View Full Version : Keanu Reeves training vid

bad aim
04-03-19, 12:13
This video was thrown up on YT a few days ago and it shows Keanu Reeves getting some training tips on room entry from Shawn Ryan at Taran Butler's facility. Really does seem like a humble dude, an avid shooter, and a good student...asking questions and always engaged.


04-03-19, 14:19
JW2 definitely had a 3-gun stage feel to it. I hope that by working with Shawn also for JW3, that there is more of tactical feel to it. Not that JW1 wasn't good, or that JW2 was bad- it just seems like at teh start of a gun fight you could hear the RO and a buzzer....

Really interesting that while Keanu isn't a gun fighter, he takes his roles pretty seriously in the past and has done a lot of different training- and you can still see a world of difference between Shawn and Keanu.

Really looking forward to JW3.

At the end of the video, they talk about doing it with handguns- is there a video of that?

04-03-19, 14:30
JW2 definitely had a 3-gun stage feel to it. I hope that by working with Shawn also for JW3, that there is more of tactical feel to it. Not that JW1 wasn't good, or that JW2 was bad- it just seems like at teh start of a gun fight you could hear the RO and a buzzer....

Really interesting that while Keanu isn't a gun fighter, he takes his roles pretty seriously in the past and has done a lot of different training- and you can still see a world of difference between Shawn and Keanu.

Really looking forward to JW3.

At the end of the video, they talk about doing it with handguns- is there a video of that?Handgun video follows the rifle one

Here you go


04-03-19, 14:55
Damn that Jade or whatever her name is leaning back against the drum starting at 8:45 .... lawd have mercy.

Seriously, I hope they took the bolt out of that rifle before pointing it at people.

edited: toward the end of the video, I saw the bolt area was open through the ejection port. Feel a little better.

04-03-19, 15:06
Damn that Jade or whatever her name is leaning back against the drum starting at 8:45 .... lawd have mercy.

Seriously, I hope they took the bolt out of that rifle before pointing it at people.

Honestly, airing out her crotch like that wasn't one bit sexy to me.

04-04-19, 01:35
Honestly, airing out her crotch like that wasn't one bit sexy to me.

Well I sure appreciated it:p

04-04-19, 07:56
Damn that Jade or whatever her name is leaning back against the drum starting at 8:45 .... lawd have mercy.

Seriously, I hope they took the bolt out of that rifle before pointing it at people.

edited: toward the end of the video, I saw the bolt area was open through the ejection port. Feel a little better.

Even Keanu says something about pointing the gun at Shawn. I think the BCG is out of the gun, not just to the rear. You'd thin that after Jason Lee in the Crow that for insurance purposes that they'd have to use inerts.

04-04-19, 07:57
Damn that Jade or whatever her name is leaning back against the drum starting at 8:45 .... lawd have mercy.

Seriously, I hope they took the bolt out of that rifle before pointing it at people.

edited: toward the end of the video, I saw the bolt area was open through the ejection port. Feel a little better.

Even Keanu says something about pointing the gun at Shawn. I think the BCG is out of the gun, not just to the rear. You'd thin that after Jason Lee in the Crow that for insurance purposes that they'd have to use inerts.

04-04-19, 09:08
after Jason Lee in the Crow that for insurance purposes that they'd have to use inerts.

Brandon Lee. The Brandon Lee death happened on the set during filming.

This youtube video with Reeves was at Taran Butler's range while he was receiving training from the ex SEAL. But it would be much safer had they used a blue gun.

04-04-19, 09:26
Lee was actually killed by a squib round

04-04-19, 09:27
But it would be much safer had they used a blue gun.

Or at least some sort of empty chamber indicator, zip tie, etc. Freaked me out when he picked it up and proceeded to aim it at people. I am far from an expert, haven't even stayed at a Holiday Inn in years but I think it probably could have been done a little better to make the chance of picking up a hot gun zero.

04-04-19, 11:20
Even Keanu says something about pointing the gun at Shawn. I think the BCG is out of the gun, not just to the rear. You'd thin that after Jason Lee in the Crow that for insurance purposes that they'd have to use inerts.

One would think, but...
Yeah, that was Brandon Lee.

04-04-19, 11:33
If I recall correctly, watching a documentary on Lee's death, prop guns aren't even capable of firing live rounds to begin with and they aren't supposed to be aimed at the actor either. If this was true, having no investigation after the fact was odd to say the least.

IMHO, the other girl was hotter than the one airing out her crotch.

04-04-19, 11:37
. Freaked me out when he picked it up and proceeded to aim it at people. .

I gave them the benefit of the doubt, the video was an informal taping done by their "peeps", maybe even one of the chicks. That's why I wrote, "I hope". Taran Butler was also taping using his cell phone. The video started well after their session had begun. So maybe it was shown to the people present on scene that the gun was made safe, etc.

Presented in the way the youtube video was shown, it left a bad example for untrained people, kids, bubba, homies, to just pick up guns and point it around. That's why we hear and read of so many firearms accidents. Then again, some gene pools need to be drained too.

Boy Scout
04-04-19, 12:05

These videos of Keanu, Post Malone, Isaiah Washington, etc., always annoy me to a certain extent.

That’s not to say that I don’t “enjoy” them somewhat, and I’m glad that folks that might not normally be in the firearms community are exposed to safe handling and tactics, but it bothers me that these folks get all this special treatment and one-on-one instruction, and most likely don’t even have to pay for it. I can easily see the John Wick production people paying for Reeve’s training, maybe the others pay for their own, who knows.

What I do know is I don’t see Taran Butler out there offering much needed training to Law Enforcement, especially smaller agencies with a minisicule budget, who need the training more than Hollywood actors. Maybe if the Hollywood types shared their experiences rather than keeping quiet and their ilk espousing false media narratives around LE shootings/use of force, AND cops got better training....

Maybe I’m just jealous since I can’t afford ammo to practice and my department sure as hell ain’t paying for it, so when I see people getting more time behind a gun punching holes in mutilated cardboard targets (I mean seriously, how do they know they even hit anything when they’re going 100mph and the target is already full of holes? Speed is fine, accuracy is final and all that...) than I do as police officer, I guess it irks me.

Let’s not forget the exponential growth of “gun bunnies” and this new wave of soft-core gun porn that is sweeping social media like Instagram. Dudes out here at photography shoots with hot chicks covered in mud and squeaky-clean $3000 ARs and the hottest Gucci kit... I mean, I enjoy looking at T & A as much as the next guy, but c’mon, it’s the equivalent of the “The South will riiiiise again!” folks at the gun show. It’s all just for show and not accomplishing anything. I dunno, maybe it’s more like the old nudie calendars that dad had in the garage of hot chicks leaning over open hoods or wearing hard hats and tool belts. I guess I’d just rather see Taran’s gun bunny chicks teaching a self defense class to single moms than running around some IDPA course in yoga pants (don’t get me wrong - I F’n love yoga pants) making duck lips and IG posts.

Sorry, haven’t had my coffee or a dip yet...


04-04-19, 12:07
If I recall correctly, watching a documentary on Lee's death, prop guns aren't even capable of firing live rounds to begin with and they aren't supposed to be aimed at the actor either. If this was true, having no investigation after the fact was odd to say the least.

IMHO, the other girl was hotter than the one airing out her crotch.From what I remember the gun used was real. In a previous shot which called for up close camera where the bullets were visible in the cylinders. Instead of putting in fake bullets the gun department, or whatever, chose to dump the powder out of the rounds and reseat the bullet while forgetting about the primer.

The up close film shot was done and the gun went back to the gun department. At one point someone had pulled the trigger, which caused the primer to go off and lodged the bullet in the barrel. I guess no one thought anything of it, probably thinking those were blanks since there were no bullet holes.

The gun then was loaded with blanks and went back on set. When the actor fired the gun at Lee the pressure from the blank fired out the lodged bullet at about the same speed and energy as if it were a real round

04-04-19, 12:08
[QUOTE=Sam;2723632]Damn that Jade or whatever her name is leaning back against the drum starting at 8:45 .... lawd have mercy.

Memories of TV Reporters day at the range, A gaggle of reporters, mostly female, were coming to the range to shoot weapons. It was suggested to them to wear Yoga pants since it was hot and they were going to be trying various positions. Prone position is definitely nice. Great day to be at the range.

04-04-19, 13:24
Memories of TV Reporters day at the range, A gaggle of reporters, mostly female, were coming to the range to shoot weapons. It was suggested to them to wear Yoga pants since it was hot and they were going to be trying various positions. Prone position is definitely nice. Great day to be at the range.

They can be a blessing or a curse depending on whose ass is in them.

04-04-19, 13:48

These videos of Keanu, Post Malone, Isaiah Washington, etc., always annoy me to a certain extent.

That’s not to say that I don’t “enjoy” them somewhat, and I’m glad that folks that might not normally be in the firearms community are exposed to safe handling and tactics, but it bothers me that these folks get all this special treatment and one-on-one instruction, and most likely don’t even have to pay for it. I can easily see the John Wick production people paying for Reeve’s training, maybe the others pay for their own, who knows.

What I do know is I don’t see Taran Butler out there offering much needed training to Law Enforcement, especially smaller agencies with a minisicule budget, who need the training more than Hollywood actors. Maybe if the Hollywood types shared their experiences rather than keeping quiet and their ilk espousing false media narratives around LE shootings/use of force, AND cops got better training....

Maybe I’m just jealous since I can’t afford ammo to practice and my department sure as hell ain’t paying for it, so when I see people getting more time behind a gun punching holes in mutilated cardboard targets (I mean seriously, how do they know they even hit anything when they’re going 100mph and the target is already full of holes? Speed is fine, accuracy is final and all that...) than I do as police officer, I guess it irks me.

Let’s not forget the exponential growth of “gun bunnies” and this new wave of soft-core gun porn that is sweeping social media like Instagram. Dudes out here at photography shoots with hot chicks covered in mud and squeaky-clean $3000 ARs and the hottest Gucci kit... I mean, I enjoy looking at T & A as much as the next guy, but c’mon, it’s the equivalent of the “The South will riiiiise again!” folks at the gun show. It’s all just for show and not accomplishing anything. I dunno, maybe it’s more like the old nudie calendars that dad had in the garage of hot chicks leaning over open hoods or wearing hard hats and tool belts. I guess I’d just rather see Taran’s gun bunny chicks teaching a self defense class to single moms than running around some IDPA course in yoga pants (don’t get me wrong - I F’n love yoga pants) making duck lips and IG posts.

Sorry, haven’t had my coffee or a dip yet...


Not sure what the problem is, people provide a service they get paid for.
If you dont get proper training, thats on your department, not TB or whoever the trainer is.

I would assume KR training is paid for as a business expense... like most other jobs.

04-05-19, 03:53
Oh my, things are getting serious for Keanu training up for Bill & Ted: Face the Music.

04-05-19, 10:31
I don't know how we ever trained without resin blue guns.


04-05-19, 10:57

Shawn talks about the whole process and how they inerted the gun by taking out the bolt.

Sounds like this was a pretty short (maybe just a day) workout.

04-05-19, 13:17
Damn that Jade or whatever her name is leaning back against the drum starting at 8:45 .... lawd have mercy.

Seriously, I hope they took the bolt out of that rifle before pointing it at people.

edited: toward the end of the video, I saw the bolt area was open through the ejection port. Feel a little better.

Taran does seem to have a nice stable of ladies.

04-05-19, 15:08

Shawn talks about the whole process and how they inerted the gun by taking out the bolt.

Sounds like this was a pretty short (maybe just a day) workout.

Shawn is great people. He has put out some really quality videos the last few years. Just a real guy.

04-05-19, 16:02
Taran does seem to have a nice stable of ladies.

He sponsors them ;) https://sassbrassnbullets.wordpress.com/2014/09/15/meet-the-real-taran-butler/

Hey, whatever it takes to get more ladies in the sport.

04-05-19, 16:24
Shawn is great people. He has put out some really quality videos the last few years. Just a real guy.

If you ever see him yelling, you should be worried. He seems like a human quaalude in the videos I’ve seen.

04-05-19, 16:25
He sponsors them ;) https://sassbrassnbullets.wordpress.com/2014/09/15/meet-the-real-taran-butler/

Hey, whatever it takes to get more ladies in the sport.

‘Sponsors”. I should do that with more ladies....

04-05-19, 17:22
‘Sponsors”. I should do that with more ladies....

I worked with a guy who was in his early sixties and was a daily patron of the local Hooters. He knew everyone there on a first name basis. Carl was a locally known BBQ guru and would "sponsor" cookouts for the Hooters staff regularly at his house, which also had a large pool. Dude never invited anyone from work but I knew his neighbor who would happen to stop by and visit during the "cookouts".

04-05-19, 18:32
The fatal funnel bit shows you the advantage a 10-11.5" barrel gives you. A 16" gamer gun is a real hindrance in these scenarios.

04-05-19, 19:11
I appreciated our short barreled mp5's we had on our team as our ARs were old and long. Other option was a 20" mossberg 500. Most of the time it was easier to run a pistol as you could go hands on faster than the guys with long guns.