View Full Version : Where we are as a nation right now....

04-11-19, 09:16
Pretty good piece I though- Opening graph-

"We and the Left are now two nations within one country. This is undeniable. We are now so different that we cannot even agree on what a country is, or on the merits of a country having a border. The number of people who still say, "I just don't care about politics" dwindles. It is still possible to hate both sides — but it is getting hard to be indifferent and still be breathing. How many people can just take or leave infanticide? How many people are entirely flexible about the idea of the government having authority over anything and everything, to experimenting with our fundamental demographics, or to giving up fossil fuels cold turkey?"

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/04/the_neverending_threat_of_civil_war.html#ixzz5knQwUf6R
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04-11-19, 09:42
Great essay on a terrible topic. No, this isn't tinfoil hat stuff today. A piece on the same site discusses the Dems' goal to expand voting to immature teens and prisoners still in prison for Dem political power:


04-11-19, 09:51
Great essay on a terrible topic. No, this isn't tinfoil hat stuff today. A piece on the same site discusses the Dems' goal to expand voting to immature teens and prisoners still in prison for Dem political power:


The other wing of the same bird.


04-11-19, 10:39
The other wing of the same bird.


The fix was in on Constitutional Carry from day one. Bonnen is a lying, Strauss wanna be, who takes his marching orders from the Chamber of Commerce which is the only entity he and many of his R colleagues represent.

I personally wrote the Governor here and told him to expect to be confronted when he comes to my town again over this issue. He came last election and talked up how we all needed to come out and vote to offset all the Liberals down state- and WE DID. And the R's have done exactly NOTHING this session for conservatives- no property tax relief, no Constitutional carry, nothing.

I'm a former Republican Party Precinct Chair and I intend to get in these peoples' faces, I'm done with the BS. You don't appoint an anti gun Democrat as the head of the Committee hearing the Constitutional Carry bill and then tell people you're "doing great things for them" at election time, that ship has sailed.

04-11-19, 10:49
The fix was in on Constitutional Carry from day one. Bonnen is a lying, Strauss wanna be, who takes his marching orders from the Chamber of Commerce which is the only entity he and many of his R colleagues represent.

I personally wrote the Governor here and told him to expect to be confronted when he comes to my town again over this issue. He came last election and talked up how we all needed to come out and vote to offset all the Liberals down state- and WE DID. And the R's have done exactly NOTHING this session for conservatives- no property tax relief, no Constitutional carry, nothing.

I'm a former Republican Party Precinct Chair and I intend to get in these peoples' faces, I'm done with the BS. You don't appoint an anti gun Democrat as the head of the Committee hearing the Constitutional Carry bill and then tell people you're "doing great things for them" at election time, that ship has sailed.

>tfw you realize Republicans are just a lazier form of Democrat

04-11-19, 10:49
We are the death throws of the America as we knew it.

04-11-19, 11:42
right before the final swirl in a toilet things get real fast ! sometimes things pop back out you thought were flushed though

that is my only hope that we are a floater :)
cause right now we are on that super fast last spin I feel

yeah I say those that hate the country boot them to wonderful islam controlled or gang controlled wonderlands they say are so awesome

Doc Safari
04-11-19, 11:48
Remember when Ross Perot talked about the "giant sucking sound" of jobs going to Mexico over NAFTA?

Now we have the "giant swirling sound" of the country going down the toilet.

04-11-19, 12:23
right before the final swirl in a toilet things get real fast ! sometimes things pop back out you thought were flushed though

that is my only hope that we are a floater :)
cause right now we are on that super fast last spin I feel

yeah I say those that hate the country boot them to wonderful islam controlled or gang controlled wonderlands they say are so awesome

The Second Coming
W. B. Yeats, 1865 - 1939

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

04-11-19, 13:14
Where we are as a nation right now....

Fantasizing about pissing on someone's food because they have different political beliefs seems to appropriately sum it up.

04-11-19, 13:23
Where we are as a nation right now....

Fantasizing about pissing on someone's food because they have different political beliefs seems to appropriately sum it up.

You don't wear those glasses when driving do you? They make it hard to see red lights....I guess color blind people can still make out the position of the lights so you might be ok....

04-11-19, 13:38
Remember when Ross Perot talked about the "giant sucking sound" of jobs going to Mexico over NAFTA?

Now we have the "giant swirling sound" of the country going down the toilet.

BINGO!!!! ^^^^^ Doc gets it.. The only way this country can be saved at this point, is if you have a conservative party with the guts to stand up and tackle the issues we have, illegal immgration, runaway debt, an out of control MIC, etc, and quit caving in to the Socialist-Communist-Democrat party. But the reality is, little or nothing will happen.. Mark my words..nothing much will change until the money runs out..The day the rest of the world tells us to take our dollars and shove them up our ass, is the day that things will change, and it won't be pretty, especially when certian groups find out their EBT cards don't work no more.. And, I don't think that day is too far off..The dollar is'nt going to be the world's reserve currency forever..

04-11-19, 16:02
Stumbled across this from another (non political) site. This site is a raging leftist fantasyland, but it's useful to know what the other side is thinking:


It truly is like bizarroworld. I imagine they think the same of us, of course. The popular media bears a lot of blame.

04-11-19, 16:27
Stumbled across this from another (non political) site. This site is a raging leftist fantasyland, but it's useful to know what the other side is thinking:


It truly is like bizarroworld. I imagine they think the same of us, of course. The popular media bears a lot of blame.

They got nothing on DUh.com (leave out the "h" and it's Demo Cratic Under Ground). They criticize Huffypo for not being leftists enough.

04-11-19, 16:30
Dont worry, we have a few thousand more hopeful Americans on their way from Honduras.

Now imagine the headlines: Thousands of hopeful Americans marching by the thousands to start a new life in Ecuador.

The world would have a fit. blah blah national identity blah blah changing a nation's culture overnight blah blah unchecked immigration blah blah threat to sovereignty

Red Dawn was right. America really has become a whorehouse where the revolutuonary ideals of our forefathers are corrupted and sold in alleys by vendors of capitalism.

Doc Safari
04-11-19, 16:30
I used to go trolling at DU. There was a guy over there who registered under the screen name "Preacher" and got banned after one post IIRC.

04-12-19, 12:01
Where we are as a nation right now....

Fantasizing about pissing on someone's food because they have different political beliefs seems to appropriately sum it up.

Just to clear up any confusion, this is news I had just finished reading and not something I was contemplating.

It's also worse than just the part I mentioned. Beyond thinking it was a good idea to write this down, the author then goes on to encourage others to go through with his fantasy. And the most disturbing part of the story is a paper published it (online).


04-12-19, 13:08
F*#^$d, that's where.
Hope your ready for the change in weather.

04-12-19, 18:00
Not to drift too much, but the Candace Owens clip from C-SPAN is "mysteriously" losing views on youtube. As of 1900 on 04/12/19, it has 356,353 views. Previously it had been reported by several outlets as having views into the millions. I know this doesn't surprise anyone here, but there are plenty of people that believe YT doesn't censor. This is pretty good proof.

04-12-19, 19:07
According to David Stockman we're screwed financially too. Listen and learn...

04-12-19, 19:24
Well the left has done a truly stunning job bringing the crazies out. As evidence I offer the fact that some idiot just set himself on fire in front of the White House.

04-13-19, 01:38
I used to go trolling at DU. There was a guy over there who registered under the screen name "Preacher" and got banned after one post IIRC.

Thousands of people have been banned after one post. Really all it does is give them an astronomical membership number and make them seem like a big deal forum.

I used to raid them with reality back in 2000 but after awhile I realized there was nobody on the fence, contrary opinions would simply be filtered out and I was wasting my time.

04-13-19, 02:33
Well the left has done a truly stunning job bringing the crazies out. As evidence I offer the fact that some idiot just set himself on fire in front of the White House.

I say we should encourage more of his ilk to follow his lead.


04-13-19, 02:55
I say we should encourage more of his ilk to follow his lead.



we should encourage you to take baseball bats to each other or hanging yourself then blame it on white boys wearing maga hats !!!

if actors can get away with it so can you !!!!!

04-13-19, 13:23
Well the left has done a truly stunning job bringing the crazies out. As evidence I offer the fact that some idiot just set himself on fire in front of the White House.


Self-immolation - political protest (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-immolation#Political_protest)

Among the things that self-immolation has been used to protest in the US and Europe:
-Inefficiency and corruption at the VA
-Family court injustice and the lack of father's rights
-Communist rule in East Germany
-Communist rule in Ukraine
-Communist rule in Lithuania
-Communist rule in Romania
-Communist rule in Czechoslovakia
-Polish participation in Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia
-Soviet/communist whitewashing of the Katyn massacre
-Military rule in Greece
-Ethnic cleansing in the Balkans
-The spread of Islam in Europe

And this is in addition to the usual and more global protests against the persecution of Buddhists by Ngô Đình Diệm, against Communist rule in Tibet and China, Taiwanese independence, wars, civil wars, &c., &c., &c.

So, yes. Those idiots.

What have you sacrificed for a cause lately?

04-13-19, 20:46

Self-immolation - political protest (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-immolation#Political_protest)

Among the things that self-immolation has been used to protest in the US and Europe:
-Inefficiency and corruption at the VA
-Family court injustice and the lack of father's rights
-Communist rule in East Germany
-Communist rule in Ukraine
-Communist rule in Lithuania
-Communist rule in Romania
-Communist rule in Czechoslovakia
-Polish participation in Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia
-Soviet/communist whitewashing of the Katyn massacre
-Military rule in Greece
-Ethnic cleansing in the Balkans
-The spread of Islam in Europe

And this is in addition to the usual and more global protests against the persecution of Buddhists by Ngô Đình Diệm, against Communist rule in Tibet and China, Taiwanese independence, wars, civil wars, &c., &c., &c.

So, yes. Those idiots.

What have you sacrificed for a cause lately?

Are you really putting the liberal whackjob who burned himself because "Orange Man Bad" at the same level as the ones who were willing to die for a cause? Please...

I don't think you need to worry about my sacrifices.

04-15-19, 03:53

Big A
04-16-19, 08:30

Honk! Honk! Welcome to clown world! Honk! Honk! Honk!

04-16-19, 14:07
Sounds like at some point, we will be forced to pick a side.....”I am a Republican” or “I am a Democrat” won’t be good enough. Might even be...”Are you a Leftist or a Fascist?” I hope not.

26 Inf
04-16-19, 19:06
Ocasio-Cortez backs boycott of New York Post over cover attacking Ilhan Omar

But she said the paper’s coverage of her is not the reason she tweeted an endorsement of the Post boycott over the weekend.

“It can be annoying or agitating, but I didn't call for this when they were going after me,” Ocasio-Cortez said about the Post’s coverage of her record in Congress.

Rather, she says she was motivated by the paper’s front page cover last week highlighting Omar’s controversial reference to the Sept. 11 terror attack as a case of “somebody did something.”

“‘Here’s your something,’” screamed the Post’s front page cover over a photograph of the Twin Towers in flames on 9/11.

That “was just beyond the pale, you know?” Ocasio-Cortez said on “Skullduggery.” “There’s aggressive politics. There's people that won't be fair to you and things like that, and I understand that that's part of the field that comes with it. But, you know, I think that this is unacceptable.”

I've got your something beyond the fvcking pale - someone attacked our country and killed 3,550 Americans you simple bitch, what about that don't you understand?

“And also I think it is important to, to assert that I didn't call for a boycott of the New York Post,” she said. “What I'm, I'm amplifying, I'm amplifying organizing that's happening on the ground, and I, I do think that there's a substantive difference between the two.”


04-16-19, 19:37
Sounds like at some point, we will be forced to pick a side.....”I am a Republican” or “I am a Democrat” won’t be good enough. Might even be...”Are you a Leftist or a Fascist?” I hope not.

Like Erick Erickson said, "You will be MADE to care." You may not like the f---ing Leftists, but they sure do LOVE f---ing anyone they deem to have "Insufficient Revolutionary Zeal" including at some point you...

04-16-19, 22:50
Sounds like at some point, we will be forced to pick a side.....”I am a Republican” or “I am a Democrat” won’t be good enough. Might even be...”Are you a Leftist or a Fascist?” I hope not.

If we get to that, hope they understand that "If they come for me, I'm going to shoot you regardless of your party affiliation."

04-17-19, 21:24

04-17-19, 22:05
It's not all new.



04-18-19, 09:59
If we get to that, hope they understand that "If they come for me, I'm going to shoot you regardless of your party affiliation."

You say “they”......being that they are reasonable and will understand consequences that will arise. I am doubtful about “they” being anything but reasonable and understanding.

04-18-19, 10:05
You say “they”......being that they are reasonable and will understand consequences that will arise. I am doubtful about “they” being anything but reasonable and understanding.

"They", never are....

04-18-19, 12:22
You say “they”......being that they are reasonable and will understand consequences that will arise. I am doubtful about “they” being anything but reasonable and understanding.

Angry Rioting Mobs make me a big fan of area-of-effect weapons like tear gas, cannons with grapeshot, flamethrowers...

04-18-19, 12:29
Angry Rioting Mobs make me a big fan of area-of-effect weapons like tear gas, cannons with grapeshot, flamethrowers...

You know, it was a revelation to me that flamethrowers are completely legal to own without NFA paperwork etc.....First time I shot one was scary as hell....But, it sure is a cool tool to have in the box!

04-18-19, 15:48
Angry Rioting Mobs make me a big fan of area-of-effect weapons like tear gas, cannons with grapeshot, flamethrowers...

The trouble with flamethrowers is that they only have to throw themselves at you to light you on fire.

Generally an individual or small group with firearms can hold a building against a rioting mob indefinitely - indefinitely until that mob starts the building on fire, anyway. So I'm not sure that bringing the fire yourself is a brilliant idea - unless you're with the mob.

04-18-19, 16:57
The trouble with flamethrowers is that they only have to throw themselves at you to light you on fire.

Generally an individual or small group with firearms can hold a building against a rioting mob indefinitely - indefinitely until that mob starts the building on fire, anyway. So I'm not sure that bringing the fire yourself is a brilliant idea - unless you're with the mob.

I can think of MAYBE one or two weapons that create the kind of absolute raw and primal fear that flamethrowers do though. The idea of being burned alive is pretty overwhelming....

04-18-19, 17:49
I can think of MAYBE one or two weapons that create the kind of absolute raw and primal fear that flamethrowers do though. The idea of being burned alive is pretty overwhelming....

Why not throw Molotovs instead?

04-18-19, 17:57
The trouble with flamethrowers is that they only have to throw themselves at you to light you on fire.

Generally an individual or small group with firearms can hold a building against a rioting mob indefinitely - indefinitely until that mob starts the building on fire, anyway. So I'm not sure that bringing the fire yourself is a brilliant idea - unless you're with the mob.

That IS a definite hazard... though I seem to recall the WWII M2-2 as used by Marines on the Pacific islands would spew napalm in a 300-yd line. If I see my buddies get BBQ'ed at 300, I'm gonna back off... at least long enough to go get a Barrett and put a hole in the guy's tank from safe distance.

04-18-19, 18:17
You say “they”......being that they are reasonable and will understand consequences that will arise. I am doubtful about “they” being anything but reasonable and understanding.

I don't expect "they" to understand anything. I'm just gonna be shooting until "they" are gone or my ammo is depleted.

Once society crosses certain lines, it reaches a point where I am free to cross a lot of other lines.

04-18-19, 18:52
I don't expect "they" to understand anything. I'm just gonna be shooting until "they" are gone or my ammo is depleted.

Once society crosses certain lines, it reaches a point where I am free to cross a lot of other lines.

Job One: My loved ones and those otherwise entrusted to my overwatch go home in one piece. Job Two: So do I. What happens to Everybody Else... is up to Everybody Else.

04-18-19, 19:51
That IS a definite hazard... though I seem to recall the WWII M2-2 as used by Marines on the Pacific islands would spew napalm in a 300-yd line. If I see my buddies get BBQ'ed at 300, I'm gonna back off... at least long enough to go get a Barrett and put a hole in the guy's tank from safe distance.

By memory, no one has a backpack flamethrower with more than a 50-60yd effective range. It just isn't practical based on weight that a person can carry and pressure they can resist (think firehose). The tank mounted ones could manage 100+ and I think some of the riverine patrol boats in Vietnam had maybe 200 yards range.

Major militaries don't really use flamethrowers any more, there's probably a reason for that. By memory China has an incendiary rocket system that they call a flamethrower but is, in fact, rockets with incendiary warheads. I think the west was mostly gone to Raufoss type ammo for this purpose.

04-18-19, 20:09
By memory, no one has a backpack flamethrower with more than a 50-60yd effective range. It just isn't practical based on weight that a person can carry and pressure they can resist (think firehose). The tank mounted ones could manage 100+ and I think some of the riverine patrol boats in Vietnam had maybe 200 yards range.

Major militaries don't really use flamethrowers any more, there's probably a reason for that. By memory China has an incendiary rocket system that they call a flamethrower but is, in fact, rockets with incendiary warheads. I think the west was mostly gone to Raufoss type ammo for this purpose.

The US also developed the M202 FLASH and the Russians have the RPO-A ("Rocket-propelled Infantry Flamethrower-A") with both incendiary and thermobaric (!) rockets. The Russians, for their part, seem to be rather fond of using thermobarics (generally dropped by aircraft) to kill enemy combatants in buildings before sending infantry to clear them (or the remnants of them).

04-21-19, 07:39
By memory, no one has a backpack flamethrower with more than a 50-60yd effective range. It just isn't practical based on weight that a person can carry and pressure they can resist (think firehose). The tank mounted ones could manage 100+ and I think some of the riverine patrol boats in Vietnam had maybe 200 yards range.

Major militaries don't really use flamethrowers any more, there's probably a reason for that. By memory China has an incendiary rocket system that they call a flamethrower but is, in fact, rockets with incendiary warheads. I think the west was mostly gone to Raufoss type ammo for this purpose.

We don't use chemical or biological weapons, cluster munitions or land mines anymore either. It's not because they aren't effective.

04-21-19, 23:41
America is only finished if the gun owners of the USA don't stand in the breech.

If American gun owners are a bunch of wimps then, the world is in trouble.

For if the Constitution does down the toilet then the world will follow shortly thereafter.

Have you prepared for the worse case scenario?

04-22-19, 04:30
America is only finished if the gun owners of the USA don't stand in the breech.

If American gun owners are a bunch of wimps then, the world is in trouble.

For if the Constitution does down the toilet then the world will follow shortly thereafter.

Have you prepared for the worse case scenario?

Politician violate the constitution all the time without consequences.
No one is standing in the breech.

04-27-19, 23:57
A rather distressing assessment of the current situation.


04-28-19, 02:01
America is only finished if the gun owners of the USA don't stand in the breech.

If American gun owners are a bunch of wimps then, the world is in trouble.

For if the Constitution does down the toilet then the world will follow shortly thereafter.

Have you prepared for the worse case scenario?

I don't want to give any glory to revolutionists, but I have taken note of what a bunch of Drunken Irish guys with guns managed against an occupational army and I remember what a bunch of student radicals did in Europe as the Baader Meinhoff / RAF with little or no real training.

Again, if the US government crosses too many lines, they remove self imposed limitations on more than a few individuals. If you have nothing left to lose, you have nothing left to lose and that means you are free to recoup your losses without incident.

I'm not a fan of McVeigh, but when the government burnt down one religious compound, the blowback was catastrophic and included more than a few innocent men, women and children. Not advocating in any way that the OK bombing was an acceptable act of terrorism, just that this is the thing you can come to expect when people have nothing to lose and aren't thinking critically / rationally anymore.

I'm hoping we never see it.

04-28-19, 06:29
I'm hoping we never see it.

I hope we never see it because it never ends up being necessary.
However I'm becoming increasingly concerned that the situation may eventually deteriorate to the point where it is necessary, but nobody is up to it.

04-28-19, 07:45

04-28-19, 10:31

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable."

04-28-19, 10:38
It could easily be argued that we are actually coming out of the Fourth Turning, ending the Millennial Saeculum. Trump might have been that turning point and his re-election in 2020 might just put an end to it. Chew on that a while.

Not that I believe a dang thing Strauss-Howe have to say. You can punch holes in their theory all...day...long.

04-28-19, 12:24
A rather distressing assessment of the current situation.
Distressing indeed. Nothing will happen of course until the bread and circuses cease to exist. My question: why does it have to get to an extreme before a populace realize it’s time to do something? Is Human society prone to REaction instead of PROaction????

04-28-19, 12:25
I hope we never see it because it never ends up being necessary.
However I'm becoming increasingly concerned that the situation may eventually deteriorate to the point where it is necessary, but nobody is up to it.
Yes and agreed.

Dr. Bullseye
04-28-19, 15:07
All you guys who don't think it is necessary or will come to that or not up to it----you guys fly out to San Francisco, rent a car and drive around for a day. THAT IS YOUR FUTURE and/or the future for your children and grandchildren.

04-28-19, 15:16
All you guys who don't think it is necessary or will come to that or not up to it----you guys fly out to San Francisco, rent a car and drive around for a day. THAT IS YOUR FUTURE and/or the future for your children and grandchildren.

In the 1960s they had us believe Haight / Ashbury was the future for the nation, didn't quite happen.
They had us believe Clockwork Orange was the future, didn't quite happen.

The reverse is also true, even with the conservative movement under Reagan, San Francisco remained as it always was, Berkeley remained the center of intellectual insanity and Chicago and Los Angeles remained crime ridden hell holes.

In fact the only real change that has actually happened in the last 50 years is NYC became much safer than the crime ridden cesspool it was during the 70s and 80s. Wouldn't call it completely safe, but it's better.

04-28-19, 15:52
Distressing indeed. Nothing will happen of course until the bread and circuses cease to exist. My question: why does it have to get to an extreme before a populace realize it’s time to do something? Is Human society prone to REaction instead of PROaction????

You will find the answer to your question right there in your previous statement. The bread and circuses keep the overwhelming majority of the population satiated and servile, until eventually, as it always the case, public and private debt becomes untenable, the till and bank vaults full of other people's money are all empty, the printing presses have utterly debased the currency, and no one will issued the government another cent of credit. It is only when the unemployment, retirement, pension, and disability checks suddenly stop that people finally realize what they should have realized long before.

04-28-19, 16:05
You will find the answer to your question right there in your previous statement. The bread and circuses keep the overwhelming majority of the population satiated and servile, until eventually, as it always the case, public and private debt becomes untenable, the till and bank vaults full of other people's money are all empty, the printing presses have utterly debased the currency, and no one will issued the government another cent of credit. It is only when the unemployment, retirement, pension, and disability checks suddenly stop that people finally realize what they should have realized long before.

Hear hear

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-28-19, 20:45
You will find the answer to your question right there in your previous statement. The bread and circuses keep the overwhelming majority of the population satiated and servile, until eventually, as it always the case, public and private debt becomes untenable, the till and bank vaults full of other people's money are all empty, the printing presses have utterly debased the currency, and no one will issued the government another cent of credit. It is only when the unemployment, retirement, pension, and disability checks suddenly stop that people finally realize what they should have realized long before.

LOL. We will borrow 10 generations into the future to "bail out" this nation if needed. Nobody is better at kicking the can down the road than the US government. If everything collapses, everyone in government stops getting paid. Rest assured they will do everything they can to keep the gravy train (your income tax dollars) moving along the tracks.

04-28-19, 23:56
Except that things that can't go on forever never do.

http://i.imgur.com/wuiEp7o.jpg?1 (https://imgur.com/wuiEp7o)

The True Size Of The U.S. National Debt, Including Unfunded Liabilities, Is 222 Trillion Dollars

04-29-19, 00:06
Except that things that can't go on forever never do.

http://i.imgur.com/wuiEp7o.jpg?1 (https://imgur.com/wuiEp7o)

The True Size Of The U.S. National Debt, Including Unfunded Liabilities, Is 222 Trillion Dollars

Well I guess the good news is if it all falls down Firefly will be able to own that M240 without any ATF hoops.

04-29-19, 00:26
Except that things that can't go on forever never do.

http://i.imgur.com/wuiEp7o.jpg?1 (https://imgur.com/wuiEp7o)

The True Size Of The U.S. National Debt, Including Unfunded Liabilities, Is 222 Trillion Dollars

This is the hidden reality. The shadow world.

The day of fiscal reckoning is what will really kick it all off.

The dog and pony show has gone on for so long everyone just feels that it can’t fail now, or soon. But it will eventually fail. It always has and always does. Round and round we go.

The real reason propaganda is driving MSM narrative; players are created and focused on derided and sensationalized. All this turmoil is bubbling under the surface because deep down, subconsciously everyone knows what’s happening. But facing it is too tough. And gets tougher every day.

So the turmoil continues to build and bubble and no matter how deep heads are buried in the sand, and no matter how long we continue this charade, it will all fall down in a glorious and disgusting fashion.

The longer it is put off the more painful it will become. The greater the pain will be felt globally.

It’s a runaway train at this point. Good luck.

04-29-19, 00:30
Whoops double post...

04-29-19, 00:31
LOL. We will borrow 10 generations into the future to "bail out" this nation if needed. Nobody is better at kicking the can down the road than the US government. If everything collapses, everyone in government stops getting paid. Rest assured they will do everything they can to keep the gravy train (your income tax dollars) moving along the tracks.

Nothing is infinite. Nothing lasts forever. It will fail. Red flags are going up all over the globe. We don’t have 10 more generations, maybe 1 more at the rate we are going.

You may not be around for it, or perhaps you may- but it isn’t far off. Definitely not 10 more generations into the future!

Hell, we are already past borrowing 10 generations into the future, right now.

04-29-19, 02:37
If America finally falls and becomes a third world hellscape; I will move to Israel and will be welcomed with open arms, put on the dole until I can get settled and back on my feet, and given citizenship.

They have walls and strong border enforcement and no nonsense laws on unchecked immigration. It only makes sense

04-29-19, 06:53
We still haven't really felt the effects of companies dropping their pension plans, either. My generation (I am 50) is going to retire in 15 -20 years, and the 50% of folks who don't have significant money invested are going to learn that you cannot live off Social Security when you have massive credit card debt, car payments, and a mortgage.

I have a modest military retirement, have been dumping a whole lot more into a 401K than my peers and still worry about retirement.


26 Inf
04-29-19, 11:58
If America finally falls and becomes a third world hellscape; I will move to Israel and will be welcomed with open arms, put on the dole until I can get settled and back on my feet, and given citizenship.

They have walls and strong border enforcement and no nonsense laws on unchecked immigration. It only makes sense

But, you won't be able to have any guns:

......as the Public Security Ministry explains on its website, Israeli law “does not recognize a right to bear arms, and anyone wanting to do so must meet a number of requirements, including a justified need to carry a firearm.” There is no inkling of a belief among Israelis that citizens should be permitted to own guns as a check on government power — that is, as a limit to the sovereignty of the state expressed in its monopoly on violence.

Israel’s social reality – the large number of firearms on the country’s streets – may look like an American conservative’s utopia, but it got there via a domineering statist regulatory regime that American gun control activists can only fantasize about.

The change could potentially quadruple the number of civilians in Israel who have gun permits. Roughly 145,000 civilians currently have gun permits, according to Israel's ministry of public security.
The changes went into effect Tuesday, with Israeli minister of public security Gilad Erdan saying more armed civilians increases the chances of stopping attacks and preventing injuries.


It seems they are coming around, although as a non-veteran you would probably be out of luck:

Jerusalem (CNN) Israel has relaxed the country's restrictions on gun licenses, in a move that could make up to 500,000 more civilians eligible to carry firearms, provided they have a certain amount of military or security training.

The new regulations allow veterans of Israel's infantry units to more easily obtain licenses, as well as allowing officers and commanders who have completed their reserve duty to keep their weapons. The regulations also allow emergency responders and former police officers to obtain gun licenses more easily...... (however,) the new regulations do not affect most of the basic requirements for gun ownership.

An Israeli citizen who wants to apply for a weapon is required to register with the government and establish a need to carry a weapon.

In addition, Israel imposes age restrictions on gun licenses, as well as mental and physical health checks and recurrent proficiency training. There are additional regulations and training for applicants who wish to serve as security guards or other professions that require guns.

Most gun license holders are restricted to the possession of handguns and no more than 50 bullets.

According to the 2017 Small Arms Survey, there are approximately 557,000 registered and unregistered guns in Israel, or 6.7 guns per 100 people. That number is a tiny fraction of America's 120 guns per 100 people. According to the survey, there are more than 390 million guns in the United States.


My takeaway from reading several articles, the Israeli's don't have the mindset that they need to bear arms to protect themselves from the government, in that respect they are all about the Nanny State taking care of them, much like our political left.

Many of the posters of M4C have expressed outrage that LE, for example, are exempt from magazine bans, saying that is unfair. Additionally, many are non-veterans and oppose universal conscription, which would seemingly put them out of the loop for firearms possession.

The reality is that most of us probably wouldn't be too concerned about the 2A rights of others in our country, so long as ours aren't abridged. From what I've read, most of the folks talking about what a wonderful example Israel is to follow, fall into that category.

26 Inf
04-29-19, 12:07
I Carried a Gun in Israel. Here’s What I Learned About Gun Control

Itay Hod | February 27, 2018 @ 1:29 PM

My note: this guy came across as a leftist to me (see underlined at end of article). I've boldfaced what I thought were true statistics. Seems to me Israel isn't the land of milk and honey for the random gun owner wannabe.

I still remember the moment I was handed my first assault weapon.

It was 1990, and I was a scrawny 18-year-old Israeli kid at the start of my three-year mandatory military service. I decided to follow in the footsteps of my dad, uncle and two brothers, and tried out for the Israel Defense Forces’ 35th Brigade, also known as the Paratrooper Brigade — one of the IDF’s toughest assignments.
To my shock, I got in.

The automatic rifle, called a “Galil,” came with a stern warning: If you lose it, expect to go to prison for a long time. It was a scary thing to hear at 18. But I suspect that was the intended effect. Lost guns can, and do, end up in the hands of terrorists.

It was an odd thing, looking back. We slept with our guns under our heads and walked around with them slung over our shoulders everywhere we went. Since my time in the IDF, I’ve lost more iPhones than I care to remember, and have locked myself out of every apartment I’ve ever lived in.

But for three full years, I couldn’t go to the bathroom without leaning my gun against the stall.

I was surprised to learn that I was, in fact, a talented shooter, able to disassemble and reassemble my weapon within seconds. That Galil became a part of me, no more foreign than my own two hands.

Since the Parkland school shooting in Florida this month, I’ve watched lobbyists and politicians on both sides of the aisle pointing to Israel as an example of a gun-filled country with little to no gun violence.

Despite an abundance of guns on any given Israeli street, outside of terrorist attacks, Israel has had one mass shooting: in 2013, a man killed four Israelis in a bank before turning the gun on himself.

Former Arkansas governor and frequent cable news contributor Mike Huckabee recently praised Israeli gun safety, suggesting America should follow suit.
“Just waking up in Israel to news of heartbreaking school shooting in FL,” Huckabee tweeted soon after the Florida mass shooting that left 17 students dead. “Reminded that Israel pretty much eliminated it by placing highly trained people strategically to spot the one common thread — not the weapon, but a person with intent. #PrayForParkland.”

NRA boss Wayne LaPierre has also cited Israel as a model, arguing its low number of shootings is a direct result of more guns on the streets and in schools.
In fact, those comparisons — and many others by conservatives — strike me as flawed, at best.

While it’s true that guns are as ubiquitous in Israel as falafel stands, the Jewish state has some of the strictest gun-control laws in the world.

Unlike in the U.S., where loopholes in the system allow kids to buy weapons within minutes, even Israelis who have completed their military service may only apply for a gun license at 20. Those who did not serve in the military, for whatever reason, have to wait until they’re 27.

And forget about assault rifles — the best you can hope for in Israel is one pistol.

Israel also has strict background checks. Applicants not only must prove they need a gun for protection, they also have to show a clean bill of health from their physician. Even then, chances are, you’ll be rejected. About 80 percent of the 10,000 people who apply yearly for licenses are turned down, according to the Associated Press.

“The problem in the U.S. is cultural,” Amir Ohana, a conservative Israeli Parliament member and former Shin Bet official (Israel’s equivalent of the FBI), told TheWrap. “We treat weapons as though they are always locked and loaded. If you have any mental health issues, you can forget about getting a permit.”

Israel’s Health Ministry and its Ministry of Homeland Security perform a cross-data check every three months to ensure that no one with mental health issues slips through the cracks, according to Ohana.

Ohana, who also serves as the head of the Knesset’s Gun Legislative Caucus, is pushing for looser gun-control laws in Israel. But he is still pushing a requirement for more training hours.

“I’m trying to bring the number of gun owners in Israel to about eight percent of the population,” Ohana said. “But that’s still light years away from what’s going on in America.”

How many Israelis have guns now? According to the Israeli Society of Gun Culture Enhancement, the country’s only gun lobby group, the number of civilians who are given a gun permit is “minuscule.”

About 153,000 Israeli civilians currently own a gun, and another 120,000 permits have been given to security companies, the groups said. That’s anywhere between 1.7 and 3.2 percent of the population, estimated at 8.5 million.

Compare that to the U.S. where there are anywhere from 270 to 310 million guns — almost one per person — according to Pew Research Center.

Even ammunition is strictly limited to 50 bullets per gun. Gun owners in Israel also have to pass a mandatory training course and are required to renew their permits every three years, according to the Israeli gun lobby.

Despite the fact that most teachers in Israel are actually trained on how to use guns, they are not allowed to bring firearms into their classrooms, a spokesman for the Israeli Consulate in New York told the New York Post Monday.

It’s precisely because Israelis are so familiar with these weapons that they’ve been able to avoid the mass shootings epidemic that seems to have gripped the United States, said Alex Zohar, the head of the Israeli Society of Gun Culture Enhancement and a former Israeli Police chief firearms instructor.

“In the Jewish culture, life is sacred,” Zohar told TheWrap. “Taking someone’s life is only allowed as a last recourse. We don’t glorify use of weapons like they do in the U.S.”

I was quite happy, at the end of my military service, to hand in my rifle. To this day, every now and then, I still wake up from the same bone-chilling nightmare; in the dream, I’m walking around the base, and suddenly notice that my Galil is missing.

But the reality is, I managed to heed the warning I was given at the start of my service. I never lost that gun. And that, to me, is powerful ammunition for those who argue that strict gun control laws are the main component of the solution to the crisis in the United States.


05-10-19, 20:24
We are a nation being destroyed from people with in so as surrender to the one world government.

05-12-19, 06:31
The article on Israel is a little dated.

We did in fact, take steps to allow teachers to be armed and teachers that want to go through the program can be issued a pistol.

We went through a wave a knife attacks, and as a result they have added about 500,000 more pistol permits that can be used by former combat soldiers.

Israel was started by G-Dless communist and socialist, that want the State to control everything. We are in recovery from the mental illness.

The world can learn a lot from Israel, but Israel needs to learn to allow it's citizens to be more free,