View Full Version : TV Shows You Love to HATE

Doc Safari
03-08-19, 11:47
Seems obvious if we have a TV shows you like thread....

Pick what shows you want. I tend to ignore shows with tiny audiences like the ones on MTV, or HGTV, or the Cooking Channel, or whatnot. I'm mostly sticking to shows that I think a lot of people have heard of and most of us may have watched at least once. I've also avoided overtly political shows like John Stewart or Larry King, and instead stuck to shows with a fictional story or episode format.

But you post what you want.

My List:

1. The A-Team

My dad loved this show. I thought it was the biggest load of hokum since Gilligan's Island. I can't see these four goofballs ever being allowed to serve in the military much less being in special forces. Real commandos should be able to sue for the damage to reputation this horseshit may have brought them. And they're not smart enough to use something better than Ruger Mini-14's to boot. I suspect there should have been a back story that these guys were fakes and guilty of stolen valor, but they never wrote that episode before the show ended.

2. AfterM*A*S*H

Should have quit while they were ahead. M*A*S*H ended more or less at the height of is popularity. Kudos to the people involved for ending on a high note rather than running it into the ground. AfterM*A*S*H ran it into the ground. Supposedly, half the cast of the original M*A*S*H wanted to carry on while the other half wanted to quit. Someone should have bribed the hangers-on to quit too. To call it a boring, unimaginative retread is an understatement.

3. Galactica 1980

So the original Battlestar Galactica was a colossal failure even though it had potential. Trouble is, they had spent all that money and tried desperately to save it. They changed cast members for the most part, moved the show to modern Earth, and instead of cool spaceship battles against Cylons the main characters were cruising around town on flying motorcycles. Only high quality drugs could cause anyone to think this was a good idea.

4. Cop Rock

Oh....My...God. A cross between Hill Street Blues and a musical. Perps break into song as jail doors close and other unlikely horseshit. Good Effing Grief. Steven Bochco lost all credibility for his quality shows with this one. Makes one want to vomit faster than syrup of ipecac.

5. Over There

If Cop Rock weren't bad enough, Steven Bochco tried to make us forget it by making something worse. Over There was supposed to be the "Hill Street Blues" of the GWOT, but it was just a confusing, unpatriotic, anti-war, misguided, boring, confusing piece of doggie dung. In a perfect world R. Lee Ermey would have been immediately dispatched to hose down everyone involved with machine gun fire.

03-08-19, 12:21
I liked A-Team and watched it with my dad.

Actually, for a show aimed at a family audience; A-Team wasn’t bad at all. They did try using “good” guns but the budget kinda meant Mini 14s as they handled blanks. For an innocent time of the 80s; it would have been too much to see Scott and Stonebridge style head splattering.

And they built stuff. I loved the build montages and it made me want to build things with my old man.

It also portrayed Vietnam Veterans in a positive light. They were the heroes who would help you when nobody else could(and if you could find them). There was humor and a moral.

I miss TV like that... A Team and Dukes of Hazzard. If I were a wealthy man, I would have a blaze orange Challenger Hemi with the Rebel Flag.

Believe it or not, Tour of Duty (at least the first season) got fathers to open up to their sons.
For every “nah that’s bullshit right there” there was a “Yeah, that shit happened boy.” Plus the original soundtrack. Like two step snakes and tunnels.

For me, I hated The Shield as it kinda glorified crooked police. It showed shortcuts and criminality as effective means. I cannot abide that.

The only police show I can bear to watch is Flashpoint because they use psychology and tactics to resolve a situation and they show you how people ended up in the situation they are in. Most of the time they talk people down which is what you are supposed to do.

Contrariwise, I loathe SWAT. The original was cool but the new show is most homosexual. I like that one girl but it’s just dumb.

03-08-19, 12:46
Some years back there was a short-lived show called Terra Nova, that involved colonists from a dystopian future earth traveling back in time to start a new society in the Cretaceous era.
It was a terrible show on multiple levels. I hated the characters, the writing, the dinosaurs were poorly done. The show apparently had some budgetary constraints too, which resulted in the audience often being treated to an expository past tense description of some cool event or battle that happened, but we never got to actually see it because the series didn't have the money to actually show these things. It was a mess.
And I watched every episode. Because I loathed it so much. I find hatred to be a most invigorating emotion.

03-08-19, 12:53
The idea is, if you think your spouse is stepping out on you, you contact these guys and a group of Private Investigators and a film crew investigate.
It's the worst of the worst, a Train Wreck in a Trailer Park. All the girls have Stripper names and all the guys have a Mullet.
You can't look and then you can't look away. One of the hosts actually got stabbed by a guy who was fishing on his boat when the film crew and his wife pulled up in their own boat.
It really will make you want to get checked for STD's.

03-08-19, 13:04
I guess I have some more..

The X-files Revival:
I liked the original X-files up until about season 7. After that it got lame. But the 2016 revival really sucks. It's like watching a sad parody of the original series, which I guess is what it is.

The Simpsons post-1999
I was a huge Simpsons fan in my teens, and a lot of the older episodes are still funny. But since about the late 90's (many cite the episode "The Principal and the Pauper" as the point where the series started going downhill) the show has been in steady decline and at this point needs to be put down like a sick horse.

The Connors.
This is the Roseanne reboot that they retooled to exclude Roseanne herself after she was fired from the original reboot following her remarks on Twitter about some broad whose name I forget. The Connors is basically the rest of Roseanne's family muddling through life following the former's death via opioid overdose.
The writing is lame, the jokes unfunny, and the show tries WAY too hard to be edgy and topical by shoehorning every possible hotbutton issue anywhere they can into an episode.
The characters are unlikable with the minor exception of the older daughter Becky who is a total trainwreck but also seems slightly fun and bangable.
If you haven't figured it out by now this is another show I watch because of how much I hate it.

03-08-19, 13:06
I actually liked Girl Meets World because it acknowledged Morgan and Venom Morgan

03-08-19, 13:22
Every show with vampires.

03-08-19, 15:32
Some years back there was a short-lived show called Terra Nova, that involved colonists from a dystopian future earth traveling back in time to start a new society in the Cretaceous era.
It was a terrible show on multiple levels. I hated the characters, the writing, the dinosaurs were poorly done. The show apparently had some budgetary constraints too, which resulted in the audience often being treated to an expository past tense description of some cool event or battle that happened, but we never got to actually see it because the series didn't have the money to actually show these things. It was a mess.
And I watched every episode. Because I loathed it so much. I find hatred to be a most invigorating emotion.

I kind of liked Terra Nova. Admittedly, it was cheesy and it had a million elements in the "done to death" category and all that crap. It was pretty ambitious for Fox to green light that show, and I thought it had potential. It would have been much better with a bigger budget as a Netflix or Amazon Prime show.

For me, I've hated just about every police procedural since the original Law & Order, with the exception of The Wire. They're all the same and unoriginal. It's either about a quirky, irreverent civilian consultant works with the cops to solve murders (The Mentalist, Bones, Castle, Monk, etc.), or it's just Law & Order, but in a different city (Chicago PD) or a different agency (FBI, NCIS).

I think the one that I hated the most, and I couldn't watch more than one episode of it, was Stalker. I thought it would be interesting because it would be about them just profiling stalking cases and stuff. Nope, just your standard murder mystery show with all of the stereotypical modern detective show drama crammed into it. There wasn't really much in the way of stalking crimes in it. The show must have thought the legal definition of stalking was "murdering sorority girls dressed up like a slasher movie killer". At any rate, it was just so done to death I hated it.

03-08-19, 15:57
Seems obvious if we have a TV shows you like thread....

Pick what shows you want. I tend to ignore shows with tiny audiences like the ones on MTV, or HGTV, or the Cooking Channel, or whatnot. I'm mostly sticking to shows that I think a lot of people have heard of and most of us may have watched at least once. I've also avoided overtly political shows like John Stewart or Larry King, and instead stuck to shows with a fictional story or episode format.

But you post what you want.

My List:

1. The A-Team

My dad loved this show. I thought it was the biggest load of hokum since Gilligan's Island. I can't see these four goofballs ever being allowed to serve in the military much less being in special forces. Real commandos should be able to sue for the damage to reputation this horseshit may have brought them. And they're not smart enough to use something better than Ruger Mini-14's to boot. I suspect there should have been a back story that these guys were fakes and guilty of stolen valor, but they never wrote that episode before the show ended.

2. AfterM*A*S*H

Should have quit while they were ahead. M*A*S*H ended more or less at the height of is popularity. Kudos to the people involved for ending on a high note rather than running it into the ground. AfterM*A*S*H ran it into the ground. Supposedly, half the cast of the original M*A*S*H wanted to carry on while the other half wanted to quit. Someone should have bribed the hangers-on to quit too. To call it a boring, unimaginative retread is an understatement.

3. Galactica 1980

So the original Battlestar Galactica was a colossal failure even though it had potential. Trouble is, they had spent all that money and tried desperately to save it. They changed cast members for the most part, moved the show to modern Earth, and instead of cool spaceship battles against Cylons the main characters were cruising around town on flying motorcycles. Only high quality drugs could cause anyone to think this was a good idea.

4. Cop Rock

Oh....My...God. A cross between Hill Street Blues and a musical. Perps break into song as jail doors close and other unlikely horseshit. Good Effing Grief. Steven Bochco lost all credibility for his quality shows with this one. Makes one want to vomit faster than syrup of ipecac.

5. Over There

If Cop Rock weren't bad enough, Steven Bochco tried to make us forget it by making something worse. Over There was supposed to be the "Hill Street Blues" of the GWOT, but it was just a confusing, unpatriotic, anti-war, misguided, boring, confusing piece of doggie dung. In a perfect world R. Lee Ermey would have been immediately dispatched to hose down everyone involved with machine gun fire.

Like you my list is old since I haven't really watched a network channel show for almost 20 years. Once reality TV became a thing, I have been watching HBO, Showtime, Cinemax series almost exclusively. I will watch something on NOVA / PBS from time to time.

But here are some more stinkers I recall:

Delta House (1979): They tried to ride Animal House into a TV show without John Belushi and wondered why it didn't work.

Small Wonder (1985-89): Guy builds a robot daughter and tries to pass it off as their adopted daughter. Incredibly bad acting from all involved, don't know how this rated four seasons, but my black friends loved to watch the show about the little white robot girl.

All SNLs after Tina Fey became a writer. The show was always political but at least it was funny. When it became a Tina Fey / Amy Pohler production, it tanked hard. Ironically the best seasons were early to mid 80s when Lorne Michaels wasn't involved at all.

And finally Friends. Sure I actually found some episodes funny but there is so much SJW content and agenda it makes me sick.

03-08-19, 16:04
I won’t lie, bruh...

I realized I liked girls as a kid thanks to the Baroness, Cheetarah, Lady Jaye, and the later seasons of Punky Brewster and Small Wonder.

But like mostly small wonder. An emotionless brunette automaton with big dark hair and pale skin. A soulless, godless machine that doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear....and does an over-exaggerated wink then goes back to zero emotion and speaks in monotone....

Yep. That’s when I knew I could like girls without a penis.

ETA Do NOT google the girl who played her as she is total ugmoe now.



03-08-19, 17:16
I kind of liked Terra Nova. Admittedly, it was cheesy and it had a million elements in the "done to death" category and all that crap. It was pretty ambitious for Fox to green light that show, and I thought it had potential. It would have been much better with a bigger budget as a Netflix or Amazon Prime show.

In my case, since I'm a fairly big paleontology buff, and was even more "into" dinosaur science back when Terra Nova was on the air than I even am now, I couldn't forgive the series' really bad depictions of the dinosaurs. Lazy, inaccurate designs, and giving totally incorrect factoids (a "scientist" character on the show describing a carnivorous dinosaur species as having "multiple rows of razor sharp incisors" just....ugh, no.) So the bungling of the dinosaurs was the show's "original sin" and everything else that irked me about it got piled on top of that.

I will give the writers props for one thing though...
One annoying plot point that lasted through the show's entire run was the teenage son of the main character pining for his girlfriend who was still in the future. In like the second to last episode she arrives as part of a subsequent group of colonists. Along with this group come some saboteurs or mercenaries or something, and during the process of a confrontation that ensues shortly after their arrival in the past the girl gets blown up by an IED. I congratulate the writers for having the balls to go that route, and since I hated the teenage boy character so much, the fact that someone he apparently cared about a lot and wouldn't shut up about was vaporized by a bomb also made me smile.

03-08-19, 17:29
Speaking of Punky, Soleil Moon Frye aged very nicely.

Doc Safari
03-08-19, 17:41
As an addendum, here's a list of shows that started out really good, but sucked at the end. I know, there are tons of shows that fit this category, so I concentrated on ones that I personally wanted to remain great, but ended up catastrophic disappointments:

1. Buck Rogers in the 25th Century

Okay, the first season was fluff, but it was fun fluff, and the ratings proved that it was okay with fans. Mindless escapist space opera. A lot of other shows could learn from it. The thing is: Fred Freiberger (remember how he did with the third season of the original Star Trek?) was brought in, and made huge changes to the show. He added characters, changed the format to be a very, very poor copy of the "space exploring starship" like Star Trek, and filmed stories that tried to be serious but were mostly just horribly written. The show did not survive to a third season.

2. Lost In Space

It started as a black and white space adventure in the early 1960's, and the black and white episodes were mostly fairly decent family-oriented space adventure. When the show finally started being filmed in color, it had changed into more of a "kiddie" show with Dr. Smith and Will Robinson dominating less-than-serious episodes. Dr. Smith had been a real villain in the B&W episodes. He had changed to a cowardly clown by the time the show was shot in color.

3. The X-Files

Most people believe the show should have ended around the sixth season. What started great seemed to get worse and worse. And when the two principal actors started skipping huge blocks of episodes the writers brought in lead characters that no one cared about. Even though the show soldiered on beyond the sixth season to a ninth and then a revival years later, the X-Files ran out of steam a long time ago. Perhaps the best "revival" episode was "The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat", in which the writers produced a none-too-subtle episode more or less admitting that the glory days were over. At the end of the episode Scully starts to eat some 1970's era jello type product, and puts it down with the remark "I'd rather remember it the way it was." Fans probably felt the same way.

4. 24

It started out as a taught, nail-biting, can't-miss-an-episode spy thriller, supposedly told in "real" time with the hero only having 24 hours to take care of whatever crisis he faced. For several years it was literally the best action-adventure ANYTHING on TV or the big screen. The trouble is, as time went by it was obvious the writers ran out of new material, and as the show became more PC and hired lefty loons like Janeane Garofalo, it was clear the glory days were over. Even a reboot with a different actor several years later tanked. It's unlikely this one can be revived, at least anytime soon.

5. Bonanza

Maybe the most well-liked TV western of all time, it was one of the longest running as well (14 seasons). I bet no one would have predicted it, but when Dan Blocker (Hoss) died, the series immediately went into the crapper and died the following spring. The final season of Bonanza was painful to watch. Ironically, the creators produced this show and The High Chaparral, but supposedly the more violent story lines killed the High Chapparal. https://truewestmagazine.com/what-killed-off-the-high-chaparral/ Oh, what might have been, if High Chaparral had survived.

(Dis)Honorable Mention:

Star Trek

The original series started great but its woes in the ratings and low budget finally got it canceled. Fred Freiberger didn't help any. Early episodes were thought-provoking conversation pieces. Later ones were embarassing and forgettable.


I'll probably get flamed for this one, since a lot of people prefer the later episodes that were about 50/50 serious and funny. To me it was over when too many of the original cast members had been replaced and it was less about laughs than social commentary.

03-08-19, 17:50
Oh, sooo many... Pull up a chair, fellas, this could be a while.

1. ANYTHING by Dick Wolf. Nothing but a toxic stream of Leftist talking points, the only good points were Fred Thompson and Jerry Orbach, may they rest in peace.

2. ANYTHING on TLC, particularly that obnoxious "Say Yes To The Dress" that my mother insists on tuning in at every opportunity while I'm stuck taking care of her. Exception to Dr. Pimple Popper, which is okay other than her insistence on comparing various removed lumps to foods.

3. Food Network. Used to be good ideas, then they went to "how else can we repackage the already stale Chopped concept?" Exceptions for Burgers, Brew & 'Que, Guy's Grocery Games and Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives.

4. Criminal Minds after about Season 5 or so. Early on it was more about the psych and science of Behavioral Analysis and one episode even portrayed CCW in a positive light, but then it graduated into Leftist talking-points, Freak-of-the-Week and torture porn. If I wanted that I'd tune in one of those disgusting, uncultured SAW movies...

It'd be easier to list the things on TV I DON'T hate actually... LOL (Mostly Weather Channel, Travel and Animal Planet.)

03-08-19, 18:18
As an addendum, here's a list of shows that started out really good, but sucked at the end. I know, there are tons of shows that fit this category, so I concentrated on ones that I personally wanted to remain great, but ended up catastrophic disappointments:

1. Buck Rogers in the 25th Century

Hands down, one of the best shows ever. Between Erin Gray and Princess Amaldalawhatever, it was almost as good as Wonder Woman.

03-08-19, 19:05
I could discuss things I hate all day.
It keeps me warm....

As a kid, I learned about the cathartic value of pure unadulterated hatred early on. And one of my favorite hate sinks was something called Zoobilee Zoo. In fact, lingering memories of it might help explain my extreme hostility toward the "Furry" community as an adult.

I also couldn't stand the live-action Winnie the Pooh series on Disney called Welcome to Pooh Corner or another similar show called Dumbo's Circus. Both had characters portrayed by actors in big stupid costumes

03-08-19, 19:15
I could discuss things I hate all day.
It keeps me warm....

As a kid, I learned about the cathartic value of pure unadulterated hatred early on. And one of my favorite hate sinks was something called Zoobilee Zoo. In fact, lingering memories of it might help explain my extreme hostility toward the "Furry" community as an adult.

I also couldn't stand the live-action Winnie the Pooh series on Disney called Welcome to Pooh Corner or another similar show called Dumbo's Circus. Both had characters portrayed by actors in big stupid costumes

Holy shit. Zoobilee Zoo scared the life out of me as a kid. So much so, that I have a legitimate phobia of furries to this day. They creep me out in a big way. I was scared of foxes when I was young, exclusively because of that show. Apparently, there are lots more like us out there, we need a support group.



I also hate sitcoms on sets with canned laughter as well. Like Big Bang Theory, that may be the worst show of all time.

03-08-19, 19:29
Hands down, one of the best shows ever. Between Erin Gray and Princess Amaldalawhatever, it was almost as good as Wonder Woman.

I liked Buck Rogers in the 25th Century growing up, too. Met Gil Gerard about 20 years ago - he wasn't very friendly. Met Erin Gray a couple of years after. Very friendly, down to earth, and a really charming lady.

03-08-19, 21:17
ANY rom-com.


03-08-19, 21:19
ANY rom-com.


Quoted for TRUTH. You could say "ANYTHING Chick-TV," including Lifetime in it entirety and all those cheesy Hallmark Channel holiday movies.

26 Inf
03-08-19, 22:29
Food Network. and Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives.

My wife and I will occasionally go off onto riffs describing something plebian we've made for supper in Guy's glowing terms 'Man this beef hot link was microwaved to perfection, I'm getting the real Earl Campbell vibe here, and the low carb tortilla 'waved for 18 seconds with the Sam's Choice habenero jack brings it all together, I'd eat this everyday' (which in my case I do).

03-08-19, 22:33
Seriously, before my folks gave up travel I had every DD&D joint plotted out on my laptop's mapping software. "Oh, we're headed up to Goshen today? South Side Soda Shop's up there, might be a good spot for lunch..."

Too bad DeLorme decided that the PC navigation market was no longer worth serving.

03-08-19, 23:42
3. Food Network. Used to be good ideas, then they went to "how else can we repackage the already stale Chopped concept?" Exceptions for Burgers, Brew & 'Que, Guy's Grocery Games and Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives.

Cut-throat Kitchen is pretty good, too.

03-08-19, 23:47
Cut-throat Kitchen is pretty good, too.

Sorry, Alton Brown's dialed-to-eleven douchebaggery kinda killed both it and the Iron Chef reboot for me. (He ain't the guy from Good Eats anymore... :( ) I'm not really much of a fan of "reality TV," which I include almost all these "Survivor in the Kitchen" things as... Beat Bobby Flay's another I make an exception for, even with all the smacktalk that if I was cooking would get somebody served a Dirty Sock Special.

03-09-19, 01:02
Anything "reality", especially on the learning channels. I'd rather watch the same show about Hitler that's been on practically every day since 1998 than hear "Oak Island" one more time. Or AxeMen, Alaskan Bush People...etc.. There have been a few kinda interesting shows but would make a good 2hr special vs a whole show.

03-09-19, 01:09
Anything "reality", especially on the learning channels. I'd rather watch the same show about Hitler that's been on practically every day since 1998 than hear "Oak Island" one more time. Or AxeMen, Alaskan Bush People...etc.. There have been a few kinda interesting shows but would make a good 2hr special vs a whole show.

No kidding. I can remember when you'd actually learn something watching The Learning Channel or Discovery, I remember when actual history was on the History Channel. 20 years ago I could leave the History Channel on all day long and see something I wanted to watch, the only thing I had to mute were the f-ing Miss Cleo commercials.

Evel Baldgui
03-09-19, 08:29
My television viewing is a bit limited, SyFy, Comedy Channel, Movie channels, and occasional Fox News. I did catch a few episodes (reruns) of ‘The Office’ . Initially it was pretty funny, but after a few episodes almost all the characters, with maybe 1-2 exceptions, were vile useless pathetic souls who just should have hung themselves.

03-09-19, 09:30
I always hated Friends and Seinfeld. I realize I’m in the minority here. I found Friends very predictable and I just hated Jerry Seinfeld as a comedian.

There used to be an A&E show called “Evening at the Improve” in the late 80’s. It was all standup and several people ended up making it big. Several of my friends watched it and we would often debate who was good and bad in my 11th grade homeroom class. Seinfeld was universally hated in that group and I remember being in shock the he made it big.

Another terrible comedian that made it big was John Stewart. I actually saw him get booed at college show. He was freaking horrible.

03-09-19, 10:10
I wish they would just call TLC The Sideshow Channel.

Thirsty chumps buying foreign whores to marry and 600 lb land Orcas.


03-09-19, 10:16
I could discuss things I hate all day.
It keeps me warm....

As a kid, I learned about the cathartic value of pure unadulterated hatred early on. And one of my favorite hate sinks was something called Zoobilee Zoo. In fact, lingering memories of it might help explain my extreme hostility toward the "Furry" community as an adult.

I also couldn't stand the live-action Winnie the Pooh series on Disney called Welcome to Pooh Corner or another similar show called Dumbo's Circus. Both had characters portrayed by actors in big stupid costumes

The only good kid's show in that vein was Sesame Street. And I say was because Sesame Street has gone way downhill since the early 90s when I was still watching it as a little kid.

Of the kids that were so infuriatingly stupid that it made you want to kick a puppy, I think the worst I've seen was Lazy Town. The first time I saw it, there was a thing with this puppet named Stingy, who was, like his name suggests, a cheap, selfish little bastard. He was supposed to buy a present for one of the other character's birthday, but he was such a tightwad that all he gave was an empty box. To not make him feel bad, all the other characters pretended that the box was filled with toys and went outside pretending to play with them. Stingy felt guilty and started crying, but the main character told him not to feel bad because he actually gave the best gift of all: The gift of imagination. You've gotta be ****ing kidding me! That's what this teaches kids? How about it ending with the message of 1. Don't be a cheapskate 2. Be thankful if you have tactful friends who understand that you're an asshole and put up with you anyway.

03-09-19, 10:17
Pump you brakes. Lazy Town is awesome

03-09-19, 21:53
Pump you brakes. Lazy Town is awesome

Sportacus can shove his "sports candy" up his ass! :D

03-09-19, 23:57
I always hated Friends and Seinfeld. I realize I’m in the minority here. I found Friends very predictable and I just hated Jerry Seinfeld as a comedian.

There used to be an A&E show called “Evening at the Improve” in the late 80’s. It was all standup and several people ended up making it big. Several of my friends watched it and we would often debate who was good and bad in my 11th grade homeroom class. Seinfeld was universally hated in that group and I remember being in shock the he made it big.

Another terrible comedian that made it big was John Stewart. I actually saw him get booed at college show. He was freaking horrible.Never seen the standup but always liked the show! Even more so now that I'm older. When it ended I was 18 or 19

03-10-19, 03:10
Sportacus can shove his "sports candy" up his ass! :D

I know who you really are, Robbie Rotten ;)

03-10-19, 05:47
I always hated Friends and Seinfeld. I realize I’m in the minority here. I found Friends very predictable and I just hated Jerry Seinfeld as a comedian.


I've proudly never seen a single episode of either!

Big A
03-18-19, 07:43
Star Trek Discovery. Everybody involved with that show deserves to get an incurable strain of 3rd world syphilis.