View Full Version : Hi-Point Barrel Contained 35 Bullets, Why Didn’t it Explode?

03-15-19, 12:03
Holy bat shit, one dumb & very lucky shooter

Hi-Point recently posted a couple photos on Facebook, explaining that a customer had sent in a 4595TS 45 ACP carbine, telling them he was unable to hit a target with the firearm. The reason? His bullets were not even making it through the barrel!


03-15-19, 12:11
Hi-Point tough....

03-15-19, 12:21
I saw a picture of a glock barrel that was cut away, it had 7 bullets stuck in there. Also saw a Smith & Wesson barrel with 4 bullets stuck.

Coal Dragger
03-15-19, 13:37
Answer to the OP: because pistol rounds are low enough pressure and low enough velocity that a steel barrel will contain it all. Probably also helps that a blowback action doesn’t lock up at all, so a path of least resistance isn’t through blowing apart steel but just pushing the bolt back and dumping gas pressure that way. I’ll bet the fired cases looked really interesting.

This is also a testament the awareness level of Hi-Point shooters.

03-15-19, 13:48
The Hi-Point is a blowback design. Not likely you could split a barrel shooting behind squibs.

Coal Dragger
03-15-19, 14:04
The best part is that the shooter probably didn’t realize there was an issue until he couldn’t get a round to chamber due to the last stuck bullet keeping the bolt from moving fully forward.

03-15-19, 17:27
“Dude this gun sucks! It can’t hit the broad side of a barn from the inside! I’m sending it back!”

03-15-19, 17:27
Or if I wanted some serious publicity, how could I get it?

Doc Safari
03-15-19, 17:33
Definition of insanity? Keep doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result?

Or, this is the type of person that looks down the muzzle as they pull the trigger to see if they can see the bullet coming out.

03-15-19, 18:48
Guess I need an education on "blow-back", I thought expanding gasses push the bolt to the rear. If the barrel has a squid, what force pushes the bolt to the rear.

Please educate me.

03-15-19, 19:07
Guess I need an education on "blow-back", I thought expanding gasses push the bolt to the rear. If the barrel has a squid, what force pushes the bolt to the rear.

Please educate me.

I believe the primer generates enough force in many cases.