View Full Version : Sri Lanka Explosions Target Churches and Hotels, Killing More Than 200

04-21-19, 08:53
Bad things happening in Sri Lanka

More than 200 people were killed and hundreds more were injured after multiple explosions tore through Sri Lanka in a series of coordinated blasts that struck hotels and churches. It marked the country's worst violence since the end of its civil war in 2009.

The blasts started as people began gathering for mass on Sunday for Easter. In Colombo, the capital, blasts were reported at St. Anthony's Shrine and three high-end hotels, the Shangri-La, the Cinnamon Grand and the Kingsbury.

Explosions were also reported at St. Sebastian's Church in Negombo, north of the capital, and at Zion Church in the Eastern Province of Batticaloa. A police spokesman, Ruwan Gunasekara, said at least 207 people were killed and 450 wounded in the blasts.

No one has claimed responsibility for the attacks, but Sri Lanka's defense minister, Ruwan Wijewardena, says seven suspects linked to the explosions have been arrested. Wijewardena described the blasts as a terrorist attack carried out by religious extremists.



04-21-19, 09:36
Honestly, Sri Lanka has a long history of bad things happening. The civil war was protracted and became a proxy war with the Indian invasion. Memories might fade, but hate burns in the heart.

Unfortunately a place to avoid.

04-21-19, 12:34
Ahhh... the religion of peace, love, & doobs - hard at work on Easter Sunday! :rolleyes:

04-21-19, 18:10
Per CNN: “Mystery surrounds the source of the violence”.....

F them. We all know who it is and who did it.

04-21-19, 18:14
Authorities have already ruled out terrorism. The churches just mysteriously blew up

04-21-19, 19:31
I follow a good blog on church security. They list violent incidents from around the country. Nationwide, there are constant shootings, stabbings etc... at churches. I am only surprised we haven't seen bombings and multi shooter mass attacks already....

04-21-19, 19:39
most likely caused by trump or climate change or conservatives or anyone who has a MAGA hat!

those are the real threats we face according to the left

04-21-19, 21:59
If you aren't paying attention to certain dates, religious holy days (both Christian and Islam), anniversaries of certain events (9-11) and the like then you really aren't paying attention.

Might as well call it "terrorism season" except it really isn't seasonal, it's all year round and it never seems to end.

In case anyone is even interested, the current McDonalds number is 34,981 deadly attacks served by Islam since 9-11.

In contrast if anyone wants to discuss Christian "terrorism" at the height of the abortion clinic attacks involving individuals like Eric Rudolph (1996–98), and murders or attempted murders of physicians and clinic staff, as committed by James Kopp (1998), Paul Jennings Hill (1994), Scott Roeder (2009), Michael F. Griffin (1993), and Peter James Knight (2001) we are talking about eleven murders in the United States since 1990, as well as 41 bombings and 173 arsons at clinics since 1977.

People frequently like to equate the two. If Christians committed even 10% of the attacks that Islam is responsible people would lose their minds and talk about banning the religion itself.

Straight Shooter
04-21-19, 22:31

04-22-19, 00:12
This may be off topic;

But I had a trip planned to Bali in 3 weeks, which just so happens to be ramadan. The wife might be super pissed, but I am serisouly thinking about canceling completely. Would anyone here do the same, after this attack? I worked security Forces in Afghanistan and ramadan was a real shitty time for me, I wouldnt feel relaxed on vacation in a muslim country. Even though the island itself has a hindu population.

04-22-19, 01:21
This may be off topic;

But I had a trip planned to Bali in 3 weeks, which just so happens to be ramadan. The wife might be super pissed, but I am serisouly thinking about canceling completely. Would anyone here do the same, after this attack? I worked security Forces in Afghanistan and ramadan was a real shitty time for me, I wouldnt feel relaxed on vacation in a muslim country. Even though the island itself has a hindu population.

Would your wife feel more pissed if you said noting and something bad happened? Not saying anything will happen, but places where you'd normally feel safe is where they like to do things and Ramalamading dong increases the probability. Bali is mostly hindu with a muslim minority, but hell the muslims who would start shit might not even be from there.

You'll probably be fine, just keep eyes open and have a "what if shit started right now" plan. It sucks that you have to check the calendar to find out when probability is high that "shit might start" but that is the current situation.

04-22-19, 02:04
This may be off topic;

But I had a trip planned to Bali in 3 weeks, which just so happens to be ramadan. The wife might be super pissed, but I am serisouly thinking about canceling completely. Would anyone here do the same, after this attack? I worked security Forces in Afghanistan and ramadan was a real shitty time for me, I wouldnt feel relaxed on vacation in a muslim country. Even though the island itself has a hindu population.

there are enough great thing to visit in our own country is my feeling anymore ;)

while I used to travel a lot and loved it these days not so much since the hatred and crap that goes on why support any of it at all ?
not cutting myself off from seen anything I cant see from video and photos but I am opening myself up to see the great country we live in till then

04-22-19, 09:59
Looks like “some people did something” again.

04-22-19, 10:38
Billionaire businessman Anders Holch Povlsen lost three of his four children during the bombings in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday.

Povlsen, the CEO of wholesale fashion business Bestseller and richest man in Denmark, was reportedly visiting the country with his wife, Anne, and children on vacation when the attacks took place.

I can't imagine, but I hope he uses some of that money to track these guys down.

04-22-19, 10:53
Looks like “some people did something” again.

Some people did something to "Easter worshipers."

(Reference to Obama and Hillary not wanting to speak the truth and avoiding the use of "Christians" in their pathetic statements.)

04-22-19, 11:34
Damn those Mormons! Oh wait...

"The government on Monday blamed a little-known radical Islamist group for the devastating Easter Sunday suicide bombings that killed nearly 300 people. Officials said the group, which had not carried out any serious attacks before, had received help from an international terrorist organization."


04-22-19, 11:54
This may be off topic;

But I had a trip planned to Bali in 3 weeks, which just so happens to be ramadan. The wife might be super pissed, but I am serisouly thinking about canceling completely. Would anyone here do the same, after this attack? I worked security Forces in Afghanistan and ramadan was a real shitty time for me, I wouldnt feel relaxed on vacation in a muslim country. Even though the island itself has a hindu population.

You know of the 2002 bombings, right?


I wouldn't go there to relax, especially during Ramadan. Too many safer places to go. For example, the Cayman Islands are in the Caribbean, are genuinely safe (unlike most Caribbean islands), are free of corruption, etc. Or maybe consider somewhere in the South Pacific far away from the religious wars.

04-22-19, 12:07
This may be off topic;

But I had a trip planned to Bali in 3 weeks, which just so happens to be ramadan. The wife might be super pissed, but I am serisouly thinking about canceling completely. Would anyone here do the same, after this attack? I worked security Forces in Afghanistan and ramadan was a real shitty time for me, I wouldnt feel relaxed on vacation in a muslim country. Even though the island itself has a hindu population.

I wouldn't have a problem going. Just be the gray man, man in the middle.

04-22-19, 13:18
This may be off topic;

But I had a trip planned to Bali in 3 weeks, which just so happens to be ramadan. The wife might be super pissed, but I am serisouly thinking about canceling completely. Would anyone here do the same, after this attack?

I don't go ANYWHERE I can't carry. Including the People's Democratic Republics of New Yawkistan, New Joisey, Commiefornia, Hellinois, and others... Fudge 'em.

04-22-19, 13:20
I wouldn't go there to relax, especially during Ramadan.

They're ONLY allowed to blow up infidels AFTER sunset during, Ramadama ding-dong - Avon! :rolleyes:

04-23-19, 06:53
The news is reporting this is revenge for Christchurch shootings. That confirms the bombers followed Islam and that like all bad things, it was a white guy's fault.


04-23-19, 09:49
The news is reporting this is revenge for Christchurch shootings. That confirms the bombers followed Islam and that like all bad things, it was a white guy's fault.

Yup, it's all our fault. Time to take our toys and go home. Back to Galt's Gulch... err I mean "white wakanda."

04-23-19, 09:51
Some people did something to "Easter worshipers."

(Reference to Obama and Hillary not wanting to speak the truth and avoiding the use of "Christians" in their pathetic statements.)

The muslims (and democrats) that are white still hate their own skin color.

The objective is to eliminate the white race and Christians from earth. As mentioned, muslim Sharia Law discriminates against women, gays, infidels (ALL other religions), etc. and the punishment for these "sins" can include enslavement and death. All of this is in direct conflict with our Constitution.

Judge Jeanene Pirro (sp.) got her ass suspended for stating that Sharia Law was counter to our Constitution. The liberals claim that Not all muslim sectors adhere to or condone Sharia Law. This is true. A world survey conducted recently found that "ONLY" about 70% of muslims believe Sharia Law should be followed.

How do we figure out which one are in the remaining 30%?

04-23-19, 10:26
The news is reporting this is revenge for Christchurch shootings. That confirms the bombers followed Islam and that like all bad things, it was a white guy's fault.


Currently, that's a claim being made by their defense minister. Maybe that's true, or he's trying to generate some international outrage by connecting them, etc. I'll wait for further confirmation... "Wijewardene offered little evidence to support the link between the two attacks, not revealing his source."


05-06-19, 14:50
Turns out it wasn't Islamic terrorists with suicide bombs that is the problem, it is someone else owning a large knife or sword...


05-06-19, 15:16
Turns out it wasn't Islamic terrorists with suicide bombs that is the problem, it is someone else owning a large knife or sword...


Their politicians must have the same brain damage that our politicians have.

05-06-19, 16:58
when you want to be like NZ but you are 3rd world

05-06-19, 19:11
How will collecting EVERY knife in the country, stop BOMBINGS?! :no:

05-06-19, 19:14
How will collecting EVERY knife in the country, stop BOMBINGS?! :no:

See post #26 about brain damage. It is the only logical explanation.

05-06-19, 22:38
Their politicians must have the same brain damage that our politicians have.


Tied with Guetamala and Zambia. They might say they got the stupid idea from Britain though, since Britain (or at least England) is on a long-term, over-the-top-absurd campaign to end private ownership of knives beyond the butter knife level. It makes me wonder how my Anglo-Saxon and viking ancestors would interpret that; surely as some kind of unfathomable insanity.