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03-24-19, 23:00
Just saw this video on Facebook and it surprised me quite a bit. I'm curious to hear what other members think, and if anyone else has ever heard of them.


03-25-19, 00:26
Sit and Spin, Jen, you shriveled up old bitch.


03-25-19, 00:49
Sit and Spin, Jen, you shriveled up old bitch.


I think she looks hot..

03-25-19, 04:06
Great idea, and the Video does a good job sharing their ideas and strategies.

I hope that it takes off. Most regular people are just trying to live their lives, support a family, and survive.

If more of us get involved, then there is a chance things can change.

P.S. I Love Jennifer Lawrence too. Beautiful and smart young lady.

03-25-19, 04:33
she is a typical radical leftist hates guns hates trump hates white privilege etc... !!!!!
freaking pull your heads out if you think this would be great to be aboard with !!!!

this is about getting rid of the right and only having the left sure they make it sound like both but its not
but hey I saw it on youtube they said it will take the stains out and I get rich !! ya mean its not the truth !

the part about fixing the election process !!! well look up left leaning states are wanting to use what she is saying to refuse to put trump on the ballot !!! and going state by state ? OK the lefts version of FIXING the election take the other guy off the ballots !

so yeah buy into her leftist crap and her idea of fixing is for the fixing of the left

cause as they say GOING AROUND CONGRESS yeah nothing wrong with that !!

listen to the idiocy about passing womens rights and they make it sound like it was all of gov passing ? again leftist propaganda
grass roots and trigger movements

yeah our system is corrupted and no I do not want the left to fix it as they are trying their idea of FIXING is not the same as we think to fix something is !!!

Outlander Systems
03-25-19, 08:04

Not even once.

Just saw this video on Facebook and it surprised me quite a bit. I'm curious to hear what other members think, and if anyone else has ever heard of them.


03-25-19, 08:20
lol democracy

We're all fools when the mob rules

03-25-19, 08:50
What kills me is when I see or hear these videos or snippets that seem "middle of the road" at first glance, but when you actually listen to what they're saying it makes sense: they make it sound like we are all really in agreement with the libtard point of view, that for some odd reason (like elections and that thorn-in-the-side Republican Party) we are somehow inadvertently voting the wrong way or (gasp!) actually agree with the process that's been in place for > 230 years.

No, we are NOT in agreement, in fact FAR from it. Their views couldn't be more diametrically opposed to what I believe in if they tried. There is no "confusion". Roughly half this country has it's head firmly planted up it's ass and I will NEVER agree with them.

03-25-19, 08:58
lol democracy

We're all fools when the mob rules

Yeah I don't think she/they want to get it back to what the founders promised(not necessarily intended) either.

"Section 4
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence."

So since she(they) obviously dislikes the limitations of section 4, it seems likely she wants to modify the current oligarchy from the one she dislikes in to an oligarchy she does like.

03-25-19, 09:13
Great idea, and the Video does a good job sharing their ideas and strategies.

I hope that it takes off. Most regular people are just trying to live their lives, support a family, and survive.

If more of us get involved, then there is a chance things can change.

P.S. I Love Jennifer Lawrence too. Beautiful and smart young lady.

Are you kidding? She dropped out of middle school. She is an un-educated socialist dolt. Work harder at being a good American.

03-25-19, 10:08
Cant stand the animations in the video.
Its a great way to lose all credibility... as well as wearing a sport jacket over a tshirt.

We are not a demoncracy by design.
Sounds like radical progressivism worded to get normal people on board.

03-25-19, 10:13

Jennifer Lawrence looks like Brie Larson only uglier. She has a toe face and they can cram their Democracy which is for Thespians and Boy Lovers

03-25-19, 10:32
she is a typical radical leftist hates guns hates trump hates white privilege etc... !!!!!
freaking pull your heads out if you think this would be great to be aboard with !!!!

this is about getting rid of the right and only having the left sure they make it sound like both but its not
but hey I saw it on youtube they said it will take the stains out and I get rich !! ya mean its not the truth !

the part about fixing the election process !!! well look up left leaning states are wanting to use what she is saying to refuse to put trump on the ballot !!! and going state by state ? OK the lefts version of FIXING the election take the other guy off the ballots !

so yeah buy into her leftist crap and her idea of fixing is for the fixing of the left

cause as they say GOING AROUND CONGRESS yeah nothing wrong with that !!

listen to the idiocy about passing womens rights and they make it sound like it was all of gov passing ? again leftist propaganda
grass roots and trigger movements

yeah our system is corrupted and no I do not want the left to fix it as they are trying their idea of FIXING is not the same as we think to fix something is !!!
Pretty much this. Tackling major issues (let’s pick “common sense” gun laws) has proven too long and difficult at the national level. The big money this movement says it is opposed too is masked behind small teams at the grass roots level and is used to support localized celebrities (let’s pick Parkland kids). Feel good community outreach canvassing starts, and people are gentle brow beaten into joining the herd via social media virtue signaling, etc. Joiners are good, abstainers are bad. Still boils down to a binary system. Is you is, or is you ins’t my constituents?

Ps- I forgot to add #thisishowthecivilwarbegins #istraintogulag :suicide:

03-25-19, 10:41
Sure looks like the liberal left trying not to look like the liberal left while still wanting to do liberal left things.

"the greatest trick the devil ever played..............."

03-26-19, 04:19
Are you kidding? She dropped out of middle school. She is an un-educated socialist dolt. Work harder at being a good American.


Sure looks like the liberal left trying not to look like the liberal left while still wanting to do liberal left things.

"the greatest trick the devil ever played..............."

And a whole lot of ****ing this.

She made a big announcement about a year ago during "award season" that she was taking time off from making films to pursue politics due to being triggered by Trump. She is a staunch leftist. I have little doubt that she is a big Beto donor too as most of his record setting donations are coming form Hollyweird. Anyone else notice the comments? Seem to be censored due to the lack of anything questioning them or critical of them. Also the penned commit is wholly predictable, "No we don't get funding from Soros." LOL!


03-26-19, 04:38
Didn’t know any of this about her, though I’m not super surprised. To be fair though, they did post a comment about the democracy term that cleared that up.

All of that being said though, assume their claims are accurate (wouldn’t surprise me). IF the organization actually did what it was trying to do, would it be that bad? Obviously that’s kind of a dangerous game, but if the option is worthless bullshit happening in Congress and politicians doing whatever they want, is that worse than them having to listen more to the people? I’m not talking about getting rid of the electoral college so there is only a popular vote, but I don’t see how anyone can argue against congressional reform. I will say that I’m surprised they didn’t mention anything about term limits though.

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03-26-19, 08:24
Didn’t know any of this about her, though I’m not super surprised. To be fair though, they did post a comment about the democracy term that cleared that up.

All of that being said though, assume their claims are accurate (wouldn’t surprise me). IF the organization actually did what it was trying to do, would it be that bad? Obviously that’s kind of a dangerous game, but if the option is worthless bullshit happening in Congress and politicians doing whatever they want, is that worse than them having to listen more to the people? I’m not talking about getting rid of the electoral college so there is only a popular vote, but I don’t see how anyone can argue against congressional reform. I will say that I’m surprised they didn’t mention anything about term limits though.

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That's a dangerous game to the tune of that is what the road to hell is paved with.

We can read the federalist papers and other founding documents and find out the details of the deal. I honestly don't think many of the people considered to be founders had any intention of abiding by the deal they made with the citizenry. There was no real punishment for violations of the deal and that wasn't by accident.

Violations of the Constitution should have been treated as treason. As an early example, had Adams and his cronies been sent to prison (or the here after) over the sedition acts we wouldn't have many of the problems we have today.

03-26-19, 11:34
There is no mistaking that the Washington beast has left a big stinking turd on the front porch of the American citizen. And, yes things need to to change, and no, I will not even pretend that I know of a solution.

But, with that being said, there is enough nuggets in the video and JL's background to make me suspicious of what looks like an attempt to take that turd, repackage and re brand and try to offer it up as a gift out of the "goodness of their heart for the country".

I fully admit that I am cynical and jaded towards this stuff these days, especially when it comes from the liberalism stand point. Liberalism is often touted as being a disease, but in a vast majority of cases it is not since a disease denotes there is a cure. For a lot of these folks it is more of a genetic marker hardwired into their core beliefs, and can not be changed.

More often than not when someone like this comes along spouting about change they really aren't talking about changing their perception of the world, their trying to change our perception of them and what they believe.

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss"


03-26-19, 14:20
Didn’t know any of this about her, though I’m not super surprised. To be fair though, they did post a comment about the democracy term that cleared that up.

All of that being said though, assume their claims are accurate (wouldn’t surprise me). IF the organization actually did what it was trying to do, would it be that bad? Obviously that’s kind of a dangerous game, but if the option is worthless bullshit happening in Congress and politicians doing whatever they want, is that worse than them having to listen more to the people? I’m not talking about getting rid of the electoral college so there is only a popular vote, but I don’t see how anyone can argue against congressional reform. I will say that I’m surprised they didn’t mention anything about term limits though.

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would bypassing congress be bad ? yeah bad
would not putting candidates like President Trump on ballots ? yeah bad
making sure large liberal cities have the most power to vote ? yeah bad
mob rule or those with the biggest voice that control media taking away your rights ? yeah bad


03-26-19, 15:31
Sure looks like the liberal left trying not to look like the liberal left while still wanting to do liberal left things.

"the greatest trick the devil ever played..............."

Ding ding ding!!!! --- she is a rabid liberal trying to drum up the 18 year old voter. Those that just graduated from High school with a 5th grade education.

03-26-19, 16:21
Ding ding ding!!!! --- she is a rabid liberal trying to drum up the 18 year old voter. Those that just graduated from High school with a 5th grade education.

COME ONE lets be realistic to the lefty kids !!!

its the COLLEGE ones that have the 5th grade equiv
HS just gives em a 3rd grade :)

when I lived in the Caribbean one of my best friends had about a 4th grade education but the dude knew a freaking ton about history and our country spoke two languages fluently and so on on top of it of course he was very good at just life doing things working ethics and so on

whats sad is watching things like this at how stupid people are anymore

03-26-19, 19:42
That's a dangerous game to the tune of that is what the road to hell is paved with.

Violations of the Constitution should have been treated as treason. As an early example, had Adams and his cronies been sent to prison (or the here after) over the sedition acts we wouldn't have many of the problems we have today.

Fully agreed.

would bypassing congress be bad ? yeah bad
would not putting candidates like President Trump on ballots ? yeah bad
making sure large liberal cities have the most power to vote ? yeah bad
mob rule or those with the biggest voice that control media taking away your rights ? yeah bad


I didn’t every suggest any of those things. Bypassing congress and congressional reform are two, entirely different things. Also, Congress having to actually listen to their constituents is not mob rule.

Ding ding ding!!!! --- she is a rabid liberal trying to drum up the 18 year old voter. Those that just graduated from High school with a 5th grade education.

There’s a lot of objection the the OP in this thread - and almost all of it revolves around her. Maybe the safest decision, but that’s a weak argument for it. I’m curious what people think beyond just the chick they have talking because I don’t think that actually matters a whole lot.

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26 Inf
03-26-19, 23:45
There’s a lot of objection the the OP in this thread - and almost all of it revolves around her. Maybe the safest decision, but that’s a weak argument for it. I’m curious what people think beyond just the chick they have talking because I don’t think that actually matters a whole lot.

Here is my perspective:

Most of what they said was absolutely correct.

Most of our representatives are unduly influenced by whatever the 0.05% of Americans that contribute over $10,000 to their campaigns and their PAC's - regardless of whether they are Democrats or Republicans.

I mostly agree with the numbers that they presented reference how folks describe themselves - 25% Liberal, 34% Moderate, 36% Conservative - although I think some of the self-described Liberals and Conservatives are actually moderates.

I also don't think you can probably find much fault with any of the studies they used such as the likelihood of public support resulting in passage of a law, etc.

Bottom line for me is, most of us don't trust each other and we are too dependent on the examples of outliers in forming our opinions. Here are some examples:

1) Do you really think even 30% of Americans support open borders and unlimited immigration? I don't.
2) Do you really think over 30% of Americans want third trimester abortions to be available on demand? I don't.
3) Do you really think over 30% of Americans are satisfied with the healthcare system as it is? I don't.
4) Do you really think that a majority of Americans believe that banning 'assault rifles' will significantly impact mass murders? I don't.
5) Do you really think that a majority of Americans believe that firearms should be outlawed? I don't.

Basically, it boils down to: 1) how much you trust your fellow Americans; 2) whether you think shit is broke; and 3) whether you are only willing to act based on how much the broken system impacts you, or whether you are willing to act for the good of all.


03-27-19, 00:00
I think she's really hot, especially in Passengers, but that doesn't mean she understands the first thing about anything...especially politics.

I love movies, but actors are nothing more than people who "play pretend" for a living. They actually practice things like looking intelligent, sincere, trustworthy, etc. I'd be more interested in the political opinions of the person who works the checkout register at the grocery store. At least they actually know what it means to work for a living.

But a long, long time ago somebody figured out that if people believe "daily soaps" are real, they are probably stupid enough and impressionable enough to buy into the integrity of actors because they "look the part." Of course, we've been doing that with actual politicians a lot longer than there has been television or movies.

There are damn few Hollywood people who share any of your opinions or values. There are probably more people in Congress who actually give a damn about what you think than in Hollywood, and pretty much everyone in Congress is just there for the money.

03-27-19, 00:06
Y’all realize that women like her would be working in a whorehouse 160 years ago, yes?

03-27-19, 00:11
Here is my perspective:

Most of what they said was absolutely correct.

Most of our representatives are unduly influenced by whatever the 0.05% of Americans that contribute over $10,000 to their campaigns and their PAC's - regardless of whether they are Democrats or Republicans.

I mostly agree with the numbers that they presented reference how folks describe themselves - 25% Liberal, 34% Moderate, 36% Conservative - although I think some of the self-described Liberals and Conservatives are actually moderates.

I also don't think you can probably find much fault with any of the studies they used such as the likelihood of public support resulting in passage of a law, etc.

Bottom line for me is, most of us don't trust each other and we are too dependent on the examples of outliers in forming our opinions. Here are some examples:

1) Do you really think even 30% of Americans support open borders and unlimited immigration? I don't.
2) Do you really think over 30% of Americans want third trimester abortions to be available on demand? I don't.
3) Do you really think over 30% of Americans are satisfied with the healthcare system as it is? I don't.
4) Do you really think that a majority of Americans believe that banning 'assault rifles' will significantly impact mass murders? I don't.
5) Do you really think that a majority of Americans believe that firearms should be outlawed? I don't.

Basically, it boils down to: 1) how much you trust your fellow Americans; 2) whether you think shit is broke; and 3) whether you are only willing to act based on how much the broken system impacts you, or whether you are willing to act for the good of all.


I probably disagree with 30% of this forum on every issue other than guns, so yeah I have no problem believing 1/3 of this country is effin retarded. Most of them don't even form actual opinions but just repeat what they read on facebook.

I put very little trust in my fellow Americans. 30% of them apparently think Nancy Pelosi is doing a great job. That alone scares the crap out of me.

I also don't think anything is broken so much as I think it's as "fixed" as it was capable of being fixed about 50 years ago and 90% of what has been done since then to make it "more fixed" has mostly had the opposite effect. We keep believing we can legislate solutions to everything, but I think at this point we soundly demonstrated that simply isn't the case.

Some things can never be fixed, like people who believe stupid shit. Some things are probably as good as they are ever going to get, like people who let stupid biases and beliefs color how they judge other people. And more than anything else, the only way things are going to get "good" is if it's been "really bad" for awhile. The 1950s were seen as some kind of golden age and it wasn't because everything was perfect it was simply because it was a lot better than most of the 1930s and 1940s where really terrible things kept happening to just about everyone all the damn time.

When you survive a year like 1945, where almost every person on the planet was touched by war in some way, shape or form, the 1950s really do seem like Happy Days.

03-27-19, 06:00
I think she's really hot, especially in Passengers, but that doesn't mean she understands the first thing about anything...especially politics.

I love movies, but actors are nothing more than people who "play pretend" for a living. They actually practice things like looking intelligent, sincere, trustworthy, etc. I'd be more interested in the political opinions of the person who works the checkout register at the grocery store. At least they actually know what it means to work for a living.

But a long, long time ago somebody figured out that if people believe "daily soaps" are real, they are probably stupid enough and impressionable enough to buy into the integrity of actors because they "look the part." Of course, we've been doing that with actual politicians a lot longer than there has been television or movies.

There are damn few Hollywood people who share any of your opinions or values. There are probably more people in Congress who actually give a damn about what you think than in Hollywood, and pretty much everyone in Congress is just there for the money.

I probably disagree with 30% of this forum on every issue other than guns, so yeah I have no problem believing 1/3 of this country is effin retarded. Most of them don't even form actual opinions but just repeat what they read on facebook.

I put very little trust in my fellow Americans. 30% of them apparently think Nancy Pelosi is doing a great job. That alone scares the crap out of me.

I also don't think anything is broken so much as I think it's as "fixed" as it was capable of being fixed about 50 years ago and 90% of what has been done since then to make it "more fixed" has mostly had the opposite effect. We keep believing we can legislate solutions to everything, but I think at this point we soundly demonstrated that simply isn't the case.

Some things can never be fixed, like people who believe stupid shit. Some things are probably as good as they are ever going to get, like people who let stupid biases and beliefs color how they judge other people. And more than anything else, the only way things are going to get "good" is if it's been "really bad" for awhile. The 1950s were seen as some kind of golden age and it wasn't because everything was perfect it was simply because it was a lot better than most of the 1930s and 1940s where really terrible things kept happening to just about everyone all the damn time.

When you survive a year like 1945, where almost every person on the planet was touched by war in some way, shape or form, the 1950s really do seem like Happy Days.

Good points. Though I do still think, if nothing else, that term limits have to be introduced. The fact that being a politician is a full time job now is an indicator that something is wrong because they damn sure don’t do that much work.

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03-27-19, 12:42
There’s a lot of objection the the OP in this thread - and almost all of it revolves around her. Maybe the safest decision, but that’s a weak argument for it. I’m curious what people think beyond just the chick they have talking because I don’t think that actually matters a whole lot.

Ok, well let's just pretend it's Hillary, Fauxahontas, AOC, Schulosi, Obama, etc.

Now go back and listen to 8:35 - 8:40

"This isn't about these issues, this is about a winning political strategy"

It's interesting to note as well, right after she says that, she tells you how tings are going to be.... Then a guy walks in, he looks small because he is set in the background. "Can I do this part?" ... "No..." He walks away in shame. That scene was no accident.

the Left is very good at picking small fights, staying in the fight, winning at all cost with excellent media backing, then as she, it becomes a Federal sweep of their desires. That would be ok, if all their desires were just, moral, etc.. and all their actions fair.... but just look at Jussie Smollett <sp> . They sound good on the surface but are corrupt in their finality. Let's all have peace on earth. Sounds good, who wouldn't want that? ... Their solution? Throw all the weapons in the ocean and give away all our technology. Certainly the rest of the world would follow suit. Great idea, Horrible action.

03-27-19, 14:13
While I agree that we’re need to do something about the influence of big political donors in DC, I’m not sure their solution is the way to go.

Gerrymandering will never be impartial, no matter who draws the line. I’m especially leery of automatic voter registration and vote from home. Way too easy for non citizens to register to vote with “automatic registration” and “vote from home” sets the stage for vote harvesting. This is exactly what the left wants.

To start, IMHO, we need:

- Federal Term Limits: No more than 12 combined years of elected federal service (Any combination of House, Senate, President and Supreme Court)

- Voter ID w/ in person voting only (exceptions for those in the military and other federal service)

- Non Compete Clause: This is similar to one change proposed in the video, but it would require those that serve in elected positions to sign an agreement that would prevent them working for any lobbying forum or be involved in any lobbying efforts for a specified amount of time.

03-27-19, 14:55
Y’all realize that women like her would be working in a whorehouse 160 years ago, yes?

The goal is set. Now we only have to figure out how to get you in to one of her press conferences. :)

03-27-19, 17:00
Ok, well let's just pretend it's Hillary, Fauxahontas, AOC, Schulosi, Obama, etc.

Two points: One - those people are all politicians, most of whom have long histories that are easy to draw from. Very different than Jennifer Lawrence, who hasn't even been alive for as long as some of them have been in politics which means that it is very easy to know what to expect from all of them. Two - she is an actress, it is possible that they chose her purely because people know who she is. Also, while rare, people can change their minds, especially younger people. Finally, the video isn't making any claim that it isn't a liberal leaning organization, but that's also kind of the point of the video.

Now go back and listen to 8:35 - 8:40

"This isn't about these issues, this is about a winning political strategy"

It's interesting to note as well, right after she says that, she tells you how tings are going to be.... Then a guy walks in, he looks small because he is set in the background. "Can I do this part?" ... "No..." He walks away in shame. That scene was no accident.

You 100% can't know why that was included. Sure, could have been an indicator. Could have also just been a lame comical attempt. Honestly even if they wanted to do it the other way around, people would probably be crying that he's sexist for shooting her down, so they wouldn't be able to win.

the Left is very good at picking small fights, staying in the fight, winning at all cost with excellent media backing, then as she, it becomes a Federal sweep of their desires. That would be ok, if all their desires were just, moral, etc.. and all their actions fair.... but just look at Jussie Smollett <sp> . They sound good on the surface but are corrupt in their finality. Let's all have peace on earth. Sounds good, who wouldn't want that? ... Their solution? Throw all the weapons in the ocean and give away all our technology. Certainly the rest of the world would follow suit. Great idea, Horrible action.

I know that from your posts about VA, politically, I typically agree with you. But most of what you or several other people here have posted has not been any sort of intellectual argument. Can't really bash the left for it when we do the same exact thing. My point is that nothing is going to get fixed in congress without voters from both parties. If a Republican can't look past the fact that someone is a Democrat long enough to even hear what they have to say and then think critically about it, we're no better than they are. What I was hoping to get out of posting this was someone with actual knowledge about the organization. They claim to have made progress with over 800 programs/pieces of legislation/whatever. Someone with actual knowledge of how that stuff turned out is far more productive than people talking shit about the figurehead in one video.

While I agree that we’re need to do something about the influence of big political donors in DC, I’m not sure their solution is the way to go.

Gerrymandering will never be impartial, no matter who draws the line. I’m especially leery of automatic voter registration and vote from home. Way too easy for non citizens to register to vote with “automatic registration” and “vote from home” sets the stage for vote harvesting. This is exactly what the left wants.

To start, IMHO, we need:

- Federal Term Limits: No more than 12 combined years of elected federal service (Any combination of House, Senate, President and Supreme Court)

- Voter ID w/ in person voting only (exceptions for those in the military and other federal service)

- Non Compete Clause: This is similar to one change proposed in the video, but it would require those that serve in elected positions to sign an agreement that would prevent them working for any lobbying forum or be involved in any lobbying efforts for a specified amount of time.

Yeah those are all good points. The at-home voting thing definitely seems to vulnerable to disruption, intentional by one party or even just for fun by someone. I don't know about the Supreme Court thing though, I don't have enough background info to draw on the founders' intent for that one.

03-27-19, 18:26
Here is my perspective:

Most of what they said was absolutely correct.

Most of our representatives are unduly influenced by whatever the 0.05% of Americans that contribute over $10,000 to their campaigns and their PAC's - regardless of whether they are Democrats or Republicans.

I mostly agree with the numbers that they presented reference how folks describe themselves - 25% Liberal, 34% Moderate, 36% Conservative - although I think some of the self-described Liberals and Conservatives are actually moderates.

I also don't think you can probably find much fault with any of the studies they used such as the likelihood of public support resulting in passage of a law, etc.

Bottom line for me is, most of us don't trust each other and we are too dependent on the examples of outliers in forming our opinions. Here are some examples:

1) Do you really think even 30% of Americans support open borders and unlimited immigration? I don't.
2) Do you really think over 30% of Americans want third trimester abortions to be available on demand? I don't.
3) Do you really think over 30% of Americans are satisfied with the healthcare system as it is? I don't.
4) Do you really think that a majority of Americans believe that banning 'assault rifles' will significantly impact mass murders? I don't.
5) Do you really think that a majority of Americans believe that firearms should be outlawed? I don't.

Basically, it boils down to: 1) how much you trust your fellow Americans; 2) whether you think shit is broke; and 3) whether you are only willing to act based on how much the broken system impacts you, or whether you are willing to act for the good of all.


What was that someone mentioned about the road to Hell being paved with good intentions? Also, who gets to decide what is "good for all"?

I'd fail in your #1 point: I do NOT trust my fellow Americans.

03-27-19, 18:37
While I do not necessarily disagree with term limits, remember she is hating on the people YOU elected. "They" never seem to have disdain for their own voting choices, just yours. That's exactly why, when I see polls showing disgust with Congress, it's because everyone thinks everyone else's Rep/Senator is the problem. It is going to be an inherent thing when you have elections, there is no way around it. I can't stand Pelosi, Schumer, Gillibrand, AOC, or any of the other Lefties and think even less of the dolts that elected them; however, that cuts both ways.

Folks, we ain't gonna sing Kumbaya, so face it and get over it.

26 Inf
03-27-19, 18:54
What was that someone mentioned about the road to Hell being paved with good intentions? Also, who gets to decide what is "good for all"?

I'd fail in your #1 point: I do NOT trust my fellow Americans.

Let me flesh out what I meant by this: whether you are only willing to act based on how much the broken system impacts you, or whether you are willing to act for the good of all.

It seems to me that there are folks all willing to put up with corruption and suck just as long as they can get their 3rd trimester abortion. Just like there are folks willing to put up with corruption and suck just as long as they get their 30 round mags and AR's.

In other words, their attitude is 'Fvck you buddy, I got mine.' I've never thought folks like that added much to the human experience.

As far as trusting your fellow Americans, when push comes to shove, most will stand for their Nation. Some folks, I would say you and I included, served because we thought we should, but the folks I'm talking about will stand up just as their forefathers did during WWII.

I don't recall what you do for a living, but I've experienced over and over that most people are decent enough if given the chance. I've had pretty sketchy looking folks get elbow deep in blood with me at accident scenes 'what do you need me to do?' and I've seen our community mobilize in time of need with all social, ethnic and religious groups turning to solving the task at hand.

Yep, there are assholes, but too many make the mistake of believing they are the majority.

03-27-19, 19:54
Let me flesh out what I meant by this: whether you are only willing to act based on how much the broken system impacts you, or whether you are willing to act for the good of all.

It seems to me that there are folks all willing to put up with corruption and suck just as long as they can get their 3rd trimester abortion. Just like there are folks willing to put up with corruption and suck just as long as they get their 30 round mags and AR's.

In other words, their attitude is 'Fvck you buddy, I got mine.' I've never thought folks like that added much to the human experience.

As far as trusting your fellow Americans, when push comes to shove, most will stand for their Nation. Some folks, I would say you and I included, served because we thought we should, but the folks I'm talking about will stand up just as their forefathers did during WWII.

I don't recall what you do for a living, but I've experienced over and over that most people are decent enough if given the chance. I've had pretty sketchy looking folks get elbow deep in blood with me at accident scenes 'what do you need me to do?' and I've seen our community mobilize in time of need with all social, ethnic and religious groups turning to solving the task at hand.

Yep, there are assholes, but too many make the mistake of believing they are the majority.

If there was a car on fire and I was trying to break out a window to pull someone out, anyone who lent a hand would be welcomed. It wouldn't matter if I later found out they were a flaming libtard or not. So yeah, in "tight" situations people tend to rise above partisan issues, at least temporarily.

You have to look at what comprises the majority of time: is it those few crucial moments when two strangers from opposite ends of the political spectrum cooperate and save someone from that burning car, or is it the 99% of the rest of their lives that matters in the way we interact? I say that there will always be a "step-up", if you will, by people regardless of their affiliations or beliefs, and that is human nature (and definitely a good thing). But will that override the other 99% of their lives? It would be nice to say it would, but in reality it doesn't matter. While I would welcome help from another in a critical situation, we probably still won't see eye to eye on other issues. They still wouldn't like my politics, nor I theirs.

However, in those critical situations we speak of it is indeed nice to know that, at least for the moment, we will work together as humans to save a life. Character and integrity both cross partisan lines, but we eventually revert to form.

03-27-19, 20:08
Actors @$%^&()_++U^%$## Who gives a shit what they are told to think .