View Full Version : Chickenlooper throws his hat in the ring...

03-04-19, 14:33
I can see the NRA donation ads being drawn up as I type...


Doc Safari
03-04-19, 14:57
So Lickenpooper is running.

If you can actually hear the phrase "President Hickenlooper" in your head without laughing then I suspect you are part of a teeny, TINY minority.

03-04-19, 21:04
At this rate they'll have more running than the GOP did last go around.

03-04-19, 21:10
The saddest thing is that Hickenlooper is one of the more sane, but not totally sane, Dems running for POTUS. The field is so far left, Hickenloper or Bennet don't have a chance. He could be dangerous, but the Dems are full left stupid so he'll fall out early. Maybe a VP.

03-04-19, 21:15
Fvck that cuck! He needs to EABOD’s and choke to death so the world can be a better place.

Most of his dick moves here in CO were to position himself on a D ticket for Prez.

^That’s the nicest most toned down version of what I really wanted to say...

3 AE
03-04-19, 21:27
Fvck that cuck! He needs to EABOD’s and choke to death so the world can be a better place.

Most of his dick moves here in CO were to position himself on a D ticket for Prez.

^That’s the nicest most toned down version of what I really wanted to say...

I sure as hell respect you for saying it.

03-04-19, 22:18
Remember when he said he made an “f-Ins mistake” at a press conference for signing all those 2013 gun laws based on a promise to a staffer. He admitted he was ignorant when he signed them. And then never said a peep about fixing his mistake?

Presidential material.

03-05-19, 05:40
Remember when he said he made an “f-Ins mistake” at a press conference for signing all those 2013 gun laws based on a promise to a staffer. He admitted he was ignorant when he signed them. And then never said a peep about fixing his mistake?

Presidential material.

Actually, I don't know how true it would have worked out, but from what IIRC, he was willing to move the ban back from 15 to 30, but Dudley at RMGO kiboshed it by threatening to primary any GOPers that supported it. I understand that any infraction is a bad, but less worse is less worse. The dems have learned to move the football three yards and run the play again. Getting a dem gov to actually go in that direction would have been an unprecedented change.

At the same time, saying that Hick is effective and a good pol totally ignores the absolute crap show the state GOP is in CO. Problems with major demographic shifts and transplants, but the CO GOP is a pretty much a non-entity.

03-05-19, 05:43
He flip-flopped and betrayed Colorado. Eff him.

03-05-19, 07:55
He's kind of like BHO in that I don't think he has a strong drive to do anything in politics, he just likes the titles. He was Denver Mayor, he got to be gov, running for POTUS, which he can't win, will take up sometime and give him some national exposure in hope of a cabinet job or maybe even VP. Running against Gardner for the Senate seat would be real work. Running for POTUS is like show business for ugly people.

03-05-19, 08:15
So Lickenpooper is running.

If you can actually hear the phrase "President Hickenlooper" in your head without laughing then I suspect you are part of a teeny, TINY minority.

Jon Stewart would say basically the same thing about all of the Republicans that threw their hats in in '08 and '12, e.g. "President Tancredo".

The saddest thing is that Hickenlooper is one of the more sane, but not totally sane, Dems running for POTUS. The field is so far left, Hickenloper or Bennet don't have a chance. He could be dangerous, but the Dems are full left stupid so he'll fall out early. Maybe a VP.

That's the main reason I can't wait for this Dem primary. I absolutely love that with the exception of a handful, they're racing to the left as fast as they can. Add into that the same group of people who said they wouldn't vote for Trump the first time around, yet they did, and I can easily see 4 more years of 45. Granted, I expect the herd will have thinned considerably after even the Iowa straw poll, but the things the presumed legit candidates are saying now is pure gold for a general election.

03-05-19, 08:21
Oh yeah, good ol Lickenpooper, one of the reasons Magpul left Colorado. You should see the sign boards that have gone up on the road between Boulder and Denver. The AR15 billboards.......right out of 1984.

03-07-19, 10:37
Isn't he the shitbag that hired illegals to work in his restaurant and one of them was convicted of murdering a cop?