View Full Version : A Conversation About Firearms in America - Talking Points

26 Inf
04-18-19, 12:44
I mentioned this idea in the training and tactics thread, thought it was worth posting here.

I think many members of the firearms community have something in common with a lot of Christians: they want to tell others and talk about their passion, but don't know how.

The NSSF has put together a series of infographics on firearms entitled 'Gun Crimes Plummet even as Gun Sales Rise.' You can find and download them here: https://www.nssf.org/media/infographics/

They also have a section of firearms safety and education literature which you can download at this location: https://www.nssf.org/safety/safety-conservation-literature/

I'm an NSSF member, but I didn't have to login in download any of the items.

Here is the action plan I'm going to try to implement:

1. Get the local gun club involved. This may be difficult, because, as most of you that belong to gun clubs know, the general attitude of club members is they just want to show up and shoot, leaving the work to someone else.

2. Pick a 'neutral' location. A public library usually has conference/meeting rooms that can be reserved. Your community may have a community building/auditorium or a senior center.

3. Announce the event, something like "The Prairie Wings Gun Club Would Like to Host an Open Conversation About Firearms in out Community." Leaving flyers, or taping up announcement on gun store doors isn't enough, we already have those folks. Local radio stations will often give air time to public events, if it's a club endeavor, maybe pony up for a billboard.

4. Invite media. Let's be realistic, an event at the public library may not get a hundred folks, but if you get a newspaper reporter there, it is an easy story.

5. Tailor the message. Take the NSSF stuff and add local statistics.

6. Choose the right presenters. The overall moderator should be someone who is unflappable and quick on their feet. In our area I'd include someone to talk about the 4H and Boy Scout shooting programs as well as the high school trap program. I'd also include representatives of competitive/sporting disciplines to give the 'golf with a gun' outlook. Local NRA Instructors might also be good sources. Don't try to one-man-band it.

7. Have materials and resources available - firearms safety in the home brochures, NSSF Kids Contract, business cards/brochures for trainers and ranges. If a gun club sponsors the talk they should have a FREE introductory firearms class.

8. Rinse and Repeat.

04-18-19, 15:01
Honestly I feel the need to explain my gun rights about as much as the average black guy feels the need to explain his right to vote.

And I'm not looking for converts nor am I interested in doing missionary work on behalf of guns. I don't think everyone should have a gun. I believe everyone has a right to own a gun, so long as they aren't prohibited persons, but I'd say probably 50% of the population are people I wouldn't encourage to own a gun, they simply aren't responsible enough. I can think of 12 year old kids I'd prefer to train than a lot of grown adults I know.

Also a lot of people are content to respect rights so long as they are not bothered. If we start being too insistent on getting the message to everyone it will be about as well received as porn companies wanting to have an open discussion about freedom of speech.

Of course all of this is zip code dependent, in CA porn companies probably do host discussions of freedom of speech. In TX gun clubs probably do host discussions on the second amendment. But in most cases, those who are interested in the subject already know everything you are going to say and those who are sick of hearing about it are more annoyed.

Hell there are gun owners right here who won't have an NRA membership because they are tired of being solicited by phone and mail for donations.

26 Inf
04-18-19, 16:16
Hell there are gun owners right here who won't have an NRA membership because they are tired of being solicited by phone and mail for donations.

As usual, you make good points. I have ulterior motives, I'm getting tired of shooting against the same 6 guys, need to generate more interest, I have no desire to travel to shoot fun matches.

BTW, with you on the NRA, unfortunately, GOA seems to be following in their footsteps with mailings asking me to donate to support this case and that case. Seems the more you send, the more they want.

ETA - look for a pm sometime today or tomorrow on another matter.

04-18-19, 18:07
As usual, you make good points. I have ulterior motives, I'm getting tired of shooting against the same 6 guys, need to generate more interest, I have no desire to travel to shoot fun matches.

BTW, with you on the NRA, unfortunately, GOA seems to be following in their footsteps with mailings asking me to donate to support this case and that case. Seems the more you send, the more they want.

ETA - look for a pm sometime today or tomorrow on another matter.

If you need new blood for your shooting club, start a FB page or similar online social media. Free advertising basically. Host a few videos, make it seem interesting and let people find you. If you go looking for people, you probably won't get the ones you want.

Let's use religion as an example again. If anyone really believe, if they really care and want to do something about whatever spiritual concerns they may have, rest assured they have heard of Jesus and they know where to look for him. Churches aren't exactly the most inconspicuous building in town. There is no reason to go knock on doors, everyone has heard the good news.

In fact if I were religious and ran a church, I wouldn't go looking for anyone. If they can't find me, they probably can't be saved if they are unwilling to make that simple minimum effort. More importantly, if they can't motivate themselves off of the couch after googling "closest church to me" then I don't want them in the building infecting other people who are trying to actually be saved.

It's a lot like a halfway house with 10 people trying to kick heroin. If one screws up and decides he needs to do heroin more than he needs to stay alive, he tends to take down 4 or 5 other people in the house who "might" have made it otherwise if his weak ass wasn't there to take out half of the crew.

Same for guns and shooting. Anyone who is serious about shooting, who you would actually want to shoot with, will take the time to ask around and / or search facebook to find a club that offers what they are looking for. If you go beating the bushes looking for recruits, you are going to find the "least effort" people.

The exception to the above is of course kids who are new to shooting and things like that. Might want to have one night where you offer free "basic training" to new shooters.

04-18-19, 20:20
Honestly I feel the need to explain my gun rights about as much as the average black guy feels the need to explain his right to vote.

And I'm not looking for converts nor am I interested in doing missionary work on behalf of guns. I don't think everyone should have a gun. I believe everyone has a right to own a gun, so long as they aren't prohibited persons, but I'd say probably 50% of the population are people I wouldn't encourage to own a gun, they simply aren't responsible enough. I can think of 12 year old kids I'd prefer to train than a lot of grown adults I know.

Also a lot of people are content to respect rights so long as they are not bothered. If we start being too insistent on getting the message to everyone it will be about as well received as porn companies wanting to have an open discussion about freedom of speech.

Of course all of this is zip code dependent, in CA porn companies probably do host discussions of freedom of speech. In TX gun clubs probably do host discussions on the second amendment. But in most cases, those who are interested in the subject already know everything you are going to say and those who are sick of hearing about it are more annoyed.

Hell there are gun owners right here who won't have an NRA membership because they are tired of being solicited by phone and mail for donations.

I wholeheartedly agree.

04-19-19, 06:48
As usual, you make good points. I have ulterior motives, I'm getting tired of shooting against the same 6 guys, need to generate more interest, I have no desire to travel to shoot fun matches.

BTW, with you on the NRA, unfortunately, GOA seems to be following in their footsteps with mailings asking me to donate to support this case and that case. Seems the more you send, the more they want.

ETA - look for a pm sometime today or tomorrow on another matter.

Last time the NRA called me, I asked to be removed from the call/mailing list. I’ve not received anything except renewal reminders since. I’ve spoken with others who had the same results. Could not have been easier.

04-19-19, 09:10
As usual, Steyr is a sensible guy with well articulated points. However, I have to disagree on this one. Sitting back with a sense of righteous indignation that the other side would dare question our inalienable rights and mentally deciding that the matter is already obvious and already decided is what has led us to this point. For evil to prosper, good men need only stand by and do nothing. For years I stood by, knowing I was in the right, and figuring that good sense and the law of our land would certainly prevail. For the last 40 years I've watched many of our rights get eroded, like the '94 AWB, while seeing significant gains in other areas, like CCW. In the 80s it was pure fantasy to think that a "regular" citizen would be allowed to walk around town with a hidden, loaded gun on their person. Fantasy became reality when some forward thinking law makers made a dream come true in FL. Man, you should have heard all "Chicken Littles" running around screaming about how the sky is falling, the sky is falling. There was going to be a Wild West shoot out over every fender bender, neighbor would shoot neighbor over every minor dispute, and the streets were going to run red with American blood... I thought it was stupid to say such things back then, and time has proven that it was even more stupid than I initially thought.

Back to my point: I no longer wish to sit back and watch with horror the descent into communist rule. I will no longer listen to a moron repeating the ant-gun talking point of the day and not correct them. I don't care who hates me because of it. I will not stand by while the MSM and crooked, tyrannical, treasonous, commie politicians try to ruin our country and defy "the people" who are supposed to rule this land. We are in a slow fight to the death whether we like it or not. I didn't ask for this fight, and I don't want to be in this fight, but we ARE in this fight. The method of combat, for the time being, is words and emotions. The more combatants we can win over to our side, the RIGHT side, the more likely our inevitable victory becomes, and the sooner it comes. We will not win anyone over if the MSM and the commies are the only ones talking. Somebody is going to have to get up off the couch and explain to the ignorant masses why the steaming pile of shit being spoon fed to us by every "news" outlet across the country and the world every day is a pack of lies. They (the masses...) are bombarded from all sides every day by these lies. I've heard members of my own family state things like, "Well who really needs and assault weapon?" I took a few minutes to tactfully, diplomatically, and intelligently explain who needs one and why, and now they don't say that stupid wrong-ass shit any more. Now they correct other people who say that stupid wrong-ass shit. There is a small army of people in my wake spreading the CORRECT, factual gun information. I tell them, they tell people in their sphere of influence, those people tell their people, and eventually Trump gets elected instead of Hillary, and we've got two new conservatives who actually follow the Constitution on our Supreme Court, and four new conservative judges on the whacko ultra-liberal Ninth Circuit.

The time to sit by stoically has passed. The time to take the high road is gone. The time to turn the other cheek while our enemies land slap after slap after slap has left us. I will not be quiet. I will not be bullied into compliance. I will not be threatened. Instead, I will argue, I will refute, and I will educate. I will fight. The info we've been given by John Lott, Bill Whittle, Dennis Prager, and so many others has been invaluable and instrumental in winning people over with the simple irrefutable truth. Have I made enemies? Sure. Well... sort of. They were already my enemies. My fighting back simply let them know we were enemies. I care more about the deposit I left in the toilet this morning than I care about those enemies of freedom. Who I do care about are the millions upon millions of good people in the middle of these two warring sides who mean well and want to do the right thing, but they've been lied to and mislead about what is "right". I consider it my duty as an American to save our Republic, one good person at a time. I never served in our military. I'm a little embarrassed and ashamed about that fact. I never fought and sacrificed for our country. Well I'm fighting now. Information like what 26 Inf posted here is my ammo. The more ammo I carry, the better. I'd get a lot further a lot faster if intelligent people like Steyr would join me in this fight. I don't want to spend time explaining my guns rights any more than the next guy. I agree that I shouldn't have to, but look where that attitude has gotten us. Time for a new tactic.

Thanks for the info 26.

04-19-19, 09:29
I don't think at this point you're going to change any adult minds. So when you meet at the Library you're more likely to be met with screaming Socialists and their friends the Media. There will be closed minds and open mouths and you will have provided the anti gun lunatic fringe a soapbox to stand on as they scream and cry and tear at their clothes in faux rage.
You're more likely to change someones mind about abortion than your Second Amendment rights.
If you want to make things right take a kid to the range once a month. Change one mind at a time and if every shooter did this, it would alleviate the need to try and explain this to an closed minded socialist.

04-19-19, 10:58
I don't think at this point you're going to change any adult minds. So when you meet at the Library you're more likely to be met with screaming Socialists and their friends the Media. There will be closed minds and open mouths and you will have provided the anti gun lunatic fringe a soapbox to stand on as they scream and cry and tear at their clothes in faux rage.
You're more likely to change someones mind about abortion than your Second Amendment rights.
If you want to make things right take a kid to the range once a month. Change one mind at a time and if every shooter did this, it would alleviate the need to try and explain this to an closed minded socialist.

Your speculation is incorrect. I've changed lots of minds, and watched other people do it to.

Can't win if you don't play.

Is it frustrating at times? Yes. Do I fail at it frequently? Yes, I think. Many have argued vehemently initially and then come back later and admitted that I'd opened their eyes to some things they'd never considered. Sometimes that planted seed takes a while to germinate.

I have no illusion of changing the mind of every radical. The vast majority of people are not radicals. They are reasonable and intelligent, and they've been duped and lied to since birth in some cases. I find they get pretty mad when they realize it. Mad at the people who've been lying to them.

04-19-19, 12:24
You have much more patience than I do then. When someone opens their mouth and stupid comes out that's one thing, but when they demand I comply and go along with "stupid", I'm done with them.
I literally wouldn't piss on them if they ran by me while on fire, so I'm certainly not going to make them comfortable while they negotiate my rights with me.

I will stand by taking a non-shooter or a kid to the range, specifically someone without the corrosive level of vitriol anti's seem to have made famous.

04-19-19, 13:57
Last time the NRA called me, I asked to be removed from the call/mailing list. I’ve not received anything except renewal reminders since. I’ve spoken with others who had the same results. Could not have been easier.

Same here, yet some would rather not be a member then make this minimal effort.

As usual, Steyr is a sensible guy with well articulated points. However, I have to disagree on this one. Sitting back with a sense of righteous indignation that the other side would dare question our inalienable rights and mentally deciding that the matter is already obvious and already decided is what has led us to this point.

Slight misunderstanding. I'm not sitting back doing nothing and just say "because rights" and leaving it at that. I'm an NRA life member. When I can I donate to the ILA. Every year I probably make more phone calls and send more emails to representatives and the NRA regarding potential legislation than the NRA does. I participate in every GOA legislative alert that comes my way. I'm also a member of a local hunting club, even though I don't hunt anymore, just so I can be involved in teaching gun safety to kids who are new to hunting.

I do what I can that will be effective.

But I don't do missionary work. When I get together with a group of people I know socially I don't ask "Have you heard the good news about guns?" I don't tell people they need a gun and I don't bring it up unless they are asking me about guns.

Now if I'm with a group of people I know socially and someone mentions something like they are afraid of guns, I ask them if they've ever been shooting before and usually they say something like "No because I don't know anything about guns" at which point I will offer to take them shooting and teach them the basics.

But I'm not going door to door or anything like that. I get you are behind the lines and things are different, like I said these things are zip code dependent.

04-19-19, 16:38
If you are doing this to get more people out to shoot with you at fun shoots, you might as well start talking to people that actually own guns already. You will be sorely disappointed,though. Getting gun owners out to shoot, especially any form of competition, is amazingly tough to do. They'll make excuses about not having the time, not having the money for ammo and all sorts of excuses why they don't like to compete at anything.

04-19-19, 19:36
You have much more patience than I do then. When someone opens their mouth and stupid comes out that's one thing, but when they demand I comply and go along with "stupid", I'm done with them.
I literally wouldn't piss on them if they ran by me while on fire, so I'm certainly not going to make them comfortable while they negotiate my rights with me.

I will stand by taking a non-shooter or a kid to the range, specifically someone without the corrosive level of vitriol anti's seem to have made famous.

I don't think its patience. I think its determination. Perhaps frustration over the BS that surrounds us all. There is also a sense of accomplishment when you get through to someone. There is a point where my attitude turns to FU when dealing with someone that is willfully ignorant, or when they are not ignorant but have genuine ill intentions toward my country. Not only would I refuse to piss on their flaming corpses, I'd be tempted to set them on fire in the first place if I were less of a law abiding citizen.

Taking people to the range is a pastime of mine too. I've introduced a heck of a lot of people to the fun of shooting and introduced them to the good fight at the same time. Many had no idea about the subversive lies they are being bombarded with. No clue about revisionist history, or what it means when The Berner says "I'm a socialist" and why that is a bad thing to vote for. They have a clue now. And many of them now own their own guns and vote to preserve the 2A. One of them just got accepted as a member of the private range I belong to and now he can go shooting there without me.

04-19-19, 19:37
Same here, yet some would rather not be a member then make this minimal effort.

Slight misunderstanding. I'm not sitting back doing nothing and just say "because rights" and leaving it at that. I'm an NRA life member. When I can I donate to the ILA. Every year I probably make more phone calls and send more emails to representatives and the NRA regarding potential legislation than the NRA does. I participate in every GOA legislative alert that comes my way. I'm also a member of a local hunting club, even though I don't hunt anymore, just so I can be involved in teaching gun safety to kids who are new to hunting.

I do what I can that will be effective.

But I don't do missionary work. When I get together with a group of people I know socially I don't ask "Have you heard the good news about guns?" I don't tell people they need a gun and I don't bring it up unless they are asking me about guns.

Now if I'm with a group of people I know socially and someone mentions something like they are afraid of guns, I ask them if they've ever been shooting before and usually they say something like "No because I don't know anything about guns" at which point I will offer to take them shooting and teach them the basics.

But I'm not going door to door or anything like that. I get you are behind the lines and things are different, like I said these things are zip code dependent.

Copy that. Heard and understood.

04-19-19, 21:46
I always thought guns were neat and enjoyed shooting, but didn't have a clue about the 2nd Amendment until early 90's when the owner of the gym I went to/FFL holder have me a copy of a Shotgun News and I saw the founders quotes mixed in the ads. I thought it was bogus, but I went and looked it up in the library and learned a lot. Maybe leave some info laying around to pique curiosity?

Sounds like your gun club is better than average. Many are inundated with Fudds at best in controlling positions.

04-19-19, 23:13
I always thought guns were neat and enjoyed shooting, but didn't have a clue about the 2nd Amendment until early 90's when the owner of the gym I went to/FFL holder have me a copy of a Shotgun News and I saw the founders quotes mixed in the ads. I thought it was bogus, but I went and looked it up in the library and learned a lot. Maybe leave some info laying around to pique curiosity?

Sounds like your gun club is better than average. Many are inundated with Fudds at best in controlling positions.

And probably nobody did that thing better than the late Aaron Zelman. From things like "Gun Control is Racist" and other meticulously sourced articles he really exposed the true nature of gun control as inherently evil. He was one of the few who pointed out the obvious, that firearm ownership is a civil right and every bit as important as freedom of religion, freedom of expression, the right to vote, etc.

Anytime anyone tried to suggest it referred to a "militia" in terms of the National Guard, he was quick to clarify that the second amendment is found in the first 10 amendments known as the "bill of rights" which are all rights "of the people" and then he'd point out that the National Guard wouldn't be defined as an "organized militia" until the Dick Act of 1906 so it couldn't possible be the militia referred to within the second amendment.

Zelman used to quickly and decisively shut down the gun grabbers, and unlike people today who like to call any form of conservatism "nazi's", when he called out the gun grabbers as "nazi's" it had quite a bit more validity.

04-20-19, 00:22
Zelman used to quickly and decisively shut down the gun grabbers, and unlike people today who like to call any form of conservatism "nazi's", when he called out the gun grabbers as "nazi's" it had quite a bit more validity.

Too bad Ben Shapiro couldn't pick up Zelman's banner... his writings were invaluable for taking on gun-grabbing little goosesteppers back in junior high and high school, and it was funny watching a Marxist poli-sci prof tie himself in knots trying to rebut AZ. I also sent a link to this thread to some buddies Up North to help in their efforts against Trudeau's latest gun-grab too.

04-20-19, 00:27
Ben Shapiro is a closeted homosexual Neo-Con shill who can kiss my black ass.

huge facts. Get dem facts, nickel.

04-20-19, 00:48
Ben Shapiro is a closeted homosexual Neo-Con shill who can kiss my black ass.

huge facts. Get dem facts, nickel.

Never even heard of him, looked him up and now I know why I never heard of him. More opinion presented as fact, their side - our side, it all offends me.

If the day ever comes when people want to look at only what happened and how it happened, without speculating on why (or worse), we just might accomplish something. Editorial news should be banned, it used to be local opinion and not the main story.

04-20-19, 00:51
My point re Shapiro was the waste of potential he embodies--he coulda been so much more, though the same could be said about me too. LOL

He's a gasbag all right, kinda like Ann Coulter.

04-20-19, 10:40
My point re Shapiro was the waste of potential he embodies--he coulda been so much more, though the same could be said about me too. LOL

He's a gasbag all right, kinda like Ann Coulter.

The Money gets in their way, then their head begins to swell a bit and they become tyrants. I call this disease "The O'Riley Factor."

04-20-19, 10:51
And probably nobody did that thing better than the late Aaron Zelman. From things like "Gun Control is Racist" and other meticulously sourced articles he really exposed the true nature of gun control as inherently evil. He was one of the few who pointed out the obvious, that firearm ownership is a civil right and every bit as important as freedom of religion, freedom of expression, the right to vote, etc.

Anytime anyone tried to suggest it referred to a "militia" in terms of the National Guard, he was quick to clarify that the second amendment is found in the first 10 amendments known as the "bill of rights" which are all rights "of the people" and then he'd point out that the National Guard wouldn't be defined as an "organized militia" until the Dick Act of 1906 so it couldn't possible be the militia referred to within the second amendment.

Zelman used to quickly and decisively shut down the gun grabbers, and unlike people today who like to call any form of conservatism "nazi's", when he called out the gun grabbers as "nazi's" it had quite a bit more validity.

JPFO of the 1990's was outstanding.

04-20-19, 16:39
Ben Shapiro is a closeted homosexual Neo-Con shill who can kiss my black ass.

huge facts. Get dem facts, nickel.

He’s definitely not a homosexual (not that I would care if he was) and he’s solidly pro gun.

04-20-19, 17:31
Honestly I feel the need to explain my gun rights about as much as the average black guy feels the need to explain his right to vote.

And I'm not looking for converts nor am I interested in doing missionary work on behalf of guns. I don't think everyone should have a gun. I believe everyone has a right to own a gun, so long as they aren't prohibited persons, but I'd say probably 50% of the population are people I wouldn't encourage to own a gun, they simply aren't responsible enough. I can think of 12 year old kids I'd prefer to train than a lot of grown adults I know.

Also a lot of people are content to respect rights so long as they are not bothered. If we start being too insistent on getting the message to everyone it will be about as well received as porn companies wanting to have an open discussion about freedom of speech.

Of course all of this is zip code dependent, in CA porn companies probably do host discussions of freedom of speech. In TX gun clubs probably do host discussions on the second amendment. But in most cases, those who are interested in the subject already know everything you are going to say and those who are sick of hearing about it are more annoyed.

Hell there are gun owners right here who won't have an NRA membership because they are tired of being solicited by phone and mail for donations.

AND we tend to think of liberals as uneducated, but liberals think of us as evil. You can't have a discussion with someone that thinks you are evil.

04-20-19, 17:36
He’s definitely not a homosexual (not that I would care if he was) and he’s solidly pro gun.

Agreed. He's also anti-PC, anti left, anti socialist, and from everything I've seen he's against anything that is anti-American. He regularly speaks publicly to defend and promote our side.

Why anyone on our side would be against him makes no sense to me.

04-20-19, 18:13
Agreed. He's also anti-PC, anti left, anti socialist, and from everything I've seen he's against anything that is anti-American. He regularly speaks publicly to defend and promote our side.

Why anyone on our side would be against him makes no sense to me.

Agreed. Sure he makes money at it, but why not?

04-20-19, 18:33
Agreed. He's also anti-PC, anti left, anti socialist, and from everything I've seen he's against anything that is anti-American. He regularly speaks publicly to defend and promote our side.

Why anyone on our side would be against him makes no sense to me.

He hurts us by promoting opinion as fact and not specifically differentiating between the two.

04-20-19, 19:59
He hurts us by promoting opinion as fact and not specifically differentiating between the two.

Do you have a specific position that he has presented as "fact" that is not? I'm honestly curious.

04-21-19, 02:01
Do you have a specific position that he has presented as "fact" that is not? I'm honestly curious.

And I should have come prepared. It was some video that I simply can't find right now. But just so we are on the same page, I agree with pretty much 90% of his political views, my objection is he presents editorial / opinion news in a matter of fact manner, which is so common today most don't even know why it's wrong. But he's not as bad as what happens on CNN pretty much all the time, every day.

04-21-19, 02:43
And I should have come prepared. It was some video that I simply can't find right now. But just so we are on the same page, I agree with pretty much 90% of his political views, my objection is he presents editorial / opinion news in a matter of fact manner, which is so common today most don't even know why it's wrong. But he's not as bad as what happens on CNN pretty much all the time, every day.

Copy that. You also have to remember that he has the Ben Shapiro Show which is a political commentary show (opinions, not news) and he is the editor in chief of the Daily Wire that covers news. I've never considered him anything other than a commentator and not a news source.

04-21-19, 09:04
He hurts us by promoting opinion as fact and not specifically differentiating between the two.

I don't think I've seen the same things as you. I've certainly seen him sharing his opinion, but it is usually strongly supported with factual statistics.

When he makes a statement in reference to whatever the topic is, I've not seen him enunciate whether it is opinion or fact, one way or the other. I've seen him make clear statements, with factual support, that defend conservative views and policies. In other words, he's just talking. He's not announced, "This is only my opinion" or "This is all factual information". Much like anyone else talking or explaining something.

I'll re-watch some of his stuff and look for the fault you've pointed out here. I haven't ever noticed it, but I' haven't been specifically looking for it either.

In any case, I don't know or care what his private sexual preferences are, and I'd much prefer that our political enemies do the kissing of Firefly's ass, rather than our political allies.

04-21-19, 12:03
The other thing that Ben Shapiro and the contributors to the Daily Wire, as well as members of Turning Point USA and Steven Crowder, have been instrumental in is revealing and combating the overt prejudice against conservative speakers on college campuses. Including fighting them in court via lawsuits. Ben Shapiro rallies support for my conservative first amendment rights like few others do. It doesn't hurt that he also rallies for other constitutional rights as well.

You don't see the big names that have become rich supporting conservative causes; Limbaugh, Beck, Hannitty..etc.., connecting with college kids and younger conservatives. In fact, I don't recall any of them battling to speak at a college campus either or using their vast wealth to support free speech on campuses. (I could be wrong).

04-21-19, 12:44
Because MY line of work is REALLY different than many who carry a gun for "business," it's a GREAT way to meet NON-gun people (people not necessarily OPPOSED to gun ownership, mind you - it's just NOT the first topic that pops up in my field of endeavor, usually!), and talk to them about ownership & carry. And since MOST of the people I run into, generally have their head screwed on straight, they're usually amendable to it - but just hadn't met the RIGHT person to explain it to 'em yet.