View Full Version : Mortal Engines (Review)

03-13-19, 09:20
Mortal Engines (Review)

An overblown mess. Great visuals don't make up for wooden acting and cheesy dialogue. The entire premise of giant moving cities is ridiculous, and the plot and outcome as predictable as the others of the genre. Pretty much everything wrong with modern movies covered in this one movie. I'm just happy I recently saw such an outstanding movie like First Man (see review on this page) before this movie to remind me Hollywood et al can still make great movies. Mortal Engines is not a great movie... C-


03-13-19, 10:45
this is one of those movies that I wish would be better than I know it will be. I love Peter Jackson, he did an amazing job with the LOTR. But moving cities is just such a stupid concept I can't get past it. I will watch it when I an stream it for free.

03-13-19, 10:51
this is one of those movies that I wish would be better than I know it will be. I love Peter Jackson, he did an amazing job with the LOTR. But moving cities is just such a stupid concept I can't get past it. I will watch it when I an stream it for free.

This one is more Hobbits than LOR. I was very disappointed in the Hobbit series, with the last one the only one that didn't suck. It was difficult to imagine the same person who made LOR made The Hobbit series. For good visuals and mindless action, this movie is ok I suppose, but check your brain at the door before starting it.

03-13-19, 10:53
This one is more Hobbits than LOR. I was very disappointed in the Hobbit series, with the last one the only one that didn't suck. It was difficult to imagine the same person who made LOR made The Hobbit series. For good visuals and mindless action, this movie is ok I suppose, but check your brain at the door before starting it.

To Peter Jackson's credit the Hobbit wasn't all his fault. He took over from Del Toro after almost everything had been shot and had to do his best to fix the stupidity in a very short period of time.

03-13-19, 10:55
To Peter Jackson's credit the Hobbit wasn't all his fault. He took over from Del Toro after almost everything had been shot and had to do his best to fix the stupidity in a very short period of time.

And it felt like it too. I suspect he had most influence on the last one, which was pretty good. The first two were meh.

03-13-19, 13:08
A lot of The Hobbit's problems stem from trying to take a short novel for kids and expanding it to the same number and length of movies as the entire The Lord of the Rings.

I'd expect that if Del Toro had been left to it, The Hobbit would have been good. I'm also not convinced that Peter Jackson is as good as people like to think that he is.