View Full Version : Baldwin on Senate Bill S7, National Red Flag Law

03-22-19, 18:04
This is a Republican bill for Christ's sake, what are they thinking ?


Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has announced that the Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to begin conducting hearings next Tuesday, March 26, on Senate Bill 7, the Extreme Risk Protection Order and Violence Prevention Act of 2019—otherwise known as a national “red flag” gun confiscation bill. The bill was introduced in the Senate by Marco Rubio (R-FL). If this gun confiscation bill passes the U.S. Senate, it will most certainly pass the Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives, and President Donald Trump absolutely WILL sign it into law.

03-22-19, 18:23
Love thy neighbor, turn him in.

It’s called patriotism


03-22-19, 18:42
Love thy neighbor, turn him in.

It’s called patriotism


Keep your powder dry folks.

03-22-19, 20:13
Let's do better: if this thing passes, report EVERYONE who voted for it. Let THEM be hoist by their own petard first...

Alex V
03-22-19, 20:29
The fact that Lindsey Graham is working for this is really upsetting. I am not surprised by little Marco writing this bill.

03-22-19, 20:44
The fact that Lindsey Graham is working for this is really upsetting. I am not surprised by little Marco writing this bill.

Graham has NEVER been any friend of ours... goes back to being John McShitstain's personal Howdy Doody.

03-22-19, 20:44
I feel like this was lifted from the first chapter of a Bracken story. But that was fiction, right?

03-22-19, 23:01
Gee is it time for the Repubs to f us again?

Just because Graham took a photo op shooting an AR doesn't mean he's our friend.

03-22-19, 23:51
I feel like this was lifted from the first chapter of a Bracken story. But that was fiction, right?Probably being used as a how to book.

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03-23-19, 04:18
I feel like this was lifted from the first chapter of a Bracken story. But that was fiction, right?

That dude is a prophet.

Scary accurate but then again he is woke and BTDT.

03-23-19, 10:57
Probably being used as a how to book.

Maybe someone should tell them not to use a novelized how-to book unless they've read it all the way through. What I'm remembering doesn't end well for the leftist revolutionaries. But it's fiction, so who knows.