View Full Version : Clinton Strategy Vindication

04-02-19, 18:01
Not talking about her POTUS run, but I think that the Clintons were the first, then perfected, and are the best at handling a scandal or negative news.

Of course, lie-deny-counteracuse has been around for a long time, but the Clintons perfected it. The lying was through not remembering, which allows them to deny and who can forget the counteracusation of "The right-wing conspiracy" against them. All the while never admitting to anything and just carrying on. Most pols would have quit in shame after the Lewinsky crimes- not the Clintons. The denied everything until there was scientific proof- very unusual. With out the dress, it would just be another 'bimbo'.

Throw your allies under the bus and get them to repeat your lies as their truths is another trick.


“Don’t apologize, move on, and everybody will talk about something else next week,” is how Ben Tribbett, a Democratic strategist, described it. “Maybe we’ve been doing it wrong over the last 100 years.”

The left stepped in it HUGE with three serial scandals and what will come out of it? The MAGA Hat kids were taken out of the spotlight by the Virginia Dems, which were then saved by Smoulett's crazy deal. No one is going to held accountable and the only lesson learned is smile, hold fast and wait. Kind of like fighting a crashing wave- you don't over power the wave- you let it bash and beat you- and you just out last it.

The Clintons showed that the actual removal from office is hard, really hard- and people's attention span isn't long enough. We rely on people's sense of right and wrong for them to monitor their own behavior. We now have a couple of generations of politicians that have learned that admitting guilt only leads to losing. That isn't good.

04-02-19, 19:58
Do you really think those two morons “perfected” anything?

Dick Morris
James Carville

04-02-19, 20:10
The media perfected filling your head with nonsense until you forgot what you were pissed about.

Dr. Bullseye
04-02-19, 21:37
The media moved on but we all remember each scandal. My favorites were the Rose firm's billings which turned up in the White House after the media had moved on and the Vince Foster double-tap suicide head shot which lives on, truth or lie.

04-03-19, 10:25
Do you really think those two morons “perfected” anything?

Dick Morris
James Carville

Well, you need good actors to pull it off - people who can lie through their teeth convincingly. It's meaningless if Carville or Morris do it for them.

04-03-19, 11:00
A Quick google search on dead bodies suspiciously murdered around the Clintons comes up with 46 peeps. Thats just an alarming number. Even BS journalism would have trouble coming up with that number with a compelling story surrounding them. I believe it was either real good to be associated with the Clintons or real bad. Real real bad. He was the real Teflon Don.

It will be interesting what stories come about in 25 to 50 years as history remembers them.


Doc Safari
04-03-19, 11:02
The Clintons brought a new level of evil to the American political process. I believe nearly every excess of the modern Democrat Party can be ultimately traced back to Bill and Hillary Clinton.

04-03-19, 12:36
Right, nobody here forgets anything, I was of course referring to the great unwashed masses of civilians milling around without purpose or direction.

04-03-19, 14:58
I don't know how you can call that "vindication". They are crooks, liars, cheats, probably murderers, abusers of women, possibly seditious, definitely grifters, and greedy too.

Unless you believe that winning BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY is a thing to aspire to, their methods cannot be "vindicated". They are the most corrupt people ever to be in our Government.

And lets not forget they are anti-2A.