levels of 1968. I could live without what we have now in exchange for not being tracked and recorded and data collected registered every second of every day. I’d get by with BSing this same stuff with a handful of guys around a drink strewn table in a smoky VFW hall, with a box of 8 tracks in the car, a set of encyclopedias at home, and hitting the pay phone to check on the wife before going home to three channels.


You have hacked into my thinking, it appears.

Glad to know that I am not alone.

03-02-19, 08:50
This is why gangster rap and trap music is saving America. A lot of white girls are going to be pursuing black males. Statistically, your girlfriends daughter is going to be one of them.

You will not find a more Molon Labe genre than hardcore, dirty south trap music. Gone are the days of Uzis and Tech 9s. They full on reference M4s and Barretts now.

Not giving up my chopper to no copper, bruh

You need to spend more time in the hood and/or prison system. These are the people secretly making America great

Sorry there Fly, I ain't buying that.

03-02-19, 08:52
But did you hear any of the inmates talking about turning guns in?

You as an LEO don't see the dichotomy of an inmate (i.e. FELON) not talking about turning guns in? He isn't gonna turn in any but I'm sure he would love for you to turn yours in, that way he won't get his sorry ass shot in the course of his future endeavors.

03-02-19, 16:25
Eventually leads to violence against gun owners, which begets civil war II.

Unfortunately, it is inevitable at this point..........................................................................................................................................................................

Yep, it's coming, sooner or later !

"Listen and understand, The Democrat Party is out there, it can't be bargained with, it can't be reasoned with, it doesn't feel pain or remorse or fear, and it
absolutely will not stop until you are dead! "

03-02-19, 18:16
How many states turn true blue in 2020-2024-2028???

03-02-19, 22:14
Eventually leads to violence against gun owners, which begets civil war II.

Unfortunately, it is inevitable at this point..........................................................................................................................................................................

Yep, it's coming, sooner or later !

Sure it is, but I have said repeatedly on this forum that the United States will be comprised of thousands of little enclaves of Freedom and Resistance. Take a look at the current County Map of New Mexico. The Counties in Green are Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties, where the County Commissions and Sheriffs have defied State government plans for greater gun control. My ranch borders Harding County. Click for larger picture. The stars on the map are 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Cities, even within counties which haven't voted yet for that status:


03-02-19, 22:20
Rep Says Democrat Gun Legislation is Really About Registration


Democrat gun legislation is about registration. Registration is about confiscation and eradication.

Republican gun control appeasement is about letting the Democrats get one step closer to their goal without seeming like the bad guy.