View Full Version : How to Destroy A Man Now (DAMN): A Handbook by Angela Confidential Psy.D.

03-23-19, 03:57
Meanwhile in The War on Women, this is an actual book.


Imagine for a moment if this was a book on how to date rape a female and successful tips on how to beat the case if it goes to court and how to attack her character to prevent charges from even being filed?

Would that get published? Would Amazon even agree to carry such a book.

Make no mistake, this is not a "stand up or defend yourself" guide for women who have done nothing wrong. The actual book description contains this:

In How to Destroy A Man Now (DAMN), Dr. Angela Confidential (a business psychologist, consultant, and human resource professional) empowers women with a step-by-step guide for destroying a man’s reputation and removing him from power.

In easy to understand terms, the handbook reveals and explains the fundamental dynamics between allegations, the media, and authority as they relate to male misconduct in today’s society. It also unveils and details practical real-world methods for leveraging allegations, media, and authorities to dethrone a man from power.

So is it socially acceptable? Is it permissible under certain circumstances? Well there is a simple easy way to find out...does anyone agree with this?

In How to Destroy A Woman Now, Dr. Confidential (a business psychologist, consultant, and human resource professional) empowers men with a step-by-step guide for destroying a woman’s reputation and removing her from power.

In easy to understand terms, the handbook reveals and explains the fundamental dynamics between allegations, the media, and authority as they relate to female misconduct in today’s society. It also unveils and details practical real-world methods for leveraging allegations, media, and authorities to dethrone a woman from power.

Imagine for a moment THAT book existed, and disgruntled employees of powerful women used it to malign, misrepresent and make false accusations for the purpose of Destroying A Woman NOW. Her livelihood, how she provided for her dependents, her reputation in the community, her relationships with her family, not because she actually did something wrong...but because a MAN felt it was within his right to DESTROY A WOMAN NOW for some slight real or imagined.

Because they probably should publish that book as well.

03-23-19, 04:35
Yup saw that one, it made the rounds on the dank dark corners of social media when it came out.

I have a bud that played NCAA football. He told me the athletic department brought in a speaker to talk to the team and "advise" them about Chasing the Jersey, gold diggers who pay a service to monitor and track celebrity athletes, what bars and clubs they will be at and when with the sole purpose of hooking up with them to get impregnated on purpose for child support.


03-23-19, 06:49
I might actually be interested in buying the book and using the tactics described therein against some Leftist male politicians.
Depending on what's involved though I might have to recruit some chick to act as a honeypot though.

03-23-19, 10:24
This is why I urge young people to shield their precious virginity from the thottery.

Women start all the wars, man.

They do.

03-23-19, 10:29
[I]In How to Destroy A Woman Now, Dr. Confidential (a business psychologist, consultant, and human resource professional) empowers men with a step-by-step guide for destroying a woman’s reputation and removing her from power.

Entrust Michael Steele to do your dirty work for you? :rolleyes:

03-23-19, 17:23
Entrust Michael Steele to do your dirty work for you? :rolleyes:

Had to look up who that even is, so I obviously don't get the relevance. Also not sure what it has to do with a female manifesto designed to eliminate men from positions of power by any means for whatever reason.

You might have also realized the significance of what you quoted. It was a verbatim description of the book with only the gender variables reversed.

03-24-19, 03:34
Damn, this world is sick...

03-24-19, 05:55
Had to look up who that even is, so I obviously don't get the relevance. Also not sure what it has to do with a female manifesto designed to eliminate men from positions of power by any means for whatever reason.

You might have also realized the significance of what you quoted. It was a verbatim description of the book with only the gender variables reversed.

I outclever myself sometimes... :no:

Hitlery - who wanted to eliminate men (specifically, Trump) from her path to power, outsourced the "Russian" dossier to Michael Steele who - apparently - couldn't fool a fish with a live worm. And since the whole scheme came unraveled, it likewise unraveled Hitlery, thereby fulfilling unintentionally, this proposed book - "In How to Destroy A Woman Now, Dr. Confidential (a business psychologist, consultant, and human resource professional) empowers men with a step-by-step guide for destroying a woman’s reputation and removing her from power."

03-24-19, 06:26
I don’t consider myself politically astute, but I can spot a scam from a mile away. I’ve often wondered if that dossier is nothing more than a scam; word got out that there were people (i.e. “the Mark”) willing to pay good money for dirt on the opposition so the scammer cobbled a bunch of garbage together and sold it to the customer (who was blinded by their hatred for the Trump Campaign, and those of us that voted for him).

They continue to underestimate Mr. Trump.

03-24-19, 08:07
I don’t consider myself politically astute, but I can spot a scam from a mile away. I’ve often wondered if that dossier is nothing more than a scam; word got out that there were people (i.e. “the Mark”) willing to pay good money for dirt on the opposition so the scammer cobbled a bunch of garbage together and sold it to the customer (who was blinded by their hatred for the Trump Campaign, and those of us that voted for him).

They continue to underestimate Mr. Trump.

Steele later admitted to using anonymous sources from internet chat rooms as sources for what he put together in the dossier.
They wanted dirt and really didn't care where they got it, so who's the fool? With AG Barr looking at this hard today, this may become a Tar Baby for the left.
It's interesting to be single again and looking hard at being sixty, I can date at this point, but when I see the dating pool and this type of attitude becoming the "norm" another shot at a lifelong commitment is out of the question.

03-24-19, 12:54
Like they need a book:rolleyes:;)