View Full Version : San Antonio PD Chief Fires Rookies Who Ran, Left Sergeant Alone In Gunfight

03-08-19, 23:41
Sarge is solid.


Knowing so many members / admin are involved in this line of work, would love to hear any stories some may have been witness or privy to & personal opinions to the matter.

Evel Baldgui
03-09-19, 08:32
He will probably be re hired as a resource officer in Broward county sheriffs department.

03-09-19, 15:02
Those two got exactly what they deserved..They have no business in Law Enforcement,period.

03-09-19, 15:46
Those two got exactly what they deserved..They have no business in Law Enforcement,period.

This is probably a lot more common than you might guess.
I'm no LEO, but I've seen commissioned Officers do it in combat.

bad aim
03-09-19, 15:48
I could just imagine the Sgt's face...


03-09-19, 15:58
Everybody wants to be gangsta until it’s time to do gangsta things.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-09-19, 16:01
If you are afraid of killing and/or dying then don’t fvck around with guns and damn sure not if they go with the uniform

03-09-19, 16:13
Good on him, I would also track those two down in an alley. My DS had a dent in his forehead, told us the story about the fight. He said the first thing he did after getting out of the hospital was whip his partners ass that he thought followed him in the post club.

03-09-19, 20:03
Happened Monday and gone by Wednesday.

03-09-19, 22:12
Thank God. I have worked with cowards, both in LE and MIL, and I despise them most of all people on this earth.