View Full Version : Georgia state rep seeking the prize for idiot of the year

03-21-19, 15:26

Georgia Dems Introduce Bill That Would Require A Man to Report to Authorities When He ‘Releases Sperm From His Testicles’

Georgia State Rep. Dar’Shun Kendrick (D) has introduced a House bill — HB 604 — that says this: “Any male 55 years of age or older shall immediately report to the county sheriff or local law enforcement agency when such male releases sperm from his testicles.”

No, this is not an article from The Onion.

I get the idea of political stunts and tit-for-tat, but this goes right past politics into the realm of mental illness.

Democracy isn't really a thing when you have people behaving like this.

03-21-19, 15:31
She’s trying to make an abortion equivalent about asking permission for men to ejaculate.

The logic is lost however. The equivalent would be permission for women to orgasm.

03-21-19, 15:43
She’s trying to make an abortion equivalent about asking permission for men to ejaculate.
The logic is lost however. The equivalent would be permission for women to orgasm.

Yes, I get the crippled and distorted "logic" to this stunt. It's dimmer than asking whether Guam will tip over. Someone operating at this level probably shouldn't have a driver's license or be allowed to vote, much less be a legislator.

03-21-19, 16:17
Aren't GA CONgress-critters in charge of checking whether Guam's reached the 'tipping point' yet? :rolleyes:

03-21-19, 16:39
Yes, I get the crippled and distorted "logic" to this stunt. It's dimmer than asking whether Guam will tip over. Someone operating at this level probably shouldn't have a driver's license or be allowed to vote, much less be a legislator.

It’s a protester sign written with tax payer dollars. It’s not supposed to be logical. It’s supposed to make a statement like all the other bills Dems have voted on the last 2 months.

03-21-19, 16:45
I stopped reading at "Dar’Shun."

26 Inf
03-21-19, 22:31
Shes kind of going OT there:

Deuteronomy 23:10 If one of your men is unclean because of a nocturnal emission, he is to go outside the camp and stay there. 11When evening approaches, he must wash with water, and when the sun sets he may return to the camp.

I always wondered how that worked - 'Hey, Aaron, what are you doing wondering around outside camp?' 'Oh, you know, Joseph, ceremonially unclean, waiting 'till dusk.' 'You Amonite, you did that just to get out of working in the fields.....'

So, biblically, you kind of self-reported when you excused yourself from camp for the day.

03-22-19, 07:34
Is it wrong that I hope this happens and I get to take that report?

Alex V
03-22-19, 16:13
Is it wrong that I hope this happens and I get to take that report?

It will require a whole lot more cops to be hired. Good for jobs if anything lol

03-22-19, 17:08
I stopped reading at "Dar’Shun."

I'm with you on that one...

Coal Dragger
03-22-19, 18:04
I think I’ll start filling out an ejaculation log book, and send her weekly reports of location, time of day, and circumstances.

I encourage everyone to do the same.

03-22-19, 18:17
I think I’ll start filling out an ejaculation log book, and send her weekly reports of location, time of day, and circumstances.

I encourage everyone to do the same.

You know.....deep down I always thought about booking it. Even joked but man.

Here we are. Here we are

03-22-19, 23:04
I think I’ll start filling out an ejaculation log book, and send her weekly reports of location, time of day, and circumstances.

I encourage everyone to do the same.

I thought keeping a rifle book was a lot of work. I'd need a database with a 1T drive and could email spreadsheets. But it would probably be easier to just have a phone app.

System function test complete. All equipment performing as per the manual.

26 Inf
03-22-19, 23:15
Uh, this has taken a disturbing turn, somethings can't be unread........

03-22-19, 23:44
I thought keeping a rifle book was a lot of work. I'd need a database with a 1T drive and could email spreadsheets. But it would probably be easier to just have a phone app.

System function test complete. All equipment performing as per the manual.

The iPhone has an app to record sex under reproductive health in the health app.

03-23-19, 04:27
I think I’ll start filling out an ejaculation log book, and send her weekly reports of location, time of day, and circumstances.

I encourage everyone to do the same.

In the biopic Kinsey, about the man who created the study of human sexuality and founded the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, one of the good doctor's interviewees did just that and measured the volume over his lifetime.

I guess some folks just have a lot of time on their hands (no pun intended).