View Full Version : Anyone ever visited a legit Psychic medium?

03-08-19, 10:08
As questioned. I mean a person that sat in front of you and told 50 things spot on with names numbers etc. I mean told you stuff about your family you didn’t know but you family later verified. I mean hit the nail on the head with 10 family members and friends.

Nothing vague nothing mushy. I’ve heard of such a person, I’m not recommending anybody to anyone. Just a question.

Anyone ever?


Doc Safari
03-08-19, 10:24
As questioned. I mean a person that sat in front of you and told 50 things spot on with names numbers etc. I mean told you stuff about your family you didn’t know but you family later verified. I mean hit the nail on the head with 10 family members and friends.

Nothing vague nothing mushy. I’ve heard of such a person, I’m not recommending anybody to anyone. Just a question.

Anyone ever?



When I was in high school a fellow student claimed to be a medium with a familiar spirit. She told me some things that I was thinking but hadn't shared with anyone. She predicted my future about a particular thing that I didn't want to happen.

What that started was years of Hell as I was intermittenly contacted by an entity over the years trying to influence me to do things to bring that "prediction" to pass. I had to develop a closer relationship with God through Jesus Christ to beat the entity's "prophecy" and survive its harassment. To this day it still tries to come back into my life but it knows its effectiveness ended long ago. Now I just resist its influence and it flees again for a few years.

I REPEAT: Do NOT fool around with this stuff.

03-08-19, 10:33
As questioned. I mean a person that sat in front of you and told 50 things spot on with names numbers etc. I mean told you stuff about your family you didn’t know but you family later verified. I mean hit the nail on the head with 10 family members and friends.

Nothing vague nothing mushy. I’ve heard of such a person, I’m not recommending anybody to anyone. Just a question.

Anyone ever?


Never went to a Psychic medium but did see a Psychic small once.......... Small as in minded. It was very funny. By the time I was done with her she lost her composer and told me to leave..... :jester:

03-08-19, 10:39
All cold readings are based in heuristics and affect.

Anyone with a background in body language and confabulation can seem like they know everything about you.

AKA Jedi Mind Tricks. I do it all the time and I am not even good at it like some people who are profiling experts

03-08-19, 10:48
I do believe that there are people who fool around with the supernatural, and it doesn't end well. It's not like they suddenly start speaking Latin and spitting up pea soup or anything, but I don't think it's something to mess with. This includes stuff like Ouija.

That being said, I agree with Firefly; most of this stuff is mentalism. Anybody can read anyone if they know people and body language well. But some people are just more adept at it. Some of those people do useful stuff like become counselors, psychologists, detectives, profilers, etc. Others dedicate it to being entertainers like mediums or magicians.

03-08-19, 10:50
AKA Jedi Mind Tricks. I do it all the time and I am not even good at it like some people who are profiling experts

That just made me think of Eddie Murphy/Mr. T in Raw after a stabbing article a couple of hours ago made me think of Mr. T in Delirious.

03-08-19, 11:14
Interesting. This lady also acts as counselor and uses her gift to help. Withholds negative crap. I’m surprised so many folks had some experience, much less such intense experience.


Doc Safari
03-08-19, 11:20
Interesting. This lady also acts as counselor and uses her gift to help. Withholds negative crap. I’m surprised so many folks had some experience, much less such intense experience.


I can't speak to your/her situation specifically, but I think you will find that such a "gift" stems from demonic influence most of the time. It might seem harmless but if you were to follow her contacts over a period of time you might find their lives eventually experience some very negative things because her counseling opened the door to an evil influence.

I would avoid letting her use her "gift" on you at all costs. Even if she claims to be a Christian or otherwise "religious" that's often a cover for some very bad juju.

The fellow classmate who "did a reading" for me claimed to be a Christian and in my ignorance I only found out later that having a familiar spirit (or "spirit guide" as she termed it) is very much NOT a part of Christian belief.

Too late. I found out the hard way.

Although I forgive her and hope she learned the error of her ways, there is no question in my mind that opened the door to evil.

03-08-19, 11:22
No such thing as a legit psychic

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-08-19, 14:04
Sounds like a witch doctor. No way I’d allow anyone to do that. Have the next one cast roots

03-08-19, 14:50
All cold readings are based in heuristics and affect.

Anyone with a background in body language and confabulation can seem like they know everything about you.

AKA Jedi Mind Tricks. I do it all the time and I am not even good at it like some people who are profiling experts

True. I took a psychology class in college where we did an exercise that proved such. We all filled out a short questionnaire and turned it in. A couple of days later we were handed a sealed envelope with our name on it. We opened and read them silently. The professor then asked if the packet contained personal information on our thoughts, feelings and basic self inflection. Everyone raised their hands, at which point he told us to exchange papers with the person next to us. Turned out everyone had received identical packets. Going back to the question at hand I would recommend staying away from soothsayers and psychics as it may open a realm that is dangerous.

03-08-19, 16:15
I have a friend who came home to his brand new wife and one of her Lady friends playing with a Ouija board.
The Wife asks "How much money does Frank have in his pocket?" They got it down to the exact dollar amount. Frank went over and broke the board and said "Never Again."
Some stuff you just don't mess with.

03-08-19, 17:24
All cold readings are based in heuristics and affect.

Anyone with a background in body language and confabulation can seem like they know everything about you.

AKA Jedi Mind Tricks. I do it all the time and I am not even good at it like some people who are profiling experts

Everything I've seen and experienced leads me to this same conclusion. If people have certain beliefs, they generally tend to project those beliefs on what they are witnessing. If I truly believe I have a guardian angel, I will attribute every close call to that entity rather than luck of the draw or personal ability that managed to result in self preservation one more time even if it was rather close. At the same time if I believe in devils, demons and boogeymen I'm far more likely to attribute the bad things that I experience to that.

I've seen strange things, I've seen things I can't explain and I've even seen ongoing patterns that seem to exceed random probability but I'm not ready to accept "forces at work" other than the things that we know exist.

But if you believe in Ouiji boards, you are probably going to believe in the influence of Ouiji boards. It's kind of like a self fulfilling prophecy.

03-08-19, 17:32
Vs the non legit ones? :rolleyes:

Doc Safari
03-08-19, 17:52
Everything I've seen and experienced leads me to this same conclusion. If people have certain beliefs, they generally tend to project those beliefs on what they are witnessing. If I truly believe I have a guardian angel, I will attribute every close call to that entity rather than luck of the draw or personal ability that managed to result in self preservation one more time even if it was rather close. At the same time if I believe in devils, demons and boogeymen I'm far more likely to attribute the bad things that I experience to that.

I've seen strange things, I've seen things I can't explain and I've even seen ongoing patterns that seem to exceed random probability but I'm not ready to accept "forces at work" other than the things that we know exist.

But if you believe in Ouiji boards, you are probably going to believe in the influence of Ouiji boards. It's kind of like a self fulfilling prophecy.

I have had experiences like you're talking about: Blame everything on the Devil, so to speak.

But my authentic experiences are absolutely real. No way any of it was my imagination. NO WAY.

03-08-19, 18:15
I have had experiences like you're talking about: Blame everything on the Devil, so to speak.

But my authentic experiences are absolutely real. No way any of it was my imagination. NO WAY.

Gonna have to take your word for that, I have not had such experiences.

03-08-19, 18:18

When I was in high school a fellow student claimed to be a medium with a familiar spirit. She told me some things that I was thinking but hadn't shared with anyone. She predicted my future about a particular thing that I didn't want to happen.

What that started was years of Hell as I was intermittenly contacted by an entity over the years trying to influence me to do things to bring that "prediction" to pass. I had to develop a closer relationship with God through Jesus Christ to beat the entity's "prophecy" and survive its harassment. To this day it still tries to come back into my life but it knows its effectiveness ended long ago. Now I just resist its influence and it flees again for a few years.

I REPEAT: Do NOT fool around with this stuff.

MY TAKE: How did I know you would be posting something like this?

03-08-19, 18:27
I have had experiences like you're talking about: Blame everything on the Devil, so to speak.

But my authentic experiences are absolutely real. No way any of it was my imagination. NO WAY.

This is the way a lot of us old Spanish families have been raised in rural New Mexico. Lots of superstition, belief in Witches, Demons, etc. My family was Catholic for centuries before they left the faith in the early 1900's. I consider myself an Evangelical Christian, but I have my own ideas about literal interpretation of the Bible and that puts me at odds with most Churches. That being said, I have no issue with the belief in an all powerful, all seeing, all knowing God or Supreme Being. I have just found that people ruin religion and add too much of themselves instead of a purer attempt at interaction with God.

03-08-19, 19:03
About two weeks ago I was awakened right around 5AM by music playing. It sounded like one of those jewelry boxes that plays when you open it. I sat up in bed like "WTF?" Fortunately my wife was in bed too (she works night shift so isn't there sometimes) and I said "Do you hear that?" She said "Yeah." It only lasted maybe 10 seconds or so tops, and having been awakened I was still drowsy so rolled back over went back to sleep.

When I got up and was having my morning cup of coffee I asked her if she recalled that music. She said she had and that she had actually been awake for a little while but was just lying there trying to go back to sleep. I asked if she had a jewelry box or such in her dresser. We walked into the bedroom and she said "No I don't, but this is where the music came from". She picked up a glass "globe" off of the back of [I]my dresser with a figurine in it that has sparkly stuff if you shake it up. Kinda like those Christmas ones that have "snow" in them and a snowman, only this one was heavy-duty, not plastic, and had a clown in it (yeah, creepy enough!).

It had been my sister's. She died in 1998 at the age of 23. My mom had told us to grab a memento when we went back to Ohio for the funeral and my wife grabbed this thing. My sister was into clowns and had a bunch of stuff in a glass display case. So I told my wife "Okay, but I heard music". She flipped it upside down and there was a wind-up music key. She gave it a turn or two (it's a pretty stiff spring in it too) and lo and behold it played the same damn music I'd been awakened by. It still had a light coat of dust on it (not saying much for my wife's housekeeping!). A chill went down my back.

I don't know what it was that occurred. I don't know what it meant, if anything. The globe hadn't been touched in like forever apparently. It could be nothing. It could be evil if you believe in such things. It also could be someone saying "Hi, I'm still here". That prompted me to call my mom, brother, and sister (the twin of the one who died) to see if everything was okay. Fortunately everything was good to go with everyone.

Fellas, I'm not superstitious, religious, and am a skeptic big-time. I can't explain what happened. After my sister died there were a handful of times in the ensuing years when a certain smell would occur (kind of a strong flowery scent, just like all the flowers in that damned funeral home) and there were no flowers around me when it happened. I blew it off but it made me raise an eyebrow. This incident the other night kind of creeps me out. I'm not afraid, just a bit bewildered by it.

Go ahead, roast me for being melodramatic or cray-cray. I had no intention of posting this but this thread brought it to the front of my mind again.

Dr. Bullseye
03-08-19, 21:00
I have seen two gypsy fortune tellers. Both were almost accidental visits, nothing pre-planned. I still do not "believe" what happened. Both verified they were in fact real gypsies. The first one was so accurate years before that I really questioned the second one. She said she was a psychic. The first one was at about age 25. She described, accurately what my occupation would be but only in terms of how it would be mentally/psychologically. She turned out to be right. The second one was at about age 45. She described my personal problems with some people and described their looks and age and genders exactly. She told me about a future event which came true (unfortunately). She went back to the first reading, describing what I would do for a living, and told me my success at this was partly do to the fact that I was a little psychic also but not nearly to the extent she was.

I have no real good explanation for this.

03-08-19, 21:12
Anyone ever visited a legit Psychic medium?


03-08-19, 21:31
Vs the non legit ones? :rolleyes:


03-08-19, 21:34
Everything I've seen and experienced leads me to this same conclusion. If people have certain beliefs, they generally tend to project those beliefs on what they are witnessing. If I truly believe I have a guardian angel, I will attribute every close call to that entity rather than luck of the draw or personal ability that managed to result in self preservation one more time even if it was rather close. At the same time if I believe in devils, demons and boogeymen I'm far more likely to attribute the bad things that I experience to that.

I've seen strange things, I've seen things I can't explain and I've even seen ongoing patterns that seem to exceed random probability but I'm not ready to accept "forces at work" other than the things that we know exist.

But if you believe in Ouiji boards, you are probably going to believe in the influence of Ouiji boards. It's kind of like a self fulfilling prophecy.

This has been my experience.

I know people who believe in ghosts and demons and UFOs and seem to find them everywhere. The same things they chalk up to ghosts or demons, are just mice in the house, the house creaking as it cools in the night, coyotes/cougars/deer/other animals, IME.

To the best of my recollection, I've never had anything happen to me that couldn't be conventionally explained.

Which isn't to say that I'm not open to the possibility of such things existing - certainly UFOs absolutely exist, although explanations differ as to what the phenomena is and some are more likely than others - but I've never seen anything to suggest that supernatural phenomena actually occur. Not aliens, not ghosts, not demons nor devils nor angels.

03-08-19, 21:36
I have no real good explanation for this.

They say things that seem too specific to be random but are actually vague enough for your brain to put them where they fit. Because that's how your brain works, always looking for a pattern as a way to react to something faster.

03-08-19, 21:41
I’m a flawed Christian. I believe that the Bible IS the word of God. If you believe the same, here are some verses on the subject.


03-08-19, 22:19
On occasion you see on TV commercials for California Psychics. Apparently the Golden State has the best fortune tellers to be had on an 800 number. My experience with psychics has been limited to the county fair and some Carny offering to guess my weight or age ala Steve Martin in The Jerk:


Doc Safari
03-09-19, 08:48
MY TAKE: How did I know you would be posting something like this?

I'm actually something of an SME on this subject, but this isn't a paranormal forum so I leave it alone.

03-09-19, 09:01
UFOs, Psychics, etc... If any of it were true wouldn't there be tons of video and photo evidence out there? I think you could say that literally 99% of humans in this Earth are carrying around a cell phone with a video camera in it. But how many conclusive videos of all this paranormal stuff are out there?

03-09-19, 09:12

When I was in high school a fellow student claimed to be a medium with a familiar spirit. She told me some things that I was thinking but hadn't shared with anyone. She predicted my future about a particular thing that I didn't want to happen.

What that started was years of Hell as I was intermittenly contacted by an entity over the years trying to influence me to do things to bring that "prediction" to pass. I had to develop a closer relationship with God through Jesus Christ to beat the entity's "prophecy" and survive its harassment. To this day it still tries to come back into my life but it knows its effectiveness ended long ago. Now I just resist its influence and it flees again for a few years.

I REPEAT: Do NOT fool around with this stuff.

How can you be sure you are not suffering from a mental illness?

Doc Safari
03-09-19, 09:31
How can you be sure you are not suffering from a mental illness?

You know I get that people don't believe in this stuff and that's why people who experience such things don't talk about them.

You don't know me and my background or how many times I've passed psychological tests.

I'm sure a lot of people on this forum think any religious or supernatural beliefs or experiences are mental illness.

03-09-19, 09:38
Call me agnostic on the subject. My ex-wife had some of what one might call "intuitive" ability. Not a psychic nor something she could concentrate on and make it happen. Just random stuff that freaked out the family that absolutely was not explainable.
Example: sitting at dinner with wife and mother/father in law, having a normal what did you do today conversation, wife gets quiet with a funny thousand yard stare on her face. In laws were like uh-oh (they had experienced this before and hated/feared it- this was a first for me). Then after this lasted for about 5 very long seconds, wife looks at FIL and says "answer the phone it's Aunt Judy. Now Aunt Judy is in Kansas (we are in CA) and Aunt Judy had a falling out with the family some 10-15 years prior and did not speak to anyone. Also, mindful this is in the days before internet and cell phones, just land lines. Anyway, in about 20-30 seconds after wife's declaration the phone rings and it's Aunt Judy from Kansas calling for my FIL. Strange things happen. It's unexplained and creepy for sure. But wife had never spoken to Aunt Judy in her life since she was a toddler. There was just no way possible for her to know this was happening and the timing was just incredible.

03-09-19, 09:45
You know I get that people don't believe in this stuff and that's why people who experience such things don't talk about them.

You don't know me and my background or how many times I've passed psychological tests.

I'm sure a lot of people on this forum think any religious or supernatural beliefs or experiences are mental illness.

I may not be the best example of a Christian, but I honestly believed my faith in God, Supreme Being, etc. got me thru a lot in some of the places and engagements I participated in. I also believe there is a lot that goes on that exceeds our knowledge of the natural world.

If any of you want to actually experience something extra-ordinary, I suggest a visit to the La Fonda Hotel in Santa Fe. It sits on a corner where there has been a hotel of some sort since the 1600's. In particular, ask for room 524. It's a two-room suite with a Kiva Fireplace in the sitting room. This room has a history of odd things happening, mainly the moving of personal items outside of their positions in the middle of the night. That room has a long history of incidents.

In 2010 the wife and I had that room. We did not know it's history until later. It was a Saturday night and we were to be up Sunday morning for a meeting. Our alarms on both a separate digital alarm and the one on the wife's phone were set to 6:30am. At exactly 3:00am, both alarms started ringing at the same time. This has never happened before, and never happened since. I have no explanation except that something un-natural was involved.

03-09-19, 09:50
I have seen two gypsy fortune tellers. Both were almost accidental visits, nothing pre-planned. I still do not "believe" what happened. Both verified they were in fact real gypsies. The first one was so accurate years before that I really questioned the second one. She said she was a psychic. The first one was at about age 25. She described, accurately what my occupation would be but only in terms of how it would be mentally/psychologically. She turned out to be right. The second one was at about age 45. She described my personal problems with some people and described their looks and age and genders exactly. She told me about a future event which came true (unfortunately). She went back to the first reading, describing what I would do for a living, and told me my success at this was partly do to the fact that I was a little psychic also but not nearly to the extent she was.

I have no real good explanation for this.

While I still don't buy it, I do enjoy stories like that. For me to believe, the person would have to give some incredibly detailed info, not unlike what Hoodini and his wife attempted to do, and they all failed. But, I enjoy ghost stories, spirit stories, big foot stories, and so forth, and while highly skeptical of it all, I don't close the door to the possibilities. My sister swears on her life my father came to visit her after he died and was literally standing there and told her things were fine, and he was fine, and was gone.

Do I think that really happened? No, I do not. The human brain is fully capable of generating visual and auditory experiences, even in a full awake state, and I think in her grief, her unconscious mind made that happen.

I have ad some dreams where my mother has come to visit me, and they felt very real, not like a typical dream. I'm at 99% simple dream, 1% possibility maybe my mother inserted herself into a dream to say hello.

The UFO thing is a totally different animal in my book, as we have no lack of hard radar contacts, groups of people seeing them, highly experienced people, such as fighter pilots, astronauts, people at nuke bases, etc seeing them and so forth. The U in UFO still applies, but it's damn sure not swamp gas no weather balloons, etc.

03-09-19, 10:07
I think there is some science behind female intuition as women tend to look at things different than men and be a bit more leery overall.

Men focus on one thing, women look at everything.

But psychics are not real

03-09-19, 10:43
I’m a flawed Christian. I believe that the Bible IS the word of God. If you believe the same, here are some verses on the subject.


Joseph (of the many-colored coat) interpreted dreams and predicted the future through God.

03-09-19, 17:43
Nope. Never have, never will. That sh1t is evil with a capital “E”.

03-09-19, 17:43
While I still don't buy it, I do enjoy stories like that. For me to believe, the person would have to give some incredibly detailed info, not unlike what Hoodini and his wife attempted to do, and they all failed. But, I enjoy ghost stories, spirit stories, big foot stories, and so forth, and while highly skeptical of it all, I don't close the door to the possibilities. My sister swears on her life my father came to visit her after he died and was literally standing there and told her things were fine, and he was fine, and was gone.

Do I think that really happened? No, I do not. The human brain is fully capable of generating visual and auditory experiences, even in a full awake state, and I think in her grief, her unconscious mind made that happen.

I have ad some dreams where my mother has come to visit me, and they felt very real, not like a typical dream. I'm at 99% simple dream, 1% possibility maybe my mother inserted herself into a dream to say hello.

For me, it comes down to this. Where were all the psychics the first week of September 2001?

03-09-19, 17:52
For me, it comes down to this. Where were all the psychics the first week of September 2001?

Ripping people off and as surprised as the rest of us I suspect. Of course some have claimed they knew and attempted to warn about it:


03-09-19, 18:06
For me, it comes down to this. Where were all the psychics the first week of September 2001?

You say that but think about this....

Let's pretend psychic powers exist(they don't). You are a psychic. You know 9/11 is going to happen. You start calling the FBI, NYC police, FAA, anybody you can think of.

You will either be considered crazy or a suspect.

Same if you tried to prevent an assassination.

Actually, that is what I liked about The Dead Zone. It kinda portrayed that. Dude knows if Martin Sheen is elected that he will launch the nukes. No one believes him so he tries to assassinate him.

Now all that said...lets take it to a grey area. Let's say God talks explicitly to people.

Most likely he really is talking to the disheveled guy with the piss stained pants flailing his arms with a death grip on an old tattered Bible moreso than He is the Pope or some dude at a megachurch.

I will and have actually stoodby for manic street preachers and the ones who are legit-legit are the ones who toss money you give to them back at you and shout "NO! NO, YOU DAMNED FOOL! GOD GIVES ALL I NEED! SAVE YOUR SELF! SAVE YOUR SOUL!"

I mean if you knew everything in the world; it would drive you to madness.

03-09-19, 20:08
You say that but think about this....

Let's pretend psychic powers exist(they don't). You are a psychic. You know 9/11 is going to happen. You start calling the FBI, NYC police, FAA, anybody you can think of.

You will either be considered crazy or a suspect.

If psychic powers existed, government organizations (like the FBI, CIA, NSA, &c.) would scoop them all up and put them to work.

IIRC, the CIA did try to use psychics to spy on the Soviet Union... it was a spectacular failure.

Instead of stopping attacks using psychics to catch actual terrorists on the eve of their attacks, the government has to arm would-be terrorists with non-functional guns and non-functional explosives in order to arrest them.

03-09-19, 22:09
I don't mean to offend, but I just don't understand how people still believe in hocus-pocus and flat earth in this information-overload age.

03-09-19, 23:27
Messing around with the Occult is a bad deal. Became a Christian later in life. Used to do dowsing to find buried utilities (witching). It works but in looking into it and how it is done by "professional" diviners it gets into spirits and some cray cray stuff.
Going to a medium is evil stuff. Yes you are dealing with something much bigger than you and are inviting evil into your life. Belief in Christ and reliance upon Him will do you well. If God wants you to know something He will get a message to you.
As to the comment of Joseph interpreting dreams, that was through God's doing and all credit was given to God by Joseph.

03-10-19, 00:04
I don't mean to offend, but I just don't understand how people still believe in hocus-pocus and flat earth in this information-overload age.

The "interesting idea" will always defeat the "logical conclusion."

This is why many people insist that aliens built the pyramids. Personally I'd be completely disappointed that IF an alien culture came to this planet they couldn't build anything more sophisticated than a simple structure that children build with wooden blocks. I'd want to see some kind of Frank Lloyd Wright inspiration.

Straight Shooter
03-10-19, 00:05
Messing around with the Occult is a bad deal. Became a Christian later in life. Used to do dowsing to find buried utilities (witching). It works but in looking into it and how it is done by "professional" diviners it gets into spirits and some cray cray stuff.
Going to a medium is evil stuff. Yes you are dealing with something much bigger than you and are inviting evil into your life. Belief in Christ and reliance upon Him will do you well. If God wants you to know something He will get a message to you.
As to the comment of Joseph interpreting dreams, that was through God's doing and all credit was given to God by Joseph.

AMEN. Im telling yall now...Christ will reveal to you somehow all you need to do & know. We arent SUPPOSED to know every damn thing.
As a Christian- I full well believe there are mediums/psychics ect because we are warned dozens of times in the Bible to STAY AWAY FROM THEM. Theres a reason for that: they are of Satan.
And I can never understand why or how some people can easily believe in a psychic and not in Jesus Christ.

03-10-19, 00:09
You say that but think about this....

Let's pretend psychic powers exist(they don't). You are a psychic. You know 9/11 is going to happen. You start calling the FBI, NYC police, FAA, anybody you can think of.

You will either be considered crazy or a suspect.

Same if you tried to prevent an assassination.

Actually, that is what I liked about The Dead Zone. It kinda portrayed that. Dude knows if Martin Sheen is elected that he will launch the nukes. No one believes him so he tries to assassinate him.

Now all that said...lets take it to a grey area. Let's say God talks explicitly to people.

Most likely he really is talking to the disheveled guy with the piss stained pants flailing his arms with a death grip on an old tattered Bible moreso than He is the Pope or some dude at a megachurch.

I will and have actually stoodby for manic street preachers and the ones who are legit-legit are the ones who toss money you give to them back at you and shout "NO! NO, YOU DAMNED FOOL! GOD GIVES ALL I NEED! SAVE YOUR SELF! SAVE YOUR SOUL!"

I mean if you knew everything in the world; it would drive you to madness.

Some fringe newspaper would publish it and that person would be famous forever as the WORLDS FIRST REAL PSYCHIC.

And as Raven pointed out, many government agencies explored this stuff and pretty much realized there isn't much there. Crowley mysticism has a more proven track record, some of his devotees actually worked at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

03-10-19, 00:31
About two weeks ago I was awakened right around 5AM by music playing. It sounded like one of those jewelry boxes that plays when you open it. I sat up in bed like "WTF?" Fortunately my wife was in bed too (she works night shift so isn't there sometimes) and I said "Do you hear that?" She said "Yeah." It only lasted maybe 10 seconds or so tops, and having been awakened I was still drowsy so rolled back over went back to sleep.

When I got up and was having my morning cup of coffee I asked her if she recalled that music. She said she had and that she had actually been awake for a little while but was just lying there trying to go back to sleep. I asked if she had a jewelry box or such in her dresser. We walked into the bedroom and she said "No I don't, but this is where the music came from". She picked up a glass "globe" off of the back of [I]my dresser with a figurine in it that has sparkly stuff if you shake it up. Kinda like those Christmas ones that have "snow" in them and a snowman, only this one was heavy-duty, not plastic, and had a clown in it (yeah, creepy enough!).

It had been my sister's. She died in 1998 at the age of 23. My mom had told us to grab a memento when we went back to Ohio for the funeral and my wife grabbed this thing. My sister was into clowns and had a bunch of stuff in a glass display case. So I told my wife "Okay, but I heard music". She flipped it upside down and there was a wind-up music key. She gave it a turn or two (it's a pretty stiff spring in it too) and lo and behold it played the same damn music I'd been awakened by. It still had a light coat of dust on it (not saying much for my wife's housekeeping!). A chill went down my back.

I don't know what it was that occurred. I don't know what it meant, if anything. The globe hadn't been touched in like forever apparently. It could be nothing. It could be evil if you believe in such things. It also could be someone saying "Hi, I'm still here". That prompted me to call my mom, brother, and sister (the twin of the one who died) to see if everything was okay. Fortunately everything was good to go with everyone.

Fellas, I'm not superstitious, religious, and am a skeptic big-time. I can't explain what happened. After my sister died there were a handful of times in the ensuing years when a certain smell would occur (kind of a strong flowery scent, just like all the flowers in that damned funeral home) and there were no flowers around me when it happened. I blew it off but it made me raise an eyebrow. This incident the other night kind of creeps me out. I'm not afraid, just a bit bewildered by it.

Go ahead, roast me for being melodramatic or cray-cray. I had no intention of posting this but this thread brought it to the front of my mind again.

I have a rational explanation.

Probably the springs decompressing after decades of being wound up. Hope that makes you feel better lol

03-10-19, 01:13
In all seriousness, I get very scared watching demonic horror movies. Hereditary got me pretty good for days. I don't necessarily believe in that stuff, which is why it perplexes me that I scare so easily with it.

But, and I am not trying to sound like some 70's cop movie grizzled detective, I've seen the real horrors of life: what one human can do to another. It reminds me that I have never seen a ghost hurt somebody, but I have certainly seen the animalistic side of man. That is truly terrifying, and makes the hocus-pocus gobbledy-goo seem pretty silly.

03-10-19, 07:42
In all seriousness, I get very scared watching demonic horror movies. Hereditary got me pretty good for days. I don't necessarily believe in that stuff, which is why it perplexes me that I scare so easily with it.

But, and I am not trying to sound like some 70's cop movie grizzled detective, I've seen the real horrors of life: what one human can do to another. It reminds me that I have never seen a ghost hurt somebody, but I have certainly seen the animalistic side of man. That is truly terrifying, and makes the hocus-pocus gobbledy-goo seem pretty silly.

Would you entertain the idea that the demonic hatred for mankind, which replaced them as His’s favorite, is able to reach through those who are receptive or otherwise alienated from Him, to do great harm in this realm? Not every time, as there are deranged people as well. I think “one size fits all,” whether this topic or UFOs is too narrow. What are your thoughts there?

03-10-19, 08:37
I have a rational explanation.

Probably the springs decompressing after decades of being wound up. Hope that makes you feel better lol

Could very well be the case, I have no idea.

03-10-19, 08:42
:lol: at the concept of “legit Psychic medium”.

03-10-19, 09:23
In all seriousness, I get very scared watching demonic horror movies. Hereditary got me pretty good for days. I don't necessarily believe in that stuff, which is why it perplexes me that I scare so easily with it.

But, and I am not trying to sound like some 70's cop movie grizzled detective, I've seen the real horrors of life: what one human can do to another. It reminds me that I have never seen a ghost hurt somebody, but I have certainly seen the animalistic side of man. That is truly terrifying, and makes the hocus-pocus gobbledy-goo seem pretty silly.

Poltergeists do :cool:

03-10-19, 09:24
The one time I visited a psychic medium she predicted many things. Some of her predictions came true some of them didn't. What she did not predict was my encounter with Sasquatch a few months later. That was such a monumental life changing event yet she didn't see it coming. That was all the evidence I needed to know that all psychic mediums are charlatans.

Doc Safari
03-10-19, 11:05
I don't mean to offend, but I just don't understand how people still believe in hocus-pocus and flat earth in this information-overload age.

Nobody expects to get cancer either. I understand the unbelief. A lot of people are completely baffled that people could believe in such hooey--until they experience it for themselves.

03-10-19, 11:46
Nobody expects to get cancer either. I understand the unbelief. A lot of people are completely baffled that people could believe in such hooey--until they experience it for themselves.

Best of my knowledge, no one has experienced the flat earth, so some things people don't apparently have to experience something to believe in it. For myself, I try to remain agnostic about some of it, but as a scientist type, will need to experience it myself and or see the hard objective support for it. As there is, and never will be, support for a flat earth, I consider such people, to use a scientific term "blithering morons." I am fascinated by NDE's and have read several books on the topic (which I posted reviews of here I recall), UFOs, and other phenomena not easily dismissed. I wanna believe in Big Foot, but feel at this point, if such a creature exist, someone would have nabbed one by now.

03-10-19, 11:58
Nobody expects to get cancer either. I understand the unbelief. A lot of people are completely baffled that people could believe in such hooey--until they experience it for themselves.
Huh? Cancer is a real thing. Proven. Demonstrated. Over, over, over again. The biology is understood. Unlike psychic mediums, demons, or institutionalized ritual superstition, none of which has any science behind it.


03-10-19, 13:09
Nobody expects to get cancer either. I understand the unbelief. A lot of people are completely baffled that people could believe in such hooey--until they experience it for themselves.

MY TAKE: That's a pretty ridiculous comparison. Nobody expects to win the mega-jackpot lottery after never having bough a ticket, that may be more in line with what you are talking about.

03-10-19, 13:17
Until some Psycho Mantis dude in a gimp suit flies up to me, levitates, and tells me how much I like to play Castlevania and how many terabytes of tranny clips.....it is super safe to say psychics are total BS.

Having seen a loved one wither away and die after fighting tooth and nail against cancer kinda makes the comparison super retarded, autistic AF, and actually kinda pisses me off for real

03-10-19, 13:38
I believe psychics that appear to be on target and not using some trickery are open to receiving from familiars. Doc touched on that. There are legitimate Christian ministers that are gifted in word of knowledge and prophecy. I was involved with a few in ministry throughout the late 80s and 90s. Your mail (not physical mail but personal details) can be read if it is revealed to these ministers and they are motivated to minister the word. I've witnessed too much to have any doubt and cannot be convinced otherwise. Much that has been ministered to my family has come to pass exactly as spoken. Sure, there are false prophets, no shortage but there the are legitimate also.

Matthew 10:41

He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward.

03-10-19, 13:49
I believe psychics that appear to be on target and not using some trickery are open to receiving from familiars. Doc touched on that. There are legitimate Christian ministers that are gifted in word of knowledge and prophecy. I was involved with a few in ministry throughout the late 80s and 90s. Your mail can be read if it is revealed to these ministers and they are motivated to minister the word. I've witnessed too much to have any doubt and cannot be convinced otherwise. Much that has been ministered to my family has come to pass exactly as spoken. Sure, there are false prophets, no shortage but there the are legitimate also.

Matthew 10:41

He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward.

Not buying it. You're saying I can bring a piece of mail that's not been opened and they will read it? I will pay $10,000 on the spot to anyone who can do that. That's a legit offer. I have made similar offers RE other scams relating to my own biz, and not one company has ever taken me up on that yet. I never make such offers I know I will lose, but if they wanna match me 10K in an account, I can and will do it.

If I misread that or missed something, apologies in advance.

03-10-19, 14:02
Not buying it. You're saying I can bring a piece of mail that's not been opened and they will read it? I will pay $10,000 on the spot to anyone who can do that. That's a legit offer. I have made similar offers RE other scams relating to my own biz, and not one company has ever taken me up on that yet. I never make such offers I know I will lose, but if they wanna match me 10K in an account, I can and will do it.

If I misread that or missed something, apologies in advance.

No, not referring to actual physical mail..;) I was referring to you as a person, personal path in life and things that relate that only you would know. I should have clarified that I guess.

03-10-19, 14:09
I believe psychics that appear to be on target and not using some trickery are open to receiving from familiars. Doc touched on that. There are legitimate Christian ministers that are gifted in word of knowledge and prophecy. I was involved with a few in ministry throughout the late 80s and 90s. Your mail can be read if it is revealed to these ministers and they are motivated to minister the word. I've witnessed too much to have any doubt and cannot be convinced otherwise. Much that has been ministered to my family has come to pass exactly as spoken. Sure, there are false prophets, no shortage but there the are legitimate also.

Matthew 10:41

He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward.

Randi and Houdini beg to differ.

03-10-19, 14:15
Randi and Houdini beg to differ.

Not referring to psychics, my post refers to Christian ministries. Mucho different. Didn't Houdini attempt to talk to the dead thru medium quacks? That is a huge no no for Christian believers. Regardless, until you have an experience and see it come to pass, doubt will take it's place.

03-10-19, 14:19
Not referring to psychics, my post refers to Christian ministries. Mucho different. Didn't Houdini attempt to talk to the dead thru medium quacks? That is a huge no no for Christian believers. Regardless, until you have an experience and see it come to pass, doubt will take it's place.

Gifted in prophecy=able to see the future. Prophet=psychic. Same same.

03-10-19, 14:23
Gifted in prophecy=able to see the future. Prophet=psychic. Same same.

Same gift maybe, different masters.

Doc Safari
03-10-19, 14:30
Sorry if I upset anybody. I was just trying to make the comparison that a lot of things aren't real to you until you experience them for yourself. I've never seen Bigfoot or a UFO. I used to make fun of people that did. But I've run across negative spirits that are as real to me as running into a grizzly bear. To me their existence IS as proven as cancer.

03-10-19, 14:42
Sorry if I upset anybody. I was just trying to make the comparison that a lot of things aren't real to you until you experience them for yourself. I've never seen Bigfoot or a UFO. I used to make fun of people that did. But I've run across negative spirits that are as real to me as running into a grizzly bear. To me their existence IS as proven as cancer.

With you bro, I've experienced also from both sides of the divide. I wasn't trying to convince anyone here from my personal experiences. Until one has an experience unbelief comes easy.

Doc Safari
03-10-19, 15:15
My dad and granddad both died of cancer, but it isn't real TO ME in the sense that I don't sit around thinking I can get it too. But since I've encountered negative spirits I would decline an invitation to attend a seance because I know that stuff can be real even if it isn't always.

03-10-19, 15:16

03-10-19, 15:18
No, not referring to actual physical mail..;) I was referring to you as a person, personal path in life and things that relate that only you would know. I should have clarified that I guess.

Meaning male vs mail? Anyway, was hoping to make a quick 10k on that one. Easiest 10k ever...

03-10-19, 15:25
Meaning male vs mail? Anyway, was hoping to make a quick 10k on that one. Easiest 10k ever...

Lol.. Wish it were that easy, I'd be with you on that.. Reading mail just a term I threw out there meaning personal life experiences or path exposed / revealed. There are a ton of quacks in Christian ministries, more so than not. It's easy to sort out, check the fruit.

03-10-19, 16:09

Heydrick was a major clown who developed his sideshow tricks in prison. His only uniqueness was to incorporate martial arts and claim "psychic chi power."

03-10-19, 21:48
As questioned. I mean a person that sat in front of you and told 50 things spot on with names numbers etc. I mean told you stuff about your family you didn’t know but you family later verified. I mean hit the nail on the head with 10 family members and friends.

Nothing vague nothing mushy. I’ve heard of such a person, I’m not recommending anybody to anyone. Just a question.

Anyone ever?

PBIt can happen. A psychic was sent to see me to offer insight in a criminal investigation. She basically told me the victim knew who did it, but she gave me a lot of information about myself and the other officer that was with me.

She described my relationship with my wife, telling me that she was the love of my life, that I would have a daughter, and my only real health problem would be a bad shoulder.

She was totally wrong. The wife and I had a very rocky relationship. I was dead set on never having another child with her. A lot of people have shoulder issues.

A few years later my mother passed away. I asked my wife to have another child. With in a week my wife was pregnant. We hadn't used birth control in 10 years. We had a daughter. The middle son is 10 years older. The relationship continued to be rocky. We were separated 3 times, and most of the time I was with her it was begrudgingly. After 29 years I realized she is the love of my life. Nobody else would have stood with me through all the bad she did. My right shoulder hurts like a bitch every day. The rest of me feels great.

Believe what you want. Maybe she guessed well, maybe she knew and saw it. Haven't thought about it for years but after reading your post it made me think of that night.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

03-11-19, 08:59
My wife saw one when she was young. She told me the psychic told her a few things that were spot on. One was that she would have problems walking and that she has psychic powers of her own and should develop them. My wife is now recovering from a knee replacement surgery due to total bone on bone knee degeneration. When I knew her and then married her, which was years after her visit, she didn't have an inkling of a knee problem at all. She is only 53. Take what you want of this, but "a lucky guess" is about as nonsensical an explanation as it gets. My wife to this day will have weird thoughts on things happening that I (being very scientific and logical) will dismiss as just a passing feeling she has. She has been right on weird things more than I care to admit (to her anyway).

My grandfather was a Reverend. He was highly thought of in the community. He wasn't the best person by a long shot in his early years but told me he was given a "choice" to either turn it around or die. A telephone pole fell while working and landed on him. It split on his head. He said that was when he was given the "choice" by God and chose the better. He has performed an exorcism confirmed by many including his brother who was also a Reverend. The 12 year old girl that it was performed on died later on and did not live too many years after the exorcism. The story from his brother who tried to see the girl before my grandfather who was unavailable at the time was spooky in itself. His brother was a big, strong guy. He worked for Chevron at the time and routinely lifted full 55 gallon drums of petroleum products. He said when he got to the property he couldn't open his truck door like it was being held shut. He said once he finally got it open, he couldn't swing open the simple swing gate for the yard like something was holding it shut. Once he finally got that open he said as soon as he stepped foot in the gate, all the hair on his neck stood up like something was on him. Crazy - and he was not the story telling type. He said my Grandfather was not happy with him because if you don't know what you are doing, "it" can get you. Kind of like these mediums messing with the supernatural. Bad news.

I knew a girl that was a friend with occasional benefits that I hung out with in my younger years. She was going through some personal problems (more than she let on I guess). I asked my grandfather for a favor to talk to her about because she was having problems and help provide her some guidance. On the drive over to my Grandfather, she told me she had at times contemplated killing herself. I was shocked because I would have never guessed that she had those thoughts by the way she carried herself and how she looked externally. When we got to my Grandfather, there was the usual hello's and pleasantries. Most of the questions were about how we were friends and how we met and the like. Nothing real serious. He then prayed and after that gave her his Bible and said open it. She opened it and then the pertaining Chapter was read from the pages that she opened. After that was a hair standing moment. He got real serious and his demeanor changed and he got close to her and stared right into her eyes and said, "Tell me, have you ever thought about killing yourself?" Talk about bone chilling. She said "yes" and instantly started crying and he said "I know you did, because this (the Bible chapter) is what it's telling me. Let me tell you, you have no right to do that. Your life was given to you as a gift by God and you have no right take that gift away". That, my friends, is as real as it gets.

03-11-19, 09:54
2 quick stories.

1st story. We are Catholic and my grandmother was a very die hard religious person. Her name was Mary. In 1960 my mother went back to Italy to visit family and during the trip she was lucky enough to have her Virgin Mary pendant blessed by the Pope. When she got back from Italy she gave it to my grandmother. In 1970 my grandmother developed Scleroderma and in 1972 died from complications of it. About 2 weeks before she died she went into a coma and the Dr's said it was just a matter of time. My mother took all of her jewelry off of her and put it into her jewelry box. The Virgin Mary pendant was part of that jewelry. The Monday before she died she came out of the coma. My mother and her sister happened to be there when this happened. My grandmother only said a few words and went right back into the coma. They were "Come Wednesday the funeral is Friday, I love you all." She died later that night. She didn't want her family to see her in an open casket and that is why she said that. A couple of weeks later when they were going through her stuff the opened up the jewelry box and found the Virgin Mary pendant. There was a crack from the 1 o clock position on the medal going down about 3/4 the length of the pendant and right through the Virgin Mary's heart! The pendant did not have a crack in it when they took it off of her in the hospital.

2nd story. I have the pendant now and my mother gave it to me when I went into the Army back in 85. One night back in 1990 I was having a nightmare. I was in this room sleeping and the bedroom had these french doors going out to a balcony on the 2nd floor of the house. . In my dream these 2 red eyes were coming through the air. The french doors flew open and before the eyes could get into the room I grabbed my Virgin Mary pendant and prayed to my grandmother to protect me from the devil trying to get into my room. As I started to pray to her for protection the eyes stopped and then reversed and faded away. I awoke right after the eyes were gone and I was soaked in sweat! It was like I had gotten out of the shower and never dried off. That is the most terrified I have ever been. I firmly believe she saved me from Satan that night.

Whether Psychics are true or not I'm not going mess with them. I believe that Satan is real and that the supernatural easily can have a very dark side to it.

03-11-19, 12:59
The mind is an amazing, unknown, and potentially scary piece of equipment. I have never believed that people possess psychic abilities. I usually chalk that up to, as others have said, being astute observers of human behavior, and one's own mind. Same thing with ghosts - you can convince yourself of anything, perhaps without even knowing you're doing it.

03-11-19, 13:15
I have not had any encounter with a psychic but my wife has. Her brother died unexpectedly in college from an illness and they had experienced several occurrences (positive things) after his death to indicate his spirit was still around. A year or two later, my wife and her parents were on the James Van Praagh show "The Other Side". The things he told them about their son and how his spirit was ok and still around gave them comfort. Mr. Van Praagh had never met them before and details were spot on.

A few weeks ago, my wife went to a reading at a colleague's home where several other people had come for information or contact by loved ones. Again, this psychic was able to give details that only my wife could know and indicated her brother's spirit is still around.

I am not into the whole predict your future thing, but when it comes to an individual having the ability to communicate to loved ones whom have passed away, I am a believer. Just because something is hard to believe for us or seems impossible, doesn't make it so. Take it for what you will.

03-11-19, 13:30
I had a roommate. Her brother died of an opiate overdose. A few weeks later, her phone started ringing. It said it was him. She answered it.

...it was a telemarketer who had spoof'd his phone number.

03-11-19, 14:23
Heydrick was a major clown who developed his sideshow tricks in prison. His only uniqueness was to incorporate martial arts and claim "psychic chi power."

I didn't know anything about him but after reading your post I read that he had several TV appearances in the early 80's despite being a violent ex-con. He eventually used his telekinisis con act to molest 5 boys in California in the late 80's. He has been held in Coalinga State Hospital ever since.


03-11-19, 15:19
I have not had any encounter with a psychic but my wife has. Her brother died unexpectedly in college from an illness and they had experienced several occurrences (positive things) after his death to indicate his spirit was still around. A year or two later, my wife and her parents were on the James Van Praagh show "The Other Side". The things he told them about their son and how his spirit was ok and still around gave them comfort. Mr. Van Praagh had never met them before and details were spot on.

A few weeks ago, my wife went to a reading at a colleague's home where several other people had come for information or contact by loved ones. Again, this psychic was able to give details that only my wife could know and indicated her brother's spirit is still around.

I am not into the whole predict your future thing, but when it comes to an individual having the ability to communicate to loved ones whom have passed away, I am a believer. Just because something is hard to believe for us or seems impossible, doesn't make it so. Take it for what you will.

Such as? They tend to say general positive things people want to hear about their loved one, and that turns on their connection. "He was a very creative and curious kid wasn't he?"

"It took him a while to get settled in school, but once he did, he was popular"

etc, etc. They watch the minor facial expression and body language changes to see if they are headed in the right direction, and change their approach based on that. The poeople then tend to pay attention to what the psychic gets right and ignore what they get wrong, and off it goes.

Some are extremely good at that.

Now, if they said something like "your son was 21 when he died, was wearing a blue ACDC shirt, and was reading the Bible" when he died, I'd be a believer.

I do find this stuff fascinating and am agnostic about it, but seen that show and others, and noted how they tend to work. They lead, start vague, etc:
