View Full Version : Front Range Schools Closed down due to threat of school shooting...

04-17-19, 10:48
Well, this is just stupid of our local full retard liberal governments and school boards. Shutting down half the front range because of a little girl with a shotgun from Florida who is infatuated with the Columbine Shooting.

This is being done to help stoke the flames of the anti-gun crowd to ram home as much anti rights in the guise of gun control as they possibly can this legislative session in CO.

I hope you all pay attention to what's happening here. Texas, Idaho, New Mexico, Arizona, etc- The liberals have exacting blueprints for what they want and they are pushing forward step by step.


"Hundreds of schools across the Denver metro area are closed Wednesday as the FBI and local police continue a "massive manhunt" for an 18-year-old Florida woman they say is "infatuated with Columbine" and who purchased a shotgun shortly after arriving in Colorado this week."

So she is infatuated with Columbine, moved here and purchased a shot gun; and just recently ERPO/red flag laws were signed into state by Polismoker. And we shut down half the schools in the state...

This is what full retard looks like, don't let your local governments go full retard!

I am not looking forward to the remainder of this legislative session. It may be time to abandon my Home State, which is such a shitty feeling and thought to have. ****!

There may not be out and out war right now or in the near future, but there is a war waging. It's a psychological war, a war on rights and a war on culture. It's raging.

I hope you all see it. And I hope you all stop with the "Get what you deserve" shtick. CO was Red forever, then purple and then full blue overnight by invasion of idiot liberals from NYC and CA. This is going to continue in every state than can make it happen. And that is the plan. Invasion of policies and voter blocks.

04-17-19, 11:20
And get this- they can't arrest her. They have no PC. I can't find anywhere what statements she has made- maybe they were in private to her family. But supposedly they are just supposed to use the big net and evaluate her for crazy.

So she has made a threat so bad that you have shut down a city, but it wasn't enough to arrest her on sight???

And what happens when they don't find her today? No School till they do find her? And if they can't arrest her and she chooses the drain over the tea-cup to empty the bathtub?

At least she has a shotgun...

Between this and the '300' (allowing the homeless to camp anywhere) ballot initiative, the slide to Full Retard is gaining speed.

04-17-19, 11:51
Never mind. Chica was found dead near Mt. Evans. Assume that she Cobained it.

04-17-19, 11:56
so those of us who love history and study WW I or II ? I bet soon we are going to be targeted for wanting to start a WW ?

yeah PC is our downfall for sure its insane

04-17-19, 11:58
She dead:


No one has pointed to specific comments she made. She didn’t target a school. Yet massive FBI led manhunt and closing schools in metro Denver...


And then it all ends with them saying she was running naked near Mt. Evans with a fun and found dead and they aren’t sure how?


04-17-19, 12:02
And get this- they can't arrest her. They have no PC. I can't find anywhere what statements she has made- maybe they were in private to her family. But supposedly they are just supposed to use the big net and evaluate her for crazy.

So she has made a threat so bad that you have shut down a city, but it wasn't enough to arrest her on sight???

And what happens when they don't find her today? No School till they do find her? And if they can't arrest her and she chooses the drain over the tea-cup to empty the bathtub?

At least she has a shotgun...

Between this and the '300' (allowing the homeless to camp anywhere) ballot initiative, the slide to Full Retard is gaining speed.

If 300 passes, CO is beyond hope. That initiative is pure insanity and will ruin the city/state.

04-17-19, 13:10
If 300 passes, CO is beyond hope. That initiative is pure insanity and will ruin the city/state.

Wife grew up here, we came back for her. She is seriously thinking ID or WY. 7 years until the littlest one is done with HS, but it may get bad enough to move first.

The good news is that we'd walk away with a bag of money due to Realestate. Hell, I'd pick OH and MO over CO now. Been there, done those.

04-17-19, 13:19
My wife is a NoCo teacher and got the call at 0500 that school was shut down due to the crazy girl. I researched it and couldn't find one bit of evidence on the threat posed.

And yet.... For the red flag law to be put to use, this is about the amount of evidence needed.

My wife and I are waiting to see if the red flag bullshit becomes a national trend. If not, we're off to Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, or Oklahoma.

04-17-19, 14:27
Moron Mom in my wife's FB web was blaming the whole thing on the NRA...

04-17-19, 14:35
Moron Mom in my wife's FB web was blaming the whole thing on the NRA...

My wife said her fellow teachers are just appalled that anyone can just come to Colorado and buy a gun. She said they are posting about needing universal background checks. Christ almighty.

04-17-19, 14:41
SHE PASSED A UBC FOR CRIPES SAKE!!! She bought the gun at a dealer I assume- or even worse, if you can get off a plane as a 18 year old tourist and get a gun with out a UBC, that pretty much shows that law isn't very useful.....

I swear, debating and arguing with a gun grabber is like clubbing zombie baby seals- it is really easy, but no matter how hard you hit them they never die.

04-17-19, 15:36
My wife said her fellow teachers are just appalled that anyone can just come to Colorado and buy a gun. She said they are posting about needing universal background checks. Christ almighty.

I am appalled that drug addicted half-wits sitting home collecting a government check are allowed to vote. I guess my priorities are much different than crazy liberals.

04-17-19, 16:01
For ****s sake.

Flash to clip of Charlton Heston screaming, “this is a madhouse”!!!!

04-17-19, 16:07
Yeah...they just found her. She killed herself, apparently.

04-17-19, 16:34
Thank God she did it where they could find her. I really think that we were going to have snowflake days for the rest of the week.

04-17-19, 16:39
Mental Illness sucks....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-17-19, 16:39
Thank God she did it where they could find her. I really think that we were going to have snowflake days for the rest of the week.

My wife was hoping she'd be at large for the rest of the school year :lol::lol:

Ed L.
04-17-19, 23:55
The whole matter is bizarre for a number of reasons.

First, the displayed pictures. To me the two pictures of her face do not look like that of the same person, and neither looks like a teenager.

From what I have read, it sounds like the totality of the situation and bits and pieces of information about the person drawn from different sources, including her website, combined with her actions made law enforcement agencies understandably concerned. It kinda reads like all of the facts that we found out about the Parkland shooter after the shooting and wondered why the hell didn't anyone do anything sooner--like the police and FBI had numerous warnings and complaints about the shooter regarding statements he made as well as his posts on social media.

I don't think we have much of the information about her that led the police to this conclusion. She posted things on a website, including drawings that would suggest a disturbed person. She also posted questions on some unnamed gun forum about a Florida resident buying a shotgun in Colorado.

She then "booked three one-way, Denver-bound flights for successive days, then boarded the first, which was on Monday, officials said."

Upon arrival, She used a ride-sharing app to get around and went directly to a store to buy a pump-action shotgun and ammunition.

She later used a ride-share vehicle to drop her off on Monday near the Jefferson County foothills outside of Denver, officials said. They used info from the ride share to track her to her last location and found her body.

I imagine some people warned various authorities about her. They then probably read her website and noted her flying to Denver and concluded that there was a risk.

Below is a link to a good summary of her activities and includes some of her writings and drawings which definitely look disturbed. Much of it is scanned writings and drawing from notebook paper. I can't read her handwriting well, and what little of it I did read does not seem worth the time or effort. I found this link on the NY Post website


From the above website I was able to find a link to here online journal, which I imagine will soon be taken down: https://dissolvedgirl.neocities.org/journal.html

And here is her general website, which looks like it was written in an HTML style out of the early 1990s: https://dissolvedgirl.neocities.org/

04-18-19, 02:56
Media circus about this is to provide fuel for a push for national "red flag" laws, national waiting period laws, and removing the exemption that allows a person age 18-20 to acquire a Title 1 Rifle or Title 1 Shotgun from a FFL.