View Full Version : Need help on a infrared laser and a radar detector, read and you will understand.

05-01-19, 23:24
My neighbor is a lawyer and a lier, he has called th cops on my wife or I on numerous occasions for phones made up lies. Each time the sheriffs have told them no crimes have been committed and no charges will be filed. He keeps calling the sheriffs and it’s the same thing, well now he’s filed a court summons trying to file a restraining order against me based on the alleged crime of pointing a weapon at him, his radar detector is telling him this. His latest accusation is that I am aiming a weapon mounted infrared laser at him because his radar detector keeps going off as he drives by my house. He claims it’s a Escort Max 360 and it’s the top of the line, which eliminates false signals. I know there are two different modes of operation between LADAR and civilian legal infrared units but will the DBAL or equivalent set off a detector? I need this to prove to the judge this is just another of his long list of lies, and that I in fact need something against this guy, to get him censured by the bar.

05-02-19, 01:37
Isn't the burden of proof on him to prove his assertions, and not on you to disprove them?

05-02-19, 02:00
It might cost a grand or two, but get a lawyer of your own. Ask around as much as you can. If you know other lawyers, ask them who they would hate to go against. Find an attorney that makes their opponent mutter "ah ****" when they walk into the courtroom. This guy sounds like a bully that uses his chosen profession to push people around who don't know how the system works. Has probably even gotten away with it a few times. Having your own attorney levels the playing field and shows that you're not some pushover. You'll have someone in your corner with the procedural knowledge to squash this guy's BS and effect this guy's life and livelihood if he continues his shenanigans. Your attorney would be able to tell you if it even matters if a DBAL sets off a radar detector or not. It's seriously worth the price of a couple guns or a DBAL or three to protect your gun rights (and livelihood depending on your particular profession/situation). You can always buy more guns later... unless you can't.

05-02-19, 07:44
Are you pointing an infrared laser at him?

05-02-19, 07:57
My neighbor is a lawyer and a lier, he has called th cops on my wife or I on numerous occasions for phones made up lies. Each time the sheriffs have told them no crimes have been committed and no charges will be filed. He keeps calling the sheriffs and it’s the same thing, well now he’s filed a court summons trying to file a restraining order against me based on the alleged crime of pointing a weapon at him, his radar detector is telling him this. His latest accusation is that I am aiming a weapon mounted infrared laser at him because his radar detector keeps going off as he drives by my house. He claims it’s a Escort Max 360 and it’s the top of the line, which eliminates false signals. I know there are two different modes of operation between LADAR and civilian legal infrared units but will the DBAL or equivalent set off a detector? I need this to prove to the judge this is just another of his long list of lies, and that I in fact need something against this guy, to get him censured by the bar.

Important questions... Do you have a weapon mounted laser? If so, does he know you have it? Pointing a weapon at someone is a serious charge and if found guilty a restraining order could be the least of your problems. His radar detector going off doesn't prove anything. He knows that. Sounds like his goal is to punish you by forcing you to defend yourself. Unfortunately I also think you need a lawyer. Paying him will be your punishment.

05-02-19, 07:58
My neighbor is a lawyer and a lier, he has called th cops on my wife or I on numerous occasions for phones made up lies. Each time the sheriffs have told them no crimes have been committed and no charges will be filed. He keeps calling the sheriffs and it’s the same thing, well now he’s filed a court summons trying to file a restraining order against me based on the alleged crime of pointing a weapon at him, his radar detector is telling him this. His latest accusation is that I am aiming a weapon mounted infrared laser at him because his radar detector keeps going off as he drives by my house. He claims it’s a Escort Max 360 and it’s the top of the line, which eliminates false signals. I know there are two different modes of operation between LADAR and civilian legal infrared units but will the DBAL or equivalent set off a detector? I need this to prove to the judge this is just another of his long list of lies, and that I in fact need something against this guy, to get him censured by the bar.

Important questions... Do you have a weapon mounted laser? If so, does he know you have it? Pointing a weapon at someone is a serious charge and if found guilty a restraining order could be the least of your problems. His radar detector going off doesn't prove anything. He knows that. Sounds like his goal is to punish you by forcing you to defend yourself. Unfortunately I also think you need a lawyer. Paying him will be your punishment.

05-02-19, 07:59
His latest accusation is that I am aiming a weapon mounted infrared laser at him because his radar detector keeps going off as he drives by my house.

How does he know that you own a weapon mounted IR laser?

05-02-19, 08:12
How does he know that you own a weapon mounted IR laser?

This x100

If he is a douchy asshole why in the world would he know you have a mounted IR laser? Time to lawyer up and make it go away. Oh, and stop telling people about your gun stuff. It's a good way to get it stolen or have crazy leftest call the cops on you.

05-02-19, 08:23
Not joking but have you considered ome of two things?

1. He has a severe crush on you but is at war with his own gender roles
2. He is on hard drugs

Because like that's a thing.

Eventually the cops will get sick of it and start charging him with E 911 for running his suck.

I wouldnt sweat it

05-02-19, 08:57
1. We need answers to the questions regarding his knowledge of your weaponry.

2. You need a lawyer.

05-02-19, 09:54
What is "for phones made up lies" and why not contact Escort and any other involved manufacturer(s) for technical info?

05-02-19, 09:55
It would be hilarious is some kid playing with their kitten with a laser down the street is driving him nuts.

05-02-19, 09:58
Messed up situation. I agree with others on hiring a lawyer to defend yourself. Also, do you have any camera system around your house/property? Might be worthwhile to install one. Would be great evidence if he accuses you of X and you can prove you were either away or safely inside your house at the time. Not to mention that unhinged people often get more unhinged, just ask Rand Paul about his wealthy neighbor.

05-02-19, 10:25
Are you pointing an infrared laser at him?

This is probably the most important question for the OP to answer here - have you ever pointed your weapon-mounted IR laser at your neighbor or his car? If it's 'no', then the thread can stay open. If it's 'yes', it'd be in your best interest to have this whole thread deleted.

05-02-19, 11:00
I know a laser rangefinder will trigger a radar detector, but will a IR laser designator?

Get a laser speed detector and check his speed- safety of the children.

Get it in writing from the radar detector company if their unit is designed for use as a laser designator detector. That should stop the proceeding right there.

I'd also show up with a tin foil hat for my neighbor to wear, just trying to be helpful.

05-02-19, 11:11
The Escort is looking for a 904nm, 33MHz bandwidth laser for detection. If your unit is operating near this, it is possible. The DBAL-A2 operates at 835nm. I am not sure how much leeway Escort allows in that detection band. That would be a call to Escort for technical details.

Doc Safari
05-02-19, 11:48
No offense, but this thread strongly suggests to me we are only getting half the story, and none of the back story.

05-02-19, 11:53
You need a lawyer. I also agree that if you own an infrared, or any other kind of weapon-mounted laser, you better re-think how far you want to press this.

05-02-19, 12:02
No offense, but this thread strongly suggests to me we are only getting half the story, and none of the back story.

Agreed. The lack of response doesn't give off the "warm and fuzzy".

05-02-19, 12:21
Are you pointing an infrared laser at him?

No, I can’t stand the guy and completely ignore his existence. I have a lawyers and their costing more than a grand or two. Yes they are more than worth it. He’s also asking me to be ordered to surrender my firearms. He’s a typical liberal and doesn’t feel anyone should own guns other than himself. We live a rural area and we don’t even shoot on our property because he will call the cops over anything and everything. He wanted our property and we wouldn’t sell, so now he’s trying to make us pay for staying, hoping we will sell, and he can buy it.

05-02-19, 12:56
No, I can’t stand the guy and completely ignore his existence. I have a lawyers and their costing more than a grand or two. Yes they are more than worth it. He’s also asking me to be ordered to surrender my firearms. He’s a typical liberal and doesn’t feel anyone should own guns other than himself. We live a rural area and we don’t even shoot on our property because he will call the cops over anything and everything. He wanted our property and we wouldn’t sell, so now he’s trying to make us pay for staying, hoping we will sell, and he can buy it.

I hear that there are these guys with a van and mini 14s who can help you if no one else can help and if you can find them.....

05-02-19, 13:11
I hear that there are these guys with a van and mini 14s who can help you if no one else can help and if you can find them.....

or...if you have a problem and odds are against you, you can call "that" guy.

05-02-19, 13:11
No offense, but this thread strongly suggests to me we are only getting half the story, and none of the back story.
I honestly have done nothing, I can not go into details yet at this time, but it involves a number of issues, none of which are my fail or from actions by me. If this wasn’t a open forum I could give all the details, for now it’s about jealousy and greed, just not on my part.

05-02-19, 13:12
No, I can’t stand the guy and completely ignore his existence. I have a lawyers and their costing more than a grand or two. Yes they are more than worth it. He’s also asking me to be ordered to surrender my firearms. He’s a typical liberal and doesn’t feel anyone should own guns other than himself. We live a rural area and we don’t even shoot on our property because he will call the cops over anything and everything. He wanted our property and we wouldn’t sell, so now he’s trying to make us pay for staying, hoping we will sell, and he can buy it.

Two questions.....Do you own a weapon mounted IR laser, and if you do how does your crazy liberal neighbor know this?

05-02-19, 13:37
Shut your mouth.

Listen to your lawyers.

Don't talk to or about your neighbor to anyone.

Get cameras around your house.

You are stuck in an asymmetrical conflict where he can use his lawyer credentials for a low cost attack that you have to respond with real money for outside lawyers. Maybe your lawyers can get a restraining order issued on him.

I'm sure your lawyer will figure it out, but don't ask the radar detector people if it is possible, just ask them if that is a designed use of the detector. The answer is no.

05-02-19, 15:34
Escort 360 or any other lidar detector will not be set off by IR class 1 lasers. Operating frequencies are too far apart.

05-03-19, 00:12
This x100

If he is a douchy asshole why in the world would he know you have a mounted IR laser? Time to lawyer up and make it go away. Oh, and stop telling people about your gun stuff. It's a good way to get it stolen or have crazy leftest call the cops on you.
He doesn’t know, he’s guessing as he knows I have semi autos, so I must have one. There sheriffs didn’t even contact me about it, I found out when he called about us watching him, and the sheriff was not happy with him. He even filed a complaint against the sheriffs department saying they are biased against him. Well no shit, they don’t file shit on people who don’t break the law. He’s just pissed because he thinks he should have my place and my dads. He befriended my dad, trying to get his place, my brother and sister stopped that, and refused to sell his house, that’s really where it started. He wanted to own this whole point we live on, and that’s not going to happen so he’s making these things up trying to make us want to move, by making life unbearable here for us.

05-03-19, 00:14
1. We need answers to the questions regarding his knowledge of your weaponry.

2. You need a lawyer.

He knows I have guns, and semi autos, he’s lying because I don’t have a infrared laser, and he claims he knows because his Escort Max 360 goes off when he passes my house.

05-03-19, 00:20
This is probably the most important question for the OP to answer here - have you ever pointed your weapon-mounted IR laser at your neighbor or his car? If it's 'no', then the thread can stay open. If it's 'yes', it'd be in your best interest to have this whole thread deleted.

No, I have never pointed anything at the guy. I’ve known he’s a weasel, I’ve never liked him, I’ve tolerated him and that’s it. I wish he’d just go away, I don’t get into others business and like it that way, I don’t brag, dress to get attention, and I like to be the grey man as does my wife. I honestly don’t even pay attention to him at all and don’t know anything about him really other than he’s full of shit, and no one likes him around here. He’s a real ego maniac, and a bragger. People call him look at me, as he does everything for attention.

05-03-19, 01:07
Then he has no proof and nothing will go anywhere. He is hoping you will get angry and lash out, giving him something real to accuse you of. Get the cameras to cover your house and as much of the stretch between your houses as you can. Remind yourself to be patient and non-responsive toward him.

Time works on your side. Evil people tend to implode given enough time. He will keep at it until he screws up: pisses the cops off royally, loses his place because he was too busy hounding you and wasn’t paying attention to taxes or something (see dictionary for “Pull an Avenatti”), or some other personal problem will explode in his face with wife, kids, job, something. He is obsessed, unbalanced and tossing land mines all through his life.

Get “code of conduct” directions from your lawyer about what to do when he threatens court or actually filed claims, when he verbally confronts you, etc. follow his advice and keep a journal and save all records of videos, calls, encounters, etc. makes a big difference if you ever end up in court and he only has verbal accusations with no evidence and no documentation, and you have a foot tall stack of journal, photos, etc. detailing every interaction he has made with you. You don’t have to prove anything in court, he does. Personally I would refuse to talk with him and if keeps harassing you see your attorney about conditions will justify a restraining order. Then keep special attention for any qualifying behavior.

Over time he WILL self destruct. Just don’t get irritated to the point of saying anything or doing anything untoward.

05-03-19, 06:16
I think that 24/7 recorded surveillance of your property would be a prudent move.

05-03-19, 06:44
As mentioned, keep quiet, 24/7 camera's, game cams, etc, etc. I would invest in a go pro, etc and have it at all times when outside, maybe even discreetly so you can counter his accusations. And have a witness if possible.

05-03-19, 08:55
I don’t have a infrared laser

This bit of information should have been in your first post. Would "I don't own one" be a good enough argument?

05-03-19, 09:32
The funny thing is, if he is the one claiming that his Escort 360 is top of the line and eliminates false signals, well ok then, following his claim, the IR laser is a different operating frequency, which is therefore a false signal. How did his top of the line detector go off then?

jack crab
05-03-19, 10:29
Just a heads up, if you want to read about Escort detectors, it is the not URL that you would expect it to be.

05-03-19, 10:57
This bit of information should have been in your first post. Would "I don't own one" be a good enough argument?

I would think pointing out every flight of fancy the neighbor is spouting off would have to help mstennes position.

05-03-19, 11:21
I would think pointing out every flight of fancy the neighbor is spouting off would have to help mstennes position.
Exactly, I would love to tell the whole story but have been advised not to, I will say it’s part of another situation, which I am indirectly involved with, but which I am arms length involved. It’s much bigger and far more serious issue for others. I can say I do not own a infrared laser, and even if I did I would not point it at someone, especially if it was mounted on a firearm. That’s just stupid.

05-03-19, 11:23
Just a heads up, if you want to read about Escort detectors, it is the not URL that you would expect it to be.

What URL would that be? Escorts web site tours how good it is, and that is to be expected as you don’t sell things telling about the negatives.

05-03-19, 12:59
Escorts sell because they have an old name and good marketing. While they are ok, they are by far not the best. It's almost impossible to filter out everything. I have the Uniden R1 and it will blow away the escorts line. If you get on the radar forums, you will see how they work, and what faults they all have. Your neighbor is an idiot.

05-03-19, 13:41
I just got old and stopped speeding like a crazy person.

05-03-19, 13:51
Escorts sell because they have an old name and good marketing. While they are ok, they are by far not the best. It's almost impossible to filter out everything. I have the Uniden R1 and it will blow away the escorts line. If you get on the radar forums, you will see how they work, and what faults they all have. Your neighbor is an idiot.
Can you direct me to a radar detector forum? I would love to pass that along to my lawyers. Yes there are two involved.

05-03-19, 13:59
I just got old and stopped speeding like a crazy person.

I hope I never get that old. ;)

"The Best Radar Detector" has been a thing since the 70's when Car & Driver started testing them. Generally, nothing "blows away" any other detector at the top of the lineup. I bought my first Escort in about 1978. It worked fine and did what I needed it to do then, just as the Escort I bought a couple of years ago has done it's job. Mostly, the bells and whistles that are useful in some driving environments are just bells and whistles for people who drive where I mostly drive. Like firearm brands and NFA regulations...radar detectors are really easy to overthink. They're all probably within about 5% of each other in overall effectiveness, and those rankings juggle around with each set of new models.

In the decades that I have been routinely using radar detectors, I don't think I've ever hear my laser warning go off anywhere. On the other hand, I get along really well with my neighbors, so.......

05-03-19, 14:01
Can you direct me to a radar detector forum? I would love to pass that along to my lawyers. Yes there are two involved.


jack crab
05-03-19, 14:32
What URL would that be? Escorts web site tours how good it is, and that is to be expected as you don’t sell things telling about the negatives.

If you order something off of escort dot com, you will have whole different package on your doorstep.

05-03-19, 16:33
1) I don't believe for a second were are getting the whole story
2) Don't try to be a lawyer... if it is that serious don't come on a message board asking for some help with evidence that is his job.

05-03-19, 17:02
He knows I have guns, and semi autos, he’s lying because I don’t have a infrared laser, and he claims he knows because his Escort Max 360 goes off when he passes my house.

If you have weapon mounted lasers of any kind, move them to another location until this situation is over. Judges, lawyers and juries don't know the difference between an IR or any other kind of laser. They all will assume if you own a weapon mounted laser (regardless of type) then there must be some truth to the story.

I agree with surrounding your property with motion detector lights and cameras. I wouldn't even bother trying to find out what laser designators might trip what laser detectors? Anything you say and do simply indicates you have some kind of laser device. "I have nothing like that and you are a loon" is the only answer you want to provide.

Also just because you don't think it can or will happen, prepare for a search warrant regardless. If you have anything that could be mistaken for a laser, including a laser pen for presentations, move it out of the house. Go to each room and ask yourself, is there anything here I wouldn't want the police to see. If the answer is ever yes, move it out of your house. Also "legal" is the same thing as "I'd be ok if the police saw this."

I have a friend who had his house broken into, while the police were there they got a peek inside the safe (where nothing was stolen because the safe wasn't broken into) and the police still took about 4 rifles so the ATF could check them out and confirm they were "legal."

In the course of making sure his stuff was legit they turned on a night vision scope out in the daylight and completely cooked it. It was back in the 90s so about $4k worth of tech made useless in a few minutes and the police simply said "Don't know what you are talking about but your stuff is legal."

05-03-19, 17:22
1) I don't believe for a second were are getting the whole story
2) Don't try to be a lawyer... if it is that serious don't come on a message board asking for some help with evidence that is his job.

Having known a few people that have been involved in property line disputes, along with one situation where party a wanted all of party b's land, this doesn't sound unbelievable.

05-03-19, 17:42
Valentine One is likely the top dog right now...Valentine lives & breaths radar & he started the Escort / Passport biz before selling out & starting V1. Wish I had a laser mount system to test it out for you as I always understood that LE Lasers were very specific & able to pick out a certain car vs traditional radar which is going to ping the closest vehicle to the radar?? It would be interesting if you could find or borrow a 360 & various laser sight systems to test. I just don't buy a detector going off unless it was purposefully directed at the jack wagon's vehicle.

Can't advise you to go buy a 360 to prove your case as your purchase would be an inferior product :-) Seriously, good luck with your plight & keep us posted when you can...can't stand a bully & the fact he's an attny using muscle in this way sticks in my craw.

05-03-19, 17:47
Valentine One is likely the top dog right now...

As wilson1911 points, that does not appear to be the case given reviews and tests of current detectors. In fact, it is not even 2nd or 3rd dog.

05-03-19, 19:03
Renegade, I should have clarified & It's certainly competitive...you get a best radar thread on camaro6 forum once a month & get what you pay for. Many will argue the 360 is the best. Regardless, the top will all due their job but you have to use the grey matter between your ears to avoid citations. Good LEO's know how to beat any of them so where one beats the V1 say in distance out detection may not pertain for what I look for.

I prefer the arrows / directional of the radar & seeing the qty of different radars/LE out there & the V1 displays these option IMO better than the others & why I feel it's tops. Hell, I drive 300-400 miles a day in the oil patch & we have more LE patrolling the Rio Grande Valley area compared to anywhere. I go 5mph over everywhere I go & get pulled over every 2-3 months but They aren't looking to ticket speeders & most don't even run my Lic. Simply Looking for THE MANY thugs we deal with & I just give them a reason to stop. I'm an associate member of the Sherriff's Association & distinguished member of the Texas DPS Troopers Foundation & proudly display them on the company truck. Having said all that, I never use the V1 for work as having a good record & citations could affect employment & mind my manners. Plus I have GPS & the boss knows how fast I'm going, how long I'm at idle, etc. I enjoy the V1 on long personal drives simply to observe how LE is working radar in pairs or more / finding the under cover vehicles & such. The damn thing would never shut up on my routes as well.


OP, apologies for the derail...Honestly, I am now very curious about what these various weapon laser sights do to trigger the detector & already got a buddy willing to lend his. Again, pretty sure you gotta get the crosshairs on the radar to trigger vs the traditional X / K / Ka shotgun spray radar. Guess it will be a while but interested in the 'rest of the story.'

05-04-19, 03:59
The V1 has always been quite good, but you need to run it with 2 or 3 support apps to get the most out of it. I did not want to mess with all that. After looking on the radar forums, and watching some of their vids, I bought the R1, It does straight on and 90 degree beams with an incredible long range.

I work in the patch also, and when I let one of my guys drive...well they do 85 the whole way sometimes. Tickets they should have gotten ? about 1 a week....tickets they got ?? none.

NO radar detector will save you from the instant on or a short hill tho. Around here they target you when they top a hill. On flat ground I usually detect them about 2 miles out, corners included.

You cannot filter out everything, especially lidar/laser beams. Even then, some new cars backup camera stuff, or construction speed monitors. So if another neighbor has a caddy or Mercedes and they drive by, it will set it off. It may be pertinent to know what signal type is being set off. Cops mostly use KA band, while K is on automatic doors etc. I do know the filters on escorts are only moderate and leave a lot to be desired.

What cars do you own and are there any vehicles with backup camera's/collision avoidance stuff on them. Detectors have a very hard time trying to filter these. I still maintain he is an idiot.

05-04-19, 07:23
I think that arguing about radar/laser detector brands is probably a more productive direction for this thread than trying to solve the OP's problem, for which, I suspect, we only have a small part of the story. Of course, he didn't ask us to solve his problems, only tell him whether an infrared weapon-mounted laser will set of a radar detector. We just can't help ourselves, though...

05-04-19, 08:25
I think that arguing about radar/laser detector brands is probably a more productive direction for this thread than trying to solve the OP's problem, for which, I suspect, we only have a small part of the story. Of course, he didn't ask us to solve his problems, only tell him whether an infrared weapon-mounted laser will set of a radar detector. We just can't help ourselves, though...

Exactly, I would love to tell the story, but have been advised not say anything at this time. I will say again, I do not own a infrared laser, nor have I. I have wanted one, but never could justify one. I will also say I have never pointed anything at him except maybe my middle finger. My lawyers and I are simply going to prove everything he has said are lies, and he’s doing it for personal gain, which he is.

05-04-19, 17:42
Exactly, I would love to tell the story, but have been advised not say anything at this time. I will say again, I do not own a infrared laser, nor have I. I have wanted one, but never could justify one. I will also say I have never pointed anything at him except maybe my middle finger. My lawyers and I are simply going to prove everything he has said are lies, and he’s doing it for personal gain, which he is.

Then wth are you posting about it online for?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-04-19, 18:10
Then wth are you posting about it online for?

All he wanted to know was if a weapon-mounted IR laser could activate an Escort radar detector. Nobody answered his question, but most wanted to know more about the situation, which was actually irrelevant to the reason he posted.

05-04-19, 18:22
All he wanted to know was if a weapon-mounted IR laser could activate an Escort radar detector. Nobody answered his question, but most wanted to know more about the situation, which was actually irrelevant to the reason he posted.

Did we read the same OP?

“Hey guys due to a legal situation I’ve found myself in I need to know if it is possible for civ IR laser devices to set off mobile radar detector devices, specifically model xyz. Does anyone know this definitively”?

Idk seems more succinct

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-04-19, 18:47
All he wanted to know was if a weapon-mounted IR laser could activate an Escort radar detector. Nobody answered his question, but most wanted to know more about the situation, which was actually irrelevant to the reason he posted.

The OP did provide some context for the question - it wasn't just a technical question. Because of the legal context, I felt it was relevant to establish whether the OP was actually doing what he was accused of first. To me, he left out enough information to make me think that he was indeed pointing a weapon-mounted IR laser at his neighbour (a DBAL, since he mentioned it specifically), but was looking for a technical way to argue against that. It was only after we questioned him more that he revealed that he does not own an IR laser.

The first page in the thread reminded me of car forum posts where someone asks "I got a ticket for 75 in a 65 mph zone. How do I fight that ticket?" Then when people ask "were you going 75?", the OP says "Yes".

If someone tells "My neighbour is suing me because he says that he was bitten by my dog? Are Labradors usually aggressive? How would I prove that accusation is false?" I'd be kinda pissed if I went down the path of talking about dog breeds then he tells me "I don't own a dog" later on in the conversation.

05-04-19, 18:59
Sorry I’m laughing but your neighbor is a nut job. His detector can’t tell the difference between a red laser and a flashlight. Police LIDAR is way different.

05-04-19, 19:29
The OP did provide some context for the question - it wasn't just a technical question. Because of the legal context, I felt it was relevant to establish whether the OP was actually doing what he was accused of first. To me, he left out enough information to make me think that he was indeed pointing a weapon-mounted IR laser at his neighbour (a DBAL, since he mentioned it specifically), but was looking for a technical way to argue against that. It was only after we questioned him more that he revealed that he does not own an IR laser.

The first page in the thread reminded me of car forum posts where someone asks "I got a ticket for 75 in a 65 mph zone. How do I fight that ticket?" Then when people ask "were you going 75?", the OP says "Yes".

If someone tells "My neighbour is suing me because he says that he was bitten by my dog? Are Labradors usually aggressive? How would I prove that accusation is false?" I'd be kinda pissed if I went down the path of talking about dog breeds then he tells me "I don't own a dog" later on in the conversation.His post just reminds me of someone asking if a civ IR laser device will set off a radar detector. The context is irrelevant, actually...kind of a standalone question. He did provide context..apparently that was more interesting and became the focus of the thread. Not complaining, just observing.

Did we ever the OP’s question?

05-05-19, 00:50
What cars do you own and are there any vehicles with backup camera's/collision avoidance stuff on them. Detectors have a very hard time trying to filter these. I still maintain he is an idiot.

05-05-19, 01:01
I’m curious as to what band goes off when he drives by. Mine will pick up cameras and automatic door openers as “X” band when on highway mode. I have a 9500ix. He’s full of it though...

05-05-19, 02:20
d I usually detect them about 2 miles out, corners included.

You cannot filter out everything, especially lidar/laser beams. Even then, some new cars backup camera stuff, or construction speed monitors. So if another neighbor has a caddy or Mercedes and they drive by, it will set it off. It may be pertinent to know what signal type is being set off. Cops mostly use KA band, while K is on automatic doors etc. I do know the filters on escorts are only moderate and leave a lot to be desired.

What cars do you own and are there any vehicles with backup camera's/collision avoidance stuff on them. Detectors have a very hard time trying to filter these. I still maintain he is an idiot.

Some people just lead miserable lives...hope the bs/muddy water unravels soon. There is however some possible future entertainment value here at the OP's unfortunate expense. The backside of this story has some potential but reckon it will be a while.

Anyway, You are correct about picking up garbage...my first V1 came out before the explosion of vehicles with side detection / collision avoidance etc. Couldn't even use it as it was even picking up our own Tahoe's junk & pinging constantly. I sent it in for the upgrade exchange they support & the new one doesn't pick up any of the previous trash with the filter properly set. We don't have your same said hills down here along the border in what is all flat land country & the V1 is about par on the 2 mile pick up best I can tell. I enjoy watching it work & don't use it much, but really need to just throw it in the Camaro so it's there when some spirited driving is required. Really curious to see how/if the weapon laser affects our detectors & will see what I can do to get some sort of feedback for the OP to kick around as he moves forward.

05-05-19, 05:55
I feel like OP will regret this thread later if homeboy is that litigious

05-05-19, 07:29
Some people just lead miserable lives...hope the bs/muddy water unravels soon. There is however some possible future entertainment value here at the OP's unfortunate expense. The backside of this story has some potential but reckon it will be a while.

Anyway, You are correct about picking up garbage...my first V1 came out before the explosion of vehicles with side detection / collision avoidance etc. Couldn't even use it as it was even picking up our own Tahoe's junk & pinging constantly. I sent it in for the upgrade exchange they support & the new one doesn't pick up any of the previous trash with the filter properly set. We don't have your same said hills down here along the border in what is all flat land country & the V1 is about par on the 2 mile pick up best I can tell. I enjoy watching it work & don't use it much, but really need to just throw it in the Camaro so it's there when some spirited driving is required. Really curious to see how/if the weapon laser affects our detectors & will see what I can do to get some sort of feedback for the OP to kick around as he moves forward.

My Escort Passport from a few years ago (Passport of some model, I don't remember), pretty much works fine. I reprogrammed it to ignore all X-band signals, disable all POP signals, set Ka to only bands 1, 3, and 4. These things all minimize false alerts from doors and driver-assist sensors. Deactivating TSR also helped with that as well as filtering those annoying traffic sensors on most urban highways. Every now and then, for reasons I don't understand, I occasionally get in a traffic flow with some vehicle that, despite these maneuvers, still trips the detector. Since I'm in a traffic flow, I don't need it and just turn the thing off. These false alerts are not enough of an annoyance to go through the constant chase I used to go through to find the "best" radar detector (a constantly moving target), nor do they tempt me to let the detector log onto my smart phone for GPS location filtering or crowd-sourcing radar traps.

Radar detectors have always provided me with an edge. They don't guarantee me no traffic citations, but they always save me enough money in fines to make even the most expensive radar detector a very good investment.


05-05-19, 09:27
I almost got the V1, but watched a few vids on youtube. The R1 does have a firmware that you can update on your own. I'm just a 5 over guy, but I find that it becomes valuable for situational awareness much more.

There is a spot on the way out of town where the local cop likes to hide in a parking lot. You cannot see him until your past/already pegged by him. He got me going to the yard one morning for 5 over. City cops here are dicks most of the time, while troopers can be cool.

I would still like to know if the OP has any sensors on his vehicles that may be setting the idiots detector off.

05-05-19, 09:45
I almost got the V1, but watched a few vids on youtube. The R1 does have a firmware that you can update on your own. I'm just a 5 over guy, but I find that it becomes valuable for situational awareness much more.

There is a spot on the way out of town where the local cop likes to hide in a parking lot. You cannot see him until your past/already pegged by him. He got me going to the yard one morning for 5 over. City cops here are dicks most of the time, while troopers can be cool.

Here it's different. The State Patrol are very professional (usually) but they'll ticket their own mother. Sheriff's deputies have to be really provoked to actually pursue and stop you for traffic violations...usually, if you're really speeding, they'll just flash their strobes as they go by and that's about it. Local cops are often dicks, especially in the many small towns around here. They do balance the desire to ticket against the whole friend/neighbor thing (especially the local doctors), but out-of-towners don't usually skate by. And every frickin' small town in the area has radar speed display signs on the way into town. Really annoying. I can never figure out the drivers who, as they drive into town and see the radar speed sign start to flash, feel the need to slam on their brakes.

05-05-19, 09:55
I think that the OP should simply ask why the lawyer needs to have a radar detector in the first place. Does he plan on speeding and breaking the law?


05-05-19, 10:21
I read but I’m not sure I understand. It’s already been asked - how your neighbors even knows you have firearms. Also a guy can only make so many false 911 calls or regular phone calls to the local aw enforcement before they get tired of that shit. Also you said there’s another situation hat has bearing on this, but you can explain this or that in anymore detail. Sounds like a total soup sandwich with a side of drama, and we are only getting one side of the story. Bad decisions are made with poor or insufficient intel.

05-05-19, 17:23
Here it's different. The State Patrol are very professional (usually) but they'll ticket their own mother. Sheriff's deputies have to be really provoked to actually pursue and stop you for traffic violations...usually, if you're really speeding, they'll just flash their strobes as they go by and that's about it. Local cops are often dicks, especially in the many small towns around here. They do balance the desire to ticket against the whole friend/neighbor thing (especially the local doctors), but out-of-towners don't usually skate by. And every frickin' small town in the area has radar speed display signs on the way into town. Really annoying. I can never figure out the drivers who, as they drive into town and see the radar speed sign start to flash, feel the need to slam on their brakes.

The smaller the town the more likely the local LEO will be influenced by a local attorney with a relationship with the local court. It's happening down here now. 4-5 kids under 20 years old involved in a boating accident in which a girl died. The apparent driver was the son, grandson and great grandson of a prominent local family with 3 generations of court service. Because of the location of the accident and a confused 911 operator it was 30 minutes before police arrived on the scene. By that time they were already lawlered up. No sobriety test was given. No one admitted who was driving the boat. The lawlers were at the hospital and forbade a blood alcohol test be taken because none had been charged. To put everything in perspective the kid has already killed another person in a DUI accident he didn't have to pay for. Moral of the story... Don't think you will get a fair shake in a rural environment.

05-05-19, 19:01
Here it's different. The State Patrol are very professional (usually) but they'll ticket their own mother. Sheriff's deputies have to be really provoked to actually pursue and stop you for traffic violations...usually, if you're really speeding, they'll just flash their strobes as they go by and that's about it. Local cops are often dicks, especially in the many small towns around here. They do balance the desire to ticket against the whole friend/neighbor thing (especially the local doctors), but out-of-towners don't usually skate by. And every frickin' small town in the area has radar speed display signs on the way into town. Really annoying. I can never figure out the drivers who, as they drive into town and see the radar speed sign start to flash, feel the need to slam on their brakes.

I think people think that they are going past a photo radar and don't want to risk it.

I think that the OP should simply ask why the lawyer needs to have a radar detector in the first place. Does he plan on speeding and breaking the law?



05-05-19, 21:01
The smaller the town the more likely the local LEO will be influenced by a local attorney with a relationship with the local court. It's happening down here now. 4-5 kids under 20 years old involved in a boating accident in which a girl died. The apparent driver was the son, grandson and great grandson of a prominent local family with 3 generations of court service. Because of the location of the accident and a confused 911 operator it was 30 minutes before police arrived on the scene. By that time they were already lawlered up. No sobriety test was given. No one admitted who was driving the boat. The lawlers were at the hospital and forbade a blood alcohol test be taken because none had been charged. To put everything in perspective the kid has already killed another person in a DUI accident he didn't have to pay for. Moral of the story... Don't think you will get a fair shake in a rural environment.

Yeah, I can see that, but around here there is no local court despite the multiple small towns and police jurisdictions around here. Everything, even traffic, goes to District Court, which is at the county level. There is no local prosecutor...there is the County Attorney and that's it.

But small towns do have unique law enforcement relationships. I got a no-turn-signal ticket in one of these small towns with a hospital where I work a few years go. The guy wanted to turn the stop into a lecture and I just wasn't in the mood. Bottom line...he gave me the ticket because I'm a smartass and I just paid it. And to this day, in that hospital, when he accompanies an MVA patient or whatever to the hospital, he cools his heels in the waiting room while we meticulously attend the patient, and dot every I and cross every T in the patient's medical record before he gets his chance to do his interview.

26 Inf
05-05-19, 22:49
Yeah, I can see that, but around here there is no local court despite the multiple small towns and police jurisdictions around here. Everything, even traffic, goes to District Court, which is at the county level. There is no local prosecutor...there is the County Attorney and that's it.

But small towns do have unique law enforcement relationships. I got a no-turn-signal ticket in one of these small towns with a hospital where I work a few years go. The guy wanted to turn the stop into a lecture and I just wasn't in the mood. Bottom line...he gave me the ticket because I'm a smartass and I just paid it.

And to this day, in that hospital, when he accompanies an MVA patient or whatever to the hospital, he cools his heels in the waiting room while we meticulously attend the patient, and dot every I and cross every T in the patient's medical record before he gets his chance to do his interview.

I honestly believe I never gave attitude tickets, but I can see how some guys might be tempted.

At what point will you feel extracted the pound of flesh due to you for the crime of giving you a ticket? :)

05-06-19, 02:11
I honestly believe I never gave attitude tickets, but I can see how some guys might be tempted.

At what point will you feel extracted the pound of flesh due to you for the crime of giving you a ticket? :)
Probably already there....it hasn’t come up lately - shortage of MVAs in that part of that county when I'm on call. In the meantime, I’ve run into him at a couple of police functions and he was cordial. I always have a hard time sustaining that level of irritation.


05-06-19, 08:36
What cars do you own and are there any vehicles with backup camera's/collision avoidance stuff on them. Detectors have a very hard time trying to filter these. I still maintain he is an idiot.

I actually own a 2018 F350 with both a backup, and a backup avoidance system, it also tells me if I stray over the center or fog line.

05-06-19, 08:49
While I would love to tell the whole back story at this time, I simply can not. I have been advised until the other matters have their day in court, I simply can not. I can say it will be entertaining and that everyone will be pissed off at said neighbor. I will say he has called the police on me for trespassing on another neighbors property twice, and when I provide written permission from that neighbor that I do in fact have permission they go and inform him and he gets pissed at the sheriffs, for being biased against him. Yes the guy is nuts. We live in a small community of about 1000 people and I have lived here my whole life. Everyone knows who hunts, who target shoots and who has guns. He guessing on how many and what all I have. He simply is trying to get dirt on me, as my lawyer says, throwing shot on a wall hoping something will stick. I have never shot with him, I am a 07/SOT so he’s really trying to get that revoked and make my life the hell his is becoming for past actions, that he is in trouble for. Essentially trying to get the heat off of him. I honestly don’t talk to the guy, don’t look at him and completely ignore his existence as I don’t like the guy or what he’s about. Nene had, never will.

05-06-19, 13:23
I actually own a 2018 F350 with both a backup, and a backup avoidance system, it also tells me if I stray over the center or fog line.


I think some of these systems stay active all the time.

05-06-19, 16:33
Since we can't get the "whole story" and what not, it seems like keeping this open really serves no porpoise.