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03-14-19, 21:37
Reported mass shooting at New Zealand mosque is 'critical incident,' police say

Just breaking. Masked man entered a mosque and shot a bunch of people.

03-14-19, 21:49
If I build a mosque in a city called Christchurch, should I be surprised if something like this happens?

03-14-19, 21:57
If I build a mosque in a city called Christchurch, should I be surprised if something like this happens?

Yes. I certainly am.

03-14-19, 22:00
One article is saying that a second church or mosque was also hit. Coordinated attack?

03-14-19, 22:01
Article referencing second shooting.


03-14-19, 22:09
Damn... R.I.P.. Going to be a BIG casualty count.

I HIGHLY recommend NOT watching the purported video. What a group of sick MFs. You will never be able to "un-see" this if you watch. You have been warned.

03-14-19, 22:22
Shooter uploaded it to liveleak... Damn... R.I.P.. Going to be a BIG casualty count.

Holy shit that was bad.

03-14-19, 22:24
Tried searching. Got nothing

03-14-19, 22:28
I don't believe it.... fake news. They don't have guns there so hot could not have happened. ;)

03-14-19, 22:30
Well he's listening to Serbian music in the video. Maybe Bosnian mosque?

03-14-19, 22:34
Shooter’s apparent manifesto:


Best part.....


Reading through it, it’s clear he’s a total schizo.

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03-14-19, 22:45
The video is brutal.

03-14-19, 22:48
I don't believe it.... fake news. They don't have guns there so hot could not have happened. ;)

I go to NZ a lot. They HAVE guns there. Just have to get a permit... Or at least they did have guns.

03-14-19, 22:50
I wonder if the second reported attack is true. He stated he wants to hit multiple mosques.

03-14-19, 22:55

Kiwi cops are asking people to not share the video made by the PODS.

03-14-19, 23:03
So there was two separate shootings

03-14-19, 23:05
Okay I saw vid.....

Don't take this wrong but this was like hardcore trolling.

Guy was probably big on 4chan. He plays Remove Kebab, Grun ist unsere fallschirm, and the Initial D theme song. He has a lot of stuff on his guns and man....

That looked like that movie Hardcore Henry and Doom. I'd wager he was on LeftyPol and trying to be another Anders Breivik.

Shooting the woman screaming Help Me was just cruel.

I really dont want to even begin to parse his mentality here. Lots of detachment here.

NZ had strict laws before.....bend over, kiwis.

Bend over...

03-14-19, 23:16
Okay I saw vid.....

Don't take this wrong but this was like hardcore trolling.

Guy was probably big on 4chan. He plays Remove Kebab, Grun ist unsere fallschirm, and the Initial D theme song. He has a lot of stuff on his guns and man....

That looked like that movie Hardcore Henry and Doom. I'd wager he was on LeftyPol and trying to be another Anders Breivik.

Shooting the woman screaming Help Me was just cruel.

I really dont want to even begin to parse his mentality here. Lots of detachment here.

NZ had strict laws before.....bend over, kiwis.

Bend over...Reading RT they say 8Chan. Not sure what the difference is

03-14-19, 23:35
Reading RT they say 8Chan. Not sure what the difference is

4chan is skinemax
8chan is weird 8mm film you found in a place you shouldnt have been...

On either site some stuff they say isnt inaccurate at all and beats normie news to the punch as it is nigh instantaneous but then again....

Some stuff you don't want to know.

Their Leftypol is like M4C for Democrats. only c. 2007 M4C.

03-14-19, 23:41
Well he's listening to Serbian music in the video. Maybe Bosnian mosque?

Guy was probably big on 4chan. He plays Remove Kebab, Grun ist unsere fallschirm, and the Initial D theme song.The Serbian song is basically the REMOVE KEBAB meme, which is an anti-Turkish meme/phrase, which is also used to be anti-Muslim in general at times. It's basically a pretty old meme that some folks into that particular sub-culture would instantly know about.

Reading RT they say 8Chan. Not sure what the difference is8chan is pretty similar to 4chan, kinda like how M4C is similar to ar15.com, especially to outsiders.

I'd hazard the shooter let himself be taken alive so that he'd have a platform, just like Breivik.

Dr. Bullseye
03-14-19, 23:51
Islam is the religion of peace. Who would want to kill them? I think I will cancel my whole day tomorrow to binge watch the coming 24/7 coverage on CNN while my wife watches MSNBC to see how many ways and times they can blame these gun shootings on Donald Trump.

03-14-19, 23:51
Is it too much to hope that a certain PODS will be killed while trying to escape?

03-14-19, 23:58
New Zealand police are confirming there were two separate shootings and they have four people in custody, they assume there are others at large.

03-14-19, 23:59
if you can watch the non-nerfed video it was brutal. It was almost like a Satanic 3 gun stage. Holy hell, that was cold blooded.

"subscribe to Pewdiepie"

*slaughters at least 30 people*

Kinda wish I hadnt watched

03-15-19, 00:12
Okay I saw vid.....

Don't take this wrong but this was like hardcore trolling.

Guy was probably big on 4chan. He plays Remove Kebab, Grun ist unsere fallschirm, and the Initial D theme song. He has a lot of stuff on his guns and man....

That looked like that movie Hardcore Henry and Doom. I'd wager he was on LeftyPol and trying to be another Anders Breivik.

Shooting the woman screaming Help Me was just cruel.

I really dont want to even begin to parse his mentality here. Lots of detachment here.

NZ had strict laws before.....bend over, kiwis.

Bend over...

His 8Chan stuff has been nuked. After seeing him shoot the lady in the head begging for help, then running her over as he escapes, I won't be sleeping tonight.

03-15-19, 00:23
That looked like that movie Hardcore Henry and Doom.

I just saw on Instagram that someone has already memed it and put the status bar from Doom in the bottom of the video, with an accurate kill meter.

03-15-19, 00:35
Trying to figure out the upside of watching this video.... some sh*t cant be unseen.

03-15-19, 00:40
Trying to figure out the upside of watching this video.... some sh*t cant be unseen.

There is no upside. The next sick POS decided they had to top it 1 minute after it was uploaded.

03-15-19, 00:42
Trying to figure out the upside of watching this video.... some sh*t cant be unseen.

I can understand an academic study of it for those studying mass shootings and trying to work up new strategies to counter them. Or for a legal team exploring options for putting together a prosecution or defense.

Outside of that, I see no reason to soil my psyche or anyone else's with watching such snuff films.

03-15-19, 00:48
There is no upside. The next sick POS decided they had to top it 1 minute after it was uploaded.

Agreed. I say it from a perspective why tf would you want to watch that?!

I can understand an academic study of it for those studying mass shootings and trying to work up new strategies to counter them. Or for a legal team exploring options for putting together a prosecution or defense.

Outside of that, I see no reason to soil my psyche or anyone else's with watching such snuff films.

Academia, yes. Sucks to be in that business but a necessary evil.

03-15-19, 00:59
I can't seem to find this video

03-15-19, 01:04
I can't seem to find this video

Most places with any sort of standards have taken it down. You'll probably be able to find it somewhere that you'll be afraid you might have infected your computer with life-destroying malware just from visiting. Where your browser will need you to confirm two or three different times that, yes, you do want to visit that website.

03-15-19, 01:08
Most places with any sort of standards have taken it down. You'll probably be able to find it somewhere that you'll be afraid you might have infected your computer with life-destroying malware just from visiting. Where your browser will need you to confirm two or three different times that, yes, you do want to visit that website.

I'm not well-versed in internet'ing, so I suppose I'll watch this when it's made into some sort of training.

03-15-19, 01:10
I'm not well-versed in internet'ing, so I suppose I'll watch this when it's made into some sort of training.

I think that's for the best.


Boba Fett v2
03-15-19, 01:17
It's still up on Liveleak, but you can't unsee it should you decide to venture down that road. I've seen some horrible things, but this ranks right up there as among one of the most evil and vile I've come across. Women and children were among the casualties.

Coal Dragger
03-15-19, 01:17
Not going to watch, not even going to search for it.

03-15-19, 01:25

Link (https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12213039&fbclid=IwAR2A-4EdEQqMt4G7HY6IFRalWDCfBCaKMcYVmE8SkkDF683BOZtpvceCyYI).

03-15-19, 01:38
Not going to watch, not even going to search for it.

Same here. I’ve seen more than my share of bad things in the world.

03-15-19, 05:14
Not going to watch, not even going to search for it.

Certainly not.

03-15-19, 06:16
Not interested in watching the video whatsoever. I discovered ogrish when I was in college (circa 2003), and decided snuff films like this weren't for me after watching an up close video of Chechens cutting through a live Russian soldier's throat.

I never forgot the sound.

Dudes like this NZ shooter are everywere, and like someone else pointed out...the next one is already planning how they are going to top it. I didn't read the manifesto, but saw a few quotes. Guy claimed he's been planning this for two years. With that kind of timeline, he could have literally used any method to enact the carnage. He intentionally chose the gun for political effect.

It only gets worse from here.

03-15-19, 06:22
Yeah I watched it when it was first posted here last night. It's very surreal because of how detached the guy was, talking to the camera and stuff. Like FF said it was like a meme gone wrong. Horrible stuff. I hate to say it but it looked like the guy knew what he was doing.

I'm sure photos will start to surface but all of his guns and mags were totally covered in writing by white paint pen. Allegedly it was "This is for ...." type of stuff.

I'm wondering what the blowback will be from this. Both from lawmakers as well as from Muslims.

03-15-19, 06:28
This is mass killing for the social media generation, frankly. It was supposed to be like watching a Twitch stream. The crap written all over his gear was on display for the camera, and contained "in jokes" or references to other events. As photos circulate people are going to google and venture down the rabbit hole.

03-15-19, 06:42
Two things.

1) There's probably a lone wolf jihadi now plotting revenge something.

2) All that writing on his firearms....I'm sure now that going to be the new thing anti gun people will focus on. All those stickers that say "Molon Labe", "come and take it", "from my cold dead hands".

03-15-19, 06:42
Supposedly his manifesto. Linked to TOS as it's a substantially long read.


03-15-19, 07:27

03-15-19, 07:28
I go to NZ a lot. They HAVE guns there. Just have to get a permit... Or at least they did have guns.

I was reading about them some time ago and it looks like they went south on their laws.... no pun intended.


03-15-19, 08:03
I’m curious to watch it, my assumption is that some of the cartel vids I’ve seen are worse, but I just want to see how this guy acts compared to everyone inside. Something about begging your murderer for help seems tragically incredible to me, I think there is benefit in the occasional reminder that some people are just evil and need to be put down. Shit is never easy to see though.

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03-15-19, 08:24
Not watching the video. Seen enough of them to last a lifetime.

And not reading the manifesto. Not interested in anything that POS had to say at any point in his worthless life. I can only hope they lock him in a room and let hungry rats eat him alive.

03-15-19, 08:31
Islam is the religion of peace. Who would want to kill them? I think I will cancel my whole day tomorrow to binge watch the coming 24/7 coverage on CNN while my wife watches MSNBC to see how many ways and times they can blame these gun shootings on Donald Trump.

AOC has already called out the NRA. Asking what good are your thoughts and prayers.

03-15-19, 08:38
AOC has already called out the NRA. Asking what good are your thoughts and prayers.

On one hand “thoughts and prayers” is kind of a hollow gesture. Even if you mean it, it really isn’t much comfort at the time

On the other, blaming the NRA for gun violence in another country (or even this one) is akin to blaming the NAACP for black criminality.

03-15-19, 08:39
I’m curious to watch it, my assumption is that some of the cartel vids I’ve seen are worse, but I just want to see how this guy acts compared to everyone inside. Something about begging your murderer for help seems tragically incredible to me, I think there is benefit in the occasional reminder that some people are just evil and need to be put down. Shit is never easy to see though.

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It honestly looks like a video game. The guy is running through the place just blasting people, probably 5 mags worth. Everything is chaotic and fast motion, however other than one guy who charged him at the beginning and was shot, everyone else piled into the corners crouching down on each other so it was like sitting ducks.

After the initial chaos the guy goes back out to his car, wanders around a bit, then swaps for another rifle and goes back in to shoot the bodies again. Then he goes back out onto the side walk and starts taking pop shots at anyone in view. It was a long 16 minutes and it's extremely unfortunate that nobody else was armed to put the guy down. Just one person with a carry pistol could've changed everything.

My take-away for me personally is that this kind of stuff will happen in a public place with zero warning. Not at my house. I need to quit spending so much time playing with carbines that stay at home and focus 99% on carry gun practice.

03-15-19, 08:45
It honestly looks like a video game. The guy is running through the place just blasting people, probably 5 mags worth. Everything is chaotic and fast motion, however other than one guy who charged him at the beginning and was shot, everyone else piled into the corners crouching down on each other so it was like sitting ducks.

After the initial chaos the guy goes back out to his car, wanders around a bit, then swaps for another rifle and goes back in to shoot the bodies again. Then he goes back out onto the side walk and starts taking pop shots at anyone in view. It was a long 16 minutes and it's extremely unfortunate that nobody else was armed to put the guy down. Just one person with a carry pistol could've changed everything.

My take-away for me personally is that this kind of stuff will happen in a public place with zero warning. Not at my house. I need to quit spending so much time playing with carbines that stay at home and focus 99% on carry gun practice.It looked to me like that one guy was trying to run away while the shooter was turned the other way. Unfortunately the shooter turned back just as the guy made it to the hallway and they both kinda smacked into each other in the entrance to the hallway.

Otherwise yea....it was like a video game.

After the first mosque he gets in the car and runs over the body of a woman whom he just shot on the street and drives a few miles to a different mosque and starts shooting people from his car with a shotgun. First two shots through the windshield. Couldn't tell if he actually hit anyone. The third shot was out the passenger side window (our driver side), hitting a man in the back with the shotgun as he tried to flee

03-15-19, 08:55
I watched the entire video the guy was definitely merciless. I'm so desensitized to this kind of stuff I didn't even flinch honestly. I wanna know where the police where, he had all damn day and was completely unopposed.

03-15-19, 09:09
Here is the solution!!! Ban Humans!!

03-15-19, 09:12
Kinda grim but the whole video game aspect reminds me of Video Kid by The Birthday Massacre

Next phase, next craze, next nothing new.
Got the pretty boy beat him up black and blue.
Broke the sissy boy's teeny toy heart in two.
Turned him into a video kid like you.
I know we're just pretending.
There's no window for escape.
I know you see right through me.
There's no promise left to break.
Shot the pretty boy killed him on Commodore.
Need a new game, need a new something more.
Got a new face got a new way to score.
Got a voice like something I've heard before.

It must be maturely addressed. There is a large segment of the population the world over who feel marginalized and told they have to give up and give in while others prosper by doing less. “Be the better man” “be a ‘good soldier’”. “Show some charity”

This isn’t new but is coming to a head.
And there is no real middle ground anymore.

Used to, the biggest flag wavers were immigrants. And now everything has to be theirs including ours.

This is a symptom. And as we all know the more it is suppressed; the more it will drive others to act out in extreme ways. It’s irresponsible to just say “aw he’s just crazy. Vote Republican”

I don’t recall society being so polarized. And having read his manifesto; he isn’t as rambling as the Dorner manifesto. He spelled it all out.
There is this frustration that needs to be addressed with some reasonable middle ground to be found.

Like some real American History X type stuff. Relatively normal people feeling like nothing matters so they say eff it. It’s happening more and more. Remember SkyKing(who flies eternal shiny and chrome)?

I mean look here. Right here. M4C. A LOT of current/former military and police, or guys with means to afford a pricey hobby with none of the incel 40 year old virgin atmosphere of TOS and diverse black ,white, asian,Native, Christian, Jew, Atheist, Buddhist, and even a Muslim or two and we have a long and IMO goofy thread on Civil War. Not political disagreement like Firing Line with William F Buckley but a shooting civil war.

People were bummed about Obama but these days everything is this huge travesty.

I feel like I am living in a dystopian future without the flying cars, robots, or Wendy O. Williams looking feral female raiders. Like that movie Children of Men.

We can’t ignore this unironic paradigm shift and cannot blame the gun.

This will get some airplay while the Trucks of Peace nobody even remembers. Or Charlie Hebdo. Kinda proving the point.

We can’t trust the news and in a way can’t trust ourselves. Our bias. Our attitudes.

I don’t know about anyone else but I’d rather make love and not war, brown girls are my kryponite, but I’m not giving up my guns because of a few assholes.

03-15-19, 09:14
Be vigilant, folks. Copycats and retaliations.

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03-15-19, 09:33
I watched the entire video the guy was definitely merciless. I'm so desensitized to this kind of stuff I didn't even flinch honestly. I wanna know where the police where, he had all damn day and was completely unopposed.It's my understanding the r police is largely unarmed

03-15-19, 09:35
Shooter’s apparent manifesto:


Best part.....


Reading through it, it’s clear he’s a total schizo.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

And it might have worked had he, you know, not spelled it all out in a manifesto. As is, he's made himself a walking advertisement for the 2A. I will be interested in how he obtained the gun on an island with strict gun control. He's proven the exact opposite his goals. When nuts want to get firearms, and kill people by various means, they will find a way. As always, it's a damn shame people had to die to prove it and there was no one there able to put up any resistance.

But, if it turns out the second target refused to be a victim and sent some love his way and thwarted another massacre, well, that's check and mate as to why being able to defend yourself from violent nuts.

2A 1, violent scumbag nuts, still at zero.

03-15-19, 09:35
I watched the entire video the guy was definitely merciless. I'm so desensitized to this kind of stuff I didn't even flinch honestly. I wanna know where the police where, he had all damn day and was completely unopposed.

Most LEO there do not have weapons so I assume they had to wait for an armed response team to be put together.

03-15-19, 09:38
I go to NZ a lot. They HAVE guns there. Just have to get a permit... Or at least they did have guns.

What kinda of guns? What about usual stuff, ammo, CCW, difficulty of permit, etc

A place I have always wanted to visit, but I don't do 20+ hour flights.

03-15-19, 09:40
I'll be here in 6 weeks, cant say I am looking forward to the flight, even in business. That is a long time in the air.

03-15-19, 09:41
And it might have worked had he, you know, not spelled it all out in a manifesto. As is, he's made himself a walking advertisement for the 2A. I will be interested in how he obtained the gun on an island with strict gun control. He's proven the exact opposite his goals. When nuts want to get firearms, and kill people by various means, they will find a way. As always, it's a damn shame people had to die to prove it and there was no one there able to put up any resistance.

2A 1, violent scumbag nuts, still at zero.

Unfortunately those pushing for gun control aren't going to look at this they way you are. Simply let's ban this before it happens here

Background check, mental health check, interview and reason.

03-15-19, 09:41
What kinda of guns? What about usual stuff, ammo, CCW, difficulty of permit, etc

A place I have always wanted to visit, but I don't do 20+ hour flights.

Not much and there is a huge paper trail. It is Wikipedia but it is the best summery.


03-15-19, 09:49
Unfortunately those pushing for gun control aren't going to look at this they way you are. Simply let's ban this before it happens here

Background check, mental health check, interview and reason.

That's a given and goes without saying as no amount of logic, data, or history can fix stupid. But, that his psychosis made sure he had to tell the world all about the voices in his head, is far better than Vegas, where the POS apparently left nothing.

03-15-19, 09:49
Most LEO there do not have weapons so I assume they had to wait for an armed response team to be put together.

Yes, their police, like the UK, are generally unarmed (not the case in Australia) and Christchurch is not a big city, so it's not surprising that it took armed police a while to get there. They even had a prohibition in place for bodyguards carrying their own firearms to protect VIPs, leaving it to the police only. They've had to amend that for summits that occur there.

What kinda of guns? What about usual stuff, ammo, CCW, difficulty of permit, etc

A place I have always wanted to visit, but I don't do 20+ hour flights.

There are a few Kiwis over on Gunboards who have discussed NZ gun laws. My understanding of it: CCW and handguns are unobtanium. Police issue firearms owner permits after background check, psych check, etc., which can take a few months. Semiauto "assault" rifles aren't common and you need a permit to even fire most firearms, which is truly bizarre. Full auto is easier to obtain than here, but you basically can't legally fire them - again, truly bizarre. They do have some kind of mag restriction, but ammo is relatively easy to obtain. Also, no right to self defense and any use of a firearm in self defense is almost guaranteed to result in charges.

03-15-19, 09:54
per NZ gun laws, I subscribe to Doc Watson. He is a Kiwi shooter and has a lot of interesting bolt guns, an AUG, and a Dragunov

I wanna visit NZ one day. Bucket list.

03-15-19, 09:54
There are a few Kiwis over on Gunboards who have discussed NZ gun laws. My understanding of it: CCW and handguns are unobtanium. Police issue firearms owner permits after background check, psych check, etc., which can take a few months. Semiauto "assault" rifles aren't common and you need a permit to even fire most firearms, which is truly bizarre. Full auto is easier to obtain than here, but you basically can't legally fire them - again, truly bizarre. They do have some kind of mag restriction, but ammo is relatively easy to obtain. Also, no right to self defense and any use of a firearm in self defense is almost guaranteed to result in charges.

It will be most interesting then to see how he obtained those weapons. I truly hope it's correct that the next target he went to put up a fight and thwarted another kill house event.

03-15-19, 09:55
I'll be here in 6 weeks, cant say I am looking forward to the flight, even in business. That is a long time in the air.

Sleeping pills brah

03-15-19, 10:02
On one hand “thoughts and prayers” is kind of a hollow gesture. Even if you mean it, it really isn’t much comfort at the time

On the other, blaming the NRA for gun violence in another country (or even this one) is akin to blaming the NAACP for black criminality.

Like blaming the NAACP for Boku Haram in Africa....

Thoughts and prayers- but what else are you supposed to do for people literally on the other side of the planet?

Did the guy act alone? I thought there was more than one shooter?

03-15-19, 10:15
I watched the entire video the guy was definitely merciless. I'm so desensitized to this kind of stuff I didn't even flinch honestly. I wanna know where the police where, he had all damn day and was completely unopposed.

All day? The entire video of the first attack is 17 minutes, and at least half that is him driving before and after. That's plus or minus 8 minutes for him to go in twice and shoot up the place. There are a lot of places where an 8 minute response time by LEO is next to impossible unless they're close by.

03-15-19, 10:42
Sleeping pills brah

Yeah I will be looking into something along that route. I have done Japan and it was bad enough.

03-15-19, 10:59
I can’t help but see the irony in all of this.

It sucks that innocent people lost their lives.

RIP to the fallen. Prayers for the living.

03-15-19, 11:08
I don’t recall society being so polarized. And having read his manifesto; he isn’t as rambling as the Dorner manifesto. He spelled it all out.
There is this frustration that needs to be addressed with some reasonable middle ground to be found.

Like some real American History X type stuff. Relatively normal people feeling like nothing matters so they say eff it. It’s happening more and more.

We can’t trust the news and in a way can’t trust ourselves. Our bias. Our attitudes.

The above needs to be carved in stone.
You cannot marginalize an entire generations ambitions and self worth without some amazing blow back.
There are folks out there buying there kids way in to Ivy League schools, so what about the kid who could, no should be sitting in that chair on a scholarship they earned academically?
I'm not speaking up for the shooter, he's a scumbag, but in the aftermath of these massacres, someone always steps up and say's "I knew this was going to happen, all the signs were there." We better get our noses out of our phones and interact with people and show a little concern and kindness toward our fellow man.

03-15-19, 11:26
On one hand “thoughts and prayers” is kind of a hollow gesture. Even if you mean it, it really isn’t much comfort at the time

On the other, blaming the NRA for gun violence in another country (or even this one) is akin to blaming the NAACP for black criminality.Were all looking to you to exercise your pimp hand on this one, playah

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03-15-19, 11:42
We better get our noses out of our phones and interact with people and show a little concern and kindness toward our fellow man.

I don't think there's any going back on this horrible behavior. I watch this every day in traffic going to a from work. I rarely see someone stopped in traffic who isn't brainlessly staring at their phone.

03-15-19, 11:45
pretty much daily Christians are butchered under Muslims ? not a peep on headlines about this over the world ?
look at all the children forced to kill their parents and put into slavery very often by muslims in Africa ? why not daily headlines till the world knows the truth and something is done ! cause many do know but turn the other way and ignore this

heck look at Chicago how many children are killed and how many innocents get caught up pretty much daily/weekly ? but not a peep on world stage and outcry guess they do not fit the demographic to demonize ?
look at the mess that is now the cartel violence that gets a tiny bit but not enough press to say let's do something about it ?

yeah this is a tragic event for sure but amazed it went this long without someone striking back sooner somewhere ! really amazed it has not happened in Europe yet IF someone wants to say muslims were the target ? cause sadly they do target everyone else even the other side of who they do not agree with ?
and yet I read New Zealand is calling this a RACIST attack ? so what race was targeted ? or do they mean a religious attack

the downside to this crap being recorded of course as mentioned already next pyscho need to outdo the last ? and with today look at me narcissism idiocy its going to happen again in some form some location etc..

03-15-19, 11:49
The version I saw wasn't in HD, so that helped, but it wasn't as bas as some of the clips from Panteo's mindset video with Paul Howe. Still horrific though. It seemed like forever and most of it was just him shooting into the two corners where everyone was huddled. Infuriating to watch.

03-15-19, 11:50

03-15-19, 11:57
Well, for strict gun laws, he was well armed.
There's 3 long guns on the passenger side, iirc, he left them all, goes to the back, gets an AR, and a shotgun (looked like a mossberg 930 tactical), and heads in. Dumps the whole shotgun tube at the front door, drops it, transitions to AR.
Looked like 40rd pmags, clamped together jungle style. Goes back out to the car, swaps it for a different AR, goes back in.
Drives away, then using some kind of pump shotgun, it was one of the three on the seat.
He's rambling about, talking about dropping a mag during the "firefight".
Got a chest rig, looked like something on thigh, don't know. Had a light on the first AR, set to strobe. It fell off, he ignored it.

Weird. Video game like describes it well, except it being real.

03-15-19, 12:10
Candice Owens? As a ‘hero’of the shooter? WTFudge.

An Aussie living in NZ complaining about invaders.. crazy is as crazy does.

They got him, they can’t execute him (I’m guessing), so we’ll have to hear all about him.

Can we at least get the press to mention the Congressional shooting and Dallas, where lefty extremists were to blame.

B Cart
03-15-19, 12:22
The version I saw wasn't in HD, so that helped, but it wasn't as bas as some of the clips from Panteo's mindset video with Paul Howe. Still horrific though. It seemed like forever and most of it was just him shooting into the two corners where everyone was huddled. Infuriating to watch.

I haven't seen this video, but have seen Paul Howe's Combat Mindset video and it was very hard to watch some of the videos on there. I don't think I care to watch this one.

And it sounds like this shooter was deterred at the later Mosque by an armed citizen. Funny how that works. This is another real life scenario that reinforces why I keep a rifle in my vehicle all the time.

03-15-19, 12:34
What kinda of guns? What about usual stuff, ammo, CCW, difficulty of permit, etc

A place I have always wanted to visit, but I don't do 20+ hour flights.

I’ve just got a couple friends that hunt there. The laws are not nearly as restrictive as they are in Australia or the UK, but they are nothing like they are here in the US either.

I’ve got a standing offer to go hunting down there, but have never taken my friend up on it. I wish I would have, because I get the feeling now that even slingshots are going to be illegal there soon.

The more Elmer Fudd type your gun is, the easier it is to get. Especially if you hunt and just want to use it for that.

Tactical stuff, is next to impossible, but doable if you want to go through all of the jumps in hoops. Plan on a couple years to make that happen though. CHL is possible, but it’s right up there with New York City. Perhaps a little more restrictive than that. It’s just death by bureaucracy, you have to show a legitimate reason to want one.

Of course, all of that changed yesterday. I would seriously look for them to one up Australia and the UK now.

What a sick world we live in nowadays. The worst part about all of this, especially with the video, is now it’s just setting the stage for the next person to say “I can do better than that, hold my beer”.

NZ is a cool place. They are being flooded by immigrants from everywhere though, it’s not a melting pot and there is no assimilation. Still, I would not of expected this there. Everyone’s pretty laid-back.

03-15-19, 12:50
I haven't seen this video, but have seen Paul Howe's Combat Mindset video and it was very hard to watch some of the videos on there. I don't think I care to watch this one.

And it sounds like this shooter was deterred at the later Mosque by an armed citizen. Funny how that works. This is another real life scenario that reinforces why I keep a rifle in my vehicle all the time.Doubt that ccw thing is legit. They're not allowed to carry. Even cops don't carry except for a select few. Kinda like UK

03-15-19, 13:23
If I build a mosque in a city called Christchurch, should I be surprised if something like this happens?

I am .... Christchurch is a wonderful city with warm and welcoming citizens. Quite peaceful. Very much enjoyed my time there.

03-15-19, 13:30
I’ve just got a couple friends that hunt there. The laws are not nearly as restrictive as they are in Australia or the UK, but they are nothing like they are here in the US either.

I’ve got a standing offer to go hunting down there, but have never taken my friend up on it. I wish I would have, because I get the feeling now that even slingshots are going to be illegal there soon.

The more Elmer Fudd type your gun is, the easier it is to get. Especially if you hunt and just want to use it for that.

Tactical stuff, is next to impossible, but doable if you want to go through all of the jumps in hoops. Plan on a couple years to make that happen though. CHL is possible, but it’s right up there with New York City. Perhaps a little more restrictive than that. It’s just death by bureaucracy, you have to show a legitimate reason to want one.

Of course, all of that changed yesterday. I would seriously look for them to one up Australia and the UK now.

What a sick world we live in nowadays. The worst part about all of this, especially with the video, is now it’s just setting the stage for the next person to say “I can do better than that, hold my beer”.

NZ is a cool place. They are being flooded by immigrants from everywhere though, it’s not a melting pot and there is no assimilation. Still, I would not of expected this there. Everyone’s pretty laid-back.

So basically if you're wealthy and or connected. Rgr rgr.

03-15-19, 13:38
I'll be here in 6 weeks, cant say I am looking forward to the flight, even in business. That is a long time in the air.

It isn't that bad. I've done it in business, but no way would I do it in coach. Those days are in my way distant past.

03-15-19, 13:59
A bunch of random musings about the event and some of the above replies.

It seems he chose his location for impact. Peaceful and friendly. Let’s murder with evil guns and polarize the world.

He also chose to mention America and guns for impact. It seems a stretch though doesn’t it to include the USA? He’s mostly talking (in general his writings, the video, and his paint pen weapon decorations) European Invasion by Muslims so why name drop the USA saying he knows he’ll ignite a civil war over gun confiscation here? Very odd unless you’re a Conspiracy Theorist...

His style meme tier as it is (is) totally look at me tacticool. For his branding I mean. Fuk his strobing WML that falls off sums it up. Chestrig, drop leg, knee pads with weapons decorated by a child a la COD Blackout weapon skins.

If that isn’t cringeworthy memeish enough the paint pen messaging on mags and weapons signals ‘look at my ideology’. Because things will leak out, screen grabs and press photos of his gear. Will show his message even when he’s silenced in jail, his social media is taken down, and his manifesto is removed from the internet.

Fuel canister bombs in trunk?

He seemed to be talking on the phone to me when driving after the second shooting prior to video end. Could be wrong. He called it a ‘firefight’ even though no one shot back at him.

The meme music further solidifies his desire for attention.

In his manifesto he clearly states he is not a Trump supporter yet of course MSM headlined it as White Supremacist Trump Supporter Shoots Up Mosque.

Further in his manifesto he cites Fortnite. He says he’s not influenced by video games. Yet his actions and mannerisms seem derived from internet gaming culture. Someone mentioned it here, Twitch live-streaming.

His writings also say ‘by definition’ a lot. He seemed to say he’s fine with other cultures living where they’re from, he’s anti immigration/migration (mass migration, invasion). E.g. Italy should be Italians.

Shooting through the windshield. I think he literally had a punch list of visually exciting things from movies (e.g. Heat) that he wanted to incorporate. Premeditated is already established. So let’s get the number of Views and Likes up by making it exciting. Same with the music, he probably created a playlist with those songs specifically (“I am the god of hell fire”).

Lastly I found the need to use a gps comical, as well as his 19 point u turn in an adjacent alley.

03-15-19, 14:02
It seemed like forever and most of it was just him shooting into the two corners where everyone was huddled. Infuriating to watch.

Ironically this huddle technique was being taught in some schools as a drill/response plan to a shooting. Completely RETARDED liberal stupidity at it's finest.

I saw this retarded shit on the news, and shook my head in disbelief. From the same mush headed imbeciles totally against an armed response to these events.

03-15-19, 14:16
I almost forgot.

So if gun laws are tight in NZ but you could get something tactical if you wanted and were patient, how did this guy allegedly a AUS citizen living there as a traveler obtain weapons? All the laws in the world won’t stop someone intent on criminal action. They may slow, dissuade however when guns are made illegal only then the criminals have weapons right?

He literally mentions The Knights Templar. As in he states he contacted them for ‘approval’ for his op. He further states the other guy who shot up the island was also a ‘knight’.

His writings which are long and rambling seem thorough in giving a FAQ. He says he was poor and not interested in schooling. Easily manipulated much? being from a compromised environment. Of course the writing style itself is low brow which fits his uneducated internet persona.

Hey it’s all JMO.

03-15-19, 15:07
Until the idiot politicians stop blaming inanimate objects these horrible acts will continue. There are wide spread societal/spiritual/moral issues that are being ignored.

03-15-19, 15:22
Found and watched the full video. It was horrible, sickening, and the guy should be executed for what he did. I'm on the side that people should be able to see the video on their own choosing, to see how evil is. All of the cower in the corner tactics against a mass murder is useless. Forget throwing canned food, tennis balls, books, etc. If you're unarmed and can't fight, RUN. You might die getting shot, but at least you have a chance. Staying in place while unarmed is waiting to be executed.

Gun control? Look at it, while New Zealand is not the US in terms of availability of guns, it's not exactly totally gun less. Their gun control doesn't work.

My boss and his wife spent Christmas and New Year in that very same city less than 3 months ago. They said it was beautiful.

03-15-19, 15:25
I almost forgot.

So if gun laws are tight in NZ but you could get something tactical if you wanted and were patient, how did this guy allegedly a AUS citizen living there as a traveler obtain weapons? All the laws in the world won’t stop someone intent on criminal action. They may slow, dissuade however when guns are made illegal only then the criminals have weapons right?

He literally mentions The Knights Templar. As in he states he contacted them for ‘approval’ for his op. He further states the other guy who shot up the island was also a ‘knight’.

His writings which are long and rambling seem thorough in giving a FAQ. He says he was poor and not interested in schooling. Easily manipulated much? being from a compromised environment. Of course the writing style itself is low brow which fits his uneducated internet persona.

Hey it’s all JMO.They allow firearms ownership to residents. As long as he wasn't a tourist/illegal. Even the US allows ownership to residents

03-15-19, 15:31
I got to spend about 2 months in Christchurch back in 01/02. I loved my time there. A fantastic place, with fantastic people. The only downside is that it is a bit of a liberal paradise. I was flying between Christchurch and Antartica and we (the USAF) had to endure a couple of anti-war protests at the airport. Folks there were outraged that we invaded Afghanistan after 9/11. I was also there the day the RNZAF retired their A4 Skyhawks leaving the country with no offensive or defense fighter aircraft what so ever.

My takeaway is this…you can’t get rid the world of evil by passing a law. The world is a malevolent place. It’s an individual’s responsibility to stay vigilant and be prepared to defend one’s self and loved ones against that evil. Any law that hinders the right of self-defense only enables PODS to commit heinous acts.

Dr. Bullseye
03-15-19, 15:54
You guys are much too politically correct for me.

03-15-19, 16:15
Can we at least get the press to mention the Congressional shooting and Dallas, where lefty extremists were to blame.

Don’t forget the Christopher Dorner rampage in 2013.

03-15-19, 18:01
A bunch of random musings about the event and some of the above replies.

It seems he chose his location for impact. Peaceful and friendly. Let’s murder with evil guns and polarize the world.

He also chose to mention America and guns for impact. It seems a stretch though doesn’t it to include the USA? He’s mostly talking (in general his writings, the video, and his paint pen weapon decorations) European Invasion by Muslims so why name drop the USA saying he knows he’ll ignite a civil war over gun confiscation here? Very odd unless you’re a Conspiracy Theorist...

His style meme tier as it is (is) totally look at me tacticool. For his branding I mean. Fuk his strobing WML that falls off sums it up. Chestrig, drop leg, knee pads with weapons decorated by a child a la COD Blackout weapon skins.

If that isn’t cringeworthy memeish enough the paint pen messaging on mags and weapons signals ‘look at my ideology’. Because things will leak out, screen grabs and press photos of his gear. Will show his message even when he’s silenced in jail, his social media is taken down, and his manifesto is removed from the internet.

Fuel canister bombs in trunk?

He seemed to be talking on the phone to me when driving after the second shooting prior to video end. Could be wrong. He called it a ‘firefight’ even though no one shot back at him.

The meme music further solidifies his desire for attention.

In his manifesto he clearly states he is not a Trump supporter yet of course MSM headlined it as White Supremacist Trump Supporter Shoots Up Mosque.

Further in his manifesto he cites Fortnite. He says he’s not influenced by video games. Yet his actions and mannerisms seem derived from internet gaming culture. Someone mentioned it here, Twitch live-streaming.

His writings also say ‘by definition’ a lot. He seemed to say he’s fine with other cultures living where they’re from, he’s anti immigration/migration (mass migration, invasion). E.g. Italy should be Italians.

Shooting through the windshield. I think he literally had a punch list of visually exciting things from movies (e.g. Heat) that he wanted to incorporate. Premeditated is already established. So let’s get the number of Views and Likes up by making it exciting. Same with the music, he probably created a playlist with those songs specifically (“I am the god of hell fire”).

Lastly I found the need to use a gps comical, as well as his 19 point u turn in an adjacent alley.

This was a politically motivated carefully planned act of terrorism to fan the flames of civil war between the right and the left, and the media is doing exactly what he wants: help speed up the process of civil war. I guarantee within the next year or so, it will be bullets instead of fists flying that these rallies.

03-15-19, 18:27
They allow firearms ownership to residents. As long as he wasn't a tourist/illegal. Even the US allows ownership to residents

I’m going by his writings. He states he was a traveler and decided to stay there ‘to train’ for his op. So I’m thinking he was just a visitor and may not have been legal per se. Just speculation.

03-15-19, 18:34
I was immediately reminded of the murders of Alison Parker and Adam Ward, the two Virginia journalists murdered by a former coworker who streamed his attack on the internet. I didn’t watch that video, I’m not going to watch this video from New Zealand, and I urge you not to watch them either.

The bad guys want, more than anything, for their twisted voice to be heard by society. The more we reward their disgusting actions by giving them a platform, the more they win – and the more other losers are bound to decide that’s the course of action they need to take.

Link (https://vuurwapenblog.com/general-opinion/dont-give-the-bad-guys-what-they-want/).

03-15-19, 18:42
YAWN,,,,Latest from aljazeera.com,,,,, Oh wait !!!!

03-15-19, 18:43
Found and watched the full video. It was horrible, sickening, and the guy should be executed for what he did. I'm on the side that people should be able to see the video on their own choosing, to see how evil is. All of the cower in the corner tactics against a mass murder is useless. Forget throwing canned food, tennis balls, books, etc. If you're unarmed and can't fight, RUN. You might die getting shot, but at least you have a chance. Staying in place while unarmed is waiting to be executed.

Gun control? Look at it, while New Zealand is not the US in terms of availability of guns, it's not exactly totally gun less. Their gun control doesn't work.

My boss and his wife spent Christmas and New Year in that very same city less than 3 months ago. They said it was beautiful.

It appears a good guy with a gun kept the death toll much lower at his second target. Lets see how they explain that away:


03-15-19, 18:47
Couple different thoughts.

-The stark contrast in different styles of attack and amount of information available between this shooting and the Vegas massacre is staggering. The death tolls seem similar. Just an interesting contrast.

-Ultimately gun control worked here. He says he preferred other places but settled on New Zealand. Is this because he’d be able to buy guns there even if it took years? His home country of Australia had stringent laws, he couldn’t buy at home. You would think idealistically he’d want to have attacked in a French or German or what ever mosque, but would never be able to buy a semi auto there or maybe any guns. Did he buy the guns and gear legally?

-Saying he used guns to cause unrest in the USA could be his way of trying to protect gun rights. Or maybe that was just simply his intent.

-Or maybe video games had a real influence on him? Did he use the guns and run around and steam it to be like a ‘real life video game’. If so that’s influence.

03-15-19, 19:10
-Ultimately gun control worked here. He says he preferred other places but settled on New Zealand. Is this because he’d be able to buy guns there even if it took years? His home country of Australia had stringent laws, he couldn’t buy at home. You would think idealistically he’d want to have attacked in a French or German or what ever mosque, but would never be able to buy a semi auto there or maybe any guns. Did he buy the guns and gear legally?

According to New Zealand's PM, the PODS had the appropriate license(s) to possess the five firearms it owned. The PM also stated her desire to tighten gun control in New Zealand further.

03-15-19, 19:38
While I don’t think gun control is ever the answer the left certainly will use this to their advantage.

03-15-19, 19:50
wonder if he will get life or the typical 15 or so years for the murder charge ?

watched some prisoner show and NZ I guess is quite nice for being a prisoner so maybe he chose that so he knows he will most likely get out or have a easy time of it ?

maybe they should say well since you killed a bunch of muslims we are going to send you to iran and they can do what they want with you

03-15-19, 19:55
My buddy from NZ, a shooter to the core, says this guy was on the radar a while and they didn't do chit. Gee, where have we heard that before? In the usual scramble to cover their ass, focusing on the tool vs the tool user par for the course.

03-15-19, 21:13
So who’s going to be the one to start a Kiwi rifle clone thread?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-15-19, 21:18
It must be maturely addressed. There is a large segment of the population the world over who feel marginalized and told they have to give up and give in while others prosper by doing less. “Be the better man” “be a ‘good soldier’”. “Show some charity”

This isn’t new but is coming to a head.
And there is no real middle ground anymore.

Used to, the biggest flag wavers were immigrants. And now everything has to be theirs including ours.

This is a symptom. And as we all know the more it is suppressed; the more it will drive others to act out in extreme ways. It’s irresponsible to just say “aw he’s just crazy. Vote Republican”

I don’t recall society being so polarized. And having read his manifesto; he isn’t as rambling as the Dorner manifesto. He spelled it all out.
There is this frustration that needs to be addressed with some reasonable middle ground to be found.

Like some real American History X type stuff. Relatively normal people feeling like nothing matters so they say eff it. It’s happening more and more. Remember SkyKing(who flies eternal shiny and chrome)?

I mean look here. Right here. M4C. A LOT of current/former military and police, or guys with means to afford a pricey hobby with none of the incel 40 year old virgin atmosphere of TOS and diverse black ,white, asian,Native, Christian, Jew, Atheist, Buddhist, and even a Muslim or two and we have a long and IMO goofy thread on Civil War. Not political disagreement like Firing Line with William F Buckley but a shooting civil war.

People were bummed about Obama but these days everything is this huge travesty.

I feel like I am living in a dystopian future without the flying cars, robots, or Wendy O. Williams looking feral female raiders. Like that movie Children of Men.

We can’t ignore this unironic paradigm shift and cannot blame the gun.

This will get some airplay while the Trucks of Peace nobody even remembers. Or Charlie Hebdo. Kinda proving the point.

We can’t trust the news and in a way can’t trust ourselves. Our bias. Our attitudes.

I don’t know about anyone else but I’d rather make love and not war, brown girls are my kryponite, but I’m not giving up my guns because of a few assholes.

Saved me like an hour of typing, thanks mate. Forget the flying cars, I was promised at least one moon base and possible interplanetary travel...:laugh:

Seriously though, that saying "those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable" kind of comes to mind.
Granted, I'd hardly call this "revolution", but for all the leftists out there who I'm sure are making the rounds on the major gun forums to see what us evildoers are saying-
I've seen the shit you folks have been calling for.
But you will now lecture us some more about the evils of guns and white men. Hell, the "white men with guns are all terrorists" is already making the rounds again.
And people are surprised at shit like this?
Shit, a few weeks back EU Antifa laid out a "how to assassinate political opponents we don't like" paper. Pretty much " make detailed plans and get guns from less restrictive countries and shoot them."
But the crazy right wing nutters amirite?
Everyone's thinking of kinetic action, half the reason the left is going to get triggered so bad over this is half of them are just mad they got beat to the punch.
Only reason the Dallas shooter is long forgotten and this nut will be talked about for years is...?
Well, that and you know...it was Texas. Cops were johnny-on-the-spot with overwhelming firepower...

In other news, I really can't believe people here are going along with the "don't show don't talk" media line.
You're kidding me right? You don't have to like it or agree, but you DO have a duty to know. Especially these days. Hasn't everyone already witnessed enough cherry picking and straight up narrative twisting by the media with other events? But you want to trust them now because we're all supposed to blindly jump on the 2-second-hate train because the guy shot a bunch of people? YT is full of grotesque shit, but you want a filter for this because you were told to want one. Unbelievable.

If you'll excuse me I'm off to see what new viruses the internet has to offer these days... :rolleyes:

bad aim
03-15-19, 21:31
My buddy from NZ, a shooter to the core, says this guy was on the radar a while and they didn't do chit. Gee, where have we heard that before? In the usual scramble to cover their ass, focusing on the tool vs the tool user par for the course.

Interesting...was it the PD's radar? Here's a statement from New Zealand Police Commissioner Mike Bush who makes it seems like they had no idea of the guy:

"This person was not known to any of us, hadn't been reported to any of us, has no previous convictions that we can understand, was not a person of interest to either jurisdiction."

Source (NPR, I know, I know)

03-15-19, 21:48
I've watched the video. Everyone should have to watch it. If you consider the business of security, whether it is your own or others, to be your business, you should be watching that video right now and upping your game. Evil is out there, you better be ready for these guys when they strike.

03-15-19, 22:44
Saved me like an hour of typing, thanks mate. Forget the flying cars, I was promised at least one moon base and possible interplanetary travel...:laugh:

Seriously though, that saying "those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable" kind of comes to mind.
Granted, I'd hardly call this "revolution", but for all the leftists out there who I'm sure are making the rounds on the major gun forums to see what us evildoers are saying-
I've seen the shit you folks have been calling for.
But you will now lecture us some more about the evils of guns and white men. Hell, the "white men with guns are all terrorists" is already making the rounds again.
And people are surprised at shit like this?
Shit, a few weeks back EU Antifa laid out a "how to assassinate political opponents we don't like" paper. Pretty much " make detailed plans and get guns from less restrictive countries and shoot them."
But the crazy right wing nutters amirite?
Everyone's thinking of kinetic action, half the reason the left is going to get triggered so bad over this is half of them are just mad they got beat to the punch.
Only reason the Dallas shooter is long forgotten and this nut will be talked about for years is...?
Well, that and you know...it was Texas. Cops were johnny-on-the-spot with overwhelming firepower...

In other news, I really can't believe people here are going along with the "don't show don't talk" media line.
You're kidding me right? You don't have to like it or agree, but you DO have a duty to know. Especially these days. Hasn't everyone already witnessed enough cherry picking and straight up narrative twisting by the media with other events? But you want to trust them now because we're all supposed to blindly jump on the 2-second-hate train because the guy shot a bunch of people? YT is full of grotesque shit, but you want a filter for this because you were told to want one. Unbelievable.

If you'll excuse me I'm off to see what new viruses the internet has to offer these days... :rolleyes:

Check pistol-forum. A remember there had it uploaded on (what I assume) is a safe site, for those that want to see it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-15-19, 23:31
I haven't seen this video, but have seen Paul Howe's Combat Mindset video and it was very hard to watch some of the videos on there. I don't think I care to watch this one.

Dont let others tell you what you can and cannot watch.

Pretty easy to watch IMO. Gore wise, it is nothing compared to a typical Hollywood shoot scene.

03-15-19, 23:53
Mosque massacre hero who tried to wrestle gun from shooter as he killed worshippers is confirmed dead as it is revealed his son also died in monstrous attack (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6814355/Mosque-massacre-hero-wrestled-gun-killer-forced-flee-waiting-car.html).

Naeem Rashid has died after he tried to wrestle the gun from the Christchurch shooter, as it's revealed his son was also a victim of the terror attack.

Mr Rashid tried to overpower the gunman - 28-year-old Australian [Piece of Dog Shit] - during a mass shooting at Masjid Al Noor mosque in Christchurch on Friday afternoon.

The hero was left badly wounded after he launched himself at the shooter in a bid to protect fellow worshippers.

He was rushed to hospital following the attack, but died late on Friday night.

03-16-19, 00:15
Could be nothing, could be something.


"Self-proclaimed white nationalist Christchurch mosque shooter Brenton Harrison Tarrant is believed to have undergone a radical change during a backpacking odyssey that included trips to North Korea and Pakistan."

03-16-19, 00:24
This is a CNN headline, but the ‘story’ is really just a paragraph with a vague quote with no details on how any weapon had been modified.

‘Attacker's guns were modified, Prime Minister says‘

03-16-19, 00:29
This is a CNN headline, but the ‘story’ is really just a paragraph with a vague quote with no details on how any weapon had been modified.

‘Attacker's guns were modified, Prime Minister says‘At this point I think anything not factory OEM is "modified". Different trigger? Different handguards? A red dot? Hell I wouldn't doubt if spray paint was a "modified"

03-16-19, 00:38
At this point I think anything not factory OEM is "modified". Different trigger? Different handguards? A red dot? Hell I wouldn't doubt if spray paint was a "modified"

If you check BBC the quote actually says “only one gun was modified”. We may never know the truth.

03-16-19, 00:48
If you check BBC the quote actually says “only one gun was modified”. We may never know the truth.I believe you

03-16-19, 07:20
Well NZ just prevented more acts of violence with the stroke of a pen (or soon to be stroke).


Yep, if the fully semi-automatic rifle was illegal the murderer would have never murdered those people.

03-16-19, 07:59
Mosque massacre hero who tried to wrestle gun from shooter as he killed worshippers is confirmed dead as it is revealed his son also died in monstrous attack (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6814355/Mosque-massacre-hero-wrestled-gun-killer-forced-flee-waiting-car.html).

I’d have to rewatch it but I’m assuming that was the encounter at the entry of the hallway. From my recollection it seemed to be an escape attempt as you can see him facing the exit of the building when the shooter turns toward him and he comes into view of the camera and they collide. Without rewatching it, did I recall that correctly?

03-16-19, 08:06
Well NZ just prevented more acts of violence with the stroke of a pen (or soon to be stroke).


Yep, if the fully semi-automatic rifle was illegal the murderer would have never murdered those people.I gotta learn to stop clicking on these things first thing in the morning

03-16-19, 08:12
Oh boy. I love knee-jerk, feel-good legislation.

So much easier than addressing the real problems in modern society.

ETA wearing the hijab is a nice touch and further proving that on some level; dude had a point (although what he did was wrong)

I don’t care what heathen or made up god people pray to, just don’t expect me to play along

No I don’t think the Jews are “God’s chosen people”, no I don’t think Islam is beyond criticism if not sanctioning if needed, and no God doesn’t need my money. He doesn’t need a starship either.

The only religions that don’t irk me these days are Amish and Buddhists and sadly I cannot just convert to those either. I’m big on Zen and the golden rule and go to AME church on Sundays off but mostly for the singing.

If we get really theological, technically we were meant to be naked.

All this extra crap leading to outbursts.

03-16-19, 08:19
I’d have to rewatch it but I’m assuming that was the encounter at the entry of the hallway. From my recollection it seemed to be an escape attempt as you can see him facing the exit of the building when the shooter turns toward him and he comes into view of the camera and they collide. Without rewatching it, did I recall that correctly?That's what I was thinking. It seemed more like an escape attempt than an attack on the shooter

03-16-19, 08:23
That's what I was thinking. It seemed more like an escape attempt than an attack on the shooter

Yeah they can spin it all they want but homeboy clearly zigged when he should have zagged. It was like something out of Boys in the Hood

“Hey homeboy you need some help?” Pow pow pow

That shooter just really was antisocial and not being a good neighbor that day

03-16-19, 08:57
This is in my opinion the result of politicians playing fast and loose with immigration and citizenship laws in order to play the diversity game with a dash of globalism on top just to see what will happen.
If you're a politician, how about doing your job and fixing the infrastructure and creating a better opportunity for the people who voted for you and leave the whole social engineering thing alone. If you're ignoring the folks who voted you in to office in order to bring a bunch of third world refugee's here that were too afraid to make their own home country better, why do we need them?
This, in my opinion got way out of bounds long before this shooting took place and there were repeated warnings from various politicians in Australia that they were going too far to promote the well being of an immigrant population while ignoring their native born.
They created this monster and sorry, it's going to happen and lot more often if the course of this mess isn't righted.

But not to worry, it could never happen here, right?

03-16-19, 09:13

03-16-19, 09:14
NZ has different licenses for different categories of firearms. Fully functional Machineguns are legal for collectors, but iirc you are not allowed to shoot them.

Here is a large retailer with lots of semiautos. Suppressors are also legal.


03-16-19, 09:19
This is in my opinion the result of politicians playing fast and loose with immigration and citizenship laws in order to play the diversity game with a dash of globalism on top just to see what will happen.
If you're a politician, how about doing your job and fixing the infrastructure and creating a better opportunity for the people who voted for you and leave the whole social engineering thing alone. If you're ignoring the folks who voted you in to office in order to bring a bunch of third world refugee's here that were too afraid to make their own home country better, why do we need them?
This, in my opinion got way out of bounds long before this shooting took place and there were repeated warnings from various politicians in Australia that they were going too far to promote the well being of an immigrant population while ignoring their native born.
They created this monster and sorry, it's going to happen and lot more often if the course of this mess isn't righted.

But not to worry, it could never happen here, right?

An "Average Joe" might think that the politicians are stealing his wealth through taxes and currency debasement, preventing him from earning more by flooding the job market with foreigners who have no debts (or collectible debts, at least) and are willing to work for less, and are then handing those same foreigners the stolen wealth through welfare benefits, free education, free or discounted housing, etc.

But that's just what an ignorant, racist and hate-filled Joe might think. Us Ivory Tower Elites know better.

03-16-19, 09:24
You must recognize that there exists a remarkably uniform, bipartisan, Progressive ruling class; that it includes, most of the bureaucracies of federal and state governments, the judiciary, the educational establishment, the media, as well as major corporate officials; that it had separated itself socially, morally, and politically from the rest of society, whose commanding heights it monopolized; above all that it has contempt for the rest of America, and that ordinary Americans have no means of persuading this class of anything, because they don’t count.
And yet we keep giving them our money and re-electing them to rule over us.
Ironic aint it?

03-16-19, 10:37
Oh boy. I love knee-jerk, feel-good legislation.

So much easier than addressing the real problems in modern society.

Looks like the banning of leftist, eco-fascists (https://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/europe/item/31759-christchurch-shooter-praises-communist-china-condemns-conservatism-and-capitalism-media-call-him-a-trump-supporter?fbclid=IwAR0pBqn7W2m2vmNf1oqYsX6iTAUZHPEv3zTTbg7v2wxlwaAFPSQpf4dZfZ8), will SURELY be introduced in parliments in NZ & AUS. (and maybe even in OUR CONgress!) next week! :rolleyes:

Outlander Systems
03-16-19, 10:37
This might be the most Boomer thread in M4C histoty.

03-16-19, 11:02
I am actually surprised something like this had not already happened in Europe by some middle aged guy whose daughter had been raped and just found out he had colon cancer.

03-16-19, 11:17
I am actually surprised something like this had not already happened in Europe by some middle aged guy whose daughter had been raped and just found out he had colon cancer.

The most dangerous guy in the world is the one who has nothing left to lose.

Outlander Systems
03-16-19, 11:18
They’re abject cucks.

I am actually surprised something like this had not already happened in Europe by some middle aged guy whose daughter had been raped and just found out he had colon cancer.

03-16-19, 11:45
They’re abject cucks.

L3 who?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-16-19, 12:40
They’re abject cucks.

Actually I think that Europeans are used to being ruled over and accepting their station as subjects of the crown even if it sucks. Those that came here did so to escape such bondage.

Outlander Systems
03-16-19, 13:29
You’re absolutely right.

Actually I think that Europeans are used to being ruled over and accepting their station as subjects of the crown even if it sucks. Those that came here did so to escape such bondage.

03-16-19, 13:34
Let's keep the thread specifically about the shooting and topics distinctly related.
We don't need to rehash every political/social issue platitude or gripe in every thread.

03-16-19, 15:10
If I build a mosque in a city called Christchurch, should I be surprised if something like this happens?

This is not at all as funny as in my head before I posted it. It is a tragedy and I cannot even conceive the evil that would cause someone to even consider doing something like this.


03-16-19, 15:25
Islamofascists vow retribution and New Zealand's PM wants to disarm the citizens even more.

03-16-19, 15:26
Talking to a friend in NZ, who has some mil/LE contacts and such says he's been on the radar and that's being suppressed and by what the guy had very unlikely he'd have passed the lengthy process to get them if people were doing their jobs. Hmm, where have we heard that before? We shall see if that comes to light at some point. Having said that, I'm really surprised what people can get get in NZ once licensed, including suppressors over the counter and such. It was seem it's easier to get firearms of all types in NZ than is in say NJ, CA, MA, CT, etc. and were' the country that has "Shall not infringe" in a Const.

It also seems a gun culture does exist in NZ and they like their guns.

03-16-19, 16:04
...and of course the fact a good guy with a gun is why target #2 was a fraction of the death toll than #1, is being ignored by the media and politicians

There are two narratives for the second location. One is someone wrestled the gun from the shooter and the other is that someone had a shotgun and fired at the shooter.


03-16-19, 16:09
Talking to a friend in NZ, who has some mil/LE contacts and such says he's been on the radar and that's being suppressed and by what the guy had very unlikely he'd have passed the lengthy process to get them if people were doing their jobs....

If true, someone needs to get him to put that in writing, stat.

In other news... Pheww...that serbian polka song in the background is like...surreal, you know? Like one of those "f*** with your head" movie scenes with the carnival music playing in the background? Shit that's probably what caused it- if anyone listened to horrid music like that enough times they'd want to...well, ok, I'll refrain from the jokes for now.

For those that follow any anime- In essence, he's pulled off a pretty solid "Hero Killer Stain".
After mulling this over for the last day or so, the guy is being painted as an idiot and extremist and a loon by both sides. He is not. His manifesto may be rambling, but I think he has a FAR better grasp of current culture and likely end-results of events than anyone will ever give him credit for.

The sad but true end result is he played his cards brilliantly, even if the actual attack was fumbling mess.

Which I'm sure there will be no end to the media crowing about the "2 years of training/planning". :rolleyes:

Islamofascists vow retribution and New Zealand's PM wants to disarm the citizens even more.

Did anyone expect any less?

03-16-19, 16:28
There are two narratives for the second location. One is someone wrestled the gun from the shooter and the other is that someone had a shotgun and fired at the shooter.


I have edited that out of my comments as I'd thought that had been confirmed.

03-16-19, 16:50
Islamofascists vow retribution and New Zealand's PM wants to disarm the citizens even more.

If/when it happens the Leftists will be "well, you know, whitey deserved it".

03-16-19, 22:02
I have edited that out of my comments as I'd thought that had been confirmed.

Found this article, seems like more information is available now. https://www.newsroom.co.nz/2019/03/17/492509/when-gunman-advanced-one-man-ran-at-him

“Alabi said he heard a voice outside the mosque at about 1:55 p.m. and stopped the prayer he was leading and peeked out the window. He saw a guy in black military-style gear and a helmet holding a large gun, and assumed it was a police officer. Then he saw two bodies and heard the gunman yelling obscenities.

“I realized this is something else. This is a killer,” he said.

He yelled at the congregation of more than 80 to get down. They hesitated. A shot rang out, a window shattered and a body fell, and people began to realize it was for real.

“Then this brother came over. He went after him, and he managed to overpower him, and that’s how we were saved,” Alabi said, referring to Aziz. “Otherwise, if he managed to come into the mosque, then we would all probably be gone.”
Aziz said as he ran outside screaming, he was hoping to distract the attacker. He said the gunman ran back to his car to get another gun, and Aziz hurled the credit card machine at him.

He said he could hear his two youngest sons, aged 11 and 5, urging him to come back inside.

The gunman returned, firing. Aziz said he ran, weaving through cars parked in the driveway, which prevented the gunman from getting a clean shot. Then Aziz spotted a gun the gunman had abandoned and picked it up, pointed it and squeezed the trigger. It was empty.”

03-17-19, 00:44
Found this article, seems like more information is available now. https://www.newsroom.co.nz/2019/03/17/492509/when-gunman-advanced-one-man-ran-at-him
I may be misinformed, or not recalling things correctly, but I watched the full video and I don’t recall seeing any of this.

03-17-19, 01:07
I may be misinformed, or not recalling things correctly, but I watched the full video and I don’t recall seeing any of this.

He attacked two mosques. I believe the video was of the first one.

03-17-19, 01:46
Time spent in Northern Pakistan?

I get the Central Europe visits. That could fit into a rightist radicalization narrative.

Northern Pakistan. For the food...

03-17-19, 02:08
He attacked two mosques. I believe the video was of the first one.
Misunderstood. Thanks for clarifying. Map of video coverage start/stop.


03-17-19, 02:57

While previous attackers have leveraged social media, this shooter seems to have used weaponized the social media and used the physical attack to launch the cyber attack- which reaches everywhere in the world. Maybe the guy is a hardline white supremacist, maybe he is just and anachronihilist who wants to watch the world burn.

The live-streaming, the messaging on the firearms, and the manifesto. He did everything but yell “Maga country” and give a 10 second commercial for Colt ARs.

03-17-19, 04:30

While previous attackers have leveraged social media, this shooter seems to have used weaponized the social media and used the physical attack to launch the cyber attack- which reaches everywhere in the world. Maybe the guy is a hardline white supremacist, maybe he is just and anachronihilist who wants to watch the world burn.

The live-streaming, the messaging on the firearms, and the manifesto. He did everything but yell “Maga country” and give a 10 second commercial for Colt ARs.

I thought he labeled himself a eco fascist or something like that ?

03-17-19, 05:52
I thought he labeled himself a eco fascist or something like that ?

He did. But that doesn’t stop the Left from tying him to law abiding Americans, President Trump and the NRA.

03-17-19, 05:59
Islamofascists vow retribution and New Zealand's PM wants to disarm the citizens even more.

Is it me, or does she sound (& look) like THEIR version of Occasional-Cortex? :eek:

The poor people of NZ are officially boned.

Outlander Systems
03-17-19, 06:47
He isn’t a WN, and his manifesto was a ruse.

He is an extreme accelerationalist.


While previous attackers have leveraged social media, this shooter seems to have used weaponized the social media and used the physical attack to launch the cyber attack- which reaches everywhere in the world. Maybe the guy is a hardline white supremacist, maybe he is just and anachronihilist who wants to watch the world burn.

The live-streaming, the messaging on the firearms, and the manifesto. He did everything but yell “Maga country” and give a 10 second commercial for Colt ARs.

03-17-19, 07:22
Is it me, or does she sound (& look) like THEIR version of Occasional-Cortex?
I said the same thing on another forum.

03-17-19, 07:46
Misunderstood. Thanks for clarifying. Map of video coverage start/stop.

https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/17FE1/production/_106037289_christchurch_mosque_attacks_map04_976-nc.pngThat map is wrong. Where it shows headcam footage stopped is also where he attacked people from his car, shooting through the windshield and passenger side window

03-17-19, 08:05
When people make a manifesto like that, they tend to be sincere.

Ever seen Falling Down?

03-17-19, 09:29
Time spent in Northern Pakistan?

I get the Central Europe visits. That could fit into a rightist radicalization narrative.

Northern Pakistan. For the food...

To learn first hand about your enemy. To learn first hand about a culture we have been at war with for 18years.

I doubt it was because he thought he was going to like the place. More to just see it all for himself.

03-17-19, 09:47
That map is wrong. Where it shows headcam footage stopped is also where he attacked people from his car, shooting through the windshield and passenger side window
Right which is where my misunderstood train of thought was coming from, thinking the windshield shooting was at the second mosque (I didn’t know if he had exited the vehicle at the second mosque or not, of there was a second shooter responsible for the second mosque, et cetera).
But how is the map wrong? It simply shows the route. Not necessarily identifying locations of shootings or victims.

Outlander Systems
03-17-19, 09:53
You don’t think schizophrenic conspiracy false flag theories are a better explanation?

To learn first hand about your enemy. To learn first hand about a culture we have been at war with for 18years.

I doubt it was because he thought he was going to like the place. More to just see it all for himself.

03-17-19, 10:01
You don’t think schizophrenic conspiracy false flag theories are a better explanation?

A true paradigm shift.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-17-19, 10:03
But how is the map wrong? It simply shows the route. Not necessarily identifying locations of shootings or victims.

It shows the two attacks and where his camera cut off. But where his camera cut off was also where he attacked. So either that was a three attacks or that was the second attack and the map is wrong.

Hopefully that makes sense

03-17-19, 10:24
When people make a manifesto like that, they tend to be sincere.

Ever seen Falling Down?

A movie?

To learn first hand about your enemy. To learn first hand about a culture we have been at war with for 18years.

I doubt it was because he thought he was going to like the place. More to just see it all for himself.

You hate people like this, you don’t need to hang out with them to seal the deal. Maybe he went to Pakistan with an open heart and mind and learned to hate them. Who knows. Until we get a clearer idea of what he was doing there, it sticks out like a sore thumb. Carter page spends a couple of weekends in Russia and that kicks off a 3 year investigation. You can’t just sweep this guy living there under a rug as some aberration with out a good explanation.

You don’t think schizophrenic conspiracy false flag theories are a better explanation?

That the guy is crazy and trying to judge his actions by rationale may be fools errand.

03-17-19, 10:34
His manifesto is much different than I thought it would be.

I thought it was going to be super Christian time for another crusade against Islam, immigrants, refugees are destroying the West with crime, values, support, etc. and he hoped to spur thousands of copycats emptying their countries of these guys with similar techniques.

03-17-19, 11:47
His manifesto is much different than I thought it would be.

I thought it was going to be super Christian time for another crusade against Islam, immigrants, refugees are destroying the West with crime, values, support, etc. and he hoped to spur thousands of copycats emptying their countries of these guys with similar techniques.

What was it then?

03-17-19, 12:16
A movie?

You hate people like this, you don’t need to hang out with them to seal the deal. Maybe he went to Pakistan with an open heart and mind and learned to hate them. Who knows. Until we get a clearer idea of what he was doing there, it sticks out like a sore thumb. Carter page spends a couple of weekends in Russia and that kicks off a 3 year investigation. You can’t just sweep this guy living there under a rug as some aberration with out a good explanation.

That the guy is crazy and trying to judge his actions by rationale may be fools errand.

So he was crazy? History of mental illness or you opinion? Real question.

Outlander Systems
03-17-19, 13:25
For some reason, these strange beings, Australians, have decided that ruining their own country isn’t nearly enough, and they need to ruin the internet for everyone else. You could be having a conversation about cats, the different breeds, the pros and cons of having a cat, and then suddenly out of nowhere, an Australian shitposter appears. He might pretend to be interested in cats at first in order to get your trust and pretend that he wants to discuss the topic at hand. Make no mistake; he is here just for one reason; Shit-posting. Australians do not contribute anything to online conversations, they can only shit post. Whether it is an online forum like 4chan or 8chan, or a social network like Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr. No matter what the topic is, you can be sure there is an Australian there for the sole purpose of shit-posting.


What was it then?

03-17-19, 16:13
So he was crazy? History of mental illness or you opinion? Real question.

I think by definition you have to say he was mentally ill, in that his perception and responses to the world are way outside of the norm of what is accepted. How can you think anything else? Now is he 'crazy' in the legal tense of not being able to understand what he did and unable to defend himself in court- no. Outside of having a tumor doing this to him, he had lots of choices and time not to get that screwed up- so crazy, or mentally ill, isn't a defense.

He might hate muslims, he might be a white nationalist- but the reason he did this might not be directly related to those- it may be that he just wanted to world to suffer. That seems to be the drive behind his social postings. They are carefully constructed to splinter and drive apart people.

Maybe the guy is lucky. Maybe he doesn't plan on that much impact. Maybe he is just a meme parrot that is echoing things he heard and knows that at some level they will be engaged.

My guess is that he'll either realize what he has done and shut down, or he will shift into high gear for a trial and we are due for a whole new shit storm that the MSM won't be able to turn away from.


I thought you were talking about this guy:


03-17-19, 17:11
I think by definition you have to say he was mentally ill, in that his perception and responses to the world are way outside of the norm of what is accepted. How can you think anything else? Now is he 'crazy' in the legal tense of not being able to understand what he did and unable to defend himself in court- no. Outside of having a tumor doing this to him, he had lots of choices and time not to get that screwed up- so crazy, or mentally ill, isn't a defense.

He might hate muslims, he might be a white nationalist- but the reason he did this might not be directly related to those- it may be that he just wanted to world to suffer. That seems to be the drive behind his social postings. They are carefully constructed to splinter and drive apart people.

Maybe the guy is lucky. Maybe he doesn't plan on that much impact. Maybe he is just a meme parrot that is echoing things he heard and knows that at some level they will be engaged.

My guess is that he'll either realize what he has done and shut down, or he will shift into high gear for a trial and we are due for a whole new shit storm that the MSM won't be able to turn away from.

I thought you were talking about this guy:


That is what I figured. Outside the norm, here and maybe in NZ but not everywhere. Remember that American's have a tendency to project our own values on everyone else even though they don't even come close to applying.

Is he mentally ill? I don't know. My guess is if he was that off his rocker he would have a history. That is what I am looking for.

They "How con any sane person do that" is the cry of those pushing an agenda.

03-17-19, 18:34
Just from a lay person perspective: I think people we call “crazy” are actually belong in four categories—

1) Crazy, truly. Disassociated from reality, psychotic, hallucinates, hears voices, incapable of rational processes. Don’t know if any mass killers in this category because it generally takes long term planning and prep to pull off.

2) Crazy temporarily, from choosing to ingest mind altering substances. Otherwise not crazy just stupid.

3) Sociopath. They do not recognize societal norms or self guilt and therefore 96% of us cannot imagine why these people do what they do. The can go from playing with their kids, driving off to abduct and torture someone, and coming home with pizza for the family. Totally rational and sometimes very successful, but they play by their own rules have have no capacity to feel empathy or guilt. Anything that makes them feel good is justified. Ted Buddy? BTK? Vegas shooter?

4) Evil bastards. Totally rational individuals who know right from wrong and glory in choosing wrong and make others suffer. Charles Manson?

This NZ killer is not crazy. He is probably a violent sociopath or just chose to be evil for its own sake. I don’t know if he is smart enough to do that.

Did I miss a type of crazy?

03-17-19, 18:53
Just from a lay person perspective: I think people we call “crazy” are actually belong in four categories—

1) Crazy, truly. Disassociated from reality, psychotic, hallucinates, hears voices, incapable of rational processes. Don’t know if any mass killers in this category because it generally takes long term planning and prep to pull off.

2) Crazy temporarily, from choosing to ingest mind altering substances. Otherwise not crazy just stupid.

3) Sociopath. They do not recognize societal norms or self guilt and therefore 96% of us cannot imagine why these people do what they do. The can go from playing with their kids, driving off to abduct and torture someone, and coming home with pizza for the family. Totally rational and sometimes very successful, but they play by their own rules have have no capacity to feel empathy or guilt. Anything that makes them feel good is justified. Ted Buddy? BTK? Vegas shooter?

4) Evil bastards. Totally rational individuals who know right from wrong and glory in choosing wrong and make others suffer. Charles Manson?

This NZ killer is not crazy. He is probably a violent sociopath or just chose to be evil for its own sake. I don’t know if he is smart enough to do that.

Did I miss a type of crazy?

There is the psychopath that just doesn't have empathy or sympathy.

There are two separate schools of thought on the psychopath vs sociopath and what separates them. But that debate is most assuredly not for here.

03-17-19, 19:24
It shows the two attacks and where his camera cut off. But where his camera cut off was also where he attacked. So either that was a three attacks or that was the second attack and the map is wrong.

Hopefully that makes sense
It does now that I looked more closely at the map. I didn’t realize it said ‘attack 1’ and ‘attack 2’. Thanks for pointing that out.

03-17-19, 19:31
Just from a lay person perspective: I think people we call “crazy” are actually belong in four categories—

1) Crazy, truly. Disassociated from reality, psychotic, hallucinates, hears voices, incapable of rational processes. Don’t know if any mass killers in this category because it generally takes long term planning and prep to pull off.

2) Crazy temporarily, from choosing to ingest mind altering substances. Otherwise not crazy just stupid.

3) Sociopath. They do not recognize societal norms or self guilt and therefore 96% of us cannot imagine why these people do what they do. The can go from playing with their kids, driving off to abduct and torture someone, and coming home with pizza for the family. Totally rational and sometimes very successful, but they play by their own rules have have no capacity to feel empathy or guilt. Anything that makes them feel good is justified. Ted Buddy? BTK? Vegas shooter?

4) Evil bastards. Totally rational individuals who know right from wrong and glory in choosing wrong and make others suffer. Charles Manson?

This NZ killer is not crazy. He is probably a violent sociopath or just chose to be evil for its own sake. I don’t know if he is smart enough to do that.

Did I miss a type of crazy?

In the first category are the schizophrenic dude who shot people in Chapel Hill, James Holmes the Aurora, CO movie theater shooter, and Adam Lanza.

I think many of these mass shooters and serial killers likely have antisocial personality disorder (previously known as sociopaths). Holmes and Lanza likely also had schizophrenia or at very least schizotypal personality disorder.

03-17-19, 19:50
There is the psychopath that just doesn't have empathy or sympathy.

There are two separate schools of thought on the psychopath vs sociopath and what separates them. But that debate is most assuredly not for here.

I useful read:

"...there are some general similarities as well as differences between these two personality types. Both sociopaths and psychopaths have a pervasive pattern of disregard for the safety and rights of others. Deceit and manipulation are central features to both types of personality. Contrary to popular belief, a psychopath or sociopath is not necessarily violent."


03-17-19, 20:13
I useful read:

"...there are some general similarities as well as differences between these two personality types. Both sociopaths and psychopaths have a pervasive pattern of disregard for the safety and rights of others. Deceit and manipulation are central features to both types of personality. Contrary to popular belief, a psychopath or sociopath is not necessarily violent."


Interesting. However, psychiatry and psychology don’t recognize sociopath and psychopath as diagnoses. As the author of that article points out, antisocial personality disorder is really what covers both of those lay terms. It’s interesting that he goes into such a detailed analysis of two completely lay terms. I think the tendency of the DSM is to avoid the inherent negative labels of sociopath and psychopath, but it seems time to add some categories to APD.

We as a society need to identify the risky people in our midst, not label inanimate objects (ie firearns) in the hands of the law-abiding as the risk.

Here’s an interesting article I found. It’s refreshing in that it doesn’t call for gun control.


03-17-19, 22:41
Josh, that is exactly why I tried to point out that an abnormal psychology is not necessarily “mentally ill.” And these antisocial types are sometimes the most violent because they can be so cunning, knowing very well how to play off other persons’ weaknesses and trust.

I read that it is estimated that 4% of the population is sociopathic. Pretty much any group of 20+ you are in likely has at least one sociopath. Yet most of us have be freaking clue how to recognize them or deal with them. And our laws totally overlook this personality type as a motivation or reason they will never be rehabbed.

A great read in layman terms is “The Sociopath Nextdoor”. Fantastic advise, works very well. Once you accept this is just how some people are wired you can swiftly protect yourself and family from the chaos and carnage they enjoy leaving in their wake. One of the traits is something like: enjoys instigating conflict that embroil others and then sit back and enjoy the confusion and damage. Kind of sounds like this NZ killer

03-18-19, 00:16
There aren’t nearly as many “crazy” people out there as one might think.

Just mean spirited people or folks with chips on their shoulders who feel slighted and act rashly.

I think I have only seen one really crazy person but they didn’t act crazy. They were just in their own little world like a 3 year old. As in like a literal 3 year old. But overall quite harmless.

But I have seen my fair share of monsters who were clear-minded and deliberate or people who were otherwise cognizant but disturbed emotionally.

Please get this Jack the Ripper, Hannibal Lecter, Heath Ledger Joker crap outta your minds.

It doesn’t work that way even if there are schizotypal elements to their behavior

03-18-19, 02:38
There aren’t nearly as many “crazy” people out there as one might think.

Just mean spirited people or folks with chips on their shoulders who feel slighted and act rashly.

I think I have only seen one really crazy person but they didn’t act crazy. They were just in their own little world like a 3 year old. As in like a literal 3 year old. But overall quite harmless.

But I have seen my fair share of monsters who were clear-minded and deliberate or people who were otherwise cognizant but disturbed emotionally.

Please get this Jack the Ripper, Hannibal Lecter, Heath Ledger Joker crap outta your minds.

It doesn’t work that way even if there are schizotypal elements to their behavior

But there does seem to be a surplus of truly DGAF individuals who are willing to press anything and everything to a fatal conclusion if they believe they have been slighted in any way.

03-18-19, 03:39
Living in crowded Europe, it amuses me that not many have done it.

I have a samurai attitude to everything.

Trust me...I've been Arocked a dozen times here in Hungary.

And I dgaf...

Karma is never coma.

But I don't have this feelings to hurt anyone.

But I can get why people smoke here drink here ..or do drugs and crap in the states.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Outlander Systems
03-18-19, 07:19
I’ll just leave this here:


03-18-19, 07:46
I’ll just leave this here:


Fake new...... move on to some more gun bans. :rolleyes:

03-18-19, 07:51
Even if that’s true, it doesn’t make the guy The Punisher.

More like Jason Voorhees when he killed them drug dealers in Part 8. Yeah they were bad but Jason was still being bad too.

The lines get blurry you know?

03-18-19, 09:49
What was it then?

My impression/take after a quick scan was shitty, low quality brown people are Fing up the good life, that non shitty, high quality light people have made for themselves.

The world if F’d unless high quality light people remain a distinct population with their own distinct countries and cultures.

A high profile shooting that further puts pressure on gun control in America will cause more division and hopefully a civil war roughly split between high quality gun owning productive light people vs shitty leftists and low quality brown people.

It’s almost caricature.

Outlander Systems
03-18-19, 11:12
I’m just trying to figure out why there’s a Jihadi Mosque in backwater New Zealand in the first place.

Fake new...... move on to some more gun bans. :rolleyes:

03-18-19, 11:40
My impression/take after a quick scan was shitty, low quality brown people are Fing up the good life, that non shitty, high quality light people have made for themselves.

The world if F’d unless high quality light people remain a distinct population with their own distinct countries and cultures.

A high profile shooting that further puts pressure on gun control in America will cause more division and hopefully a civil war roughly split between high quality gun owning productive light people vs shitty leftists and low quality brown people.

It’s almost caricature.

After reading several pages of the manifesto he left behind, I felt this was exactly his point.
I think he felt his government was undercutting his opportunities by importing, settling, subsidizing and giving an unfair advantage to these people rather than the native population that had been there for generations. They had settled that land, fought wars for their government, worked hard to achieve and suddenly all the good stuff goes to some imported people outside of his culture.
I don't agree with what he did, but I can see someone who's unhinged feeling that way.

03-18-19, 12:22
I’m just trying to figure out why there’s a Jihadi Mosque in backwater New Zealand in the first place.

Hiding from the US Drones? ;)

Outlander Systems
03-18-19, 12:40
Probably the only explanation that actually makes any sense right here.

Hiding from the US Drones? ;)

03-18-19, 12:50
Being the lover of conspiracies and feet that I am....

What if this was all a big double play?

An alleged radicalized mosque gets sanctioned and it shores up some wag the dog political fire.

Mossad....MI6....who knows?

You can’t just drone New Zealand but if you wanna waste some alleged terries with their pants down....

ETA Remember, No British....
ETA 2: You gotta admit, they did get draxxed pretty sklounst that day. You know, if this was a hit (not saying it was, not saying it wasn’t either..)

03-18-19, 13:31
If you love conspiracy theories there was a video on YT showing slo mo from the shooters video feed. Allegedly it was saying it was fake video, that the shell casings flew out the ejector port then disappeared. As in the casings were cgi or similar. This video disappeared within a few hours, and YT page said the account was terminated for violation of TOS.

I watched the original video. I thought some of it looked funny. Didn’t notice the shell casing allegation until I saw it in slo mo however. Now, if you can fake a video to look real, you can also doctor a real video to look fake. So, I’m not saying I believe the conspiracy however I think it’s pretty crazy that a video shared 1.5M times I can’t even find a copy of (to compare the alleged disappearing casings) without going to the DW.

03-18-19, 13:36
Alleged CT also is around John Podesta being in NZ five days before the event, and the shooter having similar symbols on one of his weapons as a famous photo of JP with symbols drawn on his palms.

03-18-19, 13:44
If you love conspiracy theories there was a video on YT showing slo mo from the shooters video feed. Allegedly it was saying it was fake video, that the shell casings flew out the ejector port then disappeared. As in the casings were cgi or similar. This video disappeared within a few hours, and YT page said the account was terminated for violation of TOS.

I watched the original video. I thought some of it looked funny. Didn’t notice the shell casing allegation until I saw it in slo mo however. Now, if you can fake a video to look real, you can also doctor a real video to look fake. So, I’m not saying I believe the conspiracy however I think it’s pretty crazy that a video shared 1.5M times I can’t even find a copy of (to compare the alleged disappearing casings) without going to the DW.

Covering tracks.

Ever watch the uncucked and now hard to find video of LV? Does that really sound like one guy with bump stocks or maybe a Filipino ISIS kill team and a Fed gun deal gone sour?

In the dark, filipinos look quite “hispanic”. And the delay? And the angle of attack shows multiple vantage points. And why there is no forensic evidence aside from leaked photos and a lot of “because we said do”?

I mean, I have seen suicides and that was a pretty weird angle.....

Just saying

03-18-19, 13:58
Yep. Little brown guys named Garcia, Ramos, etc. that don’t speak Spanish, seen from a distance, ... The plot thickens.

03-18-19, 14:27
Is the attack on mass transit in the EU getting much coverage in the US? Gun man still on loose. I'm over in the EU this week and the old lady isn't happy.

Outlander Systems
03-18-19, 14:27
Just go to the DW. You won’t be surrounded by pearl-clutching normies there.

If you love conspiracy theories there was a video on YT showing slo mo from the shooters video feed. Allegedly it was saying it was fake video, that the shell casings flew out the ejector port then disappeared. As in the casings were cgi or similar. This video disappeared within a few hours, and YT page said the account was terminated for violation of TOS.

I watched the original video. I thought some of it looked funny. Didn’t notice the shell casing allegation until I saw it in slo mo however. Now, if you can fake a video to look real, you can also doctor a real video to look fake. So, I’m not saying I believe the conspiracy however I think it’s pretty crazy that a video shared 1.5M times I can’t even find a copy of (to compare the alleged disappearing casings) without going to the DW.

03-18-19, 14:45
I’m just trying to figure out why there’s a Jihadi Mosque in backwater New Zealand in the first place.

setting up bases in plain site for the take over !

03-18-19, 14:49
Is the attack on mass transit in the EU getting much coverage in the US? Gun man still on loose. I'm over in the EU this week and the old lady isn't happy.

Not as much as I’d have thought. Trumps ‘tweet storm’ from the weekend is the main, Dutch tram shooting is much smaller and less well placed story on CNN’s main page.

03-18-19, 15:13
If you love conspiracy theories there was a video on YT showing slo mo from the shooters video feed. Allegedly it was saying it was fake video, that the shell casings flew out the ejector port then disappeared. As in the casings were cgi or similar. This video disappeared within a few hours, and YT page said the account was terminated for violation of TOS.

I watched the original video. I thought some of it looked funny. Didn’t notice the shell casing allegation until I saw it in slo mo however. Now, if you can fake a video to look real, you can also doctor a real video to look fake. So, I’m not saying I believe the conspiracy however I think it’s pretty crazy that a video shared 1.5M times I can’t even find a copy of (to compare the alleged disappearing casings) without going to the DW.

I saw that this morning. There is definitely some tomfoolery going on, several of those shell casings should have bounced off that concrete post and landed on the sidewalk. I'm not jumping on the false flag bandwagon, but there is something going on in that slow mo clip. It's not very evident when watching the video at normal speed.

03-18-19, 15:30
if slomo was created from normal things like a casing could disappear at times etc.. depending on software used etc..

did not see it ? but frame rate shutter speed and so on ? same reason you can shoot through a chain link fence and it wont show up depending on settings and so on

many photographers use the same techniques to shoot busy places taking many frames then get rid of the ones that change speed or direction and you have a busy popular location with no people in it :)

03-18-19, 15:41
Where is this slow motion video on YouTube?

YouTube sucks for searching for any conspiracy related stuff anymore. If you type in anything that relates to any of these weird mass shooting events all you get is gov't propaganda news stories.

03-18-19, 15:55
Where is this slow motion video on YouTube?

YouTube sucks for searching for any conspiracy related stuff anymore. If you type in anything that relates to any of these weird mass shooting events all you get is gov't propaganda news stories.

Search The Internet for something like NZ shooting disappearing shell casings. I found it on a fringe site called Renegade something or other.

There’s also speculation about a magazine on the floor in the hallway. Allegation was that it was already there versus him dropping it.

Re the video source supposedly was a GoPro style camera. Newer ones shoot pretty good video. I do not know which type or mfg the shooter used though. I have a GP from about 2016 that has pretty good audio and video for most things, however the sound can be a bit muffled if I’m using it in the waterproof case.

03-18-19, 16:31
if slomo was created from normal things like a casing could disappear at times etc.. depending on software used etc..

did not see it ? but frame rate shutter speed and so on ? same reason you can shoot through a chain link fence and it wont show up depending on settings and so on

many photographers use the same techniques to shoot busy places taking many frames then get rid of the ones that change speed or direction and you have a busy popular location with no people in it :)

Search The Internet for something like NZ shooting disappearing shell casings. I found it on a fringe site called Renegade something or other.

There’s also speculation about a magazine on the floor in the hallway. Allegation was that it was already there versus him dropping it.

Re the video source supposedly was a GoPro style camera. Newer ones shoot pretty good video. I do not know which type or mfg the shooter used though. I have a GP from about 2016 that has pretty good audio and video for most things, however the sound can be a bit muffled if I’m using it in the waterproof case.

Most of the compact personal 4K cams have multiple settings. Everyone seems to gravitate towards the highest resolution, but that usually comes at the expense of frame rate. They're too cheap and compact to do it all. If you understand that most viewing will occur on sites that reduce video quality for streaming and it will be viewed predominantly on 720p to 1080p screens, you're better off dropping down in quality and upping the frame rate.

03-18-19, 16:39
Most of the compact personal 4K cams have multiple settings. Everyone seems to gravitate towards the highest resolution, but that usually comes at the expense of frame rate. They're too cheap and compact to do it all. If you understand that most viewing will occur on sites that reduce video quality for streaming and it will be viewed predominantly on 720p to 1080p screens, you're better off dropping down in quality and upping the frame rate.
I’ve never hosted one of my videos, but I understand what you’re saying. Go watch the disappearing cartridges ‘analysis’, even if you drop a frame because your hires video was compressed, I think you’d see where the cartridges ultimately land these ones literally disappear. There’s no casings hitting floor or wall sounds. I think a few other anomalies I won’t bother conspiracying this up with any further.

03-18-19, 16:57
I havent seen any of the photoage from this incident, but 'deep fakes' are gonna become a huge problem in the future for filtering out fake news from the real news.

For those that dont know- a 'deep fake' is differenet from a 'photoshop' picture, because it isnt a human doing all of the editing. Instead it is a new capability of GPU's and deep learning super sampling (DLSS) software. In traditional photoshop the artist is the one telling the program what changes to make to the photo. In "deep fakes" the human input is very minimal and the hardware can output an incredibly believable product. The GPU itself is editing and fixing the pixels dynamically as the film rolls.

I dont know if any of that made sense, but deep fakes havent been perfected.... yet.

03-18-19, 16:58
Search The Internet for something like NZ shooting disappearing shell casings. I found it on a fringe site called Renegade something or other.

There’s also speculation about a magazine on the floor in the hallway. Allegation was that it was already there versus him dropping it.

Re the video source supposedly was a GoPro style camera. Newer ones shoot pretty good video. I do not know which type or mfg the shooter used though. I have a GP from about 2016 that has pretty good audio and video for most things, however the sound can be a bit muffled if I’m using it in the waterproof case.


Hard to tell on the disappearing shell casings, it could just be that the video quality was not that great.

The magazine already being on the floor was bizarre though.

03-18-19, 17:01
Not only has President Trump been blamed for the NZ murders by the loony Left but he will soon be held responsible for a mafia crime boss getting wacked:


03-18-19, 17:08
Most of the compact personal 4K cams have multiple settings. Everyone seems to gravitate towards the highest resolution, but that usually comes at the expense of frame rate. They're too cheap and compact to do it all. If you understand that most viewing will occur on sites that reduce video quality for streaming and it will be viewed predominantly on 720p to 1080p screens, you're better off dropping down in quality and upping the frame rate.

yup :)

also to boost what ya said if its say 30th sec shutter then the casing will just be gone in the next frame and when done to slow mo it might have taken that frame 2x to multiply out now you have say 4 frames with no casing in it kinda thing :)

not saying you to glock :) more just in general hahahahaha

03-18-19, 21:19
The domino-poking is in full swing:


And CNN is already whinging about YT radicalizing white men and how big tech needs to "Do Something" to censor everyone they don't like...like Ben Shapiro. I shit you not. :rolleyes:

03-18-19, 21:34
Man banned from internet over Christchurch comments

03-18-19, 22:15
And CNN is already whinging about YT radicalizing white men and how big tech needs to "Do Something" to censor everyone they don't like...like Ben Shapiro. I shit you not. :rolleyes:


Not that I don't believe you, I just want to read that.... against my better judgement

03-19-19, 00:23
I’m starting to think YT isn’t “Young Turks”....

Outlander Systems
03-19-19, 03:45
No, YT is the premier video censorship/controlled content provider on the internet.

I’m starting to think YT isn’t “Young Turks”....

03-19-19, 11:29
Man banned from internet over Christchurch comments
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-03-18/christchurch-comments-see-man-banned-from-internet/10913566Scope out the list of "weapons" they found on this guy; a "loaded" replica pistol, two switch blades, an expanable baton, a medieval mace and a crossbow... new zealanders must be pissing themselves in fear...

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

03-19-19, 11:31
bad post

03-19-19, 11:33
Scope out the list of "weapons" they found on this guy; a "loaded" replica pistol, two switch blades, an expanable baton, a medieval mace and a crossbow... new zealanders must be pissing themselves in fear...

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk
Can you PM me a link? I quick searched and couldn’t locate.

03-19-19, 11:53
I’m just going to leave this right here. I can not validate the photo from court. The photo grab from the shooters video I’ve seen and it matches, also seems to match various online photos of the named suspect. The only thing I can say about the court photo is the bailiff appears to be the same to the official photographs circulating through MSM.


LOL that's Chan sensation Sam Hyde's head photoshopped onto the shooters body. They shop him into photos every time there's a mass shooter.

03-19-19, 11:55
LOL that's Chan sensation Sam Hyde's head photoshopped onto the shooters body. They shop him into photos every time there's a mass shooter.

That explains it. Thanks, I’m deleting the attachment so as to not spread FN.

03-19-19, 12:22

Not that I don't believe you, I just want to read that.... against my better judgement

Here are two CNN links:

"The internet is radicalizing white men. Big tech could be doing more"
News host is all like "Oh noes, it's like white ISIS out there", and there's some other stuff in the article like moaning about how "the YT algorithm pushes people to right-wing content", which is hilariously wrong.

"New Zealand wants answers from Mark Zuckerberg over mosque attack video"
The title is a little misleading-basically talk about how social media needs to lock down more to prevent "extremist content"

In other news on CNN today, if you want to go over and dig through the cancer is pissing and moaning that NZ may "do something" about guns and the US won't, it's all Trump's fault, and suddenly Bush is a saint for some reason... :rolleyes:

I was actually a little wrong about Shapiro- the talk about "making him comply with the YT guidelines" was actually happening BEFORE the attack went down.
I'm just going to leave a link to a commentary on it, but there is an actual interview in print online if anyone wants to track it down and read it themselves.


03-19-19, 13:00
Here are two CNN links:

"The internet is radicalizing white men. Big tech could be doing more"
News host is all like "Oh noes, it's like white ISIS out there", and there's some other stuff in the article like moaning about how "the YT algorithm pushes people to right-wing content", which is hilariously wrong.

"New Zealand wants answers from Mark Zuckerberg over mosque attack video"
The title is a little misleading-basically talk about how social media needs to lock down more to prevent "extremist content"

In other news on CNN today, if you want to go over and dig through the cancer is pissing and moaning that NZ may "do something" about guns and the US won't, it's all Trump's fault, and suddenly Bush is a saint for some reason... :rolleyes:

I was actually a little wrong about Shapiro- the talk about "making him comply with the YT guidelines" was actually happening BEFORE the attack went down.
I'm just going to leave a link to a commentary on it, but there is an actual interview in print online if anyone wants to track it down and read it themselves.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkUdmy0OZ94So the idea is to sensor and redirect to whatever would be deemed appropriate? While they're redirecting white supremacists to I don't know what who's to say they won't start with firearms? Go to look for a how to AR video and get some nonsense from Bloomberg's every town? Good luck keeping customers

03-19-19, 14:06
Man banned from internet over Christchurch comments

1984 was not a user manual, as this article might suggest.

03-19-19, 14:16
“Radicalized White Men”?

You mean the guys who want safe streets, nuclear families, order, and civility?

I love all the charged up rhetoric people toss out and they are usually the same ones saying “let’s not jump to conclusions, let’s wait for all the facts, He was a good boy he didn’t do nothing. Blah blah blah”

Shit happens. Usually at the speed of life.

03-19-19, 17:36
Can you PM me a link? I quick searched and couldn’t locate....its from the link you posted above.

To clarify, the guy im talking about is the dude they (NZ) hemmed up for sharing the shooters video. His terrifying weapons collection

Correction: My bad, not "hemmed up" for sharing... theyve railroaded him for his online comments, raided his house and have shared their findings with the world.... the shame!

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

03-19-19, 19:58
...its from the link you posted above.

To clarify, the guy im talking about is the dude they (NZ) hemmed up for sharing the shooters video. His terrifying weapons collection

Correction: My bad, not "hemmed up" for sharing... theyve railroaded him for his online comments, raided his house and have shared their findings with the world.... the shame!

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk
Got it.

Back to the shooter. First time I’ve ever seen a Hera Arms stock outside of an advert. Kooky.

03-20-19, 00:39
What was his third target?

03-20-19, 11:14
What was his third target?
USA TODAY has an article that quotes NZ law enforcement as saying that they believe there was definitely a third target, however they do not state what it was.

03-20-19, 11:20
I recall having read from various sources that the shooter had another mosque lined up but none identified which mosque.
I suppose it would be reasonable to triangulate to the next mosque in proximity to the other two and you would not be far wrong.

03-20-19, 16:57
So a system that requires background check, psych evaluation, interview of friends and family, with restrictive classification of various weapon categories failed to prevent a mass shooting. Hmmm.

bad aim
03-20-19, 21:20
NZ just banned all "military-style" semi-autos. From the live updates from the link below:

"The minister of police is now speaking, he says that police are “gearing up” to enable these weapons to be taken out of circulation. Police will be supported by the New Zealand defense force. "Finally, I want to remind that it is a privilege and not a right to own a firearm in New Zealand,” he says."

Live updates:

03-20-19, 22:55
Interesting that they are implementing a complete ban immediately and will follow up with a law for it “later”.

Sort of getting Without Rule of Law. Being buddies with China and attending their International Socialist training brings home so many benefits.

26 Inf
03-20-19, 23:35
NZ just banned all "military-style" semi-autos. From the live updates from the link below:

"The minister of police is now speaking, he says that police are “gearing up” to enable these weapons to be taken out of circulation. Police will be supported by the New Zealand defense force. "Finally, I want to remind that it is a privilege and not a right to own a firearm in New Zealand,” he says."

Live updates:

Less than 5 million folks in NZ. Be a much larger scale here.

Coal Dragger
03-21-19, 01:04
NZ just banned all "military-style" semi-autos. From the live updates from the link below:

"The minister of police is now speaking, he says that police are “gearing up” to enable these weapons to be taken out of circulation. Police will be supported by the New Zealand defense force. "Finally, I want to remind that it is a privilege and not a right to own a firearm in New Zealand,” he says."

Live updates:

Part of me hopes that Kiwi gun owners fight back and inflict casualties on their totalitarian govt' over this, but I know they will not.

03-21-19, 05:42
Part of me hopes that Kiwi gun owners fight back and inflict casualties on their totalitarian govt' over this, but I know they will not.

Being good subjects of the crown they will just go along since life is a privilege bestowed upon them by their government.

03-21-19, 05:58
Less than 5 million folks in NZ. Be a much larger scale here.

I'm glad I am not the only one pointing this out to people. There are a lot of folks clamoring over this and saying, "See how easy that was?!? We shoud take notes."

They conveniently leave out that the population of the entire county is half that of New York City alone, and there is no constitutional right to firearms to overcome.

03-21-19, 08:18
Never mind.

03-21-19, 09:10
Being good subjects of the crown they will just go along since life is a privilege bestowed upon them by their government.

We're one of the few countries in the world where we have a culture of questioning, and often defying authority. Most cultures still believe that the leaders command and the people obey. Even if they rebel against the current authority, it's only ever about changing out one authoritarian government for another. We're also among the few places that has a belief in the value of an individual. Everywhere else, it's the sum is greater than the parts, and the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

03-21-19, 09:14
I just went through all 24 pages in one sitting.

Someone asked why is there a mosque in Christchurch or any other small back water place?

Because it is a pillar of Islamic conquest. Move people into lands that prior were not inhabited by Muslims, and then push for shira law to become accepted as an equal to the indigenous system.

Do not take what I am saying as an organized immigration in every instance. But even if the immigration is for economic and betterment of life issues, they will push the boundaries to get sharia accepted. They also as part of the grater economic prosperity be able to send money to pro Islam anti western value groups or even terrorist groups.

But most people have never had to sit through classes on the subject to become more proficient at defeating Islam,

03-21-19, 13:55
Interesting that they are implementing a complete ban immediately and will follow up with a law for it “later”.

Sort of getting Without Rule of Law. Being buddies with China and attending their International Socialist training brings home so many benefits.

That's what you get when you have a parliamentary form of government - no "minority" protection - completely at the will of the majority in that moment. That, plus the UK and any former dominion country (except maybe Canada) have a radically different view of being governed and what constitutes legitimate government involvement.

03-21-19, 14:52
Very little good news from NZ. Speaking to my friend, he's convinced it's a FF thing. I have no idea if true, but makes a a compelling case. Says shooter didn't go through fulling vetting and not even a NZ citizen who travelled to countries that should have red flagged him. Says the mosque was under surveillance for terrorist activities, and a there was an active shooter drill taking place close by, which she says is very rare in NZ. Intentional of not (I tend to think not, but he does have mil/LE background...) it sounds like, per usual, human Fu&$ up. Here's a worthy listen on the topic:


The only good news for those in NZ, is that according to him there's no registration, but the fact remains those law abiding citizens who don't turn in their ARs etc, will be made criminals, and that's unacceptable.

It sounds like of some of our similar events, balls dropped, human screw ups, maybe even some intent somewhere in that chain, and roaches scrambling to avoid the light being shined on it, so ban the tool.

03-21-19, 15:35
. Speaking to my friend, he's convinced it's a FF thing. I have no idea if true, but makes a a compelling case.


FF ? False Flag? if that's what you friend thinks happened, that's a very strong accusation. Is he and you (not judging, just clarifying) are saying the NZ officials allowed the killer to slip by the gun buying vetting process and allow him to:

1. Get AR type rifles
2. On purpose slow reaction to the mosque during the massacre even though they supposedly had eyes on the facility?
3. I don't understand the active shooter drill nearby during the massacre. If #2 is true, why stage an active shooter drill nearby?

Your last sentence is more what I was thinking, just governmental inept and screw ups. Governmental failures are not just confined to the U.S.

03-21-19, 15:39
I'm glad I am not the only one pointing this out to people. There are a lot of folks clamoring over this and saying, "See how easy that was?!? We shoud take notes."

They conveniently leave out that the population of the entire county is half that of New York City alone, and there is no constitutional right to firearms to overcome.

Not to mention the size of the area they have to police is significantly less than most of a continent...

In other news, the "greens" are at it again... :rolleyes:


I just went through all 24 pages in one sitting.

Someone asked why is there a mosque in Christchurch or any other small back water place?

Because it is a pillar of Islamic conquest. Move people into lands that prior were not inhabited by Muslims, and then push for shira law to become accepted as an equal to the indigenous system.

Do not take what I am saying as an organized immigration in every instance. But even if the immigration is for economic and betterment of life issues, they will push the boundaries to get sharia accepted. They also as part of the grater economic prosperity be able to send money to pro Islam anti western value groups or even terrorist groups.

But most people have never had to sit through classes on the subject to become more proficient at defeating Islam,

WHOA, cool it with the islamophobia you white supremacist sympathizer. Please ban yourself from the internet.


Doc Safari
03-21-19, 15:40
NZ citizens flock to stock up on "banned" weapons. Let freedom ring.


The gun store where the accused Christchurch shooter purchased four weapons has sold out of the assault rifle used in the massacre.

The apparent run on AR-15 style semi-automatic assault rifles has seen the country's largest chain, Gun City, sell out of stock of that style of weapon, according to the Times UK.

Gun City, owned by David Tipple, revealed on Monday that it had sold four weapons to the gunman accused of last Friday's attack at Christchurch's Deans Ave and Linwood Ave mosques.

Other gun shops told the Times that they also had run out of that variety of rifle.

03-21-19, 16:15
Not to mention the size of the area they have to police is significantly less than most of a continent...

In other news, the "greens" are at it again... :rolleyes:


WHOA, cool it with the islamophobia you white supremacist sympathizer. Please ban yourself from the internet.


I'm confused- Mr. Hart believes that he is "at risk for misuse" meaning he believes he may go on a shooting spree/commit mass murder?

If he believes that I am glad he got rid of his semi-auto and hope he gets rid of any weapon he has access to including vehicles, hammers, knives, gasoline, matches, lighters, bottles, etc.

Otherwise, I'm not sure what his point is...

Doc Safari
03-21-19, 16:26
I'll just leave this here without comment.


New Zealand’s Prime Minister dons hijab, orders national broadcast of Islamic call to prayer

New Zealanders — men as well as women — are also being asked to wear the hijab this Friday. The shock and horror that Jacinda Ardern and other New Zealanders are feeling over the attack is understandable. The good intentions of these initiatives are obvious. Unfortunately, however, it will henceforth be difficult, if not completely impossible, to discuss the jihad threat in New Zealand; anyone who does so will be accused of fueling the hatred that led to the Christchurch massacre. So it can reasonably be expected that in the coming years, New Zealand will be a hospitable place for jihadis and Sharia supremacists, and any resistance to their initiatives will be stigmatized into insignificance.

“NZ Prime Minister orders national broadcast of Muslim call to prayer this Friday,” Michael Smith News, March 21, 2019 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

On television.

On radio.

In the New Zealand Parliament and government buildings.

There’ll be no escaping Islam’s Adhan (Muslim call to prayer) this Friday, the Muslim sabbath.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced a two-minute silence will be observed on Friday to mark a week since the Christchurch mosque shootings.

Ms Ardern spoke at a press conference in Christchurch this afternoon when she made the announcement.

“I know from many there is a desire to show support to the Muslim community as they return to mosques, particularly on Friday.

“There is also a desire amongst New Zealanders to mark the week that has passed since the terrorist attack.

“To acknowledge this, there will be a two-minute silence on Friday. We will also broadcast nationally via TVNZ and RadioNZ the Call to Prayer.”…

03-21-19, 16:29

I guess if he doesn't trust himself to not slaughter people with his rifle than maybe surrendering it is the right move for him...

03-21-19, 16:37
I'm glad I am not the only one pointing this out to people. There are a lot of folks clamoring over this and saying, "See how easy that was?!? We shoud take notes."

They conveniently leave out that the population of the entire county is half that of New York City alone, and there is no constitutional right to firearms to overcome.

That pesky constitutional right getting in the way again...
Did anyone see Matt Christiansen's video on this, to summarize, "people confined in a space with no exist and no way to protect yourself, seems like the perfect reason to carry a gun." and I couldn't agree more.

03-21-19, 16:39
Not to mention the size of the area they have to police is significantly less than most of a continent...

In other news, the "greens" are at it again... :rolleyes:


WHOA, cool it with the islamophobia you white supremacist sympathizer. Please ban yourself from the internet.

:pSaw this last week and was a little confused. Is he afraid the rifle might go on a shooting spree or that it would cause him to do so

03-21-19, 16:42
That pesky constitutional right getting in the way again...
Did anyone see Matt Christiansen's video on this, to summarize, "people confined in a space with no exist and no way to protect yourself, seems like the perfect reason to carry a gun." and I couldn't agree more.I was actually thinking about this the other day. Seems like no back door. What about a fire emergency? Everyone crowds the front hallway?

03-21-19, 16:45
I'll just leave this here without comment.


maybe she should demand all wear a IED vest next ? and you know all women submit to rape at your local terrorist recruitment center and start paying the taxes they will demand

03-21-19, 16:48
seems last ten or so years NZ was the place to go and buy property for the mega wealthy and some others to ride out any world crisis or apocalypse etc..
part was you could have basic guns to protect yourself and a great society willing to stand up etc..
used to read so much about how awesome it was !!!

wonder how some feel now ? and I bet some are like YEAH its going to be even safer now ? hahahahaahhah

03-21-19, 17:01
As to the lay out I have no idea, I just know that shooting back against an untrained individual tends to flip their script rather quickly, I think of the Church shooter in Texas, and I know that there are others.

03-21-19, 17:04
FF ? False Flag? if that's what you friend thinks happened, that's a very strong accusation. Is he and you (not judging, just clarifying) are saying the NZ officials allowed the killer to slip by the gun buying vetting process and allow him to:

1. Get AR type rifles
2. On purpose slow reaction to the mosque during the massacre even though they supposedly had eyes on the facility?
3. I don't understand the active shooter drill nearby during the massacre. If #2 is true, why stage an active shooter drill nearby?

Your last sentence is more what I was thinking, just governmental inept and screw ups. Governmental failures are not just confined to the U.S.

Indeed it is, and note I made sure to say I didn't, but yes, that's what he thinks. Some people, even intelligent people, tend to see things after making associations, that may or may not be there. I'm passing along what he said to me on the matter. And I said same to him on the active shooter drill and his thought was perhaps he killed far more than expected before they were able to show up and save the day. I have no idea if that's true.

I too tend to think it's human failure vs intentional act.

He claims some of the info will come out at some point.