View Full Version : Remington can be sued over Sandy Hook......

03-14-19, 13:30
Well? It’s only Connecticut at this time but does this potentially open the Pandora’s box??

03-14-19, 13:35
Box has been open for awhile. Most shootings result in lawsuits, most are tossed via PLCAA. I think one was successful as the shop was gross negligent as law allowed.

This will go back to Federal Court where it will be tossed, since there is zip negligence. For example this quote:

"Nicole Hockley said Remington and other gunmakers need to stop gearing their advertising toward troubled young men."

Well keep in mind Adam Lanza did not buy the weapon, he stole it from his mother whom he murdered. So how exactly are they going to show Remington marketed the gun to a killer when it was actually bought by his law-abiding mother?

03-14-19, 14:33
One more log on the fire I suppose. Very true, Lanza didn’t buy the weapon, it was stolen.

03-14-19, 14:36
I still think that idiot mother of his could have/should have kept weapons from this little piece of crap. She knew he was a nutjob.

03-14-19, 15:06
Renegade has it right. Indeed God rest her soul but his mother was the problem. If she had admitted how troubled he was (to herself) then this tragedy would never have happened.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

03-14-19, 15:08
I'm confused. I had thought this BS had been attempted many times and put to rest by SCOTUS a while ago no?

03-14-19, 15:15
I'm confused. I had thought this BS had been attempted many times and put to rest by SCOTUS a while ago no?

To the Left it's only "settled law" when it's settled THEIR way. Anything else is open to re-litigation at any time...

03-14-19, 15:29
To the Left it's only "settled law" when it's settled THEIR way. Anything else is open to re-litigation at any time...

If SCOTUS considers it settled law, where does that leave them? Unless they have an angle they can convince SCOTUS to take it up (doubtful is my guess) this seems more political statement of some kind. It is CT, and they really don't give a damn about the Const.

03-14-19, 15:46
If SCOTUS considers it settled law, where does that leave them? Unless they have an angle they can convince SCOTUS to take it up (doubtful is my guess) this seems more political statement of some kind. It is CT, and they really don't give a damn about the Const.

That's only Settled Law until they can get another Leftist justice or two whether by hook (Nom/Confirm in their next administration) or by crook (encouraging Roberts and Kavanaugh's inner Earl Warren and David Souter). These people are totally convinced of the inevitability of their cause and are willing to slog through as much of a Long March as it takes--and I don't think we all really know how close they came to Finishing the Job on a century-plus of work in 2016.

I know these people, I grew up among them, was educated among their children and was being groomed from an early age to JOIN them.

03-14-19, 16:11
To the Left it's only "settled law" when it's settled THEIR way. Anything else is open to re-litigation at any time...

I think that’s pretty much the defining nature of liberalism/progressiveism.

03-14-19, 16:22
It’s now illegal to be murdered and robbed from
Also no guns to prevent murder/robbery

Use verbal judo

Go with Christ brah

03-14-19, 16:28
I think that’s pretty much the defining nature of liberalism/progressiveism.

Give this man a cigar, he GETS IT. :)

03-14-19, 16:37

I'm suing GM, for that drunk kid in an '85 C-10 that ran over my wife's Mercury Sable back in 2004. CLEARLY GM made that high capacity assault truck, knowing FULL WELL that drunk 20-somethings were going to use them, to kill lawfully parked automobiles on civilian streets!!! :rolleyes:

03-14-19, 17:17

I'm suing GM, for that drunk kid in an '85 C-10 that ran over my wife's Mercury Sable back in 2004. CLEARLY GM made that high capacity assault truck, knowing FULL WELL that drunk 20-somethings were going to use them, to kill lawfully parked automobiles on civilian streets!!! :rolleyes:

You need to sue Budweiser, too, since they market their beer to people who drink.

03-14-19, 19:40
You need to sue Budweiser, too, since they market their beer to people who drink.Winner winner!

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

03-15-19, 05:42
yeah ditto others my thoughts to the idea I guess when I get hit by someone driving a ford or whatever I am going to be suing the crap out of the car company and the tire company and I reckon that means I can also sue the dealership and so on if they open this up to lawyers they are going to go wild with it sadly

03-15-19, 06:38
I still think that idiot mother of his could have/should have kept weapons from this little piece of crap. She knew he was a nutjob.

I agree. She paid for that mistake too.

03-15-19, 06:48
I think I'll sue Red Lobster for making me fat.

If those commercials hadn't appealed to the inner fat guy in me, I'd still be a slim, trim fightin machine these days.

LMT Shooter
03-15-19, 08:57
McDonald's has been marketing their products to kids for decades, using a clown & toys included in meals, to entice them. I should sue them, they made me fat.

03-15-19, 09:12
Where was the Father of Adam Lanza? Didn’t he all but abandon his son? THAT is another problem along with the mother.

03-15-19, 11:26
I still don's how that gets around what Congress passed Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. Was not SCOTUS decision as I had thought. I don't know if the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act makes the CT decision ultimately moot or not, but something already exists to protect firearms manufactures from such ridiculous law suits.

03-15-19, 11:58
What can we do to prevent such tragedy is a logical consideration. We do the same thing with auto accidents. But stopping them all together is not logical. We accept there will be auto accidents including fatalities and banning automobiles never even enters the discussion. The same logic applies to all acts of violence no matter the weapon used.

03-15-19, 12:06
What can we do to prevent such tragedy is a logical consideration. We do the same thing with auto accidents. But stopping them all together is not logical. We accept there will be auto accidents including fatalities and banning automobiles never even enters the discussion. The same logic applies to all acts of violence no matter the weapon used.

That's already on the horizon, when places are banning extra large sodas, etc, and articles like:


And now:


That's all coming too...remember "no one needs to go above 100mph" will be the mantra

03-15-19, 12:25
That's already on the horizon, when places are banning extra large sodas, etc, and articles like:


And now:


That's all coming too...remember "no one needs to go above 100mph" will be the mantra

Next there will be calls to ban voicing apposing views with a socialist...wait there already is, they call it hate speech.

03-15-19, 12:38
I thought in addition to selling a gun to someone that they know is dangerous (for sellers), there was also a cut out for guns marketing, which could extend to a manufacturer.

Of course, there is the Lucky Gunner case from the Aurora shooting, where they plantings lost and owed money to Lucky.

Frankly, the gun grabbers push the families into the suits to highlight the lawsuit ban and having to pay lawyers fees is like being charged for your kid to be killed- all to get the law overturned. I’d be much happier if SCOTUS found that even with out the law, you can’t blame a manufacturer for a small fraction of a percent of their product that gets used in a crime.

03-15-19, 22:20
You need to sue Budweiser, too, since they market their beer to people who drink.

Really... How could they advertise such a product to impressionable young people on the premise of what a good time you'll have, and simply get away with it with the "Please drink responsibly" tagline when alkyhawl is to blame for so much violence, loss of life, and general stupidity?
I've never understood that.
Can we just roll with that slogan for everything then, since it apparently absolves that product of all guilt? :rolleyes:

03-16-19, 01:14
Truthfully, I really don’t think the U.S. will be around in 30 years, and maybe not in 10.

03-16-19, 05:23
This was nothing more than a political stunt that allows CT's activist judges to voice their opinion. PLCAA tosses this one the moment Remington appeals the CT verdict. EVEN IF this one did go to trial, the perpetrator stole the rifle from the purchaser. If they would like to argue that the original purchaser, a middle aged woman in Connecticut, is the target of their "high risk" advertising, I'd love to hear the double speak they need to use to draw that connection.

The families’ goal has always been to shed light on Remington’s calculated and profit-driven strategy to expand the AR-15 market and court high-risk users, all at the expense of Americans’ safety.

A company is working to make a profit on the product they sell (the most POPULAR RIFLE FORMAT IN THE COUNTRY) and expand their marketshare in a crowded space. Shock and horror...

I understand that these families are hurting. A pain that will never go away. This does nothing to help that and nothing to prevent future pain. It's a pathetic cash grab and an attempt to make an end run around established law.

03-16-19, 05:24
Truthfully, I really don’t think the U.S. will be around in 30 years, and maybe not in 10.
Please, expound upon this one. Cast your pearls before the swine...

03-16-19, 05:46
The U.S. is definitely not the same U.S. that it was. The demographics have and continue to change dramatically. The population has increased dramatically, education has shifted to socialist indoctrination, and technology/social media has and continues to have dramatic affects. Walmarts customer base looks more like zombies than actual real people/human beings.
So the U.S. might still be around but not like it was. The U.S. I grew up in is already long gone.

03-16-19, 05:59
Truthfully, I really don’t think the U.S. will be around in 30 years, and maybe not in 10.

It'll exist, it will just be unrecognizable. And unfortunately a lot of us here will still be alive to see it.