View Full Version : Joe Biden getting #metoo'd

03-30-19, 22:50
Im just wondering how all the left, who were up in arms about Trump and Kavanaugh, are going to explain away this during the election.


Lucy Flores wrote about her allegations in an essay for The Cut, an arm of New York magazine, saying the encounter with Biden occurred sidestage during a November 2014 event when she was the Democratic nominee for lieutenant governor of the state. Biden does not recall any impropriety, a spokesman said.
The piece includes a photo of Biden and Flores, along with actress Eva Longoria, before the encounter Flores alleges took place.
"I felt him get closer to me from behind. He leaned further in and inhaled my hair. I was mortified," Flores wrote, adding that she wondered why the then-vice president had come that close to her. "He proceeded to plant a big slow kiss on the back of my head. My brain couldn't process what was happening. I was embarrassed. I was shocked. I was confused."

03-30-19, 22:57
Biden’s a sick dude. Always has been, plenty of photos to establish this truth.

Yet CNN silent.

03-30-19, 23:04
This is known as Bernie’s opposition research coming in hot.

03-31-19, 04:06
Biden criticizes 'white man's culture' as he talks violence against women

Former Vice President Joe Biden urged Americans to tackle a "white man's culture" dating back centuries that has allowed violence against women to perpetuate.

Biden has long worked to prevent violence against women, but his comments are notable coming amid speculation that he is close to entering the 2020 Democratic presidential field, the most diverse in history.

"We all have an obligation to do nothing less than change the culture in this country," Biden said at an event at the Russian Tea Room in New York City Tuesday night, which was hosted by the Biden Foundation and It's On Us, honoring students who have worked to end sexual assault on college campuses. "This is English jurisprudential culture, a white man's culture. It's got to change."


I posted this back in '15 . . .

Creepy Joe . . .










03-31-19, 06:18
This is known as Bernie’s opposition research coming in hot.

Ding ding!

03-31-19, 06:36
Please, would anyone shocked by this one raise their hand... I'll wait...

Creepy uncle Joe is no Lyndon Johnson, but there are zero people shocked at this news.

Dr. Bullseye
03-31-19, 11:31
Biden has not even started explaining yet. Google "creepy uncle joe" and go to videos-----better yet, here it is, you can spend hours watching him "me-too" women and children.


03-31-19, 11:37
Is there any female that this pervert won't put his hands on? It's just a matter of time before the accuscations start flying, and when they do, Joe's done.. Especially with about 20 other people from the dem party running for office, the first one that can sucessfully paint Joe as a pervert, can get him knocked out of the race..Get your popcorn ready, this could be entertaining, to say the least..

04-01-19, 11:47
This the Biden dems/ Obama deep state trying to get ahead of it.

Put it out there now, beat it to death and make excuses for it. Call him a passionate man.

Then come 2020 it’s not a conversation any more. We’ve already talked it out. He’s not a creep, he’s just affectionate.

That’s my take at least.

Doc Safari
04-01-19, 11:53
The Dems just can't let an old white dude from the Old Guard get the nomination. Joe....Joe....come out saying you're Socialist and you'll be fine.

04-01-19, 14:48
Hannity's crowing about it on the radio right now.

He's not saying a word about the President's history of "grabbing."

04-01-19, 15:03
In Joe’s defense that fat cop really was kinda asking for it dressed like that.

04-01-19, 15:24
In Joe’s defense that fat cop really was kinda asking for it dressed like that.

That pic looks photoshopped, just seems off, the others look legit though, I’ve seen the video footage that covers most of them

04-01-19, 16:57
Hannity's crowing about it on the radio right now.

He's not saying a word about the President's history of "grabbing."

One important distinction. Trump did that shit as a private individual, not a politician.

04-01-19, 17:16
Second complainant. Yep...Biden's done.

04-01-19, 17:33
Biden and Clinton need a 2x4 across the head with the words, “Your time is passed, go away has-been!!”

Doc Safari
04-01-19, 17:35
Biden and Clinton need a 2x4 across the head with the words, “Your time is passed, go away has-been!!”

NO NO NO! I want them to run on the same ticket!

04-01-19, 18:50
He's not saying a word about the President's history of "grabbing."

What “grabbing” did he do? Trump, I assume. He talked about it with Billy Bush, as an example of what rich, powerful men can do with the type of women, what my mother would have called “gold diggers” that pursue the Alpha males.

No offense, but you get a lot of things wrong, I’ve noticed.

04-01-19, 19:37
I think Biden's public fondling is probably pretty innocent...he's just a touchy/feelie kind of guy. Unfortunately (for him) his inability to recognize the implications in this day and his lame response to these accusations means that his time in politics has completely passed. I must say, I think it's kind of amusing to watch the democrats shit all over each other.

04-01-19, 19:52
No that fondling and holding is not “innocent”. He knows exactly what he is doing and gets his jollies making females uncomfortable. No normal man encroaches on women that way unless they are already dating or married. He is a sick pervert and needs to be stopped regardless of whatever happens politically. Once he loses political power hopefully he loses most of these opportunities and women won’t feel they need to be polite toward him anymore. A sick bastard.

04-01-19, 19:54
I must say, I think it's kind of amusing to watch the democrats shit all over each other.

They a decimating their own ranks at such a pace there will be no one left to run in 2020.

I read an article that one woman said he grabbed by the neck and pulled her in to rub noses together. You like an Eskimo kiss. I mean wtf. That while maybe innocent is also much weirder than going for a kiss.

04-01-19, 19:58
They a decimating their own ranks at such a pace there will be no one left to run in 2020.

I read an article that one woman said he grabbed by the neck and pulled her in to rub noses together. You like an Eskimo kiss. I mean wtf. That while maybe innocent is also much weirder than going for a kiss.

Shhhhhhh..... don't tell them. ;)

04-01-19, 20:12
No that fondling and holding is not “innocent”. He knows exactly what he is doing and gets his jollies making females uncomfortable. .....A sick bastard.

Nah, I doubt it. I think it's more likely social ineptitude, but I don't really care and don't really spend any time dwelling on it. His perversion or stupidity, whichever, is significant only insofar as the end result, which I am enjoying..


04-01-19, 22:07
Nah, I doubt it. I think it's more likely social ineptitude, but I don't really care and don't really spend any time dwelling on it. His perversion or stupidity, whichever, is significant only insofar as the end result, which I am enjoying..


No excuse. I'm rather socially inept, but work around it by going the opposite direction, arm's length unless specifically invited.

04-02-19, 02:54
Nah, I doubt it. I think it's more likely social ineptitude, but I don't really care and don't really spend any time dwelling on it. His perversion or stupidity, whichever, is significant only insofar as the end result, which I am enjoying..


I think "some" of them could be innocent and people are merely piling those on to make it look like an epidemic. But some photos are clearly, way over the line and the females involved are more than uncomfortable and trying to get out of it.

Biden is just a sleaze who is flaunting his power and proving that he can get away with just about anything. I'm sorta stunned the Dems are even willing to look at or talk about this, could come from trying to eliminate him as a candidate. They sure didn't say anything years ago when these pictures and videos first popped up.

Biden isn't a victim of his time, he a sleeze with no boundaries and that includes little girls.

04-02-19, 03:17
I think "some" of them could be innocent and people are merely piling those on to make it look like an epidemic. But some photos are clearly, way over the line and the females involved are more than uncomfortable and trying to get out of it.

Biden is just a sleaze who is flaunting his power and proving that he can get away with just about anything. I'm sorta stunned the Dems are even willing to look at or talk about this, could come from trying to eliminate him as a candidate. They sure didn't say anything years ago when these pictures and videos first popped up.

Biden isn't a victim of his time, he a sleeze with no boundaries and that includes little girls.This is a conclusion you’ve drawn from the photos? Or have your read something? In this “me too” era, there’s some little girl out there whom he’s fondled but hasn’t come forward? You’re aware of some other woman/women that he’s sleezed up with something more nefarious that hands-on-shoulders and sniffing their hair?

I’ll change my mind if and when those women come forward, because surely they will, right? Even some bonafide victims of an actual Biden assault? But this show hasn’t even brought out the kooks yet. Just a couple of “victims”, both of whom are ardent Sanders supporters. Until then I don’t see a reason to let my distaste for the Democrat agenda cause me to make an old has-been politician into anything more than an old, out-of-touch, creepy social retard that’s no more sleezy than any other career politician.

04-02-19, 06:05
Crazy Uncle Joe is too old, too white and too far to the right for today's Communist Democratic party so they are getting rid of him early.

04-02-19, 06:13
Yup. And now he’s a victim of the same kind of hatchet job he’s likely orchestrated a hundred times in his long career. Live by the hatchet, die by the hatchet....

04-02-19, 07:12
I think the only person who believed he could run is Joe. Maybe he never realized that he was selected to run with Barak because the party needed to re-assure the old white Dems that someone would keep "that black man" in check and he wouldn't steal the spotlight because he can't spell spotlight.

He should just stick to being a poster child for mouth breathing, short-bus riding dim bulbs the world over.


Doc Safari
04-02-19, 09:34

The allegations have elicited intense blowback for Biden, as debate rages in the media about whether they should disqualify him from running for president, just as he was reportedly about to launch his campaign.

And unsurprisingly, the Biden team, with its future now in jeopardy, is looking for somebody - anybody - to blame (that is, except the candidate himself). And according to Axios, they have settled on a culprit: Vermont Senator and presidential rival Bernie Sanders.

Noting Flores' association with and public support for Sanders, sources from within the campaign told Axios that the allegations of Biden's inappropriate behavior are being fanned by his rivals.

Several around Biden think advisers to Bernie Sanders are at least partly behind the anti-Biden campaign. One prominent backer thinks Biden will run, and "is ready to kill Bernie."


"VP directed staff this evening to reach out to supporters and donors with a simple message — full steam ahead."

By "Kill Bernie", we imagine he means kill him at the polls, that is.

This is a stark departure from the Biden team's public statements, where the campaign has blamed "right wing trolls" for reigniting the controversy.

Still, despite the controversy, Biden has retained the highest polling numbers among his rival candidates, as the NYT's Ross Douthat pointed out in an op-ed published Tuesday. But would it still be worth it for Biden to run against the "emerging consensus" of his party, Douthat asks?

If we believe these anonymous Biden advisors, the candidate hasn't given that much thought.

Meanwhile, online betting odds of a Biden primary victory have fallen off a cliff since the scandal broke.

My take: Let's see...if he adopts a fake Spanish nickname, comes out and says he's part Native American, is gay, and promises all kinds of free goodies, he should still have a chance, right?

04-02-19, 16:47
Crazy Uncle Joe is too old, too white and too far to the right for today's Communist Democratic party so they are getting rid of him early.

Yup, Joe's just another old goat who's time has come, Old white men are'nt wanted in the Socialist Democrat Communist party..Bernie had better watch his step too, he's next..

04-03-19, 01:38
This is a conclusion you’ve drawn from the photos? Or have your read something? In this “me too” era, there’s some little girl out there whom he’s fondled but hasn’t come forward? You’re aware of some other woman/women that he’s sleezed up with something more nefarious that hands-on-shoulders and sniffing their hair?

I’ll change my mind if and when those women come forward, because surely they will, right? Even some bonafide victims of an actual Biden assault? But this show hasn’t even brought out the kooks yet. Just a couple of “victims”, both of whom are ardent Sanders supporters. Until then I don’t see a reason to let my distaste for the Democrat agenda cause me to make an old has-been politician into anything more than an old, out-of-touch, creepy social retard that’s no more sleezy than any other career politician.

Well since I don't actually know the person or have additional evidence that hasn't been all over the net I'm mostly going with "walks like a duck" and that's been sufficient evidence for judging most politicians since before the internet. If I had Biden's memoirs entitled to "how I used my position of power and influence to touch women and girls inappropriately" I'd have cited that.

Now like I said, I'm even willing to give the benefit of the doubt on many of the photos which taken by themselves are meaningless and suggest nothing. But there were more than a few where the females and girls look absolutely troubled and are way past uncomfortable, there is even some video footage.

And the excuse of "well back in my day we used to cop a feel to let a girl know you was interested" isn't going to work. Shit was inappropriate 50 years ago and people knew it then too. There have always been creepy old men and Biden strongly appears to be carrying on the tradition. He's probably too arrogant to pay for it like every other politician in DC and feels he's entitled to it. You don't have to be a millennial to believe the world owes you something. It's been going on a lot longer than there have been millennials.

And the isn't a republican / democrat thing, I remember why Bob Barr had to STFU during the Clinton impeachment when somebody dug up dirt on him. Sadly it's the kind of conduct I have come to simply expect from politicians.

04-03-19, 01:42
Yup, Joe's just another old goat who's time has come, Old white men are'nt wanted in the Socialist Democrat Communist party..Bernie had better watch his step too, he's next..

Bernie will be used to rally the "free shit for us" crowd with promises of having college loans forgiven, universal first vehicles, free health care - seriously we mean free this time or whatever else socialist fantasies can be dreamed up and he'll get blindsided at the last hour so all his backers can support the remaining candidate that the DNC wanted from the beginning.

The only good news is it probably won't be Debbie Wasserman Schultz, but it could be another version of her equally as stupid and dangerous.

04-03-19, 05:54
Yup. And now he’s a victim of the same kind of hatchet job he’s likely orchestrated a hundred times in his long career. Live by the hatchet, die by the hatchet....


He's been the ax man on a many committee to include Justice Thomas.

All this really does make me smile like a Cheshire cat.

04-03-19, 07:24
The real hypocrisy is that twit Milano is actually sticking up for him.

04-03-19, 08:27
I wish John Matrix never saved her from Freddie Mercury

04-03-19, 10:26
I wish John Matrix never saved her from Freddie MercuryI believe he was The Lord Humongous, dressed in 80’s SOF / punk hybrid attire.

04-03-19, 11:04
IMHO, dirty uncle Joe’s toast. He’s only a legend in his own mind. But in reality he is proven to be, creepy, touchy feely, a loose cannon, an air head, he and his son has had documented corrupt dealings with foreign governments, He has a, I am a tough guy fantasy, he really is to old at this point, and the big one, he’s *** WHITE *** I like watching the faces of the parents and spouses of his victims while they are watching him grope their loved one. He reminds me of a tiny dog, humping ankles. And don't forget his skinny dipping habit while in front of his female Secret Service Agents. He just awful.

04-03-19, 12:24
Biden and Clinton need a 2x4 across the head with the words, “Your time is passed, go away has-been!!”

I think the 2020 election will BE that board to the head for them....
They're only keeping Biden around so he can spew his anti-white hatespeech, they're only keeping Hillary around to remind everyone "what could have been" in '16, and they're only keeping Bernie around to promise the gullible free shit. They're all to old, and to white to run anymore on the current D ticket, they just need to be displayed to keep the remaining idiot white-left base on board while a more "suitable" candidate is decided upon.

On topic-
From the other side of the aisle:


04-03-19, 15:45
Nothing will happen to creepy Joe. He was creepy, a perv for all those years and nothing will go any further than this. Notice that the Gov. and Lt. Gov. of VA (both democrats) got caught for doing the black face thing and sexual assault) , both stories have died and they are still in office. Judge Kavanaugh was falsely accused and drag through hell but he survived. For either side, if you stand up to the accuser (right or wrong) and the incident wasn't immediately reported, I don't think anything will happen. Trump was the first to stand up against his accusations and he won the election. I remember Herman Cain was accused by a handful of women, one after another, he never stood up to deny forcefully and he dropped out of the race. I doubt he would have gone far anyway, even if he wasn't accused, but he never fought back. Now everybody learned from Trump, you got to fight.

Dr. Bullseye
04-03-19, 21:21
Just keep naming him "Creepy Uncle Joe" and it is over for him. Denials aside, that is exactly who he is and everyone knows it deep in their gut.

04-03-19, 22:00
He was one of the ones who shat the bed despite our repeated warnings, now he can sleep in it. #NewRules

Big A
04-05-19, 09:22
The Dims can't even decide if a gay white male veteran (Buttigieg) is acceptable enough to run for president so I don't see Biden, Bernie or Beta making it very far in this. I guess only time will tell.

04-05-19, 11:55
Creepy Uncle Joe will be Crazy Uncle Joe if he runs. The rules have changed and he'd be insane to subject himself to it.

04-05-19, 12:08
Creepy Uncle Joe will be Crazy Uncle Joe if he runs. The rules have changed and he'd be insane to subject himself to it.

No they haven’t. Nobody outside of Fox News care.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-05-19, 13:42
No they haven’t. Nobody outside of Fox News care.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah, part of the strategy might be the blow this up now so that it is "old news" come the primaries. Honestly at this point Jussie Smollett could run for president with a decent chance of winning.

04-05-19, 15:25
The Dims can't even decide if a gay white male veteran (Buttigieg) is acceptable enough to run for president so I don't see Biden, Bernie or Beta making it very far in this. I guess only time will tell.

That's true..The Socalist Communist Democrat party is a party of color now, Trouble is, white is'nt one of the colors..

04-05-19, 16:40
Honestly at this point Jussie Smollett could run for president with a decent chance of winning.

Sad, but true.

04-05-19, 16:51
Sad, but true.

It's as simple as "a life of being subjected to gender and racial hatred forced him to "act out" all of the violent hatred that was continuously directed his way in order to come to terms with it and move past it."

With that ridiculous explanation he could probably win several "hero awards."