View Full Version : Dem’s debut national ammo control bill

03-14-19, 16:52
It probably will not go anywhere, but ammo is cheap right now, so stock up.


03-14-19, 17:13
It probably will not go anywhere, but ammo is cheap right now, so stock up.


Never underestimate the tenacity of the Left and the spinelessness of the Republicans.

03-14-19, 17:16
Assuming that I'm seeing the curvature of those mags correctly those rifle cartridges are loaded backwards in the mags.

03-14-19, 17:33
Assuming that I'm seeing the curvature of those mags correctly those rifle cartridges are loaded backwards in the mags.

Optical illusion most likely. They look like straight 20-round thermold FAL metric mags to me.

03-14-19, 19:05
Great, the panic buyers will now start skyrocketing prices.

03-14-19, 19:10
People said "No, Democrats won't go after the guns. They had plenty of time when Obama was President."

Now, our rights are at the mercy of whether or not Mitch McConnell will be spineless or actually take a stand.

03-14-19, 20:57
This is mostly just a recycling of a similar bill from last April, proposed by the same two Dem Congress-critters.

Current law prohibits the use of NICS for anything other than firearms sales:


§ 25.6 Accessing records in the system.
(a) FFLs may initiate a NICS background check only in connection with a proposed firearm transfer as required by the Brady Act. FFLs are strictly prohibited from initiating a NICS background check for any other purpose.
(p. 58308)

The Wasserman Schultz bill would change that by amending the Brady Bill.

They're probably doing this because they've been unable to make it happen at the state level. IIRC in response to the (now suspended) SAFE act requirement for background checks on ammo sales the FBI told New York they couldn't use NICS and would have to create their own system. I think the FBI re-iterated this to Cali DOJ.

Straight Shooter
03-14-19, 21:45
Im just glad Ive been doin what Ive been doin for the past year and a half.
As Col. Jeff Cooper was very fond of saying..."Well, I got MINE".

03-14-19, 22:25
Im just glad Ive been doin what Ive been doin for the past year and a half.
As Col. Jeff Cooper was very fond of saying..."Well, I got MINE".


03-15-19, 12:21
After all this time, after all the ammo " shortages" in the past years, after every mass/school shooting, anybody that shoots alot and dosen't reload is a fool. A dillon 650 with a casefeeder, and you can spit out all the ammo you want/need is a relatively short amount of time, all one needs to do is keep stocked up on components, and right now that's not hard.

Doc Safari
03-15-19, 15:20
Eventually the Dems will control enough of the government to make this stuff imminent.

Right now they seem to be concentrating on state houses that they own.

How many times do I have to say it? BUY YOUR STUFF NOW.

03-15-19, 16:05
Im just glad Ive been doin what Ive been doin for the past year and a half.
As Col. Jeff Cooper was very fond of saying..."Well, I got MINE".

Last panic.... years ago.. Pappabear and I were the only guys in the desert still shooting. It was funny. People who did find ammo damned sure weren't shooting it.

03-15-19, 17:06
Ya' know... for minimal cost, we could just stack democraps at the border, and make a fence outta THEM! :happy:

03-15-19, 17:54
Ammo dealers have been looking for years for a reason to raise prices. And they will the first chance they get.

Straight Shooter
03-15-19, 18:27
Last panic.... years ago.. Pappabear and I were the only guys in the desert still shooting. It was funny. People who did find ammo damned sure weren't shooting it.

HA! Me too brother- Id take 400 rounds or more and shoot it all and people were wanting to buy it from me..NOPE..NOPE & NOPE.
Ive told em & told these are the good ole days..the BEST of the good ole days...screw around at your peril, & once again..many have. It aint ME.

03-15-19, 18:31
HA! Me too brother- Id take 400 rounds or more and shoot it all and people were wanting to buy it from me..NOPE..NOPE & NOPE.
Ive told em & told these are the good ole days..the BEST of the good ole days...screw around at your peril, & once again..many have. It aint ME.

Same with mags, components, etc. People who should have known better too.

03-15-19, 20:23
Being in the military has really slowed down my ammo hoarding..and shooting. I need to stock up. I'm sure there will come a point where shooting is a rare luxury

03-15-19, 20:52
Im just glad Ive been doin what Ive been doin for the past year and a half.
As Col. Jeff Cooper was very fond of saying..."Well, I got MINE".

Yep. Funny thing is I’ve got more beans than I’ve ever had, but I still wonder how much chili I need to keep making...

03-15-19, 21:21
Im just glad Ive been doin what Ive been doin for the past year and a half.
As Col. Jeff Cooper was very fond of saying..."Well, I got MINE".
I've been going steady with purchases since the AWB sunset in 2004. Guns, Accessories and Ammo are just another investment to go along with gold, silver and mutual funds.

03-16-19, 00:02
Last panic.... years ago.. Pappabear and I were the only guys in the desert still shooting. It was funny. People who did find ammo damned sure weren't shooting it.

I've been going steady with purchases since the AWB sunset in 2004. Guns, Accessories and Ammo are just another investment to go along with gold, silver and mutual funds.

10-4 on that guys! I buy and stash and load and buy some more !! I agree markm,,my "group" of guys were going strong and with a regular frequency during the last shortage/panic era! We never missed a beat and like ya say we would see guys at the range and they would just be dumbfounded! Any deals I see I normally buy,components mostly,I will buy 22 ammo but hardly ever anything centerfire,just don't need it. Although I have been seeing Wolf 223 for almost old school prices @ $3.99 a box,,now thats crazy !! I mite grab a couple cases for the ole stash,,time will tell. If I miss out I have many times over that in compnonets,,will just have to put in the work ! :p

03-16-19, 01:04
One should never stop stacking, whether or not the Congress is perceived to be pro or anti or anything in between.

Whores holding elected office at every level will push civilian disarmament hard just prior to the coming financial reset.

Hedge accordingly.