View Full Version : The Weird Creepy Candidate that is Beto O'Rourke

Doc Safari
03-15-19, 16:37

There's more to Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke (D-TX) than just cultural appropriation, a DUI and allegations of being a furry.

O'Rourke, 46, acknowledged in an exclusive Reuters interview that he belonged to the oldest group of computer hackers in U.S. history - the Cult of the Dead Cow.

Named after an abandoned Texas slaughterhouse, the "Hacktivist" group made headlines for developing tools that let ordinary people hack computers running Microsoft Windows.

This next part isn't such a big deal. I ordered CD's of obscure stuff from mail order houses when I was in college:

O'Rourke eventually started his own message board, TacoLand, which was mostly about punk music. "This was the counterculture: Maximum Rock & Roll [magazine], buying records by catalog you couldn’t find at record stores," said O'Rourke.

But now, this is really interesting. Funny? Or just a tad twisted?

Beto the Ball-Buffer (Or, I'm Beto, Buff my Balls)

Creepy poems

Around 1988, O'Rourke posted several strange writings under the handle "Psychedelic Warlord." In one, he fantasized about taking pleasure in murdering children by running them over with a car.

"As I neared the young ones, I put all my weight on my right foot, keeping the accelerator pedal on the floor until I heard the crashing of the two children on the hood, and then the sharp cry of pain from one of the two. I was so fascinated for a moment, that when after I had stopped my vehicle, I just sat in a daze, sweet visions filling my head," wrote O'Rourke.

In another writing - a poem called "THE SONG OF THE COW," O'Rourke worships a ball-buffing, butt-shining, ass-waxing cow that provides "milky wonder."


I need a butt-shine

Right now

Your are holy,

Oh, sacred cow

I thirst for you,

Provide Milk

Buff my balls,

Love the Cow,

Good fortune for those that do.

Love me, breathe my feet,

The Cow has risen.

Wax my ass,

Scrub my balls

The Cow has risen,

Provide Milk.

Oh, Milky winder, sing for us once more

Live your life, everlusting joy.

Thrust your hooves up my analytic passage,

Enjoy my fruits

Provider of Cheese and other wonderful dairy products,

We will cleanse your inner intestines.

We will bathe in your Pungent Odor

Gather cotton.

Count my eyes,

Smell my skin,

Love the Scarecrow and the Milkman.

I live only for eternity,

Thirst for the undrinkable.

Hold the heat,

Praise the dough boy at the pizza shop.

Love the Oxen dung!

My take: This is just the tip of the iceberg. Swami predict we will have stories of him having sex with inanimate objects or something before it's over.

03-15-19, 16:41
He's a phony, simply put a nincompoop with a good story to tell.
If I owned a diner and you jumped up on the counter to wave your arms and spout off some socialism, I would nail you to said counter with an F'ing steak knife in each foot.

Outlander Systems
03-15-19, 16:44
The Skateboard Socialist lmfao


03-15-19, 16:47
Nice. Real effing nice.

I had him figured for a major wack job, guess I was wrong.
“Deviant douchebag” more likely.
How in HELL can people vote for major, “never done nothin” assholes like this?

Doc Safari
03-15-19, 16:52
Since he's supposedly a "furry", I wonder what animal he dresses up as? Hmmmmm......let's see, a jackass?


Oh, wait, re-reading the poem he must dress as a bull or something.


Clinton only got a BJ in the oval office. Just the image of two furries doing it under the picture of George Washington makes me want to puke.

03-15-19, 16:52
He is just what the Dems need. He is young, hip, handsome, identifies as Hispanic and can promise free stuff with the best of them.

Doc Safari
03-15-19, 16:54
He is just what the Dems need. He is young, hip, handsome, identifies as Hispanic and can promise free stuff with the best of them.

And he's a proponent of some weird sexual perversion. Probably his most important trait as a Democrat.


03-15-19, 16:55
Beto/Cortez for pres

03-15-19, 17:02
I like some of his rejected Vanity Fair covers better. :jester:


Doc Safari
03-15-19, 17:05

The bottom one reminds me of the "Ken: By Request Only" Worst album cover of all time.


Doc Safari
03-15-19, 17:17
Some clarification on the "furry" thang:


On March 14th, following the announcement by Texas Democrat Beto O'Rourke that he plans on making a presidential run, the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) made a tweet incorrectly claiming that the candidate is a furry. This claim stems from video of Beto in a sheep costume was released in January, however his purpose for wearing it had nothing to do with furry fandom activities.

Beto was a part of a band who donned their sheep costumes while performing punk covers on stage in El Paso. The intention was to hide their local demeanor an to play it off as if they were a New Zealand band from out of town, according to a Mother Jones interview. I suppose it's fitting if you are fleecing your band to be more exotic than it is, than a sheep outfit fits quite well.

Right. That's not deceiving your audience, is it? Furry or not, I keep hearing "banjo music" for some reason. Wasn't there a movie about some guys in canoes and someone squealing like a pig?



Okay, dammit. I can't go to sleep tonight without sampling the video here:



My take: Joey, Johnny, Tommy, and Dee Dee are rolling over in their graves.

03-17-19, 03:10
The Vanity Fair cover was a rip off of TIME magazine's January 5th, 1981 cover of Ronald Reagan (peace be upon him) standing with his hands behind him in his back pockets while wearing a Canadian tuxedo.

I heart this photoshop!

03-17-19, 08:40
I absolutely refuse to call him "Beto". His f*****g name is Robert, and that fake-ass Hispanic sounding name is bullshit. He's as white as it comes, yet the mindless minions out there no doubt think he'd be our first Latino POTUS. What friggin' idiots.

03-17-19, 09:07
Keep pushing the nut cases forward Democratic Party.
They're going to have a field of twenty candidates before the primaries start and fall victim to being divided between Democrat and Democrat Socialist and have a split inside the party.
Trump's gonna thrash them after they're through thrashing each other.

03-17-19, 16:37
He is just what the Dems need. He is young, hip, handsome, identifies as Hispanic and can promise free stuff with the best of them.

I don't know man... I think the Yang Gang might give him a good run for his money...
But yeah, if Obama and Trudeau are anything to go by, "hip, youngish, fast talker" seems to be the only thing you need to run for POTUS on the D ticket these days, and make a big splash with the young'uns. Well, that and have a loony-left set of objectives...
I should run just for laughs. Wonder how far I'd get... Hell, I can even claim more than 1024th percent of "special" heritage if I want...and we all know there's no guarantee to follow up on any promises once in office... :laugh:

Keep pushing the nut cases forward Democratic Party.
They're going to have a field of twenty candidates before the primaries start and fall victim to being divided between Democrat and Democrat Socialist and have a split inside the party.
Trump's gonna thrash them after they're through thrashing each other.

Trump won't have to DO anything, if he's still on office next year. Just walk out, smile and be like "bigly, amirite?" :laugh:
2020 and on is going to be such a shitfest regardless of who wins...

03-17-19, 20:04
Trump won't have to DO anything, if he's still on office next year. Just walk out, smile and be like "bigly, amirite?" :laugh:
2020 and on is going to be such a shitfest regardless of who wins...

The more the Dems go off their rocker, the more voters they push Trump's way... the real worry is 2024, when we don't have an Heir Apparent or even a shortlist waiting in the wings. On the upside, that also means not as much advance warning for Oppo Research... Cruz has a brilliant legal mind but little charisma (ironically, EXACTLY why I like him, I'm instinctively distrustful of anyone who trades on charm and builds a personality cult), Jeb has Electile Dysfunction that all the Viagra on Earth couldn't cure, Rubio's a backstabbing little he-bitch who couldn't be trusted if he said the sky is blue, Graham has a (shared with Rubio) fetish for gun-grabbing Red Flag laws... maybe Haley?

And actually, a more accurate name for the El Paso fraudster is Beta (as in "beta male," though he's more like whatever below that tongue-leans a beta's ass after a massive shit) O'Dork (as in, well... DORK). Ya know, I remember a time when men who wrote masturbatory fantasies about murdering children were committed for long-term Inpatient Psychiatric Care.

03-17-19, 23:15
If ya'll haven't figured it out yet, the 2020 DNC Primary is going to be quite glorious. I've never watched a single DNC Primary debate in my life, but I'm positively going to tune into the ones coming up just to see which candidate gets the chance to go full potato first and which candidate tries to out-do them.

03-17-19, 23:19
If ya'll haven't figured it out yet, the 2020 DNC Primary is going to be quite glorious. I've never watched a single DNC Primary debate in my life, but I'm positively going to tune into the ones coming up just to see which candidate gets the chance to go full potato first and which candidate tries to out-do them.

And the debates should be held in a mental hospital... where they should ALL be committed. :)

Dr. Bullseye
03-17-19, 23:42
I hope the Dems run that freak.

03-17-19, 23:47
I hope the Dems run that freak.

Hoping they try to run the boat-anchor that is Killary up the flagpole again, myself... but watching Trump rip Sheepsuit Soiboi apart would be just priceless.

Big A
03-18-19, 08:46
Don't let this guy live rent free in your heads. He's too straight, too white, and too male to go anywhere in the primaries for the new democrat party.

Doc Safari
03-18-19, 08:59
Don't let this guy live rent free in your heads. He's too straight, too white, and too male to go anywhere in the primaries for the new democrat party.

He raised six million bucks on his first day. I think that puts him up there with Bernie IIRC.


Doc Safari
03-18-19, 09:04
And for your viewing enjoyment, the "Fake Hispanic" show has begun. Maybe he can run with Elizabeth Warren, the "Fake Native American."


One of the country’s top Latino columnists ripped Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke over the weekend for his cultural appropriation, arguing that “Beto” has not “earned” his nickname.
In fact, in a USA Today column, Ruben Navarrette said that the “Beto backlash” among Latinos reminds him
“of the idea of stolen valor, the righteous outrage felt by combat veterans when others who didn’t see action claim medals they don’t deserve.”

Navarrette said that numerous Latinos “— unlike the media, which is run by white liberals who are fascinated by other white liberals — refuse to go loco for Beto” because O’Rourke has not been with the community when it mattered on issues like immigration.

03-18-19, 09:21
Beto is milk and crackers


I am literally wearing her T shirt right now and am dead serious and have credible witnesses.

She will mother the Starchild, she will make anime real, she will legalize Cocaine, she will put Stoner 63s on the CMP, and before too long she will wear her very plungy black spaghetti strap tank top, OG 107 pants and will make America great again

Doc Safari
03-18-19, 09:42
Just so we're on the record, Beat-O is a gun grabber of the worst order:


During a weekend interview presidential hopeful Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke said AR-15 sales should be banned in America.
This is a continuation of the anti-Second Amendment campaign O’Rourke conducted in his failed 2018 Senate bid.

For example, in February 2018 interview with CBS News O’Rourke supported banning bump stocks and made clear his belief that AR-15s ought not be sold in America. He said, “I think banning bump stocks makes a lot of sense. … I don’t know that we should raise the age for buying an AR-15 I just don’t think we should be selling AR-15s in this country.” And on October 18, 2018, O’Rourke noted Texas’ proud gun heritage then explained his desire for Texas to lead they way on gun control by adopting the gun laws being pushed for everyone else.

Doc Safari
03-18-19, 11:32
More on Beat-O's drunk driving record, with a hilarious meme:


O’Rourke, who calls himself “Beto” in an effort to pretend he’s Hispanic, was arrested for drunk driving in Texas 20 years ago. He was 26 years old at the time, speeding, hit another car, and tried to flee the scene.

After he agreed to some counseling, all the charges were dropped.

No big deal in the scheme of things, but in a political culture where the establishment media’s seething hatred for President Trump has normalized trolling, it only makes sense for the Republican Party to get in on the act, which is why the GOP’s St. Patrick’s Day tweet is so glorious:

In fact, let me count the ways in which this tweet is glorious…

It reminds voters O’Rourke is Irish, not HISPANIC.
It reminds voters that O’Rourke’s “Beto” nickname is an affectation so he can pretend to be Mexican.
It uses O’Rourke’s mugshot, and a mugshot is never a good look for a presidential candidate.
It reminds voters that O’Rourke, while speeding around drunk, caused an accident, jumped the median into oncoming traffic, tried to flee the scene, and then had the charges dropped — which is not how this works for most of us.
Because insecure media simpletons are so easily baited with anything that allows them to signal their own precious virtue, the GOP knew their outrage would spread this tweet far and wide, which is exactly what has happened.
Because it’s again in the news, O’Rourke again has to deal with it, which puts him on defense and knocks him off-message.
This predictable (and hypocritical) outrage is yet another way for the GOP to show the American people just what a bunch of humorless, unattractive, crybaby, stick-up-the-ass prigs the media and Democrats have become, which leads me back to my overall point about the reaction…

03-18-19, 11:56
Why are we talking about the whitest man in America when we could be discussing how AOC is a living goddess?

03-18-19, 13:31
Why are we talking about the whitest man in America when we could be discussing how AOC is a living goddess?

I am in for CMP Stoners!! Where do I buy her T? Will the helicopter rides be on FaceBook? Can we purchase heli rides for local Dems?

Good to see Hispanics finally calling him out for naming himself Beto. He is so fake it is appalling. This is the best the Dems can do? Hopefully he hangs in there long enough to soak up lots of campaign cash before it flames out.

03-18-19, 13:36
Y’all nickels need to know I am dead ass serious about AOC


Join the New Contras

03-18-19, 16:50
Y’all nickels need to know I am dead ass serious about AOC


Join the New Contras

Unisex Red. Perfect! Viva La Revolucion!

[I still want my Stoner 63 dammit]

03-18-19, 17:08
Unisex Red. Perfect! Viva La Revolucion!

[I still want my Stoner 63 dammit]

It is coming. It is coming....

The South will rise again, polygamy will be legal, and the cure for HIV that the FBI has been sitting on will be made available once AOC becomes our rightful Empress. She is too pure for a consort. I can only hope to wash her feet if my grades are good enough.

Also she will PERSONALLY dump Hillary Pelosi and Schumer on that Korean island where they keep the people who catch Black Syphilis.

03-18-19, 19:47
Y’all nickels need to know I am dead ass serious about AOC


Join the New Contras
I am thoroughly enjoying your love of Nina-Pinta-SantaMaria-Cortez... Gotta admit, she gets airtime because she's easy on the eyes, unlike most of the women in their miserable party.

26 Inf
03-18-19, 21:59
It is coming. It is coming....

The South will rise again, polygamy will be legal, and the cure for HIV that the FBI has been sitting on will be made available once AOC becomes our rightful Empress. She is too pure for a consort. I can only hope to wash her feet if my grades are good enough.

Also she will PERSONALLY dump Hillary Pelosi and Schumer on that Korean island where they keep the people who catch Black Syphilis.

Fly, if I send you my shirt do you think you could get Leader AOC to sign it?

03-19-19, 04:56
Don't let this guy live rent free in your heads. He's too straight, too white, and too male to go anywhere in the primaries for the new democrat party.

When he announced his bid in the presidential race there were more than a few Black liberal commentators that had a field day with how well received his announcement was due to him being a White male. Crying that there wasn't that much elation when Kamala Harris and some other minority DNC candidates announced their bid lolz. The DNC clowns run on identity politics and their finally starting to get attacked by their own creation. It really is glorious.

03-19-19, 06:27
Fly, if I send you my shirt do you think you could get Leader AOC to sign it?


03-19-19, 06:53
I am thoroughly enjoying your love of Nina-Pinta-SantaMaria-Cortez... Gotta admit, she gets airtime because she's easy on the eyes, unlike most of the women in their miserable party.

Yeah, she's that cute chick you see across the bar and wouldn't mind saddling up next to her hoping for a little horizontal tango later on...

Until she starts talking and you're thinking "WTF did I get into?". But...why not you think. And when your man parts override your better judgment because she's "cute," you find she's already appropriated a toothbrush, rearranged your kitchen space and put all your old clothes in the Salvation Army collection point after buying you all new clothes with your credit card you'll find out she's not what she appeared to be.

That girl is stupid dangerous and the media needs to stop fawning over her every moment they get. I thought she was attractive at first myself until I started hearing her talk.

03-19-19, 07:13
Yeah, she's that cute chick you see across the bar and wouldn't mind saddling up next to her hoping for a little horizontal tango later on...

Until she starts talking and you're thinking "WTF did I get into?". But...why not you think. And when your man parts override your better judgment because she's "cute," you find she's already appropriated a toothbrush, rearranged your kitchen space and put all your old clothes in the Salvation Army collection point after buying you all new clothes with your credit card you'll find out she's not what she appeared to be.

That girl is stupid dangerous and the media needs to stop fawning over her every moment they get. I thought she was attractive at first myself until I started hearing her talk.

You don't know her like I do!

03-19-19, 21:52
You guys need help.
I can find a dozen other brown chicks pretty much off the top of my head I'd rather hook up with than that crazy-eyed little mule...
I mean, just turn on pretty much any south american weather channel... :laugh:

03-19-19, 22:49
You guys need help.
I can find a dozen other brown chicks pretty much off the top of my head I'd rather hook up with than that crazy-eyed little mule...
I mean, just turn on pretty much any south american weather channel... :laugh:

Yanet Garcia (https://www.instagram.com/iamyanetgarcia/)

03-20-19, 08:29
Yanet Garcia (https://www.instagram.com/iamyanetgarcia/)

Yes sir!


03-20-19, 09:10
Yes sir!


That should drive Firefly crazy!

Doc Safari
03-20-19, 11:00
More weird and creepy Beto news items:


A new profile piece from The Washington Post on Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke documented multiple instances of highly disturbing behavior from the failed Senate candidate, including eating dirt and taking poop from his kid's diaper and putting it into a bowl and telling his wife that it was an avocado.

Buried deep in the article was a paragraph that documented his "'Psycho'-style scares in the shower," and another bizarre incident from their marriage. The Post reports:

One time, according to a friend, Beto collected an especially verdant turd from one of their kids’ diapers and put it in a bowl, telling Amy it was avocado. (Neither would confirm this, though Beto did allow it sounded like something he’d do.)

The Post also documented how Beto dealt with his loss to Cruz last year in the Texas Senate race, noting that he was "more prone to higher highs and lower lows" than his wife. The Post adds:

In January, Beto hit the road, much as his father had done before him, and drew energy from the people he met, and — on one stop in New Mexico he didn’t write about in his blog — by eating New Mexican dirt said to have regenerative powers. (He brought some home for the family to eat, too.)

My take: Never underestimate the power of drugs and alcohol.

(I'm less and less concerned about this guy's star power. I think Beto is slowly turning into an "especially verdant turd.")

03-20-19, 14:07
Hoping he stays in the running long enough to burn through mountains of donor cash. He has zero chance of winning anything, including dog catcher. But go out, have fun, and burn that cash before you pull another idiot stunt. Seriously disturbed person.

03-20-19, 15:08
The other thing to look at is, who benefits from this story being out? The Clinton and Obama machines both have extensive media ties--even at the level of their operatives/officials being literally IN BED WITH as spouses, so let's see...

Klobberjar's qualification to be in the next "Horrible Bosses" movie
Kamala Harris being Willie Brown's office prostitute, and her defiance of court-ordered prisoner releases because "we need the convict labor"
Beta O'Dork's multiple instances of Whackjobbery in various forms

This tells me that somebody well connected who's been around a lot longer is trying to clear the field. We know Hillary WILL be back no matter what she says right now...

26 Inf
03-24-19, 22:01
Y’all nickels need to know I am dead ass serious about AOC


Join the New Contras

Fly, if I send you my shirt do you think you could get Leader AOC to sign it?

Bad news Fly, I got my new shirt and no one gets I'm being ironic. Good news is they sent me a pretty nice Libertarian Country sticker for my gun sticker garage door (don't worry about OPSEC, no one uninvited can see, hard to explain but it is the inside door of two connected garages).

03-24-19, 22:19
Bad news Fly, I got my new shirt and no one gets I'm being ironic. Good news is they sent me a pretty nice Libertarian Country sticker for my gun sticker garage door (don't worry about OPSEC, no one uninvited can see, hard to explain but it is the inside door of two connected garages).

Ich Bereues Nicht....

like you know my situation but I've actually been getting a LOT of female attention with that shirt. I look a little sketchy as is but AOC is helping me. I feel like like if she saw me wearing it I could be the First Gentleman in 2024.

I dunno. I'm not really happy yet but not as emo as I was.

Buying this shirt was the best thing I ever did for myself even if it looks weird when I bandito carry my Glock 21 holsterless at the gas station.

Actually not even weird, it looks oddly right.
I dunno. Part of me wants to buy a second but feel like if I did it would ruin the magic of the one I have.

like my Social Distortion shirt. Its seen better days but like its magical, man

Doc Safari
04-25-19, 14:13
Beto plans to not deport illegals like Trump and Obama:


Democrat presidential hopeful Robert “Beto” O’Rourke pledged Wednesday that under his presidency U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will not deport people like the Trump and Obama administrations have.
Television host Joy Reid asked O’Rourke if ICE will exist under an O’Rourke presidency.

“Yes it will, but it will not employ those (deportation) practices that we’ve seen not just under this administration but under the previous administration,” he replied.

My take: I'm revising my assessment of this idiot. I'm now of the belief that his fifteen minutes of fame are about up. Immigration was one of the main reasons Trump got elected and O'Rococo wants to go the other way? Have a nice trip home to El Paso, Mexico, Robert Francis.

04-25-19, 14:18
To be honest, IMHO, all the Democrat candidates are creepy and radical as hell, and they can all go piss up a rope.

11-01-19, 17:15
Beto drops out

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-01-19, 17:39
Beto drops out

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He was in the race about two months longer than he should have been.

11-01-19, 18:04
Beto is a furry.

11-01-19, 18:05
I'd bid a heartfelt GRMF to Beta O'Bitchboy, but he was a very useful tool for making Dems shoot themselves in the foot over their gun-grabbing true colors.

11-01-19, 21:24
I'd bid a heartfelt GRMF to Beta O'Bitchboy, but he was a very useful tool for making Dems shoot themselves in the foot over their gun-grabbing true colors.

Yes, he did a spectacular job of getting all the other candidates to agree out loud that they want outright confiscation.

11-01-19, 22:22
Beto is kind of weird.

On the other hand, Mr. Trump has gone on the radio and expressed an interest in fornicating with his adult daughter. I think that's creepier, but maybe I'm biased.

11-01-19, 22:29
Beto is kind of weird.

On the other hand, Mr. Trump has gone on the radio and expressed an interest in fornicating with his adult daughter. I think that's creepier, but maybe I'm biased.

Yeah, but he hasn't threatened to send LEOs door to door to take people's AR-15s.

He also isn't a former burglar.

Ed L.
11-02-19, 01:29
Beto is kind of weird.

On the other hand, Mr. Trump has gone on the radio and expressed an interest in fornicating with his adult daughter. I think that's creepier, but maybe I'm biased.

No, he said that if she wasn't his daughter he would be interested in dating her. That is weird, but it isn't the same thing as saying that he wanted to fornicate her.

I don't think anyone here thinks Trump is close to ideal, but look at the alternatives.

26 Inf
11-02-19, 01:43
I don't think anyone here thinks Trump is close to ideal, but look at the alternatives.

That is a polite way to say it.

11-03-19, 03:28
If you don't think that Puto would gladly send you and your family to Re Education camps and the gas chamber you are seriously deluded. Hes exactly the kind of sick piece of shit to do it. This is what the Democratic Party is, pure evil. Plan accordingly...

11-03-19, 14:59

11-03-19, 17:41
Hopefully his soundbite will drop off now that he is out of the running.

11-04-19, 00:26
Apparently, Democrats prefer fake Indians to fake Mexicans.